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SIIELTON-MA0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chri,tnm,fown, U.g.A.,"
Shelton, Washin on Thursday,
Hoodsport- Potlatch News
HOODSPORT Cubs of Pack 11,
Scouts of Troop 11, and Ex-
plorers of Post 11, gathered
together, with their families, in
celebration of Scout Week on Tues-i
day evening in tile Hoodsport:
school. Over 100 people enjoyed
the potluck dinner and the pro-
gram which followed. The Sconts
were honored to have as guests
'for the evening Scout Executive
J¢alph Childs and district repre-
. sentative, Nolan Mason. The lead-
ers of the Scout groups were intro-
.. duced by Scoutmaster Bob Smith
as follows: Asst. Scoutmaster, Ray
Peterson, and committeeman, Em-
ery Winters', Cubmaster Tom
,Seiger and his committee mem-
bers, Bob Bingley, Bud McDowell
and Fred Horsy; Den Mothe
.... 'Mrs. Bob Bearden and Mrs, Floyd
. Hovey; Asst. Post Advisor Jim
THE TROOP charters were pre-
i , i ......... .li
Him m H i ii I
..... | Seamed, Seamless and $erv-
I ice weight ................. $1.00 pr•
'I ANKLETS of fine durene cot-
• I ton, sizes 6 thru
• I IOV2 adults, 39¢ - 3 pra. $'1.00
I Boys' SlzeI, 6 thru
I 10. : ............. 39€-3pr.$1,0o
I Little & Big Shoppe
I i I iii ii I i
All Kinds
For All
Phone HA 6-4393
scnted by Nolan Mason to Mrs.
Earl Crumb as president of the
Hoodsport PTA, the sponsoring or-
ganization of the Cubs, Comman-
der Bob Michaels accepted the,
charter in behalf of the Hood Ca-
nal American Legion, for the
Svuuts and Explorers.
The CI1b Scouts made programs
for the evening's entertainment.
Skit put on by Den 1 was a panto-
mime with characters Betty Boop,
Popeye, Big Bad Wolf, and Grand-
ma. If the boys were recognized,
it was strictly a mother's peroga-
tire. Den 2 were dressed as ho-
bos and made music around the
camp fire with their band• Ricky
Lanning, den leader, accompanied
the group on his accordion and also
playqd an accordion sol().
foot investiture ceremony followed
with Scouts Ricky Peterson, Lar-
rY Spaulding, Frances Akers, Tom-
my Riker, John. King, Ricky Lan-
sing and Jerry Lansing, receiving
their pin•
The Explorers, Victor Bailey,
Jim Smith, Malwin Bailey, and
Gerald Jasper gave a short des-
cription of the program of their
Bud McDowell presented the Cub
Scout awards as follows: Ricky
Giles, Wolf badge; Luther King,
Wolf; Don Bearden, Wolf and At.-
row; Perry Horsy, Arrow; Mike
McDowell, Arrow. The Cubs also
had a display of the handwork
completed in January meetings
Many thanks to the mothers
who helped in the kitchen and
furnished the food to make this
such a delightful evening.
MANY OF THE local members
of the Community Concert were
delighted with the Mata and Harl
dancing team on Tuesday evening.
Membership captain for this dis-
trict is Mrs. Rudy Schwab with
Mrs. Archie Calahan and Mrs. Bill
Renner her assistants• Mrs. Dick
Addleman is a board member. The
membership drive began on Feb.
16 and continues until Feb 21.
AnyOne interested is urged to con-
tact one of these women for tic-
The Hoodsport Girl Scouts would
like to thank the HOOd Canal
Women's Club members for their
contribution as their sponsors.
Linda Slabough of Vallejo, Calif.,
is now living with her sister and
family, the Bob Bingleys.
full swln in every room on Fri-
day. Lovely valentine boxes held
many a lovely and comic verses
valentine to be passed o frl .
The first and second grades com-
bined the.lr monthly birthday cele-
bration with their party. Birth-
days of the month were Sandra
BoroVesdy, Georgia Crumb, and
Jeanne Peterson. The mothers of!
these girls furnished refreshments
and planned games for the chin
234 Pairs
Values to $I0.00
Caribou Hunting Slides
Shown at Hoodsport
l)tck Bolding, hea(I of the cdt|ca-
tional division of the state game
department, showed hunting pic-
tures and slides at a joint PTA
lrleetb)g held in the Hood,port
school Monday night.
Bolding, who holds the world's
record for shooting caribou with
a bow and arrow, showed the pic-
tuFes taken last year at Bro.k's
range in Alaska wiles he won this
Drunk Driving Costs
$50 and Jail Sentence
Robert Hooper, 21, Port Or-
chard, was mntenced to 60 days in
jail and fined $50 for driving while
drunk and reckless .driving last
week in the Belfair justice court.
He was arrested by the Wash-
ingtnn state patrol at Belfair and
brought to the Mason county jail
by the Mason county sheriff's of-
dren to play. Twenty mothers
were present to enjoy the after-
The second grade Brownies trav-
eled to Cushman for a Valentine
party meeting at the Renner home.
There were favors and a cute heart
tree and games for the girls. Lead-
ers are Mrs. Ray Peterson and
Mrs. Norman Gray. Peggy How-
ard of Hamma Hamma is a new
member of the troop.
The seventh and eighth grade
Girl Scouts under the leadership
of Mrs. Bill Bryant prepared and
served a Valentine dinner to their
parents on Friday evening, Menu
for the dinner included barbecued
chicken, baked beans, casserole
dishes, jello salad, and cakes. The
decorations were made by the girls
and carried ouL the Valentine mo-
Scouts working toward awards
by preparing this dinner were Ju-
dy Nicholson, Nancy Young, Mar-
cia Basso, Carol Johnson and Rose-
mary Johnson. Parents attending
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryant, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl C,mb and girls, Mrs.
