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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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II I p. ! RATES PHO $ • 10 cents for each additional word over 15, • FOUR (4} insertions for the price of ~! , ~, ,# I ) , IAi #, ' T.REE (3). • ,'~m ,, . I , i=i ' 1., I I !ji 11 ;., . ,, For Sale ,. For Sale Goods Sporting Goods Help Wanted Wanted Real Estate -~---"------'---~ ~ SACRIFICE-- LAKE Leprechaun ~M~ WOOD FOR sale -- fir or alder. YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut ~"OR SALE 25' cabin boat,-~Gray FIBREFORM AND Evinrude NEED THREE ladies who would INCUBATOR AND brooder call $20 per cord delivered, or $16 and wrapped• Expert cutting and Marine engine. $550.00 Call power 14 ft. Olympic custom, 50 like to earn $4 to $10 per hour•426-2878. 2/18 water • frontage. Limerick ~ rec. loom, ~- you haul. 426-6555. K2/11-3/4 wrappi ng. Shelton Foods. 426-6611. (]2./18 hp, 1200 Ib. E-Z loader, $1969. Caii 491-4390 for appointment. ~~ development. Owner agent, tw~o kitchenS, .4 -- 426-6523. S3/27tfn 16 ft. Columbial full canvas, 18H2/11-3/4 INDEPENDENT LOGGER wants Willmott Realty P.O. Box 37, Large Mr. VieW. I..(~I~ ONE PAIR tap shoes size 111/zC --~ gal. tank, 50 hp, 1400 lb. E-Z ~ large or small tracts of timber to Puyallup Wash. W2/4-25 features of thlS.Tv $4.00. Phone 426-6518. J2/18 GARAGE SALE February 19, 20, SKI--BOO loader, $2330. 16 ft. Chelan AT ONCE -- Rawleigh dealer ~s thin or clear-cut. Contact Dick --~-- O~f~fered~" at~ 'FHA.~ --~ 21 between hours12:00and6:00 Voyageur, full canvas, 18 gal. needed in Mason County. Write Andrews 426-1096. A1/29-2/25 REMODELED FOUR bedroom aSf2t8er5' 500p~1~2~t~0 BE GENTLE, be kind, to that p.m. 2335 Washington St., Mt; tank, 60 hp, 1400 lb. E-Z loader, Rawleigh, 306 Adeline, Oakland,_ family home. Ideal for those with ..... ~" ....... ~ " expensive carpet, clean with Blue View. F1/18 $2584. 16 ft. Chelan Voyageur, Calif., 94607.2/4-25. - pride in mind. Carpet, dishwasher, ~/F~ v THREEI~iIll Lustre. Rent electric shampooer ~-- SA~E$ and SERVlCE I0 90 hp. OMC 1600, lb." E-Z ~ ll~,41111r~l~l stove included Two:car carport LUVELY Irlr%L'L":"~Jlll $1. Coast to Coast Store. 2/18 CANOPY FOR sale, call loader $3252.'Uppys Hood TURN SPARE time hours into l'IB~|i|l, llf one bath. rough-in for second wilt h ,~lahc~iT" Canal 'Marina Union, Wash. cash. No experience necessary, we "-th FH ........... ClOSe to scnou, ~:If -~------~ 426-8306. K2/18 New and Used Machines 898-2252.2/18-;~5 train. Beeline Fashions. For ~.ll ~ t, . Da . ~ ~l~,~bU. LiOSmg COSTS center. Asking' I~A FREE ONE gallon of root beer to ~~------~--- Carl Downing, P.O. Box 271 from FOR A free estimate on a new appointment call 426-3137. YYIII ouy or onslgn down. Call Frank Tobinski and 42"6 "62- " 05 a~fter~5~V Minor's A&W Drive-ln on Mt. composition roof, just call Norm View. 2/18 atSears, 426-8201. 