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Destiny Mac Aibro
was born on February 13 at
Mason General Hospital to Nikita
Sierra and Ronald L. Albro of
Shelton. She weighed 6 pounds,
10 ounces and was 181/ inches
long. She joins Contessa Lynn Al-
bro, age 2 /4.
Grandparents are Dorothy Mae
and Roy Albro of Shelton, and Di-
ana and Paul Sierra of Lacey.
Shane Michael Mazdzer
was born on February 12 at
Mason General Hospital to Trina
and Matthew Mazdzer of Mason
County. He weighed 9 pounds
and was 21 inches long. He joins
Matthew Cooper, age 5.
Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. James Dailey of Shelton,
and Mr. and Mrs. Luke Raschke
of Bremerton.
Tristan Jarrod Harris
was born on February 11 at
Mason General Hospital to Kim-
berly and Greg Harris of Shelton.
He weighed 8 pounds and was 20
inches long. He joins Kyle, age 6,
Cody, age 5, and Kasey, age 3.
Destini Dawn Hannah
was born on February 11 at
Mason General Hospital to Lynn
Hannah of Shelton. She weighed
7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19a/4
inches long. She joins Candis, age
7 lp, and Meckia, age 2.
Grandparents are Don Hannah
of Shelton, and Gladys Hannah of
Gavin Layne Francis Small
was born on February 11 at
Mason General Hospital to
Ryanne and Jeremy Small of
Shelton. He weighed 8 pounds, 15
ounces and was 21 inches long.
Grandparents are Larry and
Louise Small of Orting, Valerie
Koch of Sumner, James and
Leanne Tucker of Shelton, and
Jeanie and Brian Kaale of Jeffers,
Carol Louise Renner
was born on February 9 at Ma-
son General Hospital to Elizabeth
Aiten and Ronald Renner Jr. of
Shelton. She weighed 6 pounds, 7
ounces and was 191/2 inches long.
She joins Joseph, age 31/.
Grandparents are Carol and
Ron Renner Sr. of Shelton,
Wayne and Dixie Cuzick of
Hoodsport, Robert AJtken of Shel-
ton, Carol Glenn of Shelton, and
Charles Chamblin of Shelton.
Mackenzie Rae Castro
was born on February 9 at Ma-
son General Hospital to Christina
Stacy and Ruben Castro of Shel-
ton. She weighed 7 pounds, 1
ounce and was 193/, inches long.
Grandparents are Dusty and
Anita Wate of Shelton, Kim and
Connie Stacy of Olympia, Liberio
Castro of Shelton, and Maria Gui-
joss of Mexico.
Cody Michael Bragg-McCord
was born on February 8 at Ma-
son General Hospital to Sheryl L.
Bragg and Michael W. McCord of
Shelton. He weighed 8 pounds, 7
ounces and was 21 inches long.
He joins Zack McCord, Ashley
McCord, Malicia Bragg-McCord,
age 2112, and James Bragg-Mc-
Cord, age 1.
Grandparents are Allen and
Kathleen Bragg of Shelton, and
Alta and Mick McCord of Shelton.
Great-grandfather is Wayne Me-
Cord of Shelton.
Sadie Lee Thomas
was born on January 11 at Ma-
son General Hospital to Crystal
and Roy Thomas of Quinhagak,
Alaska. She weighed 9 pounds, 2
OUnces and was 203/4 inches long.
She joins Sara, age 3.
Grandparents are Ann and
Doug Norton of Shelton, Shirley
Thomas of Everett, and Bernie
Thomas of Enumclaw.
(24 hr,)
Order your free report
ii iiii
Goldie G. Ross
Goldie Gladis Ross, a Shelton
resident since 1990, died Satur-
day, February 13, at Alpine Way
Retirement Apartments in Shel-
ton. She was 93.
She was born February 23,
1905, in Anselmo, Nebraska, to
Isaac O. and Ellah Adell
(Timmons) Smith, both of Irish
descent. She was the youngest of
11 children.
She married Roscoe Ross on
November 16, 1921. They lived in
Nebraska, South Dakota, Idaho
and Eugene, Oregon, before mov-
ing to Ellensburg in 1945. Mrs.
Ross lived in Ellensburg until her
health failed and she moved to
Shelton to live with son Dennie
Ross and his wife Avis in 1990.
She was preceded in death by
an infant son, Dean, and by her
husband, Roscoe R. Ross, who
died in 1951.
Her favorite hobby was
crocheting and she made table-
cloths for each of her children as
well as dollies and stuffed ani-
mals. She also made quilts with
swatches from clothing.
Her love of trees probably came
from her mother, who planted
black olive and cedar trees on the
family farm in Nebraska. Many of
the large cedars remain standing
along the driveway there.
Mrs. Ross also enjoyed growing
flowers indoors and out. She
loved to bake, especially pies and
Throughout her life, her main
interest remained her family. She
focused her daily life and
thoughts on them, her family
said. Three nieces who remained
especially close to her during the
past five years are Linda Ander-
son of Shelton, Irene Towle of San
Jacinto, California, and Ruth
Vance of Scottsbluff, Nebraska.
