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in programming 3 and 4
with smartcam software.
individual. Fax resume
5 or email to dpanchot.
gmail.com. W2/15-
COMMUNITY Federal Credit
a full time Branch Sup-
This position supports all
P, in the Teller, Member Service
Center areas. Applicant needs
to travel as needed. Excel-
Service, proficient cash
and balancing skills, as well
skills are necessary for this
Applications may be picked
OCFCU Branch Office, send
application and resume to
Box 1670, Shelton, WA
attention HR Department. Com-
Salary DOE and benefit pack-
EEO. O2/15-22
COMMUNITY Federal Credit
STARVING COLLEGE student looking FREE TO good home. Red heeler mix,
for work till Americorps job assignment eleven months old. Beautiful red heeler
begins. Strong as an ox and frequently markings, happy disposition, good with
as smart, I will do most any home- and kids and other dogs. Could be a great
yard-type work with a smile. Shane, bird dog with training. Has shots and is
(360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn fixed. Loves to fetch. Needs a yard to
.......................................................... run. We just don't have a place for him
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- to get his exercise. Please call if you
our EIma
to 1 year experience of inter-
for consumer loans, opening
certificate of deposits,
Good Balancing skills, Cash
skills and Customer Service
necessary. Send resume and
to OCFCU, PO Box 1670,
WA 98584. Attention HR De-
Applications may be picked
OCFCU Branch. Competitive
and Benefit package of-
OPENING. Woodworker in
shop needed to manufacture
and other items. High
must. Fax resume to (360)
evening shift for top quality
/ing community. LPN starting
per hour. Call Laurel, (360)
or apply in person at Alpine
Apartments, 900 W. AI-
Shelton. A2/15-22
INSTRUCTOR for commu-
Four hours, 1 day per week,
Mason County Literacy
"IIRING! The La Factor Day Spa!
tir, nail, aesthetician, acupunc-
nd resume to t 17 N. 8th St. or
the L2/15-3/8
tlVER, part time to full time,
and weekends, good 2nd in-
Year good driving record, good
and driving skills, some com-
experience required. Must be
screening. Knowledge
plus. Have to be 25 or older.
9 a.m.-5 p.m. (360)
es inside and out. Also garages, gut-
ters, roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling,
and fall cleanup. Have job? We'll travel.
$15 per hour/per person. (360) 229-
093t;(360) 229-9442; (360) 229-0373.
RETIRING, NEED to lease very suc-
cessful auto and marine repair shop.
Open for 37 years, busy business. Ex-
perienced mechanic with references
reply. Rural area, school close. (360)
WELL ESTABLISHED window cleaning
contacts. Truck available. (360) 427-
5717. E2/1-22
seeking a full time experienced 796-4286 8 a.m.-5 p.m. B2/15-3/8
Loan Interviewer/Member .....................................................
Representative for
Office. Applicant needs six business with equipment and customer
00ampered Chef"
Looking for more control, more
satisfaction, extra income?
A Pampered Chef" business offers you.. ,
Work/Jam]l V balan(:e..
SatisfacTion from a busiuess you ca,,"..
enjo'y and fee! goxJ about.
Extra in,.:ome to pay tar college, a
home, retirernent
Katie Sandridge
indeprleIll Consdtar,
k'hor:e: 36L'.42,6";? /
t+e,P(@l otto, =il c :m
,’,,wpJrrpedi ; ,z'K, eS
Remodeling end repoir
Repair controctor will work for anything
of velue: for pert or full trode
(35o1 490-5222
REHODK'941JC i/Izo zn!
CHILDCARE IN my home. 6 child maxi-
mum capacity which allows for lots of
individual attention. Mt. View School
District, rural setting. (360) 427-7828.
MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Preschool
has some rare full-time openings for 3
and 4 year old children only. All other
age groups are full. Excellent Christian
full day preschool program with caring,
Christian teachers. Call Margarete at
(360) 427-3165 for more information.
LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has an
opening, age 3 and up. Great learning
environment, large fenced yard. USDA
Food Program participant. 3 blocks
from Mt. View School. (360) 427-3763.
