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l%bruary :1965 I-IELTON--MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Concer| At Un
not be surprised
o Jind the brand
ie( up near the
tic n Rood at A1-
.at is, of course,
he concert to be
or the benefit of
evening at
-~ments have been
remen to be noti-
ill case of fire
on their way
Sundsten, di-
of the
Male Chorus
• present a wide
m which there
to please every-
be no tickets sold
performance, how-
m donations
all proceeds
L Right
Wes John-
the use of the
only way we
out in large
ar them. Make up
YOur friends---you-
YOu Will certainly
a resident of
23 years was
on her 87th
rein all up and
Came to wish her
Molly PuLer,
and Wands Niel-
p.m. with three
Cakes and coffee,
started arriving.
and son Richard,
and Pauline's bro-
TIlE UNION Ladies Civic Clul)
birthday Jan.
ro~ Holly to greet
met Thm'sday at the community
hall. Thirteen members were pres-
ent. The tables beautifully decor-
ated by Lillian Hough al~d Clara
Gwin with the Valentine theme
were the highlight of the luncheon.
New officers were elected for the
year and will take over at the
March meeting. Elected were pres-
ident, Betty Dean, vice president,
Ellen Rebman; sccretary, Clara
Gwin, and treasurer, Leah Chal-
mers. Lillian U'pdyke was appoint-
ed hospitality chairman. The club
wishes to announce they will have
a pinochle, bridge and rummy
party today at Shirley CowaWs
home. Time is noon to 3:30 p,m.
All members are m'ged to attend
and bring guests.
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Nordeng
and daughter, Patty, retuFned re-
cently from Sun Valley, Ida.,
where they spent two weeks in
the stmshine skiing. Patty, only
eight, took ski lessons and won
the "Dollar Mountain Pin". Ka-
thy Heuston of Shelton also went
with them.
Not" many have three days for
birthdays but Herbert Allen did,
Friday evening his daughter and
family Mr. and Mrs. Max Dean
had a party in his honor. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Dean, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Bn)wn-
ie Mercier and Mrs. Allen and
daughter Bonnie were on hand to
wish him a happy?irthday. Cake
and coffee was served. Then on
Saturday evening the real day of
his birthday Feb. 13th he was
honored at Dayton hall along with
others, then on Sunday his son
and family Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Allen had him in and surprised
him with a birthday cake• How
do you rate Herb?
jumping Satm'day evening when
the members of the Union Ladies'
Civic Club invited their husbands
ill for a turkey dinner• Sixteen
couples enjoyed the delicious din-
ner, the turkey was prepared by
Mrs. Dick Buechel and Mrs. A1 Co-
wan. After the dinner was eaten
and the dishes done by four char-
ruing teenagers, dancing and pin-
ochle topped off the evening of
The bookmobile broke down last
Wednesday and was unable to
make its rounds, but word was
beard from them and every thing's
fixed and they will be on their
who recently regular route Wednesday.
Colin Morris, Diane Walter and
Rocky Allen were down with the
three daV measles. Just heard of
s area were Erma another Neal Puter Jr. broke out
WoJahn, Helen Sunday.
.Wson, Gladyce Hey kids! Don't forget the
,ewls, Dorothy dance at the community lmll to-
~ed, Eethel Dal- morrow night. The time is 7 p.m.
leaner Bueehel, to 10 p.m. This is Lo be a "Beat-
Ocie Dean, Lil- nik" dance so come dressed like
a Jolmson, and a beatnik• There will be a prize
11 Andersen was for the best beatnik costume.
Cehbra es One B!rthday
He tring
oMItS. VERN T "eeter and
The MaLlock La- daughters-of Tacoma and Mr. and
regular meeting, Mrs. James Churchill spent Sun-
:sclay With Mrs. day afternoon with Mrs. Augusta
Mrs. Portman and Carl Portman.
was eele- Mr. and Mrs. Nick Gretna of
)he visitor, Mrs. Olympia called on Mr. and Mrs.
