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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Firefighter of Year: Redman fet¢.'(t by District 4 Fire District 4 named Rahn R{,dman as Firefighter of the Year at its annual awards ban- quet at Southside School on Janu- ary 23. Fire, district spokesman Gary Plews cited Redman for respond- ing to 270 calls of the 553 logged in the course of 1998, being rein- stated as an emergency medical technician (EMT), receiving his Wildland Firefighter II certifiea- tirm and "always being willing to pitch in with tim cleanup and dir- ty work." The firelighter also received an award fl)r responciing to a call on his riding lawnmower in the course of the festivities at the banquet. FIRE CHIEF Cliff Cowling recognize, d 12 w.dunteers who as- sisted with 100 or more calls of tim 553 that were logged in dur- ing the year. Topping that list was Joel Menter with 343, fol- lowed by Dan Faust with 276, Five-year service awards went to Cathy CotTman, Laureen For- b/s, Paul Sackinger and William Schirmer Jr, Janet Kron received her 10-year service pin, and Bob Fey was recognize.d for making EMT status. New members Clayton Ben- nett, Michelle Micklewright and Sue Zinn were welcomed, and Don and Lynn Wilson were ac- knowledged as past members. Cowling noted that volunteers logged 3,932 responses to 576 calls and spent at least 2,780 hours on responses and 3,314 hours at drills. Firefighters' association past president Craig Holly [}resented the association's awards. In addi- ti(m to Redman's "most bmnor- ,ms" award, they included an "Old Rahn Redman and "Most Inspirational" awards to Joel and Rebeka Menter. Holly awarded "Above and Beyond the Call" recognition to Jerry Coffman, Russ Rive, Dan Faust and Michael Cohen for their work on a double-fatality ve- hicle accident on Arcadia Road. FOLLOWING THE awards at the event, which included a catered dinner, the district's "Fire Dancers," Russ Rice, Mike Cohen and Ed Caulfield, provided up- beat songs and music for dancing. The banquet committee includ- ed Rebeka Menter, Stephanie Boysen and Missy Holly. District fire commissioners Curt Bennett, James Potter and Jim Sadler thanked staff and volunteers for their community service. Next year, Fire District 4 will observe its 50th anniversary, re- minding volunteers and the com- munity that it is one of the oldest Faithful" plaque to Bob Larsen districts in the county. Prison, state agency boost Toys for Tots WCC Correctional Officer Judy Brooks and Department of Com- munity Corrections Officer Michelle Bird. Thurman said the effort this year yielded about eight shiny new tricycles, three big boxes full of games, toys, dolls, books, and art supplies and a jug of cash. WCC also participates in United Way and other community outreach,, programs, she added. roundsl $ 11 ' ' Terrnfnc! Just What I Wanted!" Only the sizes you the mostl Washington C, orrections Cen- ter and the Shelton oItice of the l)epartment of Community Cor- recti(ms joined forces this year to help the Shelton Fire Department provide toys tbr local children at (,Inr,M,n as. WCC Administrative Program Manager Alan Adams said WCC receptionist Charlene Thurman, who has coordinated the Toys for ...... iot..'s el'tbrt at the prison for the past six years, was assisted by NO SUBJECT FEES OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES, 15 95 Pockoge pr,¢:e po,d at ohologrophy Po,e (o! dveoled p..lafail out seiechon Youl [avodte p,p wek L,l,e N hml OB tho numbel ol odverhed coilel:Iion per {am y p,:sv t;l:et io, opl,u,Qi collec:lior v,th no obligalon to prcbose All oges ....... ekome {m,e,ot,, .rider 18 lnu* be €€o.lpon,ed by a palenl} Groups Portrait Studio ,.,,..,,,, ........ ,, t .... ,,,, ..... ,,  ...... ,, ........ ,o P,o, o,d h(l,l,il,OU,,d mo vor¥ Photographer Will Be Available These 5 Days Only: Thursday, February 18 through Monday, February 22 Photography Hours: 10:00AM - 7:00PM SHELTON (E. Wallace Kneeland) w Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, February 18, 99g A number of Mason County students were named to the Washington State University President's Honor Roll for fall semester. The honor scholars included Todd R. Bennington of Shelton, Lowell M. Lea of Belfair, Daniel J. McCul- lough of Belfair, Matthew R. McLin of Shelton, Kam A. Robinson of Shelton, Shel- ley J. Rotz of Shelton, Ai- mee E. Tauscher of Shelton, Robert J. Wade of Belt'air and Jeffrey B. Whybark of Belfair To be eligible for WSU hon- ors, students at the Pullman school must have carried at least nine graded semester hours and have earned a 3.75 grade-point average for the term, or have maintained at least a 3.5 cumulative grade- point average. At Western Washington University in Bellingham, five Mason County students were among those named to the honor roll. They achieved the honors by carrying at least 14 graded credit hours and earn- ing grades in the top 10 per- cent of their class. Jessica Diane Lawrence of Shelton earned a perfect 4.0 grade-point average. Other WWU honor-roll students were Stephanie L. Van Buskirk of Belfair, A n n a Favret Buser of Shelton, Adriana Marie Collins of Shelton and Jason M. How- ell of Shelton. Timberwolf :Tales: Small fire empties school By MELISSA SPEIGLE Shelton Middle School This week is midwinter break for all Shelton Middle School stu- dents, as well as for everyone else in the school district. Last week, everyone at SMS was kept very busy. Among the activities were Tuesday's Spirit Week Committee meeting, Thurs- day's Associated Student Body and Dance Committee meeting, the Natural Helpers' retreat and several placement tests for eighth-graders. On Friday, which was a half day, a minor fire broke out in the cafeteria's kitchen. The alarm was sounded and the entire school poured out the exits as the fire trucks arrived to keep things under control. STUDENTS SPENT about 15 minutes outside while the fire- men extinguished any remains of the fire. Nothing was damaged, and most students thought that in spite of the cold weather, it was an overall exciting and new experience. The fire was due to grease from the eighth-grade Team Touch of Class's Valentine's Day breakfast, which was the team's way of cele- brating the upcoming holiday. Pancakes, balloons and dressed- up students had filled the SMS Commons during the earlier part of the day, and flowers, cards and more balloons were presented to the students by the teachers and from their parents, who had been sending them in over the previous several days. Another event took place in the Commons on Friday. Team Taho- ma's All-Star Ice Cream Feed was a reward to the Tahoma team members who have remained completely infraction-free for the entire school year. Several kinds of ice cream, syrups, whipped cream and lots of other toppings lined the serving tables and the students were able to eat until the last 10 or so minutes of school. EVERY YEAR, Skookum Ro- tary Club sponsors the Mason County Science and Engineering Fair, an event for students in grades K-8. This year's fair takes place in March, but preparation for projects should start this month. Application forms are required to be turned in by February 24, while the actual science fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. on Saturday, March 20. To re- ceive the forms, students can talk to their science teachers or con- tact the SMS office for additional information. R00UNDERS [1. . [] N VIDEO 2104 Olympic Hwy. N. • 426-1596 WE BAKE mYOU BAKE GREAT PI ZA DALLY 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE _. KEVIN COEINER ROBIN WRIGHT PENN ,i] ,'",' PAUL NEWMAN DALLY 1:45, 7:00 JOHN TRAVOLTA IN | A Civil l-00l ACTION00I Chicken Basket Sale s3.49 Taste the real country cookin' going on at Dairy QueenL Four golden strips of breaded chicken served up hot in a basket with crispy french fries, GIANT.SIZE -----'DAiL--'-'Y 4:15, 9: 3-'-"--'-"--0 I Texas toast and gravy for dipping. .. ": "/':0,,,-,o, HAWAIIAN I IN -,11., 0"""" m.