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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• • ~~~~~~~~I~~I~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ £s matmen ended their 1 22-Mike Wilson(T) dec• Ray Pollari, 2-1. ~~i~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday night at Randy Howard, 5-1. 157-Mark Wittenberg(S) dec. with a 25-15 loss, but 1 29-Jeff Steiner(T) pinned Myron Musick, 4-0• BANTAM MERCHANTS ITT RAYONIER HOUSEWIVES was still their best in Elmer Smith, 4:51. 170-Ray Shatter(T) dec. Don Men's Hi Game: Dale Smith 127 Men's Hi Game: Floyd Jackson Men's Hi Game: Dan Wilson 224Women's Hi Game: Nelda Flint 135-Tom Ainslie(T) dec. Dave Vanderwal, 15-2. Men's Hi Series Dale Smith 241 220 Men's Hi Series: Dan Wilson 625 194 Coach Dick Wentz's Null, 5-0. 188-Dave Myer(S) dec. Craig Women's Hi Game: Sue Wood Men's Hi Series: Chuck Women's Hi Game: Gerry Geist Women's Hi Series: Betty Dean Funkhouser 575. 214 491. an 8-3-1 record 141-Miles Musick(T) dec. French, 4-0. 121 Women's Hi Series: Debbie Standings: T.C.F• 14-6; N•B• Women's Hi Series: Gerry Geist Standings: Position Day, and had a 4-3-I Dean Medcalf, 6-2• Unl.-Bill Gray(S) dec. Dave Coleman 216. of M.C. 11-5; Boon's 13112-6112; 536. Dean's Gun Shop 25-7; The Old 148-Mark Thompson(S) dec. Mounts, 3-0. Standings: Mud Bay Realty Prepp's 12-8; Certified 11-9; Standings: Acetate Aces 23-9;Mill 18-14; W.S.P. Academy won five 12-6; The Hut 12-6; Willour Ins• White's 10-10; B. Kimbel's 8-12; Waterboys 20-12; Lefty's+l 17-15; B&R Oil 16-16; Witcraft in the loss to 12-6; Nimrod Club 11-7; The Renecker's 7-13; Thriftway 7-13; 19V2-12V2; Makeups 18-14; Trucking 15-17; Springwater Journal 11-7; V.F.W. Aux. 11-7; Trailblazer's21/z-13V2. Wood b i rds 15112-16112; Tavern 14-18; Hood Canal Marina At one point, the Cooks Plant Farm 10-8; Dahman White's 0, K. O'Dell 506; Maintenance 12-20; Statics 10-22; 13-19; Manke & Sons 10-22. 22-3. Shelton came Oyster 9-9; Eagles 8-10; Women T•C.F. 4, F. Jackson 542; Prepp s Silva Foxes 10-22. Deans Gun Shop 4, Betty four of the last five of Moose 8-10; Lions Club 6-12; 4, M. Schmidt 554; Certified 0, C. Acetate Aces 4, Dan Cormier Dean 491; W.S.P• Academy 0, get within ten points. Brush Realty 1-17. Funkhouser 575; Boon's 3, R• 549; Lefty's +1 0, Jerry Mallory Keely Hershbach 435; B&R Oil 1, Mud Bay Realty 3, Tracy Cuzick 549; Renecker's 1, D. 582; Waterboys 3, John Denison Shirley Weaver 443; The Old Mill Brad Stiles lost West 163; Eagles 0, Jeff Graves Renecker 535; Thriftway 2, . 495; Woodbirds 1, Bill Miller 464; 3, Ions Visser 474; Springwater match of the season in 210: Women of Moose 3. Kim Stite's 535; B. Kimbel's2,R. Makeups 4, Phil Bloomfield 559; Tavern 3, Nelda Flint 452; Hood Patton 201; Nimrod Club 0, Warren 501• Maintenance 0, Ray Brown 440; Canal Marina 3, Shirley Frost loss by decision .... Statics 4, Dan Wilson 625; Silva 420; Manke & Sons 1, Verna team with ten wins Debbie Coleman 216; The Hut 2, .... Tracy Ridout 211; The Journal 1, MEN'S COMMERCIAL Foxes 0, Chuck Smith 451. Kotowinski 427• six of them in Tony Benedict 237; Cooks PlantMen's Hi game: Stan Ahlquist 233 forfeited 108 to Farm 2, Gall Fuller 219; LionsMen's Hi Series: Chub Nutt 632. 