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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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50 )rd over 15. price of "uesday . one Phone >-1.654 426-1654 124 N. First TAKE ADVANTAGE OF LOWER INTEREST RATES TO BUY ONE OF THESE HOMES! Real FHA .appraised & approved for easy financing 2 bedroom Hillcrest charmer, level grounas, all improvements in & paid, beat h.igh rent costs. -~i'ii~~ Charming A frame on Shorecrest level grounds with swimm, i, ng pool membe.rship and DLuRvv,, :.n~- 7ua..ranteed salt water access. Fully insulated, 2 bedrooms, TUll Dam ana Dudt-ms -- Lall -t-che-ns. oaay. - " " r e 2 bedroom bun BlOw. Farm s ze kitchen & lt. VieW 101~M~ MINI FARM In Agate Plckermg area• La g .. g . s'" of'-•thiS.~ garage. Nice view of water -- year around spring {owner contract on easy payments no at FHA.J~ loan costs. .00. By 0~A .m.Wl/2111~u Illness forces sale of this spaoous two bedroom home -- all appliances included. Corner lot, Hillcrest, Easy FHA or VA terms. ,( TH REEI~ ireplace,, i! ~0 4 Bdrms. nicly paneled, double garage. This is a fantastic home fbr growing family and a sc?oo,; w:tWvli2:il:~thl; P::m:~tts:;~eY::;:n~d::2 Aski g5 5 after ~ 0 afford. Great big living room w/fireplace, deluxe kitchen, separate utility, three bedrooms and double size detached garage. See FUL MOE ,- . this today! Easy FHA or VA financing. )re lots ol |0 Hillcrest 4 Bedroom (2 up) with 1322 sq. ft. of living area. Deluxe bath. auto gas )m and P~ iroughoUt• '~ heating. Perfect for growing family -- Will sell G.I. -- No Down. Just remodeled. I with col~°~J~0 DOLL HOUSE -- This de'ghtful 2 bedroom newer home is perfect for young• or old. ,I table, ~ Automatic oil heat seperate utility wardrobe closets & built ins. Easy terms, FHA n'd fruit r~ appraised . . t u incltJdes water view, sun deck, carport & r $15,00 : ~ent. 426" 0 Double w~de mobde home permantly se p ' ! extra storage & landscaped lot. Call today! than rent Low do r ~0 Perfect for growing family with payments less .... i ; . wn on•t, f?u. bedroom shake -- beautiful wall to wall carpet ruH (]in ng dam, separate utility. ~ali ERFRO todayf 3 bedroom basement home plus out buildings on one acre grounds just south of town. Also business potential with highway frontage. Perfect for growing family. ~ome. Like new rambler in Woodland Manor. Unique stove fireplace, 3 bdrms., entry hall, dng and built in range & oven plus att. garage. Large fenced & level ground w/reverse floor e. Full plan. outbuil( 3 Bedrooms -- 2 Baths -- SPacious Mt V ew rambler on level fenced corner grounds. Only Built m range and oven Bre'akfa-s-(area o us dining room. Wall to wall carpets. Best of STEIN " all, an extra 3/4 bath wit'h separate shower off master bedroom. One of a kind at this Y, Tacol ~ price so see it today• - ~,0 C°ntemporary 3 bedroom on man floor with full finished basement & family kitchen. Double plumbing plus extras galore. Why not trade up today on this bargain. .~S ~0 NEW ENGLAND CAPE COD Huge carpeted living and dining rooms, modern spacious kitchen ut ity dam 2 twin size bedrooms and deluxe full bath on main 1 mite pa)~ level. Dormitory' size bedroorn up with half bath. Garage attached. Level corner 0 feet L0~. grounds, paved streets walks and alley Dare to be different -- see this charmer today. just $5,9 Dble firenlace fami ,, r ...... g .,,,, Y~_ sit. & extra plumbin . "50 TWO-LEVEL 3 bedroom ultra modern featurin full da liteb u'- o~ " ~" , . y ,,v,,, dnu garage -- all on ]uu x tzu grounds inside cit . Tr g nicely10 W0~.. . ' terms ava,,ao,e. Call today! Y ade /emercha~r~terms v New custom built deluxe spac due ramb er w th tw n bedrooms on 5 