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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i,: j: i| !'iI [ i~i~ 7; PACE 10 gI-IELTON--MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in ctChr stmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington nur day, February u • • • AKricuitural m_ll ! i i i Output Per Manhour i, y31 percent =m., • = = (m iimti' it ave, 'lg, ' " " ' " " d " n ,lan to mak "l " " l nil , ,s ,f o,, I~thows An Increase ,;f',7 ~l,t "~l:.~*z. I~.-,,,i,z,,,~ Tao~.~ti,,fr IT~,,'a IVltf Iih,,,,.~,. %Vhat wonoertul food. Isn'~ aml Fred Jonnson secon pi - e t leir some nere at g 'a ¢ (augt tc '.. ( ¢ .nt . I .;" '~' ' . . . l__~lSllt, ll..IL~.V~ZrUt,Z~ #-~,~ ..... /'3 ,~.-s~ ..... ,,~aj, this an exceptionally good pot-: ochle, Louise Kasten and Ed Sche- Canal View Terrace. The opel, Word was receiw, d by Paul an0 ] Outl)ut pet' manhour in the pri- in.this see t?r i~ suoJeeL, Unofficial Honor Roll Posted Last Week luck ,,tonight- evenfor Lilli-: her, and Nell Vance, door prize, honse from 4 to 6 p.m. Sllnday af- [Millie Gerl¢ensmeyer of tilt+ biltlll \'ate economy i-creased 3.5 per- sam, to wine annual 11tl W'nLo' Mrs Evelyn Nicholson, hostess ternoon gave neighbors an o{)0Ol'- I of a son to Mr. and Mrs Ernie/ cent last year over the 1961 index ................. By Ltmhz |lath,way I haw" at: least .a "B" average With "L)ici you get some of tile scan for the card party served refresh: tunity to meet Mr• Paulv. -" [ Minor in Seattle Tuesday of last] figlu'e, the Labor Department re- -- . and Lind. Creasey Inn "D" or fmhng grades and must loped oysters?" ments at the close of the evening. Hearts nnd rosos ~ere effocilvo [week. Mr. Minor is the foster son ] portcd. ~1m ~l~wm~] SJHS's l~lazel'S will havc their • ssume the lesponsioility ot get~ ~ ' .......... " ~ mRm vwL-amww~, ................. . - "Mmm This pumpkin pie who We kmw you will like having ly used to e,n.l.~r out th ......... *~.. of the Gcrkensmeyers and b~for0[ Afro's the list. three years the next basketball g'ame in the Shel- ing his report card back to scnooI m~dt it'~ ' anothm of our I ill]wain Potluck ~t ir2~...:..: i ..... '; "F,7 .......... Ihis marriage livecl wHh tholn at] .... ; .~" ~.,~ ~'..' .... .,...{ ':..~ ~.~.. Available toyouwth(ltad' • • ~ . • ~ . t ~ • ~ I " ~.1--. ¥c~1 ~II~IILtT S LII~III(~ O1 Llle at'- " t o , , ~ }_tv~J'a,~%t! l~.~,ll ill t.,tlLpt~.L pr~l' ll#.a~l- ~ .. " . . ton gym tomorrow mght lhe Bla-by an appmlted day lherefore if . • " r " • ,' s " P he ' : . ,~cllptlon, ou! dzag called . .... ........... , -r,~. ] .................... Mls. Gunt¢¢l, how did y m make Recipe,. ty,Pwo huge white hearts trim- ] t ~ Lllliwaup Motel. ] hour m the total prlw~te economy You must lose ugly lat or zers wnl oe conlpeung ag:..s~ ,,~- I a sumen,, naa me, gla(ms ~o oe I this deliehms raspherrg cobbler?" Mrs. E. O (hmRel's Fruit Cohblermed in ted roso~ ,x, mo ,~,,,..