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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Mary M. Knight NOTICE OF PRIVATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS at the expense of the district, or NOTICE OF SALE TIMBER SALE CALL FOR BIDS SALE OF REAL ESTATE NO. 4183 e sewhere at the purchaser s OF TIDE LANDS NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER - • .NO= 77553 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF option and expense.. - . STATE OF WASHINGTON, F O R S A L E, O L Y M P IC aS~al~de prc~?i°sals~vil~hbe renceweI in ~'roDate THE STATE OF WASHINGTON The opinion OT t-reszon,DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL NATIONAL FOREST CANYON "he ton--'~Z- T-_ -".-..-T-'." ~." • - - ' o lu:a :~u ,~n btreet , Thorgrimson Starm, EIhs & RESOURCES, Bert L Cole, RIVER 1969 No. ] SALE, Shelton 'Washin ton unt 11 0 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF FOR MASON COUNTY IN ' . • . - " • • , g :3 . . • T|JI~ CT~.TI~" t"~E t.&IAC'UlI~IP ........... Holman, bond counsel of Seattle Commissioner of Pubhc Lands. located within T. 21 and 22N., R. a m on Februar 22 1971 at By KAREN LILLIE jumor high had I'IXI'P'I~I~F'O~R'~THE~)rU'I~?~f; TI~IV~'~Er'MATTER OF THE .Was.hington, .approving.the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 6W.,W.M.,T. 22N., R. 7W, W.M. which time theyYwill I~e publicl ........... South side Fhef PIERCE. ESTATE OF CLARA CORNEA !egall.ty or .the issuance OT mese That on Tuesday, the 23rd day of partially surveyed. Public notice is o,,ened and read =1----4 ~.-- Y l[ was nara to say wna[ [ne . • ..~ Estate, will sell at private onEstate of CLARA CORNEA ......... .Y. S...g.a.u e Washington, by ;c'he County the .M.a.nagement of the No Wash nnton Ol,,m~i= school• But after the three games . . • , ! Monday the 10th day of March HANSEN deceased; that all ~aee~/iTcC~,Ownll and ..Non~i~,gat~on Auditor of said county, the t'articlpal,n.g" t-orest Properties. in Wasllington• = ..... with Oakvi]le Friday mght, it was making several 1971, or. within six months persons having claims against said dosinn document ............... .~o,,,ow,ng .aesc.r.,oea zno .class tide ~,n.e ~^nevl?^?n,,~oopera~ve Work shall commence within George Washington, Lincoln and Owls later. The t tnereaTter - ~. ~. anas to emer wim the .~u~a,,,~u H~u u.~t ~!~u .~tu ten 10 da s after won -]. ............. at Tacoma, deceased are hereby required to It ~s understood that if, prior im'~rovemen?s "ituate ........ by and between the United States ...... ( -) -- y ,, . date of Basketball 12 vvd~mrl~tun, a[ ioui wasnlngton serve me same, auly veririea on ÷,~ tho deliver,, of th° k.....~. ÷h.~ .~. .... = u u.,¢~¢v,, _. ................ i'qO[ ce to vroceeo is ssued to ~- -: ,-, ....... Feb 1 was Buildinn the fnllt~"~inn '~=="-;~"~'~ ÷ho ,,n,4,~;,,,~,4 ,~ h;~ ~** .... :. ^~ ~. ,- Z., . ,,~ uu,,ua, u,~ Will oe sole a~ OubliC auction tO u~ ~murlca ana me 3..p~u. H[¢ girls team lOOK UaKVIIIC . . 2 =, ....... ~ ,~,-,,u~u ....~,,,,,~,~,~,,~,~ ,,, ,,,= =~,v,,,:y v. i~,~mo receivaole ov ÷ho h,, ,~ ..... ~. T. ..... the Contractor and shall be ..... ,, real estate located in the C ty of record at the address be ow stated ::~'- ~, ....... - .... . .... y~.-o me h~ghest b=dder therefor ~= m oe r b o m p a n y, a a tea completed with n twenty (201 40-29 and the JV's 53-37 sot oz Mary ~. ^, ................ thereof sn~. oecome zaxaDle ÷r, ,^,=* ' uecemoer 12 1946 an estim=t=a ...... • ..... ~,yn, Mason county ano Tile the same wim tne Clerk.:.^_.,.. ^. ;~.~;.~.,,.. ,... .~.7 -~" .... : ........ , _., . . . =,~ worKingoaystnereafter OntheJV's BrianBrehmever [nat gay mere' Wash~r~gct~)r~, to wit. pfrotheo aisduc ° er/v ct;gwe~t~1r ~v~thr ierm~t=h~fsaiYe~ie~d~irili~cyr~e.;ali Apl~ffcSaOtiNonCOoU.N4T4YG0 ;°a'r~kUe~ Mr DoC rarJeet d)Tsig~m~)ec~ on 11/ePr°p;sallsrm~atnbe f~rOde was high score; with 15 poi~£s, thu~ °::r;ot::t~ Lots 1 and 2 in Block 4 and (4) months after the date of f rst ,.:-' ......-^ .^,;-.,-.~ ..= Y=:. The tidelands of the second TOr cutting will b.e sold to f u r n i sh e d a n d m u s t be _Next was K]chard Lillie with 10, P LsOtrSclt2e~ 2inin B.Iock 5 of A.II.yn of this notice or the o~igat~on~to U;urcl~ase~e ~on~s: ~/~a~sl~in;~onedsib&tethe fS/oat~ o~f ~e~PS?~Nas~=i~g~)er, o~n°~aPrahnY: a~co~..P~?l~Id _by_cash., certified randy ,Re.eve 9, Homer Floyd 9, ;Pr:=tta l~:m~~ VOlume I or Plats,same Will Be oarreo• ~nd in c,,rh case the de,~o¢ t .... ' . .~ , , ....... . _. , a oona, in me amount mark welch 3, Koger JeHries ann , page 17; TOGETHER with that Date of first publication•~,,,~,'~,=,~,i'na his' bid wil~" be acl.lacenLto or abutting upon the .z~/.~. ine .ram)mum accep~aole equal to f ve per cent (5%) of the Pat Sinclair 2 and Bob Cr~htr~ 1 titled "She's O~ . . .^.. • .~v,,,~..,,~ ~ west ...... ,, o WILLIA ........................... 0 tast OaKed ZOOU~ together with that part of vacated 8 '/o per a n n u m p a va b e P-o¢~,~ont east of Shelton, in southeastern subsequent sales. Bidders are duly verif ed on sa d executrix o~ at 3:3 p.m. Y easterly 10 feet of street adjoining semiannua y on the'first c~ays of ...... 2/11-18-2tMason County. advised that violations of the her attorneys of record at the Feb. 12 in the afternoon the Feb. 18 the: said property on the west; April and October of each year ~ ~ Purchaser must also pay a Domestic Processing requirement address below stated, and file the will be presenl EXCEPTI NG thereTrom the [rom date of issue will be payable ~ ~a=uu statutory Tee. constitutes Dreacn or contract ana same with the Clerk of said Court from 9 a m tc easterly 60 feet and excepting both princ a ancl interest at the t~T,Pc IO oe sold at Shelton County ma y resul~ in contract toqether wth oroof of ummons, to-wit: within sixty Treasurer in the courthouse in price. Upon award of this sale, the Bert L ....... • - ~_ " " nal .._ E 3. Gear ratio to be compat ble of O ymp a, ~.60) days after the 18 day of St?elton, Washington until 11.00 respective deposits shall be .... "- - " . . ." P Y " d • 3 with transmission and engine to January 4 197 ~'UOllC Lanas com lalnt PeDruary, 1971, and defend theo clock a.m., ~>acific Standardreturned to the unsuccessful ~',.~o.~ ........ .-P .