R 11/23tfn
CELLO SOLOIST performing classical
music, light rock, jazz standards, origi-
nals and more for special occasions,
weddings, and dinner parties. Over 20
years experience, over 8 hours of reper-
toire. Call for available times and dates.
(360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@
juno.com. Visit cellodad.blogspot.com
for more information. P1/1 ltfn
MISSING - 8' Livingston dinghy "Aq-
uila," Limerick area. $50 reward. (360)
426-1707. P2/15
FREE, BEAUTIFUL calico cat, 31/2
years old, all shots, spayed, needs good
home. (360) 877-5856. T2/15-22
AKC REGISTERED Labrador retriever
puppies, 4 black females, 1 yellow fe-
male, 1 black male. Black male, $350.
$400 females. (360) 796-0374. Avail-
able 3/19/07. B2/15-22
RS, WAITERS/Waitresses,
Professional appearance and
experience preferred. Submit
nd application in person to:
& Fifth Street Espresso, 506
ENCED ReeFERS wanted.
SERVICES - The City of Shel-
uesting proposals from law
attorneys to provide con-
services in the area of gen-
law, criminal prosecution,
may be based on an
or the strongly preferred flat
Must have min. of 5 yrs. mu-
experience. Munici-
will include: advising
and staff in all te-
pertaining to the operations
including but not limited to
review, and approving to
ordinances, resolutions, con-
rater-local agreements; pro-
guidance to the Commis-
land use, public
personnel issues. In addi-
contract attorney(s) shall assist
of the City in all
administrative actions brought
the City or against the
in their official capacity.
at the biweekly City Com-
meetings is required
other meetings will
as necessary. Proposals for
as the City's prosecutor
e all aspects of prosecution;
City on criminal law mat-
charging decisions, provid-
contacting witnesses and
lring and arguing motions,
and appeals, and com-
With court and police staff.
Will be received until 5 p.m.
23, 2007. For a full packet
criteria to respond to the
Proposals please contact:
Resource Dept.,
Street, Shelton, WA 98584,
ENT Coordinator.
licensed nurse with solid
e and standards who
to address the staff
needs of our skilled nursing
tPetitive wages. Call Patti,
or deliver applications
Court, Shelton. Apply
FREE KITTIES. Our owner abandoned
us but we are family and we'd love to be
part of yours! We are two very loving kit-
ties who are house trained and fixed. We
are mum and son, 1-11/2 years old and
get along very well with each other. We
both have semi-long fur with gold eyes.
Mum is black with white and I am all black
with one white whisker. We don't scratch
furniture and we don't have fleas. We are
very mellow natured, extremely affection-
ate and fun to have around. Please call
(360) 432-8779. Must go to a good home
together. R2/15
are interested. (360) 427-4157, leave a
message if no answer. T2/8-15
registered, champion bloodlines, $250-
$400 each. (360) 426-7288. K2/8-3/1
FREE TO approved home - 6 month
and 1 year old Rat Terrier males. (360)
426-7288. K2/8-15
INCOME TAX Preparation, personal or 10,000 POUND mini excavator and
business, quick turnaround. Starting at operator for hire. 2 hour minimum. No
$55. (360) 490-7045. D2/8-3/1 delivery/pick-up fee. Call (360) 432-
............................................................................. 3147. E2/24tfn
JOEES LANDSCAPING. Brush clear ..................................................................................................
ing, hauling, trimming, mowing, flower- W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new
bed cleanup, barking. Free estimates, construction and repairs. 50 years
Year round. (360) 970-7063; (360) 432- experience, free estimates. (360)
1900. G2/8-3/1 432-8663. Lic, #WHURTM*208PN.
............................................................................................... W5/4tfn
I CAN fix anything and build anything. R-i(3-K-woKC)JANcE wind-ow cleaning-7 ---.--.
Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360)
490-8008. P1/11-3/1 Serving Mason County for 20 years.
................................................................................. (360) 426-9354. W12/11tin
SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: new/re- .....................................................................................................
pair, land clearing, dig outs, utility ditch- SITE PREP- land clearing, driveways,
ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union tree removal, excavating, utility ditches.
