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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GARAGE, YARD SALES FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTED SERVIq:ES HELP WANTED USED AT&T System 25 telephone sys- tem. Can be programmed for Y2K. $500 OBO. 427-7711 Ext. 2064. L2/18 USED LOG furnace/electrical furnace combination. Heats your hot water. Electrical furnace puts out 102,463 BTU per hour at 240 Volts. Excellent for home or shop. Call 360-275-0376. P2/18-25 CHILDCARE PAGERS $19.95 and up. Free activa- tion. Two locations, in Olympia and Shelton. Buy ours or put your own on service. Repair-Recrystal. Discount Page, 426-8784. D2/18-4/8 WANTED SOLID PINE country western style fur- niture, brown plaid reversible cushions: queen size sleeper, rocking chair, plat- form chair, coffee table, 2 end tables and 2 ottomans. All very good condi- tion, $250 you get it all, 426-4606. B2/18 NORDIC TRAC, $800 OBO, 426-9881. Me2/18 MUSIC 5 NAGEL framed reprints, $45 each, 426-0834. M2/18ffn NIFTY THRIFTY Gateway Center. Women's blouses, $1 each. Men's dress shirts, $1 each. Hours 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday. $2/18 im INSTRUCTION WOODSTOVE, PACIFIC Energy, super series, 2 years old. 432-9971 after 11 a.m. $2/18-3/11 AUCTIONS OIL FIRED heater, ceiling mount, 93,000 BTU, 3 years old, 110 electric, model 0495, $750, Jim, 427-8701, Ter- ry 426-5220. H2/11-3/4 GARAGE DOORS, automatic openers. Sales, installation, parts, repairs. Call Rick, 427-1032. Bl/28-2/18 Open 10-6 M(m-Sa[ 1 14 West Aider, Sl',elRm 42%1210 2400 DPI W/ZXl 1" Color laser .... Printing alo available TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut • No Rocks • No Clay FARMERS LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere i -- I lU I ii iiii LANDASCAPERS NORTHWEST 426-9922 LAND203B 4 ,, , iii i I IIIIII I III II DRY FIREWOOD for sale, call 427- 6058. C2/11-18 10' LIVINGSTON, full canvas, 2 cap- tains chairs reinforced transam, cap- able of 25 hp motor, $350. Also, 1982 Honda engine with rebuilt head. Starter, generator, transmission included, $100 OBO. 426-2823 evenings. P2/11-3/4 HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn METABOLIFE 356 TM, number one sell- ing herbal dietary supplement, avail- able locally. Independent distributor. 253-884-3418. B2/18-3/11 SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE**033CJ. L12/3tfn STAINED GLASS brightens up the day. Windows, suncatchers, door inserts, boxes, lamps, stepping stones, etc., all in stained glass. I also do repairs. So if your stained glass piece or win- dow is broken, don't throw it away. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and esti- mates. I do custom designs, too. W6/1 ltfn BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14tfn ANTICH AUCTION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 718 28TH HOQUIAM, WA AUCTION STARTS 10 A.M. ESTATES • OFFICE FURNITURE Desks, bookcases, credenzas, of- fice chairs, conference tables, large amount of new socket sets up to 2", Hitachi big screen T, china cabinet (modem}, Grand- mother clock, spinet piano, Water- fall twin bedroom set, dressers, dining & living room furniture, 50's dinette, 40's bar w/glasses, sewing machines, new items: kitchen range, air cylinders, 15 hp motor, gearbox & motor, elect boxes, we are still unpacking es- tate items, there will be lots of sur- prisest? PREVIEW FRIDAY 11-5 NOW ACCEPTING VEHICLE CONSIGNMENTS FOR AUTO AUCTION Lic# anticea562ms TERMS: CASH, MC/VISA 532-7438 ,;'f' ., I  xt;;,:#" .... IIII I I WE CAN BUILD 'EM START TO FINISH OR DO-IT-YOURSELF Custom designed in any size to fit your needs... not our convenience, at competitive prices. 426-2411 32 x24 xl 0 Two-Car Garage and Storage 20'x36'x8' Horse Stable with Feed and Tack Room 24'x48'x11' [] lo-Car Garage IIRENT'AL '" [ 16'x7' Roll-Up Door Reputation for Quality , Our people have over 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands of sattsfil customers. • One of the leading post-frame builders in Ms=on County. i We..can custom design at competitive prices, any width, length or height required wire no penalty In dee. Choose from • wd range of bulRtlngL • Airplane hangars • Carports • Gem el • Mobile hom cover • Warehouses • Hor • n a . • e e ere as ndsteblee Macnme storage and ehope  (1   LIc. #TOZIEBI024PK • 0 I - ' " I , • Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 18, 1999 MOVING SALE, leaving country. Everything goes. No junk. Saturday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. 400 SE Hudson, 427-5788. F2/18 GARAGE SALE, Saturday-Sunday. E. 652 Daniels Road, off Agate Loop. En- tertainment center, name brand clothes, waterbed frame with head- board and drawers, lamps, miscellane- ous items. