February 18, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 18, 1965 |
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18, 1965 SHELTON---I IASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in "Christmastown, U.Z.A.', Shelton, Washington
f2~ander "Wegen will
• the 12:30 p.m.
neeting of lhe Rachel
Guild Fri(tay in
Co-hostessing will be
t!ttees have been making
for the hat sa!e
be held March 19 ill
& 8 CLUB
& Sat. Nights
Members 0nly
arch To Be
Month For WARC
Membership Drive
The month of March often
comes in like a lion, but one group
~f pcop]e in Shelton arc i]oping
this year it will go out with a
]oar. ]dareil ha:~ been designated
:is Membership Month by the Ma-
son Cmmty Chap/er for ]~.etarded
Children au(1, witl] a :~uecessfut
drive, they hope to corral a lion's
share of new lnoHlbcrs froln a
eros~-section of tim eomm-mity by
April 1.
"Vet a,e not starting (nit like
lambs, however," said Ray Spil-
seth, president of the chapter,
"for we will begin immediately to
cnlph)y every .loans \re knov¢ to
reach the citizens of Shclton with
()or nle:-lsage. '~,Ve are not raising
funds this month; we are raising
ore" membership figure. VVe need
the help of the whole community
if we are to conquer mental re-
tardation in Shelton, in Washing-
ton and throughout tile country."
hfason County Chapter is one
of 1,000 nmmbcr associations of
the National Association for Re-
tarded Children, most of whom
aze conducting similar drives for
new members next month. In 1964
the March drives raised the na-
tional membership figure from
85,000 to over 100,000.
Anyone interested in becoming
a member may contact Mrs. Craig
Eliot at 426-8337.
Journal Wani Ads Pay
IN HEAT, . .o.*=A.,,
40son fuel
KATHY MELL has plans to join the Peace Corp after she fin-
ishes college. An SHS senior, she is a member of the band and
the Saxophone Ensemble. She will be entering Pacific Lutheran
university in the fall where she intends to major in education.
* * $ $
The Peace Corp has taken Ka-been on the Saghalie staff and
thy MeWs attention. Her present has been'a member of FTA. This
plans are to attend college and
get her teaching certificate then year she was Homecoming dance
put some time in the Peace Corp chairman. She especially enjoys
before going on to a teaching pc- playing in the SHS Saxophone en-
sition. She wants to be an English semble.
teacher and plans to attend Pacif- An active member of 4-H clubs
0¢ ic Lutheran University. for several years, Kathy won the
Sq. Y&
36"wide Kathy, a Shelton High School State Champion Dairy Foods
ilL~i i~ senior, is the daughter of Mr. and Demonstration last year. She also
Ju a Mrs. Art Mell. She has two sis- m a member of ML. Olive Luther-
-~ =~- • ters, Patty Jo, 16, and Sandy,an church.
:12, and one brother, Jimmy, 9, Sewing, cooking, knitting, read-
She is a petite 5'3" and has blue ing and swimming are tops on her
~,*..d=,....~v .o.,.,,..=~,..e.,,~,--, I eyes and dark brown hail'. She was list of preferred activities.
| '"~ ....i i ..~..,,w~.d., i born June 29, 1947 in Shelton.
AVE GENUINE FLEX-O-GLASS-- Favor.° s,,bject of our spot-
l ghted senior is band she plays Beachcombers,- pOre-are
the saxophone. Other subjects in-
Plus Such Other Winter Protectors as: elude teacher orientation, civics,
physical science anti senior Eng- For Flower Show
lish. The Beachcombers Garden Club
._..Windows • Storm Doors The past two ye,trs Kathy has
-area, met Feb. 11 in the home
Storm Window Kits SI,,~LTON,A~S RETURN df Mrs. Carl Izett with Mrs.
I~'ROM EXTENI)ED TRIP Laura Knoell assisting the hostess.
~ l'nSU-ation Mr and Mrs. George Cropper The thcme specimcn was Lake.
• ..v. ,o~urno~ last week from an ex- by Mrs. Edwin Grlgg and Mrs.
. tended trip which included a South Ehna, Auderson was in charge of
Pacific cruise, a visit with friends the program which consisted of
in Australia and Honolulu and aplans, classifications and care of
EACRETT pleasant time with family in Los flowers to be entered in the flower
LUMBER COMPANY Angeles and San Francisco. show in the Masonic Tern.
HILL RE , ' i Tile Croppers were on the SSple in Belfair.
Monterey when it went aground All pcrsnns interested in mak-
8T PHONE 426-4522 during their (.mfise, causing them ing enteries or attending the show
some inconvenience but not corn- are asked to contact Mrs. William
pletely spoiling their vacation. Calder m Allyn, chairman.
r pen.
anda i ens!Ifle practice. Witha fountain pen-- back as legal p}'oofof payn,ent, and make a record
. arIRST checkbook -- you have instantof the transactmn on you r statement.
