February 18, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 18, 1965 |
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¢. February 18, 1965
¢-¢ •
SHEJ.TON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in Chr stmastown, U,S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Wouldn't ~ou really rather go first class?
lo tli0rlz .....
8eeYOUr calau cd .,: ......... • ...... ~ ' =
$2.50 costs; Carles Pulsifer, drunk- ense, speeding, $22 for.felt; Larry
enness, $10 forfeit.; Walter J. Hen- IZ~gler, reckless drying, $56 fl~,
ry Jr., drtnlkenness, $]0
forfeit;[ ' e days in jail, license mlspen_-
Clarence Call]son, violation of J ed 60 days; Van Haight. failure ~o..
a.nd $250cos[s.safety .ces,onsibility act, $100 fine ]yield right of .way, $12 forfe!t;
t Steven Johns, over yellow 1Lne, +++
SHELTON POLICE forfeit; Doris J. Stephenson. ex-
I)on Woods reported he had I)ired operator's license, $12 f;lr2
found a gilTs bicycle, tell; James Schraw, speeding,
Harry Coles Jr. reported a fcnd-
er of his car was scratched while
it was pa.rkcd:
Vehicles drix en by Mrs. Vernon
Da:id ~on and Jack-Janccs collid-
ed at Highway 101 near Harvard
Vehicles driven by Earl W.
Hayes attd Ncil Ros'tvold collid-
cd on Cota St. " lock
Mrs. Jint Jackson rcportea a
on her car was jimmied.
Glen sad Vern Stewart reported
someone broke into Western Auto
pa/'ts and that $6.50 was 'taken.
Ralph Robinson reported a car
Ben Briggs reporLcd he saw
somConc siphon]aft gas from a
! neighbor s car.
A call to the Jack Vinzant home
on 7Lh SL. was an:+wcrcd. A wood
sleeve had beconle overheated and
scorehcd the wall behind it. The.
housc is owned by T. W. Westcott,
Damage was about .%15.
Booked aL the Mason County
Sheriff's office durin~ thc past
week were Francis C. Peterson Jr.,
driving while, license suspended;
L~u"l y I'~. Z]e~ ' gle~. ', reekless driv-
An aLLempted break in aL a
cabin at Trallx Elld Lakc was re-
Lynn Elder' reported his cab-
in broken into.
Lloyd Iddings-reported a cabiu
forfeit; Glenn E Wakefield, im-
proper passing no valid vehicle
license displaye~l, $22 forfeit; Ger-
ald G. Hope, exptrcd ope!.ator's l~-
cense, $12 forfeit; Ronalu s~. ,, -
liams, driving while intoxicated,
~llegal POssession of beer, $110
ine, fivc davs ill 1all suspenaea,
" ~° - - " S'
dtlve~ s I , ed 30 da,~
• "~ icense rexok , ,",
Frank Ciecar~ll~ tle~'al possession
.if beet,, $50 fine; Billy L. Kellogg,
loaded llfl or vchicle $17
"" e in mot , '
fine; Charles DePoe, driving while
license ausDended $56 fine, 10
days in Jail; Si¢iney Cookston,
speeding, $3,1 forfeit; Joc E. Cham-
berhn, neglia, ent driving, failure
to keep i•igh~of center line, $50
f01fclt, L e
• "+" eslie Younglov, illegal
p.ossession of intoxicants, $50 for-
ie~t; Louis Joll|ffe, illegal poses-
sion of intoxlcant.~, $50 forfeit
Rutl', l~'. Clark, defective foot
brake, $1:5 forfeit; Gary E. Banl-
I)e]lek S 3(Cdl] ~ o
, ,Ig~, "tg, $1~ forfeit; WiN
liant Shutler, faihn'c to stop wlten
entering arterial, $15 forfeit; John
E. Snlith, defective foot brake, $15
forfeit; L!oyd C. Raymon, speed-
ing, $12 forfeit; Delbcrt Hartwcll
n,) valid license tabs, $12 forfcit
Thomas P. Hanlcy, no valid op-
erator's liccnse, no valid vehicle
license, $22 forfeit; Abraham Edc
t,x(~essi~c uoise, over ecnter line
(h'i\ ind while intoxicated, $78 fine,
t"ive days in jail, license revoked
30 days; Herman Jones, loaded
gun. in auto,~ $25 forfeit; Ronald
Maxwell, fishing game ftsk with-
out license, $15 forfeit.
36 x 66 table with one lear,
ForPnica'top, which is heat.
proof to 275 degrees. Plus
six comfortab)e chairs, with
durable covers and self-lev-
cling legs.
Reg. Valuc $89.95
Supply lhnited
to this model
a _
See our sclcction
of other fine
QuaLity dinettes.
• RotLlld
Rectangular, four,
six or eight chairs
4th & Cota+ Phone 426-4702
, im i . . ii