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. C2/18 PAYING CASH, garden pots, tools, wa- tering cans, furniture, pre-1950 post cards, photos, photo albums, toys, gambling items, lamps, guns, knives, watches - running or not, gold jewelry, Indian items, old pottery, vases, and dishes. Call Frontier Antiques, 426- 7795. F2/18 ESTATE BUYER. One piece or the whole house. Honestl 360-898-8100. B2/18-5/6 SHELTON-MASON County Chamber of Commerce is seeking to fill the position of Executive Director. Qualifications include: management experience, and degree in Communications or Public Relations. Salary to commensurate with qualifications. Send cover letter, resume, and references to: PO Box 2389 Shelton Wa 98584. Closes 2/25/99. $2/18-25 NEED PERSONAL care and supportive housekeeping for disabled senior gen- tleman on Harstine Island. Full-time or pad-time. $6.18 hourly. References re- quired. Call 426-8348. L2/18-3/11 MEDICAL ASSISTANT/LPN P/T, M-F day shift, back office, for busy Pedia- tric Clinic. Must be a team player and willing to assist with front office duties. Experience and ability to speak Span- ish preferred. Send resume: Mason General Hospital, H.R. Dept. P.O. Box 1868, Shelton, WA 98584. M2/18 ENTRY/ACCESS Specialist: FT posi- tion working in our Shelton offices to provide entry functions such as tele- phone screening, intake interviews, oversee process to initiate service de- livery, provide transitional ease man- agement to consumer until opening on an ongoing caseload occurs. Min. qual: BA degree in Social Work or related field plus one year experience working with the chronically mentally ill popula- tion. Prefer experience with crisis, en- try, intake, and assessment skills. [Call Ellen Ressner, 236-7123 (local call) for application.] B2/18 SECRETARY OPENING at Simpson Timber Company, Lumber Division. Ide- al candidates will have an excellent and clear telephone manner, one year busi- ness school/college, one to three years experience in a large office per- forming and successfully managing vaned secretarial duties, and proficient computer skills with Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook). Benefits. Qualified individuals can re- quest an applicant packet by calling (360) 427-4833 between the hours of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Tues.-Fri. Applications must be received by 3-8-99. Equal Op- portunity Employee. Drug free work en- vironment. $2/18 BUYER ASSISTANT opening at Simp- son Timber Company. Lumber Division. Ideal candidates will have good com- munication and interpersonal skills with ability to handle various tasks at one time, two years background in pur- chasing and materials control, working experience and knowledge of online computer purchasing systems, a col- lege degree in business with purchasing/materials training. Must be able to type 30 W.P.M. and have work- ing experience in Microsoft Word and Excel. Benefits. Qualified individuals can request an applicant packet by calling (360) 427-4833 between the hours of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Tues.-Fri. Applications must be received by 3-8- 99. Equal Opportunity Employer. Drug free work environment. $2/18 CAREGIVER FOR elderly lady living at Spencer Lake, call 427.9146. B2/18-25 Answers to Super Crossword PART-TIME WAITRESS, must be at least 18. Apply in person. Hoodsport Marina & Care, 877-9657. H2/18-25 OFFICE SPECIALIST I1: BHR is seek- ing FT Acct. Rap. to work in our Shelton offices to facilitate use of MIS, data entry, cut relations, and acct. skills to coordinate & monitor eligibility and maintenance of client accounts in men- tal health setting. Computer skills re- quired. Prefer experience with ac- counts in medical settihg. Close: 02118199. [Call Ellen Ressner, 236- 7123 (local call) for application.] B2/18 EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS, INC. (EFI) is a non-profit corporation that provides services to disabled adults in Mason County. EFI is seeking appli- cants for the position of Executive Di- rector. Desired qualifications and ex- perience include: a Bachelor's degree in management, business, social ser- vices or a related field; demonstrated managerial skills, ability to work inde- pendently, analyze data, convey rec- ommendations, make decisions and accept responsibility. (Experience working with disabled adults is pre- ferred.) EFI is an equal opportunity em- ployer. Competitive salary and benefit package. Please send resume to Ex- ceptional Foresters, Inc., 121 W. De- velopment Road, Shelton WA, 98584. E2/18-25 EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS has im- mediate opening for sleep-over position in exchange for room & board. Contact Dani Cook, 426-3578. E2/18-25 LITTLE CREEK Casino is seeking a qualified line cook. Team player with emphasis on quality and consistency. Benefit package included. Apply at Hu- man Resoumes Dept., Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. L2/11-18 SKOKOMISH INDIAN Tribe invites ap- plications for the position of Tribal Man- ager Opens: January 20, 1999 Closes: February 26, 1999 The Skokomish Indi- an Nation is located at the base of the majestic Olympic Mountains where the Skokomish River meets the pictur- esque Hood Canal. Nature of work: The Tribal Manager is responsible for the execution of tribal laws and policies, for organizational leadership, and for the overall planning, coordination, super- vision, and monitonng of all administra- tive, business and governmental func- tions of the Skokomish Indian Tribe. This position is under the direct super- vision of the Skokomish Tribal Council and requires an employment contract. Minimum Qualifications: Four-year de- gree, emphasis on Business Adminis- tration or Public Administration and five years responsible experience in the supervision or management of multi- faceted programs. Or progressively re- sponsible experience substituted on a month to month basis for a four-year degree. Or graduate level course work in business or