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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Girl Scouts Schedule Annual Thinking Day of Service Unit 28 "Thinking Day" on 1 to 3:30 p.m. in the P.U.D. ~. The public is invited. king Day, which the birthdays of Lady Baden-Powell, of the Scouting is annually celebrated ; by the nearly 90 ld associate countries to the World of Girl Guides and The theme is always friendship. of Service Unit 28 chosen a different which to learn, and ionstrate or display from that country leaders of Service Thursday, February home of Mrs. S.W. Service Unit plans were made of Girl Scout 6 through 13. Coogan, leader of 580, Mr. View )orted that the girls of had made Christmas for the Navy patrols in and were about to start for them. Mrs. leader of Junior announced that her having a month of in Olympia. Troop Morken, leader, 603, led by Mrs. had made tray hospital and nursing Lincoln's Birthday. Meets Home & Halves 4-H club the home of Randy p.m. on February revert gave a and we talked on Day. meeting will be r y 22, just for The meeting in be at Sievert's on A1 Sievert Discuss g Party Tip Top 4-H club meeting of the year 10, in the home of Day in March swimming party Some of the gave demonstrations to their projects. Chapman, reporter Holds Party Parsons served as for the meeting and of the Shel-Toa on February 4 in the Georgia Johnson. and casseroles were members, and a recipe the party. were mesdames Linda Iris Doak, Yvonne Sharon Elledge. Linage sale is planned for 1 1 a.m. to 2 p.m. in iun , with a work for the preceding in Georgia Johnson's Set Priscilla Club of i has scheduled a ham 6 p.m. Saturday in the Grange Hall. qNOTES ~ FROM "IE HEART OF DRUGSTORE It the magazine COunter. Ipe tobacco and Cigaret lot even the ==.._ te p. h.~,. tunic Wem, or tooth Daste. ou~eheh:r~PY to se I that , . 's in the filling we "oow ~uu really need us. 's Pharmacy ~gency Ph. 426-2165 Cranklin St---426-3327 ~ Daily 9:30 to 7"30 Tenino To --9:30 to 6:00 Valentine's Day tray favors were made by troops 374, 508 and 822, led by Mrs. Harold Zangl, Mrs. Joe Coogan and Mrs. Guy Lusignan, respectively. Cookie Sale information and order forms will be distributed to Junior, Cadette and Senior troops at the Thinking Day event February 20. Mrs. Frank Travis, Jr. is depot manager for the Cookie Sale. Fire :hief To ;d Retiring Fire Chief Les Rice will be honored at an Open House to be held in the Grapeview Fire Hall on Sunday between the hours of 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Also to be feted are firemen Bill Somers, Bill Spooner, Orin Buckingham and Julius Stock, all of whom have served for 25 years. Soroptimist Club Greets Initiates New members initiated by president Bernadine Duffey at the January 27 dinner meeting of the Soroptimist Club were Joyce Jaros of the Yarn Shop; Mickie Starkey, Schools; and Helen Stodden, city clerk. The event was held in Taylor Town. History of the Soroptimists, the largest classified women's service club in the world, was reported by Virginia Grout. On February 3 in the home of Bernadine Duffey a display of styles was presented by District Director Dorothea King, saleslady for garment manufacturers. Nurses Meet Washington State Nurses Association District No. 22 met on February 9 in the home of Margaret Forman. The next regular meeting will be held on March 9 when the group will meet at Taylor Town for a 6:30 p.m. dinner. All registered nurses are invited and reservations may be made by calling 426-8159 or 426-2118. Degree Of Honor To Meet Tuesday Newly elected president Mrs. Martha Clark will preside at the meeting of the Degree of Honor to be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Memorial Hall. Refreshments will be provided by hostesses Mrs. Martha Dunbar and Mrs. Helga Mattaini. Bridge Club Winners Named North-South winners at the Monday night meeting of Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club were Col. Dudley and Yes Ire; Lenora Dudley and Gordon Bennett; Gusti Goldschmid and Helen Ruddell. Winning for East-West were Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wills; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holt; Vic King and Norm Hutburt. • Music TENINO - In what could be