8-0. Soph. Mark Lewis Club I, Larry Claussen 216; Standings: A. Roy Dunn Ins• a decision at ]15, 4-0• V.F.W. Aux. 3. Sue Wood 215; 22-6; Airport G~ocery 1911v8V2; Willour Ins. 0, Ann Howerton Ziegler's Camera 181/2-9V2; Shelton then dropped four 182; Brush Realty 0, Tom Mobil 17-11; Dan's Nite Hawks i row. Wittenburg 183. 17-11; Morgan Transfer 15-13; Mark Thompson won a Gott Oil 12Vv151/z; Shelton Food at 148 for the .. ....... SHELTON RECREATION 12-16; Verne's Clams 11Vz-16V2; .... Shelton Trailer 11-17; Wolden second win of the Women's Hi Game: Margaret Chevron 7-21; B&R Oil 5-23. Mark Wittenberg Bibbee 196 Shelton Trailer 4, Jack Powell Women's Hi Series:Donna 529; Morgan Transfer O, Bob a 4-0 win• Don Coleman 488• Lanman 535; Airport Grocery 0, a two year letterman Standings: N•B. of M.C. 12-8; Glen Laugen 520; A. Roy Dunn for Shelton, got the Harpers 12-8; Hoodsport Cafe Ins• 4, Wayne Coleman 519; B&R with last year's 12-8; Shelton Rec. 10-10; Rainier Oil 1, Bill Besch 515; Gott Oil 3, 10-10; Trail Blazers 9-11; Dairy Ernie Dahman 544; Wolden ~pion from Tumwater, THE MAN ON TOP is Ray Shaffer,,Tumwater's state champion of 1970. His Queen 8-12; B&J Mart 7-13. Chevron 2, Ken Wolden 544; Shelton Rec. 3, Donna Shelton Mobil 2, Stan Ahlquist Shatter WOnpicked up a15"2"win atHighclimber opponent in Thursday s match is Don Vanderwal. Shatter won Coleman 488; Trail Blazers 1,586; Verne's Clams 0, Corky and Bill Gray the 170 pound encounter 15-2. Sandy Bernert 373; Harpers 1,Dickinson 538; Dan Nile Hawks Carrie Griffes, Gladys Adair 458; 4, Chub Nutt 632; Ziegler's points in the third Hoodsport Cafe 3, Margaret Camera 4, Lee Schuffenhauer beat his heavyweight Bibbee 468: Rainier i. Darlene Leo ue esses Cuzick 425; N.B. of M.C• 3, Adair 545; Shelton Food 0 Frank the match results: •~ Neau 412; B&J Mart 1, Edith Wi ard 499. Chamblin 409; Dairy Queen 3, SIMPSON WOMEN'S Carlson(T) dec. Brad Jackie Hill 449. Faw!! ]'dgo h •11 Women's Hi Game: Helen Rice ff Adams(T) won by op eams rl ers • "'i Game Jerr Mallor women s Hi Series. Jane Wh te ivten's Id : Y Y 506. lark Lewis(S) dec• ~ .k: .... is shot wit 207 ........ Standings. Accounting 17-3' ,t, 4-0• nwu o,g upsets took place th .... ec . n the eight, Bill Rhodes with six and Men'sHI benes: Jerry ivlaiiory t ......1 ~" 7 t'~l ,,-~,~it- 19 R~ st crock to gzve WCC their 69 68 ~-.-~u ..... --; ,-,,y,,,v .... "--, week in City League with fir " Walt Turnerwiththree. 543 ........... Research 10-10; Lumber 9-11; women s HI Name Lmaa Hart : Purchasing 8-12; Engineering place Jess Mobil and second place JeagueSqUeakerleadmg JessViCt dry over Landis headed Jess' losing166 , . . 