- " .... THE SUPERIOR P~,,o-r r~c produce all abound best for permit to!ed action in the Time, on the 10th day of March,bidders. On the day of sale, the ,H=o',/'~--,-,O-'~L ?...franKlin HeUStnC~nff WASHINGTON F(DR'~I~I,ASOI~ performance. . waters of an aoove entltleo ~ourt, ano answer1971 at which tl i urchaser mu ~ttorne tor ~-ia .. .." .... " "me b'ds will be P st pay the balance ~ -"" Y " - t COUNTY 4. Heavy Duty Transmission tributary of O~ me LomplainTof the plaintiff and publicly opened by the treasurer between the bid deposit and the _ NOTICE OF utt ce an d.P'os IN THE" MATTER OF THE 5. Alternator 55 amp hour amount of 0.! serve a copy or your answer upon and said board of directors full bid price plus a $5.00 b I of SPECIAL MEETING um.ce AddresS: ADOPT ON OF JOHN IC~iil~ minimum (Heavy Duty). second subject the undersigned attorney for Each b~d submitted shall sale fee, or may If the purchaser Pursuant to Chanter 216 .._gleBIdg,., ""=°4 BUNIFF, Jr A Minor 6. Battery 70 amp. hour continuously ~ p lalntlTT at his office below provide for payment of accrued so elects at the t me of sa e pay Laws 1953 yn,, ~oE~EJc~D~.~ .. ~_~ne ~on, vvasn. ~ouo TO- JOHN LO0" c =,,~,,,== min mum. Durpose of dot state.o, an.a in ca~ of your failure Interest to date of dehvery and an addlt onal amount to bring NOT F E~ that ~f ^,.-,....~ _:.. anKlln Heusto and to all whom it m~,, 7. Power Steering. ~h e a pproxi so .to .ao, Juagment will be shalspec fy either (a) the lowest the total amount of the deposita m Pacifi~ ¢÷,,..~...~ -r; ...... rney You are herebv n~ f ~rl fh~f 8. Power Disc Brakes. divers,on IS • ." . ., t.,~ I~lg/~ Ill I II~, UII ~n le .......... renoerea against you accordln to rat excl o g Bid ( ............... c~ . e or ratesof interest and usive of fees, to equal 10'/0 of the lOth dayof March1971 the r)h ..... ~%.--,., there has been filed in this Court 9. Heavy Duty Suspension Government L, [ne Clt~frldnCl OT me (corn alnt , , .,,v,,© .,io ~+o/-" t ..... , ...... P " b v pa at which the " P " Board of Directors of the Shelton ~'h .... :Y" ..... ~°584 etition adoption of the . " " " "P wnlcn nas Deen Tilea w,th the bidder will cruisee o u,tun, wasntng~on ~o as~ ..... " " purchase said bonds " stimate, providedthat School D strict No ~no ~h=l~,~ ......... ~M 11 1¢} c, above-named, Drav na that there 11. Heavy Duty Shocks W.W.M., n M Clerk OT sala c.ourt • . .... , -- ...... / 11- lo--'~-w-,-----u'ot . : : ~ • -~ ,. _ , ,. : _ L ..... or (b) the lowest rate or rates of such deposit shall not be less than Washlnaton will hold a ....;=1 / __ be an ad, udlcatlon that your 12. Rear Window Defogger Any obj,. ..... J .... interest at wh ch the bidder will $2,000.00. This balance may be meetinq at the offic~ n~" fh~_ SUMMn~u¢ ,-.v OHn/ICATION consent to such Droceedina is not It s understood that Mason accompanied ! aD°ve-en, tl~eQ acu°n,.~s _r01" a purchase said bonds at par, personal check. Purchaser Count~ Treasurer at- She" Iton'~ ........... ~u~',~l'8"- " required by law - ~ County will provide the vehic e ($2.00) record uecreu u, u,vu,~.~ u, t~=e grounus'One r " must also Turni h ith'n • , ,,v. ,vv • " .... r o more rates of Interest s w i 30 days Washm ton f r A hearln for r hcense and ap ro rlate Insurance w~th the Depa of desertion and mental cruelty, ma,, be fix ............ of date of sale a suret." bond -f - g -••' 'o the purp.ose of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ..... g .. such• pu pose ........ P .? .... , ..... ,., (~l~nn F P ...... 'Y- - ~u .,u~ tn~ .oonuS, ........ ~ u opanlng DIOS for me purcnase of O F T I.I c c T A T [=" ~ I= Will De nao on me 12tn oar of tu ~.ump~y Wl[n [ne lease wiLiiiii LIII/I.