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CALL (360) 426—4412 To LIST YOUR CHURCH
is,” Missouri Synod
Contemporary Service 8:30am
Traditional Worship 11:00am
I? Also streaming 11:00 service Live on Facebook!
Maegan—nosese Daycare 36042753165:
210w heltonValle Rd.
a" ., Seventh-Dar
Adventist Church
Join Us Saturdays for Live Bible
Study and Worship Service!
Worship Service: 11:00 am.
Visit our website or on Facebpok ,
426-2776 0 sheltonadventistchurchmm
Lutheran Church
We are Holding Live Services Again Sunday Mornings! g
.; 206 EastWyadotteAvenue wwwmtolivesheltonorg -
Group Bible study w/Discussion: 9:45 am. :
, *We are LlVE on Facebook, Recorded on YouTube
by Theresa Murray
theiesa@masoncounty. com
“For this is how God loved the world: He
gave his one and only Son, so everyone
who believes in him not perish but have
eternallife. God. sent his Son into the
not to judge the but to save the
through him. — John NLT
I know you’ve heard this scripture many
times! John 3: 16 is very popular. But I like
verse 17 too! Jesus didn’t come here to judge
us but to save us! .
He loved us so much He gave His own life
as a sacrifice, taking all of our sins and placing
them on Himself, so that we would be able
to be sinless before God and live With Him
forever. ‘
1 John 4:10 says, “This is real love—~—not that
loved God, but that he loved us and sent his
Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.”
Valentine’s Day was this week. When I was
a little girl, in grade school, our classrooriir
would have Valentine’s Day parties, where we
, “For God so loved the that He gave His only begotten son, that who-
ever believeth- in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” —-]ohn
Shelton presbyterian church
Love God Love People - Serve the World
Worship Service 10 AM
Nursery provided, Sunday School for children
Youth Group, Wednesdays, 6-8 PM (grades 6-12)
Come as ou are. Eve one is welcome here!
www.sheltonpres. org ‘
H il‘ Shelton Springs RLi. l lot! 1 J82 Stein
Pastor Cooper Jensen
Sunday Service 10:00 am.
at Harvest Foursquare Church
910 E. Dearborn Avenue in Shelton
harvest4sq.org 360-426-3305
there5a@masoncount org
gave each other cards and candies.
Do you still do that?
Wéll, it is supposedto be celebrated by
sweethearts as a‘day of love, but it made me
think of Jesus.
You know, He is the greatest gift of love we
could ever have.
John 15:13-14 says that, _“there is no greater
love than to lay down one’s life for one’s
. friends. You are my friends if you do what I
command.” 7
What does He command we do if we love
‘ Him?
“I have loved you even as the Father has
loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey
my commandments, you remain in my love,
just as I obey my Father’s commandments and
remain in his love. I have told you these things
so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your
joy will overflow! This is my commandment:
Love each other in the same way I have loved
you.” John 15:9-12
God IS love! 1 Corinthians 13 is the ‘love
chapter.’ We have looked at those verses
before. They are our spiritual mirrors!
Remember? . ’
So I think we should celebrate the love we
have for Jesus in our hearts EVERY DAY!
Don’t you? I
I think we should thank Him by loving each
other theway He loves us, and obeying His
commandment. Don’t you?
. Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023 — Shelton-Mason County Journal — Page
‘ Bible
W's. :
;"'Streaming Live enfaceboo I,
Sundayl'mornings at 10:90 a;m'..»;
Sunday Worship, 10:003m; Education, 11:15am
Ash Wednesday Worship, 4:00pm and6:009m
Wednesday Worship during Lent, 4:00pm and 6:00pm
Lent Soup supper, 5:00-5:45pm, free will uttering.
Will Preach for Food Podcast
wwwiaith he! n. rg
1212 Connection Street, Shelton o 360.426.8611
Rev. Doug Peterson 0 Rev. Brenda Satrum
Evanelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Check'our Website for Updates!
Live Contemporary Worship
Meets 7pm Saturdays 0 6pm Sundays
2320 Washington St 0 Shelton
And visit 3
"The Rock",?
our nonprofit
thrift store,
located at ,
1209 Olympic
HwyS. ;
Please Check Our
for Updates
1. Is the book of Valentin (KJV) in the Old~ or New
Testament or neither?
2. From 1 John 3:18, “Let us not love in word or talk
but in deed and in Hope, Abundance, Touch,
Truth ‘
3. ln Proverbs 10:12, “Hatred stirreth up strifes:
but love covereth all Sins, Beings, Creation,
Enemies '
4. Which Old Testament book reads like a love
story? Ruth, Daniel, Habakkuk, Song of Solomon
5. Where does one find the phraSe “God is love”?
Genesis, Nehemiah, Hebrews, 1 John
6. From Hebrews 13:4, what is honourable in all?
Love, Trust, Marriage, Worship ’