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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1943
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ihu ‘ lary-18,. sisday , February 18, 1943. Kiwanis ified Ads Phone' 100" “ .Continued. on Page Seven) latfly after the war under- 9 the policing, feeding and DPOI‘ting of allied and subjected .ntries and set them on their ract Ma “This the speaker claimed. is on count? the truth that our own country II{bad financial mess with a BEL (mused debt of 300 billions, high I . .es and sadly confused notions ’i 1tS future. There is certainty, according to 'RealE;e Speaker, that the United :4" will never receive any of d Insur "l ‘ end-lease back. and does not BUILDING. Dect it when the war has been 117- He does not believe that good 1, toward us will be improved .1nterference with other coun— ~65 and their political affairs, 6“ We have so far shown no seat ability to treat our 1t.lltional rights and those of the “38. which are steadily being CPOached by laws and by bu- a“Cl‘atie rules beyond the laws, reaching for more powers and 'tty rule. Ehelrend toward business is r0 discouraging as well as in- ‘_ IaWS which are more or less 33. legislation and keep indus- r 111 turmoil in times that call the best efforts of all citizens. PS .’oint ‘ conclusion the speaker urged verY' t_the base of Constitution is .and lVldual rights and every move lices. ake them away should be op- H‘ . less all be lost, even if ‘ War in won. buy Dads. H O M E f ra- Dif- L O A N S arent n of “ms Convenient Terms ‘- Reasonable Rates 3 . O NO DELAY l . ED . ason County Sayings & Loan Association °‘ Title Insurance Bldg. Ids ’ the lar e ’ mi, MILLO S . QUALiTi MARKET .’oint 'liere keep *' GROCERIES FRESH MEATS FRUITS FINEST FOODS. 11:11 3 BEST PRICES HOODSPORT ""1" Hill“ ‘0 e.p1‘0gram in blissful ignorance I own ' ,.°Dle fairly, to respect our Con- . i SALES lN-CREASE l SHOWN BY Gil-0P FOR LAST YEAR l Increase in the total sales of all departments of the Washing- ‘ton Cooperative Egg and Poultry Association from $16,876,430 in 1941 to $25,833,354 in 1942 was shown in the annual report of Harry J. Beernink, general man- ;agvr of the Co-op, presented to [the 23th annual meeting of mem- 'ber.: in Sio‘tlc t week. ‘ \Vhlle every department showed la For“ in producing this total in- izi Collar volume of 53 per cent over the previous year, par- ticularly notable were the increas- es of dehydrated eggs and can— nery sales. Total volume of customer and membership business handled at the Association’s Olympia station Iamounted to $417,423 last year. lTotal patronage returns to mem— lbers in this district amount to $24,728. These are in addition, to the regular payments to members for eggs, poultry and turkeys. ‘ Resolutions Adopted Resolutions adopted at the meet- ling accepted the responsibility of lthe farmer in the war emergency and pledged all-out effort to pro- duce essential foods. They re— quested governmental establish- ment of a revised parity provid- ing for farm labor costs, includ- ing the farmer. and his family, ‘comparfiible to the wages paid in industrial plants. The meeting went strongly on record as favoring “Price levels lfor farm commodities comparable with returns to labor and indus- try without government subsidy.” l“Govcrnm‘ent subsidies, in our .opinion,” stated the resolution, “are entirely impractical and un- necessary in these times of high las ence of government bureaucracies; would add materially to the tax life.«” Truck Operators ‘ Get Instructions have Single truck operators ‘fense Transportation they must keep records of their weekly op— denied gasoline, tires and parts when inspections are made by ODT. H. C. Arnot, regional manager of ODT‘s Division of Motor Trans- port, said that an examination of trucking practices shows that lmany truck operators with single unit certificates of war necessity are failing to record the weekly record of operation on the .back of the certificate as required. The record should include: 1. Number of trips made. 2. Number of miles operated. 3. Units outbound and inbound. 4. Amount of gasoline purchas- ed. 5. Record of tire inspections. , Spaces for this information are [provided on the certificate, Arnot 1 said. ANNUAL MEETING of Stockholders of Mason County Association be held Saturday, February 27, 1943 PF Creamery Will at MEMORIAL BUILDING 10 S Emoms. Freight via Str. PUGE SllUND Cliff Wivell’ TEXAGO Representative in Mason County for elfmpia Oil Wood a. m. 