2/11-3/4 OLYMPIC -------------------------------------------- K2/4-2/25 Good UsedFurniture Associates, 491-3232. Evenings, 943-1620 T2/lltfn " BEAUTIFUL MOB]IN~ R . ., . • WANT TO contact man whq has REDUCE EXCESS fluids w th 36" CHAIN link fence, installed " SKI-DO0 rers/ LIVeSTO(I( had experience and success in ~r An-I: ..... ~ 3-~l~o're--/ots OIt,~U ANTED H Rec. room and P~Ill FLUIOEX $].69 Lose weight for as low as $1.21 per running .................. trapping and . killing mole and .... l"l~llUIll'~ W ERMIT for this rug throughoUt..~l~., safely wit'h Dex-/~-Diet 98c at foot. Call Sears, 426-8201, ask for 5847 MARTIN WAY K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle gophers. 426-3613. s2/4-25 It II m l= beautiful 10 acre parcel with f~nisheclvv~t~I CO/0~0 Simpson Timber Company on 3 and pool table, I~" Nell's Pharmacy. R2/18-4/8 Norm. 2/11-3/4 OLYMPIA 491-8477 clipping, and pet grooming. Call NOW TAKING applications for KIHI¥ umiTure sides. Good potential. Only ~:jar-ag~:~'d'-fru-it_~ ~~ TRADE IN your old furniture at 12/17 tfn iv~s..,I,',,jrnDaHror appomtmenL waitresses, part and full time, over ..... / .......... $4,000 Maple Valley Land & A'l'l~=-for'" $1"5,0~ ~" " -r ....... ~""" Olsen Furniture 4thand Cota ,+~o-o=oo. O/31ITn 21. Bartender, (experienced); bus 625 So 1st 426 2411 4 ....... sale.B2/4tfnUellve ell. r-none ~zbi~u~ ....... ~/Ib1:Tn ' " ~,,~.~---~ ~--~'..-'~--. --~-~--~-~-------~u,i.~ UJN vaca[~on Leaveyour boy, f181 OrimOVer; fry cook,in ersonPart • . Homes. 26.1203. 2/18 appo.intment.J0 • • and ul. t e. Apply p , , ...... dog w~th us if over 20 Ibs. MeI-Ru Alderbrook Inn Ilnion 2/18-25 FOR SALE Pool Table Complete Kennels, 426.2387. N8/14tfn .... ~ SECLUDED BUT close in acreage " ~;i~ltll -. Used cars ,, for sale. 426,4870 evenings. X T RAN .T v American Coins & Bottles ¢..... DOG CLIPPING and grooming..... ______..____~ Instruction " W'ATERFROI (FANCY BOTTLES) ,iP| II/.V,~ For appointment, call Mrs. "-- . " Beams, Brooks LaMent. 426-4164. L9/17tfn Pers.nd ~ L~,, vv 3 Deoroom eup,ex. " ........ ~ Japan Italy& France See our selection of new Pool 1950 CHEV. panel runs good ....... -- ..... ~NN - " -- BEGINNER'S TAP 10 a.m. Hood Can be seen by appointment. 100 ft. low banl(i~ Phone 426-8525 or 426-256] ~h~'~olid - ' Tables. A complete selection $50. Three quarter Saint REGISTERED AUSTRALIA ="--------------------------%%--%%-- Canal Schooi auditorium.Call $2/183/11 • Inlet wltn sollu.--~ / - story home. M~, Terrier female puppy seven Phone426-117] ]2/3tfn available. The most desirable Bernard, female dog. '66 El " , CONFIDENTIAL CARE for 877-5713 for information. ~~ from dining and li U ' '" models in stock for immediate Camino, excellent. 426-3861. weeks old. Phone 426.6152. unwed preqnant teen-aqe qirls. D1/15tfn FIX IT p, rent it out. Older 3 ~~ g~_nd li~l fireplace ~u MOST POPULAR sizes of tires delivery. Free delivery. M2/18 F11/5tfn UGH /~gency. Collec_t (;ells .... bedroom home -- one acre. New rlreplf~~,?i'ldil~: accepted. Florence Crttenton UPHOLSTERING CLASSES, and batteries now in stock. Call Sears426-8201.2/11-3/4 " • TRADE CLASSIC Mercedes, MINIATURE .DOB~RM.AnN" HOme PA 2-8004 Box 8944 starting March 2nd Inquire Kay'sroof, windows and siding. Needs rurna.ce,°utOuHu'~,'~i-- 1959 22OS, for 1965 Volkswagen ~-,ncer, e mos,..