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February 15, 2007 |
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At the chamber:
will feature
fire district leadership
The North Mason Chamber
of Commerce's next membership
luncheon will be on Wednesday,
February 28, at the Mary E. The-
ler Community Center in Belfair.
The public is welcome to attend the
The day's featured presentation
will by interim Fire District 2 Chief
Scott Cooper and Deputy Chief
Beau Bakken.
Cooper and Bakken will be pro-
viding a short presentation on the
future of Fire District 2, the dis-
trict's courtesy commercial build-
ing inspections and disaster plan-
ning for the community.
The North Mason Chamber
of Commerce holds a regular
monthly luncheon meeting with
a featured speaker on the fourth
Wednesday of every month at The-
let Center. The Shop Local winner
for each month is drawn and an-
nounced at this meeting. Winners
need not be present to win.
Lunch and networking begins at
11:30 a.m; introductions and an-
nouncements begin at noon; and
the speaker and program begins
around 12:20 p.m. The monthly
Shop Local $100 girl certificate
winner's name will be drawn fol-
lowing the speakers' presentation.
Lunch is $8 per person and the
meeting concludes by around 1 p.m.
Evergreen Garden Club
meeting today at church
The Evergreen Garden Club will
be meeting at 10:30 a.m. today,
Thursday, February 15, at the North
Mason Bible Church, located along
Campus Drive in Belfair. Visitors
are welcome to attend the meeting.
A luncheon will be served at
noon by hosts Audrey Hendricks,
Joyce Ozier and Joan Reece.
Jim Freed, of the Washington
State Department of Natural Re-
sources, will give a workshop on
pruning at 1 p.m.
The garden club has also an-
nounced that it will once again be
offering a scholarship this year,
in the amount of $300, to a senior
graduating from North Mason High
School. Preference will be given to
students whose long-term goals in-
clude study in horticulture, plant
pathology, landscape design, forest
management, water management,
agronomy and soils, environmental
science, ecology, city planning and
land management and other relat-
ed fields.
A scholarship application form
may be picked up from Todd Da-
vis, the North Mason High School
counselor. Students are asked to
fill out a one-page application and
attach a statement of 100 words or
less mapping their educational and
vocational goals.
As always, the group is on the
lookout for new members. Those that
are interested can call Marie Ennaro
at 275-5763 for further information.
Class offered on stove
safety is this Saturday
Many homes in the North Ma-
son area rely on wood products
for heat, but if a woodstove is not
properly installed or properly used
it can become dangerous to a per-
son's home and health.
When wood does not burn com-
pletely the fire produces heavy
smoke which, in turn, causes re-
spiratory problems. That has been
an increased problem for some lo-
cal residents this winter due to the
season's extra-cold weather bring-
ing on increased wood-burning -
and the increased air-quality prob-
lems from improperly functioning
To address that problem, the
Tahuya River Community Club is
sponsoring a class on the safe use
Fishing rules are
changed by state
(Continued from page 1.)
Other rule proposals approved
by the commission include:
Prohibiting green sturgeon re-
tention statewide.
Requiring anglers fishing on
the Columbia River from Bonnev-
ille Dam downstream to the Ham-
ilton Boat Launch to stop fishing
for sturgeon once they've retained
their daily limit of one.
Closing Murray Ceek in
Pierce County to fishing.
did not adopt a proposal that would
have expanded a catch-and-release
steelhead fishery in the Skagit
River and another that would have
prohibited the use of lead sink-
ers weighing a half-ounce or less
at Ferry and Swan lakes in Ferry
County and Pierre and Bonaparte
lakes in Okanogan County.
In other business, the commis-
sion approved a measure that will
allow more flexibility for hunters
with a disability to hunt near the
roadway and adopted a North of
Falcon policy, which provides di-
rection to fishery managers in de-
fining annual non-treaty salmon
fishing seasons in Washington.
In addition, the commission re-
ceived reports on a number of dif-
ferent topics, including low levels
of dissolved oxygen in Hood Canal,
the status of Dungeness crab in
Puget Sound, recreational halibut
fisheries, the status of pinto abalo-
ne in Washington, the Landowner
Hunting Permit Program and WD-
FW's marine fish culture policy.
of fireplaces, woodstoves and pellet
stoves. The class is scheduled to be
held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb-
ruary 24, at the club's hall, located
at 1663 NE Tahuya River Drive.
The class will be taught by fire-
fighter Ryan Cloud of Belihir's Fire
District 2. Rob Husted, of Dave's
Chimney Service, will also be help-
ing teach the class.
For more information about
the upcoming class contact Joyce
Forbes at 275-5181.
Burrus on
list at school
Danielle Debra Burrus, a fresh-
man at Spokane's Gonzaga Uni-
versity, has been named to the
school's president's list for the
2006 fall semester. To make the
list, students must earn a 3.7
grade-point average or better.
Burrus is the daughter of Dan
and Cherity Burrus of Belfair and
she is a 2006 graduate of North
Mason High School. She is cur-
rently planning to major in politi-
cal science.
