February 18, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 18, 1971 |
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od Four pl Dance ass i
L I~Jl[12 Y BLOOMFIELD Band xs" now available for Shower table cloths and By CARMEN YATES .... ~randaughter, Judy Shadbolt,k Williams .... thatu .... had to be cut short
Ir ~DSPORT - As you those who wish it, as some of you napkins decorated each table, HARSTINE - At the regular five-year old daughter ot ulac y last week o e to lack oi space.
• o , ,~own the halls of the well know. If you hear an odd where the 22 guests, enjoyed the first meeting of the month of the and Iola Shadbolt who live out at While they were away they -- VIOW''° .... i GUILTY? NOT GUILTY?into
.Mr. i For GOD sent not HIS SON
ign na°.[~Canalfi ....... ~h,,,,,, ~.*~'~ ......... noise comin~ out of the bedroom, refreshments, which included,Salty Sashshavers last Saturday Kamilchie Point. MrS.s visitBridgeSwith enjoyedcelebrations ThetW° firstVerYwas n!Cewnen Alhonce Church ,,e wo,~ to ~, ,on,~o~o on '"~
:le. Thef~nt of the little folks it is just the instrument getting sandwiches, several salads, drinks evening between 15 and twentystayed for a few day ....... ~-;. ..... . worJd, but that the world through
on w~tn ~:felt as well as heard The the best of the child. Shortly with and cake. students zraduated as new Square her daughter, Iola and tamuy., tne~.r daughter, ann her tamuy Washington & "J" Sis. HiM might be saved. Whoever trusts
points w_~s Feb 12 lin~.lno nractice a clear note will be heard. Games were played and the Dancers"~ after comnletin~ a Now keeping her grandmother took the Williams out to droner ] in HIM (JESUS CHRIST) is never
athers, a~_J~and thf,,.,~.'.. S['_~[,': .... Tuesda,, niohts Miss Goenengifts were opened, t went ....... t~ ~our~se The Dot Smith company for a few and then to the spectacular Annual Missionary Convention to come up for judgment; but
~AJu va.t~llLllle partieS,-- -7 ~ ' . . . J -- ~ ~'~" "" ' . " ' OI
L and forS~'than this, it was movin~ holdsa fun nightfor older earls, Louzse Smith, came from graduates included four Islanders, weeks ~s Kathy (Archer) Howard cmerama produchon of Song . Feb. 7 -- FeD. 14 whoever does not trust in HIM
Wee"0naoYsSerrVlcC:SonTa3?p'm" (JESUS CHRIST)has a,ready
ch. he.)'I first ..... a, A ,~.,.~mornsand ~randma's. As wellas Beaver, to spend the afternoon Chuck and Miria Bridges and while awaiting joining her Norway' which Hilda sa!O , " . I received his sentence because he has
, ~,.~v,,u ,~u tztlxu o . "-a = " " C al Philippines, Colombia and LadS. not trusted in the name of GOD s
seveTh~ .~were anticipating their firming up those muscles, youcan w, thherdaughter... Carmen and Glenn Yules.The husband, Ball, atceFntti ~;:St~oTn;:. ~;~orYtnto shouldo~haktheasSP~;'~ Missionaries from ,nOones,a
Public Invited. ] only SON.
:r. lnv ~ the new section of the have a little fun playing an u. oo. ann Janet Jones, instructor, Ed Mathews with the where 11¢ was re Y..... " . .. " ...... ~~ Jol3n 3:17-18 Williams Trans.
• .i~almost more than the assortment of games. It's notmissionaries t or the past 20 years help of his wife, Shirley, awarded Kathy is presentw, wor.Kmg aline ann .~.ne music are so very Accept the LORD JESUS CHRIST
12 w_as a/~Dr sn it ..... n -w.o necessarv to have children in to Italy, were the house guests ot diplomas and the invitation from State House in ulympia ann Lot magnmcent. .. as your SAVIOUR now. As soon as
4a.ry Id- ~th and sixth graders will school to participate. . ~ Mr. and,Mrs; Harold Sund, over Carl and Wilma Downing, dog sxts for Kathy s two pups .... Being the~rT a.nmv.erS:nr~ t~rnls willY°U declared° GOD's WORD,you, "NoTthe BIBLE,GuILTY,,.