~....... lOVeS ....nCnllU'e . Seattle Wa 98178.8"28tf-/ n ' uraper,es ..... tz~ ~a,,roao' '- Hnone"• inside repair, $6,000, terms, gEarrdeAn~cTO~lYN,~50 ....... ~---: Olsen Furniture or newer. Call after 4 p.m. St5, phone~zb-~vzo.,v,//.o ' 426620' " Maple Valley Land & Homes EDAPSTEIN,rli~- MODEL 8A Gearmatic wincn 426-8364. R2/18 ~d-~n NEED CASH? We buy or consign 7 2/18 25 426-1 203 evenings. 426.1111. REALTY, Tacoma,~ drum and controls, completely 4th & Cota 426-4702 2/18 MA 7-5749. ,Ii~ overhauled, new bands, bearings, 9tlotfn 1955 CHEV 6 cyl. rebuilt engine,female dog. Loves chilc~ren. Call almost Tropics 0 and seals. Phone 426-3702. $650.-- Mags & Chromes. Runs good. 426-1237. G2/18 ~a/Iroom A.uctlon, Olympia ~~.~ d[- $2/18-3/]1 SIMPLICITY MOWERS and Needs Paint. $200.00 Call ~ ~J~-~t~4.~J. UZ/ZbITn ' . . II .--~--~ tillers. See now at Mike's 426-1437. P2/18-25 FREE -- TO good homes. 6 week .... Real Estate Wanted 30:06 MAUSER action rifle, 4 McCulloch Sales and Service. power scope, $90. Phone 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. ~ old Cock-a-poo/GermanShepherd ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION "We Know The Conol" 10Acres ]50 puppies. Phone 426-1155. B2/18 and Referral center 428 Birch St. ~ Lx)cated i mile pa~ 426-1317". W2/18tfn 3/28tfn truck. Phone 426-4015. N1/21tfn Shelton. Phone 426-4407. 20-40.ACRES, pasture land with HOODSPORT with 330 feet ~ ..... S2/12tfn or without good house. Brokers Outstanding three.bedroom canal ffontacje,-just $5,9~ INTERESTED IN a new wall to 1958 PONTIAC, Firechief, "~'~---------------'--~-~-~'-';-- cooperation. Call Lance Browne, v.iew, large lot, workshop, 10 Acres 'I.l waIl carpet?Forsamplesshownin CABINFT_K $165.00. Runs good. Phone WA.J, IIM,.iAJ 491-3170 Olympia Town & the home and a free estimate c;~ll .......... 426-4340. H2/18 i.Uln Illlllllllllli~ "~~~%~%%---~' Country Realtors, 352-0553. $27,500 IU/AC,l'es ,n nll'~IU Sears 426-820] and ask for A R HOLIDAY BEACH " SHhae ts o'nm 'Cme c . Norm.'2/11-3/4 L~uality-- easonable 1965 STAR Chief hardtop mgl~h~nnYe Pontiac, no Saturday calls. Phone LolCmENSdEaOy oBrABeYven~ ' HAVE BUYER for 20 to 40 acre New two-bedroom, comm. beach, $'~te'r'm~s.- ~v CE ' " , , farm, Shelton area -- with about clubhouse, canal view $18,500 . ~': ' ...... • 426 1063 F2/4 25 MOBILE HOME, 12 x44 two " " - . ....... ' 10 acres suitable for pasture and BAYSH0 ~,,, EXACT PRI 426-8563. A2/18-3/11 --~------ ......... ;-------= °te?r°°fus' alJn°oUne~ nsneb°'~r°°m .................. UNION 2'/2 Acre Horne 50 RE " " • 1963 FALCON convertible, four . .............. corral. N~u .................... f Aldll "" - Prichards Cabinets speed, $700.00. Phone 426-8519.,U~l, lllt~,," ~ ,,UlllillO)° • M2"'~'''/,v ~,/,, " Ask for Sam Humes, Shumate •Three-bedroom rambler Beautiful woodedJ" $2/11-3/4 . ' Ill ....... I'll--- ..