'Eiiiiii BY non FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON eattic Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, N0. 2 Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLAN DER, President REIGHT LES s CERTIFIED same: I. PRODUCTS COMPANY rome- iat is oned med. lirest Dugh lst and Franklin High Grade Fuel and Boise] Oils ‘ PROMPT SERVICE Phone 397 purchasing power; tend to make. the farmer subject to the influ-. burden and are contrary to the: best traditions of American farm . been advised by the Office of De- : ‘crations, otherwise they may be‘ FORMER LUMBER WORKER‘S NOW" ‘ i IN SERVICE MAY GET RELEASE . TO RETURN IF ER 38 YEARS Seattle, Wash—Every enlisted .man in the Army, if still in the ’United States, whose prior em- ployment was in the West Coast llumber industry and who has areached his 38th birthday on or lbefore February 28, 1943, may now be discharged for the pur~ pose of resuming work in the woods or sawmills, the West Coast Lumber-men’s Association announced today. The Army’s program on release of soldiers, aged 38 or over who are compe- tent for war industry employment has been specifically applied to West Coast log and lumber pro- duction through the Corps of En— gineers, the Association stated, in i ‘ urging every timber and mill oper— ator to take advantage of the Army‘s policy. “The Army has decided that {large numbers of enlisted men in the 38-plus age class can give greater service in their civilian trades than in uniform,” the an— ; vnouncement said. “Cooperation by i forestry industry companies and\ ‘by families of soldiers coveredi ‘by the program will be coopera- tion with the Army. It is urged that the following procedure be carefully studied and applied: ' (1) Families of soldiers who [are 38 now, or who will be on} :tFebruary 28, and who were form— , erly employed in log or lumber; production, should consult withl the old employers. The latter may 1 then write the Commanding Offi- cer of the military unit to which the soldier in the case belongs. The letter must refer to the Army procedure published February 6, on discharge of enlisted men for ,employment in an essential in- ldustry; it should cite the lumber industry’s rating by Selective Ser- l lvice as essential; and state that! ithe writer is the former employer of the soldier in question; with :request for discharge for room— ployment in the writer’s opera-’ tion. , V “(2) An original direct signed ioffer from the employer to the former employee, of employment at a stated occupation upon dis- charge from the Army, should be , included. l “(3) Copies of the letter and Ithe offer should be mailed to the ,State Director of the U. S. Em—‘, l . . . l l i l l . l l l ; No. 4088 l SUMMONS FOR. PUBLICATION . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR l MASON COUNTY l Bowden-Gazzam Company, a corpor- ation, Plaintiff, vs. Earl Kent, Adele Kent; Helen Mc- Reavy Andersen. (formerly Helen G. McReavy), John Doe Andersen; Fan- nie D. McReavy. a widow; Joseph E. Morton (also known as Joseph S. Mor- »ton). Jane Doe Morton; Kuett‘s Sportsmen‘s Tavern. Iiic., a corpora— tion; Herman P, Cranier, Jane Doe Cramer; John .V. Cuniber, Jane Doe Camber; Mason County; State of Washington; George E. Bradley, Jane rDoe Bradley; Lizzie B. Couier. John Doe Couier; Charles Fischer, Jane Doe Fischer; Robert Meroign, Jane Doe Meroign: George Reinich, Jane Doe Reinich; George E. Starrett. Jane Doe Starrett; Hugo Peyser, Jane Doe Pey— ser; B. B. Meagh‘er, Jane Doe Meagh— er; Tlios. P. Hannegan. Jane Doe. Hannegan; P. A. Meagher, Jane Roel lVIeaghcr;-Louis R. Flowers, Jane Doe ,Flowers; Warren Carroll; Jane, Doe ‘Carroll; The Unknown heirs of John McReavy. deceased; the unknown i heirs of Fannie D. McRcavy. deceased; the unknown heirs of each of the de— i fendants above named who may be deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title. estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the aniendedi complaint herein, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said Fannie D. McReavy, a widow; , Joseph E. Morton (also known as Joseph S. Moi-Lon), Jane Doe Morton; Herman P. Ci'umcr, Jane Doe Craiiier; John V. Cumber. Jane. Doe Cuniber; George E. Bradley. Jane Doe Brad— ley; . Lizzie B. Couier. John Doe Couier; Charles Fischer, Jane Doe Fischer; Robert Meroign, Jane Doe Meroign; George Reinich. Jane Doe Reinich; George