, mere .wA'~to the rooms vacatedSandy Young was guesto[ me weeK-end, accomparung me president of the Salty Sashshayers during the any.. ..... ,~.~ ups. ~, ...... a Foursqunre John 1:12; 5:24; Romans 8:1
etta wlll~tnm ....... ' hnnnr at n h~l~V -shower luncheon, Jones s was a very afar Iriena, and his wifa tc~ ,*t,,a ~h, t,~, Hospitafizea tins past week s~ster and her nusnana, narly auu
~ome t' ...... : .... _ .......... 7-'. Community whom everyone called, Mama, amonthly ~"~],",~'~o~,~'~,o~'~,*'+'~ ~nS another former Islander, Daisey Tench celebrate theirs the
• t~sted m basket ball? The held at the Ldhwaup ............ -- .... --~........................ , ............ Church i FIRST BAPTIST
is a m]~,-L o¢ ,~. ........ Ho- lust Tuesday hal:lye oI Italy. llley WUl maKe Fair,rounds an,] ,1~,~ t,~ ,,ol~,~m, Edith Smalley WhO 1s now a ionowlng any on the Ill'St OI ----
r°mance~'It, ~ starts a"tT."3 0, w~v..,. ~e,, ,',.~ o~hostess,s._ for the party their home. in Seattle, until tlaeir, the new ~-raduates'as members'of Shelton resident. For several years. February the two couples decided. • LEWIS B910 EaStwYSONG, PastorDearb°rn ,: 5th ado CO,aCHURCH.
he s On¢~ G ................. ~o,a, ,~ two ~randmothers,return, m about one year, to their the Club Mrs Smalley made her home w~th to celebrate together. And since it • .... astor Luckman
. . allltT~; Will de played w~v ~,,,,,,-s- -,, o- • ' ' " rsa
are: m~ Townsend. The seventh, Mrs. Mabel Anderson and Mrs. former post., , . , Monday evening of this weekher daughter, Lms Meek.s and her was the TencheSa~fthr a~nhtVa~I :aWs Sunday School ........ 9"45a m i MorningBRoADWOrShiPCAST by ..... KMAsll:OO1280a'm'kc.
aable! ..I..¢.:I1~d ninth grades will all Matti Backlund, and an aunt Mrs. . mama, WhO speaks pray neTEd Mathews started a new class of family here on me island. .~. ~twas qmte an . ~ . ...... e Morn, m_gWorsh,p .. 11:00 a.m. Sunday School ........ 9:30 a.m.
ren Lill~ Bob Anderson. natwe mnguage, cooked spaghettx, square dancing. There was a big Island property owners, tAeo oo~amea m west ~eam.e oy ~or C.Y.s & t;aoets .... ~:uu p.m. Evening Gowe, Hour ...6:00 p.m.
Varren~cl~ ~ Italian style, which was served turnout for the new class Among and George Somers spent a couple couple s two aaugnters-m-m "-'n BibleEvenin~$~udyServiCe(Wed)..7:007:00 p.m. Wea.V°uths~b~eMeeUngs ....... 7:007:00 o.m.
~rian CI Monday evening to 35 Crusaders the new class were ton ~,~-¢.~ of days of the long Holiday tide dig day, WhO nap everytm g
Study ..i...