She is survived by sons Leo D.
Ross and his wife Gladys of Taco-
ma, Jimmie D. Ross and his wife
Roxie of Benton City, Dennie R.
Ross and his wife Avis of Shelton,
and Lanney D. Ross and his wife
Bonnie of Cheyenne, Wyoming;
daughter Pauline Diefenbach of
Ellensburg; 11 grandchildren, 10
great-grandchildren and one
great-great grandchild.
A funeral service will be held
at 1 p.m. Friday, February 19, at
Steward & Williams Funeral
Home in Ellensburg. Burial will
be at the Odd Fellows Cemetery
in Ellensburg.
Local arrangements are by Me-
Comb Funeral Home in Shelton.
Georgia A. Oliver
A funeral will be held today for
Georgia Abeita Oliver, a longtime
educator whose final teaching
post was at Hood Canal School.
She died Sunday, February 14, at
Fir Lane Health and Rehabilita-
tion Center in Shelton. She was
84 and a resident of Lilliwaup.
She was born in Albuquerque,
New Mexico on May 17, 1914. She
was of Pueblo Indian heritage.
tier father, Lazaro Abeita, was
from the Isleta Pueblo, while her
mother, Mary (Pradt) Abeita, was
from the Laguna Pueblo. Her
grandfather, George H. Pradt,
was a well-known Civil War ve-
teran who came west as a govern-
ment surveyor and married a La-
guna woman.
Her early schooling was at
Saint Vincent Academy in Albu-
querque. She then attended Ba-
cone College in Oklahoma, where
she met Emmett Oliver. They lat-
er became engaged just prior to
leaving the college.
She continued her education at
the University of New Mexico,
while Mr. Oliver attended the
University of Redlands. Later,
they both returned to teach at Ba-
cone and were married there in
They took teaching positions
through the U.S. Bureau of Indi-
an Affairs at the Acoma Pueblo in
New Mexico. Their first son, Ar-
nold Oliver, was born there and
they remained at Acoma until
World War II broke out. Shortly
afterward, Mr. Oliver left for the
U.S. Coast Guard Academy; and
since his convoy escort duty took
him in and out of New York, Mrs.
Oliver and Arnold moved there.
After the war, the family
moved to Seattle, where Mr. Oliv-
er completed graduate studies at
the University of Washington.
Their son, Marvin Oliver, was
born there.
The Olivers moved to Shelton
and began teaching in the area.
Their daughter, Marylin (Oliver)
Crane, was born in Shelton. Their
stay was interrupted by the out-
break of the Korean War and Mr.
Oliver was recalled to active duty
with the Coast Guard.
Their next tour of teaching was
at Fremont, California, following
Mr. Oliver's education work at
the Coast Guard base at nearby
Alameda. After Mr. Oliver ven-
tured into higher education work
at the University of California at
Los Angeles and the University of
Washington, the family ended up
Bill aims for lottery
funding for schools
Shelton Democrat Kathy
Haigh, a 35th District state rep-
resentative, is sponsoring legisla-
tion that earmarks all the state's
lottery profits toward funding of
Bolstering education funding is
"especially important for rural
and small-town school districts,"
Haigh said. "Where a family lives
should not impact the education
children receive."
Haigh, a 12-year member of
the Southside School Board and
Democratic vice chair of the
House Education Committee, said
the legislation is part of her over-
all efforts "to reform our state's
system of funding local educa-
l00usiness 00ournal
ERA MAIN STREAM REALTY sales associates were
honored February 12 at the annual ERA Puget Sound
Broker Council awards luncheon at the Meridian Valley
Country Club. Jerry Obendorf was named ERA Main
Stream's outstanding associate of the year and received
recognition for closing sales in excess of $2 million. Also
receiving honors were Shirley Dempsey, most residential
listings; Kathy Schultz, third place in Rookie of the Year
nominations; and Rosalee Anderson, Richard Beckman
and Bob VonBargen, closing sales in excess of $1 million.
FIR LANE Health and Rehabilitation Center received its
Eden Tree last week. One of two nursing homes in the
state to register as an Eden Alternative facility, Fir Lane
has made a commitment to the establishment of a home-
like atmosphere where residents can tend plants and in-
teract regularly with animals and children.
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Page 12 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 18, 1999
Georgia A. Oliver
in Shelton once again.
Following a move to the Hood
Canal area, Mrs. Oliver began
her final teaching post at Hood
Canal School. She also did some
teaching at Sequim.
Mrs. Oliver genuinely loved the
children she taught in the four
states where her career and mar-
riage took her.
She was preceded in death by
son Arnold Oliver.
She is survived by husband
Emmett S. Oliver of Lilliwaup;
son Marvin E, Oliver of Seattle;
daughter Marylin (Oliver) Crane
of Kingston; seven grandchildren
and four great-grandchildren.