E. Starrett. Jane Doe Starrelt; Hugo Peyser, Jane Doe Pey~ ser; B. B. Meagher, Jane Doe Meag- lier; Thos. P. Hanncgan, Jane. Doe Haimegan; P. A. Mcagher, Jane Roe Meagher, Louis R. Flowers, Jane Doe l l l l l l Flowers; Warren Carroll. Jane Doe Carroll; the unknown heirs of John McReavy, deceased; the unknown heirs of Fannie D. McReavy, deceased; the unknown heirs of each of the defendant's above named who may be deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right. title, estate, lien, or interest in the real estate described in the amended complaint herein. Defendants: RE A i discontinuing CRP ' received ' $74.65 'Januai'y HEREBY SUMMONED to Within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this sum- mons, to-wit: within sixtyv(60) days after the 4th day of February, 1943, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court and an- swer .the amended coiinplaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attor- neys for the plaintiff at their office below stated in Seattle, King County, State of Washington, Mason County being the place designated by the plaintiff as the place of trial of said action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered. against you according to the demandl of the amended complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said court. The obiect of the above entitled action is 0 recover possession of the real property hereinafter described, to quiet title to said property in plaintiff. to remove all clouds from such title. to exclude the defendants (other than the State of Washington) from any interest or lien in said real property, and for general relief, all as more fully appears by the amend— ed complaint on file in said cause. The following is the description of the real property aforesaid: All tide lands of the second class. formerly owned by the State ,of Washington, situate in front of,.ad- Jacent to or abutting upon that por- tion of the Government meander line in front of Government Lot 4. Sec—. tion 32, Township 22 North. Range 3 West, W. M.. extending to the line of extreme low tide, and lying East of the Eastlinc of Seattle Street (also known as Skookum Street) extended North, as said street is designated on the plat of Hood's Canal Land and Improve- ment Co.’s Plan of Union City, ac: cording to the recorded plat thereof in the office of the Auditor for Ma- son, County, .Washington, Volume 1 of Plats, page 9; situated in Mason County. Washington. PRESTON. THORGRIMSON. TURNER. HOROWITZ STEPHAN and THEODORE S. EERNER, Attorneys for Plain- . i . 1411 Fourth Avenue Bldg, Seattle. Washington Phone: MAin 6386 2-4-11-18—25—3—4-11—6t. YOU, and EACH OF YOU, appear l l l A large person needs more Vita- l l min A than a smaller one to pre- lvent nightblindness. :It should be iremembered also that the body does not use carotene, or Vita- min A indirectly obtained, as it does Vitamin A which has been directly obtained. I Attest: SHELTONaMASON ployment Service, with request for assistance in obtaining the dis- .. charge. .. “(4) The West Coast Lumber- men‘s Association, Seattle, Eu— gene and Portland, has been au- ' thorized by the Corps of Engin- eers to represent lumber industry employers in carrying through the Army's program and will be glad to assist any employer in obtain~ ing discharges of qualified sol— diers." ' LEGAL PUBLICATIONS i COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Monday, January 4, 19l3 Board met. Present were R. Ti’e-nck— man. Chairman; Vincent Paul and H. R. Dit" son. Commissioners; and Harry Deyette, Clerk of board, Claims allowed. Copy of Pamphlet No. l, Construc— tion Machinery as Used on Highways, received from Director of Highways, . and filed. Check in the amount of $20660 for equipiiiviit rental from Geo. M. (Iris: dale Construction (30., received and turned over to Treasurer for Road . Dist. 1. Notice, from Dll‘lh'tl)!‘ of Highways that Resolution dated Nov. 5, 1942. discontinuing CRP N0. 