-JA $a99 I I ,,,N v,)l{;i,r /I St°pbyaDairyQ ueen® :-,.. "' '°'° I V A R S IT Y/i B azier  store and try the .. . , Chicken Strip "Country I   £ p giJu,0000/| Basket" for ends Eti" l':),', W aas  uvumwuw V -- ____ I P ............. ,,,,,, ......... ...... um February28, 1999. "v- .-' ,, UAL41A ( PanPizza I I /i IPAVUHllI fo, 11 [ I .... I ,d=! ,.,.k. ,z,,, ,,.j  DALLY 12:00 1 Pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, olives, green }eppers, _ •  -- • 2121 Olympic Hwv. N.   I i'lse I Shelton , ' In Barkley Square  I liter I h , J 427-5366 IIBmlm  • from th. ¢,..tor, oF "Toy Story" I ] @0,sney/Plxar ,o, 0 0.,, M/.Q00 i u __=-I X '  m 517 w. Franklin St., Shelton | D/ MEDIUM I st ), [] ,i m r-B' PERSONAL i i .  CHECKS ._ ] Food stamps welcome on You Bake items. II1  .... ,. :'co. !  SPECIALTY PIZZA ,, $ 99 Drop in, Neighbor IAMI % VAN I)l I( BI 1 K I()N V()I(;II I VA S I TY B IJ U 12 .. With this coupon. Double porttons and deep dish slightly extra, Not valid with other offers, Shellon Domino Pizza only. Cash value 1120¢. Expires 2/28199, :I)[Li, CiO!II ALS at Little Creek Casino o • M O N D AY S | m 1 5PM TO 9PM n • 2 pancakes, 1 egg, and • 8oz. Top Sirloin sausage or bacon • Red Potatoes lt -- or--  Vegetables • The Daily Breakfast Specl •  ! Dinner Roll (l9_ 00$199 4 .'00$395 -  Y, also th'stak, i: WRVDAV OA-HOON.I[;; $ OU get ts e. FRIDAY, SATURDAY I 1 PM-6AM $5 matchplay, or coupon for Megamania/Flashcash  SUNDAY-THURSDAY 1 1 PM-2AM • Open Dally. Inlm'dllmge Hl/101110g • Shelto • (}0} 417-7711 www.ite:creek.¢om . Check out our new hours: Sdndff Ibm Wed.esday 10am to 4m, Thursdajthru $-.urday 10am to earn 134 North 1st, Shelton 427-8700 iH LARGE PEPPERONI $ 99 Plu'Tax Carry out only With this coupon. Double portions and deep dish slightly extra Not valid with other offers. Shelton Dornino Pizza only. Cash value 1/20¢, Expires 2128/99. //):i( 134North 1St, I: ::: Shelton 427-8700 With this coupon. Double portions and deep dish slightly extra. Not valid with other offers, Shelton Dominos Pizza only. 134 North I st, Cash value 1/20¢. Expires 2/28/99. Shelton 427-8700 TWlS1N' BREAD 99 Plus Tax 2-LARGE 2-TOPPINGS, 2 LITER POP & Firefighter of Year: Redman fet¢.'(t by District 4 Fire District 4 named Rahn R{,dman as Firefighter of the Year at its annual awards ban- quet at Southside School on Janu- ary 23. Fire, district spokesman Gary Plews cited Redman for respond- ing to 270 calls of the 553 logged in the course of 1998, being rein- stated as an emergency medical technician (EMT), receiving his Wildland Firefighter II certifiea- tirm and "always being willing to pitch in with tim cleanup and dir- ty work." The firelighter also received an award fl)r responciing to a call on his riding lawnmower in the course of the festivities at the banquet. FIRE CHIEF Cliff Cowling recognize, d 12 w.dunteers who as- sisted with 100 or more calls of tim 553 that were logged in dur- ing the year. Topping that list was Joel Menter with 343, fol- lowed by Dan Faust with 276, Five-year service awards went to Cathy CotTman, Laureen For- b/s, Paul Sackinger and William Schirmer Jr, Janet Kron received her 10-year service pin, and Bob Fey was recognize.d for making EMT status. New members Clayton Ben- nett, Michelle Micklewright and Sue Zinn were welcomed, and Don and Lynn Wilson were ac- knowledged as past members. Cowling noted that volunteers logged 3,932 responses to 576 calls and spent at least 2,780 hours on responses and 3,314 hours at drills. Firefighters' association past president Craig Holly [}resented the association's awards. In addi- ti(m to Redman's "most bmnor- ,ms" award, they included an "Old Rahn Redman and "Most Inspirational" awards to Joel and Rebeka Menter. Holly awarded "Above and Beyond the Call" recognition to Jerry Coffman, Russ Rive, Dan Faust and Michael Cohen for their work on a double-fatality ve- hicle accident on Arcadia Road. FOLLOWING THE awards at the event, which included a catered dinner, the district's "Fire Dancers," Russ Rice, Mike Cohen and Ed Caulfield, provided up- beat songs and music for dancing. The banquet committee