acres. Bubbling ~ ''~'"/J~.8~; Stream--lovely view. Electric furnace and garage. i _wooded~0 4 B'DRM -- 3 BATHS -- ONE FLOOR " Huge family rambler on year arou'nd stream banrana2d d,n,ng room. For secluded splendor- see this charmer todap. We trade or will' at the end of the road -- but close to town All deluxe built in ap liances breakfast Lot i00 " Widow must sell the most beautifully appointed home in Mason County. Just likea private park with huge dogwood, etc. 3 bdrms., 3 baths, formal living room and dining ternow. ~2;~iand_~~~'~ onU;IourCUl~Osmt oullt.--real plaster, Plush rugs and tailored draper es 1V2 acres. Put this ~s. ~0i~ see" list and call today. Ranch Home on 4V2 fenced level acres. Immaculate 3 bedroom home p us den and Ed "Ski" ~" " .~-,,,a, ummg room too! Trade up today! Quality throughout. P ,"' 426"6~ 7otr~e.-~.2.baths, appliances beaut ful carpet and stone fire lace. All this and ~~0 3 br. tri-level p us guest house huge barn This is a real show lace with fenced acr Trade upt ' ' • P " eage-- ACREAGE & UP" We have many choice lots and building sites. Some with beach rights. You build or we will build for you. Terms of course!! Five acre tracts, new road, power and phone. Minutes from town. Terrific [or mobile hale sites! Low down payment. Easy terms. Sixteen acres ' • partially fenced.JUStHurryperfeCtont°thisbUildone.that farm home. Year around stream -- nice view-- Special buy on a huge 35 acre tract only 3 miles from Shelton City limits. Call today[ 80 acres on Harstene Island -- E-Z terms. Now $44,950 WATERFRONT 71 ft. no bank, choice waterfront. Very easy terms. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity. Better hurry on this one. -- NO BANK --Owner will finance tbis choice 75 ft. tract on Hammersley and it's right at the end of county road -- Buy now! Level low bank 100 ft. frontage and over 500 ft. to road. Best waterfront lot in Mason County. Can subdivide. 3 Bedroom basement, double garage and shop on 90 ft.. ow bank waterfront with fabulous view. Raised hearth fireplace sundecK., .o.mmg. room,.l~.itchen w th modern built ins and large breakfast room. All tills plus Wall carpeting and drapes. Easy assumption with low payments. ,$35B000 76 ft. on nice beach and beautiful view. Spacious 3 bedroom home-Sauna bath and extras galore. This is a new Ilome - grounds are 76 x 300 deep. . 500 120 ft. on Lake Nahwatzel -- Sweeping view of lake and mountains. Real 1 good cabin included -- you name the terms! This one is right on the water. Charming A frame chalet on bulkheaded 60' x 300', Spencer Lake level WOOded lot. Truly a bargain. Completely furnished. Built-in range, nice trees. 4 bedroom -- 3 baths -- basement -- Charming story and a half With full basement and garage - sprinkler system. Located right on Island Lake- On the water. We trade! OFFICE _ 124 N. FIRST PHONE 426-1515 OR 426-1654 t BRANCH OF INS. .REAL ESTATE VII. HODGES NGS CALL; REALTORS: McCLEARY OFFICE: ......... Asso. Broker ........ 426-6597 "Mitch" Mitchell .... . Asso. Broker ........ 426-2519 ............ Asso. Broker ........ 426-8584 OLYMPIA OFFICE: Services CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate. Precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn BATHROOM AND kitchen remodeling. Roofing, patios, carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Osborne's 426-6241. 10/15tfn LICENSED CHILD Care -- Dependable, loving care for infant to 4 years. My home, 5-day week. 426-2859.2/18tfn SINGER TUNE UP special... Any make sewing machine. A Singer expert will come to your home and: Adjust and balance tensions; check fabr c-handlinq mechanism,de.lint thread handling -ssembly; o I entire machine; inspect motor; lubricate motor if needed; check wiring for safety Only $6.95. In Shelton contact Kay's Draperies, 129 Railroad, 426-6207. Singer Center, South Sound Center, Lacey. 