A funeral service will be held
at 1 p.m. Thursday, February 18,
at the United Methodist Church
of Shelton. Burial will be at Shel-
ton Memorial Park.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
John P. Hocker
John Paul Hocker, who flew
one of the first planes carrying
American prisoners of war out of
the Philippine Islands during
World War II, died of cancer
Tuesday, February 9, at Mother
Joseph Care Center in Olympia.
He was 78 and hhd been a Shel-
ton resident for 10 years.
He was born December 14,
1920, in Clarkston on the Idaho
border to Ira C. and Julia F.
(Whiteside) Hocker.
He married Ruth E. Drapeau
on April 29, 1944 in Calumet
City, Illinois.
Mr. Hocker served in the Navy
during World War II and the Ko-
rean War. He was a pilot instruc-
tor and flew one of the first
planes out of the Philippine Is-
lands returning American prison-
ers of war. He also served as a
Judge Advocate General officer.
In keeping with his love of air-
craft, he continued in the indus-
try as a contract administrator
involved in the production and
sale of aircraft parts.
He was a member of Saint Ed-
ward's Catholic Church, where he
erved as an acolyte and euchar-
istic minister.
He had been affiliated with the
Lions and Elks clubs.
He is survived by wife Ruth E.
Hocker of Shelton; daughters
Elaine L. Stone of Mill Creek,
Karen R. Erickson of Olympia,
Marsha G. Lachelt of Lakebay,
Janice L. Robertson of Lakewood
and Jeanne P. Nordquist of Rent-
on; 10 grandchildren and five
A rosary was said at Saint Ed-
ward's Catholic Church in Shel-
ton Friday evening and a funeral
mass was held on Saturday, Feb-
ruary 13, also at Saint Edward's.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
B. Irene Gustafson
B. Irene Gustafson, a Shelton
resident since 1951, died of natu-
ral causes Sunday, February 14,
at Mason General Hospital. She
was 90.
She was born December 27,
1908, in Taney County, Missouri,
to J.S. and L. Jeane (Snell) Re-
She married Sol Gustafson in
Olympia in 1951. He preceded her
in death in 1989.
Mrs. Gustafson was a home-
She was also preceded in death
by stepson John E. Gustafson.
She is survived by stepson Ter-
ry L. Gustafson of Shelton; nieces
Bobbee Kendrick, Carol Whitten
and Jeane Crain, all of Tulsa, Ok-
lahoma; nephew Robert Roderick
of Tulsa; three grandchildren, one
great-grandchild and numerous
other nieces and nephews.
A graveside service will be held
at 1 p.m. Tuesday, February 23,
at Masonic Memorial Park in
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
James D. Greene
Shelton resident James D.
Greene, 47, died Monday, Febru-
ary 15, at Mason General Hospi-
tal. No services are planned.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
Henry W. Warnes
Henry W. Warnes, a Shelton
resident, died Saturday, February
13, in Shelton. He was 75.
He was born March 23, 1923,
in Savage, Montana. He married
Rose M. Rodriques on September
30, 1949, in Reno, Nevada.
They moved to Shelton in 1951.
Mr. Warnes was a Shelton resi-
dent for 34 of the last 48 years.
He was employed with the Mason
County Road Department for 17
He and Mrs. Warnes bought
the Triangle Grocery and Feed
Store in Rochester in March 1977,
and operated it until their retire-
ment in 1984, when they relocat-
ed to Satsop. In 1991, Mr. Warnes
moved back to Shelton and lived
here until his death.
He was a member of Shelton
Moose Lodge 1684, and served as
its governor for two terms. He
was also a member of the lodge's
ritual team. In July 1997, he re-
ceived his Pilgrim's degree, the
highest honor bestowed on a
member of the Loyal Order of
He was a veteran of World War
II and served as a military police-
man in Europe where he received
six bronze battle stars.
His recreational activities in-
cluded bowling, golf and following
local sports teams.
He was preceded in death by
wife Rose M. Warnes in 1986, and
by grandson Robert Russell in
Mr. Warnes is survived by
daughters Henrietta Russell of
Winston, Oregon, and Marie Carl-
son of Leesburg, Florida; son Ar-
nold Warnes of Portland, Oregon;
sisters Lillian Mayfield of Fresno,
California, Elnora Warnes of
Shelton, Rozella May of Car-
michaels, Pennsylvania, and Gina
Munro of Shelton; brothers Don
Warnes of Fresno, California, and
Alvie Warnes of Shelton; seven
grandchildren, six great-grand-
children and numerous nieces,
nephews and cousins.
Funeral services will be at
noon Saturday, February 20, at
Saint Edward's Catholic Church
in Shelton. Burial will be at Shel-
ton Memorial Park.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
MMK board will meet Mon,
A regular meeting of the Mary ary 22, in the social-studies port-
M. Knight School Board will be able at the school.
held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Febru-
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Hugh 'Blackie' Graham
'Blackie' Graham
Longtime Shelton resident and
horseman Hugh Edward
"Blackie" Graham died of renal
failure Sunday, February 14, at
Puget Sound Health Care Center
in Olympia. He was 81.