~ ,; ornev f"or'P laintiff .rate or rares .must De in a ~*.:Lu,u..u_.uu...,,Jo .... guarantee $],800,000 of general obligat on WASHiI~'~N° ~-(3~R' ~IASC)IN March, 1971, at the hour of ~J:30 agreement.. February 18, 1~ muir pie OT 1 ~ or I IU OT 1"/o 1"40 ~.u,=,¢ Wl[.n all ~erms OT me b .... o vlease ret rn o Wit Ill Glenn E Correa .,÷.,ro~÷ .-÷.. /~, ~^^., oo/. ~,-- bill of sale All checks m^~,,,,~onds. of the Shelton Schoo COUNTY v,. ^ clock a.m in the Mason County .... u ,y UroSealed bid , ._ness ,_Yt ~÷~ .... ~., .÷. .... ;,,.~ ~_~, ,-,= ~,,=_,,,, =~.~.~_ o~o...e ~,r,~=~= ~,t,-" ~r= ÷,~ ~,'= ~,".~ uistrict and taking action with BUR+t~rJ , TwFED and ~.ourthouse, Shelton, Washington, ~o tne 15oa ra or. County s e~. mis ~n • ~'~'"~.,~=',', ,n.te~.e~[ r~[e snm, De ~ne same on -"_T.':_'J.'_ :'--=~--;, ......... ~. respect thereto ELIT~'L-~-T:'.. ~:..'~;-.-=...ok._:, When and where all nersons ~.omm ssioners not ater than 19/1 ~--,.~. "*,,, ova=L. ai Donas maturing n any one p=.y~u,?. ~o.~ne c.ommissioner ot Louis ............ R P-;;,,~o,, ~,,u---'"%~'-!m ~" IW~'"u' Uu~'u'~"'-Uwl . . interested shall appear and" show 11-00. am.. Monday, March 1, G'len H. Fi~ ~elton, Wasnlngton year, the same for each year ~rt P'UDIIC Lanas. ............ re, Plalnttffs.. VS. DUNP~LU ~. ..... - ........ lq71 r~o,~=.÷m=,n 2/18-25-3/4-11-18-25-6t a'ny bond and represented'by oneACCESS ROAD REVOLVING z/zt~-z~-3/4-.4t ST_REET, a divorced man; st~^u..~ wny. sucn aojualca~!on ---A'ddress for Return. c~^...~ ..~ ~'~" ......... __ cou on for each installment• FUND $40.00 to be paid on day MI=HLEIN STREET, a divorced ~.uu,u no.~ De. maoe, an? .wny.,.IT County Com~i¢~ .... ~ '~'~.'~-~" ?:TIC~N[OOp4C~R8~DITORS Tm%erpt~haanl I;~tbb~Je:if~eel~Cwee~: :; ~Na~;euSrSaib~ietYourVieas aD~partment NOTICENToO" CRT~DITO RS ~n~d~wni'feDP.~EAt~Oi~GOTLil~u~bi!~ ihea!e~'o:fUa°!a~hnt!iI~lOann~nc~lea ;O;yDeer ~;~/~" She't'on', Wash~'ng~on NOTICEIN~( OR COURT and highest rates bid .... s. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JA NE ~ ........ WI~NESSI the Honorable 2/18-25-2t _ O F T H E S T A T E O F It is requested that each bid Lomp. lete contract and THE STATE OF WASHINGTON "us=`---" u.OE C ELE.SI.lm~", Robert j Doran J-dn- nf ..i~l ~ IN THE Si II UallQ an - o .... WASHINGTON FOR MASON state the total interest cost over speci[ications may be examined at FOR MASON COUNTY IN T i~ ca wjTe.&, uetendants~, c Superior Court and the eal" o'f .................. O F T H E_ COUNTY IN PROBATE the ife of the bonds ess the vort urcnard District PROBATE ...... :' ~- ~ i ~ i ,- '-" - said t- ....... " .... " .... ~uH~,-lU ~.~-ui/u~ WA~HINO, TC T " " a te • , • w~HIN aid ~vu.~ hereunto aTTixea tnls ......... IN HE MATTER F Head u r rs Count Auditor GTON to the s NO 4180 O THE premium, if any, and the net q , y s IN THE MATTER OF THE ,~c~, ..... 5th day of F,,~, ..... ~c~-~ • COUNTY IN P ESTATE OF J. E. JEFFRES, effective interest rate of such bid. office,..and office of. the ESTATE OF RACHAEL E. 'v'L~STR~LET: ..... c~v LodgaFi;~s°'y ...... THE SUPERIOR COURT OF IN THE I~ ueceased_.. _ _ Such statement shall not be ~ommlssloner o1" I-'UDliC Lands, GORICHS, Deceased. SUMMO~.,~. ,~ n r- m ,- r~ r-.,L,- Clerk WASH I NGTON FOR MASON E S T A T E ...N.O.TICP- 15 HEREBY GIVEN deemed to be a part of such!a• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN sixty ~6~,~,~u ~o..appear w!m-~ John C Ra-an COUNTY WEIRAUCH, ~. tna~ me unaersigned has been All bids shall be sea ed and" /o De sold at Port Orchard that the undersi-n,~ ~,~ ~. ...... .L v/aays after tne oate OT Attn-,~..