Mabel Basso and children, Mr. Bill
Ells and David, and Mrs. Evelyn
The Hood Canal Seals Diving
Club met in the Ike Palmer home
on Wednesday evening. A film
on akin and scuba diving was
shown for the group's entertain-
ment. The training classes will
begin on Feb. 22 but to take ad-
vantage of these lessons the per-
on nmst belong to the Club. More
information may be gained by call-
ing the Bob Michaels.
Mrs. Denny Noonan spent some
time visiting with her daughter
and family, the George Millers.
Otto Radtke spent his days off
in Seattle visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Stout and family and
other relatives.
Mrs. Kate Abbey is home in
Hoodsport after a stay in Tacoma.
The A. F. Lanning family have
bought a lot on the Hoodsport hill
by the John Straits and mQ.e¢
their trailer there.
MR. AND MRS. Norman Gray
and girls spent the weekend in
Centralia with the Bob Grays.
While there Norma celebrated her
birthday with a lovely dinner par-
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodgberg
celebrated Valentine's day with a
turkey • dinner for guests Mr. and
Mrs. Max Latzel and Mrs. Anna
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Day and
son of Albany, Ore., were week.
end guests in the Lionel Day
THE SEVENTH and eighth
grade students with their teachers
Mr. Earl Crumb, Bill Bryant and
Mrs. Bud McDowell. traveled to
Olympia on Thursday to look in on
a session of the Legislature. The
thrill of the day was a talk with
Govt.,'nor-, Roscllini.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryant were
surprised by a visit from her fath-
• nn I;lantarv er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
I I I IIIIIV I qlIP I III] Lester.
"HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES" anMrchldenM:nSt ;: Yulllb:un:
Kasson traveled to Port Angeles
J I , I Jl i II[I I I
ProlesMonaZ flare
• 21/!' CLEANING I
I :
i I
Pantorium Cleaners
• Whe the Charm ol Newness Is Restored •
i i I I I I I i
LILLIWAUP---Six tables of pi-
nochle were played Friday eve-
sing at the card party given by
Community Club of lAlliwaup.
High score went to Mrs. Bell Lar-
son and Steve Ahl, low to Mrs.
Evelyn Nicholson and Pete Barg,
300 pinochle to Mrs. Mamie Kaare
and Matt Kaare. Mrs. Marion
Cave and Mrs. Lulu Smith were
hostesses for the evening, q'lxe
next card party will be held on
Saturday evening, Feb. 28.
MR. ,|AIES TUTTLE, n long-
time residefit of Hood Canal,
passed away last week at the home
of his daughter Mrs. Irene Jenseni
of Oakvllle, ,Mr. Tuttle was 88
years old and sttled at Eagle
Creek in 1918. He was a mail
carrier velars ago, having delivered
mail betwe'en Hoodsport/and Ham-
ma Harems. Masonic funeral serv-
ices 'were held Saturday at Wit-
siers Funeral Home in Shelt0n.
rial .was in Bheltoh .Ceretb.:
Mr. Turtle Wtll be _=atly missal
bY hls many friends on HoOd Ca-
Mrs. Lulu Smith Of Reaeort Point
visited with Mr. and Mrs• Jim
Cave several days )eat Week,
,MB, RoSe Berryinan has rtU'n-
d 'hOme atel • a eek In Clinic
Hospital in elton and is zcov-
eHng nicely ....
Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Pierce of
Eldon returned home last week
after a few days' visit with Mr.,
Pierce's mother, MrS. Anna Pierce
of White Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of
Beacon Point were called to Port-
land last week when they received
word that Mrs. Smith's brother.-
in-law, Everal egg, had passed
away at end, Ore. Funeral serv-
ices were held Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs. egg were owners of City
Central Motel at Bend, O.
MR. AND MRS. Virgil Crosby
of Seattle visited Mr. and Mrs.
Leg isa Evans over the Weekend.
Mr. Crosby came. to give the Ev-
ans a helping hand on the Evans'
new home at I-lollday Beach. The
Evans' daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Iffi;s. Cliff NelSOh and
son of Seattle, arrived Saturday
evening and will return home Mon*
day evening after helping install
the plumbing in the new home.
MR. AND MRS. George Moake
of Etdon entertained at dinner
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Kaare and son Jerry. The occa-
sion was to celebrate the bit<hday
of Mrs Kaare.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Beardsley
have returned from an extended
visit in Mexico. The Beardsleys
visited in Mexico City, Taxco, Aca-
pulco, and attended the bullfights
in Xochimllcho. They reported
haying a grand time.
Mr. andMrs. Nell Vance are
receiving congratulations on the
birth of their third great-grand-
child, a son bm Sunday morn-
ing at Tacoma General Hospital
to their granddaughter and hus-
band, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook
of Tacoma. Mrs. Cook is the
daughter of the Vances' son, Rev.
aXt Mrs. Arthur Burg, mission-
aries in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I i , :
LILLIWAUP iSafety Council Plans GLOQUALLUM Good News for Two-Car
NI.:,L ......... : Meeting February 25 B,. ,,oN E,',.:,.,",',,
Organization of a safety council Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peck were
Aberdeen Dootor
New Sooiety President
Dr. Fred Berken, Aberdeen, was
appointed first vice president of
the Olympic Optometric Society
to fill the unexpired term of Dr.
Harry Tokos of Shelton at their
monthly meet Thursday evening.
Dr. Berken was also asked to
serve as program chairman. Dr.
and Mrs. Wayne Hines were hosts
to the group at a dinner meeting
in their home in Chehalis.
