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Hearts and flowers filled the
fairgrounds hall with Valentine's
Day decor as Ed Mathew's square
dancing class was graduated at the
regular meeting of the Salty
Sashayers on Saturday night.
Cla~ members
: before ]n audience
dancers and were required to
,_'xecute o r~:)uline while stepping
around raw eggs placed on the
lloor. To add to the merriment,
the initiates were blindfolded.
Feminine screams of
consternation mingled with
masculine moans of anguish as
on-looking Salty Sashayers
lamented the ensuing mess amid
the constant crackling and
crunching underfoot. Blindfolds
were removed to disclose that
soda crackers had somehow
AMONG SQUARE DANCERS who were graduated on
Saturday night from the class sponsored by the Salty
Sashayers were Bob and Ellen Blanchard, who were
celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary. Diplomas were
presented by Ed Mathews, left, instructor. The Blanchards'
daughter, Robin, also completed the course.
replaced the eggs.
Wearing red cardboard
mortarboards from which dangled
tassels of hearts, graduates
received from Ed Mathews of
Bremerton, instructor, displomas
Salty Sashayers, vice-president
Don Cress gave to each graduate a
certificate of membership in the
A TV lamp in the form of a
ceramic horse was presented by
the class to their instructor and
his wife Shirley, who assists in
teaching. "It's a great gift," said
Mathews, whose family owns and
rides four horses.
Calling for the evening of
dancing was Ed Mathews, with
Bennie Berndson and Clarence
PILING UP PANCAKES in a practice session are Mrs.
Normar Eveleth left, and Mrs. Gene Benedict, co-chairmen of
the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast to be held in
the hall of St. David's Episcopal Church on Tuesday from 7
a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
First Lesson Feb. 15, 8:00 P.M.
and every Monday thereafter for approx.
20 weeks.
Where- Mason County Fairgrounds
Who- Everyone between ages of 9-90
$2.00 per couple
NOTE: Clip this ad -- it will entitle
a couple to the first lesson free.
Grunert assisting as guest callers.
Cupid having struck again,
plans for a May wedding were
announced by Alice Hanson, a
class student, and Joe Spaulding,
a long-time member of the Salty
partnered his
throughout the course
of lessons.
The second class of the
season, sponsored by the club and
taught by Mr. and Mrs. Mathews,
met for the first time Monday
evening in the fairgrounds hall.
Enrollment is still open and those
wishing to attend should register
promptly. Presentation of the ad
appearing in the Journal will
entitle a couple to the first lesson
at no charge.
The Christmastown Rounder~
Shelton's round dancing ggollp,
will meet at 8 p.m. to jjlay in the
fairgrounds hall. T~ext regular
dance of the Salty Sashayers,
scheduled for February 28, has
been cancelled in. order to allow
the club to attend a b'e~fi'efit dance
to be held in the Lac-A-Do hall in
Olympia. Funds raised will be
contributed towards the building
of a square dance hall in
Today, Thursday, Feb. 18
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Care.
Toastmasters Club, 6{45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant•
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Port commission meeting, 8
p.m. court house.
Hood Canal Woman's Club,
11:30 a.m., Potlatch Clubhouse•
Shelton Nimrod Club, 8 p.m.,
Mason County Demmzrat
Club, 8 p.m., PUD auditorium.
Multi-service Center board
meeting, 7:30 p.m., at the center.
Sarah Eckert Guild, 11 a.m.,
Grapeview Fire Hall.
OES Past Matrons Welcome
Chapter, noon sack luncheon,
Masonic Temple.
Friday, Feb. 19
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house
Rachel Knott Orthopedic
Guild, home of Mrs. K.W. Frank•
VFW Birthday Dinner, 6:30
p.m., Memorial Hall.
Georgine Reed Orthopedic
Guild, noon, home of Mrs.
Ronald F. Sanford.