-~, ' I IM T I--II~• I~/I~TTCD t~C TLIE Nt~TIt"l~ It appomted and has qualified as the except that of the State o~ District Headquarters, onar-r-onn inted and ha~ ..... H,,=,,.,=u';~;~'~ "" *== ~-= ..... :~ummons tPub ication .... of thist ~.,,~,.u.¢h°'*" .... wash 98584 ~-;-';'o .~" ~"~. ........... ,- u r a ~ ,vl r- :~ r- ~.a~*~'-*'";"-'"-"~.~ u..- personal representative of the Washington sha I be accompanied Tuesday, February 23, 1971 at Personal Re,,resentativ ........ o-wit; w th n s,x y Tele-'-J "-- " /'~/~f' .............. " .... :--'A~'~ ---d - , _ , , ~, = u, t.~ ou cla I~Hone42 l~lURl~,rl,.~, uec~lSf~c] o~3uiiil,~u all Estate of J. E JEFFRES bv a deposit of 5% of the amountlOoclockam Estate of RACHz~- c ~__r.~l__a= Ys after the 28th day of 6-2061 ..... ~,,-,-r,~-~ ,~ u~'~v~.,,,~-~, Per .... ' Den~ deceased; that all persons having o~ the bonds e ther in cash or byAny sale which has been GOR CHS, deceased; that all above " 1971, and defend the 2/11-18-25-3t that the undersi"ned has been Estate of O J claims against .said deceased are cashier's or certified check made offered, and for which no bids are persons having claims against said above~n~it, i~ed action, in the ....... appointed and h~s qualified as deceased; that nereoy re quireo ~oserve the same, payable to the Mason County received shall not be reoffereddeceased are hereby required to: the ano answer F OF HEARING personal representative of this claims against auly veriTieo on me undersigned treasurer Tor the credit of the until it has been readvertised If serve the same duly verified on ~nd se-,--~''~|nt ot me plaintltrS ..... ~_' ~-~" 15 HEREBY GIVEN ~tate p~r~t~n~ hRvJnn ~l~im¢ hereby renu re( ' . • , ~ , o ,vl= a C /HA/ th .................. = ........ - " or .her attorney.of recordat the ~ho.ol district, which amount or all sales cannot be offered within the unders gned or her attorney upon the --0PY of your.answer ,~ ..... e C i t y PI.annlng, against the deceased are reauired duly verified, aaaress DelOW statea ana tile the (:neck will be returned to the the spec fled time on the of record =÷ +h= .,~.~ .... =`.,...., ~... ,,,., .... unaerslgneo attorney ~.u,,;,,,,~s,on or the L.i~y or tn ~=rv~= fh~= ~m== rl. v ,,,=r f o,4 nr h ~ atfarne~ s~me with the Clerk of the said bidder if the bid is not accepted advertised date, the sale shall stated and ~,l~'t'h~ ~,'~=.,~;÷~'÷~ "÷~'te~l'='n(~rts at his office below bnetton, Washington, w" t ho d a =-.. "','~T. "."-...3"_"_'.':'_"_'_'~ "_~" "'.~ =~.~."L~.-,~=,%,,.' • f - " - ................... ,,,- - .... ; -,,u in case of our fa'lure public hearin" u,, L,,= u,,uu~,gr,~u ur me =uu,~ u~,v-- court,toget_her with proof of such I the successful bidder shall fail .continue on_the followin~l .day Clerk of the said court, together to .do so, iu,~,,moY~ ,.,,, ho Thursday FeLLg at 7_30 .p:m., attorney of record at the address same with the service wl[nm tour .... (~) montns or neglect to comnle%e tne between me hours, o1" ten OCIOCK with .............. nroof of ¢''h ~°'";~" ""=+=`;-~,,, ...... *=noer=,~ a--ain' "~ ~'" "" "" .... i "' uruary ...................................... Zb, 1~J/1 at