~. _.,.....pp~ . ~'* .Realty,~877-5576 anytime. 2/18 fireplace,all'electriC'largeWalL-t°'wallshop $22,250carpeting' ~r t° aP~'!~ll0~ .fill-- AND PH 495B-3/::A FOR SALE 66 Bonneville wagon, ---------------------------------------~ homes for sale See us at Shelton SPECIAL INVESTOR has casn Rouli,' 9 passenger. $1,395. Phone ~OOC~DT,,~,,,TV cr~o ,,~k;*= .... Home Center, Taylor Towne for good buy, ,prefers .o.r . ALDERB#r nK' " Y2Acre Lot _rv" GRAVEl McCleary, Wash 98557 426-1669 after 5 p.m. F2/lltfn ............................ 4,~ztz~ ~/,, ÷,n ' ,ncome ,nvestments La,, v, persons to make good money in "-~" .... ; "-/ ...... n~ v ' . ,~vv With wMer and I~ Ma~.l~ Valle, Land and Homes, Two-Bedroom, Contemporary, bW~-tlhld oWnatera.~2v,~ free time. If vou aualifv -- She ton 426-12032/11-3/4 2/18-3/11 1969 GMC pick-up ]/2 ton. training given. Hoodsport .... ' ............ __ On the 8th Fairway, two patio easvterm's'.""'" .... For The Finest ln: . Pgsi-traction, 6 cylinder. • "p~I~E~CA~T SEPTICTANK5 CANOPY FOR harrow box ..... .... " ..... '~;'~; ~ .... .... R- .. ~-, " ........'for what you want. Kurt Mann, 4:~6-671.1.51/28-2/18 . 877-5598. B2/18. i~-------'~------'--= .' EXCHANGE --WHAT you have decks, club membership $24,950 ........... , ,~ • C:II~USHED ROCK pickup, $65, call 426-6383. ~"~---=--------&-=-~J&-"~ ~f ' Keal I:STaTe Realtor-exchanger 426.6592. HOOD CJlkNJll~1 Call Ed "Ski"¢~ • PRE MIX H2/18 Real Estate`?` - _. 8/18tfn REAL ESTATE • SAND * GRAVEL .... -,, INTERNATIONAL i I Ready To Hang! L BI$$ONIERE I SATURDAY POURS I TRUCKS 0 , ARE WELCOME , Machine washable lined 10rocade e I Fo. YOU? ' ,, , gold or white draperies. Gas and Diesel Real Estat , 80" wide rod, 45" long ..$18.50 ' A HOME SO" wide rod, 84" long .. $27.50 Heavy - Medium and VICTORIAN VALENT~E: This I ~ ........... ~ ......I LOCATED ACROSS FROM 104" wide rod, 84" long . $34.50 Special Duty roomy 2 bedroom hom~-~has beenI ........~ ................. . , I BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE completely restored with new I ~IIW~ " I Phone I * Scout -- Travelall wallpaper, refinished floors, I -~i _ _ _ I I' JUST LISTED... TOTTEN SHO 00 separate D.R., large kitchenI ~r~r~r,#~~,,, III:AI FST6TF I I moS! " 426-2669 Kay s Drapenes Pickup- Campers w/new cupboards, utility room, I .. I / mpics bedroom horne ,IIAA DAYS--EVENINGS 129 Railroad 426-6207 NEW and USED patio, fenced yard an'd privacy. I ~ ~allrOao /-~v~. I | ~ade salt water fr.°~',~V / ~s. commanding view Ai~ 9/3tfn ..... 2/18 JACK KImEL Owner will carry contract & the / price is right at $12,000. , . _. _ ~ . | ~"has~:~ | ~ of extra attached fanL'~ FOR SALE -- Large selection of Shelton, Wash. DOLLHOUSE WITH LOVELY I Mr. Re lv 5tote says: " I / i 750. reconditioned ranges, ~---------------------- Phone426-8124 GARDEN: Immaculate 2 I ......... " "- / I /Very I'°w m°nthlyp-ay-m-en-t '~ refrigerators, washers, dryers. Iio,J t'.,,~ bedroom home w/hdwd floors, ~ ~...6~'~/'~1~ | |can'be assumed here. $13,700 .... Eells & Valley Appliance Center. ,.u,, | STURDY 4 $750 DOWN 6/Stfn -~~- ----~-~-~ Representing carpeting, drapes & appliances. I I The garden includes secluded I mlI ,TIUII J / STURDY 4 BEDROOM C-O~RO--WO()D--~0;•~~ 69 IMPALA customcoupe, 350 INTERNATIONAL patio, hundreds of flowering I --- " - T'$1 "-- ..... "?'"