,hn MilletS___|_ and adults at the Hood Canal from the Island Sin;e t]~e,~'had weekend working on clearing worked out so beautifully that
ancv, AJi~I~t~IK' Church. Bob sang Barber of observed their folks havi,~. ~,.h ~ some more on their ten acre tract everything ran just like clockwork
lnn'ette i,. ' Seville for the group and then wonderful time "s"u'ard-~lanc"--: near the Community Hall. They all day and all the guests and two i
De~2;~~ =:l__ el .... :_- taught them a song in Italian. the three Brid~es' and two Yai~e~ also visited Cleo's aunt and uncle honored couples really had a United Methodist Church
udrev ~ll~l~l l~i.~ IIIIII lllli31Wll]l l Mrs. Andy Scott spent fivevounosters decided to loin th- the Dale Peughs and her cousin, wonderfulday.
iaSclaim __, . '~ days in Kirkland, getting newl,,~for'medclasses Also;oinin.~ the Glenn Yules family before Hilda also reported an G and King Streets
• ,~'~rrltr~-I &i. r~L .... L ac-uainted wi*~- 1- ......... ~.r.. ._ J s ~,~odinohometoLynnwood incident at Women's Club last REV.HORACEH. MOUNTS, Minister
ty l~o~ ll~ -~ ~,,,cJ .cw me oegmnlng square dancers were .,~ ~, " . . . •
,~ h~a~';~lIIIl~tJ /~1 .nurcn -randdau-hter Susan Ma" born ........ The recent party held in week revolving herself. Since she Services:9:OOa.m.& ll:00a.m.
~eorunff~ ~ ~ , y, rive ot me taammono youngsters ............. the Church School begins at 9:30 a.m.
urine a ~ HEARING Mr.and Mrs. Dan Walker and Feb. 5, to Jenny and Wayne Altogether there were five squares honor of John Hea.w oy ms Ith~r nee.ned _som;fe~ets ~rrOvm Elsie U.M.Y. at 6:30 p.m.
~dtheir~OCK- There will be sons David and Ricky were Scott: Suzyjomsabrothe.rDavxd, including a few experienced ~e..Da!e .tamc:~tStoa:e~ ::ing .marina she .a o_ ur
ophomO~ Moody Science Film Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and WhO ~s two years old. This makes dancers filling in for partners tamely took a .... ~; ~ Ness home. having mane neT p o
tmall fltQ everyone c ]
silent ~the Matlock Communit,, Mrs Pete Harvey 12 grandchildren for the Sculls. Anyone else interested in taking but when it " Y " , bases she headed for home. But
~em Feb'i~l~eb. 21 at 7 p m Tide "Ivir and Mrs" RE Bradberry Six girlsandsix boys. lessons may start within the next had agreattimeandfinally c~oseo ~ci~ to stop to ~oo, i, o. First Church of Christ, Scientist
t, he,,tt~~ the film ls "Signpost ~tereaSdtU~:s.y d~ne~J;:?nt2 o~ SvadUr::Yt, heDej~n G~!bert1 ~:allyw:ekSn MwO;d~y g~itghlto.tsI~Sf ~(Putrh:tAf;t:nHafllam~.l°;?odi 2e;ihe Oul~inMgCCa~ll~:,sdaSivWhhn :ho~iW:d 302AlderSt.,Shelton,Wash. I
" a rr n Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church l 1:00 a.m. I
stein;" ~bck,.,Graauge ........... wm nola ~ts .a,.u,,n.'v--"--- " residence, for. a two day visit with exercise with a wonderful ~,,"~ou-'v farewell party..fur dinner and. with. . panick her . diamond wasd Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 o.umr,s ]
VIeet'Fr~eeting'Friday night and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scolesand ~s ,dad, BIll. He returned toof people! stayed and v.~s~ted for awhde missing; She.hurried home an~ Readingroomlocatedinchurda. Reading room ho [
artoonS.~ a pot luck supper at grandson Shonn of Auburn were~poKane, monday atternoon. The Community Club met last before heaamg home. - ~ caned ~ot.n msle. ann ~llrj_a~,~rt 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mon. ,~ Fri. [