City Excavation, UNIONCEO5201.(360) Roan Construction ROANCC*941PB
898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U2/15-3/8 (360) 426-7181. R2/8-3/1
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County, af- ...................................................................................
fectionate companion cats and kittens,
reasonable adoption fee includes al-
ter, immunization, testing and parasite
control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455.
Website, kittenresq.net. K1/4-2/22
ALL AGES, all stages. Dog obedience
lessons. We train dogs and owners.
Positive puppy manners, agility and
more! Karen or Ripp, (360) 432-1478.
www.k9kapers.com. C2/1-22
DOGS LOVE school with September
Morn (30+ years professional trainer and
author of best-selling training books).
Group classes, convenient private les-
sons and behavioral consults. Manners,
Obedience, Agility and more. (360) 432-
3633 morndogs@aol.com. M11/9tfn
SHUFF'S FENCING. Locally owned
and operated fencing company. Spe-
cializing in wood fences. Willing to build
any style. Licensed, Bonded, Insured.
SHUFFF*940KS. Call for a free esti-
mate. (360) 427-2914. $2/15-4/5
HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, re-
pairs and pruning. Skilled labor. Irriga-
tion specialist, landscaping consultant.
Benjamin (360) 426-0084. B2/15
1,000 gal., 1,150 gal.,
1,200 gal.
Drain Fields, Ditching,
Backhoe, Conc. Pump
Tanks, Pumps
Sharer Digging Service
Phone 426-3660
275-2157 Belfalr
Garhart Painti00
Brush and roll
25+ years experience
Free estimates
HOUSE CLEANER - clean, disinfect, LANDSCAPING, Queen Anne's. All
shine whole house. Insured. (360) 426- aspects of landscape installation, reor-
4651. B2/1-22 ganization and reclamation, toxic-free.
........................................................................... Consultations. Extensive references.
HAVE A tree down in your yard? Free (360) 426-4598. Q12/21tfn
removal. Call me at (360) 427-7724. " ...............................................................................................
Within ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tfn JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years ex-
CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe-
cializing in finish carpentry (including
crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur-
rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering,
sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks,
fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459-
0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP-
C981 RE. C11/9tfn
PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides
and documents by having them scanned
to disc. Retouching and cuter restoration
available. Call Koleen at CometNW, (360)
426-0824, for more information. Calls will
be returned in the evening. W1/25tfn
Baby needs diapers, so I'm motivatedl Call
Dan for your outside chores. (360) 432-
7935 or (360) 789-5570 (cell). L6/29tfn
SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating, de-
molition work, rockeries, retaining walls,
storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain
drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047,
call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZlRKLTS1410W.
Z3/1 ltfn
GILLIS AUTO Center Service Department.
Open Monday thru Saturday, "Your key to
any automotive services." All makes and
models including motorhomes. Call us
- some services require no appointment.
W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy.
101. (360) 426-5585. G 1/29tfn
perience. Landclearing, septic system
installation, digouts, rock walls and
logging. Just about anything. Qual-
ity work the first time. (360) 898-7286
JOEPFE*015MR F3/30tfn
Topping Licensed
Chipping .Bonded
Stump Insured
(360) 426-4663
Lic. #JAYBt IT5053R2
EO. Box 1208 ,, Hoodsport, WA 98548
Hoodsport 0-871-04,55
Shelton cell 360-490,,088
Serving Mason County since 1964
C ontractol #DAMIKM( q62ll
Complete Automotive
Service & Repair
Foreign & Domestic Auto,
Light Truck & RV
We Service & Repair Trailers, Tool
Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3
0 Nationwide Warranty
462-0403 ’m
1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton
360-229-9443 (Cett)
Leave message for Pedro
A l00all-Service General Contractor
Serving Mason and Thurston counties
New homes
Free estimates
All types of projects welcome
Visa/MasterCard accepted
Make a
plan to
get the
job done
Find the
service you
need in
the Journal
Thursday, FebrUary 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35
in programming 3 and 4
with smartcam software.