Saturday, Feb. 20
Game night, 8 p.m., Eagles
Airport Hall.
State Board meeting of
Federation of Women s Clubs,
United Methodist Church.
Ham Dinner sponsored by
Priscilla Club, 6 p.m., Cloquallum
Grange Hall.
Bake Sale, 10:30 a.m.,
Safeway Store• Proceeds to Heart
Sunday, Feb. 21
Shelton Churches invite you
to attend the church of your
Monday, Feb. 22
PUD No. 3 commission
meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference
County commission meeting,
I0 a.m., court house.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Goodwill truck in town.
Phone 426-4847 for pickups•
It's About Time Tops, 7:30
p.m., County Health office•
Mason General Hospital
Auxiliary Coffee Hour, 1 p.m. -
3 p,m., hospital dining room.
Rainbow, 7:30 p.m., Masonic
Tuesday, February 23
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Timbers Restaurant.
City commlssmn meeting, 8
p.m., city hall.
Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport
Degree of Honor, 8 p.m.,
Memorial Hall.
Mason County Credit Women,
7:30 a.m., Timbers Restaurant.
Eagles Auxiliary No. 2079,
6:30 p.m. potluck, airport hall,
Wednesday, Feb. 24
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house
Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,
Multi-service Center.
Mason County Hospital
District Commission, 10 a.m.,
court house.
Thursday, Feb. 25
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Phone 426-3213 evenings for more information.
Also P.M.C. Needlepoint Yarn
2020 Olympic Hwy. N.
Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 18, 1971
VFW Promotes
Project POW
"Project P.O.W." holds topGodwin, president of VFW
priority with Shelton's VFW auxiliary No. 1694, "by writing
auxiliary, letters to a North Vietnamese
Petitions signed by more than official."
two million Americans were taken She suggests that letters be
to Paris in October by Mrs. Mary sent airmail at 20 cents per half
Cottone, National President of ounce. "They should be brief,"
the VFW Auxiliary, and Herbert she says, "and in no way
R. Rainwater, Commander-in- abusive."
-Chief of the VFW. Letters should ask that
The North Vietnamese American servicemen held
delegation to the Paris peace prisoners be treated humanely,
conference refusing to meet with that their names be released and
them, Rainwater and Mrs. that those who are sick be
Cottone displayed at a press allowed to return home.
conference the 11 cartons Correspondence should be
containing 1200 pounds of addressed to:
petitions. Xuan Thuy
Upon their return to the Delegation of the Democratic
United States, they requested a Republic of Vietnam
letter-writing campaign as part of 8, Avenue General Leclerc
a continuing effort to express94 Choisy-le-Roi
American public opinion on theParis, France
prisoner of war issue.
The 41 st anniversary of
According to Department of
Mason County VFW Post No.
Defense listings, more than 1000 1694 and auxiliary will be
U.S. servicemen are believed to be celebrated with a birthday dinner
missing in action in Southeastin the Memorial Hall at6:30p.m.
Asia with about 450 held as Friday.
prisoners of war.
"We may be able to help the P a s t p r e s i d e n t s a n d
anxious families of these men and commanders will be introduced
and service pins awarded. A
the many Americans who are
concerned for them," says Betty program is planned.
Judi Hartman
ByJanIl~nford Judi Hartman Exhibits
- -~-- Paintings by Judi ttartman are mixed media,
I keep a pet termite
And all of his progeny;
I feed them on table scraps -
Mostly mahogany•
First-time visitors to Termite
Terrace are without fail
astonished and intrigued by my
novel gate-fasteners•
There are, in the fence
surrounding my immediate
dooryard, a total of five gates•
The front one, having been
installed by a mere carpenter and
an unimaginative one at that,
closes with a conventional hook
and eye; so let us proceed to the
rear of the enclosure, where my
own inimitable style takes over.