public administration substituted on a month to month basis, up to 18 months, for experience. And satisfactory results of a criminal back- ground and reference check. And Con- fidentiality: In addition to knowledge of confidential tribal information, this po- sition may require knowledge of confi- dential personal information regarding clients. The employee may be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. Violation of this agreement shall result in immediate dismissal. Drug-free Workplace Policy: The Skokomish Tribe is committed to providing quality work and services by providing a healthy, safe, workplace for its employees, council members, and the community in which it serves. To achieve this goal, final applicants for employment will be tested for illegal drugs and for alcohol after receiving a conditional job offer. Preference: Indi- an preference policy applies. First pri- ority will be given to enrolled Skoko- mish tribal members. Second prefer- ence will be given to qualified Native American applicants who provide proof of enrollment in a federally-recognized tribe. Applicants not entitled to, or who fail to claim Indian preferences, will re- ceive consideration without regard to ethnic/national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, disability status, or membership in the tribal or- ganization. Please send resumes to: Skokomish Tribe's Personnel Depart- ment, N 80 Tribal Center Road, Shelton, WA 98584 or fax (360) 877-5943. $2/4- 25 'qt Providence I SoundHomecare I and Hospice HOME HEALTH MANAGER Providence SoundHomecare & Hos- ce currently seeking a full-time ome Health Manager for the Shel- ton, WAoffice. Requirements include Bachelor's in nursing or related field, a minimum of three years experience in an acute care facility or home health agency and demonstrated ability to supervise with at least one year of supervisory experience nec- essary. Qualified candidates can send resume to or apply at: PSHCH 3706 Griffin Ln. S.E. Oly, WA 98501. E.O.E. 2m.25 OLYMPIA AREA builder has full-time position for responsible individual. Looking for experienced, dependable person with good communication skills. Potential for advancement in company. Benefits and salary DOQ. Fax resume to 923-9763. (Olympia) M2/18-3/11 ENTRY LEVEL office clerk needed for growing company. Multi-line phone system, filing, some bookkeeping help- ful and a variety of other interesting tasks. Computer skills required. Op- portunity for advancement. 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. M-F, $6-$6.50 DOE. Please send resume to PO Box 2044, Shelton, WA 98584. R2/18 MEMBER SERVICE representative. Peninsula Community Federal Credit Union is seeking a part-time member service representative (teller) to join our service oriented team in our Shel- ton branch. Qualifications include ex- cellent customer service and sales skills; cash handling required. Submit resume to: PCFCU, P.O. Box 2150, Shelton, WA 98584. Attn: HR Dept. by February 26, 1999. EOE. P2/18 RN/LPN shifts available for home care adolescent case. To join our caring home nursing team call Avail Home Nursing, 1-800-637-9998. A2/18-25 INSURANCE OFFICE has openings for Personal Lines Customer Service Rep- resentative. Experience preferred. Sal- ary DOQ. Please call Pat at 360-426- 3357 between 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday- Friday. D2/11-18 EXCELLENT SALES opportunity. Es- tablished multi-franchise new and used car dealer in Bremerton offers positive work environment, highest commis- sions, plus 401K. Call t-800-422-4028 ask for Tony or Jim. T2/11-3/4 ADOPT-A-PET Kennels are in need of volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 day a week. But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426-2610 or our new Website at for more details. A4/30tfn FIRLANE CHILDCARE Center is looking for a childcare substitute. Hours and days vary. When substituting bring your child free of charge. For more in- formation call Michelle at 426-1651 ext. 13. F2J11-18 COMMUNITY REPS to work with high school international students and host families. Part-time work, experience re- quired, 1-800-713-1629. M2/11-3/4 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Mason Coun- ty's Health Planning Council, Mason Matters, is recruiting a dynamic, ex- perienced individual with skills in the following areas: community organizing, group facilitation, program develop- ment and implementation, marketing and fund development, and operational oversight. Compensation: $20-$25/hr DOQ for minimum of 80 hr/month. Clos- ing date: 2/26/99. For full job descrip- tion, contact (360) 427-9670, ext. 553. Mail resume to: Mason Matters, POB 1666, Shelton, WA 98584. M2/11-18 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT needed for the Port of Shelton. This position is a full time position working the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F. Please submit re- sume to the Port of Shelton office. Po- sition is open until filled. A Job Descrip- tion is available at the Port office, 410 W. Business Park Road, Shelton, WA (360) 426-1151. P2/11-3/4 ARE YOU a WorkFirst participant? Do you enjoy and want to work with young children? If you answered yes call the Childcare Careers Program to find out about our free training program. Call Nine, 956-9830. S2/4-3/4 1 Classifieds 426-441g m'a i0000111p =rams TYPING SERVICES. Confidentiality guaranteed. Tell me what you want, I will do it. $7.50 per page. 372-2731, Belfair. $2/11-3/4 DR. NANCY E. Gill, Educational Con- sultant, custom designs educational support for students aged 8-18 who read below grade level, whose grades are below average, or who have lost in- terest and motivation in school. 