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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1971
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Ella Robertson Retires From Duties At Hospital of logs totaled 2.5 feet, Scribner scale, |11 ownerships in Oregon, northern , and Alaska in 1970, to Research Economist of the U.S.D.A. Forest Northwest Forest Experiment Station in The volume was 10.2 than the previous and 16.6 per cent total for 1969. ~orts from the Oregon totaled 636.9 feet in 1970, an 13.4 per cent over the Shipments of logs Washington Customs 20.6 per cent ) to a total of 1.6 billion !t. Northern California in 1970 amounted to board feet, down from the previous )ments from Alaska [.5 million board feet in with exports of board feet in 1969. received 2.4 billion in 1970, or 96.2 per West Coast log in December from States amounted to ~et, resulting uarter 1970 exports of board feet. The volume was down from the record high )ments. made up 19.7 per 1970 shipments, and 1.8 per cent. 78.5 per cent was primarily and true firs. value of 1970 log $308.2 million, and value was $125.32 per feet, also a record ~ouglas-fir averaged thousand board feet; $327.22; and $122.08. Ella Robertson After nearly three decades of service to others Mrs. Ella Robertson was honored with a retirement "cake and coffee" hour by her hospital co-workers. Mrs. Robertson first started work Oct. 23, 1942, at Shelton General Hospital. She worked in manY departments of the hospital and was known as a "Jill of All her giving baths to patients and helping the nurses in surgery. At the grand retirement age of 65 Mrs. Robertson started over again by a part time work schedule in the hospital handling laundry and linen. She worked in this capacity for several years and transfered with many other employees to the new Mason General Hospital as seamstress Trades" as her variety of skills and in linen delivery. The need Prices good Thursday through Saturday Only -----m ibm liP" A rU~tfYo Hf~Rer &~lIS'I 3100 Ha d- - P egular .ir~tAz Reg. $4.30 Value r~uvv | OGILVIE SHAMPOO For tinted & bleached hair with 5 0 FREE bottle of conditioning cream rinse. II I I I TUSSY WIND l WEATHER SPECIAL SKIN CARE SALE I was in demand in all of the service for her services increased to the departments of the hospital,point that she went back working Mrs. Robertson first starteda full-time schedule in the ' work in the linen room, and then hospital. Imted Folk Group will after a few weeks transfered to Ella Robertson, now 76, is the Food Service department still very active and made the ath the 9 a.m. and the where she worked in the kitchen, comment that "I really didn t services this coming Later, she became a "tray girl ' need to retire." According to her t the United Methodist which brought her into direct present supervisor she will be ff Shelton. This group is _~1 of approximately ,45 patient contact by delivering food missed by all employees and was ,-oz. 2~ple from the Olympia trays directly to the patients' bed "just a great person to be Pkg. "~ sponsored by the Fh'st side. Her adaptability later found around. l-lb. 6 M}:Meth°dist Church of ~ ,, , Tin ~:~up has been together I Hurry! Supplies may be limited! !-0,./lff~two years and they put L ILl. ,,,b~ what is called ,~porary Folk Mass G,I. 3~1~ The music is taken IlL 'i~om contemporary folk i~ the scripts are taken ~ripture, contemporary k ~nd writings of their ~utilize(:~ instruments such ~,piano, congo drums instruments such as rQy ,,~es and wood blocks. e$~,]~Folk Mass they are 1~o Shelton is the fifth |'7~ss they have done, II :~;'New World Coming" ,~ript begins with John - '~eginning was the word ~weaves its way into ~s ~- the Alpha and ~ere are three principal narrative, the voice of _-- ,~ the third is taken from ~ ~Y Revolution, by J. ~" n~:,~rti. These youth have ~mking "New World" Dr. t Western Washington m 1 • p an, if financial help NOW 24 oz. BOTTLE. Reg. $4.00 HAND & BODY LOTION NOW Sl00 12 OZ. BOTTLE. Reg. $2.00 HAND & BODY LOTION NEW FOR EXTRA DRY SKIN NOW 8 OZ. JAR. Reg. $2.00 BAND CREAM NOW WASH AWAY BLACKHEADS NOW 1 to take "New into Canada this ione is welcome to IE of these Sunday This Folk Mass special interest to r$ ~yers who call the ~evenue Service for tax :, t.e can obtain quicker ~f they will call on ~ays or Thursdays, e to Neal S. Warren, 19c i~_Director of Internal l~He said tax information ii:itb:: ~asr ti~lg ~t~tlY h !heV~r Terms 426-4302 Helena Rubinstein, 4-Oz. Water Lily Pure Lotion plus 4-Oz. Beauty Wash Grains, $4.75 Value Open 9:30 to 7:30 weekdays and 9:30 to 6 p.m. Saturday 5th & Franklin 426-3327 In |n Measles is on the rise again in Washington State, according to Byron J. Francis, M.D., State Epidemiologist with the Division of Health, Department of Social and Health Services. "Parents are just not getting their children