~,,~, I MRS. AARO'N sister Mrs. Lois| w"ts 'tbout 3 3'1 her cent Labor lack. No strenuou~ exercise ferson Jllnior High ( f ()lynlpia. on the honor roll bill, aid n )L ' . - " ..... • ....... v ........... ~ . : . . , ...... , r ~ r ' ' • ,lasso e or i'aki lg of so-ca ..... • ........ So ~cnt a sanlplmg of tile con- 1. MelL 1 cube butter ot m,ug-zn the decorations Red ros . - He,ton of Oakland, Cahf., is a vzs-~ S~cretar, W. Wfllard V~n'tz said "' g .. . ' ." .. ." . • ~ ...... . .... Vt'rsatlo:l ] zidag evemng wh~ e a~m ~ m 9 x 3 p n. candies eentezed the table where1tot at t e t .... ~ n an analysis of "l report prepared :,ewing gum ODRINICX is £'rlces are as 1OIlO~,VS a(l Ul.S gel Ins l'e])Ol'l~ card retul'ned on ' i' ," • ' "l ¢ "' ( ' ' 1 a ' . . es aFlo . ' ' h Jolt, hal'( holn~ Mrs • "~ ing can(lies, CI'IICK()FS ol ' ~l; stuaents ,)o C(~ ILS XVI[IIOlll. tinlc, Ills ll~tl/l(.~ WC)UlCI SOL appear . .... '., .................. . • ~ ....... • ' ' " -~-~" ..;" : r,-~ . , '. ' . ~_ ~ ....... I tnosc WhO at~enoeatne monIAlly Z. I~JOOK ~1 cups OI IrlllE %vltn .l. the cake and snarkltnc, red nunc'h ]Aar° sp~nL irom weonesoay u,/ by his department's Bureau of 'et and easily swallowed. l~?t~Jd~ene~,:~;~`~nt?sa~e a~t( ion rne unoltic, ia, honor rou• [potluck slipper given by the Lil- cup sugar• (She used frozen ,'asp- were served q~l;e large~'white"ea,~,e ]Friday it, Seattle and upon her/ ,;,bor Statistics. That was higher, ~,~212~t~I~xiJ"l"oAtjil, g ' -. ~ ~ " ~ P" : ] Otlt of all the students, there Iiwaup Community Chlb ",'am- berries 'tdding just ],~ cup of su- was dee~ rated in red, with ~tames / return trip picked tip her sister] he said, than the l)ostwar average you siml)ly don't lmvo the u Learning to use the),brary,m straight "A" students in the sev- and 'dressin~ to spagi~etti and ter and the fruit on top of the ti/ttl~ay°nazTvhe,°eca/~°n~.'.,vasa was in honor of Mrs. Alice Dor-/ gl?X ef;s?; n.u :,2 ;'.:ttg'tJho ,t Xt 7 nta i~t[~.s~lidd°~i, th~,)GuaR~'~ very lmportanl; all(i..,,.,.,__.a~[uselni as LJaO enth ,rl'ade . . . • . a v ' .~ ~u=,~t~cu oy ~c- [ - , . o ,, . ..... • .............. ~ . lneat bails, it was evident that zt batter. Bake 35-40 minutes in 350 ' " • hon~-'---man s birthday and f[msts were[ her manhour was 2 5 ~)crcont as ttu.n the pae!~age 1o yo}lr 0 m n};hwnim g, adC.wozamg .... onf Sa~'~re'f~n'u)ng Itnc aorar5 te~u~ I Tilt, total number of studentsr. , w,,s no time or place to be on a re-, degree oven Fresh or canned°~YeWe?thm/ .... S[taken to the Shelton Hotel for] ;;gainst' an increase" " of ,[ little' ' gi'::n:~¢e~lUno~}~E~a%" " " ' ' ; • --, , - ..., ~ ...... t ..... I on the unofficial honor roll is 1,)4. t ducing diet It was too much fruit may be used adjusting su- ~.., .........1".. I hmcheon Those attending and en-| more than three -ereent for the this guarantee by• pl~ep~re~,t~y ~21ss ~;:l- 7:::~,:,-.~:.., i Of tilo~;e 42 are in the seventh] fun not only g'ettting acquainted gar accordingly and pouring offM~s:u~lltil2 A~lle M-a~r2ern°n°~n were ]Joying a visit in the r hostess'] last five years an~ well over 3 5 lCrERG~E~N.I)RU6 ~ ~. ~ ~" "~':'? .... ~ %- ~ ~ t grade 52 in tim eighth and 60] with the neighbors but with then' some of the hquid if fresh fmut~-~,~'-~ .....