February 18, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 18, 1965 |
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmas own, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Thursday, February
ue:oxoo,o IREi i
~'rl P~=÷ : .~,,, ]1 BELFAIR --- February and I This year Brownies may sell alczyk. This team, incidently, end-
Big'" Hell-gay" Show [] March will be busy months for ]cookies with the consent of the!r ed the .regular season play in
.,_ ...... 2 .... o_- illocal Girl Scouts and Brownies. leaders and parent~. Proceeas zourth place.
u.c ~umpm~v ~now |lLast week the members of Troop|from the sale will go towards SECOND-PLACE honors went
.......... : ..... : : ....................... 11950 gave a Valentine Tea honoring campfunds, various roundups and to the Raiders, with Coach Ed
' ._ ........... ~, I~ their mothers. Each mother was|supplement office expenses. A Amick, captain Larry Larson and
mm:Eql:rtW'-lmt;f'-~'L'J''~- |{ givelq a ribbon corsage and a "cou- I four-week advanced First Aid re- Curtis Macomber, Ricky Dixon,
• ..... • |] pen book" valentine, consisting of [ fresher course will be. offered at. Bruce Landrum, Ron Johnso_" - and
tl~J~'~l~dl~'~-,~"~~" ~ I~ four pages with a promise of ser- I the Girl Scout Servme Center mDavid Guy. Third place went to
\.~f~4~" ~e'Tw~ ~ II vice on each page. ~BremerLon beginning Monday, the Crusaders, coached by Elmer
~t~tla:'~l't~Ht~tp ~ |~ s~its hv the girls rounded out|March 1 and three succeeding Slagle, with Captain Drew Land-
~~.-~:~ |/the"p~'ograa~. T~'0op 950, led by]M°ndaysfr°m^~0 a'm',,t° i P~m~ rum, Steve Johnson, Terry Harder,
$ TECHN|COLQ_K~ || Mr~ Frank Fedenk and Mrs R. E. / mr.~. ~ran~ , cu=,~ w ........ ~, ~Jonn wrms, ~eve nowara, l~on
St~01TStSJ~CThl,,dth:u-U#nE0~nSTS| |]Sco'tt, "L~ an "Open-end Troop",ithe cours.e and anyone mote~est.e~ Sande, Don Havens, Bob Ladd,
..... :...: ........ :'_.:i ............................................. || ranging from Brownies to Cadets.~ may reg.mter wltn ~ler .. _wl~ Earl Sande and Brian Cosgrove.
__ _ ~ ~>... l/Feb. 23, Girl Scouts and Brown-/the .~ervme..uen~er. 'l:ne i trst two The Rebels, who took third place
J~H0~ ~-~~ ~ |] ies will participate in a Thinking| sessmns wm cove*" ~ne u,vn J.)e: in the league standings, finished
I~.R ~----=~_ ~___~z~"~ ~ /] Day Program to be held at the|lense me,real, se~-neip course ana fourth in the Tournament. They
~~~]~ ~:..~ || Youth Activities Building in Port/ cares wm De mm.m~ ~or ~ms course were coached by Dick Burrell,
..... Ja--~m,w ~----~i~ l|Orchard at 7 p.m. The program,|as weu as the nrst-a,a course._, w,th c apta,n S.teve Slagle,
~[~ar~,~]~,~°~Ml~[P[~ ||open to the public, will feature| Sixteen memr)ers o[ the ~VJ~A aria ~m r'ope, z~a~Ke Ar,es,
~[K'[~/[b'~l~tli~IttUOfll][D'~Y~[~[0~l) l|a film and candle lighting cere-| (Swedish)Male Chorus, under the Mike Pope, Bob Havens, Scott
i'~oduced~ndOicecledl~JOSltO~L06~ ~ /|monies Proceeds from the Wish-| direction of John Sundsten will Malloy, Ron Griffey, Dave Ma-
~phfl~t~t~N~d~ER~ffSL~ ~. 1| ing Well will go for "Dimes for] present a concert at Alderbrook comber,, and. Kevin Eddy. Half:
~H[~[~'P~I0~*' [~0M~N[]{~]~, i/Daisy", the World Friendship|Inn the evening of Feb. 20_at_8 time :h~ter~i~inmen~ v~aSrPt~OV~Ct~
--~ ~m"~.~... 11 fund. March 7 to 13 is Girl Scou~| p.m. 'rnese men are part ot me oy ~ w s ot ~ -g a
....... : ....................................... '--i| Week and March 7, Girl Scout| group that made a trip to Europe teams. Refereeing the events were
• """"'*°'l*.~"J ~ ~0~ ,u~,, ,.,~,,..~0~/| Sunday, will find members in uni-| last year and their program will Clarence Hedstrom, Norman San-
' ~ ~[~ ~~L':|I] form attending the church of their| consist of songs from other court- ders and Bob Larson with Jeff
, .... ,,~ | lt~ ~.titt?~p||] choic~ The girls will take part in| tries as well as Negro Spirituals Fortner on the public-address sys-
~fi~ ~i~ULt| | ~:~ /D?~/~',||| the services in both Belfair chur-| and other American folk-songs, tern.