17 had been approved, received and filed. Notice from Director of Highways that Resolution dated No. 5, 1942 No. 18 had been approved, received and filed. Notice from Director of Highways that Resolution of Nov. 5, 1942 pro— viding for.the transfer of $15,890.13 from Construction account to Main- tenance account had been approved, and filed. Notice from the Director of ways that Resolution dated Nov. 1942 providing for the transfer of $1,000.00 from construction to C~600 Blanket Authority, received and filed. In the Matter of care of lawn and shrubbcry on Court House it was moved and seconded that con— tract with Frank Tralnoi' for 1943 lor $450.00 be signed. It was Moved mileage of 5c per mile be allowed Harry Hurst for miles travelled with High~ ,. his car for assessing purposes. Car— ried. Board adjourned. Tuesday, January 5, 1943 Board met. all were present. Check in the amount of $5.25 re— ceived from »Cth.I'lP.S T. Wright for stunipage of" Christmas Trees cut on County land. received and turned over to Treasurer. Check in the amount of $18.70 from J. Hofert, stumpage for Christmas Trees cut on county land. received and turned over to Treasurer. Check in the amount of $46.44 from Matson and Carlson for Christmas trees cut on county land, received and turned over to Treasurer. Notice from Liquor Control Board of change of location of'Davis Cafe, Lilliwaup, Washington, received and filed. Claims allowed. Board adjourned. Thursday, January 17, 1913 Board met. All were present. Claims allowed. Auditor‘s count of Treasurer's cash as of December 1, 1942, was examined and approved. Gas tax refund in the amount of from State Auditor was re— ceived and turned over to Treasurer. Remittance in the amount of $8.00 from Geo, R. Taylor, for equipment rental. received and turned over to Treasurer for credit of Road Dist. No. 1. It was 'moved and seconded that bill for 1942 Chevrolet Sedan be accepted from Mel] Chevrolet. and that pur- chase be made accordingly. It was moved and seconded that application for Franchise from USA. Bonneville Power Administration be accepted and that Tuesday. Febru~ arv 23. at 2:00 p. m. at Commissioners‘ office. Court ‘IIouse, Shelton. be des— ignated as the lime and place for hearing on same. Carried. Resolution i'e-cancollation of person-' :11 taxes. . Copy of Attorney General‘s Opin— ions in regards to expenditures for Civilian Defense declaring that funds for such could not legally be bud— geted for and that an emergency could not be gency actually existed. received. In the matter of withholding 5 per— cent Victory Tax. it was moved and seconded that Harry Dcyette. County Auditor, be designated as withholding agent for same. Carried. Board ad ‘oui'ned. .anuury 11, 1943 Board met, albwore present. Claims allowed. Minutes of the. December meetings were read and approved. Minutes of meetings up to the present time were read and approved. Board adjourned. January 11, 1943 The new board met. Present were Vincent E. Paul, R. Trenckniann and H. R. Dickinson, Commissioners, and Harry Dcyctte, Clerk of the Board. It was moved and seconded that H. R. Dickinson be appointed temporary chairman, and it was moved and sec— onded that Vincent E. Paul be up pointed pei'mant chairman. Letter received from Gov, Langley requesting that a local administrator be appointed for the, purpose of mile— age conservation for motor vehicles used in county government. It was moved and seconded that Commissioner H. R. Dickinson be ap- pOlCIlllOd County Administrator, car- rie . It was moved and seconded that A. L. Ward be appointed County Road Engineer, for a term of two years. ending on the second Monday in 1945. at the same salary, Carried. Remittance in the amount of $6.00 from H, E. Baker for equipment rental received and turned over to Treasurer for the credit of Road District No. 1- Pcrniission from W. H. Jones for the location of Observation Post and road thereto. placed within 40 feet of the State Highway, on the SE14 NEIL/L Sec: 20, Twp. 21, R. 2 W. M.. received and filed. I Resolution re Ebthcr Roles appomt- ed acting or temporary Clerk of MH- son County. Bonds of officers for the faithful performances of their duties were ex- amined and approved as follows: R. Trenckniann, c0inniissioncr,. $7500.00; B. Franklin Houston, Pros. Atty., $5.- 000.00; Clare Engelsen, Clerk. $5,000.00: Omci' L, Dion, Treasurer, $75000; Warren Lincoln. Assessor. $1,000.00; E. F. Martin, Sheriff, $5,000.00. Board adjourned. January 18, 1943 Board met, all were present. Claims allowed. Notice~ of designation of depository by Treasurer Dion, was received and filed. x. Letter from Executive Secretary for Washington of W.P.B., advising that Mason County pounds per person per capita, and had therefore been certified for Salvage Pennant, and suggesting that a date be arranged in the near future for the formal presentation of same. received and filed. 