6-14. I B P 5-15 .-, Gott Oil losing in close battles. - - cause with 19. Schmidt and Womens Hi Series- Dot Rioout "g''~ -' "-' on,~t0" • LO gers J, LOIS b~mps487' "" The twogames were about as The Correction Center teamDonaldson had 18 each, 445:. .. s .... Lumber 1 Joan Sowers ; l~Ur~y close as the Jess didgrabbed a huge 27-14 first quarter Robertson made four, Spilseth ............ .' Eng,neer,ng 0, Luolle Chapman m y could be. • btanmng: Latecomers u-.~" - • ' - ii:io ,wai! eon +n,--, ++.+ buccess ~-~,; uunces/-b•WIISTIIS ' ' • tinues l°°stinlg°S~°t~ecgU;;S6~°-pCp?ttbye{]?U~aJlf¢i~LCeam2arb;Ck ~o and Wyatt had three each, -- 2,''..-. .._ , ..... 429-Account,ng 4 Jane Whte Westlund had two and Clinton 7-5; Flunkies 5-7; Scholars 5-7; 506! RuerSce~arC?n),lFr~nkie ~gge,n +o+++ ~ er ss took the lead m the ' ' ° ' ~ game brought WCC a game clos - - Two L s 5-7;Repeaters 4-8;447- c~ivmnir 4 Clon Hulet 468" one• CITY LEAGUE STANDINGS ~:~@ ~ - " to first lace third stanza 49 47 The contest Professors 3-9; Diatoms 2-10. R'p "n'"'' "~ h~-,~'~n'436 ' • Helen .......... P . - . Week wcc tied with Gott for remained close until the game's Don't Bees 4, Dot Ridout ' w" ° second place in the league at 6-3 end• W L 445;360. SchoDunceSlra s 3•O'RalphDle ErviAnders°nn 501. ....................... MI~ ,~, Ml:lg I-laNnlr'AP . E~~ tuners, so tar in the when ITT beat Gott 73 70 in Craig Moeller led the winners Jess Mobil 7 2 Twn | q 1 { nda Mart ":lP.9' Men's Hi Game: John Schrelber @ Repeaters1 Loyd Goodw, 430 .. ............. t ,e ~b~s;~indA~Eventsof overtime. Neither of the two with 16 points. Terry Cotton GottOil 63 ................. :n""'-; 210 i ,~...4;.,, 3 'Jerr" Mallor" =A.' Men's H~ benes: ~-Ioon /ooa a,~. IICorrection CenterII Iq~qli I illI . 63 ~. ..... ~ ..Y-... :+ 5~_; Women's Hi Game: BobbiI ~ ~! ~ I og socmtion games was decided until the final talhed 14, Don Austm added 12 ![!)~ : t are as Iollows;, seconds, by only 54-51 by the and Jim Bash had ten" Other ITT Ray°nier~"~atnOllCS " 36FlunkiesLatec°mers J Hand I-'etersen /4~5b" Whl 'Dell Abelein 514; :.'."de ........ e~ ,~oo .................i iii - sack Wheeler 714; 1TT took an earl,, 24 12 first scorers were Harold Givens with Bob's Tavern 0 8 o-.-~.~-ors ~ Larr,, ~'1" a~ women s HI ~ene~: Iwa~gdret Ern~e.StonerandSteveperiod lead but back H~.+. .... r I" '-"~ "*~'~; Bibbee478 Misfits 4 Dar o Martm 419" -- -." .... e;~"i~ '~u t:vents _ to within 39-34 by the half. Gott ~1~ _. I. m. Diatoms 1', Tom River 495; Lost Salbetsan~;ngs54t'f3K~. t'~s2~an , " Hoodsport Texaco 53/z-34/2; J&J "~' was behind la, L~,~-e.~L, Success 3 Jack Gaddy 460 " ,' , " t~es and. S~ngles third quarter's end. It was a tie "~ • WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL Service 52-36; Dicks Diggers , ~cne(luteneldat the game at the close of regulation ~-~m I-- #L.