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Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 2024     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 2024
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LETTERS, continued from page Trump's main man Editor, the Journal, Trump’s “brains” come from some— one little known to most of us —~ Ste- phen Miller, born in 1985, conservative Republican, anti—immigrant, anti— Muslim extremist. After he read NRA Wayne LaPierre’sbook, “Guns, Crime and Freedom,” opposing gun control of any type, and Rush Limbaugh’s book, “The Way Things Ought to Be” while he was in high school, he became com- mitted to belittling blue—collar workers such as janitors and others he believed were of lesser value than himself. After graduating from college, he worked’for Tea Party Republican senators. In 2011, he joined the Trump team as top policy adviser and speech writer. In September 2017, he stopped the Trump administration from showing the public a study of the positive effect on government revenues generated by immigrants. He advocated white iden— tity politics and the removal of Kirstjen Nielsen, secretary of Homeland Secu— rity, and others to advance his white nationalist agenda. In 2020’s COVID—19 pandemic, Miller wanted to extend border restrictions long term with one- quarter million troops to be brought along to seal the entire border with Mexico. This is only one man and he is still top adviser to Trump. Wake up America. The time is now. Edward H. Nelson Union Dems can’t brag Editor, the Journal, After three weeks of Democrat at- tacks, I must respond. Democrats can’t brag about President Joe Biden so ridi— cule former President Donald Trump and Trump supporters. Trump’s po— litical successes, such as closing the border, shines in contrast to Biden‘s failures. Ridiculing us is proof of their panic. Letters from Pfender, Whittaker, Price, Benton and others are written to drag us into their cesspool of poli- tics. They have no pride in Biden but do have hatred toward Trump and contempt for Trump supporters. Bou- ton claims she supports law and order. I saw no letters from her condemn- ing the destruction and-deaths in the 2020 “Summer of Love” yet she’s very YOU GUYS 20TH CENTURY outspoken about the Jan. 6 riots. Democrats ignore Biden’s continued failures like his cowardly retreat from Afghanistan leaving behind billions of dollars of military equipment with 13 [1.8. deaths and abandonment of Af- ghan supporters. Democrats ignore Biden’s open—border policy that’s killing thousands of Americans who overdose on the smuggled drug fentanyl includ— ing the 26 fentanyl deaths in Mason County in 2023, according to the Mason County coroner. Some Democrats proudly claim they never listen to biased news report- ing. Others won’t read Journal letters authored by conservative writers. I al— ways listen to liberal news stations and read opposing letters. I want to know as much as possible about our politi- cal opponents. Trump haters and other Democrats evidently prefer ignorance to knowledge. Current insults are just V a rehash of Hillary’s 2016 “basket of deplorables.” Democrats used the same strategy in 2020 and are doing it again in 2024. I’ll let Democrats use personal insults in lieu of debate. They have ' nothing else! Ardean Anvik Shelton Political weapons Editor, the Journal, Since my name was used in the Feb. 8 letter “To Democrats everything is political,” I’d like to respond. Let’s look at a few issues that have become political weapons. Which political party used COVID itself as well as vaccines, masks and shutdowns as political fodder? Who is still using the secure. 2020 election as a fear weapon? How about the 50—year settled law protecting ARE SO The Shelton—Mason County Journal encourages original letters to the editor of local interest. Diverse and varied opinions are welcome. We' will not publish letters that are deemed libelous or scurrilous in nature. We reserve the, right to reject any letter-for any reason. When submitting a letter, please observe the following guidelines: Writers are limited to one original letter plus one rebuttal or counter-rebuttal per calendar month; Letters should be no more than 300 words; Letters will be edited for grammar, spelling, style, clarity and length. Priority will be given to local opinion and topics. Letters about national politics and topics will run on a space—available basis; The Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024 - Shelton-Mason County Journal Page 5 * Jam Lars; Pdli‘cy women’s and family rights? This same party is destroying the very private lives of transgender people. Banning drag shows, banning books, banning CRT (which isn’t a thing in schools). Whitewashing and ban— ning the uncomfortable history of this country. . Which party is afraid of giving peo— ple a chance with diversity, equity and inclusion? Which party is denying what we all saw, and have since learned, about Jan. 6? Now they have crazy conspiracies about Taylor Swift. Right now they could do something about our Southern border, but they won’t simply because they do whatever their overlord tells them to do. We all know which political party A this is. . Mr. Graham, too bad you didn’t use your time off from letter—writing to do some research on Christian national— ism, especially since you claim to be i11— terested and think it’s all made up. Mr. Graham, I don’t have a “fan club." I am glad more people are ex— pressing their views. We are indepen— dent thinkers who are no longer going to let misinformation and right—out lies go unanswered. Donna Holliday Shelton Democratic scribblers Editor, the Journal, Last year, in the May 11 Journal, I wrote a letter to the editor titled, “The usual suspects” in which I cornered and took to task the large number of Democratic scribblers contributing (the “usual suspects”) Well, here we go WE'VE GOT TO DO SOMETHING 215T CENTURY ABOUT HIM. weekly deadline is 5 pm. Monday. Letters received after that time will run in the following week’s edition. All letters must be signed and include the writer’s 1 name, physical address and daytime phone number, which will be used for verification purposes only. To submit a letter, email it to editor@masoncounty. com. Please type your letter directly into the email or attach a Word document. Letters submitted via external links or cloud drives will not be opened. You may also drop it off at 227 W. Cota St, or mail it to PO. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. Due to time constraints, the publication of handwritten or typed letters may be delayed. again. In the Feb. 1, issue, a large beetle could have easily crawled across over half the letters page and stepped on entries by Katherine Price, Roderic Whittaker, Bill Pfender and Donna Holliday, all of Shelton. Most entries were party talking points. . l have only a few words each for our FWA (Future Writers of America): Katherine Price, “What's Trump’s appeal?” Ms. Price, what Democratic legal team/s came up with 91 felony charges precisely? Real ones, please, and you said that Trump was twice impeached (You said this two times.) Well, no Katherine, he wasn’t. He was put on trial twice for impeachment and found innocent twice. The truth works, if you care to use it. PS. Jan. 6 was not an insurrection. Roderic Whittaker “Emigrate to Russia.” After an incoherent round of nasty name—calling, Mr.V\lhittaker (all by himself, we think) came up with, for Jan. 6, “MAGA Treason Day.” Let’s all stand and clap for an early April Fool’s Day! Please Roderic, move to Russia. Bill Pfender “Leapin’ Lizards.” Life is too short, Bill, to wade through all the events and curious websites you list, like “” I quit reading K. Harris’ braying. By the, way, you railed about logical fallacies yet committed one in your last sen— tence. ZZZZZZZ. Donna Holliday “An innocent man?” Have you met Katherine Price? Same question to you as to Ms. Price on the 91 felony charges against Trump. And you do have some nerve, I would say, about having “evidence” on this. Your letters suggest you kn0w nothing about “evidence.” R.E. Graham Union ML?" Shelton—Mason County 'JOURNAL