.":_'-.'tmtl ll|l~ | ~'~ r%*t~r(~|l| ~" r),rin~ that week, local bus-] The concert is being given for the Belfair Veterans of WWI and
~I]]WILUN~.0"|~~/|~--':~L' ~,,indo~vs will feature Scout|benefit of the Union Volunteer the Ladies Auxiliary were hosts
• . ............ 1" be
I.m.em[~.I~[VAu[R~ ,~||displays. The Girl Scout Cookie|Fire Dept. and..donations wl~. last Sunday to member groups
~ ~ all facilities of the Eastwood con- ton, Port Townsend, Pt. Angeles
~ ~ vention room for the occasion, and Belfair. A potluck dinner at
',, i AT THEIR regular monthly 12:30 p.m. at the Masonic Tern-
• ' ~ ~ meeting Feb. 8, the Board of Di- ple was followed by business ses-
~ rectors of North Mason School sions with Mrs. Harold Main, dis-
--"--'--'--- ~ District voted to retain the set- trict president presiding over the
............. vices of Robert Bezzo and Asso- women s meeting and Arthur Bru-
YgUR ~A¥1NG~ elates as architects for the pro- her, district commander, presiding
posed high school building prog- at the Barracks meeting. Feature
ram. A $193,000, 10-year bond is- of the meeting was awarding of
sue will be placed on the ballot a 56-piece dinne,~vare set: Melva
Olsen, food chairman and Sarah
April 13. After a report by trans-
portation supervisor, Ormand Or-
miston, on the condition of the
bus fleet, and upon his recommen-
dation, the Board also voted to
put a levy in the amount of $21,- i
" " ...... " ~ 000 on the ballot for a 73-passen-
ger diesel bus. One of the present
(ANTICl PATED fleet would then be used as a spare
in place of the 1945 Mack, which
DIVIDEND) now has to have a special approv-
al from the State Patrol for each
; The Board voted Lo employ the
{c~ legal services of Preston, Thor-
UARTERLY A~,D LEFT grimson, Horowitz, Starin and El-
lis, a Seattle firm, for the bond
. ...... FOR ONE, YEAR ' election. They also voted to apply
to Housing and Home Finance Ag-
: " AT 'ency for advance of funds for
planning and architect fees for
' ~..,.,-..,,~ ~ the proposed high school building.
The board also voted to sign
the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Assur-
lance of Compliance. A special
board meeting was set for Feb.
23 at 8 p.m. to open bids for two
doubles tennis courts with com-
i pieLion of the courts set for April
U~~r ~'~~/~__ ¢,~/HJ~ j The yellow-shirred "Kiwanitrot-
ters" took home the trophies last
Saturday night, winners of the
Kiwanis basketball tournament.
u~ymp,a The Kiwanitrotters, coached by
In Shelton: Kurt Mann,, Loan Counselor Rev. Wendell Harder and captain-
121 Railroad Ave. =¢'-Pffo~e 426-6592 ed by Don Dillenberg, also in-
clude(1 Don Becber, Randy Schnec-
[ldoth, Mike Hagan, Mike Dillen-
berg, Ferry Shirk and Jim Kow-
Tschida, decorations chairman
were appointed by Belfair Auxil-
iary president, Emily Fisher. Spe-
cial guest was Elsie Hovde, de-
partment president of the Ladies
Auxiliary to the Veterans of
World War I.