1 Letter from War Man Power Com- mission in re. hiring of men without proper certificate of separation from former job. received and filed. esolution re-cmergency. I. was moved and seconded that applications for purchase of Tax Title lands for sale of No. 19 be accepted up to and including Saturday, Janu— ary 30. 1943. Carried. Monday, January 25, 1943 Board met, all were present. Claims allowed. This being the time set for hearing: proposed emergencies, proper notice having been given as appears from affdavit on file. and no one, appear— ing to object, it was Moved and Sec— onded that resolution declaring an emergency be approved. Carried. Board adjourned to meet again Feb— ruary 1, 1943, BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; V. E. PAUL, Ch’airman HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of Board. 2-11‘—‘1t. J. ‘ l Grounds. and Seconded that‘ declared until an emer—. had exceede‘d the 10“. Victory « COUN’J‘Y JOURNAL r tv mvvvw v vmvvaVvv" ,3: Classified Service AAAAAAAA‘AA“AA AAA AGIMA‘ MUSICAL MERCHANDISE ' Pianos, Accordions, Band in- struments, Records, sheet mus- ic, accessories and service. Messingale Music Co. 105 West Heron, Aberdeen Phone Ab. 3025 2-11—«3-4—~4t. CHARIS FASHIONS Correct mo- del selections for your figure. Private personal service at your convenience. Call your local corsetiere for appointment. Ber- nice J. Stewart, phone 372R. 2-4r~2-25——4t. FLOOR SANDER AND EDGER By Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach, Ulcers, In- } digestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample, Udga, at Fir Drug Store. 11-20--2-26~—15t. .FOR FULLER BRUSHES phone 108J Thursday or Friday. J—2—18—1t. v" VVV mvv vvvvv' Lost and Found I ““AAMAAA“4\AAAA “AAA‘ {REWARD for return pair white l skiis. Paris brand with Gerber Brother bindings. Call 571. ‘ K~2-4-18—-3t. LOST: black Cockcr Spaniel, li- cense No. 138. Answers to name of Bosco. Call 1112 Cota St., or phone 129 R. Reward. D—2-4-18—3t. LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN: Reward for information where abouts of 12 tame Mallard ducks, six browu hens, six green headed drakes. Ed Dalby, Water Wheel Place, Union. 2-11-18—2t. |LOST: Sheaffer fountain pen. Name on barrel. Reward for , return. Inquire Journal office. A—2-11-25—3t. roll of linoleum near Lilliwaup. Owner may have by identying and paying for adv. Inquire at Journal office. A—2-18—1t LOST: Wednesday half *grown dog, black and brown markings, white chest, l FOUND: p. m. and 13M evenings. M—2-18—~1t. FOUND: gold wedding ring and I pin on South Sixth Street. In- quire at Mason County Laun- dry. D—2—18—1t. LOST: neighborhood 8th and Co- . ta, white Persian cat. Reward. Call 372R. Bernice Stewart. 2-18~1t. CARE 0w THANKS heartfelt thanks to the many friends and brother members of Local 161 and also to the entire staff of the Shelton General Hos- pital for their assistance and sym- pathy during the illness and death pf our beloved husband and fa- her. 4 Mrs. E. A. Lanell Mrs. Deloris 1. Christian Mr. Orville Huffman CARD 0F THANKS . We wish t0 take this means of expressing our most sincere ap- preciation for the many floral offerings and kindnesses extended us by our neighbors and friends during our bereavement. Axel Willardson and children Mary Way, Mr. and Mrs. C. Way, Mr. and Mrs. S. Way Mr. and Mrs. L. Asche. SHELTON CEMETERY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Shelton Cemetery Association will ‘be held (at Witsier’s Funeral Home, Feb- lruary 23rd, 1943, at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of electing offi- cers and for such other business as may come before the meeting. W. A. Witsiers, president Mrs. Edith F. Mathewson, 2—18—1t. Secretary. NO. 1551 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of iMatilda Olson, Deceased. l Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed and has qualified as administrator with will annexed of the estate of Matilda Olson. deceased; ‘tliat all persons having claims against said deceased are here- by _requ1red to serve the sauna. duly verified, on said administrator or his attorney of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the clerk of said court, together with proof of such service, within six , months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice or the same will be barred. ‘ Date of‘fii‘st publication February 4th. 1943. IDEN M. RASMUSSON, Administrator with ‘will an— nexed of said Estate Address, Odd Fellows Build— ing, Montesano, Washington. A. P. WILSON. Attorney for. Administrator, Odd Fellows Building, Montesano, VVashingtnn.