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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, ,~ U~ 'be ollowing limerick was wrdten by Mr. De nbaugb'S Sth grade class. There is a girl at our school Who is really not that cool. But there is one thing funny, She does save her money-- Once a week as a rule! --Desolee Clayton THURIHrON COUNTY FEDERA4 8AInNGS AND LOAN A880GAIQll • OLYMPIA-- Home Office Fifth & Capitol We,/ • LACEY • SHELTON Branch gmnch 413 1 Market ~uIM 3 ! 3 Raiboed Avo~ Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 18, 1971 am er ears pea Many of the problems facedquestions from the audience, tie commented that the proper ways to eX~ in higher education today are the Beasley commented that thesituation will not get better, since Beasley said. :*~Z same as those faced by the nation c o 11 e g e c a m p u s e s f a c e estimates indicated the number of "Colleges and U~,~ as a whole, the Shelton Chamber overpopulation just like manypersons seeking higher education not going to solve ttl~)l~ of Commerce was told by two other areas. Many of the students, by 1980 will be about 50% higher the world," he said,~MASON I Washington State University he said, do not feel they are part than it is today, make contributi~USTlCE administration officials at its of the system. This comes partly "Society will have to make solutions. '~aring oi February membership ,neeting from too many people, Beasleysome crucial decisions, on how Answering o~_Coun!y said, which increases the ease with many and what kind of services it before it was a .~Udge Gle Inmates Drive For Young Almost 200 persons signed up to donate blood at Washington Corrections Center in an appeal ~o~ a nine-year-old MatlQck boy who is suffering from leukemia. Of these about 150 were inmates and the rest staff members. The blood donation effort was headed by inmates who had read of Kevin Howard's illness in a news story. The Happydale Jaycees and the Gavel Club 40, both inmate organizations at the corrections center, with two inmates as chairmen of the project. Representatives of the Thurston-Mason County Blood bank were at the corrections center from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. last Thursday to take blood from the donors. Those whose blood could not be taken that day will he drawn another time. It was impossible to take blood from all donors because of storage problems in the blood bank. The inmate chairmen expressed appreciation to the corrections center and the blood bank for their cooperation. Local Pilots Get Certificates John Koch Through Dry Natural, For Me~', ! .d 0V ,,I,, Comma Hair Spr MEDICATED LIP BALM REG. 39¢ NOW etmo Seven Mason County residents Training Course is oz. Size. recently were presented Reg. $2-. NOW certificates for completion of a Army PFC. John L. Koch 20 course in principals of Air Traffic son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest WI Controlat Auburn. Koch, Shelton, recently 32 oz. The course, taught by Federalcompleted a 23-week fixed i Reg. Aviation Administration station technical controller course $2.29 representatives Feb. 8-11, was for instrument and VFR pilots. Among items covered were the use of air space, separation of aircraft, airline, military and Sunday pilots. The use of NVA-Aids and how they were used on radar by controllers was a highlight of the course. Mason County residents receiving certificates were Mr. and Mrs. Don Wiss, George Moore, L.O. Taylor, Herb Vonhof, Jack Marius and Arnold Zwieg. at the U.S. Army Signal Center and School, Ft., Monmouth, N.J. lte was trained in the concepts, procedures and equipment necessary for control of fixed station facilities. PFC. Koch entered the Army in April 1970 and completed basic training at Ft. Lewis. He is a 1968 graduate of Shelton high school, and attended Green River College, Auburn. ttis wife, Kathy, lived in Long Branch, N.J., during this training. NOW 60'S REG. $2.49 NOW 124 N. 2nd II • 426-6163 $2.18 NOW Anti-Perspirant O Value From the makers of Allerest ® 20 Tablets 20's $1.39 NOW $15 l 814 drivinl $90 I Belf p~ 9 spee, Jacob $35 forl Shelton Selvj lhelton, 90 d For relief T~ of Sinus headache and congesbon KINDNESS° HEAT-ACTIVATED CONDITIONER Reg. $1.75 • TM ¢9 9/o cl i ol IO .NOw SUPER SIZE 100 Capsules PLUS 30 FREE Reg. $11.50 NOW 25's Reg. 73¢ NOW STORE OPEN: 9:30 A.M. " 8:30 P.M. I I Monday thru Saturday -- Closed Sundays I EVERGREEN SQUARE 426-3456 Steve Duchsherer. David the fire under control in a short ~ ~{'i Rasmussen, Doug Fletcher and time, it took a considerable length cIt ~ : Sheriff's Reuben Perrine, engineer; Darren of time to extinguish all of the ii "~n'.