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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 16, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 16, 2012
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Little or No Out-of-Pocket Costs for Insured Patients! Prevent Uncomfortable & Costly Dental Problems ' FREE ..,... , lR k;+en;n-- ' I for LIFE* I for Active & New Patients~?~ I "(Maynotbecombinedwithanyothero,er) ~'~4~i~ mlr- Vl .... Ca,, ~al~e 1120¢ E,p,r~, 2/29/'2 ~~/ 1626 Olympic Hwy. N. TheoliiceofRkhardC Downing, DDS,Shelten ~} | r New Patient Special I $4900 Exam & X.rays I L~i~ I~li,~ / ] ~ Present mupon at first app0i.tment. !x. L~ ~(4~ ~?t~ 7~ l~]~ 11626 Olympic Hwy. N.'ChTh°~otlcee~2R°i'ch"a~'~al'D%r~n°innl~,~/;'ss~2~'~n "2/~| * Convenient Payment Plans Available , CareCredit". ChaseH& duanceTM Patien~ Payment Plans FINANCING OPTIONS Richard C. Downing, DDS 1.626 Olympic Highway IN. * Shelton SUB BIDS REC UESTED Mason General Hospital Bid Package #MGH-7.A: Landscaping and Irrigation Bid Package #MGH-7.B: Site Concrete Prebid Meeting and Site Visit: February 15, 2012 at 11:00am BIDS DUE: February 22, 2012 at 11:30am HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF WASHINGTON Bid Phone: (206) 286-6697 -Fax: (206) 286-7523 1505 Westlake Ave N. Suite 500 - Seattle, WA 98109 - LIC # HOFFMCC164NC We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Intemet http:#www, Call us at 426-4412 before 5pro Monday to place your ad. For Tickets Call (360) 753-8676 426-2322 SE 741 C~aig Rel i ,~":lfor advertising information |l )U!Elff l[ .... I'~[[[[}{ Harstine continued from page B-1 Eliason. The Harstine Island Com- munity Club is 98 years old and it's time we had an official logo. The contest to design and pick our official logo is on and the HICC Board is requesting submis- sions. Logo designs should represent the "heart" of the organization keeping in mind that it should be simple, versatile and memo- rable. Anyone interested in participating should contact Bill Burrows at profB@ and he will send you submission infor- mation including logo design tips. At our March 9 member- ship meeting, logo design entries will be displayed and attending members will vote on their favorite. Please join the fun and become a part of the Harstine Island Commu- nity Club's history. There will be a senior lunch served on Wednesday, Feb. 22. They have baked ham and scalloped potatoes on the menu along with coleslaw and cherry des- serts. You might want to get there a little before noon as the last lunch served 96 people. For a small $3 dona- tion, you can't beat it. Let's see, what is the big special day that is cel- ebrated next month - oh, St. Patrick's Day. And in memory of that day, the island's own Back- woods Irish will perform at the March community club meeting. So, take a little stress out of your life - put together a potluck dish and head down to the community hall at 6 p.m. on Friday, March 9. Master Continued from page B-1 cabbage). Both crops are planted at the same time and the intercrop is harvested before the main crop needs its full space. Vertical gardening: Most gardeners with a small garden look for bush varieties ofvin- ing vegetables. You will get more production per square foot by using vining types, but trellis them up instead of allowing them to sprawl. Tall peas and beans grow up poles or a trellis with little work on your part. They will bear later than bush varieties, but will produce more. Tie trailing cucumbers, squash and pumpkins to a sturdy frame or trellis. The vine will be able to support the fruit, in most cases. If you have a very heavy squash or pumpkin developing, a sling made from old pantyhose will make it extra secure. I like to train my tomato vines up a pole or flat on a trellis too. By making the plants thin, they dry quickly al~r a rain and do not develop late blight disease as readily. This decreases the harvest per plant, but, since you can plant more plants per bed, you will probably harvest more, earlier and bigger fruit. Successions: The idea behind successions is simply to keep your garden space occu- pied. When the early lettuce, spinach or peas are done producing, plant a second crop in that same space. Transplants: We think about using trans- plants early in the season, but to get the most from a small garden, you need to use them constantly. Sow lettuce seed, for ex- ample, and you will be harvesting after 7-8 weeks. Plant out nice-sized lettuce trans- plants, and it will take only 4-5 weeks. This practice could get costly and it is hard to find good broccoli transplants in July, so grow your own. Unlike spring transplant operations, which require a spot indoors with supple- mental lighting, succession transplants are easy to grow. Just pick a handy corner of your garden and designate it a nursery bed. That couple of square feet may need tended daily, but will be an economical source for just what you need, when you need it. The Mason County WSU Master Garden- ers are holding a workshop from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 25, at the Memorial Hall. The topic, frugal gardening, will teach ways to stretch your dollar and get more bang for your buck. Cost is $15 and pre-registration is required. Please call 427- 9670 ext.680 to register for the class. Friday 7:30 a.m., Chamber Board of Trustees Meeting will be held at the chamber board room, 215 W. Railroad Ave, Shelton. Open to chamber members. For details, con- tact Heidi McCutcheon at 426-2021. Sunday 1:30 p.m., The Peninsula Art Association public meeting will meet at the Shelton PUD. 10 a.m.