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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pagngur Daughter Born February First Friends of Mrs. John Robinson, ‘ nee Verna Paton, graduate of Shelton high school, will be glad to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Rob— inson became the parents of a daughter. Mary Ellen, February lst, at Boulder. C010,, where Mr. Robinson is stationed as an En- sign of the U. S. N airy.- Girl Scout Troop 4 Holds Regular Meeting Girl Scout Troop 4 met on Feb- ruary 11. Plans were made for their potluck supper after the business meeting. The. troop now has $12.67 in their treasury. Irene Bailey, Scribe. ATFIRST mom I. use 5 666 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS Annual Dress Making Contest Now Beginning First Prize—A Lover Blanket Second Prize—Silver Tray . Third Prize—9-pc. Luncheon Set RULES . 1—Material I from L. M. and sales Sllp turn- ed in with ‘finished dress. 2—Only amateurs may compete. [ From Bainbridge Island Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Chase and children 'and F. L. Chase were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.‘ Glenn Chase on Tuesday evening. E. M. Chase is Chief Radioman at the U. S. Naval Air Station at Port Blakely on Bainbridge Is-l land and a brother of Glenn and I son of F. L. Chase. Daughter for Broses Captain and Mrs. William R. Brose became the parents of a baby daughter on January 22.: Brose will be remembered. Mrs. I here as LaRose Forquer. Captaln Brose is stationed at the Base Hospital at Fort Rosecranes,_ Calif. ' Shelton Woman’s Club Hears Book Review Mrs. Edwin Lovell gave a very enjoyable review of “The Robe” by Lloyd C. Douglas, at the Mon- iday meeting of the Shelton Wo-‘ man's Club. The group met with .Mrs. Grover Brewster and Mrs. ,l Witsiers was in charge of the pro- gram. .. nQ—u‘umwnuflfl u- :szar-m"? u ~~_—-’- ’6’,—-~-n.-._.~~rf‘ must be purchased Mrs. Bobby Marshall Honored At Shower g‘ Mrs. Bobby Marshall was com- plimented Tuesday evening, when -a group of her friends entertain- ed in her honor at Mrs. Norman Hulbert's home at Camp 3. The party started at 7:30 with most of the Camp ladies attend- ing. The delightful evening was .spent in playing games and a luncheon was served. Honors at the games were won by Mrs. Jud Quartier. Mrs. Marshall’s many lovely gifts were presented in an ador- .able bassinette fashioned of pink and blue crepe paper. iAmerican Legion Auxiliary Serving Service Men : The regular meeting of the Am- erican Legion Auxiliary Tuesday evening revealed how busy the ladies are helping our service ~ men. ! Mrs. Angle reported that she ? received a very splendid response lfrom the request for books which she packed and sent to Alaska for iservice men. The majority of the lbooks, 56, were new, other were Western stories, National Geo- graphic and Esquire. Eighteen pocket editions of' the last novf els were bought with the money donated. On March 3, Marines in the Seattle hospital will receive cig- arettes and. home made candy from the Shelton members. Sunday, February 14, seven la— dies were hostesses at the Olym- pia U.S.O. Club. They were Mrs. Mabel Burke, Mrs. John L. Dot- son, Mrs. Clive Troy, Mrs. W. F. Roberts, Miss Marjorie McLean, Mrs. Warren Earl and Mrs. E. F. Martin. The ladies served tea in the afte'rnoon and two of the la- dies were in great demand to play the pianos. Mrs. Francis Eacrett Entertains Friends Mrs. Francis Eacrett was host- ess to two tables of cards at her lhome last week. Honors went to Mrs. George Gilmore,,Mrs. W. C. . Batchlor and Miss Inga Kristian- son. .. Other guests included Mrs. Wm. M. Dickie, Mrs. Frank Willard, Mrs. Edwin Lovell and Mrs. John L. Dotson. Visit Eells Home Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McLennan of Eva'nston, Illinois and Mr. and iMrs. Elmer McLennan and son, Bruce, of Tacoma, were the houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eells over the week end. 3—No