AN EVENING of basketball
will be sponsored Saturday eve-
ning, Feb. 20 at the North Ma-
son gym, by the North Mason
Honor Society. A Mother-Daugh-
ter game will be followed by a
Faculty-Town Team contest. Half-
time entertainment will be pro-
vided by Kiwanis boys teams. Re..
freshments will be available after
the games. Proceeds will send two
student representatives to Leader-
ship Conferences this summer.
The Junior-Senior High school
PTA will meet today at 8 p.m.
aL the Cafeteria. On the program
will be reports by Ned Cokelet
and Kathy Lehman, seniors, who
attended the recent Liberal Arts
Seminar at the University of Wa-
shington. Bill Hawkins, counselor,
will outline the Vocational Field
Trips planned this year for jun-
iors and seniors. A "report on tl_-e
progress of the high school build-
ing program will be given by Supt.
Norman Sanders. One of the items
on the business agenda will be
election of a vice president to suc-
ceed Mrs. Ruth Brown who re-
signed recently, and the election
of a nominating committee.
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Whale In
took to the snow trails on ML.
Rainier for a weekend of skiing
last Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
accompanied by club leader Gery
Nunnelee. Establishing headquar-
ters and sleeping bags at Copper
Creek Lodge the youngsters drove
to Paradise for a full day of ski-
ing Saturday. The beauty of a
fresh snowfall delighted everyone
Sunday morning and they stayed
on for another round with the
unwieldy hickories before return-
ing to ShelLon, and for Elaine the
"banana belt".
The Shelton MYF group were
'guests Sunday evening of the
youth group in Olympia's First
Methodist church. Don Pogreba:
and Les Okonek from Grapeviewl
joined approximately 20 Shelton
members for the Valentine party]
get-together. !
i THE THOUGHT of delicious:
I clams ,,teaming on the stove lured
the Rod Hansens to Moclips Sat-
urday to fight sand and tide and
"frozen" toes in order to bring
home their limits in the "slippery
critters". Miss Brenda Cooper of
Belfalr joined classmate Cheryl
Hansen as her weekend guest and
thoroughly enjoyed the successful
family outing.
Shelton High School's annual
Mother-Son banquet, brought out
three combinations from our
Grapeview area; Mrs. Bill Staudt
and son Ken, Mrs. Fred Lutz and
Larry and Mrs. Walt Clayton, Jr.
and "Chief". Elaine Zehe assisted
in serving as a member of the
Girl's Club. In traditional fashion,
the mothers were introduced by
their sons, after which the guests
were entertained with musical se-
lections by talented students.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milner and
girls drove to the home of Pat's
mother, Mrs. ti~velyn Pearson in
Aberdeen Friday night and then
went on to ElmS Saturday where
Pat's grandmother, l~rs. Beula
Taylor prepared a dinner for the
family. This was all in celebration
of her 86th birthday (Feb. 15)
and great-granddaughter Pain's
16th birthday (Feb. 18). Milners
came he/he Saturday night with
a "second car" a 1959 white Lark!
Arsenic And Old Lace Chosen For School
Senior High Girls Attend Play Day At NI
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grigg drove By Debbie Rose search scientists; student
to Seattle early last week to via- "Arsenic and Old Lace" has mathematics group will st
it Mr. Grigg's'brother Command-been chosen for the all school play. babili.ty :n!d statistics as
er Chet Grigg, USN, who is presThe try outs have begun and will to scmntfflC data and._§
enLly stationed at the Naval Air continue during this week. There chance. For further ira_
Station, Seattle, but who has re- are three female parts and 11 male Mr. Hawkins should be c,
eently received word of his era- parts. This is a three-act comedy. THE DEAl)LINE for
pending transfer to Oakland, CaN A date hasn't been set for the play iors to turn in their coli
ifornia. .yet, but will be announced soonrance applications is t2
On the ,way home the Grigg's with the cast. in the office.