)in. Max Cash and Mrs. Augusta Port-
-~s Churchill man Wednesday.
din- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift spent
Portman Sunday near Olympia at Boston
Harbor with Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
l~dward Valley Hewson.
aL the Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford spent
Thursday evening with Mr. and
GOOdburn and Mrs. Robert Lamb of Shelton.
sPent Sunday MR. AND MRS. L C. Ford drove
E, Bradber- to Southbend to visit the LeRoy
Boothe family Sunday.
T Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
|~S e spent Tuesday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Rossmaier and the
P Of. Sleeveland family of Rochester.
Of Olympm .r and Mrs. Charles Elliott
and children of Hoquiam were
Sunday dinner guests of Mx. and
IVol Ira Curtis Mrs. Kenneth Howard.
• ttalled as the The Kenneth Howard family
Diocese el, called on the Earl Howards and
service Will Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook of Mon-
rk's Cathed-tesano Sunday
at 5 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmey-
elected Bish- Sr. received word from their son
Gene Brehmeyer that he is in
SPecial Con- South Viet Nam. Nam
Le Feb. 29, that he is in South Viet
-~as.n bishop MRS. BEULAH GOWAN w~s
• Fisher a Sunday morning caller at t e
to hisHerbert Brehmeyer Sr. home.
CurtisMr. and Mrs. Roy Kimmerly
and family, Mrs. George Ahlquist
of the and daughter Sonja and Linaa
Kelly, all of Shelton, enjoyed a
birthday dinner at the Herbe~
Brehmeyer Sr. home Sunday in
of the honor of Brian Brehmeyer s llth
te United birthday• - kburn
Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Dick Goc
until spent Sunday in Bremerton with
Mr. and Mrs. Don Swanson.
1 Brown and family of Auburn spent
Sunday with the Gene Brown fa-
l Ca- rally, n
D.C. in Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dawso.
and children David and Rhonaa
be ~tterded of Shelton were Saturday dinner
Ipisc,)Pal guests of their folks Mr. and Mrs.
ill: ;tOnbe wit-~i°" ! Bob Dawson. - ~on and
~tatives of Mr. and Mrs. Al Daw~
SOns Jerry and Scott of shelton
lieSariesinf~the Called Sunday on their parent~
: "ore mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson all
educatio d ~rought a beautiflfl large cake to
, celebrate their mother s birthday
and Valentine's day.
Grangers don't forget Matlock
.group postponed its regular meet-
[ng Feb. 19 so they could go to
~outhside Grange for friendship
Plans hther
Soe Banquet
7:30 p.m. Games will be played.
The recreation colnmittce for the
event is headed by Mrs. Phil Chap-
Open House will be held by the
Agate Grange Friday, Feb. 26 at
8:30 p.m. in the Grange Hall. The
theme of the program will be
"What Is The Purpose of the
Grange?" Mrs. Jack Shero is in
charge of the program•
Grange members will take note
of Friendship Night to be at
Southside Grange Friday night,
beginning aL 8:30 p.m. Friendship
night is taking the place of the
former Gavel meetings.
Pioneer School Board met last
Tuesday and the following are
some of the items discussed or
acted upon.
Max Mikkelsen reported the
completion of 100 feet of drain
system at the school, with a nom-
inal investment.
Additional ~lata has been re-
ceived on school bus specifica-
tions. Plans are to authorize the
purchase of a school bus in the
near future.
Clearing and construction of
the playground was reviewed. It
was agreed that as soon as fin-
ancial obligations for the new
school addition are determined, a
clearing and grading contract will
be let for all the school grounds
owned by the district.
The Board discussed Senate Bill
143 and has gone on record as be-
ing opposed to the Bill as it would
change the present system.
Investment of the building funds
in U.S. Treasury notes was auth-
orized, until required for construc-
tion of the new addition.
The death of David Stroud Sun-
day morning brought grief to
many Agate families. Stroud was
a long-time resident Of the area,
having recently moved to Bay-
Molly Taylor, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Taylor, returned
from Michigan State University
Sunday night, having taken a test
'by invitation of the University.
The University had extended the
invitation after receiving Molly's
application for a scholarship and
evaluating her high scholastic rat-
ing. She enrolled in the University
while there. Molly is a senior in
Shelton High School.
are the grandparents of a baby
girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Mercer of Olympia• The newcom-
By Mrs. Ray Krateha
SOUTHSIDE--SouthSide school
Directors met with Architects at
their regnlar meeting Feb. 8 to
go over preliminary plans and es-
timates i'or a new multi-purpose
building for the school.
