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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,it ;~:i¸ i PAGE 16 L FO$1ER COJ~IT£$'; SATURDAY FEB. 20 -- 8 P.M. 16 MEMBER "$VEg' (SWEDISH) Male Chorus From Seattle JOhn Sundsten, Dir. Alderbrook Inn At Union For Benefit of Union Volunteer Fire Dept. HELTON---MA, 0N COUNTY J0 AL-- Published in '¢Chr}sima'siownl helton, Washington NEW GUARD COMMANDER---lst Lt. G. Clark Hoyt, left, standing, assumed command of the Shelton National Guard Unit Jan. 27. Other" officers and NCOs who direct the operations of the company are, 1st Sgt. Roy L. Smith; M/Sgt. Rune L.ange- land and Platoon Sgt. Fred B. Morrison; left to right, on tank, Executive Officer 1st Lt. Rich- ard Botd0rf; Platoon Leader 1st Lt. George Grun- er and Motor $gt. liver S. Petty. Hoyt moved up /I =1 . H = = = i i iHi i i i =H,l= = ml ,.,,r,,,,,i,, from executive officer to company commander succeeding Capt. Wayne J. Ownesby, who moved out of town. Botdorf is the new executive officer succeeding Hoyt. All of the NCOs have more than 17 years of service in the National Guard or on active duty. The unit has a number of vaciencies. Those interested in Joining can contact M/Sgt. Ken Rose at the armory• Rose s administrative supply technician and recruiting sergeant for the unit. UTILITY STUDS 88 5/8" Only cents each HEMLOOK ST[}. & DTR, (Were Dry) 4B~ Only cents each I x i2 PIHE SHELVififi Was Dry Sterling Grad Only e( nts per foot Counter Covering LAi |HP, TED PLASTIC 4 Coh)rs with Gold Fleck 0 cents sq. foot . Mahogany PRE HUHG IHTERiOR DOORS Complete with Knob Set $, Prefinished 4 x 8 WALL PAHELS from OF SHELTOfl "Everything For Building" First & Pine Sts. Phone 426-4393 EDITOR'S NOTE: In view of the several unsigned letters re- ceived by the Journal recently it seems timely that a reiteration of this 1)aper's policy on Sue~ matters be ~t~xtetL The Journal will not publish letters which have not tve~m signed. There are o(,(;~tsion,% whell leglllmate and jnstifiable ]~ason is proven, that we will withhold the signature on it letter but we must know who the writer is nevertheless. So please sigR those letters, folks. ]~U,DY OLTMAN ENJOYING RE rII{EMENT TkIP HIGHLY (Following are excerpts of a letter received by Bruce Schwarck, She]ton Junior High principal, from retired Shelton city school superintendent I~udy Oltman, written ia San Diego last Thurs- day). ,, Dear Bruce and gang; Just a line or two to let you know we are still kicking and seeing a let of our good old USA. Our entire trip has been in good weather considering the area we have covered. Coldest was in Neb- raska with about 12 above and the most snow was in Atlanta, about 21~ inches. We have had one fine experience after another. While in St. Louis my nephew took us in his business car down to Houston and Galvest- on. We were really living it up on that trip. He is V.P. of Missouri- Pacific RR so we hooked onto the end of their passenger train and sat back and tried to look import- ant. While in Houston we went over I TIRED OF HIGH BILLS: "I'm remodeling my home and first thing I did was install modern oil heat. When I had electric heat it cost me $16.50 a month and then I had to burn presto logs to keep warm. Now it costs me about $11.00 a month for heat and I've been comfortable this winter...for the first time." K. D. Schaitel, 11620 Rainier Avenue S., Renton, Washington. ==s, IH= .............. i i'lL* a .... II'n .... i to the new covered stadium and had a tour through it. Boy, would that hold a lot of hay. It is 208 feet high and about 800 feet ac- ross, all air-conditioned. It will hold 67,000 fro' conventions, about 47,00 for football. Our next stop was Cleveland and of course the best part was a visit with Margaret and her family. While there Don and I went "to the big game between the Browns and the Colts. There were almost 90,000 wild-eyed fans and never have I heard so much noise. We almost froze in 37 degree weather plus a 30-40 mile wind off the lake. On Jan. 3 we left for Atlanta and on this trip we had some tough roads and saw some very hard living conditions. Poverty seemed to stick out