~ 2-4-11-18—3t. l NOTICE OF CLOSING 0F REGISTRATION BOOKS Notice is hereby given that Regis- tration Books will be closed for ori l- l nal registration and transfer of reg s- 'U'litlnn, in all precincts in Mason :County, on and after February 19th. 1943, until March 7th, 1943 (March 6th. 1943, being the date of school leler-tions in all precincts in Mason County). HARRY DEYETTE. Auditor Mason County, \Vasliingion. 2-11~18—-2t. A million and a quarter board feet of llé"x6”, “C and Better" grade of West Coast hemlock flooring was used at the Golden ,Gate International ExpoSition in .‘- San Francisco, 1939-1940. L-.._...H... ._....__.____._._ . __..__._— ___.._._.__ ————_ named Pepper.. Finder please call 262 before 5 ’ We wish to express our most' l CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES I 20 words or less (minimum v charge) 3 weeks $1.00, 1 week 50c. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 3!: per word. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, 75c; original poetry 500 per inch; classified display rates op request. . Advertisements accepted 0 v e r the telephone from phone subscrib‘ I ; ers, Cash should accompany all ' other orders or payment made be— fore the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 i . l l mwwwwwv "'7'" Wanted m‘w“ AAAAA “A A“ WAITRESS WANTED: Apply Wilson’s Cafe. 2-18—-1t. WANTED TO BUY: Standard typewriter or will trade a port— able slightly used. Inquire 404i Fairmont. B—2-18r—1t l l l WANTED: girl or woman to care for 2 year old child. Days only. Inquire 618 Cascade. D-—2—18——1t. l l WANTED: good home for small white, fluffy pup. Female. In- quire Journal, phone 100. WH2-18—1t. WANTED TO BUY: wood circu- lator in good condition. Phone Journal or write stating price, size and location, Box 10, care Journal. A—2-11tf. WANTED: woman to live in home and do general housework. In- quire Journal office. C-2—11-18-25—3t. l l WANTED: woman who can oper- ate linotype machine to workl one or more days a week at Journal Office. 2-11tf. WANTED: experienced lubrica- tion man. Good opportunity and good pay for right man. Large local establishment. Write orl inquire Journal office. I M——2-11—25—3t. WANTED: woman for general] housework, stay nights. No ob-l jections to child. Mrs. Robert Scott, 1 mile from Olympia highway on McCleary cutoff. 2—11-25—3t. WANTED: old records of all kinds. We will pay up to 2c a piece. Shelton Electric Co. 2-11-25—~3t. HELP WANTED: unusual ’oppor- tunity for man or woman to get established in OWn business. Write Mr. Whitnell, 720 .Wash- ington Bldg, Tacoma, Wash. 2-11-18—2t. WIDOWER with completely furn— ished home, refrigerator, elec— tric range, etc., wishes couple, preferable without children to furnish board and room in ex— change for use of home. Write for appointment. W. L. Marble, P. O. Box 37. 2-4-11-18~——3t. ‘WANTED: old piano preferably under52 inches high, also cash for used accordion 48 bass or 80 bass. Give full details. Mes- singale Music Co., Aberdeen. 1-28»-2-28—3t. WANTED: eight inch brass pro- pellor. Delmar Cole, Journal of- fice. 2—18———tf l NOTICE OF CLOSING OF REGISTRATION BOOKS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN .that the registration books in the precincts l of the City of Shelton. Mason County. Washington, will be closed to original registration on and after. February 19th, 1943, until and including Marchi 6th. 1943, the same being the date of the School Election. c Dated this 9th day of February. 1943. JORDAN CLAPPER. Registration Officer City of Shelton. 2-11-18—2t. l No. 1514 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL A C C 0 U N T OF ADMINISTRATOR AND PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT, DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Gust Nordquist, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that C. W. Browner, Administrator of the above entitled estate, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court his final account. report and petition for settlement, distribution and dis- charge, wherein the Court is asked make distribution of the estate and account, report and petition on Sat- urday, the 13th day of March, 1943. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. on said‘day in the Court Room of this Court in the Court House at Shelton. to approve said account and report. m“ Real Estate [FOR SALE: small cabin on Lake FOR SALE; Isabella awaterfront, 3 miles from Shelton on Isabella Valley road. Lights and water. $500 cash. Rt. 3, Box 199A. :R—2-11-18—2t. WANT TO PURCHASE: modern five or six room house near high school. Write box R, care of Journal. R~2-11—25—3t. FOR SALE: 5 room house, 3 lots, well fertilized garden, good fam- ily, place. Six kinds berries, chicken houses, pens for young, chickens, 1,4, mile city limits. City water. $1500 with terms, $1200 cash. Inquire Journal. C——1-21-—tfn. ' FOR SALE 35 acres with 700 feet of water- front, Cabin, good spri-ng, good beach. Priced at $1400.00 Also 4:50 acres of oyster grounds planted with Pacific Oysters. Priced at $350. Can be purchas- ed with the above waterfront property at some reduction in. price. * 3k * 131/; acres of land and water- front on Spencer Lake. Excel-. lent property for summer homes or year around homes. Excellent, buy at $2250 terms, or $2,000 cash. 3!! II: I have instructions to accept sealed bids on the Kaunas property located at 514 Cote. St., directly across from the Lincoln school. 6-room mod— ern home on 60 x 100 lot with garage. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. * * a house with woodshed and, some nice dry wood and excel-- lent garden tract. Terms, one half cash. $850.00. =l< as a: garden tract. Venetian blinds. Mt. View. Terms. $2500.00. =3 * * HERBERT G. ANGLE . No. 1434 NOTICE OF REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Alexander Johnson, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Wm. E, Stevenson. Administrator of the Estate of Alexander Johnson, Dc- ceascd, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court. his Fink] Report and Petition for Distribution, asking the Court to settle such re- port. distribute the property to those thereto entitled and to discharge the Administrator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN. that the said Final Report and Petition for Distribution will be heard on Saturday, the 20m day of March. 1943, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon in the courtroom in the courthouse in Shelton, Washington,‘ Dated this 13th day of February, 19-13. ESTHER ROLES, Acting Clerk CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said Estate, Suite 1, Lumbermen's Bldg.. -1 Shelton, Mason County. V‘Ym‘b‘ngton 2-18-25--3—4-11—-’4t. (SEAL) , . _— I NOTICE OF TEACHEBS’ EXAMINATION An examination in State Manual Will be given in the office of the County Superintendent .of Schools at 10:00 o’clock A. M., March 6. 1943. J. E. MARTIN. 2-11~18-2t. Co. Supt. of Schools No. 1559 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AN!) FILE CLAIMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Emanuel Prouza, Deceased; Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned. W. A. Witsiers, has been appointed and has qualified as Ad— ministrator of the Estate of Emanuel Prouza, Deceased. and that all per- sons having claims against the said Estate or the said Deceased, are hereby required to serve the same in sarywouchers attached upon the said Administrator or his attorney of rec- ord at the addresses hereinbelow giv- en. and file such claims together of the above entitled Court within six months .after the date of the first publication 'of this Notice or said clalms will be forever barred. Date of first publication February 4th. W. A. WITSIERS. Administrator of the Estate of Emanuel Prouza, Deceas- ed. 703 Railroad Avenue. Shelton. Wash. CHAS, R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate. Suite 1. Lumbermen's Bldg., Shelton. Mason County, Washington. 2-4-11-18-25—«1t. 1943. Computed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides are one hour 3: 55 minutes earlier) Washington. lggated this, Gth day of February. ' ESTHER ROLES. Acting Clerk of the Superior _discharge the Administrator. Court for Mason County, Washington NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that , in accordance with an order of the Court made and entered on the 6th day of February. 1943. a. hearing will be had before the Court on said final l ALDEN C. BAYLEY, iAttorney for Administrator, Title Insurance Building, Shelton. Washington. 