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February 16, 2012 |
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Elizabeth "Betty"
J. Haaland
Elizabeth "Betty" J.
Haaland, 93, died Friday,
Feb. 3. She was a Hood-
sport resident.
She was born in Seattle.
She married Harold
Haaland in Camas.
She was a homemaker
in North
she was
an active
at Em-
Elizabeth and with
Haaland Camp Fire
Girls in
the Los
Angeles Region for over
twenty-five years, receiv-
ing numerous awards.
She moved to the Lake
Cushman area of Hood-
sport in 1987 after retire-
While in California she
was past President of the
Wesleyan Guild of Van
Nuys Methodist Church,
a service organization,
and was active in making
quilts and baby clothes for
the Lutheran World Relief
at Emmanuel Lutheran
Church in North Holly-
Her family said she
was an avid quilter and
joined the Hoodsport /
Lake Cushman Ladies of
the Lake Quilters. She
made hundreds of quilts,
many of which were do-
nated to women's shelters,
Lutheran World Relief
and church fundrais-
ers. She was a collector
of antiques and operated
small boutiques through-
out the years. Her other
interests included making
stuffed animals and dolls,
oil painting, knitting and
family trips in the western
United States. She was
active with the Gideon's
Auxiliary and was a fan of
the Mariners.
She is survived by her
husband, Harold of Gig
Harbor; daughters Kay
Haaland of Sedro-Wool-
ley, Barbara Haaland-Mi-
chaels (Dan) of Hygiene,
Colo., Carol Hein (Rand)
of Loma Linda, Calif.
and Mary Akin (Bob) of
Sun Valley, Calif.; grand-
children Nicole Seegers
(Byron) of Bellingham,
Sharleen Michaels of
Brighton, Colo. and Dar-
ren Michaels of Pasadena,
Calif., Craig Wilcox of
Loma Linda, Calif., Doug-
las Hein and Viorica Hein
of Poulsbo, Ted Akin and
Marie Akin of Sun Valley,
Calif. and three great-
grandchildren and many
nieces and nephews.
A memorial service will
be held at 2 p.m., Satur-
day, Feb. 18, at Faith Lu-
theran Church of Shelton,
1212 Connection Street,
Shelton; internment will
be at Tahoma National
Cemetery in Kent. In lieu
of flowers, donations in
memory of Betty may be
sent to Turning Pointe, a
shelter for victims of do-
mestic abuse, at PO box
2014, Shelton, WA 98584.
Barbara Marie Gregory
Barbara Marie Gregory,
73, died Feb 1 at her home
in Shelton. She was a
longtime resident of Shel-
was born
Nov. 1,
1938, in
Denver to
Ira and
Barbara She
Gregory from Irene
S. Reed
High School in 1956.
She retired from the
State of Washington in
November 2000 after
working there for 29 years.
She was a member of
the Shelton Elks and Lit-
tle Skookum Ladies Club.
Her interests included
knitting, crocheting, play-
ing cards and cribbage, ley.
She enjoyed clam digging She graduated from
and fishing with her son. Raymond High School in
Her family said that her 1956 and attended Grays
family and two dogs were Harbor Community Col-
most important to her. lege.
She is survived by her She married Richard
brother Walter Stansbury Baird in Raymond on Sept.
(Clara); daughter Kim 6, 1958.
Auseth (Sebert); sons She worked for Group
Kenny and Bruce Whea- Health in Burien, where
ton; grandchildren Chris she retired after 37 years
Auseth (Melody), Erick as a receptionist.
Auseth, Linsie Auseth, She was a member of
Ryan Wheaton (Nikki), the Mason-Benson Club
Tanner Wheaton, Zachary in Grapeview and co-
Wheaton and Jesse Whea- founder of the Northwest
ton; great-grandchildren Children's Outreach local
Carter, Taylor, Adam and chapter in Belfair. She
Berent and numerous enjoyed golfing, snow ski-
nieces, nephews and cous- ing, traveling the world,
ins. family, gambling, playing
Her parents preceded cards and board games.
her in death. She is survived by her
A memorial service will husband Richard Baird
be held at 1 p.m. on Satur- of Grapeview;
day, Feb. 18, at the Hopeson Jeffry Baird of Eu-
Chapel, 421 W. E Street, gene, Ore.; daughter Kelly
Shelton, a gathering of Beresford of Crosby, Tex-
family and friends to fol- as; grandchildren Sarah,
low. Sam and Jacob Tarica of
McComb Funeral Home Federal Way, AJ and Aus-
of Shelton is handling the tin Baird of Eugene, Ore,.
arrangements. Memorial and Breanne Franklin of
donations can be made Sammamish and great-
to Adopt-A-Pet at 940 E grandchildren Aodhan and
Jensen Rd., Shelton, WA Caulan Franklin of Sam-
98584. mamish.
Online condolences may She was preceded in
be sent to the family at death by her parents and
www.mccombfh.com sister Louise Stephens.
A celebration of life will
Janice Marian Baird be announced at a later date.
Janice Marian Baird, Memorial donations
73, died Wednesday, Feb. may be sent to the "NCO"
8, at homeNorthwest Children's Out-
~ in Grape- reach, for the Janice Baird
view. Remembrance Fund, PO
She Box 1604 Lake Oswego,
was born OR 97035.
May 17, McComb Funeral Home
1938, in of Shelton is handling the
South arrangements.
Bend, to Online condolences may
Alfred andbe sent to the family at
Janice Hannah www.mccombfh.com.
B . _ (Man-
alra son) Kel- See Obits on page B-6
A Reputation Built on Service
Shelton - (360) 427-8044
ii, .....
I pm (360)943-6363
O bi
I1 : The Saeger family would like to thank
everyone for their cards, blessings and
II prayers in memory of the passing of
A special word of thanks to pastor Maury
Jenkins for your wonderful message and to all the
people sharing their memories and stories at Bruce's
memorial service.
Another special thanks to Rachel and John
Hansen for organizing the pot luck dinner at the
fairgrounds and to all the people attending and
sharing a meal in memory of Bruce. Finally, to all
those who called or came by to visit and leave their
condolences, we thank you.
- The 8aeger d2arnil
Funeral Alternatives proudly serves
all faiths, venues, and cemeteries
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