Rotary club has
its newest officers
The North Mason Rotary Club
has elected Chris Ladner of Arnold
and Smith Insurance as club presi-
dent for 2007-2008.
Ladner's term begins July 1 and
runs for one full year. The club also
elected recent North Mason Citizen
of the Year winner Debby Jacobs as
club president for 2008-2009.
In other Rotary news, the club
recently donated $250 to support
North Mason High School Grad
Rotary club members say the
group is a fun and growing club,
having added eight new members
during current president Mike
Boyle's term. The club meets every
Thursday at noon at the LakeLand
Village Bistro in Allyn. The club is
looking to add more community-
minded individuals to its roster.
Those that are interested should
contact Boyle by calling his office,
North Bay Mortgage, at 277-3282
to learn more.
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
275-0228 Please call for directions and more information
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, February 15, 2007
working on
shellfish bill
(Continued from page:
industry," he said. "As it
today, though, duplication and
consistency in regulations at
local, state and fderal levels
government are taking
both at the viability of this
industry and at the health of
resource itself:"
The Eickmeyer measure il
thrther discussion in
Select Committee on Puget SotS
Richard Fulcher
Fulcher is
done with
Air Force Airman Richard A.
Fulcher has graduated from basic
military training at Lackland Air
Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.
During the six weeks of training,
the airman studied the Air Force
mission, organization, and military
customs and courtesies; performed
drill and ceremony marches, and
received physical training, rifle
marksmanship, field training
exercises, and special training in
human relations.
In addition, airmen who
complete basic training earn
credits toward an associate's
degree through the Community
College of the Air Force.
He is the son of Bradley and
Debbie Fulcher of Belfair.
Construction, In,
Serving the North Mason are8
since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Re-construction and
home repairs
Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
Aliyn View RV
Senior park
located in quaint
beach community.
Sound views.
Walk to shopping
and beach.
(360) 275-3120
St. Hugh
We invite you to join us for
Sunday Family Worship
10 a.m.. Sunday School Providai
280 E. Wheelwright St.. Allyn
Driveway Gravel Custom
Bark (U-haul)
River Rock
25 Ibs. to 1000 Ibs.
Topsoil * Compost Cedar and Alder Chi
Foreign Domestic
Mark and Dnitra Ayers
By appoimmem only
Shop 360-27S-0405 or Home 360-463
Grapeview, WA
What Is lt?A local outreach project to
At the chamber:
will feature
fire district leadership
The North Mason Chamber
of Commerce's next membership
luncheon will be on Wednesday,
February 28, at the Mary E. The-
ler Community Center in Belfair.
The public is welcome to attend the
The day's featured presentation
will by interim Fire District 2 Chief
Scott Cooper and Deputy Chief
Beau Bakken.
Cooper and Bakken will be pro-
viding a short presentation on the
future of Fire District 2, the dis-
trict's courtesy commercial build-
ing inspections and disaster plan-
ning for the community.
The North Mason Chamber
of Commerce holds a regular
monthly luncheon meeting with
a featured speaker on the fourth
Wednesday of every month at The-
let Center. The Shop Local winner
for each month is drawn and an-
nounced at this meeting. Winners
need not be present to win.
Lunch and networking begins at
11:30 a.m; introductions and an-
nouncements begin at noon; and
the speaker and program begins
around 12:20 p.m. The monthly
Shop Local $100 girl certificate
winner's name will be drawn fol-
lowing the speakers' presentation.
Lunch is $8 per person and the
meeting concludes by around 1 p.m.
Evergreen Garden Club
meeting today at church
The Evergreen Garden Club will
be meeting at 10:30 a.m. today,
Thursday, February 15, at the North
Mason Bible Church, located along
Campus Drive in Belfair. Visitors
are welcome to attend the meeting.
A luncheon will be served at
noon by hosts Audrey Hendricks,
Joyce Ozier and Joan Reece.
Jim Freed, of the Washington
State Department of Natural Re-
sources, will give a workshop on
pruning at 1 p.m.
The garden club has also an-
nounced that it will once again be
offering a scholarship this year,
in the amount of $300, to a senior
graduating from North Mason High
School. Preference will be given to
students whose long-term goals in-
clude study in horticulture, plant
pathology, landscape design, forest
management, water management,
agronomy and soils, environmental
science, ecology, city planning and
land management and other relat-
ed fields.
A scholarship application form
may be picked up from Todd Da-
vis, the North Mason High School
counselor. Students are asked to
fill out a one-page application and
attach a statement of 100 words or
less mapping their educational and
vocational goals.
As always, the group is on the
lookout for new members. Those that
are interested can call Marie Ennaro
at 275-5763 for further information.
Class offered on stove
safety is this Saturday
Many homes in the North Ma-
son area rely on wood products
for heat, but if a woodstove is not
properly installed or properly used
it can become dangerous to a per-
son's home and health.