He was born January 9, 1918,
in Kirkville, Iowa, to Edward and
Elizabeth (Strain) Graham.
He was raised on the family
farm in Iowa where his love of an-
imals, especially horses, devel-
Mr. Graham joined the Army
and served in the cavalry as a
stable sergeant, where he put his
knowledge of horses to good use.
He moved to Mason County in
1948 and began working at Wi-
veil's Dairy on Cloquallum Road.
Over the next 20 years, he
worked as a gyppo logger for
Simpson Timber Company and in
construction as a catskinner
(bulldozer operator).
In the early 1970s, he took a
small herd of horses to Ocean
Shores and started Blackie's
Horse Rentals, a dream that
would expand over the next 25
His family said he was a kind
and generous man, taking in
those who were down on their
luck. He was always ready to spin
a yarn and was a renowned
horse-trader. A family member
recalled how he once purchased a
horse trailer, two horses, saddles
and tack and when the sellers de-
livered the horses and equipment,
he had them drive him lock, stock
and barrel to another buyer
where he sold the whole package
for twice what he had paid.
He is survived by son Gregg
Graham and his wife Karen of
Shelton; daughter Sharon Baker
and her husband Mike of Shelton;
and grandchildren Gary, Tiffany
and Kyle Graham, and Mike and
Paul Baker, all of Shelton.
He was preceded in death by a
brother, Bill Graham, and a
sister, Mary Abernathy, both of
Ottumwa, Iowa.
A memorial service will be held
at 2 p.m. Monday, February 22,
at Hope Chapel, 421 West E
Street, Shelton.
Memorial donations may be
made to the American Diabetes
Association, 447 Roy Street, Seat-
tle 98109.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
'Joy' Barnes
Jeannette "Joy" Barnes, a
former Shelton resident, died of a
heart attack Tuesday, February
9, at Capital Medical Center in
Olympia. She was 56 and had
been a Shelton resident for 30
years prior to moving to Olympia
one year ago.
She was born May 17, 1942, in
Seattle to Ernest and Ruth
(VanDerhoof) McClanahan.
She married Robert E. Barnes
on December 1, 1962.
Mrs. Barnes, a co-founder of
Barnes Machine in Shelton, was
She was involved with the
Thurston County Humane Socie-
ty and several other charitable
causes, including the 40 et 8-
Journal Christmas fund.
She enjoyed her family and
friends, traveling and playing the
stock market. She also enjoyed
horse-racing and Mariners base-
ball, and cultivated cactus that
she collected on her visits to the
Southwest. She enjoyed sending
flowers to friends and family
members for special occasions.
She is survived by husband
Robert E. Barnes Sr. of Shelton;
son Robert E. Barnes Jr. and his
wife Angela of Shelton; daughter
Pixie Needham and her husband
Curtis of Tumwater; sister Eileen
O'Neal of Sioux Falls, South Da-
kota; and grandson Robert C.
"Cole" Barnes of Shelton.
A memorial service was held at
2 p.m. Saturday, February 13, at
Hope Chapel, 421 West E Street,
Memorial donations may be
made to the Thurston County An-
imal Shelter Building Fund, 320
East Thurston Avenue, Olympia
98501 or to the Saints' Pantry at
P.O. Box 1064, Shelton 98584.
Arrangements are by Mills &
Mills Funeral Directors in Olym-
Thelma 'Pat' Wells
Thelma Lee "Pat" Wells, who
loved to play bingo and was a res-
ident of the Shelton and Lake
Cushman area for a number of
years, died Wednesday, February
3, at her home in Shelton. She
was 83.
She was born November 17,
1915, in Enid, Oklahoma, to Elm-
er and Rosia Lee (Williams)
She was a member of the
Moose Lodge.
She enjoyed bingo and was af-
fectionately called "Pat with the
Hat" by her bingo buddies and
fellow Moose members.
She and husband Donald Wells
moved to Lake Cushman after his
retirement from the Air Force. He
preceded her in death in 1993, af-
ter which she moved to Shelton.
While at Lake Cushman, the
couple made many friends and
helped the Lake Cushman Com-
pany take care of the camp-
Mrs. Wells is survived by a
son, Darrell Patty of San Jose,
California; daughter Donna Wells
of Shelton; three brothers and
three sisters; and four grandchil-
dren and one grandchild.
No services were scheduled.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
RJ's Mufflers
and More
2316 Olympic
Highway North
For oll your outomotive repoir needs
Stampadelic is having an Inventory Sale
on everythingl Including: stamps, papers,
inks and accessories!I
Sale will be on Sunday, February 21st
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at 610 E. Island Lake
For more information or for instructions
please call 427-2443. Hope to see you therel
Destiny Mac Aibro
was born on February 13 at
Mason General Hospital to Nikita
Sierra and Ronald L. Albro of
Shelton. She weighed 6 pounds,
10 ounces and was 181/ inches
long. She joins Contessa Lynn Al-
bro, age 2 /4.