The proposed building would
contain approximately 4,000 sq.
feet of are~t to be used for audi-
torium and gymnasiun~ purposes
and wotdd also include a stage
area. Provisions ~,buld also be
made in the building for a new
kitchen area, which would be com-
pleted at a later date.
Further studies will be made
to determine the exact type and
size of building needed and the
methods of financing it. It was
fell that the matter could not be
brought to a vote before the No-
vember 1965 elections, which
would mean that construction
could not be started until 1966
if given approval by the voters.
The Southside School Board al-
so opened bids for a new 55 pas-
senger school bus. Three bids were
received with the bid being awar-
ded to Mell Chevrolet Co. It is
expected to have the new bus be-
fore the end of April.
FEB. 9 MEI~BEIiS of the Board
and other interested residents of
the district drove to Olympia to
inspect the new multi-puruose
building at the new Leland
tgrown Elementary sehool. The
Board arranged to meet with the
architect of that building to dis-
cuss building needs.
Southside grange's new series
of Friendship meetings will be
held Feb. 19. This will take the
place of the old gavel meetings.
Southside Grange as host grange
will have Shelton Valley and Pro-
gress Grange to join them for the
evening. It Will be a potluck lec-
ture hol,r with all three granges
The last Sunday of each month
Southside Grangers will have a
pothmk dinner, followed by recre-
ation and games.
Remember, for all Southside
Grangers to go to Southside Hall
today at 7:30 p.m.
SOUTHSIDE Eagles 4-H club
met at Mrs. Don Wilson's Feb. 11.
4-H members had a party Satur-
day with the Thunderbirds. All
members took refreshments to the
party at the swimming pool. Ken-
ny Sheppard gave a demonstration
on how to transplant a tree and
Carl Johnson gave a demonstra-
tion on how to take care of newly
collected rocks. The uext meeting
will be Feb. 25.
Silver Stars held their last
meeting at Max Schmidts Jr. They
discussed more about the party
they are going to have. The Gee.
Magnetts and Max Schmidts went
to Pacific Zone at Montesano last
Thursday and served refresh-
The Silver Stars meet at the
home of Ralph B'u'iekman March
er has been named Shelley Chris- 2.
tine. Thunderbirds 4-H club members
Mrs. Lucille vanderWal recent ............................................... : ....
ly moved front her home in Agate
to Arcadia Road.
A birthday hmcheon honoring
Mrs. Jack Shero was held at her
home last Thursday. Attemling
were Mrs. Ed Bunnell and grand-
daughters, Mrs. Vic Auseth of
Arcadia Road, and Mrs. Irving
Vik. Mrs. Vik baked the gaily dec- ~('~V
orated birthday cake.
All residents of Agate-Bayshore
with news articles please contact
Nadine Rhodes, 426-4214.
Sales at the Shelton Store ofI
the State Liquor Control Board
during January totaled $27,497.25] 001
with $22,069•41 coming from re-I
tail sales and $5,427.84 from class WINNER, AAA TRAFFIC Sh~Hf
Permanent Crease Pants
They don't need Ironing and
they're dirt resistant.
size 28 to 36 waist
Col,ors tan and Olive Green
409 Railroad Ave.
met at the home of Les Snyder
Feb. 11 for a business me(;ting
with the meeting called l o order
by Tom Trotzer followed by the
flag salute and 4-It plcdg'e led
by Lcs Snydcr. The 4-H group
had a swimming party Saturday
evening. 4-H meml3ers'are having'
a skating party Feb. 28. The
Thunderbirds cabin at camp was
damaged during the snow and club
members decidcct to go out :m(l
see how nluch repairs were needed
and with the help of Dad's might
get the cabin finished for camp.
The next meeting will be Feb. 24
at Jerry Armstrong's. IL will be
;t demonstration meeting, so each
member gel going as the time is
The meeting was adjourned and
Les Snyder served refreshments.
