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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 16, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 16, 2012
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. Oisen Furniture Has Appliances. r 20 CU.FT. BLACK UPRIGHT FREEZER Was s819~ You Save Sl00~ 28 CU.FT. : STAINLESS SIDE rBY SIDE DELUXE REFRIGERATOR ~J.. LIMI.~_.D ~W~A~RI~A N W.. Sale 18.2 CU.FT. REFRIGERATOR Was s69995 You Save Sl00~z 21 CU.FT. 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I I -- Either- 48 Months with 0% Interest Financing O.A.C.* m orm 10% Cash Back Bonus* * May not be combined with any other offers or discounts. Ask your local representative for details. Financing available on approval of L creditLOffers expire 4/30/2012. .I Licensed and Bonded ROOFDI*168N8 W. ' he ff Highw y 1 1131 Kamdc Lane. Just o a 01 Also Serving: Olympia. Lacey. Tumwater --r- . Tenino. Yelm. Tacoma. Montesano. Aberdeen. McKenna, Gig Harbor. Centralia. Chehalis. Longview. Vancouver. Roy River Continued from page A-1 years old -- we never had leftovers," Anton- sen said. The most memorable experience of the trip, she said, was an "unintentional swim." While many of the trees along the river were very small, in one stretch of the river. willow trees grew taller, and their branches extended down to the riverbanks. On the fourth day of the trip, Antonsen's boat drifted too close to shore and she got tangled in some of those branches. "I got into a fight with a willow," she said. "It caught me right in the ribs and threw me in the water. I said "bye bye' to the raft." Antonsen ended up waist deep in the fast- flowing river, clinging to the very branches that knocked her out of the boat in order to stay upright. It didn't take long for the group's two guides to pull her out of the water, and after drying off and having something to eat, An- tonsen and the rest of the group were back on their way. Antonsen said she was sorry to come home after her Alaskan rafting trip and is eagerly planning her next adventure -- traveling to the Queen Charlotte Islands in British Co- lumbia. Canada. Shooting Continued from page A-1 back-up officer pursued Ivie for a short distance where Ivie stopped. Byrd said that as the back-up deputy exited his vehicle with his patrol rifle, Ivie turned and sped toward the back-up officer. Fearing for his life the deputy fired his rifle. The suspect was hit and drove off the road over an embankment. Deputies and firefight- ers were able to rescue Ivie after considerable effort to stabilize him and get him out of the vehicle and up the embankment. Ivie was transported to Mason Gen- eral Hospital by ambulance. No deputies were injured in the incident. Officers from the Region 3 Shooting Team will be in- vestigating the shooting. The Region 3 Shooting Team is comprised of offi- cers from multiple agencies from Thurston, Grays Har- bor, Mason, Lewis and Pa- cific counties. Detectives say the shoot- ing preliminarily appears to be justified, Byrd said. MTA Continued from page A-1 The authority intends to buy the lots. on Railroad Avenue for $156.000. The MTA has an option to buy the properties until the end of February. This week, environmental testing on the land got underway. If the test results are satisfactory, the MTA plans to buy the lots. In the future, the land may be incorporated into the tran- sit community center. Oakland Bay Continued from page A-1 classroom instruction to meet the varying needs of individ- ual students, and focused on relationships built on respect with those students. '~Ne're really working hard ~o build relationships with students ... and trying to make our school a more posi- tive and welcoming school en- vironment." Budge said. Four years ago, the school implemented a daily advisory period, in which each teach- er has about 20 students in their class. '~Ve wan~ to have at least one teacher that they can re- late to and can advocate for them." Budge said. "It's try- ing to establish mutual re- spect that's been kind of a big push over the last four years." Oakland Bay teacher Dan Kass said he teaches children with severe reading chal- lenges. "If they need suppor~ we make sure to give them sup- port," he said. Kass said the school now uses a technique called differ- entiated instruction. Students who are working at their grade level, who are moder- ately to very challenged, can take a class that focuses on their individual needs. For example, when a stu- dent has trouble reading, they go to a class like Kass'. which is designed to catch them up to their grade level. When that student begins reading at his or her grade level, they return to their regular English class. "The first thing we did was we decided we were going to improve," Kass Said. "I think every member of the staff took it personally." The school offers after- school "student support" Monday through Thursday, and extra support for stu- dents struggling with read- ing and math. The most marked improve- ment came in the school's math scores, Budge said. Oakland Bay math teach- er Gretchen Reinhart said teachers at the school work together to find the best way to present material to stu- dents. '%Ve are working together to make sure we are aligned with each other as well as state standards," she said. Working with students on a personal level and encour- aging them to take pride in their work has made a huge difference. Reinhart said. "Confidence is a huge, huge issue with math ... the hard part is getting them to persevere," she said. "I'm re- ally proud of how hard the kids worked last year." While the school has shown improvement over the past two years, Budge said this isn't the end of the road. "I want to recognize we're not where we want to be yet," he said. "We're just continu- ing to do what we know ~s working. We're continuing to build a culture of academic excellence." Oakland Bay Junior High staff plans to continue class- es like Kass', which cater to children with challenges, but also add accelerated classes at the school, m prepare stu- dents for high school and col- lege. "Our students are as capa- ble as any student across the state," Budge said. A permit was issued on Feb. 7 to Patricia Crippen of the 100 block of North- east Belaire Drive, Belfair. for a heat pump. A permit was issued on Feb. 8 to Betty Tout of A1- lyn for a covered porch in the 18200 block of East State Route 3, Allyn. A permit was issued Feb. 10 to Steven Newkirk of Shelton for a residence in the 100 block of East Great Bend Drive, Union. A permit was issued on Feb. 7 to Mark McDougal of the 200 block of East Michelle Drive. Union, for a re-roof and composition tear-off. A permit was issued on Feb. 9 to Sharon Stratton of the 1500 block of Fern Street Southeast, Olym- pia, for a new single family residence. A permit was issued on Feb. 13 to Dennis Jacob- ,son of the 9700 block of Nottingham Drive, Oma- ha, Neb., for six retaining walls for a residence. A permit was issued on A permit was issued on Feb. 7 to Pat Bordelon of Feb. 9 to Christophe Barter the 100 block of Southeast of the 1500 block of East Majestic View Drive for Thomas Road, Grapview, the replacement of a water for a re-roof and composi- heater, tion tear-off. A permit was issued on Feb. 13 to Gary Smith of the 1100 block of East Shelton Springs Road for a furnace and heat pump. iwedeliver IE/rll COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES! We carry kerosene. LocatedatSanderson --__ Industrial Park Advertise in the Journal Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 16, 2012 Truck 195 Located on Hwy. 101 between Shelton& Olympia 43 Call For Details and Pric!ng to Other Areas