2-11-18—25-—3—4—4t. IN PROBATE No. 1560 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON . In the .Matter of the Estate of Emil Christensen. Deceased. i Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed and has ualified as administrator, w.w.a. of t e estate of Emil Christensen. De~ ceased; that all persons havings claims against said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the same. duly veri- fied. on said administrator. w.w.a.., or attorney of record at the address I‘below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service ’within six months after the date of first publi- cation of this notice. or the same will be barred. , Date of first publication February 11th, 1943. - JOSEPH MATSEN, Administrator, w.w.a., of said Estate. Address, 1602-5 Smith Towor. Seattle, Wash. JOSEPH .MATSEN, Attorney for Estate. Seattle. Wash. 2-11-18-25~3-Ht. Low 12:31 am. 0:2 ft. Thurs High 7:44 a.m. 14.4 ft. Feb. 18 Low 1:18 p.m. 6.1 ft. High 6:11 p.m. 12.7 ft. Low 1:06 a.m. 0.1 ft. Fri High 8:10 a.m. 14.6 ft. Feb. 19 Low 1:51 p.m. 5.6 ft. High 6:52 p.m. 12.8 ft. Low 1:39 a.m. 0.1 ft. Sat High 8:32 a.m. 14.7 ft. Feb. 20 Low 2:22 p.m. 5.0 ft. High 7:33 p.m. 12.9 ft. Low 2:11 a.m. 0.4 ft. Sun High 8:56 am. 14.8 ft. Feb. 21 Low 2:54 p.m. 4.4 ft.’ High 8:14 p.m. 13.0 ft. Low 2:44 a.m. 0.8 ft. Mon High 9:19 a.m. 14.8 ft. . Feb. 22 Low 3:29 p.m. 3.7 ft. l High 8:58 p.m. 12.9 ft. ‘ Low 3:20 a.m. 1.5 ft. Tues High 9:46 a.m. 14.7 ft. Feb. 23 Low 4:06 p.m. 3.0 ft. High 9:47 p.m. 12.8 ft. Low 3:58 a.m. 2.4 ft. Wed High 10:15 a.m. 14,6 ft. Feb. 24 Low 4:47 p.m. 2.4 ft. High 10:43 p.m. 12.6 ft. 5-room modern home with good‘ Wood cook stove and oil heat-‘ or can be purchased. Located on' HEARING ON FINAL duplicate duly verified with the neoes- . with proof of service with the Clerk Tides of the Week 1 JOURNAL WANT ADS WW. For Sale -A‘““w Gentle Shetland pony, saddle and bridle. Phone 105, evenings 11-F—3. H—2-1lmtfn. FOR SALE: Wood kitchen range, $40.00. Good condition. Inquire 420 Fairmont. C*2—18—1t. SALE: steam engine and boiler. Call after six p. m 599.1. K—2-18—25~3-4——3t FOR SAEE: Gould double action gear water pump and gas en- gine. .Price $50. W. E. Reeves, Grapeview, Wash. 2-18—25--3—4—3t. For: SALE cook stove with coils. New grate. $30.00. Inquire Journal. 2-18-1t. S I N G E R SEWING MACHINE for sale. Good condition, $10.00. Also new Grunow radio, $100.00. Vern Nelson, Union, Wash. l , 2-18—3~4—3t. COAL FOR SALE—:flstock up with fuel now. Prompt delivery. Lump $12.10, range $11.10, stok- er $10.10, $1.00 less per ton in 4 ton lots or more. 90c per sack. Phone 572W. N—2-18--3-18—1M FOR SALE: modern home, 2 years old. 6 rooms, unfinished lip- stairs, oil furnace, fireplace. l Herb River, Southside. Phone 465R. 2-18htfn. FOR SALE: team horses, 1500 apiece, 6 and 7 years old. 3,4 mile south Dayton, J. T. Stev- ens. 2~11~25~—3t. FOR SALE CHEAP: 64 True {De— beehive Magazines. Straight ser- ies. At Rexall Drug Store, cor- ner Second and Railroad. V—2-4-11-18—~3t SPINET PIANO Beautiful case, fine make with bench. Trade taken and terms l arranged. Messingale Music Co. Aberdeen 1-28—~2-28—3t. Shelton prices. Order while available. Range $10.10 tén, Lump $11.10 ton, by load 4 tons or more, delivered. Lesser amounts $1.00 more per ton. By sack, not delivered, 90c. Call 473W. Terms, cash. Also wood at $11 cord. H—1-14--2-14—-1M FOR SALE: grow your own Fil- berts, 21,41 foot to foot trees; O 15c; 3 foot to 5 foot 25c. Log- anberry plants. Herman Dewitz, 10% miles on Allyn road from Shelton, turn south 1 mile to vineyard. 1—8--3-11—10t. ""rvmvv '7." For Rent ‘QAOAAAMMM A“ FOR RENT: two room cabin, partly furnished, kitchen range, bed, etc., lights, water. Wilbur Peterson, Mt. View on High- way. 2-11-1-8~—2t. FOR RENT: apartment, 2 large rooms. .Private bath, electric range and circulator heater. Downtown. See Dick Eddy. v 2-18—1t. FOR RENT: 19 acre farm, clear— ed, electricity, running water, fruit trees, modern house, barn, accomodate '6 cows. Ready by middle April: $25 month. Steady renter only. Mrs. Alvin Butler, Skokomish Valley. 2—18--3-4-——3t vvoov' vvm rvvvvwm' PROFESSlllNAL CARDS vv rvvvvwvvvm Charles T. Wright LAWYER Phone 337 Angle Bldg. Shelton, Washington ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank ,Phone 23 - , Shelton I INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle. Building ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone 565 WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Phone 180 Shelton, Wash. CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton, Washington RICHARD EDDY Licensed Public Accountant Notary Public 3'25 Ralliefld Ave. Phone 115 ! l l.