all over the place. While with Dick we made • ~' side trip south to Fort Benning and saw some of the latest Ranger training methods and on our way home stopped at the Warm Springs Foundation. After nearly two weeks we were on the road again and after five days of steady driving got to Cor- onado. I made a trip with Jean (son- in-law) to his submarine and out of the blue the skipper asked if I'd like to go to sea a few days with them. I think I remained dig- nified but a chance like that does- n't come often. Anyway, on Mon- day a.m. we were aboard and off for the deep. I liked it best when we were down because everything is so quiet and smooth. We were playing war games so I saw all of the boys in action. This coming Monday we will go to Palm Springs, where we will stop for a day or so to say hello to some of the Shelton clan. The Morrisseys are there and several others. We hope to get home about Feb. 14 or 15. The finest parts of this trip have been our visits with the kids and relatives but the unusual things we have been able to do make better talking material. Best Regards, Rudy and Ada ~ear Editor In response to the objection rais- ed by the Nimrod club of Sheiton, to the construction of the proposed fish reef by the Hood Canal Seals, in Pickering Passage, I would like to clarify any misunderstand- ings which may exist as to the re,-'ult of such a structure. By placing articles underwater in the shallower depths, it affords a place for the, smaller forms of marine vegetation to attach them- selves and grow. As these spee- imens grow, they .!n turn serve as food for the snmiler fish, which in tu~ sezwe as food for the lar- ~er fish, and so on, until the time hen the fishermen break the chain. ' The types of fish which are at- tracted by th~s type of shelter are the Ling Cod, Rockfish, Perch, Sea Bass, Cabazon, and many others of the spiney ray family. The octopuS is also attracted by these structures. Now! IF this is the type of fish to which the Nimrods refer an "Scrap" fish, theYl they are right in their claim that we will offer a ,,haven" to these creatures. However, if the term "scrap" fish refers to the dogfish, hake, ratfish and carp, then we mUst argue that this type of fish does not make use of this form of shel- ter. By spending many hours under- water, watching and photograph- ing these creatures, we see and are able to report on their habits to the State Dept. of Fisheries, and as a result, the Dept. is able to help all fishermen: in one way (~r another. We extended an invitation to your group to attend the last club meeting, where Mr: Buckely, of the Fisheries Dept. was on hand to explain the situation, as well as report on the survey conducted rote the result of fish taken by spearfishing. Sifice there was no one from Thursday, February Hood pert Couple Beeo e reat ......... 0n Vaee,tines By Dana O'Neil HOODSPORT St. Valentines Day, the (lay 'of hearts and flow- ers, and pounds of sweet little fat- tening chocolate goodies, has pas- ~sed But this year it leaves some- thing a little more substantial than that extra inch aroLmd the middle. At 7 a.m. the mo~ing of Valeu- ~i.~es Dav Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert became great grandpa~ ents for the second time. A seven pound little girl was LaVada O'- t Lo the gallant efforts t,f the com- mittee incharge of tickler sales of which Mrs. Bessy Hale was chairman.The other two gals on the committee who did such a great job of selling tickets are Mrs. Betty Schwab and M:rs. Blanche Calahan. The new members of the Com- munity Concert are Mr. anti Mrs. Dick Bottorff, James Reeder, Mrs. Charles Niles, Chester Rosenburg, Mrs. Anna Matye, Mr. and Mrs. 5ames Lucca, Miss Kathy Pill, Nell's Valentine gift to her hus- Miss Kim Michaels, Mrs. P~obert band Tim and the family. It ap- Michaels, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph pears that every member of the T. Petei'son, M~s. Christine Phil- family is just about as proud as lips, and Mrs. Louise Kosten. "Old Dad" is. In addition to the new members This is the Gilbert's second many thanks to former members great grandchild.' In November who renewed their memberships their oldest grahdson and his wife. again this year. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Nefi, pre- The Andrew Scot family would sented the Gilberts ~,ith a great like everyone to know that Mr. o~randson named Dennis James Scott is doing much better and whom the great grandparents that, they are pleased with his have not yet seen. It now appears progress. He should be home with that. when it .comes to the three O'Neil boys having their first baby, Mr: and Mrs. Jim O'Ne".l are the "Last of the Mohicans": There are four others in Hoods- port who were once known as a "Valentine baby". The four being Norma Gray, Barb Crumb, Care- lyn Schwab, and Teri'y Addleman., AS I~ THE CUSTOM, the Hood Canal Kindergarten Valentine party was held Feb. 11, at the Hoodsport school. The class, Laugh by Mrs. Betty Schwab, presented a program consisting of a Valen- Line greeting by the. children af- ter which they recited a Valen- tine poem, sang a song, joined in a circle dance, and gave a review of their work and all that they had learned. At the close of the pa'ogram they played games. But best of all was refreshment time. The refreshments were served by the mothers and tho'roughly en= joyed by the whole group. The refreshment menu consisted his family some time next week. Mr. Scott is suffe,'ing from head injuries sustained from an on the job. The accident happened while the crew was cleaning out a ditch with the pow- er shovel. The power shovel dug up a hld~ten wire from the ditch as the wire was lifted it JOUfiL AL ADS 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. ~{~::~::::~]!::~::~:i:i}::~i~!~!~:::~:!:~:~::::::::~::,::~ ......................... %, General Electric General Electric struck Mr. Scott, knocking him off balance, and he fell to the ground. Hoodsport and all of Andy's friends would like him to know that he haS many ve~T sincere best wishes for a quick recovery. And now for a little small talk. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kare went to southern California to visit rel- atives and celebrate their 25th wedding anniversat~J. Also bound for southern Calif- ornia is Mrs. Thelma Kneeland. She will be taking care of her grandchildren while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Emery ira- Snoozo Alarm, Lighted Dial vel to Sun Valley. Her husband of beautifully decorated heart- John will join her later. shaped cookies and punch supplied Donnie Bearden is home after by Mrs. Donna Douglas, cupcakes spending 35 days at the Legisla- by Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Rumsey, ture in Olympia as a page. His argl more delightful decorated brother Bradley also had the op- cookies by Mrs. Betty Tweed. portunity to join him as a page There were 14 kindergarten in the degislature. class members present, the new- Gary Bearden is now stationed est member being Terry Addle- in California on the Constellation. man. As guests to the party there The Constellation had previously were 14 mothers accompanied bybeen stationed in Viet Nam but eight younger brothers and sis.. was relieved by the Ranger, which ters of various class members,was long overdue. THE COMMUNITY Concert Babies, parties, good news and ticket sale has drawn to a close bad, thus ends another week's ~l:nth~0vemrdict ~s;t~ucce~s:~yo~ news . from Hoodsport. Who • p., knows what the next week holds and new, were sold here in Hoods- h~ store. port. All of this good news is due the Nimrods present, I will point out that the Fisheries are on rec- ord as supporting our program, !1 and recommend approval by the Army Carp of Engineers. Sincerely, E. R. Fuller, Chairman Fish Reef Committee 605 So. 8th. She}ton, Wn. Hood Canal Seals You Can't Beat "A MILLER'S Always Shop Miller's First---Buy At \, 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. Deluxe HD5 - Cool, low, med., ½ DAY SPECIAL and high controls HAT BOX CARRYING CASE DAY SPECIAL You Can't B at "A MILLER'S DEAL" Always Shop Miller's First--Buy At Home Fadory Trained Service Department Delivery .. Full Warranty We Buy In Carload Lois--Belier Savings Buy G.E, In SheHon As Low Priced