a bake ~. Deputy Martin Auseth weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A mg man~-you to everyone Friday evening. The main topic of That same weekend a iormer one point as ~axr3a s aaugme ,
~d foodS-~ and'install the officers. Wells Mayer. for their wonderful response, to business was election of new commercial fishing buddy of Glen Pam, started to come in the house
18 the ommu Mr lker andthe call for blood, for Harold offi e Yules and Bud Glaser, Fran~ she cauhoned her not to run ~ I
the .J~community was shocked . and Mrs. Dan Wa "c rs for 1971. Elected as the
presentil~of the sudden death of sons were Monday night dinnerYoung,, who expec!s to enter the new President was Ted Ness; Vice Ivonovich, dropped in for avtslt at and out of the house for feat the_ . ~ I' ,
m. to ~senan of Satson Hewas guests of Rev and Mrs Leslie aweolsn taosp~ta,, Ior open heart President is Sid Baunsgard- the Yules residence. The three stone might stick to someone s F,shermen s Club , ,,,,,
• ~ of the ~r-v~" I4~,~,, Drake. " " surgery in March. Secretary w~/11~ l~lla McAuliff~' fellas fished together aboard the shoes and then to pass the P.U.D. AUDITORIUM -- 3rd & Cola ~ "~'~~' ~
~a sch0~UODlv~ .....~ ........ s, ...... ~-~ Ira The State Board of Education ..... -'"~,s~ -':-- ...... ~ boatsowned by Frank Ivanovichs message to the other two ' "" ~ i,
,:,,o'."-jp, vv,y .... ~. LUa Kossmaler, ~ ..... . . . anu helen ulson 1~ tnv ,ew - ~" - d ~II~BBII~
-~spectat~°lMargaret Churchill and Ford and Mrs Edyth Dick has given the school d~stnct Treasurer Congratulations (orfather, Matt. Enroute to the youngsters. Pam held out arian,. From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30a.m. every Sunday - ~
p.m. TI spent a few days last attended the Pomona Grange notice that in 60 days a bondcondolences) to the new officers Island he dropped his wife and and asked, 'what's this, .Mum : ~~11~
~.he hi~l~ Mrs. Augusta PortmanJoint Conference at Progress issue must come before you, the as the case may be son off at her folks in Shelton. You guessed it, Pam was homing SUNDAY FEBRUARY 21, 1971
to tMIIt~°rtman Grange last week Wednesday people. The money voted on in ~ ¢ ..... I-l~nder of nuite a This week we'll finish the the missing precious stone in her Bible Stu(Jy: LELAND WILKINSON, " ~" :-~ ~7"4~1['~
..... " ................ d Hilda - " Minister ~IFI~'~'~I|$
, Tile d Mrs Ma Mr a ssmalerth~s issue will be Hood Canals c story anout oar an laana
mel Tlte~md Mr,,. x Cash were . nd Mrs. Lud Ro " " few years ago, Della Goets h just •
Speaker: TO BE ANNOUNCED .. ~ --
rooter a~ the Portman home last were Saturday overnight guests at share of the building fund, for the returned from a week's trip to
day Mr and the La dine m new high school in Shelton The c lebrated
.~nday ~ • Mrs. Nick Try Chamberlin h " " " • Hawaii where she e her
~d~.d daughter of Olympia Port Orchard. date for this election is set up, 87th birthday. To keep her ~-- ~ 1
~tors at the Mr Walker tentatively for April 6
,~:~ls~tors Portman . and Mrs. Earl " " • company on the delightful IIII III h ~I I1~1 Ilk h I ql / I
lilt o.,a spent the week end hohdays m The Hood Canal Hi-Riggers vacation Della took alongher kid J~ ~ II !1 ~ Am ~ II!111 ' , • =B I .,,.=a Church
WORSHIP: 8:30and 11:00 a.m.
CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:30 a.m.
Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service
Kenneth Robinson, Pastor
Phone 426-8611
ill be' " .... --Rep g od a d I 1
s,.,. .................. ,.,, I Ex,~ertlnstallation II
.E_ALTAXES FOR 1971 Levies in mills (one mill is 1/10th County _.... : ........... 4.00 I v I I "-~°°~;tlnngCh°keAterat °ns ! [
~e Laws and Payment Dates of ~'/o of ~,e,ed valuat,on). RO*" "'" =.o I JIM PAULEY, INC. I I ............. ,,.. I[ SHE
-" t :~ynopsis of Reve o • Lmrary UlStrlct ......I.,a all ,.u,., • LTON eNURCN t:; NATAIREN|
'~t FEBRU.~RY 15, 1971. NOTE: State and County levies ......................... I Mr. Vi~ I I I
Up _ _ . • , . . . ~wnl~,,,--,- --o
alien r ONE HALF of both apply to all valuatmns w~thm the Total General Lewes !5 34 Kneeland Center Ph 426 8231 Route 2 Box 795 Phone 426 2501
mu.(.,.,, by ........ I I / , " I I Located in Memorial Hall, 2nd and Franklin
utl~ If not, the ENT uounty the Lmrary anO Hoao I,, ! L
"~~omes delinquent and . : ....
I Lowell Keene, Pastor Phone 426-1298
ti0n I~.~Pa~ m full. " District levies apply to a,
~due on or bofore C~T~RI=I: valuations except within the city of [ Sunday School ........................... 9:45 a.m.
due on or before OCTOBER Shelton Autn R~nairinn i Insurance , [ Morning Worsl~ip ........................ 11:00a.m.
~NQUENT on November 1st. " , -- "'-~" ...... ~ | | Tlrerl of Shopping? | / Junior Fellowship ..................... 6:00 p.m.
ctiW~ ' " .... • -- -- Major Overhauls Let us do it for OU! r Evening Service -i .~. ...... -.. i . . ~. ~.... .... . . 7 :O-0~)-~-m.
~unt i, duein ,,,11 ,~. ,. Code State & Port F,re Hosp. Harstine School- Total I ........ , ,o.,,,~o I I Auto-Home-Boat-Ll~;-Health I
~" Or~ U I ~IU UU III ¢IIIIUUIII, I,~ gg~ III TIJIIOn or I tu,o~=, ~x t~ P eferre Risk~
"P " g RIL 30th be " . " No. t.ounty Dist. u's . Dist. Brdg. Bds Dist Levies -- . ........ Business- r e~ co;t Prayer Meeting, Wednesday ................. 7:30 p.m.
..... o. o ...... _ ....... . . I --Weldm & Tune-ups II w.,o.,.,,.,o ,; . I
,~roN ~t~t t~t~ ......... -___ ~ ...... ! 9.21 S 1.008.00 (Cny} .97 .31 No.309 9.00 28.49 I - qn ri lgWinterizino I I Insurance is our only Duslness. |
"~~he rate of ten 65 15.34 S 1.00 .97 .31 No. 42 8.89 26.51 | ~""~ = = | | ARNOLD & SMITH |
~c until paid. - ...... 70 15.34 S 1.002.00 (No.4) .97 .31 No 42 8 89 28.51 I ED'S SERVICE I | INSURANCE AGENCY | s ' ,
• 97 " " 426 3317
Feb'rU~ R 75 15.34 • .31 No. 54 6.00 22.62 219 So 1st 426-1212 116 N. 2nd. "
~when the tax remain, 80 15.34 2.87 (No. 3).97 .31No 54 6.0025.49 I J I i I c.u.c, o~ J=sus c.,,sT LATT|R DAY SAINTS
'~'-~~';L'-" 85 1534 2.43(No 5).97 31 No S~ e00 ~S0S I Connection&12thSts. Phone 426-2805
u =, ==sues t.er¢ ...... -~ ..... • ,u ,,,= " 2 43 No ....
~L~::~Yn~°~cn; 90 ~5.34 A .82 • ( . 5) .97 .3] No. 54 6.00 25.87 ...... I Priesthood Meeting .............................. 9:15 a.m.