childrens’ dresses accept- able. 4——Materials must cost at least 45¢ per yard. 5——Time extended until March 13. [Entertains Sewing Club : Friday Afternoon i Mrs. Albert Goodwin was host- ‘ess to her Sewing Club at her =was~ spent knitting. Cake and ice cream were served and the host- E ess received many lovely gifts. lhome last Friday. The afternoon, FOR MORE DETAILS COME IN TODAY l , i l “Here’s a piece. Judge. that says that in spite of more cars and faster speeds. the first six years of repeal showed 12% less deaths from automobile accidents than during the last six years of prohibition." “Now doesn’t that just go to show you, Henry. you've got to be on pretty solid ground as far as your facts go before you make an out-and-out prediction. Why. back in the days just before repeal quite a few folks around the country made pretty power- DuBarry Representative I At McConkey Pharmacy This week only, 'Miss Gray, re- presentative for the Richard Huda nut Salon, New York. is giving 3 personal advice to Shelton ladies GIL-131' "blems Oinkm’eare and new .l‘nsl‘ in maintain Gray just retlll‘lMI from New York last month, where she 'spm'lr a month at the DuBal'“). S c ' Salon (m Fifth Avenue the labsl discoveries in. ant); “make-up. Many local who haw; taken the DllB'al'w Success Course will be glad of this opportunity to meet, Mir-.4 Gary. Back At “ork Mrs. Ethel Finite." is hawk 11' Work a ml alter spending a weak in the toi. .. . l Say It ’ v‘l-Ll’l‘ll FLOWERS They Bring Comfort M and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOUQUETS Delivered anywhere, anytime Travis Floral Shop Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 270-W EIIIM r: liquor back. that the votin' ful predictions about how automobile acci- dents were going to jump up it we got legal “About the only thing along that line you’re ever safe in predicting. Henry, is this. No community or county or nation. for that matter. ever became or ever will be- come dry just because it voted that way. All have legal or bootleg liquor. We _had nearly 14 years of experience on that. didn’t we?" \ decides is whether you Conference of Alcoholic Banagc (admits. Inc. 1 Idaughter, Mrs. Donovan Palmer. SHELrQN-Mesou‘covrrr mums; l nan-cm. was: nan-sm- “haven-2m iWedding Rites Performed i On St. Valentine’s Day I A wedding on St. Valentine’s sDay was that of Miss Lela Josep- lhine Windle and Lt. (j.g.) Samuel ' Harris Dinsmore, son of Mrs. Sam .Dinsmore of Olympia, solemnized 1 Sunday afternoon in the Mount .Olive Lutheran Church, at three ,‘o’clock. The altar was decorated ‘with daffodils and greens softly lit with the glow from many white tapers. The Reverend R. C. Muhly offi- ciated and W. R. Dinsmore of Olympia was the best man. Ush- ers were James McComb of Shel- ton and Stanley Borden of Olym- pia. Miss Jane Thompson of Ta- coma accompanied by Mrs. Char— les R. Lewis sang “Because” and “Ave Maria.” The bride, daughter of Mrs. Ed- ward H. Faubert, was given in marriage by Mr. Faubert. She wore a gown of jonquil yellow wool With brown accessories and carried an orchid corsage on her mother’s white prayer book. Miss Joann Faubert, the bride’s sister, was maid of honor, wear- ing a pale blue wool dress, 'trim- med in brown with brown acces- sories. 'Her corsage was formed of pink rose buds and blue iris. Carrying a white taper decorated with pink rose buds and white freesia, Miss Jane McKay lit the tapers. She wore a pink and blue wool dress with blue and brown accessories. Mrs. Dinsmore chose a black dress, a dusty pink hat and black accessories for her son’s marriage. Mrs. Faubert's gown was of wis- teria wool and her accessories black. Each wore a gardenia cor- sage. A reception at the home of the bride’s parents followed. Spring flowers and white tapers were used in the Valentine decorations. On the mantel was a beautiful large heart made of lace doilies and tied with ribbon streamers, which led to dainty little bouquets of flowers. On either side were lighted tapers. . Mrs. John McCall of Olympia and Mrs. George Hibbard of Ta- coma poured, assisted by Mrs. Ev- erett H. Sherk of Olympia and Mrs. T. Wendell Hemphill, aunt of the bride, of Seattle, at the bride’s table, beautifully appoint- ed with lace and silver. Miss Joann aubert was charge of the gu t book. _The bride and groom in tradi- _tional manner, cut‘lthe first slice ‘ of their tiered wedding cake with yellow and pink rose bud decora- tions, with his sword. 