491-3400. BACKHOE SERVICES with late model 15 ft. backhoe. 15 years experience. Also sewage systems. Top workmanship. Earl T. Marr, Services " Services DRY OLD growth split fir $18 cord. Phone 426-8646 after 4 p.m. F2/4-25 INTERIOR PAINTING Special Wi nter prices, all areas. " References. Call Olympia 491-6484 or Shelton 426-1460. P12/31 tfn Septic Tank PAINTING and DRY WALL • RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured Call 426.8773 7/4 tfn 500-gal., 750-gal, 1,000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging, Backhoe, Trencher for Hire gmrer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1127 tfn ELECTROLUX SALES Sales -- Service -- Supplies CALL 426-3544 For free delivery -- Jack Manley 8/20tfn BOB OGDEN Installation Service Carpeting- Formica- Ceramic and Linoleum Licensed, Bonded & Insured Phone 426-3155 3/6 tfn I SWIMMING POOLS Services HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 6/11tfn DAY & SONS CUSTOM ROTOVATING Lawns, Gardens, Farm work- 2 machines no job too large or small. 426-8750 4/9tfn For Rent FOR RENT trailer house. Phone 426-3169. B2/1 ltfn NEWLY DECORATED furnished one bedroom apartment, downtown location. Ideal for young couple. References $80. 426-6577. W2/1 ltfn For Rent TRAILER SPACES for rent on Mt. View at the Pines. Near stores. 426-3273. O1/14tfn GATEWAY APARTMENTS, furnished, modern, downtown. Water and heat furnished. Adults. 426-4895 or 426-4481, 218 North First. G1/28tfn HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for rent. Everything furnished. Inquire 100 West Pine street. L2/18tfn DUPLEX, ONE bedroom, fireplace, W/W carpet, draperies. Includes laundry, water, garbage, carport. Adults. No pets, $100.00 month lease. 426-1479. Available March 1st. O2/18tfn WILL SUBLET furnished one bedroom apartment until June 1st. Phone 426-3343. No pets or children. V1/7tfn MOVE IN TODAY 426-3053.6/tZtfn Septic Tank One and two bedroom Tree topping, and falling phone LANE HOUSE MOVING bulldozing, backhoe 20NEbedroom cabins furnished, apartments, with carpet, One 2 bedroom apartment drapes & appliances. 426-3532. Mc8/8tfn - - " and dump truck service unfurnished, Rt. 1, Box 10- Jefferson Apts. 2329 Houses Raised, Foundations Surge water conditioners. 426-1898 or 426-8670. A2/11 and Leveling Jefferson St., Mgr.'Apt. 11 or --------- .... ------------------- GLEN PARR FOR RENT furnished downtown phone 426-8663. apartment. Carlon Apartments' Real Estate Phone 426-8147 426-6539 Sholton, 120 Kneeland. Phone 426-3011." 1/27 tfn 8/6tfn C2/11tfn MT. VIEW ~~-------------" --------------------------------------------~ TWO BEDROOM waterfront ELWOODMANOR home• Completely furnished APARTMENTS Real Estate Real Estate including washer and dryer. One mile from town, $125, call after 4 p.m. 426-3484. M2/]8 2 BEDROOM eal BUY OF THE YEAR! ACREAGE PLUS " WATERFRONT It's Located on Pickering Pass and has 17 acres plus Z00' of low bank bay frontage. There's even a sound 3 bedroom home with fireplace and basement. This is good -- check on it because the price is only $18,950. COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT 12,000 sq. ft. with 120 ft. on Hiway 101. In city limits with livable house. Only $18,000. Terms. Some consideration for cash. NEW HOME IN THE COUNTRY Now under construction is a new 3 bedroom home on Cole Road which fea't:u'res ca'rpeting, fireplace, convenient kitchen with plenty of storage plus attached garage. Very easy terms are available on FHA or Farm Home Administration loan. Call today to see if you qualify. ARE