the start of a whole spring and summer full of festivities, the Southern Thurston County community of Tenino, now observing its 100th year of existence, will play host to the second annual Old-time Music Festival Saturday, Feb. 20. The festival, originated and still sponsored by the Tenino Lions Club, will help to celebrate Tenino's centennial this year, as other celebrations to come later. The Old-time music fete began last year when JohnC. King DiesIn Hospital John C. King, 423 Poplar, died Tuesday in Mason General Hospital at the age of 65 years. He was born June 4, 1905 in Strawberry Point, Iowa. He had lived in this area for 35 years, and was a retired watchman for Simpson Timber Co. He was a member of the United Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife Theresa of the home; a son, James H. King, and a daughter, Mrs. Beverly Rahe, both of Seattle; and two grandsons. A memorial service will be held in Batstone Funeral Home at 1 p.m. today. In lieu of flowers donations to the Mason General Hospital Coronary Care Unit are requested. Too Late to Classify '68 CHEV. Caprice, loaded. Priced to sell. Call 898-2481 Union. O2/18-3/11 THREE DOUBLE used Hollywood beds, $25.00 each. Two 3/4 Rollaway beds $20. each. 4 ft. kitchen sink and cabinet $20. Five 32" metal showers, $10 each. Five gas wall heaters with thermostat $65 each. One apartment size gas range $25. Sunrise Motel, Hoodsport, 877-5301.2/18 FOR SALE 2 bedroom house. Owner will carry contract, low down payment, $8,750 Call 426-6577. W2/18 tfn '64 Ford Falcon, 41,000 miles, $500 or best offer. Phone after 4 p.m. 426-2295. C2/18 tfn. WEANER PIGS for sale. Phone 426-8390. C2/18 12 FT. PLYWOOD boat, fibre-glassed bottom, steering gear. Shallow well piston pump. Hay fork. 426-4076 after 4 p.m. Y2/18 Card of Thanks We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our relatives, many neighbors and friends for their sympathy, kindness and help shown us in the loss of our husband and father, Enoch A. Uldrikson. Mrs. Enoch A. Uldrickson & family. 1967 HONDA sport 65, good condition. Phone 426-2792. Z2/18 1969 12x60 two bedroom mobile home, 11/2 bath-, outside storage shed, service entrance, $950 for equity and take over contract. 426-6041. 13)2/18-25 SCOTTY PUPS, five AKC registered Scottish terriers, champion blood lines, sired at Carnation. Ideal for show or great as pets. 426-1298. K2/18 townspeople, annoyed at the reputation their town had gained as unwilling host to the Sky River Rock Festival, decided to show that a musical event could be staged without the adverse side effects of illegal drugs and outlawed actions. It worked so well that Tenino was chosen to host the Washington State Fiddling Championships during Oregon Trail Days last summer and now, a bigger and better music festival is set for this year. Already signed up to attend the morning workshops and nighttime show are pianist Hazel Amrine of Chehalis, guitarist John Standefer of Puyallup; tenor banjo and guitar ace Bill Yohey of McMinnville, Ore.; fiddler Don Gish of Yakima; fiddler Loyd Wanzer of Caldwell, Idaho and banjo strummer Frank Bolden of Winlock. Participants will come from near and far. Many are past state and even past national champions in their own musical categories. A morning workshop will be held to give pointers to beginners, intermediates and even other experts. Any musician is welcome to attend the workshop, which is free, and there is the possibility the amateur may be chosen to participate in the show that evening. The show that evening, with proceeds to benefit Lions Club community improvement projects, will be from 7:30 until 10 p.m. All festival activities will take place at Tenino High School. Entertainment for the evening show is still being scheduled and, thus far, includes: The "Swell Sounds," an Olympia barbershop quartet; the Olympia Folklore Society Skiffle Band; the Harmonicops of Centralia, plus many high school band and statewide individuals. General chairman of the event again this year is Nell Johnston, Tenino's foremost fiddler. Application Is Given To Corps Application has been received by the Seattle U.S. Army Corps of Engineers office from Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc.. Edmonds, on behalf of