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Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Mary M. Knight freshman Lauren Dierkop
drives to the hoop during the Lady Owls' first
district playoff game, at home against Seton
Catholic on Thursday, Feb. 9.
Catholic ... 35
and were
ahead 33-
The Mary M. Knight 25 going
girls' basketball team ad- into the
vanced to the second round final quar-
of the District IV 1B Girls ter.
Basketball Tournament : C o o k
last week. hit three
On Thursday, Feb. 9, the m o r e
Lady Owls defeated Seton points for
Catholic 46-35 at home in MMK in
the first round of districts, the quar-
MMK came out strong ter while
in the first quarter, with A d s e r o
sophomore Carlie Adsero s c o r e d
scoring with a layup early t h r e e ,
in the game. Valley added four, Johnson
Adsero scored two more scored two and freshman
points in the quarter along Lauren Dierkop hit one free
with six points from sopho- throw.
more Hannah Frost, three "We did awesome," Cook
from senior Linda Cook and said. "We played very well
two from sophomore Ashley together."
Kiliz. Johnson played guard in-
The Lady Owls held the stead of post and did a very
Seton Catholic Lady Cou-good job for the Lady Owls,
gars from scoring for more grabbing five rebounds,
than 2 minutes and went snatching three steals and
into the second quarter up passing out four assists,
15-7. Coach Valley said.
"The girls came out ag- Cook said she thinks the
gressive and executed onteam needs to have more
defense and offense," head confidence but thought the
coach Lance Valley said.Lady Owls hustled down
The second quarter start- court very well:
ed slower for both teams, "We had a season-low in
with the Lady Owls off the turnovers and we dominat-
scoreboard until there was ed the boards," Coach Valley
5:23 remaining when Frost said. "We had 24 offensive
scored a layup shot. rebounds with sophomore
Eighth-grader Jaycee Hannah Frost grabbing six
Valley played strong for the for 11 total rebounds."
Lady Owls, putting up six Sophomore Carlie Adse-
points in the quarter, help- ro grabbed eight rebounds
ing the team to a 23-14 lead and five steals while Cook
at halftime, scored 10 points off the
"Missing starter fresh- bench, collected five re-
man Miranda Sowle due bounds and blocked one
to an ankle injury, Jaycee shot.
stepped up and handled Jaycee Valley led the
the ball very well, having Lady Owls with 12 points
five rebounds and three as- while Cook was the sec-
sists," Lance Valley said. ond highest scorer with 10.
Coming out of halftime, Frost put up eight and Ad-
neither team could hit aesro hit seven.
shot for the nearly three The team is set to play at
minutes of the third quar- 5 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18,
ter. Jaycee Valley scored on against King's Way Chris-
a two-point shot at the top tian at Montesano High
of the key, ending the minor School.
drought in scoring. "We will be prepared,"
Freshman Melodie Shy- Coach Valley said. "It's go-
der put up two while Cook ing to be a tough game; they
added four and senior Em- are a pretty good team,,
ily Johnson scored two in As for how far into the
the third quarter, playoffs the Lady Owls can
The Lady Owls main- advance, Cook said, "all the
tained their lead over the way."
Mary M. Knight
vs. King's Way
5 p.m. at
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(360) 426-4412 to advertise
iiiiiiiiiiiiii )
Shelton girls lose to Olympia in close game
.... / .
By EMILY HANSON ~ wxth mght points while, semor post Nzcole
emi~y@masoncou~y.com ~ Osberg put up six. Senior guard Jordanne
............................................ Krumpols and sophomore point guard
Taylor Stroud both scored four.
The day after its final game of the season, the Shelton On Wednesday, Feb. 8, the Lady High-
girls' basketball team was back in the Mini Dome practic- climbers ended their season at Olympia
ing. with a 43-33 loss.
"There's no rest for the wicked," head coach Aaron Leth FRIDAY: "We held them to 27 points, but they
said. "We have until the end of the state basketball playoffs Olympia ...... 43 hit 16 free throws," Leth said. "It was a
to practice so we will be. We're focused on next season; a Shelton ........ 33 good game. We were down by eight at
lot of the sophomore girls want to work on their dribbling the half. During halftime, I told the girls
skills and shooting." 'Olympia has to beat you to go to districts,' and we came out
On Monday, Feb. 6, the Lady Highclimbers lost at South and stopped them from scoring for five minutes."
Kitsap 57-29. He said it was the team's best defensive game all season.
"We played well in the first quarter, then we didn't play Hunter led the Lady Highclimbers with eight points
in the second quarter or the third quarter but we played while senior post Lolly Jones scored seven, Osberg put up
really well in the fourth quarter," Leth said. "One thing we six and Stroud had five.
did well defensively was we held Taylor Sunkle and Jackie "It would've been nice to win, but the way we played was
Steiger to 14 points combined." very good," Leth said. "We also had great crowd support.
Leth explained that Sunkle and Steiger of South Kitsap Our whole bleacher side was full and they were loud."
were both chosen for the first team All-League 4A Narrows Another reason the team was back in the gym on Thurs-
League team last season as juniors, day, Feb. 9, Leth said, was that they didn't want to end on
"They're the main reason everybody picks South Kitsap a loss.
to win league," he added.
Senior wing Allison Hunter led the Lady Highclimbers See Lady Climbers on page C-3
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Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 16, 2012