individual. Fax resume
5 or email to dpanchot.
gmail.com. W2/15-
COMMUNITY Federal Credit
a full time Branch Sup-
This position supports all
P, in the Teller, Member Service
Center areas. Applicant needs
to travel as needed. Excel-
Service, proficient cash
and balancing skills, as well
skills are necessary for this
Applications may be picked
OCFCU Branch Office, send
application and resume to
Box 1670, Shelton, WA
attention HR Department. Com-
Salary DOE and benefit pack-
EEO. O2/15-22
COMMUNITY Federal Credit
STARVING COLLEGE student looking FREE TO good home. Red heeler mix,
for work till Americorps job assignment eleven months old. Beautiful red heeler
begins. Strong as an ox and frequently markings, happy disposition, good with
as smart, I will do most any home- and kids and other dogs. Could be a great
yard-type work with a smile. Shane, bird dog with training. Has shots and is
(360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn fixed. Loves to fetch. Needs a yard to
.......................................................... run. We just don't have a place for him
BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- to get his exercise. Please call if you
our EIma
to 1 year experience of inter-
for consumer loans, opening
certificate of deposits,
Good Balancing skills, Cash
skills and Customer Service
necessary. Send resume and
to OCFCU, PO Box 1670,
WA 98584. Attention HR De-
Applications may be picked
OCFCU Branch. Competitive
and Benefit package of-
OPENING. Woodworker in
shop needed to manufacture
and other items. High
must. Fax resume to (360)
evening shift for top quality
/ing community. LPN starting
per hour. Call Laurel, (360)
or apply in person at Alpine
Apartments, 900 W. AI-
Shelton. A2/15-22
INSTRUCTOR for commu-
Four hours, 1 day per week,
Mason County Literacy
"IIRING! The La Factor Day Spa!
tir, nail, aesthetician, acupunc-
nd resume to t 17 N. 8th St. or
the L2/15-3/8
tlVER, part time to full time,
and weekends, good 2nd in-
Year good driving record, good
and driving skills, some com-
experience required. Must be
screening. Knowledge
plus. Have to be 25 or older.
9 a.m.-5 p.m. (360)
es inside and out. Also garages, gut-
ters, roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling,
and fall cleanup. Have job? We'll travel.
$15 per hour/per person. (360) 229-
093t;(360) 229-9442; (360) 229-0373.
RETIRING, NEED to lease very suc-
cessful auto and marine repair shop.
Open for 37 years, busy business. Ex-
perienced mechanic with references
reply. Rural area, school close. (360)
WELL ESTABLISHED window cleaning
contacts. Truck available. (360) 427-
5717. E2/1-22
seeking a full time experienced 796-4286 8 a.m.-5 p.m. B2/15-3/8
Loan Interviewer/Member .....................................................
Representative for
Office. Applicant needs six business with equipment and customer
00ampered Chef"
Looking for more control, more
satisfaction, extra income?
A Pampered Chef" business offers you.. ,
Work/Jam]l V balan(:e..
SatisfacTion from a busiuess you ca,,"..
enjo'y and fee! goxJ about.
Extra in,.:ome to pay tar college, a
home, retirernent
Katie Sandridge
indeprleIll Consdtar,
k'hor:e: 36L'.42,6";? /
t+e,P(@l otto, =il c :m
,’,,wpJrrpedi ; ,z'K, eS
Remodeling end repoir
Repair controctor will work for anything
of velue: for pert or full trode
(35o1 490-5222
REHODK'941JC i/Izo zn!
CHILDCARE IN my home. 6 child maxi-
mum capacity which allows for lots of
individual attention. Mt. View School
District, rural setting. (360) 427-7828.
MT. OLIVE Lutheran Daycare/Preschool
has some rare full-time openings for 3
and 4 year old children only. All other
age groups are full. Excellent Christian
full day preschool program with caring,
Christian teachers. Call Margarete at
(360) 427-3165 for more information.
LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has an
opening, age 3 and up. Great learning
environment, large fenced yard. USDA
Food Program participant. 3 blocks
from Mt. View School. (360) 427-3763.