~[~ert Love, Bunnell, Mike Clayton, Steve burning parts. Duchshercr and David Rasmussen, The home was completely ii "~ ,~/--4 ~~Kingston A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE Thurston-Mason County scientist; I)arren Bunnell, Mike gutted and all of the contents [ ~//~~ FARMERS FFgSslu Blood Bank takes a blood sample from an inmate at the Clayton and Steve Duchsherer, were destroyed, firemen said. ":~ Washington Corrections Center during a blood drive at the sportsman anti l)avid Rasmussen, The Lyon family was not at 407 S. 1st ~t ..k institution last week for a young Leukemia victim, geologist, home at the time of the fire. ' t "* ............ :': ...... " ................ " ...... 0"~" I .................... : .......... :" ":" :':"~:':':::I:': ..... jail; Dor Lake Scouts Are ,e stated he does not believe The speakers we, Nt; Stev~ that colleges and universitiesby County Agent 1046, St should be sanctuaries where laws DeRiet. , $15 f can be violated with immunity. -" it. 2, Bc He stated that the Vietnam ~ ~ Achievement awards were A skit pfitterned after war is subjected to much criticism TD/~DICAI ..... presented to a number of Boy Dragnet, entitled, "Evading ......... I~vrI~,~- t, Rt. oozn on ana oH tne campus. ~ expired Scouts at the January 28 pack Denmotherhood". was presentedMany of the students sincerely Larae Vo felt; Gar5 meeting of Pack 112, sponsored by Den 1. The Weblos Den had a believe that the U.S. should not -- ,7 -- 40cc, -,~ by the Shelton Kiwanis (?lub. display showing the catapaults be in Vietnam while others, which Includin~ ttoxicated The meeting, held at the designed and made by the boys in are in a much smaller number, do Fancy Guppies elljail, su, Bordeaux School, was opened earning their engineering degree, not have such honorable ' ~-~ ided 30 with the presentation of the Den 4 was presented flag intentions and are only intent on Tetras, ~rs, Rt colors and the flag salute by Den decals and the attendance award, destroying the system. U /k I~ I1~ no artl 4. Mrs. Robert Meacham was named The way must be found to ~m ~,~ pt • ~:~. annie P Denner awards were presented chairman of the Blue and (}old control the disturbances without A I~ II A ~Shelton, to Mark Core, Pat Rhodes, RayBanquet to be held at the Pack curtailing the right to dissent. ~ ,q I, r, ="~Kenneth Johnson. Dang Shiel and Tony Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 25. A Efforts nmst be made to find 1221 W. Birch~., Shelto~ Benedict. film on wild life will be shown. ~ -award Assistant l)enner awards went ~~ ...... ,~.S, Shelto: tODannyBObbYwilson,Meacham,Tim GlasseyR°b RogerS,and Fire - E ~ted, $19( Destr,,ys .,.,. A ,.I • I~ ~, suspe David Rasnmssen... ~~N~ A~LU~ -:tried 30 Bobcat awards went to Rob Home In City '~t, 1127 Rogers, Rabble Lehman and ~: I ~~fl~[ ~, speedin Steve Duchsherer. Wolf awards The Don Lyons home at 726 ~ I~~ I'W] !] Slater, i were presented to Bobby S. 9th, Shelton, was destroyed by ~ i~ failure Meacham, Ray Johnson and Mike fire early Saturday morning, the ~.: _ . "~SlndfOrfeilTra O'Leary. A Bear award was Shelton l:ire Departnlent said this i~4,.8 Organic Base ( il~ne 1i e presented to Pat Rhodes. week. lb. sack, 2 g g z Weblos awards included Firemen received the call at 6 ~. covers ~ ~n ff ...... 2 Raymo Darren Bunnell, Mike Clayton, a.m. Saturday and, while they had ii S a,uuu sq. SPECIAL 92rid, Ta la st Th u rsd ay. stated that prese~}t~Week wm The speakers were l)r. Wallace which the student can get lost. is willing to pay for, "Beasley have held that hi~ington ~~ Beasley, executive vice president, lie also commented that stated. anti J. Reginald Miller, director of studies show that about 15 per tligher education needs both cannot be deni~" ' u ~l~xngton ( '~ university relations, cent of those in colleges andfinancial and moral support sufficient cau~_ .. • _,~ane, ure Beasley spoke to the groupuniversities are there against their today, he commented, observation of due P~: .. -ai llcens( before the two answered wills. Speaking about campus It is not easyt01~a , lien disturbances, Beasley stated he leaders in the~,,,- dilb. ~neltor believed too much was being because it is difficm~:. ,~ ~.~szgn, :~ 15 made of the activities of a small wrong doingaga~ • St t minority of students, commented expired