__ Women's Hi Game: Charleen 50-38; Molleys Belfair Tavern baturday, play, 67 all. Will Ill .nurl Sm , . -ecreation k mea,-ue ,,, 192 47.41. Allyn Shell 46-42"; Von's Women's Hi Series: Colleen Yorke Floor Covering 43Vz-44V2; Mud I Sunday Feb. 21: With five seconds to go in theChurch Lea ue's second half 495. Bay Realty 40V2"47Vz; Tyee Welli ~ i~l ~ i urday, Feb 20 overtime, a Gott player missed a ..... g . . , Four Methodist scorers were Standings: Ogden s Radio &Drilling 39-49; Jewel Pacific 1"00am 7".,. free throw and .......... starteu Ivionaay nightin Lincom in double figures against TV 58-30; Certified Belfair 38-50; Evergreen Florist Swisher snlit Miller resulted inaa ~askett.UJe;r~ GaYi% ~hhe~he F:t2°tlhSll;rdga~3g Episcopals as the first half ManufacturingFurniture 53-35; 57-31;Timber Kelly'SBowl 301b'571/~•34"54; Sargents Oyster Co. W ~ d[ [ i ~' filer Mallory led all scorers with 30 .. M ........ u co-champs whipped the cellar 44Vz-43Vz; Ming Tree 43]/v441/z;Lake Cushman Sales Co. 0, • the etnomsts s~aughtermg team 58-39. Colonel Johnson Jim Pauley's 43-45; Brown Margaret Bibbee 478; Evergreen ...... points Other hel ers for the i~t2w;~nt victors were Guy MPler with ten, Epx~opals. ...... scored 16 points and was Loaain.. g 421k-451/~•, Fuller Florist 1 Elva Collins401. Dicks. ~ ~ ~ II ' Ron Ell-~-~ ^:-,-- ~, - Llyae reams made l~ points followed by Lewis Dean with 14, Construction 42Vz-451/~; Eells & D~ggers 3, Roy Petty 525; Mud li~U~ ~l~llt, Don Jorg • Valley 42-46- Gott's Oilerettes Bay Realty 4, Eldon Todd 544. ;'00pro shift seven W ........ but his Froth Lutheran team fell Mike Johnson with 12 and Jim 4 1V2"-46Vz.' Lumbermen's Sargents Oyster Co. 3 Echo; YBA HOLIDAY DOUBLES Tournament trophy winners artin six, Dic]~U.~nt~llartf~;~' ~2dcTm33 ~e/t]~;l?2tsh°~xnc?] b~14t]h3o9istE:lta]]i Hays with l l• Dan Bolender 391/~-481b.., ,.1~ -+~hf, did Oil 21-67• Matson 435; A yn Shell 2', .Frank from Shelton are: top photo, left to right, Kerry Miljour and J m Pau ey s 1, Jean Ashley Kowalczyk 438; J&J Servme 1, Rusty Pleines; middle photo, Anna Hansen and Suzie Gruver; a~ynlsmaa Ken;lgg 7e~rews was the' , shared first place at the end of the cause.C°ntributed five to the Methodist 427; Kelly's Furniture 3 JeanJack Wheeler 499; Von's Floor Goodl°°rew top scorer with 25 p°ints'~cle;y seas n. Newfirstohalf°f the ChurChstandings will beLeague Bob Quimby and Steve 4,ReamMarge469"VVitcraftOgden s469;Radio'&R chfieldTV CoveringHarrys Hoodsport0' Vernon BeesOnTexaco486;2, and bottom, Debra Coleman and David Wicken. in had 13, Bill Bingham ten, Jimstarted" for the second half Stockwell shared the losers Oil 0 Lou Nault 394; George Wright 489; Tyee Well Yo~lllr11~ Bowl~r~ Gr~b H~rdw~r~ Neff Willis eight, Coleman six, TerryFor the Catholics~ Jerry scoring honors with 13 each. Bill 477;Lumbermen'SBrown2'LoggingJaCkie