R 11/23tfn
CELLO SOLOIST performing classical
music, light rock, jazz standards, origi-
nals and more for special occasions,
weddings, and dinner parties. Over 20
years experience, over 8 hours of reper-
toire. Call for available times and dates.
(360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@
juno.com. Visit cellodad.blogspot.com
for more information. P1/1 ltfn
MISSING - 8' Livingston dinghy "Aq-
uila," Limerick area. $50 reward. (360)
426-1707. P2/15
FREE, BEAUTIFUL calico cat, 31/2
years old, all shots, spayed, needs good
home. (360) 877-5856. T2/15-22
AKC REGISTERED Labrador retriever
puppies, 4 black females, 1 yellow fe-
male, 1 black male. Black male, $350.
$400 females. (360) 796-0374. Avail-
able 3/19/07. B2/15-22
RS, WAITERS/Waitresses,
Professional appearance and
experience preferred. Submit
nd application in person to:
& Fifth Street Espresso, 506
ENCED ReeFERS wanted.
SERVICES - The City of Shel-
uesting proposals from law
attorneys to provide con-
services in the area of gen-
law, criminal prosecution,
may be based on an
or the strongly preferred flat
Must have min. of 5 yrs. mu-
experience. Munici-
will include: advising
and staff in all te-
pertaining to the operations
including but not limited to
review, and approving to
ordinances, resolutions, con-
rater-local agreements; pro-
guidance to the Commis-
land use, public
personnel issues. In addi-
contract attorney(s) shall assist
of the City in all
administrative actions brought
the City or against the
in their official capacity.
at the biweekly City Com-
meetings is required
other meetings will
as necessary. Proposals for
as the City's prosecutor
e all aspects of prosecution;
City on criminal law mat-
charging decisions, provid-
contacting witnesses and
lring and arguing motions,
and appeals, and com-
With court and police staff.
Will be received until 5 p.m.
23, 2007. For a full packet
criteria to respond to the
Proposals please contact:
Resource Dept.,
Street, Shelton, WA 98584,
ENT Coordinator.
licensed nurse with solid
e and standards who
to address the staff
needs of our skilled nursing
tPetitive wages. Call Patti,
or deliver applications
Court, Shelton. Apply
FREE KITTIES. Our owner abandoned
us but we are family and we'd love to be
part of yours! We are two very loving kit-
ties who are house trained and fixed. We
are mum and son, 1-11/2 years old and
get along very well with each other. We
both have semi-long fur with gold eyes.
Mum is black with white and I am all black
with one white whisker. We don't scratch
furniture and we don't have fleas. We are
very mellow natured, extremely affection-
ate and fun to have around. Please call
(360) 432-8779. Must go to a good home
together. R2/15
are interested. (360) 427-4157, leave a
message if no answer. T2/8-15
registered, champion bloodlines, $250-
$400 each. (360) 426-7288. K2/8-3/1
FREE TO approved home - 6 month
and 1 year old Rat Terrier males. (360)
426-7288. K2/8-15
INCOME TAX Preparation, personal or 10,000 POUND mini excavator and
business, quick turnaround. Starting at operator for hire. 2 hour minimum. No
$55. (360) 490-7045. D2/8-3/1 delivery/pick-up fee. Call (360) 432-
............................................................................. 3147. E2/24tfn
JOEES LANDSCAPING. Brush clear ..................................................................................................
ing, hauling, trimming, mowing, flower- W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new
bed cleanup, barking. Free estimates, construction and repairs. 50 years
Year round. (360) 970-7063; (360) 432- experience, free estimates. (360)
1900. G2/8-3/1 432-8663. Lic, #WHURTM*208PN.
............................................................................................... W5/4tfn
I CAN fix anything and build anything. R-i(3-K-woKC)JANcE wind-ow cleaning-7 ---.--.
Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360)
490-8008. P1/11-3/1 Serving Mason County for 20 years.
................................................................................. (360) 426-9354. W12/11tin
SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: new/re- .....................................................................................................
pair, land clearing, dig outs, utility ditch- SITE PREP- land clearing, driveways,
ing, curtain drains, perc holes. Union tree removal, excavating, utility ditches.
