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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1971
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Skokomish eco ,er Ronald Warren, of the staff of the State Patrol Academy Police Officer Of of "Police", a national !orcement magazine in Springfield, I11. is Chemical Testing for Washington State as such is in charge of training for WSP er law enforcement the state. Patrol Academy ~68 and worked with Lt. who was then a the Chemical Testing for WSP. Warren was to the chemical testing position later that same that he is the Testing Supervisor since the program was 1955. Maj. DeWitt served in the capacity 5 to 1966 when Erhart and held the position was named to it in has been invited to be at a two-week at the University of Police Training 12. He will instruct a technical supervisors in to teach others and supervise a program. attended the school in commented the director ~center is Dr. Robert In, inventor of the and his wife and three near Taylor Towne. in Police magazine sense of loyalty, to the department, and in the principles )als of good law are the outstanding s that won the m for Trooper Ronald of the Washington Will Bachofner states personal and onal qualities plus ~nts during the state-wide testing program were supporting the the year Trooper ducted thirty-five schools to train 854 per operators. Because was state-wide, this miles of travel being away several nights a week. yours of equipment tion, preliminary om arrangement, and records ted with each assignment required effort on his part large amount of from his very fine t Trooper Ronald Warren January 16, 1937, in Kent, Washington. He graduated from the Kent Meridian High School in June, 1956. On April 16, 1955, he married Rosalie Mae Burks, and they now have three children: Dianna Lynn, age 13; Rita Ann, age 11 ; and Ronald Ray, age 10. Trooper Warren became interested in law enforcement because of the professionalism exhibited by the men on the Washington State Patrol and a strong desire to serve his country. He began his career as a patrol cadet in 1960 as a license examiner, but was soon assigned to traffic in the Seattle area. In 1964 he was assigned to Yakima, and in 1968 he was promoted to training officer at the State Patrol Academy. Trooper Warren became an instructor on the breathalyzer as a result of courses he completed at the University if Indiana and the University of Washington. He also attended schools for law enforcement management and firearms instructors. Trooper Warren believes it is the role of the police officer to set an example, to be a leader, and to assure the people that enforcement officer. Warren was the recipient of the Washington State Patrol Award of Merit. He was selected to have newspaper men ride with him when preparing articles on traffic law enforcement. It was also a compliment to his ability when he was selected to attend the University of Indiana to subsequently become a breathalyzer expert. Trooper Warren's most interesting experiences have been in the area of training. He said that each day presents more interesting experiences as he observes and assists in the development of professional law enforcement officers. He vividly recalled that his most interesting experience occurred when he saved the life of a two-year old girl through mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Trooper Warren's own words demonstrates why he was chosen for this honor: Every law enforcement officer must be trained before he is asked to perform the duties required of the men in the police profession. A well-trained officer will have confidence in himself and in the By MARY VALLEY SKOKOMISH Mrs. Carol Hunter and Mrs. Alice Crossan attended a meeting of Grange lecturers, Secretaries, and women Activity Chairmen at Progress Grange last Wednesday. State officers present were Sec. Pauline Collins, Womens activity Chairman Anne Slater, and State Lecturer Cal Svinth, who is retiring and whose position is to be filled by Mrs. Mabel Johnston of Spokane who with her husband Warren are former members of Skokomish Grange. Mr. and Mrs. John Brush received word that they have a new grandson born to Mr. and Mrs. Marry Jackson of Indiana. Guests at the Brush home during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Ed HolliweU of Louisiana. Tuesday the Brushes drove to Bellevue where they were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson. Luncheon guests at the Chester Valley home Monday were Mrs. Ethel Ferris of Olympia and Mrs. Elphine Knapp of Oregon. Mrs. Claud Dugger and Mrs. Harold Drake attended the Presidents Luncheon of the Peninsula District Womans Clubs Feb. 12 at the Tacoma Motor Hotel in Tacoma. Representing eight V.F.W. Clubs, the luncheon honored Mrs. Drake, the Peninsula District president. The featured speaker was Winnifred Olsen, teaching specialist in N.W. history, from the Tacoma public schools. Her talk was on George Washington Bush, the first settler 4-H Club At there is no such thing as a double set of standards. He enjoys being part of the community and takes • an active part