360- 275-5005. G2/18-3/11 WILL RUN errands, clean house, wash windows, clean yards/garages/base- ments, transport pets to vet or ? Gro- cery shop, pick up medicine, water plants, check on house when you're on vacation, help with garage sales. Give us a call, no work too small or too large. Reasonable prices. 426-1290, Anne. $2/11-3/4 BEAUTY BUSINESS for sale. Estab- lished Allyn one chair shop needs styl- ist to take over large friendly clientele. Call 360-456-5348 (corrected), leave name and number. E2/11-18 EDGEWOOD DAYCARE has openings for kids two and up. New home South of Shelton. /4 mile from 101. 426-2969. F2/11-3/4 JOHN'S CREEK Country Kids has openings available. Licensed 10 years in Shelton. Mt. View school district. USDA food program. 426-7669. N 1/14tfn GUITARIST LOOKING for bass and drums to play rock. Tom Petty, Collec- tive Soul, originals, etc. Call Bob at 898-4289. Gl/28-2/18 CELLO, BASS and electric bass les- sons including music theory, ear train- ing and advanced techniques. Also of- fering beginning violin and keyboard. 21 years experience. Call Dave, 427- 5487. P9/17tfn LOST, 12 ft. aluminum rowboat. Blue on inside, white on outside. Fair Harbor area, Feb. 4th. 427-9516. C2/11-18 EXTRA LARGE and large Burmese py- thons varying from 8 ft. to 15 ft. One Albino available. Prices $75 to $250. Rats also available, small to large. 427- 4174. Ol/28-2/18 ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. G11/9ffn MUSCOVY DUCKS, $6 each, hens and drakes available, 427-6731 evenings. D2/11-18 EXCELLENT EASTERN Washington al- falfa hay, $6.50 ea. for 20 or more bales, 426-1803. P2/llffn RAZORBACK FENCE Company, ape- cializing in livestock fence installation, hole drilling, post driving. Free esti- mates. 427-6201. License #RAZOR- FC0660Z. R 12/14ttn QUALITY GRASS hay. No tansy. U- haul, $3 bale. Twin River Ranch, 428- 1023. R1/7-2/25 NORTHRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. Car- pentry, concrete work, sheds, decks, carports, exposed aggregate broom finished flatwork. Also specializing in mobile home runners and skirting. Quality guaranteed, 360-275-4389. Lic #NORTHC°010B5. R1/28-2/18 HANDYMAN. REMODELING, carpen- try, painting and building decks, car- pods, garages, fences. Call 427-1741. N8/21 tfn PIONEER DIGGING Company. Back- hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of work, including septic systems, land clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and bonded. Bob Payees, 426-1803. PIO- NEDI081P7. P11/12tfn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn (IMMACULATE CONNECTION) Clean- ing Service. Superior service for your home, office, boat or barn. Many satis- fied references. Serving all areas. Call Deb at 426-8906. H2/11-3/4 HOUSECLEANING SERVICES. Priority of excellence. Shelton and surrounding areas. Help with other tasks. Let's talk! Call Sue, 432-9537. J2/11-3/4 MASON COUNTY Excavation. Tree service, brush hauling, landclearing, logging, cash for log value, excellent service guaranteed. Free estimates, 426-0574. K2/11-4/29 ROOFING-INTERIOR/exterior painting, carpentry, finish work, custom pres- sure washing, remodeling, manufac- tured home repairs, solar tubes in- stalled. Call Dave 427-4237. Lic #DAVI DWG044KU. W1/14-3/4 DUMP TRUCK for hire. Hauling, exca- vating, topsoil, rock, brush, stumps, demolition and debris. Call L.O.T. Haul- ing, 426-9047, In truck: 534-8720. Z7/3tfn HONEY-DO-SERVICES for home main- tenance, 426-7952. M12/10tfn DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex- teriors, mobile homes. Varnish and enameled woodwork. 20 years experi- ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW. D2/2tfn JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC- 257N1. Thirty-five years experience, quality craftsmanship, remodeling, new construction, decks, garages, car- ports, cabins, additions or new homes. Dependable service anytime, 426- 0953. F8/3ffn RUDOLL CONSTRUCTION and Handy- man Service. Remodels, additions and repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419. 427- 1990. RG/6tfn PAINTING? CALL Tozier Bros. True- Value for close out specials. As low as $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for Dick. T 12/5tfn HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service. Danger tree falling, residential logging, topping, limbing, stumping. Licensed, bonded and insured. Free estimates. LJc. #801-312-066, 426-5234. R5/8tfn WALLPAPERING, PAINTING. Pam's Decorating, 16 years in business. Free estimates - Reasonable rates. Lic. #PAMSD121J5. 