0n the tea table was a large floral arrange- ment of spring flowers. For going away the bride wore .l beige crepe dress, brown fur brovm accessories and her ltorsage. They will travel ,1 .. mria. B. C.. for their wed- lg trip. Mrs. Dinsmdre is a graduate of ilm Jig-m high school and has men or ad here at Rayonier illCUlpil'V’r'lii .. The groom. gradu- ate of tile Olympia high school and St Martins College received his Nara? Air Corps training at Pens la, Florida. For the past he has been stationed in Al- in ill. ‘ri. tin-rushed Flying Cross. Alimn: the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Dins- Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. 'son, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kie— lml. Miss/Georgia Wieton, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sherk, Miss Phoebe Sherk, Mr. and'Mrs. A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McCall, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Yelle, Janet and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and son, Mrs. Lee With- row, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lauden, Stanley Borden and Mrs. George Clishe of Olympia. Mrs. T. W. Hemphill and Miss Jeanne Stikney of Seattle, Homer Windle of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. .George Hibberd and Miss Jane iThompson of Tacoma. $103!. “On lReturns to Seattle | After Visit Here ' After spending a week in Shel- ton visiting. her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Lindroth, Mrs. George Bar- ] ber, returned to her home in Seat- tle this Sunday. During Mrs. Barber’s visit here the Lindroth’s entertained for Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McCampbell, new Shelton residents from McCleary and old friends of Mrs. Barber’s and the hosts. Degree of Honor Schedules Meeting The Degree of Honor will meet meeting in the Odd Fellows Hall. I on Tuesday for a regular business Juveniles, D. of H. Plan Luncheon The Juveniles of the Degree of .Honor will enjoy a waffle lunch- leon at the Odd Fellows Hall at {their next regular meeting. Sat- , pImI dy) Morrison of Anchorage, Al— urday, February 27, at 12:30 Visiting Daughter LILLIAN WARREN, ‘i‘Lil‘lc‘oln P.—T.A. Will" ‘ m. recently receiving the Dis- ing. A Silver offering will be tak~ . .mmm:anvuumm¢~amm u- “pawn-Mum” ummwmmram Society Editor PHONE 100 Founder’s Day Program Presented at School The Bordeaux Parent-Teachers Association celebrated the Found- er’s Day at their monthly meeting last Thursday at the Bordeaux school. The meeting was opened by the singing of the “Star Spangled Banner” led by a trio composed of Mrs. Earl Jordan, Mrs. A. L. Fer- werda and Miss Ethel Cochrane, who also sang “Pledge to the Flag” and closed the meeting singing “Dear Land of Home.” A special Founder’s Day play was directed by Mrs. Glen Breits- pecher and cleverly depicted by Mrs. Glenn Edgley, Mrs. Jim Sands, ,Mrs. Myron Lund, Mrs. James Moore, Mrs. Frank Salmi, Mrs. Robt. Miller, Mrs. Ferwerda, Mrs. Jim Simmons, Mrs. Earl Jordan, Mrs. Breitspecher, Mrs. Clarence Grunert, Mrs. Jack Gray and Miss Frances Viducich. “Brains Lullaby” was sung by Mrs. Ferwerda, who also played several marches on her accordion. The members voted to turn the proceeds of their Silver Tea, plan- ned for their next meeting, over to the Red Cross. Mrs. Frank Worden was in charge of the tea assisted by Mrs. Roy Ritner and Mrs. Jack Gray. The Valentine motif was used in the table decorations, with Miss Inga Kristiason and Miss Coch- rane pouring. The special Found- er’s Day cake was decorated in the P.