's" TAX LEVIiD FOR 1971 ..... iii{!ii: }No. :i{ C:ri ches ] easonry__Filr Pr,ic %Snd I
I Sacrament Meeting . ............................. 5:00 p.m.
:AT LEVIED IN 1970 115 15. .97 31 No'402 600 2262 -- " " --
State and C_ounty
..... 126 t5.34 _ _ . 0 (No.9) .97 31 No'309 9.00 27.62 I ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON | I ..... 2978 I [
O F 2 • • 7 ................. 62
General 5tare punt Pun(Is 15 34 9 62 Free Demonsbabons
IENT .. and C Y 125 • _ _ . 7 .31 No 309 9.00 25. I -- ' I I ........ e ,,ASONRY I
_,r~.. i~ _ Mills Funds Mills130 1534 $100 97 "'~1N~'.tm """ 2662 I ........ I I ~.none,,co- - I, MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH
'~ecionDistrictNo. 4 131 1534 S I 00 359 No ~ ~7 ~t N,~n~ ~on 21 I 6th & Laurel 4Zb't4 ] I ,~1
.... F .... ( .11, . ................ 3O .... I MISSOURI SYNOD
...... :,.Z5 135 15.34 _ .97 31 No 309 9 00 25.62
206 E Wyandotte ROLAND HUBER, Pastor
"~~ ........ !.25 136 !_5.34 2.00(No. 9).97 "31 NO'309 9:00 27.62
'~o I • .......... 2.00 140 !5.34 .97 "31 No'309 9 00 25.62 ~,=1~,^ -~, -- ~,,¢~=1 9~rvice-- ' " I . Sunday, February 21, 1971
;~._ co,,,, ................ l~So l~']~ s, o0 ~.00 (No. ,) .9z .3! ~o.~O9 9..oo ~.~ ,,-o-,. ,v I =n~,;--. 7".'". .... n" where I I Divine Service at 10:30
f ~t nu,strmt No_. 5 "'" '5"34 S 1"00 2 0~ "" .u/ .:~1I~lO.aU:~ ~.uu • I I I AlmOSt ~nymmg ~ y I
" ~ ............. 1.08 .'~ ~='~s " • u U~o. 4) .97.31 No.309 9.00 2S.Uz I ............. I I Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps I I Sunday School and Bible Class at 9:15
ljec;a~:Rillh'::::iii!!!!:ii ~e~ep~en*arran''::::::::::538 ii~ ii"i4~ 2-00(No. 12) :~ :~I "::331] :o°:!i !iii I .~'TV:L~=. II y~':~s"~,o"s:,~:,~';;.~,c I
-dor~~ ........... ;.43 ,ee 15"34 .. .... .97 .31 No.31 10. • I I-1L l lklUll I I ' " I
-5: ;;eni;! iii!iii;Diiiiiriicitiii;i; ill !ii! :',:: "i;i':il 11): ii ii !iiii iliI iiii jC 'I !2i:::ii,;;i:iglENT'sa' 357 77311 " St. David" ' $ Church IS L ]
cordi Bri _ ds ..... 97 . • nDHtrict No 8 195 15"34 " 2-a,, .... .97 .31 N0.402 .^. ...."^¢ I New and Used--Rentals / I *TruckLettorin-
~d~?~-'B~ict~B~°~d:s:iii!i~! =FLr,,e,,?[°t'_ct:??Di~.ri.c.t.?°:898 200 15.34 A.82 ----t,.u. oj .~/ .,1 ~o.?u, ,,.uu :-.;; | Oregon Chains & Accessories || *Cartoon,,,ustratedSigns 8:00 A.M.- Holy Communion , II / |
t : . .- v - " ......... ~/ ~1 r~o ,,up i~.uu ~. S
ir Y • P ............. 205 15 34 A 82 .... rrlall motor tune u re mrs •
oft 06 2 00 44 P & P Personalized Bus,ness Card &