Grandparents are Dorothy Mae
and Roy Albro of Shelton, and Di-
ana and Paul Sierra of Lacey.
Shane Michael Mazdzer
was born on February 12 at
Mason General Hospital to Trina
and Matthew Mazdzer of Mason
County. He weighed 9 pounds
and was 21 inches long. He joins
Matthew Cooper, age 5.
Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. James Dailey of Shelton,
and Mr. and Mrs. Luke Raschke
of Bremerton.
Tristan Jarrod Harris
was born on February 11 at
Mason General Hospital to Kim-
berly and Greg Harris of Shelton.
He weighed 8 pounds and was 20
inches long. He joins Kyle, age 6,
Cody, age 5, and Kasey, age 3.
Destini Dawn Hannah
was born on February 11 at
Mason General Hospital to Lynn
Hannah of Shelton. She weighed
7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19a/4
inches long. She joins Candis, age
7 lp, and Meckia, age 2.
Grandparents are Don Hannah
of Shelton, and Gladys Hannah of
Gavin Layne Francis Small
was born on February 11 at
Mason General Hospital to
Ryanne and Jeremy Small of
Shelton. He weighed 8 pounds, 15
ounces and was 21 inches long.
Grandparents are Larry and
Louise Small of Orting, Valerie
Koch of Sumner, James and
Leanne Tucker of Shelton, and
Jeanie and Brian Kaale of Jeffers,
Carol Louise Renner
was born on February 9 at Ma-
son General Hospital to Elizabeth
Aiten and Ronald Renner Jr. of
Shelton. She weighed 6 pounds, 7
ounces and was 191/2 inches long.
She joins Joseph, age 31/.
Grandparents are Carol and
Ron Renner Sr. of Shelton,
Wayne and Dixie Cuzick of
Hoodsport, Robert AJtken of Shel-
ton, Carol Glenn of Shelton, and
Charles Chamblin of Shelton.
Mackenzie Rae Castro
was born on February 9 at Ma-
son General Hospital to Christina
Stacy and Ruben Castro of Shel-
ton. She weighed 7 pounds, 1
ounce and was 193/, inches long.
Grandparents are Dusty and
Anita Wate of Shelton, Kim and
Connie Stacy of Olympia, Liberio
Castro of Shelton, and Maria Gui-
joss of Mexico.
Cody Michael Bragg-McCord
was born on February 8 at Ma-
son General Hospital to Sheryl L.
Bragg and Michael W. McCord of
Shelton. He weighed 8 pounds, 7
ounces and was 21 inches long.
He joins Zack McCord, Ashley
McCord, Malicia Bragg-McCord,
age 2112, and James Bragg-Mc-
Cord, age 1.
Grandparents are Allen and
Kathleen Bragg of Shelton, and
Alta and Mick McCord of Shelton.
Great-grandfather is Wayne Me-
Cord of Shelton.
Sadie Lee Thomas
was born on January 11 at Ma-
son General Hospital to Crystal
and Roy Thomas of Quinhagak,
Alaska. She weighed 9 pounds, 2
OUnces and was 203/4 inches long.
She joins Sara, age 3.
Grandparents are Ann and
Doug Norton of Shelton, Shirley
Thomas of Everett, and Bernie
Thomas of Enumclaw.
(24 hr,)
Order your free report
ii iiii
Goldie G. Ross
Goldie Gladis Ross, a Shelton
resident since 1990, died Satur-
day, February 13, at Alpine Way
Retirement Apartments in Shel-
ton. She was 93.
She was born February 23,
1905, in Anselmo, Nebraska, to
Isaac O. and Ellah Adell
(Timmons) Smith, both of Irish
descent. She was the youngest of
11 children.
She married Roscoe Ross on
November 16, 1921. They lived in
Nebraska, South Dakota, Idaho
and Eugene, Oregon, before mov-
ing to Ellensburg in 1945. Mrs.
Ross lived in Ellensburg until her
health failed and she moved to
Shelton to live with son Dennie
Ross and his wife Avis in 1990.
She was preceded in death by
an infant son, Dean, and by her
husband, Roscoe R. Ross, who
died in 1951.
Her favorite hobby was
crocheting and she made table-
cloths for each of her children as
well as dollies and stuffed ani-
mals. She also made quilts with
swatches from clothing.
Her love of trees probably came
from her mother, who planted
black olive and cedar trees on the
family farm in Nebraska. Many of
the large cedars remain standing
along the driveway there.
Mrs. Ross also enjoyed growing
flowers indoors and out. She
loved to bake, especially pies and
Throughout her life, her main
interest remained her family. She
focused her daily life and
thoughts on them, her family
said. Three nieces who remained
especially close to her during the
past five years are Linda Ander-
son of Shelton, Irene Towle of San
Jacinto, California, and Ruth
Vance of Scottsbluff, Nebraska.
She is survived by sons Leo D.
Ross and his wife Gladys of Taco-
ma, Jimmie D. Ross and his wife
Roxie of Benton City, Dennie R.
