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February 16, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 16, 2012
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FLYONTHESIDELINE Journal photo by Emily Hanson The framework for the baseball dugout has nearly been completed after less than two weeks of work by Gubbe Construction. way Should be functional by baseball season By EMILY HANSON Over Labor Day week- e,, end in September, the 2,400-square-foot club- house was burned down by Construction on the re- an arsonist or arsonists un- building project of the Shel- known. ton High School baseball"Unfortunately, there dugout and clubhouse be-are no new leads in the gan earlier this month and case," Detective Chris Kos- after less than two weeks tad with the Shelton Po- of work, the framework lice Department said. "It's for the building is roughly still an open investigation halfway done. we're still working on. We "Weather permitting, do have some suspects, but the plan is still to have the it's still open. We're asking dugout back to the stateanyone with knowledge to it was in before it was contact us." burned," Bob Woods, Shel- Kostad can be reached at ton School District director 432-5133. of facilities, said. "As soon Twiddy said he, Strand as it's up and has passed and Puterbaugh are a little inspection, we're going to disappointed they could not move right along." help with the rebuilding Berschauer Construc- project. tion from Olympia won the "At the same time, bid to oversee the project we're thankful we'll have last month and Gubbe Con- the dugout and clubhouse struction has been doingfor this baseball season," the framework, he added. "So far, so good with The three seniors re- this project," Greg Monda, quested to help rebuild the project manager with Ber- clubhouse but were told schauer Construction, said. they could not, Twiddy said. "It's going real smooth. It's "My understanding is a pretty simple structure that since the rebuild was and there's been nothingbeing covered by insurance, holding us up yet." they couldn't have three Monda said the agree- kids working on it. It's un- ment for the project is to derstandable," he said. have as much done on theTwiddy has seen the structure as possible and to work that has been done on have it useable by the start the dugout and clubhouse of baseball season, so far and feels the project "There'll be things thatis coming along well. are not done but it'll be use- "I just want to say able by baseball season," he thanks again to the com- said. munity and everybody who The structure was origi-reached out and supported nally built as the senior us through this," he said. project of Colton Twiddy, When the outside of the Joe Strand and Forest clubhouse and dugout is Puterbaugh with the helpcomplete, Woods said the of their mentor Erik Eng- school must receive a per- strom as well as donations mit to occupy the building of supplies, labor and time before starting the inside from the community, work. Shelton spring sports registration now open Shelton High School ath-reduced lunch. letes can now register for The Shelton High School spring sports. ASB fee is $30 and the Oak- Students can register be- land Bay Junior High ASB fore school, during lunches fee is $20. and after school until 2:45 Completed packets for p.m. each day until Feb. 24. baseball, fastpitch, boys' Highclimbers who want toand girls' golf, girls' ten- participate in spring sports nis, boys' and girls' track need to turn in their com- and boys' soccer need to be pleted athletic registration turned in to the SHS Athlet- card, emergency card and a ics Office. copy of their current sports A mandatory parent physical, as well as pur- meeting is set for 7 p.m. on chase their ASB and pay Wednesday, Feb. 29, in the their sport fee. SHS cafeteria. Returning athletes need All student athletes must to only complete the emer- have a parent or guardian gency card because their reg- attend at least one of these istration is already on file. meetings each school year The sport fee is $50 or in order to be eligible for $25 for students on free or sports. Don't forget to continue to support athletes in postseason ~jLjlthough nearly every season is over for the Shel- To attend both games, the cost is ton and North Mason high school winter teams,~ $6 for adults, $4 for students with thought I'd remind everybody that not all of ASB and $4 for senior citizens. the winter athletes are done. ~ The Knight Owls are often over- For Shelton, four wrestlers have advanced to the looked by the larger Mason County 2012 WIAA Mat Classic XXIV. community, so now is the perfect time Seniors Ty McCullough at 113, Adam Coffman at to right that wrong by traveling out to 132, Colby Barber at 170 and Johnathen Dennis at Montesano High School to cheer them 182 are all set to compete this weekend at the Tacoma on. Dome, where they'll face off against the best-of-the- The Lady Owls will face off against best in 4A wrestling for a chance to bring home first By EMILY King's Way Christian at 5 p.m. while place. HANSON the Knight Owls will play against Co- North Mason is also sending four wrestlers to the lumbia Adventist at 6:30 p.m. Mat Classic. Finally, SHS has one more athlete competing this Senior Zac Joaquin is a defending state champion weekend. at 113 while senior Rene Miguel will compete at 120, Senior Indi Endicott is set to swim at the WIAA senior Brian McCarty will wrestle at 145 and sopho- 2012 4A State Meet on Friday, Feb. 17, and Saturday, more Chase Davis will wrestle at 195. The Bulldogs Feb. 18, at the King County Aquatic Center in Federal will compete at the 2A level. Way. These Highclimbers and Bulldogs have worked Endicott's preliminary race will begin some time hard all season to earn this opportunity. For seven of after 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 17. If he advances to the finals, the eight advancing wrestlers, this is their last chance Endicott will swim in the 50-freestyle some time after to be state champions, so go on up to the Tacoma 2:15 p.m. on Feb. 18. Dome for two days of exciting wrestling. What else is All-meet tickets cost $15 for adults, $10 for stu- there to do this weekend? dents with an ASB card and $10 for senior citizens. All-tournament tickets cost $23 for adults, $17 For just one day of the meet, adult tickets are $9 while for students with an ASB card.and $17 for senior tickets for senior citizens and students with an ASB citizens. For those interested in only attending one card are $7. day of the tournament, tickets will be $15 for adults With no other sports to attend this weekl why not and $11 for senior citizens and students with an ASB show some love to the athletes who have qualified for card. postseason competition, regardless of which school To answer the question of what else is there to do they attend? this weekend, Montesano is less than 40 miles away Afterall, not all athletes in Mason County get the from Shelton and the Owls from Mary M. Knight could opportunity to play in the offseason. Many of these use more support as both the boy~' and girls' teams athletes are seniors and some of them may not play will be competing in the second round of the District spring sports. This could be your last chance to see IV Basketball Tournament this Saturday, Feb. 18. some of these athletes compete. Example: WASHER AND dryer, Maytag, 2 years old, like new, $300 each or $500/pair. Must sell before move. Call 360-555-2184, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. P.O. Box 430 • Shelton, Washington 98584 • 360-426-4412 CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM DEADLINE: 5 P.M. MONDAY Just fill in this easy-to-use order form and then mail to: Shelton-Mason County Journal; Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. ~] ~ [] Cars, Trucks [] Help Wanted [] P ...... Is [] [] For Rent [] Instruction [] Farmers []~ [] For Sale [] Garage, Yard Sales [] Lost & Found [] Pets []Travel Vehicles [] Auctions [] Flea Markets [] Mobile Homes [] Pet Services [] Wanted [] Boats & Motors [] Bazaar [] Motorcycles [] Real Estate [] Want to Rent [] Business Properties [] Antiques [] Music [] Real Estate Wanted [] Work Wanted [] Business Opportunities [] Childcare [] Farmers' Markets [] Services [] Mortgages Name Date ,20 Address No. Times PHONF City 7ip Card # Expiration: No. Times: ONE WORD IN [ EACH SPACE 5 10 15 2O 25 3(J 35 List your credit card number and expiration date or enclose your check or money order for correct amount. The minimum charge is $10.35 per week for the first 20 words. Additional words are 15 cents apiece. Fourth insertion is FREE. Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, February 16, 2012 - Page C-5