The nominating committee was
appointed by Dr. Hines, president,
and Included Dr. Win. McKinney
of Raymond, Dr. Earl Guinn, Cen-
tralia, and Dr. Glen Lenders of
to serve both Thurston an(t Mason
counties will be undertaken at a
no host hmchcon meeting Feb. 25
at Lee's Steak House outside of
The meeting will begin at noon
with representatives from safety
organizations of both counties
present as well an from Washing-
ton State Safety Council, Labor
and Industries Safety Division,
State Patrol, schools and the
highway department.
Union News
UNION---Even though miserable
weather is with us, that old spring
fever Is in the air. We spied a
robin bobbing around the garden
and next thing found us leafing
through the seed catalog. Ah, Well!
And sP;eaking of weather, last
Week, after' a night of snow and
sleet, Larry Sterling started off
imrly in the morntng for his com-
mute trip tO Boeing--merrily driv-
ing his Jeep, snow tires and all.
Nearing Belfair, took a slick slide
.... landed head-on in the ditch, Re-
sult, wrenched neck and shoullers,
broken window in the Jeel5 and
home for the day instead of Boe-
nR. AND MRS. Harry Mawson,
ome Monday after a dellt(tful
and merry tril tO Vanc0uvel., . C.,
where, said Beasle, the SUb was
shinir. -- waits With a,g0Hou
clear saY, In Vance.aver, the taw:
sons guested with Mrs. Jack Bowl-
ing, Harry's sister. Saturday, tlar-
ry and Bessie drove to Ladner,
B. C., to attend a wedding.
The Union Ladles Club held
their February meeting at the
home of Lil Updyke. It was the
usual February installation of new
officers, also we had four new
members join, Mrs. Katie Niles,
MrS. :MarJorie Stairs, Mrs. Gard-
ner and Mrs. Nordby. Guest was
Mrs. Merritt Stark. Our next
meeting will be held at the home
of Maria James in Shelton, March
For no reason at all, some notes
--i.e., this is Chinese New Year,
and their calendar year is year
4657. Last week was the forty-
ninth anniversary of the Boy
Scouts and a magnificent organi-
zation it is. Woops, we neglected
to mention Lent is here.
Well sir, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gwin
of Gwin's Water Wheel grocery
are the proud possessors of a
brand new American Nasa Ram-
bler station wagon, and are they
ever happy and we are happy for
them, Seems they get plenty of
gas mileage, making it easy on the
pocket book. We must look into
WANDA WYATT, our post-
master, was off for the weekend
to Yakima to attend an execu-
:ive committee meeting of the
National Association of Postmas-
t's of Waslfington. Wands was
up early Saturday morning, in
fact caught the 5:45 ferry from
Bremerton for Seattle, there
boarded a train to Yakima. 'Twas
snowing on the pass, and arriving
practically at Ellensburg where a
freight train had jumped the track.
cuqin DtssenEel's to leave the
train, finishing their trip on a bus.
By the way, our Wands returned
home via bus?
Wonder how many of you listen
to that well known Jack Paar,
Monday through Friday, 11:30 p.m.
on channel 4 ? Reason being, one
night last week Jack was telling
his audience of a toy manufacturer
in one of the southern states who
has produced a toy hunting knife
for the small fry that reallstically
squirts out a bright red liquid
|nstantly the blase comes in con-
tact with a resisting object. Could
be one's neck, for instance?
Mrs. Metzler tells us that ever
visitors at Cloquallum Grange Fri-i
day evening, Mr. Peck is Mason
Co'unty Extension agent. He gavel
]a ver, interesting talk on the his-
tory find pro'pose of extension
MI{N. (Ill.BERT Mallett attend-
ed a hair style show in Aberdeen
last Sunday.
Miss KatikV Jo Swenson of El-
ma was an overnight guest of
Diana and Marcia Whiting, Wed-
i nes(lay.
i Mr. and Mrs. Murrel Bhmk and
Mary were Saturday callers at tim
Marion Eveleths'.
Don Eveleth was the guest of
'Dick Oppelt Saturday.
Mrs. Tom Kearney spent Thurs-
day visiting in Porter.
The Jack Bailey family were
dinner guests of the Gilbert Mal-
letts Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander
and daughter, Bonnadel, of Elma
were Sunday dinner guests of the
George Lebokis.
Mrs. Betty Schoab and daughter
Carolyn of Hoodsport were Sunday
callers at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Leboki
MR. AND MRS• Rod ,Brock-
ley (Judy McAlfrey) o:.Salem;
Ore., were weekend guests of the
Joe Wifit ings.
Fallen Tree Hits
Car Monday Afternoon
A tree fallen by George and
Walt Bloomfield of Shelton
crashed into a car driven by Don-
ald Hall in the Mason lake area
Monday afternoon.
Fortunately the tree missed
Hall and his wife who were in the
car and there were no injurieS.
The extent of damage to the car
has not been determined.
i I i i l '" ' I i
fiction best seller list. An inter-
eating new book written by Thom-
as Griffith on the development and
culture of Seattle, partly autobio-
graphical, is, we are sure, to be
a great success in this part of the
country. The name of the book is
"Waist High Culture" and its auth-
or Is a former Seattleite who was,
by the way, music and art editor
of Time Magazine. Depending how
curious you are, and interested in
facts and statistics, there's the
1959 World Almanac, informative
and entertaining. And let's not
forget to mention the word rave .....
over Harry Goldin's book "Only
in America." The Saturday Eve-
ning Post a few weeks ago had
an article on Mr. Goldin.
Club will have their regular meet-
ing Thursday, Feb 19, at the club-
house in Potlatch. The club was
organized thirty-two years ago
this month, so a birthday program
has been planned.
Last Saturday the Bill Timms
gave a dinner in honor of the thir-
tieth anniversary of Helen's fath-
er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
W. Chaffee of Snohomish, and Hel-
en's sister and husband, the Ray-
mond E. Olsons and family of
i Bremerton. Sunday, close friends
, from Olympia, Rep. and Mrs. Rob-
ert W. Bernatly, an uncle from
Bremerton, Mr, Roland C. Hand.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harckinson
and family of Belfair. came to visit
the Bill Timms.