~ engine air, power steering stereo shrubs, nut and fruit trees, berries I ..--=. L_ /.I"1| weamer coming, cat~ ~xcep~lona= h, ' HARVESTER CO. Foresters426-1550. E10/ltfn ............. - ....... /,u & a spot for organic gardening. I ~Illr your rum mr ~K~r-~ ~dSr" / I I _-"-C__~_ ----------~- '68 VW engine $25000 Phone Portland, Oregon 12/8tfn | ~~~ ~a~n"°~f'e'~l'~)l FARFISA COMPACT organ, alSO, 4P¢. R7R¢. MP/1R " " listings • ." | ~ s~;;;'I , / t I, ,.. Custom Leslie 147. $300 each or -,~-v- ........ /~.. i D R E A M I N G O F T H E 1 ~d~t°o~eu "" 1-$2 v~/~o"~'~°b°th $500. Phone 426-8062. Excellent1969 CHEVELLcondition, willE waaon~ " I COUNTRY? Your dream could I I / only ~,~Jbu. :~ T-- accept I I come true this VALENTINES I t'-II ~,~A qAAA ~II//31~L"II~-J I l~p ea. Corn_erlocation ' :ld,~ Wagvn$ DAY. Here is a 3 bedroom home I ~-u,, -~u---v--v P'//J yV ll~ I~~ I gives you freedom from close • _, "~lZ trade, 426 4107 G2/18 FREE ONE chicken basket to " " " N 1-- Melvin Swayze, Rt. 3, Box 416 at almost completely remodeled J ~J ~ ~ , / ENT'ON,i")z Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. _t.~ View. 2/18 ,...~l/.~) _/'l~f'~/'~ I 66 Volks. Camper I inside and new carpeting for the 1 . "--- I | °vvn NOMEBUILO I 64 Chev. I new owners (pick your own I . I I ] colors). Large garage and otherI :) RI:i'I~IUI~ I::11~KII~MI=I'~ -- .(~ '~1"~('1 -- I | ...... "~5 a tract .~.'JI $3inside the cirY~ : MEDITERRANEAN CONSOLE ~lr.~ • ~ .jll~f~- ] 64 Valiant . outbuildings. Off the heavy traffic | ~'"_ _ ~,v, ..--.~ .~..,...,., | MOUNTAIN VIEW .... polid~ialther ~d;~" Piano. Sacrifice, owner moving. ~ " -~I Ir ~ area but close to school bus stop. I ~al me., We have an | I ~O n~Waerc eA~° I'(1~1 CaShor write°r adjustor,terms" Phone427 S.w.CH3"9270153rd. ~m"-ql~-~O,;/;"]~'~~ I Hard-Tops I See it today. Price reduced to| ~t re T.or 1. bedroom | Seattle, Wash. 98166. T2/18-25 ,.~~~_.j?-,-~ | | $14,500 w/1acre, i n:t%w: at.I ,... INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC ~-llll I 69 T-Bird I NEW' NEW' NEW' Another |~maln.:luu, ..... | / ~/~,eckno~, I"$1 furnace 2 yrs. old. Phone I 67 T-Bird I country home -- 3 DR, FP, I ~uL~uon. Lno,ce OT TerH,~. ~- ......... I / ~~ area. Shor{ walk .~ -i-. / to st~ark. Terms I~1~ I~AIMk" H~l~l,~-- ~, 66 PIvmouth | Garage, Carpeted throughout andl rl-I/-~ -- :~ZZ,bUU -- | ~u D~i~a~ *, DI]ili~E Farm Home Admin. financing is I VlE Hes and a basement. 2 I i E/:,I . 62 Impala available. $17,650. I I / $~500 d d~et . . NextLa ke .t° "thec=~ti ~'~".Nea*',#l / I .~.,S..~..S, Tot., ~~e~x. no', ~~.