~..~"~ ~..~.~ ..... ....~'~o, ..~ ..... :: ~newly redecorated, home with its[ percent for the past three years Mail Orders Filled ~!~C~!ttt:s°ircii~~ i~;~oh~;!ieb~r;~il; in L;t~sftI~tni~];I~ put on a ] veAYfbestig~urmJ:d'~lh::~ed away giveh~N'~lt~h's DAY was chos- tMe~:ke' the honor g,~uest an~t'~;s~- ]cb~ua(~e!~f~tlea~]eq~leoff~rn~h~]gd~ M)~,/ .... ~, on ains"158 spring play entitled "Do You land washed by vohmteers, the en by hostesses, Mrs. James D. 'GEOROE Washi "on's .... IKate Burke Shelton; Mrs. N.J.L - , finis!},th_e t.est_, which c t . ' . Trust Your Boy Friend ?", a three ~ monthly business' session of the Reeder and Mrs. Harry J Pozor- d ............... ~ng.t~ ..... ~r~n~ / Sceva Mrs Lester L. Ager, Mrs ] ~C~EYI~P0~T~ C0.,~ pOSSlOle IMJInLS• ' .) . • f~J a~.~lt,Jak, alAll.~ UIULI~At~, LO JIIIIIU Vunior hi,~h students ,.loused]act comedy by I aul S McCoy./club was hehl with the president,strz. as a perfect time for an m- the ~,ortrait of our fit st "uesident[Francm Akers, Mrs. John Short-] ,,,~,,,~ tho ~mnin hullelin~ boi~:d ]The first turnout was Tuesday. [ Mrs. Evelyn Nicholson, presiding, formal neighborhood reception at ; tllatVl~an¢~s o' ~h- ~nli in~th~ rn [ sleeves, Mrs. William Gilbert, Mrs.[ , . , , , , i • I , a , , . , 0 ! as he t t' offi'ci l" honor ron was [ Croons were heard from some [. tables w%o •in play .at the Reeder home hon%ing a b) !de [liwaup Post 5f fice '}'t was'a g lft] Rfibert L. Ro_we ,M!'s. F 'anl eS.| .... posted Feb. 11.. To get on the un- t ninth graders as they receiveS] ~ne pmocnle game, las~ ot a serms ana groom, mr. ana mrs. Ar~nur to the office from Mr and Mrs /mmntyre, ~vLr~. ~.~LIW~LI'(_I .["A. d "| • ( 1 ' student mnst their individual icturestaken of five pinochle parties given by Pauly. Mrs. Pauly the fozmer Russell Smith of Lilliwan'- ~ "" '| ner and Mrs T. Bryan Miles. | official honor I)l,a . , P v ,, allS, • ' e - [i!!;!iii!;i~ii~i~?.i::.::::..,. :~::~:~:~:~;.::~::~:.:~:~:~:.i:;~[~i~:~:~i~i::{~;:i~i~?~i~i~iii:~i~:~ .............. ]onrliof ir the~year One of thelthe clnb Prizes were. awardcd to Mrs HelenR. Cool,. becamethe[,.t,~ ur,ro t~ld hv ~,~,m..¢a. W.;,t. ] Mr. and MIs. Paul Gelkensm y J (m I I oo,~es from the re'nun of pictures t Mrs. Mattm Bacldund and Bryan bride of the Spokane man m Mos-IEvans This n~rtic-l-,, nai~ .... f [ er wez e droner guests Friday exe | | ........... |] ~,iil "t)e affixed tonext year's high ] Miles, first; Mrs Charles Diesen cow, Ida Feb 3 and the couple [ Geor~,e Was~'n~t~n -was "th~'%n'e [ ning at the Lilliwaup .F.aHs home[ I HOm~~~~~~AL I' ~a:~i~/ SHELTON H~fiH SCHOOL rtEW~ i ~i2ii!i~ihreoO!~/~e ~.i~~~i~:i," " ~ of Mr and Mrs rr.ussen bmitn, ii !i i!i!ii:~i i~i!iiii:: ~I! I: ~I! ~ ii i!i!~ ' ~ • • " • , " They spent a c p ~ "g . ' :::i:.ii::::i::::!i::.:::::::i::ii::i::i:::i!