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February 16, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 16, 2012
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tli g away from Malachi a little Wres n bit. In the rematch, Malachi Continued from page C-1 adjusted very well and the match was much more com- Highclimber to place at re- petitive," Lacy said. gionals, taking sixth at 285. He said that Kushiah "Ben won his first matchMcCullough had an incred- in dominant fashion and ible season thisyear. then lost three very close "Kushiah has wrestled matches," Lacy said. "Ben is up one or two weight classes wrestling in the 285 weight all year long," Lacy said. "He class weighing around 230. improved every day and was Ben had a great season and a true joy to coach. All of his next year he will make a lot teammates and coaches re- of noise at the state meet." spect his knowledge of the Sixth-place was not highsport and he will be a great enough for Anderson to ad- coach in the years to come." vance to the Mat Classic. At 126, senior Ivan Junior Malachi Conklin Fiedler advanced to region- at 138 and senior Kushiah als from the district tourna- McCullough at 145 also ment two weeks ago, howev- wrestled for the Highclimb- er he did not make weight to ers at regionals, participate at regionals. "Malachi advanced to "Ivan started wrestling the regional meet with an as a sophomore and has overtime win against South learned so much about the Kitsap's Brenden Harts- sport," Lacy said. "It was horn," Lacy said. "Bren-a disappointing end to his den had won the previousseason, but he has accom- two matches between the plished a lot in his short two earlier in the season, time as a wrestler." All three have been close Wrestling at Mat Clas- matches, but Malachi wonsic XXIV begins at 10 a.m. when it mattered most." on Friday, Feb. 17, at the Lacy said Conklin's loss- Tacoma Dome. The tham- es came in his first and last pionships will continued at matches against the same10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. opponent, Joshua Smith of 18, at the Tacoma Dome, Kent Meridian. with the final championship "The first time they matches beginning at 5 p.m. wrestled, the match got Journal photos by Emily Hansorl ABOVE: Shelton senior Ty McCullough, at 113, grabs his opponent, sophomore Cameron Hiller from Auburn, to roll him on his back during their first-round bout at the 4A Region III Wrestling Championships on Saturday, Feb. 11, at Thomas Jefferson High School. McCullough won with a 3:39 fall and went on to finish in second. BELOW: Shelton senior Johnathen Dennis, at 182, checks the clock during his first-round bout against Chad Johnnie of Kentlake. Dennis defeated Johnnie with a 5:23 fall and went on to take third in his weight class. Journal photo by Emily Hanson Shelton senior Colby Barber, wrestling at 170, gets his opponent, Stephen Heinze of Auburn, into position for a pin during their first-round match at the 4A Region III Wrestling Championships. Athlete Continued from page C-4 However, last year's Mat Classic was disappointing for Barber. "I pinned my first match and then I lost my next two," he said. "I definitely will do better this year." Though Barber has considered wrestling in college, he said he would rather serve the community. "I think the route I'm going to take is to join the Washington State Patrol because I've always been interested in the police force and you can join when you're 19 1/2, so I might as well," Barber said. "I like to help people and keep people safe." Barber has job-shadowed with Mason County Sher- iff Casey Salisbury and has thought for a long time that he would either join the state patrol or the U.S. Air Force. Besides wrestling, Barber said he is not very in- volved with Shelton High, beyond passing all of his classes. His favorite classes are swimming and sports medicine. "I'm pretty athletic and I like to~so I like swim- ruing class," Barber said. "I also like to learn about sports injuries and how they relate to everything." Barber hasn't been injured very often, but one sports injury stuck out in his mind. "My sophomore year I was going to go to state, but I ripped my nostril off at the regional tournament," Barber said. "They superglued it and taped it, and I wrestled my next match, but then the concussion set in and I couldn't continue." Barber said being in sports medicine has made him more cautious but has not otherwise affected how he wrestles. Outside of school and wrestling, Barber said he en- joys spending time with his girlfriend and playing the, guitar. "I've been playing guitar for close to two years," Bar- ber said. "I write my own mumc, too." He said that while being a professional musician would be a cool dream, playing the guitar is just his hobby. Finally, Barber had some advice for fellow athletes: "If you're in sports, make sure you set a lot of goals," he said. "Even if you don't think you can achieve them; work your hardest." Page C-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, February 16, 2012 ~ ~,/VI:} U~']~ r traveled to Las Vegas as well to play for one of the Wash- Continued from page C-4 ington All-Star teams. "Nault was invited to the of what rugby is in the rest of U.S. All-American Camp, the world, which is a scouting camp," "The team got to watch Nesmith said. the USA team play in the If chosen at this camp, international pool on Sat- Nault will go on to play tbr urday and saw teams like the U.S. All-American Team. Samoa play for the cup," Ne- Nesmith said the boys' smith said. "The girls got to Washington All-Star team see what rugby means to the has a history of success. rest of the world. There were "The Washington State 50,000 rugby fans from all boys' All-Star team lost their over the world at the tourna- first game in 10 years last ment, and 30,000 alone at- summer and still won the tended Saturday's game. The tournament they were play- girls were completely in awe. ing in," he added. tt was a paradigm shift for While coaching in Las them." Vegas, one of the Washing- He said this tournament ton boys all-star teams - the has made the Shelton girls' team Nault was not on ...... team stop looking at rugby as was playing on the field be- just a sport they play in Shel- hind Nesmith. ton and more as a sport the "I heard the ref blow the world plays, whistle and looked over to "Rugby took over Las Ve- see the U.S. All-Star team gas," he added. "The athletes hanging their heads while came out to meet the fans and the Washington boys started the girls got to meet almost cheering and jumping around every athlete who played." like they just did the impos- Freshman Brian Nault sible," Nesmith said. i