~O, Sedans w/hookup for mobile home |~nancinanrFHA "| 1-bedroorn ~ :T I II~I i BOYS already in. Partly cleared, partly |p~o.n~ ......... i | PACKAGE DEAL .... frc)ntage an O.,~ wooded & only 4 miles from | ~~rkD.e~L:~ _._ i | ~erY~e~ef¢l 1 69 Plymouth Sed. / Shelton. Make us an offer and I ~ NORTHCLIFF--~33500-- I ~e' Pie' n'ty°t'-t~e~'~ I M..ountain View, Capitol Hill' shade. $16,000 | 67 Rambler I you might be pleasantly surprised. I~~;/°~1" o,o oown,own Shelton for the; | 65 Falcon I ABOUT 12 miles FROM I po ,. i/ amazing asking price of only ....... t,/' I -1,1---- I SEE & DRIVE THE ' / 66 Plymouth 4-ur. I l J 71 DART SWINGERS 1 65 Ford Custom 500 4-Dr. I OLYMPIA: 10 acres with a nice I AI~IL~LES~~" ..'Y' ..~'~',~ I 1 $32,500 for all five! Let todays MAIVIIVIIr-I~O~- I investment give you years of We have a • / future income Give us a call " h t i l l ilAV-I 111¢ 1 With FREE AUTOMATIC 62 Eel-Air 4-Dr. older 3 bedroom house with full I ...... ° I / ...... • frontage wit i TRANSMISSION. basement, F.P., carpeting & I ~ ........ Y ~ ,,I~IK~L. I I TOr Details on terms, on y $75/f°' / appliances. Excellent well, good I ~~,,~~.~'~"~Mi/; __ _ I / ........... acreage avai~a~ I garden spot, fruit trees, large barn I WATERFRONT- $17.000 I / on Arcadia r~ 3 Colors To Choose From Trucks I and completely fenced. Better see I _ ^-, I | ATTENTIONIIII view of the OWI crlttt . Building,anMat*dals USED_ CARS ' it today, $33,000. I 'ei;o I Pipe S cl & Gravel I 70 Ford Vz Ton ' 1 1 How about 38 acres of. good • Masonry * Rocr 1965 FORD GALAXlE • Septic Tanks * Ready Mix 1 67 Chev. ~4 Ton 1 FOR RENT" WE HAVE A YWO I SUBUR '?5 I 1 level land with frontage on 2 c~ nnn 1 county roads close tQ town? q>n.*,uuu.. -- ' 4/Dr. $745 / 66 Dodge Sportsman 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, I "" I 1 Tree~ allow priva'cy and really Cozy 2 bed LIKE NEW 1 65 Ford ~/4Ton Yellow | UNFURNISHED EXCEPT FOR I ............. ~" I / is anee~Cellent investment for Phillips Lake / 65 Ford ¥4 Ton White I APPLIANCES, NO CHILDREN I ...... I / some uture development, launch area. | Pric d0to sell at $40,000 with fireplace, co 4"~H--:'~:444 64 DODGE POLARA | 64 Ford '/, Ton 1 OR PETS PLEASE. I °....... I I $10,0 0 down and monthly attached gara ----v vv ,, - ~ 2 / 52 Ford Dump I Call 4~6-1641 i ve;: I [ payments set at $200. property. ~ /Or.'Htp. $745 so Int. ! Ton RADIO DISPATCHED 62 FALCON. . $345 / " JIM / BevThomi.n426-$615 J .......... " ....... ......... I/ ,A I' ROY DU READY.MIXTRUCKS Paule-! e LaBI$$OI(IERE i I| , I GR&YSTONE .- . y !.--m--~ / PAULEY'S / ,.,11. In ..Ira. I.. / 110 RAILROAD AVENUE n on Bus Einarsson OF SHELTON uoage | / BillJoh s - " / AGENCY I IIIIII1~ lll~llllyj' IlllqI I / -- Evenings Call -- 1 Bob Watters- Bob Wolden 1 REAL ESTATE- INSURANCE I 1711r IP~l VlIJil'klfI Ul _M I/AY IM#~llqru I /Jim Roush 426-8522 South 7th & Park Street For nt & Railroad -~ / Mt. View at Kneeland Center 1 / or Don Brown 426-6388 2/1 ltfn ~H, i [ Phone 426-8183 !, l 426-8231 / 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. I Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -"Thursday, February 18, 1971