YOU LOOKING? For a truly fine 3 bedroom home on 10 acres? The house has lovely paneled walls, handsome fireplace and very attractive kitchen• Has many plus features outside -- good garden spot and room for a horse plus large garage. Don't wait on this one. Call today. $29,000 -- terms. WE'LL TAKE THE EQUITY In 7our house as down payment for this new, fully carpeted 3 bedroom, 1V2 bath home and of course, assume your mortgage or contract. It's FHA appraised at $17,250 and nearly ready for you to move in. 2 BEDROOMS, LITTLE IDAHO Close to stores and other conveniences. Large fenced lot with good gardening area. $5,250 cash which includes furnishings• NEWLYWEDS - OLDER COUPLE This nearly new but small home located only a few minutes from Shelton. One bedroom, convenient, compact kitchen, plus separate workshop. Full price of $7,000 will include some nearly new furnishings and Franklin fireplace. WALKER PARK You should see this exceptionally fine waterfront home. 3, 3 baths, den, 2 fireplaces and a beautiful view from every room. It's only 5 years old and the price is $32,500. SMALL2BEDROOM Furnished Mobile Home, air-conditioning, worth easily $2,000, but owner will sacrifice for $1,150 cash. BEAUTIFUL VIEW TRACT At BAY EAST, complete with septic tank, drain field, water and power. $6,500, $1,000 down, $75 per month• MANN REAL ESTATE 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytinul Evening, Call BOBBLE GOODWIN 426-3503 OR IRA EDWARDS CR 5"2751 UNFURNISHED FOR RENT: Trailer space close to downtown. Cal4 426-4426. Available NOW 10/9tfn No Pets THREE ROOM partially furnished house on Hammersley CONTACT MANAGER Inlet, 4 miles trom town, $~b.UU, mont___~h. 426-6877 M 1/28-2/1~__ 426-31 O0 3/19tfn FOR RENT -- available February 1, mobile home to responsible adults, references, deposit. 426-2455. wl/21-28 " ~--- - - -----------------" FOR RE-------NT 10x50 mob e home. Instruction 1~/2 miles from She ton. Adu ts, deposit reference. 426-8646 after IMMIC p 4 p.m. 2/11-3/4 SHO EXPERT INSTRUCTION ,,, Real Estate s,ip- MoldS-TuesdayGreenware.thru SaturdayGlazes" Kih 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. ANGLE AGENCY Exceptional Foresters Airporlt, North of Dept. of Conservation Join The Wise Ones... 426-1550 2/lS Invest In Property! 235 FEET Waterfront on Little Skookum -- all cleared -- beautiful building site. Fruit trees small barn. Don't miss this! Terms Available. $26,350.00 Legal Publications THREE BEDROOM downtown NOTICE TO CREDITORS home has been newly decorated. NO. 4177 Its cheerful rooms are large and THE SUPERIOR COURT OF well arranged Has fireplace, bath WASHINGTON FOR MASON Hoodsport for $25,000. @ $5,000 down -- Rent and half, separate dining area, COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF will pay payment. This should buy your new boat. INVESTMENT --.Last week we advertised two specials thai: we felt were e.x .O investment properties. We have sold bot: !i em. Don't wait until the other guy gets the phone in his hand to make the call --do it now. RECREATION --Near Hoodsport, nice 1 bedroom cabin on the water $11,500. STETSONS--New 2 bedroom cabin on 400' of community beach. $1],750. JACKSON COVE -- Nice cottage On water. Excellent boat moorage, good water -- 100' W/F by 450' deep. Buy this and sell the back half as 2nd cabin site. $]7,500 -- Terms VIEW-- 16 Hoodsport. ANOTHER INVESTMENT- Beautiful canal view lot -- $2,950. REMEMBER WE DON'T BUY IT, WE SELL IT BOAT -- Moorage in your own back yard. Come see this nice 2 bedroom home in Potlatch. 