Eichhorn2 Deb MolleysDrillingBelfair0' DelTavernStormo4, Virginia511; 00pro shift Walt Turner made the wmnlng was followed by Paul Wiotl:nb~rg Gray had seven, Paul RogersonHarvey 434; Gott's Oilerettes 1 Valley 468; Jewel Pacific Belfair Six teams from the local Hansen bowled a 1290 Series to : . . . Corey four and Young four.. . Johnsen led with 13 points. He made four and Jim Rogerson Julie Coleman 443. Certified 4, Bill Sullivan 505. Timber Bowl placed in the Region place first in the major girls ;EW~Is°n with ten and Dave S "th garnered two. . ._ Manufacturing 3, Coll'een Yorke I YBA Holiday Doubles division. In the major boys Mr• Olive got the bye mis 495; Ming Tree 1, Frankie Barnes FRATERNAL Tournament finals held at thedivision, Mark Johnson and Neal Mills nine. Jim Johnsen added five and Week. Next week s schedule 437; Timber Bowl 3, Barb HoltMen's Hi Game: Jerry Mallory Olympic Bowl in Seattle recently. White put together a 1306 total ioward I~.._,,r$$0n k~..__l Jim Hillier and Steve Dunn each features the Mt Olive team 428; Eel s & Va ey 1, Sharon 246 llory rlllU Cl;Oe2~Pe~ had;;:. Neth w~s thhe ~hCOnd against the Methodists and, Faith 3Ph~ps 388; Fuller C°nstructi°n, " ginia Fuller 443. 610Men's Hi Series: Jerry Mall°ry ..... MiljourRUStYtookPleines and KerrYfirst place in the andt° take third place. David WickenDebra Coleman took second iT;bl_er .... Start Se_ leadingsc rerfor i "nine piaysthe Episcopals. HereshowSIMPSONRECREAT Standings:Kiwanlszu-'+- junior boys division with 1351 in the prep mixed division with a the standings look after the first Women's H ION Rotary 3, Jim Shrum 529; -- .p.m. snnt The motorcycle season is back points. Dave Lurid had four, Dean week of the second half: Eichh i Game. Jackie Moose Antlers 1, Lloyd Clarktotal. Gene Lanman and Dane 706 total and Terry Claussen and Goodburn and so is winning Jim Einarsson. Medcalf and Glenn Ferrier three orn 188 " 528; Moose Heads 3, Russ Harvey Hanson placed second in the same brother Larry had a 710 series to Women's Hi Series.Jackie 459; Shelton Hardware l, Frank division with a 1311 total, nab third in the prep boys class. :rost He won the open class of a apiece and Dave Myer two. CHURCH LEAGUE Eichhorn 513 " Willard 465; Kiwanis ~, Harom Susie Gruver and Anna ,~onnson moto-cross race at Bremerton last STANDINGS W L Standing's.Logaers16-12;Dalke 520; Fuller Const. 1, Jack !rown Sunday by taking first place in atl -. Lm Shops 16-121 Loaders14-14"Frost 577i American Legion 3, F"~""~''m""m'--~"m"'~''m"~"'~"'~""~"m""~"~'"~, I D&ic~n3ts;en three heats Bowling News Catholics 1 0 ~ailroad 10-16 ' Rusty Nicnolson bb/; r_agms 1, Shops 4 " Jo Hein 453; L C Leman 574; Nimrod 2, Jerry "-- High Side Park was the site Methodists 1 0 Loaders O, Clara Erickson 439" Bloomfield 547; Lions Club 2, Enter The i | anday, Feb. 21 and the Crusiers Motorcycle Club SIMPSON SWING SHIFT Faith Lutheran 0 l Railroad 2 Virginia Dick nson' Jerry Mallory 610; Western Auto • 458; Loaaers p n~,.t,;,, E;~hh^rn 3 PhilAdamsb/3"DUlllVlOOSe~.,I W.