includ- ed Rebeka Menter, Stephanie Boysen and Missy Holly. District fire commissioners Curt Bennett, James Potter and Jim Sadler thanked staff and volunteers for their community service. Next year, Fire District 4 will observe its 50th anniversary, re- minding volunteers and the com- munity that it is one of the oldest Faithful" plaque to Bob Larsen districts in the county. Prison, state agency boost Toys for Tots WCC Correctional Officer Judy Brooks and Department of Com- munity Corrections Officer Michelle Bird. Thurman said the effort this year yielded about eight shiny new tricycles, three big boxes full of games, toys, dolls, books, and art supplies and a jug of cash. WCC also participates in United Way and other community outreach,, programs, she added. roundsl $ 11 ' ' Terrnfnc! Just What I Wanted!" Only the sizes you the mostl Washington C, orrections Cen- ter and the Shelton oItice of the l)epartment of Community Cor- recti(ms joined forces this year to help the Shelton Fire Department provide toys tbr local children at (,Inr,M,n as. WCC Administrative Program Manager Alan Adams said WCC receptionist Charlene Thurman, who has coordinated the Toys for ...... iot..'s el'tbrt at the prison for the past six years, was assisted by NO SUBJECT FEES OR ADDITIONAL CHARGES, 15 95 Pockoge pr,¢:e po,d at ohologrophy Po,e (o! dveoled p..lafail out seiechon Youl [avodte p,p wek L,l,e N hml OB tho numbel ol odverhed coilel:Iion per {am y p,:sv t;l:et io, opl,u,Qi collec:lior v,th no obligalon to prcbose All oges ....... ekome {m,e,ot,, .rider 18 lnu* be €€o.lpon,ed by a palenl} Groups Portrait Studio ,.,,..,,,, ........ ,, t .... ,,,, ..... ,,  ...... ,, ........ ,o P,o, o,d h(l,l,il,OU,,d mo vor¥ Photographer Will Be Available These 5 Days Only: Thursday, February 18 through Monday, February 22 Photography Hours: 10:00AM - 7:00PM SHELTON (E. Wallace Kneeland) w Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, February 18, 99g A number of Mason County students were named to the Washington State University President's Honor Roll for fall semester. The honor scholars included Todd R. Bennington of Shelton, Lowell M. Lea of Belfair, Daniel J. McCul- lough of Belfair, Matthew R. McLin of Shelton, Kam A. Robinson of Shelton, Shel- ley J. Rotz of Shelton, Ai- mee E. Tauscher of Shelton, Robert J. Wade of Belt'air and Jeffrey B. Whybark of Belfair To be eligible for WSU hon- ors, students at the Pullman school must have carried at least nine graded semester hours and have earned a 3.75 grade-point average for the term, or have maintained at least a 3.5 cumulative grade- point average. At Western Washington University in Bellingham, five Mason County students were among those named to the honor roll. They achieved the honors by carrying at least 14 graded credit hours and earn- ing grades in the top 10 per- cent of their class. Jessica Diane Lawrence of Shelton earned a perfect 4.0 grade-point average. Other WWU honor-roll students were Stephanie L. Van Buskirk of Belfair, A n n a Favret Buser of Shelton, Adriana Marie Collins of Shelton and Jason M. How- ell of Shelton. Timberwolf :Tales: Small fire empties school By MELISSA SPEIGLE Shelton Middle School This week is midwinter break for all Shelton Middle School stu- dents, as well as for everyone else in the school district. Last week, everyone at SMS was kept very busy. Among the activities were Tuesday's Spirit Week Committee meeting, Thurs- day's Associated Student Body and Dance Committee meeting, the Natural Helpers' retreat and several placement tests for eighth-graders. On Friday, which was a half day, a minor fire broke out in the cafeteria's kitchen. The alarm was sounded and the entire school poured out the exits as the fire trucks arrived to keep things under control. STUDENTS SPENT about 15 minutes outside while the fire- men extinguished any remains of the fire. Nothing was damaged, and most students thought that in spite of the cold weather, it was an overall exciting and new experience. The fire was due to grease from