-noon, Kidztown at Olympic Middle School kids in grades K-6 crafts, games, breakfast, music, Bi- ble lessons, skits and small groups to help your kids get the most out of every week- end. For more information contact Melody at 427-9092 Monday All Timberland libraries will be dosed Monday, Feb. 20 for the Presidents Day hol- iday. Libraries will resume regular schedules Tuesday, Feb. 21. For more informa- tion call 1-877-284-6237. Tuesday 7:30 a.m., Chamber Morn- ing Leads Group meeting will be held at Pine Tree Restau- rant, 102 S First St, Shelton. The Chamber Leads Groups provide networking opportu- nities for Members at their weekly meetings. 11:30 a.m., Mason County League of Women Voters will have its monthly meeting at the Johnson Library, Olym- pic College-Shelton campus. The program will be "the Oc- cupy Movement: What is it all about." The local speakers will talk about the goals and strategies of the group. 11:30 a.m¢-I p.m.. the Shel- ton Kiwanis Club meeting at Xinh's Clam & Oyster House, 221 W. Railroad Ave, Shelton. The Shelton Kiwanis Club has been serving the community since 1924. Join the club for its weekly meeting. 11:30 a.m., Chamber Lunch Leads Group at Ste- ven's On Railroad, 203 W. Railroad Ave, Shelton. 11:30 a.m., The Shelton Kiwanis Club meets Tues- days at Xinh's Clam & Oyster House. Lunch begins at 11:30 a.m. and the program runs from noon until 1 p.m. Wednesday 1-3 p.m., Support Group for Chronic Pain and Other In- visible Disabilities please call for meeting schedule and fur- ther information at 742-6566. Meet every other Wednesday at the Mason General Hospi- tal conference room. 3-5 p.m., Shelton Timber- land Library presents Teen Gaming Lounge. Play Xbox Kinect, Wii and other games, watch movies and have re- freshments with friends. Snacks and supplies pro- vided by the Friends of the Shelton Timberland Library. For more information call 426-1362. 7 p.m., The Timberland Regional Library Board of Trustees will have a public meeting at the Timberland Regional Library Adminis- trative Service Center, 415 Tumwater Blvd. SW, Turn- water. For more information call 943-5001 in the Olympia area or 1-877-284-6237. 7:30 p.m., non-denomina- tional, no collections, all wel- come, teaching of Jesus at Ev- ergreen Elementary library, North Ninth Street, Shelton. Grace Baptist Church Contact us: . Mailing address: Froth Lutheran Church Times of Services: ~; ~t .... F~-mail: past0r @gbcshelt0n.0rg Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m.~~ www.gbcshelton.0rg i{::{ {{: Sunday Morning Worship....., 11 a.m. ~! . List~ on i i Sunday Momi~Wm~ Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m. ~}:;~I~ Wednesday Prayer Meeting_.,. 7 p.m. ~J~,~,~4 KMASIOaOAM i l"ra~ona~,:¢5 am }ii:ii ::i Agate Grange Bldg, on Agate Loop Rd, Sund@ 9:30-lO:OOam i Contem~ra~:03 aI n~l $1mday ~ ,9:30 a.m. ' 728 Railroad Ave. ' ................................................................. } Pastor Steve Olsen Paster Brian Weinberer CrossPoint Service Traditional Service AmoroconlenaporaryservRe Amorelradilhmalservice :"~ : 'hd[be~h'lS.~[9-mOO AM [h(3, t3c~h3'4dl ....... ~ • Praise Band • Praiso'l>am 10:45 AM • Conlemporary Message C']1oir " " Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM NEED WEEKDAY CH I LDC~,RE? ~ q "....&."Oa;edca~e Oe.e~ nS~to~y~r~ices /) Wednesday Night Service 9:00 ~ I Celebration Service 1 7:00 vM I Mid Week Service NuFse~'v to 2 YO¢3FS IO:30 AM I Celebration Service Chilt]rel~s Classes Attended NurserT SoutFiR~ YOUTH, 6~ll 12 II; Gr¢lt~e Child t'e n's Classes 4:OO eM I (;aLl way LO R(!( every Th~ m,rpo~ of ~ C3t'a~=~ ~e i~ u. h~h, ('llil(lcalz" Prey*deal .... i people I.ecome ~ ~ ¢7"~ ~ U,I OLlgh We. ship. Witness, Warfare, a~cl Wrlrk t,,r His Kingdtm~ ADDRESS 1405 S 7th St, Shelton PHONE 1360.426-2758 WEBSlTE l www.gatewaycficom THE SIMPLE SH E LTON FIRST BAPTIST TEACHINGS OF JESUS .................. ................. ....... Come Hear What Has Satified Our Souls www,sheltonfbc,org 3e0426-8461 Evergreen Elementary Library • SundayMomingWorshlp 9+10:30am 900 West Franklin St. • Shelton Su~a~ School for al! ages -NightChurch 6 pm 4!9w. Rai!madAve. Every Wednesday * 7:30 p.m. •Domingo La Iglesia Bautista 6 pm 360-790-0882 s ~,icio en E ~paiiol • Non Denominational .Wednesdays 6 pm • No Collections * All Are Welcome Yo~ cg~,o,. ~wmA..~, A~o, c~,~ Ministers: Everett Swanson & Ross Wetherell .dueves 6 pm El grupo de los Lagnos J0venes Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue Ash Wednesday Service d February 22" * 7:00 p.m. Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 am Christian Education ................. 9:45 aim. Traditional Worship ............... 11:00 a.m. Office 426-6353 Daycare 427 3165 Refreshed -- Restored l Renewed in Rivers of Grace NEW LOCATION Alliance Church 2320 Washington St. Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m. 438-8531 St. David's of Wales EPISCOPAL CHURCH A place where all are welcome 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton SUNDAY SERVICES 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. ): 15 Conversational Bible Study Office phone: 426-8472 Nvw Community Church of Union Sunday Gatherings (All are welcome.') WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire Hall 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592 360-898-7855 web site: Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 16, 2012