Ross and his wife Avis of Shelton,
and Lanney D. Ross and his wife
Bonnie of Cheyenne, Wyoming;
daughter Pauline Diefenbach of
Ellensburg; 11 grandchildren, 10
great-grandchildren and one
great-great grandchild.
A funeral service will be held
at 1 p.m. Friday, February 19, at
Steward & Williams Funeral
Home in Ellensburg. Burial will
be at the Odd Fellows Cemetery
in Ellensburg.
Local arrangements are by Me-
Comb Funeral Home in Shelton.
Georgia A. Oliver
A funeral will be held today for
Georgia Abeita Oliver, a longtime
educator whose final teaching
post was at Hood Canal School.
She died Sunday, February 14, at
Fir Lane Health and Rehabilita-
tion Center in Shelton. She was
84 and a resident of Lilliwaup.
She was born in Albuquerque,
New Mexico on May 17, 1914. She
was of Pueblo Indian heritage.
tier father, Lazaro Abeita, was
from the Isleta Pueblo, while her
mother, Mary (Pradt) Abeita, was
from the Laguna Pueblo. Her
grandfather, George H. Pradt,
was a well-known Civil War ve-
teran who came west as a govern-
ment surveyor and married a La-
guna woman.
Her early schooling was at
Saint Vincent Academy in Albu-
querque. She then attended Ba-
cone College in Oklahoma, where
she met Emmett Oliver. They lat-
er became engaged just prior to
leaving the college.
She continued her education at
the University of New Mexico,
while Mr. Oliver attended the
University of Redlands. Later,
they both returned to teach at Ba-
cone and were married there in
They took teaching positions
through the U.S. Bureau of Indi-
an Affairs at the Acoma Pueblo in
New Mexico. Their first son, Ar-
nold Oliver, was born there and
they remained at Acoma until
World War II broke out. Shortly
afterward, Mr. Oliver left for the
U.S. Coast Guard Academy; and
since his convoy escort duty took
him in and out of New York, Mrs.
Oliver and Arnold moved there.
After the war, the family
moved to Seattle, where Mr. Oliv-
er completed graduate studies at
the University of Washington.
Their son, Marvin Oliver, was
born there.
The Olivers moved to Shelton
and began teaching in the area.
Their daughter, Marylin (Oliver)
Crane, was born in Shelton. Their
stay was interrupted by the out-
break of the Korean War and Mr.
Oliver was recalled to active duty
with the Coast Guard.
Their next tour of teaching was
at Fremont, California, following
Mr. Oliver's education work at
the Coast Guard base at nearby
Alameda. After Mr. Oliver ven-
tured into higher education work
at the University of California at
Los Angeles and the University of
Washington, the family ended up
Bill aims for lottery
funding for schools
Shelton Democrat Kathy
Haigh, a 35th District state rep-
resentative, is sponsoring legisla-
tion that earmarks all the state's
lottery profits toward funding of
Bolstering education funding is
"especially important for rural
and small-town school districts,"
Haigh said. "Where a family lives
should not impact the education
children receive."
Haigh, a 12-year member of
the Southside School Board and
Democratic vice chair of the
House Education Committee, said
the legislation is part of her over-
all efforts "to reform our state's
system of funding local educa-
l00usiness 00ournal
ERA MAIN STREAM REALTY sales associates were
honored February 12 at the annual ERA Puget Sound
Broker Council awards luncheon at the Meridian Valley
Country Club. Jerry Obendorf was named ERA Main
Stream's outstanding associate of the year and received
recognition for closing sales in excess of $2 million. Also
receiving honors were Shirley Dempsey, most residential
listings; Kathy Schultz, third place in Rookie of the Year
nominations; and Rosalee Anderson, Richard Beckman
and Bob VonBargen, closing sales in excess of $1 million.
FIR LANE Health and Rehabilitation Center received its
Eden Tree last week. One of two nursing homes in the
state to register as an Eden Alternative facility, Fir Lane
has made a commitment to the establishment of a home-
like atmosphere where residents can tend plants and in-
teract regularly with animals and children.
Conlraotor'= Reg. NO, ROOFDI' 168N8
"We make house calls. Your full-sen/ice contractor."
Visit our showroom at ,\\;'
2136 Olympic Highwsy North, Shelton
Oiympia-Lacey 427-8611
Life Beyond Headaches a52.00294
....... - -- ' i ii ' i Ii i i i i
Page 12 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 18, 1999
Georgia A. Oliver
in Shelton once again.
Following a move to the Hood
Canal area, Mrs. Oliver began
her final teaching post at Hood
Canal School. She also did some
teaching at Sequim.
Mrs. Oliver genuinely loved the
children she taught in the four
states where her career and mar-
riage took her.
She was preceded in death by
son Arnold Oliver.
She is survived by husband
Emmett S. Oliver of Lilliwaup;
son Marvin E, Oliver of Seattle;
daughter Marylin (Oliver) Crane
of Kingston; seven grandchildren
and four great-grandchildren.