Have you noticed the seals ca-
¢orting around in the Canal, most
amusing to watch, and well worth
a "look-see" through your binoc-
• bodily Injury and BILL
property damage
• collision ¢overap ] 25 N. 5th
Phone HA
• rMdicaf.lymentI
• if no unmarried male drivers under 25 years.
You'll enjoy your most
Spring ever when you
distinctive new hair styil
know exactly how to
hair look both fashion
right for you.
Elaine's Beauty Salon
6th and Laurel Phone HA 6-4582
1957 Dodge V8, Sierra 4-Door Station
Radio, Heater PowerFlite Transmission, One
Bonded for 1 Full Year.
1956 Chrysler Windsor 4 Door Sedan
Radio, Heater, Power Steering, PowerFlite Tr
ion, New Paint and Rubber. A real clean
Family Car. BONDED.
1955 Chrysler New Yorker 4 Door
Radio, Heater, PowerFlight Transmission.
ing, Power Brakes, 100% Mechanical insured
1955 Chevrolet 210 V-8, 4-Door Sedan
Automatic Transmission, heater.
1954 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan
Heater - Standard transmission.
1958 Internat'l A-100 CUstom -Ton
Heater. Custom Cab and Box, 7:10 Rubber.
actual miles, Like New.
1957 Chevrolet ½-Ton Pickup
Long wheelbase and bore, healer, power
engine, 1500 miles, pipe racks, A-1 condition.
1956 Ford "6" -Ton Pickup
Radio, Heater, Cover on Box, 3 Speed Trans.
1956 Ford F-250 "V8" ¾-Ton Pickup
Custom Cab, 4 Speed Transmission, Heater,
since the beginning of January her er on rear, 7:00 x 16, 6 ply tires•
camelia bushes that are some 8
for the weekend. The Kilbournes or 10 feet high have been pro- 1953 International R-100, -Ton
visited with the Fred Jrs. ducing blossoms, and ape still do- 3 Speed Transmilon, Rebuilt Engine, New
The Bill Goodpaster family via- ing so. This tEa crazy mixed up II0000iIM Rebush job, New Rubber and Paint:
ited in Centralia with her folks, world, that's all.
the Jim Parkers. Jan will spend One was deflnit'ely glad or sor- 0Hr See our large selection of Used Cars &
the week with her grandparents, ty. to have read "Pavon p,,,,
The LOwer Skokomish arid but either way the btlok was ex- ?/& on display on our lot at So. lEt & Mill
Hoodport chapters of the PTA tremely disturbing The author A|r = l|!- Sh|p =
met jointly in the Hoodsport Grace MetalUi, no" *, ..... '
w ,, her new
ofDepartmentSCh°°IDiCka bowB°Iding°n andM°ndaYsh°Wed°farrowtheeVenlng'c°I°redhuntingState GameslideStrlpMr" e 0g' bfl -atlerre" - StY, nds with nro]ab'bO°k' ., "The Return to Payton' . TOURS • CRUISK • OHA401,..72RaliroadOr HAAvenub$Jt,It KIMBEL MOTORS
taken in the. Brooks Range area nak, t @ntrovei'Slal and much
in Alaska. Under the direction of disCussed Rdsslan book is a best
Mr. Dick Endieott, the band and seller in most -arts -:; -' " ,, Chrysler - Plymouth - International :
c+ t00ea e+ i
old USA at this oint ,,v.., ,,,
number. Hostesses for the eve- Terrace" by John 3,''= ",,''.' Rambler- American - Ambassador
sing were Mrs,, Sid Anderson, Mrs. , ............
darE' by o . Vps. in the best Metroiolitan
Is SandieSt, Mrs Bob. Reed, and seller flcno list, 'Akii-Aku" by
Mrs 'Clam Heater. Mrs. Jim Reed- ThOr Heye.rhl. "The Memoirs of {@ ". t St.
er led .the group,in.soyae impromp- .-
tu siring, much to the enjoyment Field Marshall, Montgomery," non-
of all, while the projector was
being repaired. Those embarrass-
ing hioments occur to the best '
machines. You Are Co/'d|a||y .J[%iti ne 'tit At
I maklng final arrangeme.ts for EDWARD',$ SALON OPENi
their dinner to be held on Friday
evening in the Hoodsport school.
Seryl .hours will from 5:30
to 7:00 p.m. Under .the direction
of Mrs. Jim Reader a baked ham
and oyster stew for 25 cents. Pie
will sell Tot 10 cents. A children's • ' AND
plate will also be served. Assist-
ing Mrs. Reeder with the prepar-
ation, are Mrs. Harry Pozorski A N Compl b iad lleli00 te M
and Mrs. lorman Gray Many oth- eW e rviee for aeon nounh,
er women will be behind the scenes
serving, cleaning up and cooking.
During the hours of 5:30 and
7:00, a cake walk will be held in Operated by
the gymwlththeproceedsofthis ROHHiE End EDWARD WHITE
project to go to the X-ray unit.
Mrs. lloyd Hovey Will keep the
cake walk moving with a lively
At 7:30 p,m. the variety show
will begin with skits by the Girl
Scout troops and several musical
numbers by members of the com-
munity. Mrs. C. R. Lansing is
general chairman for the evening's
tatned the Eastern Star Social
Club in her Potlatch home.