-T.A. colors of blue and yel— low with the dates, 1897 and 1943, on the top. W.C.T.U. Plans Friday Institute The Women’s Christian Tem- perance Union will hold their County Institute this Friday, Feb- ruary 19, in the Baptist church. The meeting will start at 10:30 a. m. with the devotionals being led by Mrs. Roy Eells and Mrs. W. F. Roberts directing the sing- ing. Mrs. Robert C. Johnson, presi- dent, will talk on “Organization Quotes from Frances E. Willard” and Mrs. Walter Elliott, county president, will talk on “Willard Memorial” and “Narcotics.” During the morning and after- noon, department chairmen will give discussions on their respec- tive departments. . The afternoon devotions will be led by Rev. Bovee and Mrs. W. F. Roberts will give the main talk of that session. The special music is in charge of Mrs. Charles Chase and Mrs. Clive Troy will have charge of the dedication of White Ribbon Recruits. A lunch will be served at 12:30 by Mrs. Bovee and Mrs. Lewis Wiley 1. i Hold Founder Day Program I I l J l The principle Lincoln Parent. iTeachers Association meeting of the year “is scheduled for Thurs~ day, February 18, at 3:30 p. m I'm the Lincoln school. , The Founder’s Day program {will be presented at this time. iGuest speaker, Charles R. Lewis, special music and the is llighting ceremony promise , make this a very interesting meet- 8.3"": C en. g Mrs. Winston Scott, chairman gof the Founder Day committee. details for this l l 'complete final special day. Delicious refreshments were served to Mrs.‘ Laurence Munson; ers. George Gilmore, Mrs. Mar- Xvm Carter, Mrs. W. S. Valley, Mrs. J. R. Kieburtz and Mrs. John L. Dotson by the hostess. Mrs. Lee Friend Entortains Thursday Mrs. Lee Friend entertained at her home last Thursday with a birthday party honoring Miss Bes- s1e IWarren. Cards were played during the evening with honors going to Miss Billye Shafer and MISS ILeota Edwards. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Friendship Club Schedules Meeting The Friendship Club will hold their next regular meeting Wed- nesday, February 24 at—the Com: munity Hall. ‘Guild Meeting Held Last Week The St. David’s Guild met with Mrs. Hanson Berg last week for a very nice meeting, a large group being in attendance. MI‘S. Ridley reported on the convention held in Seattle in January. Morrison-Lesh Rites Held, in Anchorage Shelton friends last week re- ceived word of the marriage of Nina Lesh and Preston R. (Pad-' aska, on January 9. The cere- |mony was read by Reverend D. ’Mrs. M. A. Swartz of Portland W. Patterson of Praise Chapel, is visiting this week with her Church of God. g From Renton 1 Mrs. George Storgel and twp jchildren of Renton are visiting lwith Mrs. M. H. Graham. I ‘ Aétivettes Schedule Coming Meeting 2 The Activettes will meet next week with Mrs. R. E. Duckham at 8 p. m. on Tuesday evening. Mary Louis Daniels In Gaping Ceremony Miss Mary Louise Daniels, daughter of Mrs. Walter Daniels, became a full fledged student nurse at Tacoma General hospital Sunday. participating in the Cap- ing Ceremony with 29 other girls. v Mrs. '_ Daniels attended the exercise and the reception which followed. ‘I. From Tacoma. ' Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Erb Of Ta.- i (:Uillz‘l. Visited his sister, MI‘S. F. G. 'Bedell over the week end. E. F. Martin and Mr . . S chnetlan Room of Hoth Cowman. Their witnesses were Mrs. Roy K. Laurie and J. E. Laurie. Mrs. R. E. Duckham Entertains Ladies . ‘JMrs. R. E. Duckham was host-, ess at her home Thursday for a tea party. Her guests were Mrs. J. L. Replinger, Mrs. John Bal- lard, Mrs. Dan McDonnell and Mrs. Jennie Hoag. Attend Seattle Style Show Mrs. Bernice Stewart attended the Annual Charis Opening and Style Show in Seattle -on Tues- day, February 6. Thirty coreset- tieres were in attendance to hear instructive talks and see the new garments. A luncheon was served in the Visit Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Villliam Daniels visited last: week with their daughter,- Mrs. 