immunized against measles," said Dr. Francis. "That's why we are seeing more cases in the State; 904 reported last year, 140 in the first month of this year." "The vaccine is available from private physicians or public health departments for children over the age of one year." "When immunization is available, at little or no cost, 1 see no reason why children over the age of one year should be exposed to a disease which may have serious complications," he said. "The complications include ear infection, pneumonia, damage to the heart and appendicitis." Encephalitis occurs in one-out-of-1000 measles cases, mental retardation in 1/3,000 and death in 1/10,000. It is most likely to produce mental and physical damage during the first three years of life. Health officials think that children who have not had measles or the vaccine are likely to contract the disease. Once vaccinated, there is less than a five per cent chance that the child will I MYSELF must mix with action lest I wither by despair. Alfred, Lord Tennyson contract measles. Looking at the incidence of measles over the past years, Dr. Francis noted that 5,876 cases were reported in 1967. Following the intensive effort in 1967 to immunize children, the number of cases fell to 610 in 1968, and 82 in 196~ Last year, 904 cases were reported. Now, in the first month of 1 97 1, 140 cases have been reported, 118 of them in Spokane County. Spokane County is conducting a special vaccination program for children. Dr. Francis noted the recent immunizati°n campaign against rubella and reminded parents that a rubella shot does not protect against measles. Measles and rubella are two different diseases, each with its own kind of vaccine. Both diseases are caused by a virus and are highly contagious. Children should be immunized against both diseases. Dr. Francis explained that measles is also known as red measles, 8-day measles and hard measles, its symptoms last 7-14 days -- a high fever, rash and cough. One attack of measles usually gives lifetime protection against measles. Rubella is also known as German measles, 3-day measles, and light measles. Its symptoms last 2-4 days and consist of a mild fever, sore throat, runny nose and a rash. rary By MORLEY KRAMER February is American Music Month and the Shelton Public Library is featuring a display of books about our musical heritage. One Hundred Years of Music in America, edited by Paul Henry Land, offers a compreshensive report on every aspect of American musical life. Seventeen specialists have written Snow Removal Costs Are Told The cost of clearing the way through the worst snow slides in 30 years and cleaning up highways after rampaging flood waters will cost ~n estimated $2 million over normal maintenance costs, the Washington State Highway Department reported. The cost of removing snow and repairing highways totaled $1,936,800 with $45,000 of this above normal amount for snow slide removal and clearing ice and snow from highways. The extra money was used to pay for hiring additional maintenance crew members, paying overtime, and for additional equipment plus a multitude of needs caused by the weather and road condition emergencies. ALL ANIMALS are equal but some animals are more equal than others. George Orwell isplay authoritative articles in a very readable form on such things as the business of music, music education and copyright and the creative arts among other things. The American Heritage Songbook contains 120 great songs from our nation's past, compiled and arranged by Ruth and Norman Lloyd. Americans stepped off Plymouth Rock into a "howling wilderness" singing "mirthful" songs of hope and salvation. By the turn of the century they had pushed their frontier into the Pacific - still singing lustily. Here is the story of that tuneful American adventure, told as it should be told - in music and lyrics, and complete with historical notes and anecdotes, plus contemporary illustrations. 1776, a musical play by Peter Stone and Sherman Edwards is an imaginative re-creation of the SIC momentous days from May 8 to July 4 in Philadelphia when the Second Continental Congress argued about, voted on, and signed the Declaration of Independence. The songs richly add to the emotional depth and ~dramatic turning points of the play. Their lyrics range from the humorous to the scathing. To find out more about rock music, The Age of Rock by Jonathan Eisen tells just about anything anybody needs to know about rock music and the major rock groups and big names. Rock From the Beginning by Nik Cohn tells you how rock feels. The sounds, the groups, the managers and the mythmakers are all here in this book. Learn about American music at the Shelton Public Library. The library is open weekdays noon-5 p.m. and /-9 p.m. and Saturday from noon-5 p.m. III I l Jl J I IIII I TONEY'S AUTO REPAIR 1817 Olympic Hwy. No. -- Mt. View