in Little League, and is President of a bowling league. He is most interested in the area of traffic law enforcement. He stated that the ever rising traffic death rate presents an every-day challenge to every law of Washington territory and for whom Bush Prairie was named. Mrs. Olsen, authoress of several books on N.W. history and Indians, displayed many documents and pictures to illustrate the story of Bush First Negro pioneer on Puget Sound. The Madrigal Singers from Stadium High School, directed by Paul L. Margelli and dressed in Elizabethian costumes sang several ballads. The Hood Canal Federal Womans Club will meet today at the clubhouse at Potlatch at knows he is right. When the law is enforced correctly, honestly, fairly, and courteously, the police will be respected as true professionals should be. Contratulations to Trooper Ronatd R. Warren, his family, Chief Bachofner, and the men of the Washington State Patrol. ti:30 a.m. Luncheon will be served by the pre-school mothers. Program will feature the sponsored Boy Scout troop. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Duff of Oregon visited last week at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Howard Spear. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stockton of Vashon Island were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Vaughn. Steve Valley of Alderwood Manor was a recent overnight guest at the home of his grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley. Mrs. Claud Dugger was honored with a birthday dinner at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Drake. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Rlady Homan, Mr. and Mrs. Don Pavel and children, Claud Dugger, Harold Drake and boys, Kenny and Richard. Mr. and Mrs. Les Crossan drove to Seattle Saturday where they attended the wedding of his nephew, Mike Stieman. Has Meeting Hall Here By Mrs. RAY KRATCHA SOUTHSIDE - Bachelors 4-H club met at the Southside Grange Feb. 1 and they met Feb..8. Members are working on demonstrations for Demonstration Day. They had a Valentine's party afterwards. All the members were present. They are Jim Nutt, Tom Nutt, Willie Nutt, Mike Wheeler, Mark application of the laws. It is easy Wh'e Ier Eric Johnson, Ricky to be courteous when the officer Nault, Marry Gates, Reed Myers, Roger Murray, a new member Chris Buchanan, and two junior leaders Teresa Murray and Chris Rickards and leaders Ann Wheeler and Marilyn Nutt. Friendship club met at the home of Kay Estvold Feb. 10. There were ten present and they celebrated the January and February birthdays. The next meeting is March 17 at the home of Ester Horton. Four Leaves 4-H club members met Feb. 13 at the home of leader Mrs. Helen Bakke. They had a valentine's party and a luncheon type party. There were two visitors Karen Rains and Carol Christensen. The next meeting will be March 6. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weston and children have a house guest, T.A. Weston of Seattle. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha on various days were Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson and Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha, Mr. and Mrs. John Kratcha Jr., of Silverdale and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walter. Bachofner added that important facets of ents are the always fulfills his responsibilities during burden of the schools and the he has with the i p'olice agencies )ut the state. Chief went on to say: and reputation State Patrol the people of this It is through and dedication of such as Trooper this situation exists. Warren was born on of February 22-26 - Hamburger & mashed potatoes, corn,-bread & butter, milk. -- Vegetable beef tuna & lettuce pickles, peach whipped cream and - Sloppy joe t, buttered broccoli, g~nger bread with milk. DAY _ Wieners, potatoes, buttered bread & butter, fruit and milk. Baked fish sticks, buttered green toast, prune milk. child's vitamins from Disc brakes standard on half tons, too. With power assist that you can order. Most other makes charge extra for disc brakes or don't even offer them. Stopping performance stays up stop after stop. What's more, these new Chevy front disc brakes shrug off the effects of water. Super SUSpension, the one with the wider stance. MoreV8 power for the long hard pull. Pickup engines just don't come any bigger than our 400 V8 that's available. You can also choose a husky 350 V8. The rugged Chevy 307 V8 is standard. All are regular gas misers. Chevy smooths out roads with girder-coil independent front suspen- sion. (Some other pickups try to do it with stiff I-beams.) And Chevy's stable ride stems from its wider stance. In the rear, two-stage leaf springs are standard on Longhorn and 1-ton models. And available on -ton models. A Chevy stays on the job longer, too. Here's proof. A superior ride is one of the reasons why Chevy pickups are consistently more durable. The chart below, based on the latest official figures from R. L. Polk & Co., shows how Chevrolets outlast other trucks. Going back as far as 1955, for example, over 56% of the Chevrolets of that