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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 18, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 18, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Mildred E. Wessner, Belfair, $925, 365 days, 363 suspended; Cindy R. McDaniel, 650 West Boyer Road, Shelton, $925, 365 days, 363 suspended. Negligent driving: Kirk T. Delph, 9502 Mallard Drive SE, Olympia, second degree, $250; James D. Gitchel, 403 West I Street, Shelton, second degree, $100, $150 costs; Duane Huston, 10131 Littlerock Road SW, Olympia, $1,000, $375 suspended, 90 days, 89 suspended. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Jeromy D. Hammond, West 6261 Shelton- Matlock Road, third degree, $150, 90 days suspended; Robert D. Reem, 6422 SE Clatsop Street, Clackamas, Oregon, $500, $350 suspended, 90 days suspended; Nathen R. Wright, 806 Fair- mount, Shelton, third degree, $500, $400 suspended, 90 days suspended; Robert L. Henry, 16615 Rouse Road, Longbranch, third degree, $20, 90 days, 70 sus- pended. No liability insurance: Joseph Bernard Neilson IV, 41 NE Pine Tree Lane, Tahuya, and speed- ing, $542; Timothy A. McKenzie, 891 St. Andrews Drive, Shelton, and expired license over two months, $637. No liability insurance and FTA: Holnander T. Jesus-Mar- tinez, 14651 North State Route 101, Shelton, $527, and no valid li- cense, $480; Paul L. Buckner, 15781 Vincent Road NE Poulsbo, and license expired over two months, $694; Briana K. Bryant, 427 East Birch Street, Shelton, and speeding, $646; Ryan E. Brown, 303 South Seventh Street, Shelton, $527. Unlawful recreational fish- ing: Yon Sun Dycus, 1024 Ross Avenue, DuPont, $76; Cecil R. Felkins, 758 South 132nd Street, Tacoma, second degree, $400, 90 days, 90 suspended; Scan L. Er- hardt, 1311 Summit Drive, Shel- ton, unlawful recreational fish- ing in the second degree, $50. No valid license: David Charles Gonyea, 2423 NW l 1- Mile Avenue, Gresham, Oregon, (shellfish) and unlawful posses- sion of oysters in the shell, $152; Mihai Turc, 4601 SW 11th, Gresham, Oregon, (shellfish) and unlawful possession of oysters in the shell, $152. Other fish and wildlife viola- tions: Donna Homan, West 14323 Shelton-Matlock Road, Shelton, unlawful hunting of big game second, $100, 365 days, 361 SUspended. Other offenses: James A. Hull, 561 East Colonel Right .Road, Shelton, criminal trespass m the second degree, $250, 90 days, 88 suspended. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munic-. ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Rafael Oli- Vas, 641 East Oak Park, Shelton, first degree, $450, 365 days, 355 suspended. Other offenses: Corey Allen Meehan, 351 North Sunnyside Road, Shelton, possession of drug paraphernalia, $250, 90 days, 85 suspended, five days community service. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Gloria J. Aguilar and J. Refu- gio Aguilar. Francis Bruehler and Reita Bruehler. Gary Stewart Rae and Frede- na Sue Rae. New Cases Douglas A. and Doreen M. Richards against Diana Marti- nez, commercial. Alpha to Omega Construction, Limited Liability Corporation, against James and Rae Hight and Terry and Jane Doe Stand- ish, commercial. Washington Department of Revenue against Constance W. and Kenneth Holman, tax war- rant. Department of Revenue against John B. Dawson, tax warrant. Department of Revenue against Brungardt and Lowe, a partnership, tax warrant. Chase Manhattan Mortgaging Corporation against Penny D. and John Doe Clark and John and Jane Does I-V, unknown oc- cupants, unlawful detainer. L.K. Lee against Steve C. Hansen, abstract of judgment. William L. Sylvester and Sherrill L. Syivester against Jeffery L. and Cathleen G. Mor- row, G.E. Capital Mortgage In- corporated, quiet title. Douglas and Sharon Brack- enbrough and Alfred and Lynne Chapman against Margene Jackson, commercial. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits dur- ing the past week include: Sherman Sloan, 271 East Jack Pine Lane, Union, enlarge com, puter room and add bathroom, $10,227; Bob Harvey, 401 East Fairway Drive, Allyn, residence and garage, $142,371; Harvey Scott, 10 East Rose Point Lane, Belfair, residence and deck, $85,578; Don Primm, 1570 East Mason Lake Drive West, Grape- view, repair or replace deck, $7,068; Daniel Haavisto, 250 East Strong Road, Shelton, add parti- tion and ceiling in shop for hobby room, $4,608. Charles Rutherford, 2642 SE Arcadia Road, Shelton, private garage, $36,024; Charles Han- cuff, 2360 East Saint Andrew's Drive, Shelton, garage, $9,082; Roy Crane Jr., 1601 West Gal- lagher Road, Shelton, garage, $24,331; Emily Ward, 261 East Pinedirosa Road, Union, ani- mal shelter and storage, $4,224. No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: Joe McBride, 311 East Sandy Lake Road, Shelton, mobile home; Joseph Testu, 180 NE Cherokee Beach Road, Belfair, covered entryway; Washington Department of Fish and Wild- life, 411 West Deyette Road, Shelton, remove underground tank and replace with above- Did You Know... Until recently, there has only been one fimeral home in Shelton. Now VOl! have a choice ? REST FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY 313 W. Railroad • Shelton, WA 98584 Shelton: 360/427.8044 • Olympia: 360/943-6363 ground storage tank system; Twanoh Grange, 101 East State Route 302, Belfair, demolish grange hall; State of Washing- ton Department of Corrections, 631 West Dayton-Airport Road, Shelton, dry chemical system; Vernon Nelson, 5050 East Grape- view Loop Road, Allyn, repair existing 4000-gallon under- ground fuel tank. CITY BUILDING PERMITS New construction and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: Vaugn Bay, 466 Park Street, install fire sprinkler system, $23,121; Scott and Jill Barnard, 221 West Railroad Avenue, ex- pand office, $5,000; John Ball- man, 1 Donder, garage, $5,000. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT February 10:9:18 p.m., 100 East Wallace Kneeland Boule- vard, vehicle accident. February 11: 11:07, 223 North Second, utilities. February 12:11:07 a.m. with Medic One, 1209 Olympic High- way South, injury. February 13:12:39 p.m., 500 block of Ellinor Avenue, smoke. February 15:3:43 p.m., 405 Dearborn Avenue, illegal burn; 5:23 p.m. with Medic One, 3000 Johns Prairie Road, overdose. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, February 9 A caller reported a one-truck accident on Northcliff Road. A counterfeit $20 was reported by a caller from East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. Wednesday, February 10 A vehicle in the Shooter's parking lot backed into a police vehicle, dispatchers were told. The state patrol was unavailable to investigate immediately. A caller from the 700 block of May Avenue complained of the theft of a necklace from the resi- dence, and thefts of money were reported at a residence on North 12th Street and one on Jefferson Street. A caller from the 20D block of South 10th reported a purse stolen overnight. A one-car accident was report- ed in the 3000 block of Olympic Highway North. Two men were reported fight- ing over a woman in the 800 block of South First Street. A threats incident was report- ed outside Mason County Superi- or Court. Thursday, February 11 State troopers asked police for assistance with a DUI stop on Highway 101. A caller complained of the theft of a chainsaw from a resi- dence in the 1900 block of Wash- ington Street. A student reportedly lost a tooth when assaulted by four youths at Shelton High School. A juvenile complained of a robbery attempt on Capitol Hill. Officers were asked to inves- tigate a rape complaint. Friday, February 12 A person came into the police station to report a series of threats. About 20 juveniles from Olympia were allegedly harass- ing the employees of the Taco Bell on Mountain View. A woman said her husband threw her out of an apartment of the 2000 block of Adams Streets and won't let her have her