• reCess to Your n)oney. You know- exactly how Brother, that s bookkeeping, and we re good
!nuch you l/ave nl your account, exactly where at")t,
and wlletl you ve spent.
"'elllerl]bcl.: When oil ", T oS:: fn;oney, ailleo , seL of records, andet, . COl re, n,..
ch.ec-'nkL. , ,,-, y o enl a SEAFIRS Y " ' ' Y " :' gertips -no wonder
safe ,,.a _ y u te not only hlnng us to checking accounts have l)econle a must. ]f You
,,... ~'~'~ your lllollev but • , - "~ our '
v rso ,.,i c ....... - actually to keep y" don t have one, come set, us about it You' • -
o - - ,halt welcome Sea.t,; Natio,i.1
. ecause that's exaciiZ... . _....
rlt~ a ck.,~-L , ' y what we ao. wnen yott "" .;4~
:I'III2IIloI'III:Z~I~".. tutlrll .yeLL re actually writing the ];)ank a ~ .
instructing us to pay such and such i=1
a bitI out of lhe me , , .
make tire -1: , hey you ve left m our care. We
u' s',ut :era e,;, deyd: t h, '
YOur account, send ou
Goncer! Association
Membership lh'ivo
Gaffed S.©c ss. ul
The successful conchlsion to its
1965-66 membership campaign
drive was markcd Sat.today after.
noon by Mason County Conlnlun-
ity Concert Association with a
:meeting of its board of directors
in the Simpson room of the Shel-
ton Hotel.
Gratified by results of the drivc,
association president Andzew Bee-
t lik remarked that, although tile
gain in membersllip was slight it
nevertheless continnes tile trend
of uninterrupted growth the or-
ganization has enjoyed for tile
past several years.
He once again thanked all those
concerned with the drive and gave
special credit for a job well done
to campaign chairman Dr. Ron
Casebier and his co-chairman, Mrs.
Thomas E. Ward.
The main business of thc meet-
ing was the selection ef two addi-
tional concerts for the coming sea-
son and; with the aid of Commun-
ity Concert representative Mrs.
Virginia Perham, the following
program will be offered.
Early in December Jean-Paul
Sevilla, a pianist, will present a
concert. He is a young French-
man who comes with a host of
glowing tributes following" suc-
cessful solo and orchestral con-
certs in Europe.
In February the much-celebrat-
ed Paul Kuentz Paris Chamber
Orchestra, presenting 15 talented
young Parisiennes, will bring a
delightful "first" to Sllelton aud-
Finally the incomparable Rev-
lers will give a varied program of
male quartet singing, offering
distinguished, hearty, vigorous, ar-
tistic entertaining". They will be
presented in May.
Dr. Beelik announced the an-
nual association meeting for the
purpose of electing new board
members will be held at: the final
spring concert April 14. Dr. J.
Kelvin Hamilton was appointed
chairman of the nominating com-
mittee with committee members
Mrs. E. Warren MOB and Mrs.
Thelma Ma.xwell.
Cloquallum homemakers have
organized themselves to meet for
.,:pecial teaching in sewing with
wool sponsored by the Mason
County Extension Service. Mrs.
George Hliboki and Mrs. Donald
Wright have been in charge of
recruitment. Sessions are held
each Friday.
Eight And Forty
Co tleets Items For
Jewish Hospital
Chapeau Mattie Backlund con-
ductcd tile Feb. 8 meeting of Ma-
son County Sahm Eight and Forty
held in the Memorial Hall with
14 partners present.
Membership chairman Lillian
Norvoid reported the salon had
reached its quota. Virginia Wal-
Iin, child welfare chaizznan, an-
nounced she had received six blou-
ses and two pairs of pajamas
made by the partners to be sent
io the National Jewish hospital.
The salon also purchased four
scrapbooks and partners donated
two more plus numerous pictures
to be sent to the children in th(
Tentative plans were made for
official visit departmental and
chapeau late in March. The salons
of Lewis, Grays Harbor, Thurs-
ton and Mason will be hostesses.
Shirley Clinton, Virginia Wallin
and Merle Smith were appointed
to the committee. Particulars will
be furnished at the March 18
Hostesses for the evening were
Berle Faubert, Lillian Norvold and
Mamie Earl. The prize was won
by Martha Witsiers. March hos-
tesses will be Alice Hill, Mary
Dobson and Ira Poor.
Preschool Teacher
Gets Salary Raise
At Monday night's meeting of
Pre-School eTA members voted
to raise the teacher's salary from
$120 to $150 a month.
Members wish to extend their
thanks to Miss Koethke and Mrs.