'B. F. Neely in Cen’tralia. .called a meeting of her commit-r tee‘ last Thursday at her home to i ‘ There was about 50 in attendance. l I l l l . A Lake Isabella Club Holds Regular Meeting The Lake Isabella Club met at the home of Mrs. Vera Hunning- ton last week with Mrs. Ida Downey, hostess. A pot luck lunch was served to 10 members and three visitors, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Wells and Miss Howe. During the business meeting a report on the dance supper was given and five dollars donated to a Seattle Children’s home. The next meeting will be held with Grace Petty with a Guess— What surprise. Each lady is to bring a Spoonful of coffee and her own sugar. Mrs. Butterfield won the pen- ny drill and Mrs. Wells and Miss Howe joined the club at this meet- ing. Arcadia Economic Club Holds Friday Meeting The Arcadia Home Economic Club met last Friday with Mrs. Cleave Robinson with eight pres- ent for the luncheon and after- noon' of quilt tying. The next meeting will be held ’with Mrs. Alonzo Robinson on March 12. Visit Brothers In Seattle Mrs. Vernon Davidson and two sons spent the week end in Seat- tle to visit her two brothers, who will leave for Africa after a short training period. She also visited her sister, just home from Hono- lulu and Mrs. Robert Kettenring,l former Shelton resident. From Issaquah Mr. and Mrs. Dick Booth of Issaquah arrived Sunday for a few day’s visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Booth. Leaves for Texas Mrs. Mary Donaldson and son Buddy left last week for Temple, Texas, where they will join her husband, Lt. Blanton Donaldson, who is stationed at Camp Hood. They plan to make their home there. I l Attend Tacoma Wedding Mrs. Glenn Breltspecher, at- tended the wedding of Jack Tib- bets Saturday in Tacoma. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Dan Tibbets, former Shel- ton residents. Mrs. Breitspecher’s mother and two sons accompanied her to Tacoma. Entertain Group Before Dance Friday evening preceding the Shelton Dancing Club’s monthly dance, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bampton entertained iMr. and Mrs. Winston Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Burgoyne, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Lo- 1 bert Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert McGough. Ruby Rebekahs Hold Meeting " , The Ruby Rebekahs held a reg- ! ular meeting on Friday, February 12 with the new officers presid-; ing. A Valentine party followed? the business meeting. Miss Eliz- abeth Simpson and her mother, Mrs. Johnson, Iwere honored with a"mllsc‘i'=lla'heolts shbwer ‘recciviié many lovely gifts. Refreshments were served. Shelton Women’s Chorus ‘Will Meet on Monday ' The. Shelton Woman’s Chorus: 4‘1 hold their usual meeting on} senior l l Malay {moi-ling at the high school at 7:30 in the music‘ man. All members are urged to. :l? lend. Monday. J. c. CHINZS UP! One way to do this war job, is to- keep morale high—to radiate cour- age and confidence . . . every one of us, all the time. That means keeping well dressed —— but econom- *ically, by planning care- fully, buying qualities that will stand repeated pressings and cleanings. It means shopping where fashions are designed for long range smart- ness. And, that means keeping ‘ our chins up, and saving for War Bonds . . . two arts of-the same job: winning the war! Men! Water Repellent! Poplin Jackets $2.98 New Button Fly Front! Grand protection against show- ers. style»rlght and lightweight! Flap poc gets at a slant, sport back, a ustable side straps. Handsomely styled. Smart for sports! Ideal with Your Sweaters! SPORT SLACKS $5.90 Ugged, smooth 0W weaves in p r i n a Slzlm‘l _’ v~ .l'm' wom- .'r‘:;s:’lll long. I \':ll .u-s! '.}.