$.B.P.A. TEAM I 1:00 a.m. shift sponsored the AMA sanctioned Men,s .Hii G:rme:: MMeel .Me.Gee_IS9 ~P,.s;~P;ILutheran 0 ~ ................... '80 513. Lee Schuffenhauer 5 . ;Schrum mOlD-Cross over a rough, muddy, Mens. H ~. :_ . M.CL?.ee b40. an ei--th mile course 5tanamng~" ~otal P us. No]an one and P~- " ' -hers 257'~ " " . l-lemlo~, uo, ~win e " )W Buck Murphy, another 25581, Dry Shed 25354, Veg rs -- - "----"--- .I HANDICAP TOURNAMENT 'nkhou~+. 'member of SheltonsTrauDlazer 25288 neer Slr()M I RAPERIES , 01 Ha " +~+" Motorcycle Club, won two other Veneer Tony Musgrove 46 iZe,rtweu classes to give the local riders a Hemloc_Kers, Mel McGee 540; D?.J "~ ...... vent Mu--'- Shed, Don waggoner Jr 49m',., . An Size j 1 of every 6 teams competing in the Timber Bowl I ). clean sweep in me ~• ~pnv ...... .-,.. ,00 - bwmgers, Joe Horek 467 ' P m shift d the 125 cc class as d~d i • " • " ominated " " /v aae to Measure - y " qualifications, will qualify for the state finals. 1 ~esher Einarsson with three first place LADIES THURSDAY TRIO ~i !iii~ii'T ! ;er ' wins in heats and t s°°akndh; f2oSuOt Wg°3men s H Game: L°uise Clary ! . Lined or Unlined I I acobson class with two first • " "'" 's Hi -er" • • ++++ ~ MEN'S TEAMS ~rhart lrst two races easfl women b lesLouiseClar ! ~ k He won the f" Y 484 " y i:.,, "VM~ CHAR6E v Can win the $1500 1st place prize at the state ! + Churchill but m the third race, he ran out Standings: Clary Tr ...... ~pilseth " nl able t p of gas within sight of theu~Ln~h ~1~el; cA;hOlds& Smithllln~ l~)L.~;ng ~ finals in Tacoma. I bOO o m ~;~. line and was o y • m,,il,~er "7-5; Hardl - . Custom ,Wi,~'~':~; ....... bike across for the fourth pmce- ++~0,,, oo0 FOR LABOR i +-,-+,au . ' . ---~uLer 6- • rlam~ Emarsson wash crowd pleaser Makov,ney Const a ~ ,.6, D. ~ # WOMEN'S TF~LMS I -"+ " " d "urn s that Pheasant 3-9-Ro" olden Pay OnJy For Materials I Can win the $1000 1st place prize at the state i n & W w~th ower slides an J P ....... lands qh~ll "~ ,,~ • olden enabled h~m o s He headed Arnold. &NyeSmith Ins. 3-1, p P t increase his lead in t-t I ...... finals in Tacoma. v Coleman lopkins all three heat race. Boad 450, Corn at Choose from into the first turn in front of the Dorothy Ahr^ Pany 1-3 ~ I ' t ['hom son . e n s 3 . ' ~,, P . pack in all of the races. His bike Truc, km, g 4-0, Louise 87~.,+C~1a7 ..... Immense Selection +:~s~ m S " . • • 13. fUller (Cust .-] -,u-*; P. •hlft performed nicely so his wms were h.,-...... O.m Builder 4 ! ,REMEMBER I !1; I.-~.,,~ ra/lnW~mrt .~ -~.. 0"_, ~'P;en asSUNedxt Sunday, February 21, S~i/I ;L3~Ja~.k~e~AHd~4257Cr~242r!!~ rorator Fabri your team by March 15, 1971. ~Dav]son the Shelton Trailblazers will he Hu.t 1-3 Ja " _ n s onsor a mold-Cross race at the 3741~nD"