A funeral service will be held
at 1 p.m. Thursday, February 18,
at the United Methodist Church
of Shelton. Burial will be at Shel-
ton Memorial Park.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
John P. Hocker
John Paul Hocker, who flew
one of the first planes carrying
American prisoners of war out of
the Philippine Islands during
World War II, died of cancer
Tuesday, February 9, at Mother
Joseph Care Center in Olympia.
He was 78 and hhd been a Shel-
ton resident for 10 years.
He was born December 14,
1920, in Clarkston on the Idaho
border to Ira C. and Julia F.
(Whiteside) Hocker.
He married Ruth E. Drapeau
on April 29, 1944 in Calumet
City, Illinois.
Mr. Hocker served in the Navy
during World War II and the Ko-
rean War. He was a pilot instruc-
tor and flew one of the first
planes out of the Philippine Is-
lands returning American prison-
ers of war. He also served as a
Judge Advocate General officer.
In keeping with his love of air-
craft, he continued in the indus-
try as a contract administrator
involved in the production and
sale of aircraft parts.
He was a member of Saint Ed-
ward's Catholic Church, where he
erved as an acolyte and euchar-
istic minister.
He had been affiliated with the
Lions and Elks clubs.
He is survived by wife Ruth E.
Hocker of Shelton; daughters
Elaine L. Stone of Mill Creek,
Karen R. Erickson of Olympia,
Marsha G. Lachelt of Lakebay,
Janice L. Robertson of Lakewood
and Jeanne P. Nordquist of Rent-
on; 10 grandchildren and five
A rosary was said at Saint Ed-
ward's Catholic Church in Shel-
ton Friday evening and a funeral
mass was held on Saturday, Feb-
ruary 13, also at Saint Edward's.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
B. Irene Gustafson
B. Irene Gustafson, a Shelton
resident since 1951, died of natu-
ral causes Sunday, February 14,
at Mason General Hospital. She
was 90.
She was born December 27,
1908, in Taney County, Missouri,
to J.S. and L. Jeane (Snell) Re-
She married Sol Gustafson in
Olympia in 1951. He preceded her
in death in 1989.
Mrs. Gustafson was a home-
She was also preceded in death
by stepson John E. Gustafson.
She is survived by stepson Ter-
ry L. Gustafson of Shelton; nieces
Bobbee Kendrick, Carol Whitten
and Jeane Crain, all of Tulsa, Ok-
lahoma; nephew Robert Roderick
of Tulsa; three grandchildren, one
great-grandchild and numerous
other nieces and nephews.
A graveside service will be held
at 1 p.m. Tuesday, February 23,
at Masonic Memorial Park in
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
James D. Greene
Shelton resident James D.
Greene, 47, died Monday, Febru-
ary 15, at Mason General Hospi-
tal. No services are planned.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
Henry W. Warnes
Henry W. Warnes, a Shelton
resident, died Saturday, February
13, in Shelton. He was 75.
He was born March 23, 1923,
in Savage, Montana. He married
Rose M. Rodriques on September
30, 1949, in Reno, Nevada.
They moved to Shelton in 1951.
Mr. Warnes was a Shelton resi-
dent for 34 of the last 48 years.
He was employed with the Mason
County Road Department for 17
He and Mrs. Warnes bought
the Triangle Grocery and Feed
Store in Rochester in March 1977,
and operated it until their retire-
ment in 1984, when they relocat-
ed to Satsop. In 1991, Mr. Warnes
moved back to Shelton and lived
here until his death.
He was a member of Shelton
Moose Lodge 1684, and served as
its governor for two terms. He
was also a member of the lodge's
ritual team. In July 1997, he re-
ceived his Pilgrim's degree, the
highest honor bestowed on a
member of the Loyal Order of
He was a veteran of World War
II and served as a military police-
man in Europe where he received
six bronze battle stars.
His recreational activities in-
cluded bowling, golf and following
local sports teams.
He was preceded in death by
wife Rose M. Warnes in 1986, and
by grandson Robert Russell in
Mr. Warnes is survived by
daughters Henrietta Russell of
Winston, Oregon, and Marie Carl-
son of Leesburg, Florida; son Ar-
nold Warnes of Portland, Oregon;
sisters Lillian Mayfield of Fresno,
California, Elnora Warnes of
Shelton, Rozella May of Car-
michaels, Pennsylvania, and Gina
Munro of Shelton; brothers Don
Warnes of Fresno, California, and
Alvie Warnes of Shelton; seven
grandchildren, six great-grand-
children and numerous nieces,
nephews and cousins.
Funeral services will be at
noon Saturday, February 20, at
Saint Edward's Catholic Church
in Shelton. Burial will be at Shel-
ton Memorial Park.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
MMK board will meet Mon,
A regular meeting of the Mary ary 22, in the social-studies port-
M. Knight School Board will be able at the school.
held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Febru-
Chuck Ruhl
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Office (360) 854-9133 * Fax (360) 854-0308.
