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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 15, 2024     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 15, 2024
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page — Shelton—Mason County Journal ~ Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024 By Gordon Weeks ‘ gorrlon@masorpour/lynch? On Feb. 7', Habitat for Hu— manity ()thtlSill’l County broke ground for a new house, the third of a trio ol’ structures in a row on Park Street on the edge ofdowntown Shelton near Kneeland Park. The house at 529 Park St. will be borne to Christina Salt and her three children, 20-year—old Alonya Barnes, i4~year~old Trevor Johnson ll and 7-year~old Larry Dee Hi. This is Habitat for Humanity ofMason County’s 38th house. Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing or- ganization working with com— munities in all 50 states and in more than 70 countries that builds affordable homes for people in need. Habitat home- owners help build their home alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. The group’s family selection committee chooses homeown— ers based on the applicant’s level of need, their willingness to partner with Habitat, and their ability to repay a mort- gage though an affordable pay- ment plan. Habitat’s homebuyers in' vesthundreds of hours of their own labor, called sweat eq- uity. Along with building new houses, Habitat renovates ex~ isting homes; helps people re— pair and improve their homes ’0 ens: v‘ FREE} I SAV u Prat?“ $1,100 mamas...“ Member chamber \l lrii 3er MASON (“Qt lNl"! Breaking ground for a new Habitat for Humanity of Mason County on Feb. 7 on King Street in Shelton are, from left, construction site supervisor John Cunha, construction committee chairman Henry Biernacki, program manager Heidi Frazier, Christina Salt, Al— onya Barnes, Larry Dee III and Trevor Johnson ll. Journal photo by Gordon Weeks and neighborhoods; works with communities to address hous- ing needs after natural disas— ters; and advocates to raise awareness and support for de— cent and affordable housing around the world. Salt is a Shelton native who was living in Bremerton when she returned to her home— town in 2018. She and three of her four children live in a iv. SAVINGS ACKEfiE‘xQRV aWAWu two—bedroom apartment. She has worked for The Patty Wag— on for five years. At the apartment, she shares a room with her 7—year— old son while her daughter is in the other bedroom. Her older son is on the couch in the liv- ing room. The move into their own house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, projected for i Earn up“) 4.00 APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Dividends are only paid on Vista Checking paid monlhly and (alwlaled on the average daily balance. To earn \Asta‘s premer dividend on the firsl $10,000 in the account, you must use your August, “will be life changing,” Salt said. “My 14—year—old has never had a room of his own,” she said. At the ground-breaking gathering Feb. 7, Pastor Mi— chael Wedman of New Com- munity Church of Union noted he was presiding over his first groundbreaking. The event marked not only It’s your money. Keep more of it. When you open a Vista Checking Account at Peninsula Credit Union, not only do you earn a higher rate you can feel good about where you bank. Plus, our Visa Premier Checking comes with tons of freebies to help you have more for what matters. 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It also showcases an opportunity for the community — volunteers and businesses ~— to support our efforts to provide housing for the less fortunate.” Habitat for Humanity ofMa— son County’s community part— ners include Sierra Pacific In— dustries, Gale Contractor Ser- vices, Williams Architecture, Honey Bucket, Faith Lutheran Church, Kealy Electric, Hardie Plumbing, Belco, Steelscape, New Community Church of Union, Sherwin Williams and Universal Coatings LLC. The group is looking for a site to buy for its 39th house, said program manager Heidi Frazier. The group desperately needs construction volunteers, she said. Health Savings Card Save on prescriptions and exams Roadside Assistance Anywhere Banking Tools Online and mobile banking One tree box per year Safe Deposit Discounts Up to 50% oil rental lees Peninsula CREDIY UNION or call 360.436.1601. Accounts as described at pcfworglchecking. 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