be- longings. A vehicle reportedly crashed into a building on the 1200 block of Olympic Highway South. Saturday, February 13 A caller said his girlfriend's 1998 Honda had been stolen from the area of the City Center Motel. Police were asked to stop a verbal dispute in the parking lot of the Safeway Store in the down- town district. An inebriated process server allegedly entered a home on Ar- cadia Avenue without permis- sion and told the resident she was a liar when she said the per- son he was looking for wasn't there. Sunday, February 14 A man was said to be using a baseball bat to trash an apart- ment on the 100 block of West Kneeland Street. A man was said to be beating up a woman in a van headed downtown on Olympic Highway North. Two teenage boys were said to be walking behind Mountain View School with a rifle. A caller said a manhole cover was off a manhole, causing a hazard at the intersection of Sev- enth and Park streets. Monday, February 15 A caller told dispatchers a suspicious man was standing by the Kobe Teriyaki pretending to read a newspaper. A caller reported hearing thuds and things getting knocked down in a downstairs apartment on the 200 block of Turner Avenue. A burglary was reported on the t00 block oLEast McKinley Street. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPUITION The Mason County Jail, which was designed for 45 inmates and refitted in 1989 to house 65, recorded populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 74, Thursday 71, Friday 70, Saturday 70, Sunday 82, Monday 72, Tuesday 72. Efforts are currently under way to increase the capacity again. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, February 9 Medic One, Fire District 4 and sheriffs deputies responded to the report of a sudden death on Lupine Place, Shelton. Vehicles were reported to be abandoned in ditches off West Matlock-Brady Road, Elma, and the Shelton-Matlock Road. Squaxin Island Tribal Police were told that tools had been sto- len from a truck. Deputies were told of a possible arson on East Old Farm Road, Shelton. Burglaries were reported to a home at mile 15.1 of Cloquallum Road, Elma, and mile 1.9 of East State Route 106, Union. Wednesday, February 10 Several disabled-vehicle re- ports and property-damage ac- cidents were reported as snow rendered county roads slippery. Mason County Medic One and Fire District 4 were dispatched to two reported injury accidents on Highway 101 at 8:17 a.m. and at 3:38 p.m. A disabled vehicle was reported blocking the access to Parkerville near Lake Cush- man. Well-drilling equipment was reported stolen from a Highland Road address. A Blevins Road caller told dispatchers a 3-year-old was locked out of a nearby residence for the second time in a short pe- riod. Mailbox vandalism was re- ported on Bear Creek-Dewatto Road and on Victor Road. A caller told dispatchers of witnessing a "rolling domestic" which resulted in a man throw- ing a woman from a vehicle on the Old Belfair Highway near Belfair. A Johns Prairie Road caller complained an individual shot three to five rounds at the caller's daughter. Deputies were summoned when an aid call in Union turned "combustible." Fire District 16 responded to a property-damage accident on Shelton-Matlock Road at 8:23 p.m., where a vehicle was report- ed on its top, and an injury acci- dent was reported on Sand Hill Road. A Matlock caller reported a hunter missing after the man's dog turned up at a Wynoochee intersection. Thursday, February 11 An assault victim was report- edly at the door of a house on Hulbert Road. Officers investigated a bur- glary report 23.09 miles out State Route 3 in Belfair and a break-in reported at storage units on Sand Hill Road. An Orre Nobles Road caller complained of the theft of a guitar from the residence. Someone appeared to be living in a vehicle parked near the North Mason High School tennis courts, a caller told dispatchers. Fire District 4 personnel re- sponded to a fire alarm at 11:53 a.m. on Manor Road. A 2-year-old was reported missing from a residence on Dartmoor Drive. The child ¢as found before deputies arrived on the scene. A mail theft complaint came from Holmstead Lane. A Deegan Road caller com- plained of vandalism to a trac- tor. Mason County Medic One and Fire District 13 responded to a We deliver year-round! 