19 Districts Reserve ................. " 4 " • (No. 2) 97 31 No 403 12.00 31. " ' " alwa so en for meditation and prayer • "~ •
,,0,,.,,., .o.....o,.o...oo ,,,, I Hours:Sa.m. to6pm, daily / ILetterl~eadDeslgns 10:OOA.M.--FamilyService |
• ........... .. .......... ...................., ,,
~"~-: ......... 2.00 215 ~5.34 A .82 2.43(No. 5).97 .31 No.403 12.00 31.87 [ Mike'sMcCullochSho PhilShar e 323S. FrontSt. The Church is Y P " CI~CI~ t
"'- '~,~eneral "'" 1"0 ....... 34 97 31 No.403 12.00,,,, ~., o, ° /I "
"'~r?l.. ..... L~)~ 225 15.34 2 4:~ ,~a..., ".... " .....,,, ,, nn ,, "5 ymp,c Hwy. N., 426-4639 Phn.. 4'6 2661
FFiedl~il~"'" "" ..... 1.00. . . ....... • ,~.,ve~tn 15.34 " " t .... ol .:~' .a, ,~v.-,v.~ ,~.uv .... _ - / " ....... " ,
~'on ~D'strict No; 9 235 15 34 .... 97 .31 No.403 12.00 2_8.6Z • -
.... ~ ......... 1.21,an 1=;'~,a ,.. "4~(No. 5).97 .31NO.403 12.0031.u~ . NORTHSlDE BAPTIST CHURCH
'" ........... 85 Res~erve ..... 37 ~"~ 1 ...... °': 97 31 No 403 12 00 29.4~
2 ns, .34 A .82 2.43(No. 5) 97 No 40312 0031.13/..Concrete ...... Travel
• • • "-- - " ......... o~ 29 44 Phone 426-2488
E TO ........... 2 00 I 2.00 • 97 31 No.403 12.00 • . • " i
~'~i. ........ 2.01 255 15.34 A .82 ~nnau...,, "~-, %, ~,^an~ ,~nn ~144 I --Ready-m,xConcrete I --A,r-Rad-Steamshp 123W. C. St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. PaulButterfield
.2 _ _ ........... , D .00 .... ' ..... 9:s2I --Concrete Culverts & Blocks I --Bus-Hotels-Tours BibleStudy .................................... 9:45a.m.
~~Ctl~lO'~'~o ~==~ ;~'~ .97 .31 No.403 12.00 28.6_2. | --Sand, Gravel, Brick&Stone I No Extra Ct~arge for Our Service .Worship ............................... lla.m.&7:30p.m.
~. ........ i~ ~...~'.~'t. 2.00 (No 2) 97 31 No 403 12.00 30.?z.I --Fireplace Screens & Tools I ......... , .... c~nter
~lU r t Zl ~:=-aI o .t4 bg ~n le .rave, n~> -..
~~" ." :." ." "L'~9 260 15"34 2.00(No" 8)"97 "31 NO:403 12.00 30., | GRAYST ............. | g . .'.- Midweek Service ........................... Tues., 7:30 p.m.
N ~ ......... /.~! ___ . " "o-~ "~ ~o an3 12 00 28.~ I _ ur~l= ot :}HP.L~U~ | 401 Railroad ~ve.
~al.. .......... 3.59 Z?5 15.34 2 43 tNo =, "9"/":~iNo'403 12"00 31.05 I /th & Park 426-3344 I 426 8272 426-4134
: U • . " ..... 270 15 34 A " ~ ' ~ .... 9 44 " It " --
i ...............87 ' 271 15"34 _.82 .97 .31 No.403 12.00 2_..4 " FIRST eHIUSTIAN CHURCH ....
ii~/ar,~;,~ ......... 1.00 Fire PrQtection District No. 12 275 1='~- A .82 .97 31 No.403 12.00 29.?.