Liquor sales in Shelton for Jan-
uary totaled $17,595.32, accord-
ing to figures released from the
ashington State Liquor Control
At 114 S00th 4th Street
Open Evenlngs by Appointment
As a get acquainted special we will give a
$15.00 Permantnl Wave for $12,50
From Opening Day thru Sat., Feb. 28
Pa 2
SIIELTON-MA0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chri,tnm,fown, U.g.A.,"
Shelton, Washin on Thursday,
Hoodsport- Potlatch News
HOODSPORT Cubs of Pack 11,
Scouts of Troop 11, and Ex-
plorers of Post 11, gathered
together, with their families, in
celebration of Scout Week on Tues-i
day evening in tile Hoodsport:
school. Over 100 people enjoyed
the potluck dinner and the pro-
gram which followed. The Sconts
were honored to have as guests
'for the evening Scout Executive
J¢alph Childs and district repre-
. sentative, Nolan Mason. The lead-
ers of the Scout groups were intro-
.. duced by Scoutmaster Bob Smith
as follows: Asst. Scoutmaster, Ray
Peterson, and committeeman, Em-
ery Winters', Cubmaster Tom
,Seiger and his committee mem-
bers, Bob Bingley, Bud McDowell
and Fred Horsy; Den Mothe
.... 'Mrs. Bob Bearden and Mrs, Floyd
. Hovey; Asst. Post Advisor Jim
THE TROOP charters were pre-
i , i ......... .li
Him m H i ii I
..... | Seamed, Seamless and $erv-
I ice weight ................. $1.00 pr•
'I ANKLETS of fine durene cot-
• I ton, sizes 6 thru
• I IOV2 adults, 39¢ - 3 pra. $'1.00
I Boys' SlzeI, 6 thru
I 10. : ............. 39€-3pr.$1,0o
I Little & Big Shoppe
I i I iii ii I i
All Kinds
For All
Phone HA 6-4393
scnted by Nolan Mason to Mrs.
Earl Crumb as president of the
Hoodsport PTA, the sponsoring or-
ganization of the Cubs, Comman-
der Bob Michaels accepted the,
charter in behalf of the Hood Ca-
nal American Legion, for the
Svuuts and Explorers.
The CI1b Scouts made programs
for the evening's entertainment.
Skit put on by Den 1 was a panto-
mime with characters Betty Boop,
Popeye, Big Bad Wolf, and Grand-
ma. If the boys were recognized,
it was strictly a mother's peroga-
tire. Den 2 were dressed as ho-
bos and made music around the
camp fire with their band• Ricky
Lanning, den leader, accompanied
the group on his accordion and also
playqd an accordion sol().
foot investiture ceremony followed
with Scouts Ricky Peterson, Lar-
rY Spaulding, Frances Akers, Tom-
my Riker, John. King, Ricky Lan-
sing and Jerry Lansing, receiving
their pin•
The Explorers, Victor Bailey,
Jim Smith, Malwin Bailey, and
Gerald Jasper gave a short des-
cription of the program of their
Bud McDowell presented the Cub
Scout awards as follows: Ricky
Giles, Wolf badge; Luther King,
Wolf; Don Bearden, Wolf and At.-
row; Perry Horsy, Arrow; Mike
McDowell, Arrow. The Cubs also
had a display of the handwork
completed in January meetings
Many thanks to the mothers
who helped in the kitchen and
furnished the food to make this
such a delightful evening.
MANY OF THE local members
of the Community Concert were
delighted with the Mata and Harl
dancing team on Tuesday evening.
Membership captain for this dis-
trict is Mrs. Rudy Schwab with
Mrs. Archie Calahan and Mrs. Bill
Renner her assistants• Mrs. Dick
Addleman is a board member. The
membership drive began on Feb.
16 and continues until Feb 21.
AnyOne interested is urged to con-
tact one of these women for tic-
The Hoodsport Girl Scouts would
like to thank the HOOd Canal
Women's Club members for their
contribution as their sponsors.
Linda Slabough of Vallejo, Calif.,
is now living with her sister and
family, the Bob Bingleys.
full swln in every room on Fri-
day. Lovely valentine boxes held
many a lovely and comic verses
valentine to be passed o frl .
The first and second grades com-
bined the.lr monthly birthday cele-
bration with their party. Birth-
days of the month were Sandra
BoroVesdy, Georgia Crumb, and
Jeanne Peterson. The mothers of!
these girls furnished refreshments
and planned games for the chin
234 Pairs
Values to $I0.00
Caribou Hunting Slides
Shown at Hoodsport
l)tck Bolding, hea(I of the cdt|ca-
tional division of the state game
department, showed hunting pic-
tures and slides at a joint PTA
lrleetb)g held in the Hood,port
school Monday night.
Bolding, who holds the world's
record for shooting caribou with
a bow and arrow, showed the pic-
tuFes taken last year at Bro.k's
range in Alaska wiles he won this
Drunk Driving Costs
$50 and Jail Sentence
Robert Hooper, 21, Port Or-
chard, was mntenced to 60 days in
jail and fined $50 for driving while
drunk and reckless .driving last
week in the Belfair justice court.
He was arrested by the Wash-
ingtnn state patrol at Belfair and
brought to the Mason county jail
by the Mason county sheriff's of-
dren to play. Twenty mothers
were present to enjoy the after-
The second grade Brownies trav-
eled to Cushman for a Valentine
party meeting at the Renner home.
There were favors and a cute heart
tree and games for the girls. Lead-
ers are Mrs. Ray Peterson and
Mrs. Norman Gray. Peggy How-
ard of Hamma Hamma is a new
member of the troop.
The seventh and eighth grade
Girl Scouts under the leadership
of Mrs. Bill Bryant prepared and
served a Valentine dinner to their
parents on Friday evening, Menu
for the dinner included barbecued
chicken, baked beans, casserole
dishes, jello salad, and cakes. The
decorations were made by the girls
and carried ouL the Valentine mo-
Scouts working toward awards
by preparing this dinner were Ju-
dy Nicholson, Nancy Young, Mar-
cia Basso, Carol Johnson and Rose-
mary Johnson. Parents attending
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryant, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl C,mb and girls, Mrs.