model year are still on the job. No competitive make has as many as half of its '55 models still working. Show up for the Truck Value Showdown now at your Chevy dealer's. At your Pacific Northwest ChOT dealer's. A recent addition to the Timberland Regional Library record collection is an album of 18 records which contains the voices of American poets reading their own poetry. The title is "The Spoken Arts Treasury of 1 00 Modern American Poets Reading Their Poems." Anyone who has an interest in modern poetry, or students studying the subject in school should ~find these records a help in increasing their knowledge of American poetry. The publisher, Spoken Arts, Inc., has assembled a spoken record covering the history of modern American poetry from Edgar Lee Masters to the outspoken and often rebellious poets of today. The album contains the voices and poetry of Benet, Cummings, Eliot, Frost, Ginsberg, Hughes, Masters, Nash, Parker, Pound, Roethke, Sandburg, Stein, Van Dyke and Van Doren, to name just a few. The listener will be able to hear the outspoken diction of Edgar Lee Masters, Robert Frost and Carl Sandburg; the inventive speech of E. E. Cummings; the ballads of the Benet brothers; the balance of humor and protest of black American poets such as Countee Cullen and Gwendolyn IS The fun, beauty~ use of driftwood - natural, worked and sculptured will be seen at the nineth annual Beachcombers Driftwood Show March 20 and 21 at the Twin Harbors Beach area, Grayland Community Hall. Free of charge and open to non-professionals of all ages the Show will present eight catagories of driftwood; one for Japanese Glass Floats and three divisions in flower arrangements. Accredited judges will determine winners in all divisions. Prizes in driftwood and floats will receive as first; a week end for family of four in a leading motel, Westport, Grayland, Tokeland or a trailer space; second, a complete fishing trip for two aboard one of Westport's fine charter boats; third, dinner for family of four in a leading restaurant. Changes have been made in divisions this year so all interested in entering should send for rules and regulations by writing The Twin Harbors Beach Association, Box 1172 Grayland, Washington 98547. No charge for brochure. Entries will be taken Friday evening March t9 between 7-10 p.m. and Saturday morning from 8 to 10 a.m. The Show will open to the public at 12:30 p.m. Saturday running to 8 p.m. that evening. Sunday show hours will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the afternoon. Continuous demonstrations will show the procedures in finishing driftwood and sculptured driftwood; Carved Driftwood by Mary Ann Bigelow of Olympia. Sunday morning these demonstrations will go on at 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. At l:30to 3:30 p.m. Walton Butts, silks screen artist from Hoquiam will show these techniques. On Honor Roll Helen L. Brigham, Shelton, has been named to the fall quarter honor roll at Montana State University. A total of 1,376 students earned a place on the honor roll, which takes a grade average of 3.25 or higher. Miss Brigham is a sophomore majoring in sociology. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brigham, Shelton. LAWS THAT do not embody public opinion can never be enforced. Elbert Hubbard 'he following limerick was written by Mr. Deffinbaugh' 5th grade class. Money makes the world go round, And it's not easily made or found. So save what you can, real carefully plan, Who wants to be a spending houndf -.Jill Jorgenson THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAl, SAVINGS AND IOAN ASSOCI/G'ION • OLYMPIA --- Home Office Fifth & Capitol Way • LACEY • SHELTON Branch Branch 4131 Merket Square 3 i 3 Railroad Avenue Brooks; the mischief and humor of Ogden Nash; and the disciplined clarity of Theodore Roethke. According to Mrs. Yvonne Seidler, Timberland reference librarian, the 18 records may be borrowed separately, or several may be taken out at a time. She also said that students will find a brief biographical note on the poets as well as valuable information on their work included with each separate record. 460 individual poems are recited, she said, providing the listener with a survey of American poetry in progress as well as an example of our country's technological progress in recording the human voice. To obtain information about borrowing these records, telephone or visit the Timberland Library in your area. In Mason County, patrons may contact the North Mason Library in Belfair, or they may also ask for the records on the bookmobile. Model LCT-2 Laundry Center The skinniest Washer/Dryer ever made. • Save time and steps. In. stall it where the wash is. ----anywhere you can get ad. equate wiring, plumbing and venting. • Family Size! 2-Speed Washer cleans family.size loads at Regular and Deli. cate settings. • Dryer has Flowing Heat for sunshine fresh clothes. • Permanent Press Care in Washer and Dryer. Our Skinny Mini price Fi ;gidalre bothers to build in more help "Building Mason Of Shelton 426-2611 Thursday, February 18, 1971 - Shelton-Mason Countx, Journal - Pa9,. " 5