427-5066. C1115tfn EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS labor-as- needed crew is available for yard work, brush clearing and other labor projects. Call 426-6812 for free estimates. E7/23tfn QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. Q8/13ffn I I I JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 II II In Jenn's Accounting Servnce (360) 432-8578 • Quarterly Taxes • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Income Taxes • Accounting • Checkbook Balancing Quafity work at affordable prices. Afternoon and Evening Appointments ) F PUT THE JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS TO WORK FOR YOU. 426 J,41 2 GARAGE, YARD SALES FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTED SERVIq:ES HELP WANTED USED AT&T System 25 telephone sys- tem. Can be programmed for Y2K. $500 OBO. 427-7711 Ext. 2064. L2/18 USED LOG furnace/electrical furnace combination. Heats your hot water. Electrical furnace puts out 102,463 BTU per hour at 240 Volts. Excellent for home or shop. Call 360-275-0376. P2/18-25 CHILDCARE PAGERS $19.95 and up. Free activa- tion. Two locations, in Olympia and Shelton. Buy ours or put your own on service. Repair-Recrystal. Discount Page, 426-8784. D2/18-4/8 WANTED SOLID PINE country western style fur- niture, brown plaid reversible cushions: queen size sleeper, rocking chair, plat- form chair, coffee table, 2 end tables and 2 ottomans. All very good condi- tion, $250 you get it all, 426-4606. B2/18 NORDIC TRAC, $800 OBO, 426-9881. Me2/18 MUSIC 5 NAGEL framed reprints, $45 each, 426-0834. M2/18ffn NIFTY THRIFTY Gateway Center. Women's blouses, $1 each. Men's dress shirts, $1 each. Hours 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Tuesday-Saturday. $2/18 im INSTRUCTION WOODSTOVE, PACIFIC Energy, super series, 2 years old. 432-9971 after 11 a.m. $2/18-3/11 AUCTIONS OIL FIRED heater, ceiling mount, 93,000 BTU, 3 years old, 110 electric, model 0495, $750, Jim, 427-8701, Ter- ry 426-5220. H2/11-3/4 GARAGE DOORS, automatic openers. Sales, installation, parts, repairs. Call Rick, 427-1032. Bl/28-2/18 Open 10-6 M(m-Sa[ 1 14 West Aider, Sl',elRm 42%1210 2400 DPI W/ZXl 1" Color laser .... Printing alo available TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut • No Rocks • No Clay FARMERS LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere i -- I lU I ii iiii LANDASCAPERS NORTHWEST 426-9922 LAND203B 4 ,, , iii i I IIIIII I III II DRY FIREWOOD for sale, call 427- 6058. C2/11-18 10' LIVINGSTON, full canvas, 2 cap- tains chairs reinforced transam, cap- able of 25 hp motor, $350. Also, 1982 Honda engine with rebuilt head. Starter, generator, transmission included, $100 OBO. 426-2823 evenings. P2/11-3/4 HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn METABOLIFE 356 TM, number one sell- ing herbal dietary supplement, avail- able locally. Independent distributor. 253-884-3418. B2/18-3/11 SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE**033CJ. L12/3tfn STAINED GLASS brightens up the day. Windows, suncatchers, door inserts, boxes, lamps, stepping stones, etc., all in stained glass. I also do repairs. So if your stained glass piece or win- dow is broken, don't throw it away. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and esti- mates. I do custom designs, too. W6/1 ltfn BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14tfn ANTICH AUCTION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 718 28TH HOQUIAM, WA AUCTION STARTS 10 A.M. ESTATES • OFFICE FURNITURE Desks, bookcases, credenzas, of- fice chairs, conference tables, large amount of new socket sets up to 2", Hitachi big screen T, china cabinet (modem}, Grand- mother clock, spinet piano, Water- fall twin bedroom set, dressers, dining & living room furniture, 50's dinette, 40's bar w/glasses, sewing machines, new items: kitchen range, air cylinders, 15 hp motor, gearbox & motor, elect boxes, we are still unpacking es- tate items, there will be lots of sur- prisest? PREVIEW FRIDAY 11-5 NOW ACCEPTING VEHICLE CONSIGNMENTS FOR AUTO AUCTION Lic# anticea562ms TERMS: CASH, MC/VISA 532-7438 ,;'f' ., I  xt;;,:#" .... IIII I I WE CAN BUILD 'EM START TO FINISH OR DO-IT-YOURSELF Custom designed in any size to fit your needs... not our convenience, at competitive prices. 426-2411 32 x24 xl 0 Two-Car Garage and Storage 20'x36'x8' Horse Stable with Feed and Tack Room 24'x48'x11' [] lo-Car Garage IIRENT'AL '" [ 16'x7' Roll-Up Door Reputation for Quality , Our people have over 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands of sattsfil customers. • One of the leading post-frame builders in Ms=on County. i We..can custom design at competitive prices, any width, length or height required wire no penalty In dee. Choose from • wd range of bulRtlngL • Airplane hangars • Carports • Gem el • Mobile hom cover • Warehouses • Hor • n a . • e e ere as ndsteblee Macnme storage and ehope  (1   LIc. #TOZIEBI024PK • 0 I - ' " I , • Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 18, 1999 MOVING SALE, leaving country. Everything goes. No junk. Saturday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. 400 SE Hudson, 427-5788. F2/18 GARAGE SALE, Saturday-Sunday. E. 652 Daniels Road, off Agate Loop. En- tertainment center, name brand clothes, waterbed frame with head- board and drawers, lamps, miscellane- ous items. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. C2/18 PAYING CASH, garden pots, tools, wa- tering cans, furniture, pre-1950 post cards, photos, photo albums, toys, gambling items, lamps, guns, knives, watches - running or not, gold jewelry, Indian items, old pottery, vases, and dishes. Call Frontier Antiques, 426- 7795. F2/18 ESTATE BUYER. One piece or the whole house. Honestl 360-898-8100. B2/18-5/6 SHELTON-MASON County Chamber of Commerce is seeking to fill the position of Executive Director. Qualifications include: management experience, and degree in Communications or Public Relations. Salary to commensurate with qualifications. Send cover letter, resume, and references to: PO Box 2389 Shelton Wa 98584. Closes 2/25/99. $2/18-25 NEED PERSONAL care and supportive housekeeping for disabled senior gen- tleman on Harstine Island. Full-time or pad-time. $6.18 hourly. References re- quired. Call 426-8348. L2/18-3/11 MEDICAL ASSISTANT/LPN P/T, M-F day shift, back office, for busy Pedia- tric Clinic. Must be a team player and willing to assist with front office duties. Experience and ability to speak Span- ish preferred. Send resume: Mason General Hospital, H.R. Dept. P.O. Box 1868, Shelton, WA 98584. M2/18 ENTRY/ACCESS Specialist: FT posi- tion working in our Shelton offices to provide entry functions such as tele- phone screening, intake interviews, oversee process to initiate service de- livery, provide transitional ease man- agement to consumer until opening on an ongoing caseload occurs. Min. qual: BA degree in Social Work or related field plus one year experience working with the chronically mentally ill popula- tion. Prefer experience with crisis, en- try, intake, and assessment skills. [Call Ellen Ressner, 236-7123 (local call) for application.] B2/18 SECRETARY OPENING at Simpson Timber Company, Lumber Division. Ide- al candidates will have an excellent and clear telephone manner, one year busi- ness school/college, one to three years experience in a large office per- forming and successfully managing vaned secretarial duties, and proficient computer skills with Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook). Benefits. Qualified individuals can re- quest an applicant packet by calling (360) 427-4833 between the hours of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Tues.-Fri. Applications must be received by 3-8-99. Equal Op- portunity Employee. Drug free work en- vironment. $2/18 BUYER ASSISTANT opening at Simp- son Timber Company. Lumber Division. Ideal candidates will have good com- munication and interpersonal skills with ability to handle various tasks at one time, two years background in pur- chasing and materials control, working experience and knowledge of online computer purchasing systems, a col- lege degree in business with purchasing/materials training. Must be able to type 30 W.P.M. and have work- ing experience in Microsoft Word and Excel. Benefits. Qualified individuals can request an applicant packet by calling (360) 427-4833 between the hours of 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Tues.-Fri. Applications must be received by 3-8- 99. Equal Opportunity Employer. Drug free work environment. $2/18 CAREGIVER FOR elderly lady living at Spencer Lake, call 427.9146. B2/18-25 Answers to Super Crossword PART-TIME WAITRESS, must be at least 18. Apply in person. Hoodsport Marina & Care, 877-9657. H2/18-25 OFFICE SPECIALIST I1: BHR is seek- ing FT Acct. Rap. to work in our Shelton offices to facilitate use of MIS, data entry, cut relations, and acct. skills to coordinate & monitor eligibility and maintenance of client accounts in men- tal health setting. Computer skills re- quired. Prefer experience with ac- counts in medical settihg. Close: 02118199. [Call Ellen Ressner, 236- 7123 (local call) for application.] B2/18 EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS, INC. (EFI) is a non-profit corporation that provides services to disabled adults in Mason County. EFI is seeking appli- cants for the position of Executive Di- rector. Desired qualifications and ex- perience include: a Bachelor's degree in management, business, social ser- vices or a related field; demonstrated managerial skills, ability to work inde- pendently, analyze data, convey rec- ommendations, make decisions and accept responsibility. (Experience working with disabled adults is pre- ferred.) EFI is an equal opportunity em- ployer. Competitive salary and benefit package. Please send resume to Ex- ceptional Foresters, Inc., 121 W. De- velopment Road, Shelton WA, 98584. E2/18-25 EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS has im- mediate opening for sleep-over position in exchange for room & board. Contact Dani Cook, 426-3578. E2/18-25 LITTLE CREEK Casino is seeking a qualified line cook. Team player with emphasis on quality and consistency. Benefit package included. Apply at Hu- man Resoumes Dept., Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. L2/11-18 SKOKOMISH INDIAN Tribe invites ap- plications for the position of Tribal Man- ager Opens: January 20, 1999 Closes: February 26, 1999 The Skokomish Indi- an Nation is located at the base of the majestic Olympic Mountains where the Skokomish River meets the pictur- esque Hood Canal. Nature of work: The Tribal Manager is responsible for the execution of tribal laws and policies, for organizational leadership, and for the overall planning, coordination, super- vision, and monitonng of all administra- tive, business and governmental func- tions of the Skokomish Indian Tribe. This position is under the direct super- vision of the Skokomish Tribal Council and requires an employment contract. Minimum Qualifications: Four-year de- gree, emphasis on Business Adminis- tration or Public Administration and five years responsible experience in the supervision or management of multi- faceted programs. Or progressively re- sponsible experience substituted on a month to month basis for a four-year