stopped on Vashon Island to visit Several of the senior high .girls The G.A.A. (Girls Ath
an old friend Commander Irving attended a play day at North Kit- sociation) held a special
Nadeau USN (retired). sap. The play day was last Sat-and decided to make a
A college conference at Olympicurday. The girls who attended for a G.A.A. member. Ea
College in Bremerton filled Elaine were Theresa Cooper, Katy WiN member is now require,
Zehe's and Larry Lutz's Monday.but', Linda Archer, Marlene Hart- a G.A.A. sweater in or~
Major colleges in the state were nigan, Kathy Price and Susan a member. A freshman it
represented and lectures were giv- Fischer. Some of the activitiesto have a sweater by tl
en with a view toward recruiting were basketball, scooters, and the 1st semester of her s
students, many other games. Lunch was year. The member is als(
College bound youngsters selec- also served which consisted ofto wear the sweater eve:
ted their first and second choices sloppy joes. day. •
of lectures from the various insti- University of Puget Sound Na- The Juniors attended i
tutions of higher learning in our tional Science Foundation Pro- pic College Conference
state, gram in Research Science and Each student was to e~
Ed and Louise Okonek helped Mathematics for high school stu- colleges in the state that
dents from Puget Sound area high was in ," ' Y
Seattle friend Mrs. Wayne Hedges te.ested m. The_
school is to be held at the Uni- to ask any questions
celebrate her birthday last Sun- versity of Puget Sound in Tacoma, about each of-these c01]
day with a get-together at the June 21, through Aug. 13. The m~ ~oot-~+~.~,, ~.~
Okonek's Grapeview home. In ad-University of Puget Sound is sport- weel~~ is~e'~'~ ~as~
dition to the birthday gal's hus- soring a National Science Founoa- .. -- "" • :" :£- ~9
band, friends joining in the fun lviary ~w ~mgn~, ~eD..,
tion Summer Program offering ..... " ....
were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hatch ~. - P r"ci atio o ortun xe~oau, vasnon here w~
r~esearcn a u p n pp -
and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Calahan, ities in several different science ~?n i~OCkrhOPoaf~erw~
all of Aberdeen. Highlight of the areas to talented high school stu- --' - - - - ------.-.. _. --- ,
day for Mr. Hedge was a fishing dents who will complete the stud- garn~l~ta;e°a'ndZZth~Sre WwaI
excursion with his host, wherein ies of the Junior year, (llth ......
salmon.they brought in a couple of nice grade) in June. It is the intent of ~cn~°~b311S~°am~eea~%mu~k
this program to offer to students ,~ .... ~.~ .......
Our 4-H Barnacles members . - " i " nee,,o ls me wlni:er t3onu,
first hans expemences n sc,e ........
and leaders are busily preparing research, by allowing them to~metntx~e coupl we*mgn'eSCh°°'
for Demonstratioh Day coming in work beside, and under the direct . .
the near future. An Associate supervision of, experiencedre-hel uc,ottheteamqm~esDUSy',Every°nel
members' meeting was held Feb. 9 ~ P PP "
at the home of Leader Virginia
Hicks where techniques of demon-
stration procedure were learned.
Members also discussed the nec-
essities for a well-balanced meal.
Ten members were present.
4-H leaders from our area at-
tended Leaders' council meeting's
in Shelton and Allyn recently. Mrs.
Rod Isaacson and daughter Ruth
~a student leader), Mrs. Art Nick-
laus and Mrs. Don Query were
instructed in Demonstration pro-
cedures aL the Court House An-
nex in Shelton Feb. 9 and Mrs.
Jubie Hicks and Mrs. Louise
Ewart attended a ram* ar meeting
in Allyn.
The flu bug strikes again! Lat-
est victims include Marcella West-
berg, Georgia Clayton and Chris
Nicklaus. Out" condolences and
best wishes!
Garden Club met last Thursday
at the home of Mrs. Carl Izett
with Mesdames Ann WesLberg,
Kay Sanford, Ads Grigg, and te-
ems Kager attending from Grape-
view. Plans were formulated for
a big flower show aL Belfair's Ma-
sonic Temple in June.
