February 18, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 18, 1971 |
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~he day bell[ ..
.,~resnng over 1,800 acres Announced earlier this month
~mobile isn~
oq~pson Timber Company was the sale by Clyde and Phillis
.ibrary~ do I g,.~la__w~,g_.llthe, Shelton. Working Ziegler of Ziegler's Studio &
~m ne done this year Camera Shop to A1 and Rosalie
amphlets, ~.
n~ to William Kamin, treeMcConnell.
informati0 ~
~agement forester McConnell, formerly with ~"
library is ~_..
• 00~ea program of renewing Lockheed's Missile and Space i~
New 0 ~-r " " Division photo staff in San Jose,
• _ _ me stanas was used this ~~
r ary often,~" _
.•2~eacrt to fit the growing California, started in photography ?'i~
nd nonm~
ot,..,~l oI the available lands,with a newspaper in Bellingham.
ety of c~.Of two and three year old There he received a well-rounded
person ~ F'
t0~, lr seedlings is being education in the field by learning
O0a:C:2~ted~ lithography, copy and camera
?Pb:~ry L8 eding
es to ~a'" , ~ eb. 7 operation.
...~ a uougms Fir seed and a He and his wife Rosalie, who
and new~
(ali~r for decemination On formerly operated a beauty shop
,.~aand to be too moist for in San Jose, first became
and roc~ ,'~
Witl~ a program of collecting interested in Shelton when
ibrary od "
'; ," ..N~D cuttmgs was made traveling through the area on their
I matenn,, ~_
• ~.,~e wet areas were planted
9rary lnao~t h e f way to Victoria on vacation•
• ..rt ast growing They have two children. Tim,
brary glve~
• - v.~-od. More than 40 acres 20, is attending school in San
ply at ~ •
,, e m Mason County near Francisco and Linda, 22, is
)n to aJ~ .
~he roman employed with the Stanford
the b
timberlands where brush Medical Center• :
t's your libJ
to print
vy vegetation prohibited
rth of desirable species, a
program bared the soil
ng and planting.
the lands planted this
season in Grays Harbor,
nd Lewis Counties were
~ith seed gathered by
Timber Company from
timber stands and
m company plants. The
were grown at the
iial Forest Nursery at
and Yelm, Washington.
black cottonwood
were selected from
ed le ; of outstanding
teristics along the
~sh River
in anOJEson,s "
,_JIPtimberlands have
their rrli~o r e
, than 35,000 acres
lore opill d in this manner since
~d Kamin.
~on°~" R. Willour, Shelton
i~tative of Northwestern
~Life Insurance Co. has
~med a member of the
~lk~'s Golden Key Club for
~~ccording to Wendell J.
~.lw. ,, manager of the
~y s Washington State
Golden Key Club
those agents who are
in placing $1 million
of life and health
protection on the lives
of their communities
lour started with
National in 1957,
been one of its leading
a number of years, said
The grand three-day sale of
last weekend went very well
according to all reports. The
customers seemed as well-pleased
with the merchandise as the
merchants were with the response
given ....
All of which leads one to
believe that you can find what
you want in Shelton, all you have
to do is give the merchant a
fighting chance to show it.. •
Well, again this weekend as in
the past, many of our local
businesses are featuring many
items, and some of these are on
sale. Just a slight smattering of
the goodies you'll find are.. •
Bedspreads, raincoats and
pictures! You'll find them all at
PENNEY'S this weekend.
Manager Clint Harrington really
knows when he says, "Value• It
still means something at Penney's,
and these great buys prove it" ~ • •
For good unfinished furniture
stop in and take a look at what
Manager Larry Knudsen iaas put
on disolav at LUMBERMEN'S OF
SHELTON. These look like just
the ticket for the do-it-yourselfer
• .. and at a reasonable price too
Look for the lowest price on
fertilizer at WESTERN
FARMERS this week end. Brick
Bostwick, owner, has such a low,
low price you won't be able to
turn it down, and even with the
low price you'll have the greenest
lawn in town...
Whatever look you choose,
you'll find that there's a Miss
Wonderful shoe to go with it and
you'll find them at BOB'S SHOE
TREE. Owner Bob Wotton has a
tremendous selection to choose
from for spring, and they're on
the shelves right now! ...
"1 just don't know how to
express my gratitude," says Mrs.
Joan Woodward, manager of Pool
Nuotare, "to all the marvelous
people who have turned out to
Early Friday morning a
passer-by noted the fire in the
recreation hall adjoining the pool.
He pounded on the door of the
near-by Cottage Cafe, awakening
the proprietors who called the
Volunteer Fire Department of
District No. 11.
"It was almost unbelievable,"
Mrs. Woodward states, "that they
could get on the job so promptly•
Some of the fellows were still
pulling on jackets as they arrived
on the scene."
