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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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o l ebruary 1965 To The COST HEART People a dog is a joy, man's best: friend, ABOUT FINANCING NFW CIIUilCIIEN What is a Church ? What is it that we want to one family in She!,, week the Word "dog frown, a sigh and a cer- of heartache. The near one of the Schools and dogs arc Sight. Not all of the license tags, some are many very thin. family learned to quic- these dogs away and them or give a hand- HELTON---MAgON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Chr stmastown, Shelton, Washington PA E 11 [into lhcir immes, slmred their very oflen. Thanks so much for Carl Riley's for a turkey dinner, temperatm'es from zero to plus 20 [ of Kodiak with a plus 16 degree ture-mo commercials, so I don't food. prolcchM ns. cared for ns your supporl "rod confideace. \Ve drove over in stmshine with degrees with nippy days and realI and the traditional sunny day. [ have to wonder which soap or ctg- Stephie "rod I have been read- arette to buy. beloved pet was once wanderers from a ear left to shift for Problem of what COuldn't keep problem to find out be found that it, or any, de- Sincercly Thca Moisio-Saeger Peace Corps 11n(i nl:lde us feel at home. It's almost unbelicvable that a whole country of people could he ihis build? \Vhen we say we need a new cimrciL is it only a larger and more lmautiful way. In ihe 1LS. if a stranger of allother skin color and speaking a strange language came into a tox~ql and slniled at people as he walked down the slreet he'd be stared at, frowned upon. or snub- bed, and only one or two wollld offcr him their honles. \Vo C}lll learn so nllleh from lhc Filipinos. ~-M anolo Fo."tich l~uhidron, Philippines MORE FIIOM Till,,' FAIl NOIVI'll AND NEEI)IIA1TI,~ Hello: I,hom away IIt) nor[]l on Kodiak. truly n:mwd tile "suashinc island" of Alaska. Please say hello to She!ton for me. I think of my friends there huilding we ............................................................................. need? If we raise enollgll nloncy to buiht lhe entire structure, will we have succeeded in fulfilling tile needs of o/ir nhqllbt?rs /lnd our colnnlllnity 9 Strangclv cnollg'h, the ariH\vel's to these qxtestions will be revealed in ttle spirit in which we give dur- ing our Finance Crusade. If we want to build cauliously and spar- inoly, one mlit at a time we will give cautiously---spnringly. If we catch fire and give generously--- with the same abandon tllat we ignored him for buy gifts for the children at was almost too Christmas time, we will be. able chased and so to build the entire church, here Still cowere, at and now, and enjoy it with our They took children. years ago and the And if we do succeed in rcaeh- e ignored since then ing the goal of the Financial Cru- that seemed vic- sade and are able to build the in to be "put to entire church, what then? We come back to the question: "What ~ily is harbor- is a church?" Is it just a build- that seemed ing? In the narrow sense of the :han most be- word, it is, but in the wider sense hounded by it is tile whole body of Christians came to the win- who worship together. Even with Yes smiled; some a beautiful church building we quite charming, will not have fulfilled our mission pleading to be until the church is given life and o much. The Doe heart and spirit through your life to pet and talk and mine. the dog al- Let us start now, while we are and shivered on working hard together toward a In a few days common goal to so reflect God's way into the love that we will be renewed in of the whole spirit and will continue to serve him in joy and gladness. It is such a sptrit that will transform a building into a temple. God has no hands bnt ours. Name Awfilable on Request that no much less one reed and