~:: ':~:::i:=::::!iii~iiii':i~!:ii::)~i~i ii:i: , ~:::, ili i: ::i : :iii!iii:::i::ii~i!:~ I uvn~m~m~m~ ]/rooms. The class, consmtmg of all] Band And Choir Members Partncipate ]hi I mado by Gilbert Stuart, of the~ Mr and Mrs Ole Knutsen (Mrs/ ] Union ]1 b°Y~iy1~2ylPet;t~ f:t he [o°rLTitle] Solo And Ensemble Contest In Seattle [" thuerO OeUrinCt°Ue t . to learn] K.nesen was, a hiagn d n donated recordin s of ' . . ot mrs. l~ees~, ' .................... | | Comps y ... g .| ~ ~.,n,~. vem~,, ]wit n n 47 /more of this picture with its In-/,.Hh nt or friends in Seattle. in/ .. • .~, ..... , ............ h , sc_re of _-45. , ....... h.. . .. I ", a-uarters I I the I~n!ted States.Consu~uuon anal Last Saturday members of the] The CUmbers met East Brem-[ complete background. Its massive,] addition to a vmit with their| | a~v..~ a2.~*~2 |I the fit~t o!~ l~gnt:~o the elgn~_~] Shelton High School band and]et¢0n last Tuesday in the Shelton] sphinxlike dignity and strength_| daughter. They drove to Stanwood[ zor ~ a y I/g' ~ _ ..... .........~'g~, ;h~¢[ choir, accompanied by their direc- | gym, and will meet Port Angeles,/suggest Wasnjngpn's qualities or| one day to see Oran s sister. / Marine I'roducts I/ses. ~ome % t~e s tuu_c~,~=CZ~- 7.-:.~-] tors Gary Nicloy and William P.I in Shelton this Coming Saturday] .madersnip, ~u~ no~ so n mcn of the| Mrs Lee reports that she is] | ' |~ ~:nt~ra:vS:nmPm%rear~;a~gfu~'~()] Will'iams, attended the Solo and I night, A large crowd should pack ~ ~zo~ qua~iotli~is rwnicn enaeared/recovering nicely from the bad| | |] __'~ " ] Ensemble contest at Foster High] the gym for this crucial and exc|t-ns s ~ .e s. . ] fall and back injury she exper- I | . |~~.~ . |~ ~nem, | School in Seattle. ling game. [. Gilbert Stuar~ was 1755[ ienced the latter part of January, ~ 1 mm~m~V~mm~m~v l/ --------------'---'--------- / ............ / / tn ~noae lslanG, when ne was/ , .... '-- -----U,ed over backwards[ I . nnnvnnanM. Forest Servuce Moves/who participated and their rat-/ ..... - .................. _ 120 he went to London: married an/ from a neighbor's bulkhead, 'l I ~V/~V~II~ |] _ /..~.= ~.,~ from r Ihi~h~l ,:ngusnwoman an, oecame suc-/ A visit with Tacoma relatives I cessful. He lived on a lavi 1 .calf . le ' ' ' ............................................................................................................ ~ ..... " ~ TO 0] m |a to iii are as follows: Saxophone • • was enjoyed on Va ntmes Day ::~ ................. ........ ........................................... ~ • h R,chardso y P w ch brought h,m into debt. He 'nso i; ~.~ . I! mnn m t¢lcnarason, a~,. ~a ~I ~o. ~Zo,~,, ~ell and Donna Evan/ ~Im n ~u~ returned to Philadelphia and Bos-t _ ~., ~, Tack Catto who] ~~~ Evlnrude & Home te l/ .............. s_n.IQuartet, RossRobb, PamBoard-lt. l ]by Mrs. Frank obt n and hg i i: i!il Ran """ ...... ~ "~ ' ' or oaug.