Mabel Basso and children, Mr. Bill
Ells and David, and Mrs. Evelyn
The Hood Canal Seals Diving
Club met in the Ike Palmer home
on Wednesday evening. A film
on akin and scuba diving was
shown for the group's entertain-
ment. The training classes will
begin on Feb. 22 but to take ad-
vantage of these lessons the per-
on nmst belong to the Club. More
information may be gained by call-
ing the Bob Michaels.
Mrs. Denny Noonan spent some
time visiting with her daughter
and family, the George Millers.
Otto Radtke spent his days off
in Seattle visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Stout and family and
other relatives.
Mrs. Kate Abbey is home in
Hoodsport after a stay in Tacoma.
The A. F. Lanning family have
bought a lot on the Hoodsport hill
by the John Straits and mQ.e¢
their trailer there.
MR. AND MRS. Norman Gray
and girls spent the weekend in
Centralia with the Bob Grays.
While there Norma celebrated her
birthday with a lovely dinner par-
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodgberg
celebrated Valentine's day with a
turkey • dinner for guests Mr. and
Mrs. Max Latzel and Mrs. Anna
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Day and
son of Albany, Ore., were week.
end guests in the Lionel Day
THE SEVENTH and eighth
grade students with their teachers
Mr. Earl Crumb, Bill Bryant and
Mrs. Bud McDowell. traveled to
Olympia on Thursday to look in on
a session of the Legislature. The
thrill of the day was a talk with
Govt.,'nor-, Roscllini.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryant were
surprised by a visit from her fath-
• nn I;lantarv er and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
I I I IIIIIV I qlIP I III] Lester.
"HOME OF POLL-PARROT SHOES" anMrchldenM:nSt ;: Yulllb:un:
Kasson traveled to Port Angeles
J I , I Jl i II[I I I
ProlesMonaZ flare
• 21/!' CLEANING I
I :
i I
Pantorium Cleaners
• Whe the Charm ol Newness Is Restored •
i i I I I I I i
LILLIWAUP---Six tables of pi-
nochle were played Friday eve-
sing at the card party given by
Community Club of lAlliwaup.
High score went to Mrs. Bell Lar-
son and Steve Ahl, low to Mrs.
Evelyn Nicholson and Pete Barg,
300 pinochle to Mrs. Mamie Kaare
and Matt Kaare. Mrs. Marion
Cave and Mrs. Lulu Smith were
hostesses for the evening, q'lxe
next card party will be held on
Saturday evening, Feb. 28.
MR. ,|AIES TUTTLE, n long-
time residefit of Hood Canal,
passed away last week at the home
of his daughter Mrs. Irene Jenseni
of Oakvllle, ,Mr. Tuttle was 88
years old and sttled at Eagle
Creek in 1918. He was a mail
carrier velars ago, having delivered
mail betwe'en Hoodsport/and Ham-
ma Harems. Masonic funeral serv-
ices 'were held Saturday at Wit-
siers Funeral Home in Shelt0n.
rial .was in Bheltoh .Ceretb.:
Mr. Turtle Wtll be _=atly missal
bY hls many friends on HoOd Ca-
Mrs. Lulu Smith Of Reaeort Point
visited with Mr. and Mrs• Jim
Cave several days )eat Week,
,MB, RoSe Berryinan has rtU'n-
d 'hOme atel • a eek In Clinic
Hospital in elton and is zcov-
eHng nicely ....
Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Pierce of
Eldon returned home last week
after a few days' visit with Mr.,
Pierce's mother, MrS. Anna Pierce
of White Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of
Beacon Point were called to Port-
land last week when they received
word that Mrs. Smith's brother.-
in-law, Everal egg, had passed
away at end, Ore. Funeral serv-
ices were held Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs. egg were owners of City
Central Motel at Bend, O.
MR. AND MRS. Virgil Crosby
of Seattle visited Mr. and Mrs.
Leg isa Evans over the Weekend.
Mr. Crosby came. to give the Ev-
ans a helping hand on the Evans'
new home at I-lollday Beach. The
Evans' daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Iffi;s. Cliff NelSOh and
son of Seattle, arrived Saturday
evening and will return home Mon*
day evening after helping install
the plumbing in the new home.
MR. AND MRS. George Moake
of Etdon entertained at dinner
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Kaare and son Jerry. The occa-
sion was to celebrate the bit<hday
of Mrs Kaare.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Beardsley
have returned from an extended
visit in Mexico. The Beardsleys
visited in Mexico City, Taxco, Aca-
pulco, and attended the bullfights
in Xochimllcho. They reported
haying a grand time.
Mr. andMrs. Nell Vance are
receiving congratulations on the
birth of their third great-grand-
child, a son bm Sunday morn-
ing at Tacoma General Hospital
to their granddaughter and hus-
band, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook
of Tacoma. Mrs. Cook is the
daughter of the Vances' son, Rev.
aXt Mrs. Arthur Burg, mission-
aries in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I i , :
LILLIWAUP iSafety Council Plans GLOQUALLUM Good News for Two-Car
NI.:,L ......... : Meeting February 25 B,. ,,oN E,',.:,.,",',,
Organization of a safety council Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peck were
Aberdeen Dootor
New Sooiety President
Dr. Fred Berken, Aberdeen, was
appointed first vice president of
the Olympic Optometric Society
to fill the unexpired term of Dr.
Harry Tokos of Shelton at their
monthly meet Thursday evening.
Dr. Berken was also asked to
serve as program chairman. Dr.
and Mrs. Wayne Hines were hosts
to the group at a dinner meeting
in their home in Chehalis.