degree. Or graduate level course work in business or public administration substituted on a month to month basis, up to 18 months, for experience. And satisfactory results of a criminal back- ground and reference check. And Con- fidentiality: In addition to knowledge of confidential tribal information, this po- sition may require knowledge of confi- dential personal information regarding clients. The employee may be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. Violation of this agreement shall result in immediate dismissal. Drug-free Workplace Policy: The Skokomish Tribe is committed to providing quality work and services by providing a healthy, safe, workplace for its employees, council members, and the community in which it serves. To achieve this goal, final applicants for employment will be tested for illegal drugs and for alcohol after receiving a conditional job offer. Preference: Indi- an preference policy applies. First pri- ority will be given to enrolled Skoko- mish tribal members. Second prefer- ence will be given to qualified Native American applicants who provide proof of enrollment in a federally-recognized tribe. Applicants not entitled to, or who fail to claim Indian preferences, will re- ceive consideration without regard to ethnic/national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, disability status, or membership in the tribal or- ganization. Please send resumes to: Skokomish Tribe's Personnel Depart- ment, N 80 Tribal Center Road, Shelton, WA 98584 or fax (360) 877-5943. $2/4- 25 'qt Providence I SoundHomecare I and Hospice HOME HEALTH MANAGER Providence SoundHomecare & Hos- ce currently seeking a full-time ome Health Manager for the Shel- ton, WAoffice. Requirements include Bachelor's in nursing or related field, a minimum of three years experience in an acute care facility or home health agency and demonstrated ability to supervise with at least one year of supervisory experience nec- essary. Qualified candidates can send resume to or apply at: PSHCH 3706 Griffin Ln. S.E. Oly, WA 98501. E.O.E. 2m.25 OLYMPIA AREA builder has full-time position for responsible individual. Looking for experienced, dependable person with good communication skills. Potential for advancement in company. Benefits and salary DOQ. Fax resume to 923-9763. (Olympia) M2/18-3/11 ENTRY LEVEL office clerk needed for growing company. Multi-line phone system, filing, some bookkeeping help- ful and a variety of other interesting tasks. Computer skills required. Op- portunity for advancement. 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. M-F, $6-$6.50 DOE. Please send resume to PO Box 2044, Shelton, WA 98584. R2/18 MEMBER SERVICE representative. Peninsula Community Federal Credit Union is seeking a part-time member service representative (teller) to join our service oriented team in our Shel- ton branch. Qualifications include ex- cellent customer service and sales skills; cash handling required. Submit resume to: PCFCU, P.O. Box 2150, Shelton, WA 98584. Attn: HR Dept. by February 26, 1999. EOE. P2/18 RN/LPN shifts available for home care adolescent case. To join our caring home nursing team call Avail Home Nursing, 1-800-637-9998. A2/18-25 INSURANCE OFFICE has openings for Personal Lines Customer Service Rep- resentative. Experience preferred. Sal- ary DOQ. Please call Pat at 360-426- 3357 between 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday- Friday. D2/11-18 EXCELLENT SALES opportunity. Es- tablished multi-franchise new and used car dealer in Bremerton offers positive work environment, highest commis- sions, plus 401K. Call t-800-422-4028 ask for Tony or Jim. T2/11-3/4 ADOPT-A-PET Kennels are in need of volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 day a week. But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426-2610 or our new Website at for more details. A4/30tfn FIRLANE CHILDCARE Center is looking for a childcare substitute. Hours and days vary. When substituting bring your child free of charge. For more in- formation call Michelle at 426-1651 ext. 13. F2J11-18 COMMUNITY REPS to work with high school international students and host families. Part-time work, experience re- quired, 1-800-713-1629. M2/11-3/4 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Mason Coun- ty's Health Planning Council, Mason Matters, is recruiting a dynamic, ex- perienced individual with skills in the following areas: community organizing, group facilitation, program develop- ment and implementation, marketing and fund development, and operational oversight. Compensation: $20-$25/hr DOQ for minimum of 80 hr/month. Clos- ing date: 2/26/99. For full job descrip- tion, contact (360) 427-9670, ext. 553. Mail resume to: Mason Matters, POB 1666, Shelton, WA 98584. M2/11-18 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT needed for the Port of Shelton. This position is a full time position working the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F. Please submit re- sume to the Port of Shelton office. Po- sition is open until filled. A Job Descrip- tion is available at the Port office, 410 W. Business Park Road, Shelton, WA (360) 426-1151. P2/11-3/4 ARE YOU a WorkFirst participant? Do you enjoy and want to work with young children? If you answered yes call the Childcare Careers Program to find out about our free training program. Call Nine, 956-9830. S2/4-3/4 1 Classifieds 426-441g m'a i0000111p =rams TYPING SERVICES. Confidentiality guaranteed. Tell me what you want, I will do it. $7.50 per page. 372-2731, Belfair. $2/11-3/4 DR. NANCY E. Gill, Educational Con- sultant, custom designs educational support for students aged 8-18 who read below grade level, whose grades are below average, or who have lost in- terest and motivation in school. 