According to Joan Woodward,
the firemen did more than
extinguish the flames; they also
shoveled out all the rubble, hosed
down the entire interior and
Park Donation
Need to sleep more
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiii comfortably at night? Then now's
the time to head for B&R SALES The site is located about a
and a Springair mattress. Manager mile and a half north of Tahuya
Game: Wayne Hartman Jerry Watilo has a special price on in the Kitsap Peninsula.
Series: Duane Wilson some for this weekend so better Rensland gave the land to the
hurry .... For specials every state for recreational purposes.
ings: 40&8 14-7 Rain er week better stop in at
?; Naults Service 11-10; EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER.
.me Service lOV2-10V2; • •
~obil 10-11; Sheton Owner Ken Chapman always has
~rs 9-12; Simpson 8-13- items for everyone and always at Get a flua~iN
aven 7V2-13~k. ' competitive prices ....
rimestan0, LIOydAhlquistMurr 468 There are some brand new
Leo Nault 503; Rainier women's clothing items from
Duane Wilson 585;dess's Bobble Brooks at MILLER'S.
2, Ken Fredson 553; Manager Ran Elledge has really
~eTrailblazers462; Hiddenl'HavenChUck0, hit the jackpot on these newest of
503; Simpson 3, the new fashions, so better hurry
mgherty 482. on out and see 'em today...
MEN'S Specials of the week are the
Game: Dick Hopkins rule at NEIL'S PHARMACY
where owner Nell Evander always
Series: Dick Hopkins tries to round up the finest in
ndings: Boom 19-5; merchandise at the lowest
16-8; Chippers 15-9; Mill possible price. Stop in soon...
; Mill 3 10-14; Shop 9-15; That s -30- for this week,
IBP 7-17.
3, Lerov Moore 542; but remember what Graver
Ed Richards 480; Cleveland once wrote, "Though
Phillips 528; IBP the people support the
~apman 466; Mill 3 2, government the government
; 608; Mill 4 2, Lewis
; Shop 3, Roy Petty should not support the people."
1, Norm Castle 549. -DL
Is On Agenda
AmOng the items on the
agenda for the meeting of the
State Parks Commission in
Everett Feb. 22 is discussion of
the bequest from the late Harvey
Rensland of a 10-acre site which
takes in about one half of Jiggs
Lake in Mason County°
when you buy a new
Here's an amazing offer: buy a H0melite
E-Z chain saw---the lightest Homelite
ever built--0r any other new Homelite
chain saw and we'll give you a t0p-
quality, 100% Nylon jacket absolutely
You'll wear this good-looking
jacket for all outdoor
activities_especially when
you use your new Homelite
chain saw these chilly days.
So hurry on in.
Offer is good only while
the supply lasts.
* Two Year
* $1,000.00
* When Compounded Daily
SHELTON -- First & Rallroad~ 426-8211
... Home Office: Olympia
uwmp a -- Montesano -- Vancouver -- Shelton
1306 Olympic Hwy. S.
TEEN-AGERS TURNOUT to lend their labors in the
cleaning-up of Pool Nuotare, badly damaged by smoke. A
radio played while walls and floors were scrubbed.
boarded up the building. The
Shelton Fire Department stood
by to render assistance, but aid
was not needed.
The recreation hall is
completely ruined; the pool area
suffered smoke damage
throughout and all paint was
burned away° Just six months ago
the rooms had been completely
"I looked at the mess," said
Mrs. Woodward," and didn't
know where to start. I'd have just
given up if it hadn't been for
Patty Wolfer."
Mrs. Wolfer viewed the
situation, went home and changed
into her scrubbing clothes and
returned to help with the clean-up
On Saturday morning she
came back, accompanied by her
daughter Diana and her Girl Scout
Troop; teen-agers came pouring
in, prepared to work; a friend,
Mrs. Marvin Abort, arrived with
food and a camper which was
utilized as a dining area in which
the willing laborers ate in shifts.
Mrs. Abbott and her husband
toiled all day. A Sunday School
class of young people appeared
from the Mormon Church; David
Powell, a boy of perhaps ten
years, quietly brought a brand
new electric clock and mounted it
in place of the demolished one.
So it went all day. Sandwiches
and coffee and other foods were
brought. Teen-agers, young adults
and grown-ups all turned out to
scrub the area. A sprayer was
loaned by the Nye Company, and
on Sunday the adults painted the
"Perhaps it was because we
bent the Sabbath," said Joan
Woodward, "but over night most
of the paint ran off. 1 guess the
concrete was too wet."
Monday saw the kids back on
the job. They came armed with
cokes and snacks and a radio and
a will to work. They grabbed
mops and rags and brushes and
brooms and cleaned with a
vengeance. On Tuesday Doug
Hanna, swimming coach, and his
high school team took over the
job of re-applying the paint.
"People are wonderful,"
declared Joan Woodward,
brushing back from her brow a
wisp of paint-stained hair and
leaving a smudge on her nose.
Crew Chief
5ED C R5
and his sales crew for
Over 50 U
Cars & Pickups
"Since 1 27
1st and Grove
. z Service, Man.
Quick rt~ -
Pa - Le thru Sat.