The nominating committee was
appointed by Dr. Hines, president,
and Included Dr. Win. McKinney
of Raymond, Dr. Earl Guinn, Cen-
tralia, and Dr. Glen Lenders of
to serve both Thurston an(t Mason
counties will be undertaken at a
no host hmchcon meeting Feb. 25
at Lee's Steak House outside of
The meeting will begin at noon
with representatives from safety
organizations of both counties
present as well an from Washing-
ton State Safety Council, Labor
and Industries Safety Division,
State Patrol, schools and the
highway department.
Union News
UNION---Even though miserable
weather is with us, that old spring
fever Is in the air. We spied a
robin bobbing around the garden
and next thing found us leafing
through the seed catalog. Ah, Well!
And sP;eaking of weather, last
Week, after' a night of snow and
sleet, Larry Sterling started off
imrly in the morntng for his com-
mute trip tO Boeing--merrily driv-
ing his Jeep, snow tires and all.
Nearing Belfair, took a slick slide
.... landed head-on in the ditch, Re-
sult, wrenched neck and shoullers,
broken window in the Jeel5 and
home for the day instead of Boe-
nR. AND MRS. Harry Mawson,
ome Monday after a dellt(tful
and merry tril tO Vanc0uvel., . C.,
where, said Beasle, the SUb was
shinir. -- waits With a,g0Hou
clear saY, In Vance.aver, the taw:
sons guested with Mrs. Jack Bowl-
ing, Harry's sister. Saturday, tlar-
ry and Bessie drove to Ladner,
B. C., to attend a wedding.
The Union Ladles Club held
their February meeting at the
home of Lil Updyke. It was the
usual February installation of new
officers, also we had four new
members join, Mrs. Katie Niles,
MrS. :MarJorie Stairs, Mrs. Gard-
ner and Mrs. Nordby. Guest was
Mrs. Merritt Stark. Our next
meeting will be held at the home
of Maria James in Shelton, March
For no reason at all, some notes
--i.e., this is Chinese New Year,
and their calendar year is year
4657. Last week was the forty-
ninth anniversary of the Boy
Scouts and a magnificent organi-
zation it is. Woops, we neglected
to mention Lent is here.
Well sir, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gwin
of Gwin's Water Wheel grocery
are the proud possessors of a
brand new American Nasa Ram-
bler station wagon, and are they
ever happy and we are happy for
them, Seems they get plenty of
gas mileage, making it easy on the
pocket book. We must look into
WANDA WYATT, our post-
master, was off for the weekend
to Yakima to attend an execu-
:ive committee meeting of the
National Association of Postmas-
t's of Waslfington. Wands was
up early Saturday morning, in
fact caught the 5:45 ferry from
Bremerton for Seattle, there
boarded a train to Yakima. 'Twas
snowing on the pass, and arriving
practically at Ellensburg where a
freight train had jumped the track.
cuqin DtssenEel's to leave the
train, finishing their trip on a bus.
By the way, our Wands returned
home via bus?
Wonder how many of you listen
to that well known Jack Paar,
Monday through Friday, 11:30 p.m.
on channel 4 ? Reason being, one
night last week Jack was telling
his audience of a toy manufacturer
in one of the southern states who
has produced a toy hunting knife
for the small fry that reallstically
squirts out a bright red liquid
|nstantly the blase comes in con-
tact with a resisting object. Could
be one's neck, for instance?
Mrs. Metzler tells us that ever
visitors at Cloquallum Grange Fri-i
day evening, Mr. Peck is Mason
Co'unty Extension agent. He gavel
]a ver, interesting talk on the his-
tory find pro'pose of extension
MI{N. (Ill.BERT Mallett attend-
ed a hair style show in Aberdeen
last Sunday.
Miss KatikV Jo Swenson of El-
ma was an overnight guest of
Diana and Marcia Whiting, Wed-
i nes(lay.
i Mr. and Mrs. Murrel Bhmk and
Mary were Saturday callers at tim
Marion Eveleths'.
Don Eveleth was the guest of
'Dick Oppelt Saturday.
Mrs. Tom Kearney spent Thurs-
day visiting in Porter.
The Jack Bailey family were
dinner guests of the Gilbert Mal-
letts Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alexander
and daughter, Bonnadel, of Elma
were Sunday dinner guests of the
George Lebokis.
Mrs. Betty Schoab and daughter
Carolyn of Hoodsport were Sunday
callers at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George Leboki
MR. AND MRS• Rod ,Brock-
ley (Judy McAlfrey) o:.Salem;
Ore., were weekend guests of the
Joe Wifit ings.
Fallen Tree Hits
Car Monday Afternoon
A tree fallen by George and
Walt Bloomfield of Shelton
crashed into a car driven by Don-
ald Hall in the Mason lake area
Monday afternoon.
Fortunately the tree missed
Hall and his wife who were in the
car and there were no injurieS.
The extent of damage to the car
has not been determined.
i I i i l '" ' I i
fiction best seller list. An inter-
eating new book written by Thom-
as Griffith on the development and
culture of Seattle, partly autobio-
graphical, is, we are sure, to be
a great success in this part of the
country. The name of the book is
"Waist High Culture" and its auth-
or Is a former Seattleite who was,
by the way, music and art editor
of Time Magazine. Depending how
curious you are, and interested in
facts and statistics, there's the
1959 World Almanac, informative
and entertaining. And let's not
forget to mention the word rave .....
over Harry Goldin's book "Only
in America." The Saturday Eve-
ning Post a few weeks ago had
an article on Mr. Goldin.
Club will have their regular meet-
ing Thursday, Feb 19, at the club-
house in Potlatch. The club was
organized thirty-two years ago
this month, so a birthday program
has been planned.
Last Saturday the Bill Timms
gave a dinner in honor of the thir-
tieth anniversary of Helen's fath-
er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
W. Chaffee of Snohomish, and Hel-
en's sister and husband, the Ray-
mond E. Olsons and family of
i Bremerton. Sunday, close friends
, from Olympia, Rep. and Mrs. Rob-
ert W. Bernatly, an uncle from
Bremerton, Mr, Roland C. Hand.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harckinson
and family of Belfair. came to visit
the Bill Timms.