............... 13 Expense 182 276 1~"~ A .82 2.00(No 2) .97 ~31 No.403 12.00 3].~ ~ ......... Arcadia and Lake Boulevard
...... " r • ............... ,,.,a.~ /~ 82 " 31 .q-r~,, u tj~ • • --
........... 87 Reserve ...18 ~8o 1~ ~ _ • 2.00 (No.2) .97 .31 No.403 12.00 _. ~7 Tropmal F,sh ED CHAMBERLAIN,Minister
.......... 2 87 .............. 2 O0 ...... "~ ~ .82 2 43 (No 5 97 31 No 403 12.00 ;~"-- ~ e " - ri in I i • Bible School ....... 9:45 a.m. Family Servi~e ...... 7:3Op.m.
..... Total ............... 285 15.34 D 1 nn " " ) "o-~"~ ~,..',tn~ ~ nn 29.62 H lena Rubmstem Large va ety c ud ng..
• vv .~# .,31 I~ .'~J~ I*--.'.'" - " | W
295 15.34 a-~ ~, ~,^ ~n~,~ nO 28.62_ "-Cosmet,cs Fancy ~upp,es, C o n BarDs, Worship ............................. 11:00a.m.
3001 a .................... 6 " Wednesday -- Bible Study and Pr;yer'--" 7:30 p.m.
5.3-, o~ ~ ~^ aria,,'~ na Z~.o_ -~'rescrmtion< Tetras, etc.
e ....... 305 ]5.34 S 1.00 97 31 No404 13.04 _30~= -'HyPo-Allergic Cosmetics MARION'S AQUARIUS Chitd Care service Available at l l:OO Service
a~.r~UUL DISTRICTS ~,u ~.~4 "97 "31 No'404 13 04 z~'=~ ...............
Gen --.~ , =.a4 9 nn nu,,, ~ "o~" " t 3"0431 .bo .-.. ,~IP~IL 5 PHARMACY 1221 W. Birch :=nenon
i~ia - "- • 6 Dth
~,..'] _ g: Non Spec. Bond 15.34 ,~'~ );,,_" ...... 31.6_ & Franklin Ph 426-3327
--,,u Tuna Hi Gen Fund 15 3 ...uu t,~o. 91 .97 30.65 - " "
4.05 " • 4 H 1.00
315 15.34 .31 No.404
316 15.34 .31 No.404 13.04 426-6148
Total 320 ! 5.34 .g7 .31 No.404 13.04
1.95 2.89 8.89 325 15.34 H 1.00 2.00(No, 1),97 .31 No.404 13.04 3Z.66 SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD
3.24 .81 1.95 6.00 330 15.34 .97 .31 No.404 13.04 29.66
6.00 6.17 11.00 23.17 331 15.34 2.00 (No.9) .97 .31 No.404 13.04 31.66Floor Covering ~s2t Monroe St. Mason Younglund. Pastor
,0, ,,, ,00 ~' "" I II
6.00 3.00 9.00 3A0 15.34 HI:00 .97 .31 No.404 13.04 30"6
6.00 3.05 !.74 10.79 345 15.34 2.00 No. .97 .31 No.404 13.04 31.66 --Linoleum --Carpeting THIS SPACE Sunday SChool ...................... 9:45 a.m.
32.15 --Tile --Formica Morning Worship ........................ 11:00 a.m.
4.05 1.95 4.74 10.74 350 15.34 2.49 (No. .97 .31 No.404 13.04 32.15 CAN BE HAD Christ's Ambassadors ..................... 5:00 p.m.
4.05 1.95 1.00 7.00 355 15.34 2.49 (No. .97 .31 No.404 13.04 29.66 Evangelistic Service ................. 6:00 p.m.
6.00 360 15.34 .....
6.00 12.00 .97 .31 No.40A 13.04 I REX FLOOR COVERING | How About You? Wednesday - Family Night ................. 7:00 p.m.
4.05 1.95 2.45 4.59 13.04 *(302) LMt. View Ph. 426-2292 I . REVIvALTIME, 'Sunday, KGDN ............ 3:00 p.m.
Thursday. February 18, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19