the Port of Hoodsport, for Department of the Army permit for certain work in Hood Canal near Hoodsport. The proposed work includes driving piling and installing floats and providing moorage for Hood Canal boaters and Hoodspprt area residents. Interested parties are requested to submit, in writing, any comments or objections that they may have to the proposed work. The decision as to whether a permit will be issued will be based on an evaluation of the impact of the proposed work on the public interest. Factors affecting the public interest mchde, but are not limited to, navigation, fish and wildlife, water quality, economics, conservation, aesthetics, recreation, water supply, flood damage prevention, ecosystems, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. Comments on these factors will be accepted and made part of 1969 CAMMARO 5000 m les the record and will be considered V-8, automatic, 327. Rad o, heater like new. Call 426-2832 in determining whether it would after 5 p.m. M2/18 be in the best public interest to WHEN THE people have no 1969 21FT Dodge explorer ~ grant a permit. Replies to this tyrant, their own public opinion h o m e , 1 2,0 0 0 m i I e's', notice should be mailed to reach self-contained, eXCel ent the Corps Seattle office not later becomes one. Edward George condition, bunrise Motel than March 1 1 to insure Bulwer-Lytton Hoodsport, 877-5301.2/18 -" consideration. Twinor I ! Full Size Set ! I I " Queen Size Set i (Hollywood Frame OI IL I Included at no charge) /1| & It SAt! :' E 01ympi" Itwy-' . --- Shelto' -- 426-3264 I iller In Bruce Miller, son of Mrs. Georgie Miller of Shelton, has joined the American Indian Theatre Arts Ensemble, one of 17 groups of International Bruce Miller Pioneer Area Fire District To Be Discussed A meeting to discuss formation of a fire district in the area or annexation to an existing fire district has been scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Friday in the Pioneer School Gymnasium. On hand to answer questions will be James Connolly, Mason County Regional Planning Director; either Ernie Swanson or Tut Pearson from the Washington Fire Commissioners Association; Shelton Fire Chief Allan Nevitt; District Five Fire Chief Richard Knight and Bob Coons from the Department of Natural Resources. Residents of the area which is not now in any fire district are welcome to attend the meeting to get answers to questions and to express their opinions. Pioneer Board The Pioneer School District Board will have a special meeting at 7:30 p.m. today to officially set the date for the school bond building levy. rm~ng Performing Artists. lie has been teaching at the School of American Indian Arts, Santa re, N.M. The group left Wednesday for Washington D.C. where they will be for two months. After leaving Washington D.C., they will go to New York City for nine months of study. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Bowling News IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WOMEN'S CITY Women's Hi Game: Sharon Huisingh 190 Women's Hi Ser-ies: Sharon Huisingh 523. Standings: Lumbermens 15-5; Shelton Recreation 14-6; Morgans 8-12; Millos 3-17. Lumbermens 3, Adair Neau 479; Millos 1, Clare Erickson 452 She ton Rec. 4, Sharon Huisingh 523; Morgans 0, Char Tobin 393. GRANGE Men's Hi Game: Tom Olson 190 Men's Hi Series: Ralph Simpson 508 Women's Hi Game: Nellie Rossmaier 174 Women's Hi Series: Millie Fagan 416. Standings: Shelton Valley 13-7; Pomona 10-10; Agate 10-10; Harstine 10-10; Matlock 9-11; Southside 8-12. Shelton Valley 2, Tom Olson 481; Agate 2, Lyle Auseth 488; Harstine 3, Everett Simons 430; Southside 1, Carl Goodburn 438; Matlock 3, Ralph Simpson 508; Pomona 1, Lad Simpson 434. SHELTON JUNIOR Men's Hi Game: Mark Johnson 2O5 Men's Hi Series: Don Gardner 485 Women's Hi Game: Linda Dodge 182 Women's Hi Series: Linda Dodge 499. Standings: Bob's Shoe Tree 15-5; Shelton J.C.'s 14-6; Joslin Ins. 10-10; V.F.W. Post 1694 10-10; Hembroff Agency 10-10; Timber Bowl 8-12; Eagles 7-13; Merv's Tirecap 6-10. Timber Bowl O, Dave Stole 431; V.F.W. 4, Terry Dion 424; Joslin Ins. O, Don Gardner 485; Bob's 4, Linda Dodqe 499; Hembroff 4, Terry Knight 437; Merv's 0, Suzi Gruver 409; J.C.'s 4, Dave Hanson 403; Eagles 0, Mike Nolan 