~er, ,,.rs. o , . ~:~--~--~ | || ranger on the Drews Valley "[ .o+i~e~ TT. g~ ...... hon~ solo Perr''] ton and became popular as a p -[ ......... home ..... s"1 ~~t~ n . nnaT_¢. ||ger District of the Fremont Na-| S~et~, ~:ati~g'IlVplus; S~op'h0n~{ FROM OUR READERS trait painter and in social life• HeI ~a~i2j2ne:s:n~ Y;~n Dr anal ~rs't ~~ | ~v~|~ |] tional Forest,.La[!eview, will as-[ solo, Pam Boardmazl, rating II'[ died. in 1828.. . - .~ Mack Knutsezz and children, Cari] | /| Sllnle new ~lu£1es Feb. 2~ as Utlll-| ~.~ __,_ ~:^u....a ~=~ .... *z--~/'~==================~*'~° TnlS por~rai~ was mane aoou~ _ .. also -' r] ~~'" • ' i ' ,_,rum SO, t*, r~*u~*t~xu r~,~t=, ~aL*~ an(1 r~aren were . alnne --~-- | Sabrecratt Glastron|| zatlon and marketing spec al.lst ] III; (note•Mrs Dexter Edge ae-|EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS three years before Washington'st .~ ests of 'the Roblnsons Tt~e[ ~'~1~ J / n.._ ~.--..~t_l.~-- // for the Pacific Northwest Region I . Y'7 Palm Boardman andI EXPRESS APPRECIATION death and Stuart reported he had[ ~-" L ~ on in law' andl ~~ ~ | DON~OI! VYll~tl~r ||of the U.S. Forest Selwice. | compameo | Shelton Mason Count-" Jonrnal great difficulty in getting Wash-| ~nu~Seen2 tI'MlSs C-~tto In thel I Old Town I/ Although assigned to the Reg-I ...................... | ........ , mgton to relax naturally. He suc-I n?tor~mnn their made a c'dl at th;I ,orrec~ t;raf l/.............. ' ....... " " '1 ' "s II lus" St ve/ ........................ ~ ........ 'I home of Mrs. Robinson's son, Pier--j ~= _~-~__--__~===__~==~-~ _.~-- __=~------~ _~====~ / (; ~ w'll work out of Olvm nc National Madrigal Sin g~,: . p~ .~ . e This past Year has been a satin- horses and farmin . Stuart made • • 1 I ~ g ont, and ins wife Jean Forest headqnarte~:s at Olympia,]Archer ( ~olo), .; ~aroara] lying one to the people helping at least 40 paintings of Washing-'p ' " " ~---- . TRARERS - H~,oMr:s~Sehr?ll~IAc~ ] ~s~]3~ II~?'°) II, Lesne ~urra~/ the r~toaf:t~d ~iledT~a;~r; z:f ~e to~ :o~Pt :ehveetO[igcm~le:foth~? I Taste ?... .... liygohut~ee IPrice ?..leadmI g ~ha, | |] of Richardson s work will bo with]The contestants were generally[ Washingtofl Association For Re-incom--lete back-round is ex:'lain| ' '1 n ~J state and pnv,~te freest land manes ratted on the basis of tone, inton-| tarded Children has grown in size ed b~~ the artisSt's nreoccu~)~tion Iaftern°°n'- ....... .I ~¢v~ ^ -- ~ , / Holselaw -, "' ' '' " . " . - " ~" ' ~" mr ana mrs. uon WeDD ana x-a.~ ............. ~yearsold . agers, arson, techmque (breath,ng, rythm| and st,trite a~d has completed with the subject and lack of pa2t,~..o oe Eldon ~n,ovo~l I $~95 $~ Little Dude Richardson first worked for thetc.), interpretation (expression,[ many worth.wn.ile projects: ~eco.g- tience in filling in background de-I a~'da.,'in'~Ol'vm'uia" recentl'~as "t{~e ] v'~_____~O ' ] '~m#4"7~'~T.: ! ||Forest Service in California in I phrasing style, tempo), musical/ n!}ton a~ tnl~ ~s evmence.~ .oy me tails | ..... f= ,~f ~.~r~ nnd Mrs~. Franl~] rrooI.q,: ........ 