When wood does not burn com-
pletely the fire produces heavy
smoke which, in turn, causes re-
spiratory problems. That has been
an increased problem for some lo-
cal residents this winter due to the
season's extra-cold weather bring-
ing on increased wood-burning -
and the increased air-quality prob-
lems from improperly functioning
To address that problem, the
Tahuya River Community Club is
sponsoring a class on the safe use
Fishing rules are
changed by state
(Continued from page 1.)
Other rule proposals approved
by the commission include:
Prohibiting green sturgeon re-
tention statewide.
Requiring anglers fishing on
the Columbia River from Bonnev-
ille Dam downstream to the Ham-
ilton Boat Launch to stop fishing
for sturgeon once they've retained
their daily limit of one.
Closing Murray Ceek in
Pierce County to fishing.
did not adopt a proposal that would
have expanded a catch-and-release
steelhead fishery in the Skagit
River and another that would have
prohibited the use of lead sink-
ers weighing a half-ounce or less
at Ferry and Swan lakes in Ferry
County and Pierre and Bonaparte
lakes in Okanogan County.
In other business, the commis-
sion approved a measure that will
allow more flexibility for hunters
with a disability to hunt near the
roadway and adopted a North of
Falcon policy, which provides di-
rection to fishery managers in de-
fining annual non-treaty salmon
fishing seasons in Washington.
In addition, the commission re-
ceived reports on a number of dif-
ferent topics, including low levels
of dissolved oxygen in Hood Canal,
the status of Dungeness crab in
Puget Sound, recreational halibut
fisheries, the status of pinto abalo-
ne in Washington, the Landowner
Hunting Permit Program and WD-
FW's marine fish culture policy.
of fireplaces, woodstoves and pellet
stoves. The class is scheduled to be
held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb-
ruary 24, at the club's hall, located
at 1663 NE Tahuya River Drive.
The class will be taught by fire-
fighter Ryan Cloud of Belihir's Fire
District 2. Rob Husted, of Dave's
Chimney Service, will also be help-
ing teach the class.
For more information about
the upcoming class contact Joyce
Forbes at 275-5181.
Burrus on
list at school
Danielle Debra Burrus, a fresh-
man at Spokane's Gonzaga Uni-
versity, has been named to the
school's president's list for the
2006 fall semester. To make the
list, students must earn a 3.7
grade-point average or better.
Burrus is the daughter of Dan
and Cherity Burrus of Belfair and
she is a 2006 graduate of North
Mason High School. She is cur-
rently planning to major in politi-
cal science.
Rotary club has
its newest officers
The North Mason Rotary Club
has elected Chris Ladner of Arnold
and Smith Insurance as club presi-
dent for 2007-2008.
Ladner's term begins July 1 and
runs for one full year. The club also
elected recent North Mason Citizen
of the Year winner Debby Jacobs as
club president for 2008-2009.
In other Rotary news, the club
recently donated $250 to support
North Mason High School Grad
Rotary club members say the
group is a fun and growing club,
having added eight new members
during current president Mike
Boyle's term. The club meets every
Thursday at noon at the LakeLand
Village Bistro in Allyn. The club is
looking to add more community-
minded individuals to its roster.
Those that are interested should
contact Boyle by calling his office,
North Bay Mortgage, at 277-3282
to learn more.
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
275-0228 Please call for directions and more information
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, February 15, 2007
working on
shellfish bill
(Continued from page:
industry," he said. "As it
today, though, duplication and
consistency in regulations at
local, state and fderal levels
government are taking
both at the viability of this
industry and at the health of
resource itself:"
The Eickmeyer measure il
thrther discussion in
Select Committee on Puget SotS
Richard Fulcher
Fulcher is
done with
Air Force Airman Richard A.
Fulcher has graduated from basic
military training at Lackland Air
Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.
During the six weeks of training,
the airman studied the Air Force
mission, organization, and military
customs and courtesies; performed
drill and ceremony marches, and
received physical training, rifle
marksmanship, field training
exercises, and special training in
human relations.
In addition, airmen who
complete basic training earn
credits toward an associate's
degree through the Community
College of the Air Force.
He is the son of Bradley and
Debbie Fulcher of Belfair.
Construction, In,
Serving the North Mason are8
since 1967
Specializing in seawall
Re-construction and
home repairs
Frank Merrill Belfair, WA
Aliyn View RV
Senior park
located in quaint
beach community.
Sound views.
Walk to shopping
and beach.
(360) 275-3120
St. Hugh
We invite you to join us for
Sunday Family Worship
10 a.m.. Sunday School Providai
280 E. Wheelwright St.. Allyn
Driveway Gravel Custom
Bark (U-haul)
River Rock
25 Ibs. to 1000 Ibs.
Topsoil * Compost Cedar and Alder Chi
Foreign Domestic
Mark and Dnitra Ayers
By appoimmem only
Shop 360-27S-0405 or Home 360-463
Grapeview, WA
What Is lt?A local outreach project to