378. roup They will be performing in the LaMama Theatre of Performing Arts in New York. After the nine months in New York, the group will tour all of the larger Indian Reservations in the U.S. before returning to Santa Fe for rest and more study. They will then go on a world tour, accompanied by Scott Momadary. Bruce is a graduate of Irene S. Reed High School and attended the School of Indian Arts and Crafts in Santa Fe and the University of Fine Arts in Berkley, Calif. for three years. He is a service veteran, having served in Vietnam for two years. Formation Of Elks Club Here Talked Another a series of meetings to discuss the formation of an Elks Club in Shelton has been scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Hallmark Inn. Representatives of the State Elks Association will be present to answer questions. Local residents who are already Elks members or anyone interested is welcome to attend. This weekend will be an opportunity for all Professional Photographers in the State to meet and exchange ideas on the latest trends in their industry .. the 1971 Professional Photographers" a n n u a I Convention. In a 2 day seminar following the Convention, I will join with 15 W a s h i ngton S t a t e Photographers to study with one of the most outstanding candid wedding and group photographers in the United States today. When I return to Shelton next week I will be able to give you the benefit of some of Monte Zukor's great talent and valuable experience. "The Complete Building Center" NOVA CORK BOARD Available in 18x24, 24x36, 36x48 & 4'x8' . .... from sheet Alsons Personal Hand Shower Just the item to modernize your bath. *Clean water rinsing * Shower without wetting hair * Adjusts to child height * Installs in any tub 1332 Olympic Hwy. S. Mike Byrne, Owner 426-4522 I I It's here in southern Puget Sound. Your island is called Hartstene and it's absolutely Presented by: QUADRANT CORPORATION mangificent. Now that might sound like quite a strong A Weyerhaeuser Company, 112 N.E and N.E. 8th statement but it's the truth. You see we at Weyerhaeuser Bellevue, Washington 98009 • Phone : G L 5-2900. did a lot of planning before we turned a spade of earth Site phone : 426-4410 (call collect). on Hartstene Pointe We wanted the It~lg~K~ ~-~ ":""~ DRIVING DIRECTIONS." From Seatte drive south on • . - ~~i d ~ ~.~R~li~ Interstate 5 to 0 ymp a. From Portland drive north on Island to stay natural and unspoded, ano ~j i ~1,. ~ ~1~ Interstate5toOlympia.TaketheAberdeenOcean Beaches that it is. ~ a ~ ~ ~. exit. Next, take the Shelton exit and continue through i~-.~ ~ ~ ~ downtownSheltonandfollowthesigns. FromBremerton, For example all the lots are round and ~ dr ve south on H hwa ' ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~--'~'~ I !g y 3. Take the Hartstene Island ex t enclosed in their own common green ~'.'.'~ i ~ ,~~ and folow the s,gns to Hartstene Pointe. area In fact we left as much land in ~:..:~ h ~I r" ........... common area as we have in lots. We ":~ I ~'~ '~ I A ..... q wantedto help preserve the purity of the ~!a "- ...... ~, i i land and its waters so we developed a ~~ili ~! ~ ~ [ ~] I central sewer system. (A first among ~q ............. ~,_,_~_ i recreat'onal property developers) We ~~;~*; ~=~ I FIUI[I,'~[PllP i,~r111nrp i didn't want power poles to spoi the ~ '~ "~1 II'd ike to see Hartstene Po nte on Hartstene skyline so we buried all our ut lities sland Woul ........ • d you p ease El meet me there What about amenities ? Try this on for size. There's [] contact me about arranging transportation. I'm interested in Island i a lodge with just about every kind of recreation act=wty House living L]. A circular lot building site L3. imaginable There's a giant O ympic size pool and much • Name [ more. In addition to this, we've got Island Houses that ............................. I you can buy. Everyone of the structures has been Address....... I designed to blend with and complement the environ- - ......... I ment and they're all outa' sight.., hidden in the foliage. \ City .............................State .... I Hartstene is a magnificent green island and =t s calhng Zip......... __Phone - I you now. Weyerhaeu-er Thursday. February 18, 1971 - Shelton-Mason Coun'¢ Journal - P.= 9