the eighth-grade Team Touch of Class's Valentine's Day breakfast, which was the team's way of cele- brating the upcoming holiday. Pancakes, balloons and dressed- up students had filled the SMS Commons during the earlier part of the day, and flowers, cards and more balloons were presented to the students by the teachers and from their parents, who had been sending them in over the previous several days. Another event took place in the Commons on Friday. Team Taho- ma's All-Star Ice Cream Feed was a reward to the Tahoma team members who have remained completely infraction-free for the entire school year. Several kinds of ice cream, syrups, whipped cream and lots of other toppings lined the serving tables and the students were able to eat until the last 10 or so minutes of school. EVERY YEAR, Skookum Ro- tary Club sponsors the Mason County Science and Engineering Fair, an event for students in grades K-8. This year's fair takes place in March, but preparation for projects should start this month. Application forms are required to be turned in by February 24, while the actual science fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. on Saturday, March 20. To re- ceive the forms, students can talk to their science teachers or con- tact the SMS office for additional information. R00UNDERS [1. . [] N VIDEO 2104 Olympic Hwy. N. • 426-1596 WE BAKE mYOU BAKE GREAT PI ZA DALLY 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE _. KEVIN COEINER ROBIN WRIGHT PENN ,i] ,'",' PAUL NEWMAN DALLY 1:45, 7:00 JOHN TRAVOLTA IN | A Civil l-00l ACTION00I Chicken Basket Sale s3.49 Taste the real country cookin' going on at Dairy QueenL Four golden strips of breaded chicken served up hot in a basket with crispy french fries, GIANT.SIZE -----'DAiL--'-'Y 4:15, 9: 3-'-"--'-"--0 I Texas toast and gravy for dipping. .. ": "/':0,,,-,o, HAWAIIAN I IN -,11., 0"""" m.-JA $a99 I I ,,,N v,)l{;i,r /I St°pbyaDairyQ ueen® :-,.. "' '°'° I V A R S IT Y/i B azier  store and try the .. . , Chicken Strip "Country I   £ p giJu,0000/| Basket" for ends Eti" l':),', W aas  uvumwuw V -- ____ I P ............. ,,,,,, ......... ...... um February28, 1999. "v- .-' ,, UAL41A ( PanPizza I I /i IPAVUHllI fo, 11 [ I .... I ,d=! ,.,.k. ,z,,, ,,.j  DALLY 12:00 1 Pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, olives, green }eppers, _ •  -- • 2121 Olympic Hwv. N.   I i'lse I Shelton , ' In Barkley Square  I liter I h , J 427-5366 IIBmlm  • from th. ¢,..tor, oF "Toy Story" I ] @0,sney/Plxar ,o, 0 0.,, M/.Q00 i u __=-I X '  m 517 w. Franklin St., Shelton | D/ MEDIUM I st ), [] ,i m r-B' PERSONAL i i .  CHECKS ._ ] Food stamps welcome on You Bake items. II1  .... ,. :'co. !  SPECIALTY PIZZA ,, $ 99 Drop in, Neighbor IAMI % VAN I)l I( BI 1 K I()N V()I(;II I VA S I TY B IJ U 12 .. With this coupon. Double porttons and deep dish slightly extra, Not valid with other offers, Shellon Domino Pizza only. Cash value 1120¢. Expires 2/28199, :I)[Li, CiO!II ALS at Little Creek Casino o • M O N D AY S | m 1 5PM TO 9PM n • 2 pancakes, 1 egg, and • 8oz. Top Sirloin sausage or bacon • Red Potatoes lt -- or--  Vegetables • The Daily Breakfast Specl •  ! Dinner Roll (l9_ 00$199 4 .'00$395 -  Y, also th'stak, i: WRVDAV OA-HOON.I[;; $ OU get ts e. FRIDAY, SATURDAY I 1 PM-6AM $5 matchplay, or coupon for Megamania/Flashcash  SUNDAY-THURSDAY 1 1 PM-2AM • Open Dally. Inlm'dllmge Hl/101110g • Shelto • (}0} 417-7711 www.ite:creek.¢om . Check out our new hours: Sdndff Ibm Wed.esday 10am to 4m, Thursdajthru $-.urday 10am to earn 134 North 1st, Shelton 427-8700 iH LARGE PEPPERONI $ 99 Plu'Tax Carry out only With this coupon. Double portions and deep dish slightly extra Not valid with other offers. Shelton Dornino Pizza only. Cash value 1/20¢, Expires 2128/99. //):i( 134North 1St, I: ::: Shelton 427-8700 With this coupon. Double portions and deep dish slightly extra. Not valid with other offers, Shelton Dominos Pizza only. 134 North I st, Cash value 1/20¢. Expires 2/28/99. Shelton 427-8700 TWlS1N' BREAD 99 Plus Tax 2-LARGE 2-TOPPINGS, 2 LITER POP &