360- 275-5005. G2/18-3/11 WILL RUN errands, clean house, wash windows, clean yards/garages/base- ments, transport pets to vet or ? Gro- cery shop, pick up medicine, water plants, check on house when you're on vacation, help with garage sales. Give us a call, no work too small or too large. Reasonable prices. 426-1290, Anne. $2/11-3/4 BEAUTY BUSINESS for sale. Estab- lished Allyn one chair shop needs styl- ist to take over large friendly clientele. Call 360-456-5348 (corrected), leave name and number. E2/11-18 EDGEWOOD DAYCARE has openings for kids two and up. New home South of Shelton. /4 mile from 101. 426-2969. F2/11-3/4 JOHN'S CREEK Country Kids has openings available. Licensed 10 years in Shelton. Mt. View school district. USDA food program. 426-7669. N 1/14tfn GUITARIST LOOKING for bass and drums to play rock. Tom Petty, Collec- tive Soul, originals, etc. Call Bob at 898-4289. Gl/28-2/18 CELLO, BASS and electric bass les- sons including music theory, ear train- ing and advanced techniques. Also of- fering beginning violin and keyboard. 21 years experience. Call Dave, 427- 5487. P9/17tfn LOST, 12 ft. aluminum rowboat. Blue on inside, white on outside. Fair Harbor area, Feb. 4th. 427-9516. C2/11-18 EXTRA LARGE and large Burmese py- thons varying from 8 ft. to 15 ft. One Albino available. Prices $75 to $250. Rats also available, small to large. 427- 4174. Ol/28-2/18 ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. G11/9ffn MUSCOVY DUCKS, $6 each, hens and drakes available, 427-6731 evenings. D2/11-18 EXCELLENT EASTERN Washington al- falfa hay, $6.50 ea. for 20 or more bales, 426-1803. P2/llffn RAZORBACK FENCE Company, ape- cializing in livestock fence installation, hole drilling, post driving. Free esti- mates. 427-6201. License #RAZOR- FC0660Z. R 12/14ttn QUALITY GRASS hay. No tansy. U- haul, $3 bale. Twin River Ranch, 428- 1023. R1/7-2/25 NORTHRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. Car- pentry, concrete work, sheds, decks, carports, exposed aggregate broom finished flatwork. Also specializing in mobile home runners and skirting. Quality guaranteed, 360-275-4389. Lic #NORTHC°010B5. R1/28-2/18 HANDYMAN. REMODELING, carpen- try, painting and building decks, car- pods, garages, fences. Call 427-1741. N8/21 tfn PIONEER DIGGING Company. Back- hoe, dozer, dump truck. All types of work, including septic systems, land clearing, hauling, etc. Licensed and bonded. Bob Payees, 426-1803. PIO- NEDI081P7. P11/12tfn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleaning. Serving Mason County for 20 years. 426-9354. W12/1 ltfn (IMMACULATE CONNECTION) Clean- ing Service. Superior service for your home, office, boat or barn. Many satis- fied references. Serving all areas. Call Deb at 426-8906. H2/11-3/4 HOUSECLEANING SERVICES. Priority of excellence. Shelton and surrounding areas. Help with other tasks. Let's talk! Call Sue, 432-9537. J2/11-3/4 MASON COUNTY Excavation. Tree service, brush hauling, landclearing, logging, cash for log value, excellent service guaranteed. Free estimates, 426-0574. K2/11-4/29 ROOFING-INTERIOR/exterior painting, carpentry, finish work, custom pres- sure washing, remodeling, manufac- tured home repairs, solar tubes in- stalled. Call Dave 427-4237. Lic #DAVI DWG044KU. W1/14-3/4 DUMP TRUCK for hire. Hauling, exca- vating, topsoil, rock, brush, stumps, demolition and debris. Call L.O.T. Haul- ing, 426-9047, In truck: 534-8720. Z7/3tfn HONEY-DO-SERVICES for home main- tenance, 426-7952. M12/10tfn DAVID CASEY Painting. Interiors, ex- teriors, mobile homes. Varnish and enameled woodwork. 20 years experi- ence. 426-0235. #DAVIDCP065QW. D2/2tfn JACK FROST Construction, JACKFC- 257N1. Thirty-five years experience, quality craftsmanship, remodeling, new construction, decks, garages, car- ports, cabins, additions or new homes. Dependable service anytime, 426- 0953. F8/3ffn RUDOLL CONSTRUCTION and Handy- man Service. Remodels, additions and repairs, Lic. #RUDOLD05419. 427- 1990. RG/6tfn PAINTING? CALL Tozier Bros. True- Value for close out specials. As low as $3 per gallon, 426-2411, ask for Dick. T 12/5tfn HAKOLA'S TREE and Logging Service. Danger tree falling, residential logging, topping, limbing, stumping. Licensed, bonded and insured. Free estimates. LJc. #801-312-066, 426-5234. R5/8tfn WALLPAPERING, PAINTING. Pam's Decorating, 16 years in business. Free estimates - Reasonable rates. Lic. #PAMSD121J5. 427-5066. C1115tfn EXCEPTIONAL FORESTERS labor-as- needed crew is available for yard work, brush clearing and other labor projects. Call 426-6812 for free estimates. E7/23tfn QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. Q8/13ffn I I I JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 II II In Jenn's Accounting Servnce (360) 432-8578 • Quarterly Taxes • Payroll • Bookkeeping • Income Taxes • Accounting • Checkbook Balancing Quafity work at affordable prices. Afternoon and Evening Appointments ) F PUT THE JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS TO WORK FOR YOU. 426 J,41 2