a fe- matter that and the ever had seen--. even see her. dog or they ~ing dogs out mere men- ed a hmg tirade in Shelton. with an of- current boarder was "lost" but "dumped". the Doe's were .'ary. The neigh- I discovered the her charms and and loud- N[rs. Doe and hopes forget the and sleep own small Scarred from that have yard and those who technically to their own Doe as she away and one who a happy so- as the days to the Does the street. mentioned that her for health on the phone. death is not many rea- ct that such come by of mentioned. doesn't it ? is repeated Small town. three as many aware of neigh- a problem r the dog Children and of the dan- being bit- on the school , but one that :. If the Own- a light skift of snow ~,e-inch deep icy ~oa(t.< during tile day with drifts up toOur water supply was becom- ink of your real snowy weather-- Last night our menu was King four inches; IL strong wind with ing of seine concern lo otlr holler- nice for lhe sldiers and sled-run- crab tails, similar in taste to the tenlperaturcof -8 degrees, ollr able mayor, Pete Dcveall wilh no nets. You could have llsed all tender part of a razor clam, a coldest day this winter. A real precipitation and frozen ground. Alaskan nmshcr with his dog real delicacy. Do you realize some change fronloln' 1963 Christmas Things came out OK wi[h a thaw teanl. of these huge crustaceans weigtl up to 26 pounds and attain a Six- foot span ? face Bill Dickie, Editor Mason County Journal Shelton, %Vash. Dear Bill : I thought tile fact that Miss Al- ma Burke and Mrs. Corinne Allan, Mrs. A. E. Hillier and Mrs. Roy Rector arrived in Tucson, Feb. 8, might be considered newsworthy. Alma reported tile trip down ~(,as uneventful despite the wind, rain and snow that has been plaR'- uing tile Northwest and Pacific Coast generally. All roads were clear and weather conditions were good. They put 1700 miles on her new car's speedometer between the time they left Shelton on Feb. 4 and their arrival here. Nits Rector, who has not yet fully recovered from injuries sustained in an auto accident says she en- joye~l the trip and suffered no un- due j.nconven{ence during the Jour- ney. Corinne Allan and tells Hillier both say they had a very enjoya- ble time throughout aT~d expect to continne doing so. It happened that the third heaviest snowfall in many years occurred during tile night of Feb. 9 and nearly five inches of it was on the ground to greet the ladies and have and put to ................. f Full Shank Half re Would be neighbor- of the Will have im- writer and stmny. Sun coining tit) in the long ago: Tok Jtmetion a cool Chrislmas (lnv Stephic and I (te~p southeast and nlaking a [-60 degrees, due west on the coast were inviied oull to Mr. and Mrs. quick arch to tile southwest. Night a plus 40 degrees and raining, city whole we spent a warm. sunny and a good rain. I know lhe read crews, PUD day wiIh our non Charles in Las I've bcen toht the annual pre- and phone linemen had it rough. Vegas. cipitation for the ishmd is 42 in- Well, st) did all of you people--- M:ost of I)ccember and up into ches. Listening to the early morn- no phoncs, lights, TV and road tile middle of J'muary was nice ing weather report for Alaska nol blocked. Speaking of TV, we have real good reception and programs ':: ': .......... : ................... ' ': ": ": :.' '"': '" i';" LENNON'S i2 to 16 lb. Aver. ¢ Whole or Center Cut Butt Half... lb. 490 Shank Hall... lb. 45c Ham Slices.. lb. 790 39' Nib3 ii00N 10 Ibs. & over ............ lb. or Tradewell Ib ......... Hygrade's Skinless o o .c,,oo oo, 79° WIENERS .,,age ........ ea RIB ROAST ,rst R,bs ,b. ,b. H, de's ,o,o na. Sa,am, Over Real McCoy's - Extra Lean and Sausage -Combination ,Pack ¢ GORRED BEEF a.oy Round Cut ................ lb. By the Piece .. lb. Mild Cheese lb, 59c from our near-by Elmendorf Air Force Base. One noticeable fen- mUch has about that to r_ Owners, uog who eases and another a threat situation Thank you, Bill Dickie, and re- gards to all. ers, then done throw. SPoiling your and do far Gerald Needham P.O. Box 2129 I3oe Kodiak, Alaska from Shelton when they arose on the morning of the 10th. However the bright Arizona mm that can be depended upon to shine not less than 350 days per ,,,ear soon melted and cleared away the snow and although the temperatures at night during the next week or so may get down to 30 the day- time temperatures will be in the 60 to 70 range so, with the hlue sides and bright mm that will al- most certainly continue as at pres- ent, the climatic conditions should prove most acceptable. Alma and her companions ex- pect to remain here until about March 1 and have taken a two bedroom apartment, the rear pa- tio of which is immediately adja- cent to Marguerite and Bob Mad- den's patio. It is anticipated that considerable informal "over the back fence" social intercourse will supplement the more formal "through the front door" type that the Madden's hope to enjoy. Hasta la vista (about June 1). Robert J. (Bob) Madden Apt 43, 350 N. Stlverbell Rd. Tucson, Ariz. 85705 PEACE CORP WORKER LIKES PHILIPPINES Dear Mr. Dickie, Well, I really never imagined I Would ever be in the Philippines, even while I was in Peace Corps training the Philippines seemed "forever" away. Now that I am here I cannot imagine wanting to be any other place. I am living in Manolo Fort- ich, a poblacion (county seat) of the municipality of Manolo For- tich. The poblacion has about 1,000 people, but the school in which I teach services th~ surrounding barrios (sort of like Matlock, Dayton, Kamilche, etc., I guess) so there are 500 students regis- tered; but because some have to walk five or six miles over moun- tains and across rivers the school population varies with the weath- er. I am co-teaching English as a second language in the first a:nd fifth grades. That means a Fili- pino teacher shares her class with me. We make lesson plans togeth- er and try to $ntroduce new teach- ing techniques into the classroom. We're teaching English through pattern drills and the grammar by inductive procedure. When you try to teach English grammar tn- l~a~ieCtively you suddenly discover re is almost no sense to our nguage and I can't quite figure w we all managed to learn in School. t" Somewhere someone wrote that ~nc Filipinos are the friendlicst, appiest and kindest people in the World. I've travelled the Philip- Pwines and now I'm living here for o years--the person who wrote that was speaking a very precious truth. These people have taken u Friday & Saturday ONLY Cut-Up Acme ¢ lb, Tradewell Gal. Banquet CHERRY PIES Reg. ¢ 20 oz. Ea. Banquet CREAM P ES County Fair "AA" Doz. Ctn. SWift's Alisweet lb. pkgs. Hill Bros Reg. & Drip 2 Ib, Tin 6(il'd Mountain Chmlk Style 6 oz. Tin Red Delicious rge Heads California Sm0othie Brand fib. Cello Bag Solid H ads California lfloxida Indian River Pinks ill]l] TOILET TISSUE 12 .o,,. ,s=ted Co,or, 88* BABY FOOD Gerber's 4t/'a oz. Strained ...................................... Jar PURPLE PLgNS arm.r 4 88¢ ............ Tins GOGKTAIL .uots, 5 88¢ .............Tins TOMATO, dUICE S~cramento 8 No. 2 .... T, ns 88¢ HOod iR':iver ................ 4Tins303 88qJ FO00 Calo Dog or Cat ............................ 2 No. 1 Tins 25¢ Staleyls Sta-Puff Gal. 20, of, ........... s, e 88¢ 72" x 90" ASSorted Co!ors, 94% Rayon & 6% Nylon IBI J~IIW~T~ 4 Inch Acetate uinding . I~ll~,il~l I~ r-,,, '1 ~ Washable ................................. Ea. SOUP unv=¢:, Knott Swiss Pkgs. S~I~ miAauv' Choioe of Varieties ........ 3 ,of 2 ~l, FLOOR F WAX 27 oz: 88¢ ,.. Size D Prices effective thru Sat., Feb. 20, 1965.. No ,sale to dealers. Reserve Rigt to Limit Quantity. " Equal Opportunity Employer All Tradewell Stores will be closed Monday, Feb. 22