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Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, February 16, 2012
Obits i!
Continued from page 8-5
Catherine Margaret
(Schmidt) Jenkins Richard A. Berry
Catherine Margaret Richard A. Berry, 79, ~ed Fri~y, Feb. t0, at ~0~-i:
Jenkins, 94, died Tuesday, dence St. Peter HospitaI m O a: He was:a resident: '
Feb. 7, after a brief ill- of Shetton. A fult obituary will run in next week's paper~,::::
ness. She was a resident of McComb Funeral Home of Shettonis handling the :ar~
Grapeview from 1976 until
2011 when she moved to
Austin. Minn.
She was born in Waldorf,
Minn. on March 23, 1917.
to Joseph Francis Schmidt
and Catherine Margaret
Fischer Schmidt and was
the fourth of 11 children.
She married Henry
(Bud) Jenkins on June 26,
She earned licenses as a
Practical Nurse and Reg-
istered Nurse and was an
intensive care nurse at Ma-
son General Hospital until
her retirement. She en-
joyed knitting, crocheting,
quilting, playing cards and
traveling throughout the
United States and abroad.
Her family shared that
she had a zest for life and
keen intellect, which led
to her involvement in a
variety of community or-
ganizations, garden clubs
and card clubs. She was
an active member of St.
Edward's Parish in Shelton
and the Mary Ekert Ortho-
pedic Guild in Shelton. She
is survived by her children
Judy Buffington, George
Jenkins, Mary Sembrat.
Marlene Pickens, Tom Jen-
kins, Paul Jenkins. Carol
Passow and Margi Kenny;
21 grandchildren and 35
great-grandchildren: two
and many friends.
She was preceded in
death by her parents, hus-
band and son John Jen-
Funeral services were
held on Feb. 10 at Queen of
Angels Catholic Church in
Austin. Minn.
Her family requests that
in lieu of flowers donations
are made in her name to
the Grapeview Fire Depart-
ment. PO Box 129 Grape-
view. WA 98546 or the
charity of your choice.
Bernice Lucille Cowic
Bernice Lucille Cowic,
97, died Friday, Feb. 10. at
Fir Lane Health and Reha-
bilitation Center in Shel-
ton. She was a resident of
She was born Sept. 1,
1914. at French Camp, Ca-
lif. to Isaac Elijah and Ivy
Belle (Fickle) Choat.
She attended high school
in Oceanside. Calif.
She married Robert Co-
wic in Las
Vegas in
1947. She
was previ-
ously mar-
ried to Es-
tle Louis
Gust, the
ended in
Bernice divorce.
Cowic She
worked as
a "Rosie
the Riveter" during and
after World War II for the
Continental Can Company
in Los Angeles. Calif.
She was a member of
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Send obituaryinformation to:
obits@masoncou nty.com.
Deadine is 2 p.m. the Tuesday
before publication.
the VFW in Baldwin Park, He attended schools in
Calif. for many years. Shethe Queen Anne School
enjoyed playing Keno, District of Seattle.
gambling, traveling to Las He worked from an early
Vegas and reading, age, for the Seattle Post In-
She is survived by her telligencer for approximate-
daughters Barbara Brown ly 45 years, most of them
of Apache Junction, Ariz. as a motor route carrier.on
and Louise Powers of Hood Canal.
Union. W. Va.; son E.A. Floyd
Brown: eight grandchil- ~~~z~ married
dren; 14 great-grandchil- his wife
dren and five great-great- Jean on
grandchildren and numer- I~~ June 26,
ous nieces, nephews and ~ 1943.
cousins. He was
Her parents Isaac and a veteran,
Ivy Choat, husband Robert serving on
Cowic and her daughter a mine-
Marilyn Lockett preceded Floyd sweeper in
her in death. Barnes the Aleu-
A family serwce will be tian Is-
held at a later date. lands and
Memorial donations can as a gunner's mate during
be made to the charity of World War II.
your choice. He enjoyed his many
McComb Funeral Home years of fly fishing and
of Shelton is handling theplaying handball, the latter
arrangements. For your of which he won many mas-
convenience online condo- ter level trophies across the
lences may be sent to the state. He enjoyed photogra-
family www.mccombfh, phy, taking many pictures
Jesse P. Esquibel
Jesse P. Esquibel, 73,
died Saturday, Feb. 11. in
Seattle. He was a resident
of Shelton for 26 years.
He was born April 4.
1938, in Mumford, Texas.
ily said
he loved
ing, fish-
ing and
time with
his grand-
Jesse children.
Esquibel wife Vera
bel; daughters Rosanne
Balsley, Patricia Lynn
Esquibel-Hollenbach and
Rebecca Smith; son Joe An-
thony Esquibel; 12 grand-
children and fi~;e great-
grandchildren and his dog
Moka survive him.
His daughter Teresa
Esquibel preceded him in
A memorial service will
be held on Feb. 24 at St.
of the family and of Hood
Canal, selling many of his
}andscapes on postcards
of Hood Canal. He enjoyed
Civil War history and trav-
eling in his RV.
He is survived by his
children Ronald Barnes
(Carol) of Mercer Island,
Floydean Barnes (Mitsy) of
Bremerton, Douglas Barns
(Claudia) of Carriere,
Miss., David Barns (Al-
ice) of Port Arthur, Texas,
and Marilee Tate (Ron) of
Bremerton; grandchildren
Michael, Kristen, Gregory,
Matthew, Christina, Shaw-
na, Ryan, Timothy and
many great-grandchildren,
nieces, and nephews.
He was preceded in
death by his parents, wife
Jean. sisters Kay Caswell,
Wilma Leach and Margue-
rite Orton.
Floyd's family wishes to
thank Martha and Mary At
Home, for their wonderful
care giwng serwces, which
enabled him to stay in his
own home.
An online memorial can
be seen at www.lewis
Olympic Gateway Shopping Center, Shelton
= M0n:Fri 8 alm.-6 p.m. - Sat 8 a.mi'5'p.m~
Anthony Parish in Renton. Betty Carmen Mattus
Betty Carmen Mattus,
Floyd Franklin Barnes89, died peacefully on Sat-
Floyd Franklin Barnes, urday, Feb. 4, at home in
91. died on Saturday. Jan. Redmond. She was a resi-
28. He lived in Bremerton dent of Belfair for 64 years
and on Hood Canal. and of Redmond, since
He was born in Chicago, 2007.
Ill. Sept. 27, 1920, to O1- She was born
ive Gem and Floyd Foster
i~i~F~~ ...... ~:"~i~!~ ~:~
in Sea£tle
on Aug.
20, 1922.
lived on
Hood Ca-
nal most
of her
life. She
became a
nurse and
worked at
in 1963. She worked there
for 26 years.
She is survived by her
daughters Carol and Nancy
(Jerry), grandchildren Kevin,
Kristen, Kelli, David, Erik
and great-grandchildren
Hannah, Kyle, Emma, Karis-
sa, Olivia, Joshua and Katy.
Her husband Carl pre-
ceded her in death.
Friends and family are
invited to a memorial ser-
vice at 1 p.m. on Saturday,
Feb. 25, at Christ Lutheran
Church, 3701 NE North-
shore Rd., Belfair. Private
graveside services were
held at Haven of Rest in
Gig Harbor.
Memorials may be made to
Seattle Children's Hospital.