86.8Proof [ | Bank Terms Available |11950. Die also has worked in pz%] effect (artistry, fluency, etc.),| ckatton given .oy tne ~SSls~ant ~:o Lilliwaup friends were saddened] ~o~rris .......... -] • ndustt and fo~ the state of memorizin a earauce, choice of[ the Presiden~ of the unl~ea ~ates, . .........~.^ ~ ............... I"~ • ~ - | ..... [Iv~te i • "Y ' " "'" . :l g PP .......... ........ ~u ,~r. u~ u,e u~u~ ,a~ ~,rm~y I On the hostess luncheon com-I T -- -- / upen Tuesaay Enru ItNew Jersey Before moving tO|music stage presence. |~ta~zora w, arren ~ne reques~ ~y of Mrs Mabel Cora Babington,] • ~' '-. ............. -- -- L.~keviev¢ in 1963, Richardson ' . •. ~.the offlcersof }he W.A.R.C. ,to former'Canal resident o~ Tritot~ln~t.teef°~'~th~en~ee~ngth~s:hurs~l 1~ | Saturday IIworked ~'or lhree years on tn~.] The Shelton High School wrest-[ not% tnelr~arcn o oars meeting Cove Services were held in Ren-I ;,~.~"~:'~:i,,,*::~':n~=mhers: Mes~-I ~. -- --- -..~. ........ |1Beat" Valley Runner District of the] ling team members participated] in lvtason uounty, tne special m- ..._ "o_....~., **.. ~...~.+.../"~. .... "2 "-'; ..... 2-~v. -'~ ~ -." .. / 1~ ~ l~I I lr -It lIIF-I~Ir i-I " "" ' ~' • " ~ " ~ " 1 um ~uu~ua3, ~,~t'~. a.~wa**~u., clames ~ester L. Ager, ~arl nan- D~, QoQ ,~,)~,~ |lM',lheltr Nttional Fore. t. .~ttn a district match, this last -t " WhO was 76 -ears old had moved ] ........... 71 |~,n ~a~ n~| ~ n |~ 4H" n "m mr s He is Sat terest shown by the local sehoo a as.o~o-~o~ ...... administration and the wonderful ~ , sen an, Mantle l~acKluna. 'lne ' | [] a forestry graduate of New York] urday at East Bremerton. Shel- ] . '- '. - • with her husband to Renton about ] luncheon follows the 11 a m btls~-] ~" ~~ ~-~ VJt~ ~ V[ ..| / State University. _ ] ton won the match,, with six firsttl baccep[ance^anath ...... al ublic.asslsm~ce g~ven three y.ears ago. ......, ] iness meeting and after luncheonnl CANADIAN WHISKY [places and foul thirdS.` The .boys] y s. P ...... She zs survived by' her husband, Imembers and guests will hear al who won the first place ~itle~ In revmwing some oz our tin- ~zo,,l~, M Babin~on and a dau~-h~ .... k ........ -- | ...... ;"- :'-" Thom"son ~ ancin~ "ro~ects the Exce'-tional ..... : "_ ""=_' _ . 2 "I ~rave~ tal Dy mrs. ~rcnle ~a|a-] However you set your standards...MacNaughton meets / were r~oo mm~, ouu P , ~ v • -- .. v -- ter Mrs (3eorge unurcn, ana tWOl hail / "---- | Larry Ewing, Dar0n Taylor SteveForesters Auction, ~ne. 1964 ~'al- , ...... o ......... , - , ..... ______~ / 1~ ~ellstrom and Tom, . "l]~owe. The con the Cotton Oandy~ ,Booth, the four boys, who Will act as alter-Christmas Tree ' Sale," " the Rum- nates are Steve DoughbOy, Dave mage Sale and etc., 4t: is easy to Dethlefs, Ed Lathem, . ~nd Dan see that with0ht the help "and co- Barrom. ~ . operation of a great number of • The matmen~Wit~ .d~t part!ci- friends, none of these would be pate in the district i':~layoff~ at possible, The Washington Assoc-" Puyallup beginning Feb. 20. • iatlon for Retarded Childrerl, Ma- son County chapter, and the ,Ex. IIII III IIII I I I II