75' beautiful beach, nice yard. Perfect for a family with children or grandchildren. Remember financing is available on most home purchases now. Call us for details. LOOKING -- FOR INVESTMENT NOW WITH RETIREMENT IN MIND A LITTLE LATER. Why not buy this nice 4 bedroom W/F home and rent it out for enough to make the payments until you're ready to retire. Look into this one @ $27,500- with financing available. NEED FINANCING -- We can help you. Talk to us first. Remember, you don't get anywhere unless you try. CALL US NOW 877-5576 JIM SHUMATE -- BROKER DICK ENDICOTT -- MANAGER WARREN RUSSELL SAM HUMES Day or Night Office Ph. 877-5576 If No AnsWer Call 877-5575 HOODSPORT, WASH INGTON Box 125 attached garage. $21,500. THIS 4 BEDROOM home is nine miles from town with beach and dock access. Has a spectacular view of the water, two fireplaces, two baths, large family kitchen and room for expansion. Make it your own for $27,250. ANGLESIDE LOTS 120 x 100 tract, sewer-water available, well timbered with plenty of wood beside merchantable logs. Priced to sell at $1875.00 with convenient terms. See this property today. HAVE A KNACK for remodeling and decorating? Put your talent to use in this 3 bedroom downtown home. Has fireplace, hardwood floor and is on large corner lot. OWNER WILL LISTEN to offer on 40 acre parcel south of town with freeway access. Come in and talk it over. 2 BEDROOMS, in town, close to stores and school. House is in perfect condition and has lovely yard and large garden. It's only $14,500. DOWNTOWN HOME. 3 bedrooms, separate dining, carpeted, fireplace, attached garage, on a corner lot $21,950• LARGE COUNTRY HOME, four miles from town on Bayshore, just short of two acres, orchard, garden. $25,750. WATERFRONT HOME on Island Lake. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, large deck, landscaped yard. $29,950. NEAR SCHOOL this three bedroom home is an exceptional buy. Has double carport, fireplace, electric heat, built-in range and oven. $16,400, save finance charges on owner contract. DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY. 40 acres with small take, close to town. Owner will carry long term contract. ANGLE AGENCY Real Estate & Insurance Since 1890 HERB ANGLE . DICK ANGLE JACK STEWART -- PAUL WOOD BARBARA NELSON BOB HARVEY Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426-8272 THE ESTATE OF REUBEN L. BINDARA, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as personal representative of this estate. Persons having claims against the deceased are required to serve the same, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such service within four months after Feb. 4, 1971, or the same will be forever barred. /s/ARCHIE BINDARA Personal Representative John C. Ragan Attorney for Estate Title Insurance Building 122 Railroad Avenue Shelton, Washington 98584 2/4-11-18-3t ~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~ Real Estate 1618 Olympic Highway South ' 426-1600 NO DOWN PAYMENT Ready to move in -2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen with dining area, utility room, electric heat, new roof, neat and clean, garage with workshop, extra building lot, Sale Price $13,500 WANT A PLACE IN THE COUNTRY? 5 beautiful acres, lots of nice tall green trees, excellent well and septic tank, 5 miles from city center-2 bedroom home w~;ting for you, all this for $10,000. HOOD CAN.qL BEAUTY Brand new, 4 bedrooms, carpeted living and dining room, 2 fireplaces, elegant kitchen, full basement, recreation room, must see to appreciate $47,000. MOBILE HOME SITES All utilities in, paved roads, large lots, 75x100, close to city, come and check the prices now, owner will hold contract Sue M. Daniels Broker -- 426-1600 Walter George Associate Broker -- 426-3530 Margaret Young Salesman -- 426-6 ! 10 Thursday, February 18, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17