City Excavation, UNIONCEO5201.(360) Roan Construction ROANCC*941PB
898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U2/15-3/8 (360) 426-7181. R2/8-3/1
KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County, af- ...................................................................................
fectionate companion cats and kittens,
reasonable adoption fee includes al-
ter, immunization, testing and parasite
control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455.
Website, kittenresq.net. K1/4-2/22
ALL AGES, all stages. Dog obedience
lessons. We train dogs and owners.
Positive puppy manners, agility and
more! Karen or Ripp, (360) 432-1478.
www.k9kapers.com. C2/1-22
DOGS LOVE school with September
Morn (30+ years professional trainer and
author of best-selling training books).
Group classes, convenient private les-
sons and behavioral consults. Manners,
Obedience, Agility and more. (360) 432-
3633 morndogs@aol.com. M11/9tfn
SHUFF'S FENCING. Locally owned
and operated fencing company. Spe-
cializing in wood fences. Willing to build
any style. Licensed, Bonded, Insured.
SHUFFF*940KS. Call for a free esti-
mate. (360) 427-2914. $2/15-4/5
HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, re-
pairs and pruning. Skilled labor. Irriga-
tion specialist, landscaping consultant.
Benjamin (360) 426-0084. B2/15
1,000 gal., 1,150 gal.,
1,200 gal.
Drain Fields, Ditching,
Backhoe, Conc. Pump
Tanks, Pumps
Sharer Digging Service
Phone 426-3660
275-2157 Belfalr
Garhart Painti00
Brush and roll
25+ years experience
Free estimates
HOUSE CLEANER - clean, disinfect, LANDSCAPING, Queen Anne's. All
shine whole house. Insured. (360) 426- aspects of landscape installation, reor-
4651. B2/1-22 ganization and reclamation, toxic-free.
........................................................................... Consultations. Extensive references.
HAVE A tree down in your yard? Free (360) 426-4598. Q12/21tfn
removal. Call me at (360) 427-7724. " ...............................................................................................
Within ten miles of Shelton. R11/16tfn JOE FASSIO Excavation, 20 years ex-
CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe-
cializing in finish carpentry (including
crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur-
rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering,
sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks,
fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459-
0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP-
C981 RE. C11/9tfn
PRESERVE YOUR old photos, slides
and documents by having them scanned
to disc. Retouching and cuter restoration
available. Call Koleen at CometNW, (360)
426-0824, for more information. Calls will
be returned in the evening. W1/25tfn
Baby needs diapers, so I'm motivatedl Call
Dan for your outside chores. (360) 432-
7935 or (360) 789-5570 (cell). L6/29tfn
SITE PREP, landclearing, roads and
driveways, tree removal, excavating, de-
molition work, rockeries, retaining walls,
storm clean-up, slide clean-up, curtain
drains, rock and pit run. (360) 426-9047,
call Lot Hauling. Lic. #ZlRKLTS1410W.
Z3/1 ltfn
GILLIS AUTO Center Service Department.
Open Monday thru Saturday, "Your key to
any automotive services." All makes and
models including motorhomes. Call us
- some services require no appointment.
W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, Hwy.
101. (360) 426-5585. G 1/29tfn
perience. Landclearing, septic system
installation, digouts, rock walls and
logging. Just about anything. Qual-
ity work the first time. (360) 898-7286
JOEPFE*015MR F3/30tfn
Topping Licensed
Chipping .Bonded
Stump Insured
(360) 426-4663
Lic. #JAYBt IT5053R2
EO. Box 1208 ,, Hoodsport, WA 98548
Hoodsport 0-871-04,55
Shelton cell 360-490,,088
Serving Mason County since 1964
C ontractol #DAMIKM( q62ll
Complete Automotive
Service & Repair
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360-229-9443 (Cett)
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A l00all-Service General Contractor
Serving Mason and Thurston counties
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All types of projects welcome
Visa/MasterCard accepted
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Thursday, FebrUary 15, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35