Complete Automotive Service For Appointment Cull Alex Toney II I III ]1 I 426-3971 VOLUME 2,-NUMBER 2 Shelton, Was ton FEBRUARY 1971 The 1971 Annual Meeting held Feb-' ruary 5 for members of Mason County Federal Credit Union, again set attendance records. The crowd this year numbered 268 people, compared to last year's record group of 222. Plans are now in the works to implement some of the suggestions received via the questionnaires completed by the members at the meeting. The thanks of the officials and staff of the Credit Union go out to those members for their help, and for taking an active part in their Credit Union. Ken VanderWal, member of the Vanderg/al, germcc Price, Mabel Cook, Joane Gibson, Dave Price, Arthur Christensen, and Diane Demers. (5022) Grid Last season the Mason County Federal Credit Union, in cooperation with the Simpson Employees, Federal Credit Union sponsored one of four Football Teams in the Mason County Junior Football League. This Sunday, February 21st from 7:00-9:00 p.m., at the Evergreen Auditorium the teams will assemble to receive awards. There will be movies of the past season, and plans will be discussed for i Credit Union since October 9, 1967, the next season, as well as the progress being ........... r ceived a $100 gift certificate during made with the Mason County Recreation • meetine His son, Dave also won a Association. , ...... "" _ . .__ veryone wno may t)e mteresteo is flit oerilllcate, uther winners - $10 gi ......... invited to attend. The Credit Union is proud ce GetS Mary bm tn, r e vln were All Y, .... to have participated in such a fine program, KEN VANDERWAL, right, receives the top prize, a $100 gi~ Hamilton, Shannon Dutley, L, rant and looksforward to doing so again in the certificate, from Outgoing President William Smith at the well.attenoeo bish o n, Andrew Walko, Don future. (1958) annual meeting February 5. ,,0, ,,,... ,-,, ,~ ' :÷~ On February 27, the battling for a berth in the 0 d 0 / , ," ,,...,-:dL J$.X ; l. Seattle Supersonics are NBAplayoffs.(3391) g ~,',-l~ ~ ~twTIrk41,A~" holding "Credit Union Night Tickets are available at , when they at the Sonics , the Credit Union office at play host to the Chicago $4.50 for Adults and $2.25 EATTLE COLI EUIM Bulls, led by high scoring Bob for Students. Come out and VI THE CHICA60 BULKS Love and old pro Chet join the fun, seeBasketballat ~B.~7- 6:00 Walker. The Sonics, led by its best. BUT HURRY! TIGKETS , - STUDENTS PR,ICE player-coach Lennie Wilkens Orders for tickets1971[!!!must be in O0 ff' ebkdL mmMk and the recently acquiredby February 23, ~tKIg0~l~l~t, ~....~"...__._~0~[~ _ , Spencer Heywood, are Tuson New President I ....... mediately following the Annual Meeting, the un renruary a, lm .. . -- o^ard of Directors of Mason ~ounty Federal Credit Union, met and ~u 9 elected the '°ll°wi~'g °fficers f°ra:hleTr I :at I -- - r "And'' Tuson, te Shelton High School, was Tom River became the 3200th ~:~ii~ttos~:Rnt~e~n:fo!!o~eb~, !hw~s~,e~oh !~Ts~pY!:i!:~od~hi! member of the Mason County Federal Credit Union, and is I richer for the experience. Tom ...o.,.t...o ,ff the Board are vine " , president of Himlie Realty, received a $50.00 share gift ........... - . ..f North Bay Land Comnanv, William H certificate, as well as becoming Peter Overran, presinent u --ic and ..... "- ~ .... " 1 ..... :'h Elee- , ~ncnaro r Andre at Angle eligible for all the many services ~mitla, owner oI amtt ant Tuson t " Agency Appointed by presid o chair committees were that the Credit Union provides its members as a matter of the following: Ewart Chaknaan, Education Committee I course. Wa.lly "Chaffman, Supervisory Committee Tom teaches Math at Kuttt uoysen -" ' an C Dick Angle -- Chatrm , redit Committee Shelton Jr. High School, and has been with the Shelton school I system for three years. He and Check Those Numbers ~s wife, Joyce, and their 2aA attfindmganle, their account numbers in the year old son, Scott, live at 1224 People ....... are getting betternth S Y Armstrong, employed by ITr- I Thomas St. on Angleside. t.ompass this mo ~ "" N - - • " ..... en of pUl) o. 3, and Dana DeTray, student atPrior to joining the t Kayomer, ~onn war[ • all fou .......... ,.q.,~p~, nd their numbers and are $5 00 community, Tom lived and IL~nlnOOK Jr l'llgn In v ?-" .tt..k ~, - . . . - --,, _ ohelt0U nq~, ~ehool student, didn't and isn't. ~ taught in Delta, Colorado. His richer, tots [~PAiI'S~ll, lit ,.~ -'a" 3 This month we're givi~ a w ~ a sets of tickets to our Credit Union i hobbies are hunting and fishing. FORMER PRESIDENT William Smith and new prexy Rodger " r stu(~n no adult The game is the 27th, so Welcome to the Credit Union,Tuson congratulated Tom River, center, MCFCU's 320Oth Night at the Sonic.s, to • Tom! member. check quickly. Thursday, February 18, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13