2 $220 2 loads ANY SIZE crushed rock delivered into Shelton. Special savings to outlying areas Call for details! 42 6-4 743 Located on Highway 101 between Shelton and Olympia 2" Minus at s3 75 Ton Kenned Creek Quarry property-damage incident in which a vehicle reportedly ended up in a Kalaloch Lane resident's yard. A caller told dispatchers a late-night boater on Hood Canal was stealing crab pots. Friday, February 12 Three people allegedly stole wood from forest land near where the railroad tracks cross State Route 108. Deputies received four calls concerning sex offenses. A burglary was reported on Lost Lake Road. A caller from West Bulb Farm Road said he'd been held hostage by perverts. This followed by several hours a report from the same location that there were three monkeys and a zebra on the front lawn. Saturday, February 13 Deputies were told that an in- mate of the Mason County Jail wanted to make a statement about contraband. A caller concerned about gang activity said people were run- ning around Belfair making contact with the owners of a number of convenience stores. Deputies were asked to rescue a couple that got their Toyota Landcruiser stuck in the snow near Steele Bridge. Fire District 16 and Medic One responded at 3:24 p.m. to the report of an injury on West Shel- ton-Matlock Road. Fire District 11 responded at 11:55 a.m. to the report of a vehi- cle fire on Highway 101, Shelton. A caller complained about loud music coming from an His- panic dance at the Nimrod Club. Someone reportedly threatened to burn down a house on East Spencer Lake Road. Skokomish Tribal ['(dice wev,. told of a two-car accident at the. intersection of Enata and Reset vation Road. Deputies were told that about an alleged sexual assault in M. son County. Sunday, February 14 An incoherent man who hal been lying in the roadway m Spencer Lake Road was said to b(, walking towards Pioneer School. A caller from Timberlakes said her son's jaw was injured during an assault witnessed by three carloads of teenagers. Deputies received a second hand report abeut a possible oil spill 150 feet off the Hood (lanai Marina. District 4 and Medic One re- sponded at 8:42 p.m. to the report of an injury on West State Route 108, Shelton. A burglary was reported on ttighway 101, Shelton. Monday, February 15 A caller became concerned when the shadow of someone passing crossed through the liv ing room. The violation of a court order was reported from East Barnsby Place after a man fell into a mud puddle, the caller's son laugh(d and the man allegedly relieved himself on their property. Fire District 11 responded to the report of a structure fire on East Cypress Court at 11:03 a.m and Fire District 4 responded l() a chimney fire at 1.0:41 p.m. m West Delight Park Road. Burglaries were reported at the Shelton Elks Lodge and a busi- ness on SE State Route 3. The theft of brush was reported on 100 East Chmakilty Drive. I -*" [ * Reasonalle I1€ I * l'¢)silivc //€' * t:lcxil)lc tLJ__ STEP, ,Nc. , * Efl'ccliw, _.RIGHT ALCOHOL AND DRUG THE INFORMATION SCHOOL FOR MASON COUNTY Saturday, March 13, 1999 l)reregislration required * Call t()day • Slate A/)l)roved * C'Omlglele Oll[/)Clli'tll SCPI'[(('S ItELPING PEOPLE SINCE 1975 m HE TWISTS HE TU HE SCORES! Introducing the Pennzoil Under-The-Cap Giveaway! GRAND PRIZE: One winner and guest will receive three trips to select ESPN events, plus a trip to the ESPY Awards! OVER 100,000 OTHER PRIZES including ESPN merchandise and more! See specially marked bottles for details. III. € per qt. 15W40, 20W50, 30WT, 50WT & Multi-Vis. 2/18-2/21 128 S. 1 St." 426-2800 ...... Thursday, February 18, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11 L L t I MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Mildred E. Wessner, Belfair, $925, 365 days, 363 suspended; Cindy R. McDaniel, 650 West Boyer Road, Shelton, $925, 365 days, 363 suspended. Negligent driving: Kirk T. Delph, 9502 Mallard Drive SE, Olympia, second degree, $250; James D. Gitchel, 403 West I Street, Shelton, second degree, $100, $150 costs; Duane Huston, 10131 Littlerock Road SW, Olympia, $1,000, $375 suspended, 90 days, 89 suspended. Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Jeromy D. Hammond, West 6261 Shelton- Matlock Road, third degree, $150, 90 days suspended; Robert D. Reem, 6422 SE Clatsop Street, Clackamas, Oregon, $500, $350 suspended, 90 days suspended; Nathen R. Wright, 806 Fair- mount, Shelton, third degree, $500, $400 suspended, 90 days suspended; Robert L. Henry, 16615 Rouse Road, Longbranch, third degree, $20, 90 days, 70 sus- pended. No liability insurance: Joseph Bernard Neilson IV, 41 NE Pine Tree Lane, Tahuya, and speed- ing, $542; Timothy A. McKenzie, 891 St. Andrews Drive, Shelton, and expired license over two months, $637. No liability insurance and FTA: Holnander T. Jesus-Mar- tinez, 14651 North State Route 101, Shelton, $527, and no valid li- cense, $480; Paul L. Buckner, 15781 Vincent Road NE Poulsbo, and license expired over two months, $694; Briana K. Bryant, 427 East Birch Street, Shelton, and speeding, $646; Ryan E. Brown, 303 South Seventh Street, Shelton, $527. Unlawful recreational fish- ing: Yon Sun Dycus, 1024 Ross Avenue, DuPont, $76; Cecil R. Felkins, 758 South 132nd Street, Tacoma, second degree, $400, 90 days, 90 suspended; Scan L. Er- hardt, 1311 Summit Drive, Shel- ton, unlawful recreational fish- ing in the second degree, $50. No valid license: David Charles Gonyea, 2423 NW l 1- Mile Avenue, Gresham, Oregon, (shellfish) and unlawful posses- sion of oysters in the shell, $152; Mihai Turc, 4601 SW 11th, Gresham, Oregon, (shellfish) and unlawful possession of oysters in the shell, $152. Other fish and wildlife viola- tions: Donna Homan, West 14323 Shelton-Matlock Road, Shelton, unlawful hunting of big game second, $100, 365 days, 361 SUspended. Other offenses: James A. Hull, 561 East Colonel Right .Road, Shelton, criminal trespass m the second degree, $250, 90 days, 88 suspended. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munic-. ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving while license sus- pended or revoked: Rafael Oli- Vas, 641 East Oak Park, Shelton, first degree, $450, 365 days, 355 suspended. Other offenses: Corey Allen Meehan, 351 North Sunnyside Road, Shelton, possession of drug paraphernalia, $250, 90 days, 85 suspended, five days community service. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Gloria J. Aguilar and J. Refu- gio Aguilar. Francis Bruehler and Reita Bruehler. Gary Stewart Rae and Frede- na Sue Rae. New Cases Douglas A. and Doreen M. Richards against Diana Marti- nez, commercial. Alpha to Omega Construction, Limited Liability Corporation, against James and Rae Hight and Terry and Jane Doe Stand- ish, commercial. Washington Department of Revenue against Constance W. and Kenneth Holman, tax war- rant. Department of Revenue against John B. Dawson, tax warrant. Department of Revenue against Brungardt and Lowe, a partnership, tax warrant. Chase Manhattan Mortgaging Corporation against Penny D. and John Doe Clark and John and Jane Does I-V, unknown oc- cupants, unlawful detainer. L.K. Lee against Steve C. Hansen, abstract of judgment. William L. Sylvester and Sherrill L. Syivester against Jeffery L. and Cathleen G. Mor- row, G.E. Capital Mortgage In- corporated, quiet title. Douglas and Sharon Brack- enbrough and Alfred and Lynne Chapman against Margene Jackson, commercial. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits dur- ing the past week include: Sherman Sloan, 271 East Jack Pine Lane, Union, enlarge com, puter room and add bathroom, $10,227; Bob Harvey, 401 East Fairway Drive, Allyn, residence and garage, $142,371; Harvey Scott, 10 East Rose Point Lane, Belfair, residence and deck, $85,578; Don Primm, 1570 East Mason Lake Drive West, Grape- view, repair or replace deck, $7,068; Daniel Haavisto, 250 East Strong Road, Shelton, add parti- tion and ceiling in shop for hobby room, $4,608. Charles Rutherford, 2642 SE Arcadia Road, Shelton, private garage, $36,024; Charles Han- cuff, 2360 East Saint Andrew's Drive, Shelton, garage, $9,082; Roy Crane Jr., 1601 West Gal- lagher Road, Shelton, garage, $24,331; Emily Ward, 261 East Pinedirosa Road, Union, ani- mal shelter and storage, $4,224. No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: Joe McBride, 311 East Sandy Lake Road, Shelton, mobile home; Joseph Testu, 180 NE Cherokee Beach Road, Belfair, covered entryway; Washington Department of Fish and Wild- life, 411 West Deyette Road, Shelton, remove underground tank and replace with above- Did You Know... Until recently, there has only been one fimeral home in Shelton. Now VOl! have a choice ? REST FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY 313 W. Railroad • Shelton, WA 98584 Shelton: 360/427.8044 • Olympia: 360/943-6363 ground storage tank system; Twanoh Grange, 101 East State Route 302, Belfair, demolish grange hall; State of Washing- ton Department of Corrections, 631 West Dayton-Airport Road, Shelton, dry chemical system; Vernon Nelson, 5050 East Grape- view Loop Road, Allyn, repair existing 4000-gallon under- ground fuel tank. CITY BUILDING PERMITS New construction and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: Vaugn Bay, 466 Park Street, install fire sprinkler system, $23,121; Scott and Jill Barnard, 221 West Railroad Avenue, ex- pand office, $5,000; John Ball- man, 1 Donder, garage, $5,000. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT February 10:9:18 p.m., 100 East Wallace Kneeland Boule- vard, vehicle accident. February 11: 11:07, 223 North Second, utilities. February 12:11:07 a.m. with Medic One, 1209 Olympic High- way South, injury. February 13:12:39 p.m., 500 block of Ellinor Avenue, smoke. February 15:3:43 p.m., 405 Dearborn Avenue, illegal burn; 5:23 p.m. with Medic One, 3000 Johns Prairie Road, overdose. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, February 9 A caller reported a one-truck accident on Northcliff Road. A counterfeit $20 was reported by a caller from East Wallace Kneeland Boulevard. Wednesday, February 10 A vehicle in the Shooter's parking lot backed into a police vehicle, dispatchers were told. The state patrol was unavailable to investigate immediately. A caller from the 700 block of May Avenue complained of the theft of a necklace from the resi- dence, and thefts of money were reported at a residence on North 12th Street and one on Jefferson Street. A caller from the 20D block of South 10th reported a purse stolen overnight. A one-car accident was report- ed in the 3000 block of Olympic Highway North. Two men were reported fight- ing over a woman in the 800 block of South First Street. A threats incident was report- ed outside Mason County Superi- or Court. Thursday, February 11 State troopers asked police for assistance with a DUI stop on Highway 101. A caller complained of the theft of a chainsaw from a resi- dence in the 1900 block of Wash- ington Street. A student reportedly lost a tooth when assaulted by four youths at Shelton High School. A juvenile complained of a robbery attempt on Capitol Hill. Officers were asked to inves- tigate a rape complaint. Friday, February 12 A person came into the police station to report a series of threats. About 20 juveniles from Olympia were allegedly harass- ing the employees of the Taco Bell on Mountain View. A woman said her husband threw her out of an apartment of the 2000 block of Adams Streets and won't let her have her be- longings. A vehicle reportedly crashed into a building on the 1200 block