At the very heart of a roll of
barbed wire there are marvelous
gadgets created of unbarbed
material for the original purpose
of providing a core• There is at
one end a circular bend that fits
to perfection over a gate-post,
while the opposite extremity
narrows to a long loop which slips
over a piece of lumber protruding
apropos of nothing from the top
of the gate proper.
This throws a, lot of people,
althougfi I Can~{ imagine ~/hy. It is
only necessary to make sure that
gate and gate-post are perfectly
aligned, thus enabling the gadget
to be easily removed and
The gate leading to the
barnyard is, I confess, a bit more
complicated, being held by an old
leather cow halter. I've seen some
strong men weep bitter tears of
frustration as they attempt to
determine which buckle leads to
A little on the tricky side as
well is the portal through which
one passes from the back yard to
the front, or vice versa• This short
length of fencing is formed of
six-foot cedar garden stakes,
driven into the ground to a depth
of perhaps five inches and nailed
to a two-foot tall frame. There are
eight of these so-called pickets
left un-nailed and to make the
crossing one must uproot the
required number of stakes, leap
over or crawl through the
24-inch-high supporting structure,
and re-plant the stakes. This, for
me, is a comparatively simple
procedure as I can slip through
sideways (holding my breath)
with the removal of only two
pickets. On the rare occasions
that 1 have thus bruised my
anatomical protuberances, I am
reminded to forego the fatted calf
for a few weeks.
Some of my chubbier friends
have found it necessary to remove
all eight pickets only to be faced
with the sad fact that they are
physically unable either to jump
the rail or to force their
corpulences through the aperture
below it, in which case they must
on exhibit through February in
Bigelow's Little Gallery in
For the past ten years Mrs.
Hartman and her husband David
have lived in Shelton. They have
three children, eight-year-old Greg
and Trudi and Jeff, twins, who
are 1 I years of age.
Throughout this time Judi
Hartman has studied off-and-on,
majoring in art. She has attended
Olympic College, Centralia Junior
College, Idaho State University,
the University of Washington and
Pacific Lutheran University, from
which she was graduated with
honors in January, receiving her
degree in art.
Although prefering to paint in
oils, using a palette knife, or in
Rainbow To Meet
remain in the back yard or
negotiate several gates to reach On
Monday Night
their goal•
The piece de resistance,
however, is my garden gate;there
my imaginatio!~ has r~a ri~t ;and
my ingenuity has krtown no
bounds. '~'
Being a Liberated Woman, I
have secured it with a cast-off
panty-girdle, one leg of which
encircles a paling of the gate,
while the other embraces the
Each subtle summer breeze
that sighs
With soft elusive fragrance
Can toss my thoughts
like butterflies
To make of them mere vagrants;
But wild wet winter
winds, unkempt
In damp and dismal gray,
Can roar and shout
nor ever tempt
My tidy mind to stray•
Order of Rainbow Assembly
No. 19 will meet at 7:30 p.m.
Monday in the Masonic Temple•
All line offidets and color stations
should be at the Temple by 7: 15.
Members who have not yet
paid dues are reminded to do so,
and any girls with candy,
stationery or money for these
items should bring same to the
meeting, as well as rummage for
the sale.
No slacks, jeans, shorts, or
trousers are to be worn. Only
dresses and skirts are acceptable
Guild To Meet
The regular meeting of the
Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild
wilt be held in the home of Mrs.
K.W. Frank on Friday.
works with pen
charcoal• Her
writing of poetry
swim, ski, and
is a substitute
Her next
for March and
gallery of the art
campus of
A change of
made for the
planned by
be held from I
the hospital
In ;pons¢
film, the one
shown pertains
and to the
the hospital.
on the
Gifts and
offered for
Guests are
A bake sale,
which will go t~
will be held in
beginning at
the event, will
Jayettes and
baked foods
The most important
many seasons and it's still
Now is your chance to save On
piece pant suit_ ensembles with t
of 1971. Many colors
combinations to
in stzes