-P.E.N:NE Y’s w. s. C. s. Holds I Regular Meeting The Women's Society for Chris- tian Service held their regular meeting in the Methodist Church parlors on February 10 at 2 p. m. Mrs. Walter Elliott had chargei of the devotions. Mrs. C. C. Troy; reviewed an article about the Jes- l sie Lee home in Seward, Alaska,‘ a project to which the Society' contributes. Mrs. R. W. Maulden: gave an article on the Cape Code plan dealing with world peace plans. A lovely Valentine tea was serv- ed at the close of the meeting by Mrs. W. A. Brodt and Mrs. W. F. Roberts, hostesses. l Return From Honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Roger Snelgrove. returned Monday from their wed- ' ding trip through California and the southern states. The young couple were married January 3rd. From Seattle Mrs. Virginia Smathers of Se- attle visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wiley on Sunday. Lewis, who had been visiting his grandparents for the past eight weeks returned with his mother. V.F.W. Auxiliary Will Hold Party The V.F.W. Auxiliary will ,cele» brate their 13th anniversary with a birthday party in the Memorial Hall on Friday the 19th at p. m. There will be a regular meeting. Girl Scout Troop 3 Makes Profit at Sale The members of Girl Scout Troop 3 netted $17.00 which will go towards their uniforms, at their candy and hand crocheted Thursday... Estuary 1,8,1 bead sale Saturday at theé‘or Salt store. Anyone wishing to order ‘ F0] in any color should call 49 ‘Ontesano, ————~ taking tl 98 for L in him d Cleanliness - Guarv ~ of Production 8 E I When work clothes are c ed frequently there is ATURES chance f o 1‘ disease ca 11- E dirt to hold up production. only is cleanliness essenti ¢ So health —— throughly laun lze work clothes last longer; look better. Our reliable ‘ hods include treatment I removes all stubborn pa ' of dirt and grime. Stepp production is necessary to to.'/ . . . . clean, heal \ clothed workers are impo to production. 1 Sizr 25 Sizr FIR Mason County St Laundry & Dry Cleaners A TRIAL SIZE BOX 0? new 'FACE POWDER In a choice of six transforming shades including the new Honey Beige and Rose Beige, 3 3o daygeb ntquaintea'supply of this ileum. gossamer-soft face powder...‘ ‘ regularly only in a 32. size. HIS week only, with‘y'our pur- chase of (any DuBarry Beauty Preparation we present a compli- mentary trial box of face powder. So, without extra cost, you may try one of those warm, glowing shades . . try a new glamorous complex- I ion that may be just the lift your PENNEY CO.. INC. M. .H Practical Styles for a New Season! COATS AND SUITS 16- C_lever Sport Suits! Smartly Fitted Reefers! Casual, Boxy Sport Coats! If you must count your dollars . . . you can count on Penney’s fash- ions! Select your spring coat or suit here where you get the best for your money! Smart double [breasted reefers with intricate tucks for precise fit . . boxy, sport casuals to wear over every- thing . . . tailored or dressy suits —-a costume in themselves. 12—20. Conk Pharmacy; spirits need. GfgfudnufSalon Gomulfmzf A representative from the Richard Hudnut» Salon, Fifth Avenue, New York, will be in out Toilet _Goods Section to. advise you. personally on problems of skin Icate and new fashions in make-up. Only during her visit next week can we offer the complimentary box of face powder with your DuBan'y purchase. 5.0 GIRLS’ ,I SPRING stlu CHENILLE COATS '1 I SPREADS . , v Sizes 7 to 14 ‘ Strictly tailored I $6.90 missus: «V, breasted models. Beautiful new patterns ' in all the newest shades for spring. A complete new stock to choose from. ‘— \ WARM KNIT SACQUES Daintily trimmed .......... .. 98¢ BIRDSEYE DIAPERS Soft, absorbent l“... ...... .. 79¢ COTTON CRIB LANKET Jacquard design ......... .. 49¢ ABSORBENT TERRY BIBS Pretty colors. Soft ........ .. 10¢ O KNIT FACE CLOTHS Soft fabric ,. .. . .. 2 for l5c F5‘S‘UPPLIRS‘FFOR ‘ THE“ HOME. FRONT I BUY DEFENSE BONDS AND STAMPS $8.90 cozv BAA-TH BLANKET Absorbent terry l COTTON HOSE Inng! Mercerizsd! . FLANNEL GOWNS Cozy cotton knit! 4. STOCKINETTE WRA PERS. Soft, white 5 BATISTE DRESSES " White. dainty trim