of Olympic Highway South. Saturday, February 13 A caller said his girlfriend's 1998 Honda had been stolen from the area of the City Center Motel. Police were asked to stop a verbal dispute in the parking lot of the Safeway Store in the down- town district. An inebriated process server allegedly entered a home on Ar- cadia Avenue without permis- sion and told the resident she was a liar when she said the per- son he was looking for wasn't there. Sunday, February 14 A man was said to be using a baseball bat to trash an apart- ment on the 100 block of West Kneeland Street. A man was said to be beating up a woman in a van headed downtown on Olympic Highway North. Two teenage boys were said to be walking behind Mountain View School with a rifle. A caller said a manhole cover was off a manhole, causing a hazard at the intersection of Sev- enth and Park streets. Monday, February 15 A caller told dispatchers a suspicious man was standing by the Kobe Teriyaki pretending to read a newspaper. A caller reported hearing thuds and things getting knocked down in a downstairs apartment on the 200 block of Turner Avenue. A burglary was reported on the t00 block oLEast McKinley Street. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPUITION The Mason County Jail, which was designed for 45 inmates and refitted in 1989 to house 65, recorded populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 74, Thursday 71, Friday 70, Saturday 70, Sunday 82, Monday 72, Tuesday 72. Efforts are currently under way to increase the capacity again. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, February 9 Medic One, Fire District 4 and sheriffs deputies responded to the report of a sudden death on Lupine Place, Shelton. Vehicles were reported to be abandoned in ditches off West Matlock-Brady Road, Elma, and the Shelton-Matlock Road. Squaxin Island Tribal Police were told that tools had been sto- len from a truck. Deputies were told of a possible arson on East Old Farm Road, Shelton. Burglaries were reported to a home at mile 15.1 of Cloquallum Road, Elma, and mile 1.9 of East State Route 106, Union. Wednesday, February 10 Several disabled-vehicle re- ports and property-damage ac- cidents were reported as snow rendered county roads slippery. Mason County Medic One and Fire District 4 were dispatched to two reported injury accidents on Highway 101 at 8:17 a.m. and at 3:38 p.m. A disabled vehicle was reported blocking the access to Parkerville near Lake Cush- man. Well-drilling equipment was reported stolen from a Highland Road address. A Blevins Road caller told dispatchers a 3-year-old was locked out of a nearby residence for the second time in a short pe- riod. Mailbox vandalism was re- ported on Bear Creek-Dewatto Road and on Victor Road. A caller told dispatchers of witnessing a "rolling domestic" which resulted in a man throw- ing a woman from a vehicle on the Old Belfair Highway near Belfair. A Johns Prairie Road caller complained an individual shot three to five rounds at the caller's daughter. Deputies were summoned when an aid call in Union turned "combustible." Fire District 16 responded to a property-damage accident on Shelton-Matlock Road at 8:23 p.m., where a vehicle was report- ed on its top, and an injury acci- dent was reported on Sand Hill Road. A Matlock caller reported a hunter missing after the man's dog turned up at a Wynoochee intersection. Thursday, February 11 An assault victim was report- edly at the door of a house on Hulbert Road. Officers investigated a bur- glary report 23.09 miles out State Route 3 in Belfair and a break-in reported at storage units on Sand Hill Road. An Orre Nobles Road caller complained of the theft of a guitar from the residence. Someone appeared to be living in a vehicle parked near the North Mason High School tennis courts, a caller told dispatchers. Fire District 4 personnel re- sponded to a fire alarm at 11:53 a.m. on Manor Road. A 2-year-old was reported missing from a residence on Dartmoor Drive. The child ¢as found before deputies arrived on the scene. A mail theft complaint came from Holmstead Lane. A Deegan Road caller com- plained of vandalism to a trac- tor. Mason County Medic One and Fire District 13 responded to a We deliver year-round! 