I _ OB, ONE OF TEN III I IIII IIIII I I I IIIIIII JUST DRAW YOUR DREAM HOME Then send it inl Contest is open to Northwest resl. dents 18 years of age or older. Easy to enterl Nothing to buyl Mail. the coupon below for your contest rules and entry form . (C0ntest closes April 30.) Building Dream Houses... That's Our Businessl Let us estimate the cost of building your own design on your lot. OR, choose from more than two dozen available plans (each offering unlimited varhttons). If you wish, we'll even make all the necessary finan- cial arrangements. In many cases, your lot is down payment. MAIL TODAY m m mmmm mm mm m--m, m m ( ) Please send DRAW YOUR DREAM HOUSE contest rules end enW Name Address Ci~/ , ( ) I h~vo, or will have, ct0ar doed to s lot, and would like your 42-page booklot of sample houso plans and pricos. LUMBER and | HARDWARE [] exclu-ive builders of CASCADE quality HOMES 8105 Highway 21, Bremerton ESsex 3-5001 mmmmmmmmmmmm F;. ~ -,,,,-~*,o,':: o; the ~halton ceptional Foresters feel it is very "~ ':'~".'~?., --•-. ~ ~--~ fitting therefore, that we ack- High Scnoot ulrls A~nietlc.~s- ' -. - -- ,-- • nowledge this Dy saying Tlmnk soclation traveled to Port ToWn- .. ~ -'I" * ...... -^-~ "-'"-~-'" ^ccom"anied ¢"" I xou, one • aria tu w ~noso WhO ........ ank ""ill Ihave done so much for us and lnelr ,,visor, Mrs. v'r w a '[ *,, ~ ,~,,~-=, have dOne so '~"~h to participate with Forks, .Chilli,-I~.~- _... ..... -'- Scum Port Angeles and l~ortl~or retaraeo ~** .... ~a~f - i Townsend high schools in a dist*J We would bee g :~ul, Bill, ~if: rict playday. The girls were ;dli~-.l.You would ace ~.2~?eresp.ons~,~ ided up into teams to :compete:/~mW oz passm~ ~ ~ ~an~ xou against one another plaY~!~ ~tng~I mes~ge to .the__ isP~OaPl:uec~t M~n pong, volley ball, basketball and{Y.?unty::ror,tn~r all o~l~vC)a'-?lace in relays• The girls also play a]ill'our nep.r~s~ extr~.~2y~u at the fierce ~,.m~ .e ,,h,~,~ha~r]m~nt" in I journa!, ~9r u*~= . ~ ~iI~1 con- ............ ' ' ve h which ~hey hurlJ"fleeee balls a't] sidera~e!:.Y.°u na n2 'vn for re- [ tarded~ cntloren, e think it one .,another in an effort to "elim- inate' the members of their op- Would be fitting and desirable for ponent's team, you to do so. Most sincerely, ~ • * THE SHELTON High School Ray Spilseth ~ ; German Club will be initiating new~ : President WARC members at the end of the third quarter. The club is still selling Bob Kirnb~l their cookbooks at a price of 50 THAT WHITE 'I~NE cents, rather than the 75 cents My niece and 'I were taking a which was previously stated The 10ng drive out in th'e counti, y~a books are_ considered to be very exceptional, and,are selling well,gy,the nightand sheWaSsa!d~a'rK"I&ndamVeryso gladfdg" REPRESENTATIVES of the for that white line in the middle American Field Bervlce mpeaker~ of the road. ,, Committee were named last week• And I said, yes, there's that g _th_ The speakers include Reid Prep- white line in many thin s in e pernau, Duane Fagergren~ Pare world." And