Cox for their talks on preparing
children for kindergarten. Both
teachers stated the child who at-
tends pre-school has a better start
in kindergarten.
The next meeting will be held
March 16 in the home of Sandy
Ward, 1514 Tummr.
Mrs. Emery Mork will show
slides of Mexico when the Dirt
Dobbers Garden Club meets at
10 a.m. next Tuesday in the PUD
Auditorium. There will be a pot-
luck luncheon.
The Salvation Army truck will
be in town March 2. Phone 426-
3460 for pickups or leave arti-
cles on the porch at 325 North
5th St.
.~WEET MUSiC--Certificates of mer!t were awarded by the Nat-.
renal Federation of Music Gtu~.s ~o tn.e .~elton Music Club, Mrs.
ornloo Stewart, the c,ub's :;Vna,rma,. the She,ton.
Mason C,ounty Journal for _ .P !t_y given National Music
week last year. Mrs. Stewart (er¢), Mrs. James Barrom, club
resident, Journal editor Bill .D!ck!e, and social editor Marj Waters
~:atce:r~ifwh~)e:aln:l~det;cP:r~ell~Yov~yterial, are admiring one of
on the following Lowrey Organs
lln .
YORKSHIRE PUDDING with roast beef is a recipe Joyce Snyder
brought with her from England when she came here as a bride
following World War I1. It is one of the English dishes her
family likes.
fl: , , * *
One of the few recipes Joyee is something else she enjoys do-
Snyder brought wfth her from her] ing. She also likes to fish.
native England which is enjoyed] * * *
by her family is Yorkshire Pud- i Yorkshire Ihtdding
ding. Not a dessmt, as the name I2 cups flour
would indicate, it is a hot breadI 5fi tsp. salt
served by the English with theirI1 pint milk
roast beef. [ 3 eggs
Joyce's husband, George, was Sift flour and salt. Add milk
stationed in England where they
met and married during V¢orld
War II. After tim war he brought
her back here to his home town.
Tlmy have two sons, Brian, 18, a
senior at Shelton High school, and
Les, 15.
The 4-H program has been
Joyee's main activity for the past
four years. Slle has been leader
of the Thunderbirds 4-H Club for
two years. Family camping trips
gradually, beating to a smooth
paste. Beat eggs until very light
and add to paste, lqeat a shallow
pan and add enough fat from the
roast to grease well, plus a little
extra. Bake in 450-500 degree oven
about 18-20 minutes. Baste with
fat from roast: when it is well
risen. Servc with roast beef. (The
English slice their roast very thiu
and spoon gravy over the meat
and the pudding.)
Public Invi!ed To
Box Social
The box social sponsored by the
Twanoh Grange will be held this
Friday in th Belfair fire hall. All
proceeds from the sale will go in-
to the grange building fund.
Dors will open at 6:30 p,m.
with the auction beginning at 7
p.m. The maximum bid will be $3.
There will be a prize for the best
Games and cards will be avail-
able. The public is invited.
Clint Willour, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. R. Willour, leaves Friday
for a five-month t:our of Europe.
He will fly from SeaTac airport
to Shannon, h'eland traveling from
there by car, train or whatever
mode of transportation is avail-
able by himself for the first two
months. The last three months of
his tour will be with two frater-
nity brothers from the University
of Washington where he graduat-
ed at the end of the fall quarter.
The Christmastown: Rounders
will hold their regular dance at 8
p.m. this evening in the Shelton
Valley Grange hall. AnyOne inter-
ested in round dancing is invited
to attend. Refreshments will be
Guild Sets March
Bake Sale Date
Plans for a bake sale to be held
ill the Sears store March 6 wore
made at the Feb. 10 meeting of
the Patrick T. Orthopedic Guiht.
Mrs. Fred Smith was hos[es;~ ill
her home assisted by Mrs. Larry
A rummage sale to bc held May
1 in the CUD allditoril]nl was
also discussed.
The next meeting will be held
March 1.0 i]~ the lum m of Mrs.
John Warren with Mrs. Chuck
Kroch as co-llostess.
....................... ;-.', E;~, ~; .......................................
PA|HTi 8
Wed. & Sat.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Thurs. night
7 p.m. to 10 p.ln.
1910 So. 1st
by one of the
Norihwesls Finesl
Wig Salons
---Confidentially for you ... SHELTON
205 Cots 426-4302 ,n our sho or in your ome
Call for an appointment 426-4582
Lowrey.-Her, ilage Model '
Lowrey--He.rilage Deluxe MERLE NORMAN
Lowrey--Lincoln Need cOS E mS
4, • .
• Used Spinet Piano,,,,,,,,, 425 . 6th & Laurel
L0Wre, Bren|wood Model....... '92,5 Ii|nslanl Beau|I J
Remember--We are open Monday and | • • =
Friday Evenings Till 8:30