Have you noticed the seals ca-
¢orting around in the Canal, most
amusing to watch, and well worth
a "look-see" through your binoc-
• bodily Injury and BILL
property damage
• collision ¢overap ] 25 N. 5th
Phone HA
• rMdicaf.lymentI
• if no unmarried male drivers under 25 years.
You'll enjoy your most
Spring ever when you
distinctive new hair styil
know exactly how to
hair look both fashion
right for you.
Elaine's Beauty Salon
6th and Laurel Phone HA 6-4582
1957 Dodge V8, Sierra 4-Door Station
Radio, Heater PowerFlite Transmission, One
Bonded for 1 Full Year.
1956 Chrysler Windsor 4 Door Sedan
Radio, Heater, Power Steering, PowerFlite Tr
ion, New Paint and Rubber. A real clean
Family Car. BONDED.
1955 Chrysler New Yorker 4 Door
Radio, Heater, PowerFlight Transmission.
ing, Power Brakes, 100% Mechanical insured
1955 Chevrolet 210 V-8, 4-Door Sedan
Automatic Transmission, heater.
1954 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan
Heater - Standard transmission.
1958 Internat'l A-100 CUstom -Ton
Heater. Custom Cab and Box, 7:10 Rubber.
actual miles, Like New.
1957 Chevrolet ½-Ton Pickup
Long wheelbase and bore, healer, power
engine, 1500 miles, pipe racks, A-1 condition.
1956 Ford "6" -Ton Pickup
Radio, Heater, Cover on Box, 3 Speed Trans.
1956 Ford F-250 "V8" ¾-Ton Pickup
Custom Cab, 4 Speed Transmission, Heater,
since the beginning of January her er on rear, 7:00 x 16, 6 ply tires•
camelia bushes that are some 8
for the weekend. The Kilbournes or 10 feet high have been pro- 1953 International R-100, -Ton
visited with the Fred Jrs. ducing blossoms, and ape still do- 3 Speed Transmilon, Rebuilt Engine, New
The Bill Goodpaster family via- ing so. This tEa crazy mixed up II0000iIM Rebush job, New Rubber and Paint:
ited in Centralia with her folks, world, that's all.
the Jim Parkers. Jan will spend One was deflnit'ely glad or sor- 0Hr See our large selection of Used Cars &
the week with her grandparents, ty. to have read "Pavon p,,,,
The LOwer Skokomish arid but either way the btlok was ex- ?/& on display on our lot at So. lEt & Mill
Hoodport chapters of the PTA tremely disturbing The author A|r = l|!- Sh|p =
met jointly in the Hoodsport Grace MetalUi, no" *, ..... '
w ,, her new
ofDepartmentSCh°°IDiCka bowB°Iding°n andM°ndaYsh°Wed°farrowtheeVenlng'c°I°redhuntingState GameslideStrlpMr" e 0g' bfl -atlerre" - StY, nds with nro]ab'bO°k' ., "The Return to Payton' . TOURS • CRUISK • OHA401,..72RaliroadOr HAAvenub$Jt,It KIMBEL MOTORS
taken in the. Brooks Range area nak, t @ntrovei'Slal and much
in Alaska. Under the direction of disCussed Rdsslan book is a best
Mr. Dick Endieott, the band and seller in most -arts -:; -' " ,, Chrysler - Plymouth - International :
c+ t00ea e+ i
old USA at this oint ,,v.., ,,,
number. Hostesses for the eve- Terrace" by John 3,''= ",,''.' Rambler- American - Ambassador
sing were Mrs,, Sid Anderson, Mrs. , ............
darE' by o . Vps. in the best Metroiolitan
Is SandieSt, Mrs Bob. Reed, and seller flcno list, 'Akii-Aku" by
Mrs 'Clam Heater. Mrs. Jim Reed- ThOr Heye.rhl. "The Memoirs of {@ ". t St.
er led .the group,in.soyae impromp- .-
tu siring, much to the enjoyment Field Marshall, Montgomery," non-
of all, while the projector was
being repaired. Those embarrass-
ing hioments occur to the best '
machines. You Are Co/'d|a||y .J[%iti ne 'tit At
I maklng final arrangeme.ts for EDWARD',$ SALON OPENi
their dinner to be held on Friday
evening in the Hoodsport school.
Seryl .hours will from 5:30
to 7:00 p.m. Under .the direction
of Mrs. Jim Reader a baked ham
and oyster stew for 25 cents. Pie
will sell Tot 10 cents. A children's • ' AND
plate will also be served. Assist-
ing Mrs. Reeder with the prepar-
ation, are Mrs. Harry Pozorski A N Compl b iad lleli00 te M
and Mrs. lorman Gray Many oth- eW e rviee for aeon nounh,
er women will be behind the scenes
serving, cleaning up and cooking.
During the hours of 5:30 and
7:00, a cake walk will be held in Operated by
the gymwlththeproceedsofthis ROHHiE End EDWARD WHITE
project to go to the X-ray unit.
Mrs. lloyd Hovey Will keep the
cake walk moving with a lively
At 7:30 p,m. the variety show
will begin with skits by the Girl
Scout troops and several musical
numbers by members of the com-
munity. Mrs. C. R. Lansing is
general chairman for the evening's
tatned the Eastern Star Social
Club in her Potlatch home.
Liquor sales in Shelton for Jan-
uary totaled $17,595.32, accord-
ing to figures released from the
ashington State Liquor Control
At 114 S00th 4th Street
Open Evenlngs by Appointment
As a get acquainted special we will give a
$15.00 Permantnl Wave for $12,50
From Opening Day thru Sat., Feb. 28