Chuck Sheppard reported lhey
built a new chicken house. Steve
Her/'ick reported lie has a heifer
calf born Nov. 22, Cliff Richards
reported he repaired an iron, a
lamp and made an electric motor
and Les. Snyder reported his egg
production is good and is selling
= CLOVER GH1LS 4-H club mem-
bers met at the home of Chris
and Linda Bevis Feb. 9. Chris Be-
vis gave a demonstration on the
different types of foot for sewing
and uses and Linda Bevis gave
a demonstration on how to thread.
a sewing machine. Cocoa ann
cookies were served for refresh-
ments. Club members had a bake
sale Saturday.
Linda Perrine spent the week-
end with Carol Scrogham of
Mill Creek What: Nots 4-H club
members met Wednesday with the
flag salute and 4-H pledge given
by Pete Olson, Jeannette Gunter
gave a demonstration on the light,
medium and heavy meals, Elsie
Griffin gave a demonstration on
how to fry chicken and Pare Mor-
ris gave a dcnlonstrakion on set-
tin~ a table. At the March 3
meeting demonstrations will be
given bv Pete Olson, Marvin Simp-
son, Jiln StOllO, l~.en Zukowski,
Tony Olson, Kathy Blatten, Shir-
Williams, t~etty Williams,
Kiu't Snyder 'nld Doz:i)thy Gt nter.
The Valentine committee" are l{urt
Snvder, Jim Stone, Chervl Stone
ancl Renee Simpson. Miil Creek
What Nots 4-H club are having
a bake sale Feb. 20 at the 20th
Century Store. The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Kimbel.
land Mrs. %Valtcr I{raicha, Linda
lllld SIlS~-III and John Krateha last
Tuesday evening.
Four Leaves ,i-H chlb members
Feh. 13 meeting was held at Mrs,
Vie Auseths. Gall Bailev led the
= fhtg salute and the me"Ling was
!adjourned by Linda Trotzer. For
conununity service members made
dixie cups for Valentines Day for
Shelton Manor Nursing Home. Af-
ler the meeting there was a pot-
luck. The next meeting will be
Mareh 13.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter
"~l .... ' ..... Kratcha and family and John
,, ~,oomm't)~aazes ,wluD me[ at= Krateha last Wc(lne~qday evening
tile ,~noln? ot ~n's. 1~,: 1~1. Antp, ony were Mrs. Ruth Boysen and Mr.
Ol bKOOKllln T!nu'soay 1or tneir land Mrs Ray Kratcha
regular meeting. " ' . "' "I' . .... "
I M~s, Nadme Rhodes and son
BUSY BELLS 4-H club mere-IDale visited Mrs. Myrtle Krateha
bers met last Tuesday after school [ last Tuesday.
and members discussed about] Mr. and Mrs. Walter I{ratcha
demonstrations. Marlene Schmidt]took John Krateha to Oregon and
gave a demonstration on how to spent the weekend visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Krateha and fam-
ily of Siletz, Oregon.
make a salad and Marlene
i Schmidt also gave a demonstra-
tion on the teeth of a horse. The
Busy Bells had a skating party
Saturday. The next meeting will
be held at Jnlia Hate's Feb. 23
at 7 p.m.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Stuck of Cole Road last Monday
were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stuck
of Hoquiam.
Sherilyn Byrd Guild met at the
home of Marie Neal last Tuesday.
Guild members discussed old bus-
ines.u and also discussed the card
pm'ty. Dorothy Brown was a visi-
tor at the meeting. Guild mem-
bers attending were Dale Daw-
son, Marie Frazier, Helen Kunkel,
Dee Crank, Ruth Neff, Polly
Swayze, Joyce Byrd, Toni Mat-
son and Marie Neal. Hostess Y~Ia-
rie Neal served raspberry cake
with whipped cream and coffee.
The next meeting will be held at
Judy Smith's.
MR. AND MRS. Alfred Ka-
doun, Steve and Him visited Mr.
minute you prompt, efficient x!am a~
placement Jobe in all maitre
~xleh ~ cam on tha road today.
us eoe ~ee l~
3rd & Grove Sts."
m .
.Pres. International Council of Christian Churches
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206 East 5th
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Removable control
1 yr. warranty
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