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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 16, 2023     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 16, 2023
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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are i it Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023 —gSheIton-Mason County Journal Page 9 Meet the commodore with J .C. Penney. The Schnittkers live on Harstine Island. ' They have a 37 -foot Carver named Sanity and enjoy cruising the local waters and in the San Juans. Al’s chosen theme for this year’s cruise schedule is “Cinema on the Sound.” Cruise outings will be based on hit movies ranging from “Kon-Ti- ki” to “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Rita Forester» She/ton Yacht eet Al Schnittker, the l I 2023 Shelton Yacht Club commodore. Al grew up on Lake Erie and has been boating all his life. He and his wife, Darlene, were married in 1972. They have three childrenrand two grandchildren. At age 18, Al enlisted in the Army and ,went to Vietnam. After that, he worked for the railways and inspected and repaired train cars. He retired from a rail car repair company, TTX, in 2009. Darlene worked in retail Al Schnittker is the commodore of the Shelton Yacht Club for 2023. Photo courtesy of Shelton Yacht Club Losing your HEARING or are your ears just plugged with 0U FéR YOu are invited for aFREE ear inspection using thelatest Video ‘ * technology to determine if you could be helped by a hearing aid. ‘ Call for an appointmentnow‘to avoid waiting! It’s All Now thou ' h February 22, 2023 ' " FREE-Video Otoscopei Ear lnspection* This shew—all picture of your ear canal is displayed on a color monitor. so you’ll seeexactly what we see to determine if yourcould be helped by a hearing aid. FREE Complete Electronic Hearing Test* This Audiometric evaluation will precisely show you what you’ve been missing and if .you can be helped by , a hearing aid. V ‘ FREE Package of Hearing Aid Batteries . If you now wear a hearing aid, you will receive one Thank you Shelton for voting us #1 Septic Service SIX years in a row! And thank you Belfair for voting us #1 Septic Service FOUR years in a row! g We are proud to be a part “mm of this community! O...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOQG 360.427.6110 PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS SEP IC PUMPING 8c MAINTENANC «Mmmsvmam ' ‘ . Under New Ownership: Nate Welland and Devin Goes Management Team: Alisha Wull. Wes Graves and Kayla Dickson "O SON OF DUST! Verin i say unto thee: Of all men the most negligent is he that disputeth idly and seeketh _to advance himself over his brother. Say: 0 brethren! Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.” Lg; ‘fiiees‘hearing aid repairs .factory repairs, regardless of make or model shall be did-m... 50%, OFF the total cost of the repair. -‘ ~ . ~lntdungthe NEW'Chip- in thefar , Open Fit/Receiver-ln-The-Canal Advanced, powerfilltedindogyaflovvsarennloreopfiaisto wearthis more natural sounding and comfortable hearing aid. Open Fithearing aidsfitsecu'elybehindtheearandhavea thintubethaldiledslhesound intoyourearcanatheRlC (Receiver—ln—The-Cmal) provides more targeted sound with a speakeraddedtotheendofthedearmrltube. [TE Comfortable to wear individualized ' Smallerthaneveri‘ Morenaturalsounding Discreet and comfortable ' Sizes to meet your lifestyle Uses the ear’s natural ability to Best-in-perlormanoe features that reduce or ellminate locate sound feedback and whistling Themostversatflemodel-abletofitmostlevelsof Most models compatible with wireless Bluetooth0 Technology Versatile Rechargeable option Utilizes the most advanced technology Uses the ear‘s natural ability to locate sound Most models compatible with wireless Bluetooth° Technology hearinglcss.Mostmodelsareccmpali)lei/vilhwireless Bluetooll'PTechnology r - - — — — - 3- - - 1 l‘ " "i__ T “WE” GREAT WAY *0 SAVE!» I ‘ LIMITEDTIME OFFERié-l: Save on our advanced I‘ i OPEN FI'T .rECHN’OLOGY line of digital hearing aids. I 1 . BUY 1 GET 1 .. $995 °.O_-~_ I 5 «i e l v s . , . 50/6 OFF. |‘ msnptsoeo 5Ave‘2oes' “tiflgifimgféfigfléfi‘gifi‘ij” Offer valid on Model MEEASY'" 2 100%Digital & 100% Programmable ME-Z Solutions Hearing Aids I Valid at participating eracte-Ear‘ Hearing Aid Centers. leil one hearing ald per customer-at the promo- I tional price May not be combined with other drier and does nol apply to prior sales. Cash value 1/20th cent midi-expires oznmoza _——__———‘-—-J RESIDENT __.,..,..‘.._. DAY "3,"? Good only View pdlllClpdllng Miraclefiar ‘ Hearing M Centers One coupon per purchase No other otters Ol discounts apply Discount does nol apply Io poor sales Oller valid on MES. ME-Ii, ME-S, and ME‘? Solutions Cannot combine with any other otters Cash value l/YOth cent. Otter expires 02/12/2023 ______.___.___.I AT PARTICIPATING MIRACLE-EAR HEARING AID‘CE * cm. roaroungarrolumatm. s l E 5‘ "323 w. Wishkah St. Aberdeen, WA 98529 (360) 205-5185 ‘ Shelton: , fl . tits W. Railroad Aversuite .106 ‘ Shelton, WA 9858 . Bossandrederalmmmmmmdwmmmm.mmmwmmemmm , mmnmmwrmrmnwmwwumfiahmmwmmmmwdmmmmm