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Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023
The many manifestations of water
“The sea refuses no river
And the river is where I am.”
- Pete Townshend, “All the
Best Have Chinese
Eyes” ‘
en water molecules
gather, their identi-
ties are surrendered
to the whole.
We have names for these
communities of water mol-
ecules: ponds, oceans, seas,
lakes, rivers, streams, brooks, ,
waterfalls, pools, puddles,
fjords, covers, geysers, creeks,
rainfall, bays and inlets. We
also have sewer channels,
tsunamis, king tides, deluges,
avalanches and ice storms.
Water groups have their
apostles. Some people prefer
a hot summer day around a
concrete pool, some like an‘
Ocean beach, some a river,
some a mountain creek, some,
especially children, a tidepool
warmed by the sun and mud-
died by sandeome people
like water that has congealed
into crystals. Those people
are often Canadians.
A stormy ocean witnessed
from a safe distance during
the deepest days of winter is
inspiring and warming, as
is a glassy lake, playing cool
jazz under a summer sun-
set. Watching and hearing
a towering waterfall after it
trips over a cliff can hypno-
tize a human. The tempo of
life while floating .down a riv-
er on an inner tube is medica-
tion for anxiety, with fewer
side effects than a prescrip-
tion. You’re traveling exactly
as fast as the river flows and
there’s nothing more for you
to do.
The sight of a confident
stream of water arcing out
of a drinking fountain in a
city park on a warm day can
make you feel young and
wistful and immortal. A sum-
mer midaflzernoon spent on
a pebbled river bar might
become the memory you find
most comforting on your
death bed.
The variety and wonder
of water groups can make
you forget that they’re all
the same material: A mol-
ecule made of two atoms of
hydrogen and one atom of
oxygen -— just three mov-
ing parts. You get a bunch of
them together and voila! You
have something that inspires,
threatens, transports.
Eventually, all water mol-
ecules shed their collectives
and returnto the largest
group, its mother, the ocean.
Rivers View oceans as des-
tiny. Oceans often welcome
rivers with open bays.
No droplet is an island.
You could be a water mol-
ecule hanging in a puddle '
one day,the next day you’re
part of a rivulet, and the next
day you might stumble into
a ditch that feeds into an ir-
rigation canal. Then you en-
'ter a river that flows into an
ocean. You’re a shape-shifter
that always assumes the
shape of something larger
than yourself.
All water molecules are
homeward bound, but they’re
also homeward departing.
Once we enter the ocean,
we’re not done. We could get
sucked into a cloud that spits
us out into the same puddle
where we started the most
recent leg of our journey. We
could end up in a rain bar-
rel, an old tire or an infinity
pool belonging to the sultan
of Brunei. We could return
as a single teardrop on the
face of a boy who was just
dropped off for his first day of
Water is to nature as a
chisel is to a woodcarver. Wa-
ter shapes and crafts, leaving
clear evidence of its past and
present, and its potential for
the future.
What remains is a testa-
ment to the artist.
I Contact Kirk Ericson at
Election questions
Editor, the Journal,
Thank you Mr. Duenkel for your re-
ply to my previous inquiries. While you
may not-have accused anyone of voter
fraud, your campaign rhetoric certain-
V ,ly accused our election system' of being
subject to fraud. Three months post—
election, the question you have failed
to, answer is how much voter fraud
have you uncovered?
. I’ll restate the questions believe the
voters of Mason County are entitled
to. In the November ’22 election, how
many ballots were rejected and the
reasons why? How many ballots were
categorized as “anomalous” [defined
as abnormal] and why? Were they ac-
cepted or rejected? Has your office pro-
vided the supposedly bipartisan Voter
Research Project the list of anomalous
ballots with names and addresses to
You previously voiced concern and
plans to investigate traditional grass—
roots efi‘orts in a democracy of door-to—
door and “get out the vote” campaigns.
My concern is strangers knocking on
your door and wanting identification.
Your concern about ballot chain of
custody inherent with mail-in-voting
has been investigated numerous times
nationwide and never shown to be a
significant issue. That’s what ballot
Wienillaeoitfibunm llonmal
POSTMASTER: Send addreSs changes to Shelton-Mason
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Published weekly by the SheltoncMason County Journal
at 227 W. Cote St, Shelton, Washington.