Rental & ase Cars
MIC Insurance
Votes Set
For A
The five non-high school
districts which will participate in
the financing of the new Shelton
High School have se~ April 6 as
the date for bond isstie elections
to raise their share of the funds
for the projecL
The date was selected at a
m e e t ing of countv school
directors last week.
The non-high districts
received word last month from
the Intermediate School District
that the State Board of Education
had approved the division of
financial responsibility which had
been submitted by the County
Committee on School District
The North Mason School
District will also re-submit two
special levy issues to their voters
on the same ~tay. The two issued
were defeated Feb. 9 and include
one for maintenance and
operation and one for the
purchase of busses.
Fire Damages
Swimming Pool
Fire Thursday night did an
estimated $10,000 damage to the
Pool Nuotare.
Charles Brotche, fire chief of
District 11, said his department
received the fire call about 5 a.m.
Friday and that nine men
responded to the fire alarm.
They had the main fire out in
about 15 minutes, he said, after
which the building could be
cleared of heat and smoke.
Brotche said the fire
apparently started from a short in
an electrical panel.
He estimated damage to the
structure at about $10,000.
The call on the fire was
received at the Mason County
Sheriff's Office at 4:47 a.m. from
Bob Lewthwaite, a resident of the
Edgewood Apartments.
The pool is owned by Don
Hollingshead, Eugene, Ore.
t ,
(Continued from page 1)
mangle and ass,stance; Gott Oil,
supporting with an Honorary
membership and providing a
repairman to put the furnace into
operation; Welcome Wagon and
the Jayettes, each with a $25
Contributing membership; Eells &
Valley Appliance Center,
donating a used stove and washing
machine• So much has been done;
and so much yet remains to be
"We hope to open the home
on March 1," states Gordon Craig,
"and we are right on target.
However, there are still problems
to be solved."
The house is leased
unfurnished, and although the
mothers will bring with them
certain items, furnishings will be
incomplete. Yet to be acquired
are a large dining room table and
Festival Meeting
The Mason County Forest
Festival Association trustees will
meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the
PUD 3 Conference room to
discuss plans for the 1971 Forest
Bowling News
Men's Hi Game: Lloyd Clark 237
Men's Hi Series: Lloyd Clark 625
Women's Hi Game: Betty Olson
Women's Hi Series: Helen Rice
Standings: Chantrels 12q~-8V~;
Tori's 1 1-9: Moraan Transfer
11-9; Straf 11-9; Left Overs 11-9;
O&J's 11-9; 4 of Us IOVz-9Vz;
Bullheads 10-10; Woodchucks
10-10; Fireballs 9-11; Misfitz
8-12; Make-Ups 6-14.
Make-Ups 4, Lloyd Clark 625;
Fireballs 0, Harold Redman 537;
Tori's 1, Helen Rice 510;
Left-Overs 3, Gene Benedict 578;
Chantrels lqz, Ken Walden 512; 4
of Us 2t/z, Ken Graves 499;
Woodchucks 2, Jim Williams 394;
Morgan Transfer 2, Norm
Schimschat 505; Misfitz 0, Lionel
Leman 469; Straf 4, -eo Nault
530; Bullheads 0, Klaus Hoepfner
461; O&J's 4, Dean Perry 501.
chairs; a vacuum; fire
extinguishers; a blender; a play
pen or two; and - most
important of all - fencing to
keep the toddlers away from the
adjacent waters. Funds are needed
to meet initial costs such as the
first month's rent, insurance,
utility hookups, and similar
Questions? Just call Chairman
S. Gordon Craig, 426-6098, or
secretary Mildred Welch,
Menus for 8helton
Sohools and
Shelton Senior
High Sohool
Week of Feb. 22-26
MONDAY -- Pizza, Whole
kernel corn, cabbage wedge,
carrot sticks, apple crisp, milk.
TUESDAY -- chili con carne,
orange rolls, tossed salad,
applesauce, milk.
WEDNESDAY -- Hot dog on
buttered bun, potato chips,
seasoned green beans, jello
with whipped topping, milk.
THURSDAY -- Meat qravy
over rice, cole slaw, hot
buttered biscuits, fruit, milk.
FRIDAY -- Meat and potato
dish, buttered peas, sandwich,
prunes, chocolate cake, milk.
Supplement your child's
diet with Plenamine from
Prepp's Rexall
133 Railroad Ave.
Phone 426-4642
36 inches es x
Width: 32 inches,
22½ inches high.
15 inches
22 inches wide,
15Vz inches high & 14V~ inches
ee°. 95
Pictured at left.
32" wide, 64" high
and 10V~" deep
Style No. BKd02 has two sturdy
shelves and is 32" wide, 32" high
and 10V2" deep.
Style C-512 pictured 5 Style C-Sll is $4
is 32" wide, 32" high 32" wide, 16" high
and 12" deep. & 12" deep.
Use Your Bank Card
Mason County"
Of Shelton • 426-2611
Thursday, February 18, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5