SHELTON JUNIOR high school
sponsors a basketball game Frl-
(lay evening with proceeds going
to the Junior High Athletic fund.
Participating in tim colorful fun-
filled event from Grapeview are
basketball Coach Wall Clayton,
Manager Don Pogreba Jr., and
eighth grade team member Don
Seiners. Join in the fun and game
spirit while aiding a worthy cause
.... how about it!
The annual Heart-Fund drive
opens Feb. 28 and our chairman
for the Grapeview area will be
Mrs. Ed Okonek. She will hold
a "pre-drive" koffee-klatch at her
home Feb. 26 from 1 to 3 p.m.,
providing a pleasant and painlest,
way to contribute to this very
worthwhile fund. Please plan to
The Grapeview Volunteer Fire
Department should start thinking
of possible water dispensers at--
say 5 cents a drink for their pro-
posed fire hall. Well anyhow---the
driller was down to 143 feet at
the end of last week.
by Joann Tupper
portunity to help in a worthy
cause is always welcome. This
week our attention is called to two
such causes.
The Shelton Nimrod Club is
sponsoring Don and June Mulford,
in person, with another of their
very interesting films in the
Shelton Junior High School Audi-
torium. "Olympic Wildlife" will be
the subject of their hour and a
half color film to be shown Feb.
18 and 19, at 8 p.m. Proceeds
from this show will be added
to the clubs funds which arc pri-
marily used for furthering it's
activities with the youth of Shel-
Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs.
Dorsey Goff of Union and Mr. and
Mrs. James Bleeker went Lo
Olympia for shopping and dining.
Wednesday, Mrs. Mary Day, son
was the guest of her son, Eddie,
at the Mother-Son Banquet at
Shelton High School.
Sunday Mrs. Dawsou, Eddie
Dawson, Marsha Dorcy, Mr. and
out to the games.
rite Kiwanis Basketball
TouruamenL. The winners ~
Kiwanis Trotters who
Seniors interested in
a highway Engineer
with pay for training
ginning salary of $358
should see the job ann,
on back of bulletin boar
All Junim-s who sigl
take the National Merit
~.hip Qualifying Test a~
to pay the $2 fee in the o
Also all Juniors boys W
be interested iu an appoiI
the U.S. Air Force
should contact Mr. HaW
i MI'. Rose, the custodil
i bad need of volunteers
light poles. Anyone intere
contact Len Rose.
The rally squad wast
mind all students thatt
would like more sugges
a school motto and figh'
Seniors also should Lurl
Tuberculin Request pal~
the office sometime tl]iS
l~on~ay---J unioI's to
College, College ConfereJ
Iors College ApplicatiO~
in office.
Tuesde, y---Varsity B~
Mary M. Knight. I~'ilm,
12th grade girls at
Thursday -- N.M.E.A.
(3:45 in the Cafeteria)
Mrs. George Eidemiller and theb'Friday--Jr. High
son, Mark, visited Lee Dawson at Marcus Whitman here
the Twin Harbor State Park, sity Basketball,
Westport, where they were dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Irwin and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gate visited
Mr. and Mrs. John Patton. They
all enjoyed the dance at Matlock
Betty Kelley spent the week sembly Friday. They
end with her parents, Mr. and to try to prove that
Mrs. Archie Kelley. Dave Smith of
Aberdeen was a week end guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Adsero re-
turned home to the Lake this week
end after spending a couple of
weeks in Seattle with relations.
Freshman Sock Hop.
ketball game (town tear~
culty, women vs. girls:
The freshmen of
have officially
Sophomore Class at the
the most school spirit.
Scientist Lesson
The Bible
Christian Science
Sunday will feature the
Moses leading the child~
rael into the promised
ing how his reliance
stilted in what are
acles. This is amplified
tion from "Science
with Key to the
Mary Baker Eddy
advanced a nation to
of God in Spirit
and illustrated the.
capacities of being
immortal mind." The
the day ts "Mind," and
Text is from
"Thou shalt love the
with all thy heart,
thy soul, and with
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