Toll Free Pager 1-888-204-4939
Hugh 'Blackie' Graham
'Blackie' Graham
Longtime Shelton resident and
horseman Hugh Edward
"Blackie" Graham died of renal
failure Sunday, February 14, at
Puget Sound Health Care Center
in Olympia. He was 81.
He was born January 9, 1918,
in Kirkville, Iowa, to Edward and
Elizabeth (Strain) Graham.
He was raised on the family
farm in Iowa where his love of an-
imals, especially horses, devel-
Mr. Graham joined the Army
and served in the cavalry as a
stable sergeant, where he put his
knowledge of horses to good use.
He moved to Mason County in
1948 and began working at Wi-
veil's Dairy on Cloquallum Road.
Over the next 20 years, he
worked as a gyppo logger for
Simpson Timber Company and in
construction as a catskinner
(bulldozer operator).
In the early 1970s, he took a
small herd of horses to Ocean
Shores and started Blackie's
Horse Rentals, a dream that
would expand over the next 25
His family said he was a kind
and generous man, taking in
those who were down on their
luck. He was always ready to spin
a yarn and was a renowned
horse-trader. A family member
recalled how he once purchased a
horse trailer, two horses, saddles
and tack and when the sellers de-
livered the horses and equipment,
he had them drive him lock, stock
and barrel to another buyer
where he sold the whole package
for twice what he had paid.
He is survived by son Gregg
Graham and his wife Karen of
Shelton; daughter Sharon Baker
and her husband Mike of Shelton;
and grandchildren Gary, Tiffany
and Kyle Graham, and Mike and
Paul Baker, all of Shelton.
He was preceded in death by a
brother, Bill Graham, and a
sister, Mary Abernathy, both of
Ottumwa, Iowa.
A memorial service will be held
at 2 p.m. Monday, February 22,
at Hope Chapel, 421 West E
Street, Shelton.
Memorial donations may be
made to the American Diabetes
Association, 447 Roy Street, Seat-
tle 98109.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
'Joy' Barnes
Jeannette "Joy" Barnes, a
former Shelton resident, died of a
heart attack Tuesday, February
9, at Capital Medical Center in
Olympia. She was 56 and had
been a Shelton resident for 30
years prior to moving to Olympia
one year ago.
She was born May 17, 1942, in
Seattle to Ernest and Ruth
(VanDerhoof) McClanahan.
She married Robert E. Barnes
on December 1, 1962.
Mrs. Barnes, a co-founder of
Barnes Machine in Shelton, was
She was involved with the
Thurston County Humane Socie-
ty and several other charitable
causes, including the 40 et 8-
Journal Christmas fund.
She enjoyed her family and
friends, traveling and playing the
stock market. She also enjoyed
horse-racing and Mariners base-
ball, and cultivated cactus that
she collected on her visits to the
Southwest. She enjoyed sending
flowers to friends and family
members for special occasions.
She is survived by husband
Robert E. Barnes Sr. of Shelton;
son Robert E. Barnes Jr. and his
wife Angela of Shelton; daughter
Pixie Needham and her husband
Curtis of Tumwater; sister Eileen
O'Neal of Sioux Falls, South Da-
kota; and grandson Robert C.
"Cole" Barnes of Shelton.
A memorial service was held at
2 p.m. Saturday, February 13, at
Hope Chapel, 421 West E Street,
Memorial donations may be
made to the Thurston County An-
imal Shelter Building Fund, 320
East Thurston Avenue, Olympia
98501 or to the Saints' Pantry at
P.O. Box 1064, Shelton 98584.
Arrangements are by Mills &
Mills Funeral Directors in Olym-
Thelma 'Pat' Wells
Thelma Lee "Pat" Wells, who
loved to play bingo and was a res-
ident of the Shelton and Lake
Cushman area for a number of
years, died Wednesday, February
3, at her home in Shelton. She
was 83.
She was born November 17,
1915, in Enid, Oklahoma, to Elm-
er and Rosia Lee (Williams)
She was a member of the
Moose Lodge.
She enjoyed bingo and was af-
fectionately called "Pat with the
Hat" by her bingo buddies and
fellow Moose members.
She and husband Donald Wells
moved to Lake Cushman after his
retirement from the Air Force. He
preceded her in death in 1993, af-
ter which she moved to Shelton.
While at Lake Cushman, the
couple made many friends and
helped the Lake Cushman Com-
pany take care of the camp-
Mrs. Wells is survived by a
son, Darrell Patty of San Jose,
California; daughter Donna Wells
of Shelton; three brothers and
three sisters; and four grandchil-
dren and one grandchild.
No services were scheduled.
Arrangements are by McComb
Funeral Home in Shelton.
RJ's Mufflers
and More
2316 Olympic
Highway North
For oll your outomotive repoir needs
Stampadelic is having an Inventory Sale
on everythingl Including: stamps, papers,
inks and accessories!I
Sale will be on Sunday, February 21st
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at 610 E. Island Lake
For more information or for instructions
please call 427-2443. Hope to see you therel