2 $220 2 loads ANY SIZE crushed rock delivered into Shelton. Special savings to outlying areas Call for details! 42 6-4 743 Located on Highway 101 between Shelton and Olympia 2" Minus at s3 75 Ton Kenned Creek Quarry property-damage incident in which a vehicle reportedly ended up in a Kalaloch Lane resident's yard. A caller told dispatchers a late-night boater on Hood Canal was stealing crab pots. Friday, February 12 Three people allegedly stole wood from forest land near where the railroad tracks cross State Route 108. Deputies received four calls concerning sex offenses. A burglary was reported on Lost Lake Road. A caller from West Bulb Farm Road said he'd been held hostage by perverts. This followed by several hours a report from the same location that there were three monkeys and a zebra on the front lawn. Saturday, February 13 Deputies were told that an in- mate of the Mason County Jail wanted to make a statement about contraband. A caller concerned about gang activity said people were run- ning around Belfair making contact with the owners of a number of convenience stores. Deputies were asked to rescue a couple that got their Toyota Landcruiser stuck in the snow near Steele Bridge. Fire District 16 and Medic One responded at 3:24 p.m. to the report of an injury on West Shel- ton-Matlock Road. Fire District 11 responded at 11:55 a.m. to the report of a vehi- cle fire on Highway 101, Shelton. A caller complained about loud music coming from an His- panic dance at the Nimrod Club. Someone reportedly threatened to burn down a house on East Spencer Lake Road. Skokomish Tribal ['(dice wev,. told of a two-car accident at the. intersection of Enata and Reset vation Road. Deputies were told that about an alleged sexual assault in M. son County. Sunday, February 14 An incoherent man who hal been lying in the roadway m Spencer Lake Road was said to b(, walking towards Pioneer School. A caller from Timberlakes said her son's jaw was injured during an assault witnessed by three carloads of teenagers. Deputies received a second hand report abeut a possible oil spill 150 feet off the Hood (lanai Marina. District 4 and Medic One re- sponded at 8:42 p.m. to the report of an injury on West State Route 108, Shelton. A burglary was reported on ttighway 101, Shelton. Monday, February 15 A caller became concerned when the shadow of someone passing crossed through the liv ing room. The violation of a court order was reported from East Barnsby Place after a man fell into a mud puddle, the caller's son laugh(d and the man allegedly relieved himself on their property. Fire District 11 responded to the report of a structure fire on East Cypress Court at 11:03 a.m and Fire District 4 responded l() a chimney fire at 1.0:41 p.m. m West Delight Park Road. Burglaries were reported at the Shelton Elks Lodge and a busi- ness on SE State Route 3. The theft of brush was reported on 100 East Chmakilty Drive. I -*" [ * Reasonalle I1€ I * l'¢)silivc //€' * t:lcxil)lc tLJ__ STEP, ,Nc. , * Efl'ccliw, _.RIGHT ALCOHOL AND DRUG THE INFORMATION SCHOOL FOR MASON COUNTY Saturday, March 13, 1999 l)reregislration required * Call t()day • Slate A/)l)roved * C'Omlglele Oll[/)Clli'tll SCPI'[(('S ItELPING PEOPLE SINCE 1975 m HE TWISTS HE TU HE SCORES! Introducing the Pennzoil Under-The-Cap Giveaway! GRAND PRIZE: One winner and guest will receive three trips to select ESPN events, plus a trip to the ESPY Awards! OVER 100,000 OTHER PRIZES including ESPN merchandise and more! See specially marked bottles for details. III. € per qt. 15W40, 20W50, 30WT, 50WT & Multi-Vis. 2/18-2/21 128 S. 1 St." 426-2800 ...... Thursday, February 18, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11 L L t