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Periodicals postage paid in Shelton, Washington.
signatures are for and ifquestioned
should be handled by your oflice for
verification as they are by competent
auditors and not farmed out to vigilan—
tes. suggest canvassing your own of-
fice, Mr. Duenkel, to report this election
information to the voters as an auditor
should be obliged to do. As a candidate,
you promised integrity and transpar-
ency. Time to walk the talk.
P.S. Regarding the plan to upgrade
the computer software for improved
security, did you find evidence the
system was hacked in in favor
of President Joe Biden by the ghost
of Hugo Chavez collaborating with
the Vatican from secret servers in
Craig Anderson
' Shelton
Many were tricke'd
Editor, the Journal,
don’t know that I’d hold most
Democratic voters to blame for Joe
Biden’s presidency. Many were tricked.
‘ I believe a cabal high in the party’s or-
ganization reportedly claimed Joe was
a moderate and that former President
Donald Trump was the spawn of Sa-
tan. Both lies were, well,‘ just lies, and
now look what‘we have.
Joe Biden is a serial liar, a pro‘ven
Owned and published by
Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc.
The Journal is a member of the
Publisher: John Lester
Theresa Murray, Ad Representative
plagiarist, and, as I have said in a pre-
vious letter, a thoroughly corrupt poli-
tician. Let’s not forget Hunter and his
laptop. (By the way, the phrase “Biden
crime family arose out of real discovr
eries about this bunch and its influence
peddling overseas.)
Two recent incidents clearly illus—
trate our problem here, and they are
the killing of Tyre Nichols in Memphis
and the flight of the Chinese spy bal—
loon. The latter shows an eerie resem-
blance to the Biden administration’s
criminal negligence at our Southern
border — if there still is one. i
On Jan. of this year, five black offi-
cers of the Memphis Police Department
named “The Scorpion Unit,” severely
beat one Tyre Nichols, a 29—year-old
‘ Black man, following a routine traffic
stop. Nichols was hospitalized in criti-
cal condition and died three days later.
Soon after the incident, the media
began reporting “systematic racism”
in Memphis. (What?!) On CNN, Van
Jones said that the black police officers
were acting out “white racism.”
In light of these media cries of
“white racism,” please note with care
the following: all the assailants and the
victim were black; chief of the MPD,
’ Cerelyn Davis, is black; of the
MPD is black; and of the popula-
tion of Memphis is black.
So, according to the media,
’ Front office:
Washington Newspaper Publish— . Delivery:
ers Association. Newsroom: Jon Garza
,. . Justin Johnson, Editor David Olson
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Gordon Weeks, Reporter Niel Challstrom
$79 per year ($55 for six months)
for Mason County addresses and
$99 per year ($70 for six months)
outside of Mason County.
Single issue price $2.00
Matt Baide, Reporter
Kirk Boxleltner, Reporter
Kirk Ericson, Columnist/ Proofreader
Shawna Whelan, Photographer
Composing room:
Dave Pierik, Office Administrator .
Karen Hranac, Customer Service
somehow Memphis, it’s population,
and it’s primary law enforcement
agency are all guilty of engendering
“white racism.”
Please pay attention to this sad inci-
dent the neJ'rt time it’s reported — espe-
cially how it’s reported.
On Jan. 28, a Chinese spy balloon
started a controlled drift into American
sovereign airspace near the Aleutian
Islands. Then it passed over Canada,
then Montana, and then, la-de-da, over
the rest of the US. On Feb. 4, it drified
over Myrtle Beach, South Carolina,
and proceeded out over the Atlantic
Ocean, where an American F—22 shot
the thing down with a Sidewinder
The president and his advisers ap-
parently discussed the balloon at
length and ultimately elected to shoot
it down. This after the spy device flew,
over the UnitedStates for seven days '
while we did nothing. A reporter did
ask Biden about all this, and the presi—
dent’s response was, “We’ll take care of
it.” Oh yes, he also attended a Demo-
cratic Party fiwndraiser.
Sleep tight, America.
Robert E. Graham
‘ Union
see LETTERS, page 5
Creative Director: Lloyd‘Mullen
All regular editorial. advertising
and legal deadlines are 5 pm. the
Monday prior to publication.
To submit a letter to the editor,
email editor@masoncounty.com.
Kim Fowler, Advertising Design
Linda Frizzell,“AdvertisingDesign