my niece thought that Miiner, Joan Quimby0 Lane Premo, Would be a good idea for a letter. and Larry Powell. The speakers In the roadway of life there are Will accompany our foreign stu- two lanes, whichever way they dent, Marit Vaula, when she speaks to various Shelton clubs, in the near future, and will ex- plain the origin and purpose of the A.F.S. project to newer cinbs. Clyde Ruddell and Mary Lou Ran kowicz are acting as the faculty advisors. , $ * Approximately 45 Shelton High School students participated in the Young Life ski trip which was held last weekend at the Paradise Ski area in Mt. Rainier National Park. The students left Shelton at about 5 p.m. Friday and re- turned Sunday• The group was accompanied by Gery Nunnelee, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Morgus, and Mr. and Mrs. Munson of Tacoma. The group was entertained by sev- eral musical groups, and invited several guest speakers. The guests included Jim Orr and Larry Dean of t]~e University of Washington and two leaders, from the ~outh Kitsap ~/oun:7 Life group and Olympic College. THE SHEL]~Q" HIGH school basketball team battled South Kit- sap, to a 51-45 victory, in Shelton last Friday night, only to be beat- en by Central Kttsap in Silverdale on the following Saturday nLght may lead with the dividing white 1L, ie between. These lan_es might be called safety and danger. If we Stay on the safety lane, that is on Christ's side of the line, we are safe, but it we slip over that dividing line we might escape within a hair's breath, and we should thank God for another chance whatever it may be. Sometimes we might get too far over the line and aro badly hurt and so we may bear the scars for the rest of our lives• Also we may take someone else with us on the danger lane, and both of us get hurt so severely that there may not be another chance for either of us. We might think we are strong enough to get on the safety lane any time we want to, but Satin has us fooled. Only by calling on Jesus Christ will we have deliverance, and get back on the safety side of the white line. We cannot pull ourselves out of the mud by our own bootstraps. Psalms 46.1--God is our ref- uge and strength; a very present help in trouble. Evelene Farrell (obviously,) i'¸ .~.. Sdte we'~e proud that Mercury wss nsmed the best of the new cars-- after (our months snd 4000 miles of testing by the Editors of CAR LIFE Magazine. But. This coveted award wasn't exactly a surprise. It just confirms what ssles fiJ(ures (pariicularly here in the West) have already established.., that Mercury hss the styling, the performance snd comfort to make it the year's outstandi,g value. Awards are nice. Especially this one--which is considered the plum. But if you reslly want to be impressed, come in and slip behind ths wheel ef one of our ma~nlficeni new Mercurys. Go cruising a few miles. When you return, we think you'll agree -- it just doesn't make much sense to spend $3000 for anytlfing less. 501 Railroad Ave. Shelton, Wash,