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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 19, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 19, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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19, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrlsfmastown U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin ETOLD LAKE ISABELLA CLUB The Lake Isabella Woman&apos;s Club Essie Gibler wishes to an-!will meet at noon Monday in the her marriage last Saturday home of Mrs. Florence Palms in Larry White• i Grapeview. A potluck luncheon lg a short wedding trip, twill precede the bUsiness meeting. Mrs. White will make[ home at Gibler's Cove on Spencer Lake. we'ro loaded with HONEST i:: BARGAINS • bd d in f0Wn REG. SALE s Silicone Wax.. 98c 88c Cleaner & Wax.$1.O0 90c B Chrome Polish.. 55c 49c Passenger Headlights $2.05 $1.89 Belts . . . . S22.95 $18.95 Firestone Oil Filters 10% Off Brand Car Cleaners & Waxes 10% Off Quick-On Tire Chains 15% Off Lunsford's l00iresfoille 317 Railroad Ave. Bordeaux Students [!'iZi'i! Plan PTA Pageant ++i17:1ii By Cathryn Ann Saeger, Fifth Grade, Bordeaux Elementary School Recently the fifth and s!xth !i! :: grade singing groups have been i:: working on a pageant to enter- tain the P.T.A. meeting. This program will take place Thursday, the 19th of February, in the Bor- deaux school at 8 p.m. Mrs. Webber, a fifth grade tea- cher, and Mrs. Keenan, the school music teacher, are the directors of the pageant. We will have a patriotic program. Steve Ness and Danny O'Neil will be the an- nouncers of the pageant. We will sing patriotic songs. We will act out some songs as we sing them. We'll have two dances. The people will go back to George Washington's time, with the Vir- VISITOR--James L. Brown, Oe- ginia Reel and the minuet. Mrs. partment Commander of the Webber's whole room will be in American Legion, will be a guest the dance, at the meeting of the Fred B. We plan to exchange our pro- Wivell Post 31 on March 3. He gram for one the Evergreen school is a member of the Bruce A. gave us. Theirs was for Christ- Mercer Post No. 67 in Puyallup mas. Ours is for the people like and is a veteran of the first George Washington because their world war. He has held var- birthdays are in February. ious legion posts for over 30 Aftel: our pageant Mr. Hart's years. sixth grade band will play. We hope that as many people as Class of '39 Plan can will come. June 13 Reunion Masonic Past Masters The class of 1939 graduates of F 28 Shelton high schoo, are planning Annual Meeting eb, a reunion for June 13, in the The Masonic Past Masters As- Moose hall. Further information sociation of Mason county will on the reunion will be sent to the class members in the near future. hold •its annual meeting in the Ms- Anyone knowing the wkere- sonic Hall at Belfair Feb. 28, see- abouts of Stanley Davis, Lois retary J. L. Catto announced this Dunbar, James Hess, Jim Huff, week. Victor Lewis, Marvin Smith, Vio- A 6:30 dinner will open the pro- let Smith or Phylis Scott are gram with the annual session , asked to contact Tom LeCompte, starting at 8:00 o'clock. All past- HA 6-6297, Rosalie Dennis, HA masters expecting to attend are 6-3420 or Wanda Schirmer, HA asked to notify Catto, P.O. Box 6-4461. Shelton. CLOTH,NG POOL Pioneer Falhers-sens Bargain: 77' sins! Colors gah)re! The for bulky knit sweat- socks. Stock up at price. lured to Clear! Print 00w.s1.66 42's. Fleecy! Warm. No sleep cold. Pretty flor- outing flannel. Bar- 32 Reasons to Shop This Weekend Special Price! Chenille 2.9s Bedspreads Full bed sizes. Corduroy Chen- ille. Lightweight, quick drying. Choose from white, pink, brown, maize, radiant rose. Special Price! "Lurex" 3 00 Bath Mat Set " 3-Piece Rayon No lint! Bath mat, lid cover and contour mat all for just $3. Chooe from many decor- ator colors. Save! ues! SPring 2.79 Frocks and 14/ to 24/. cottons, color- and pique stripes. Fabulous Value ! "Ill" TRAY00i Large Trays 13 x 17V2 00 23-1n. Height Sturdy tubular constructed steel legs, black, baked-on chip re- sistant finish. Assorted tray pattern. Folds up for easy storage. (.Sorry, no layaways.) Just Arrivedl Plaid or Floral $1 BLANKETS 90% Rayon, 10% Orlon Machine washable. Rich colors. Long wearing rayon bound. Warm, sturdy bargain buys. Glearaway Prices on Ready to Wear € to Clear! • Now grouped Sizes 8-10-12- lined. Cottons and early, save ! SKIRTS $5 I "l Just 15 in This Group 'S I wos. 19 COATS Boucles, fleeces, orlon fleece lined. Every coat drastically re- duced. Sizes 8 to 16. Milium linings. Shop early! 40 Only! Priced to Clearl Girls' Warm AUTO COATS 3-6x 7-14 Yrs. '4 '5 Washable hooded, warm knit trims. Red, tan, blue. An ideal jacket for Spring play liSP. A grand value. Only 14 Left! GIRLS' BLUE $6 Bulky Orlon Coat $5 SWEATERS now Washable. Sizes 6 to 10. Long sleeves. Bargains. Just 20 Left! WOS. POLISHED COTTON . MIDCALF $1 SLACKS Black and tan. 10 - 12's. and quilt ny- dressy skirts 28 waist. Great- clear. Priced ! $6 14 years Milium "blue wool fleeces. inal Reductions! Sizes 4 to Warm, pretty, these! .)! Turquoise and long sleeves. Save. e-away Price! Children's Shoe Special! Boys' Black Oxfords Girls' Red Strap Oxfords 2"9s Sizes 8 to 3. Sturdy soles. Black grain leather uppers and plain toes for the boys, girls dres,uy, good wearing straps. Need budget shoes, here is a chance to save! High School Boys' Sizes Black Plain S 95 Toe Oxfords = Sizes 6 to 11. Sturdy soles. 3- eye ties, styled just as the boys desire. Comfortable last. D widths. Terrific Bargaini BOYS' BOXER TOP JEANS. Just Sizes 2 to 8 yrs. Sanxomzed tan and blue faded denim. Ma- chine washable. Shop early. This is a buy! Just 50 Left! Men's Flannel 1.33 SHIRTS Sanforized. Sizes small, med- ium. Long sleeve, warm, ma- chine washable. Smart plaids. Extra Valuesl Men's Long Sleeve Woven GINGHAM sPo.z 1." SHIRTS Discontinued styles. S i z e s small, medium and large. Plaids, stripes and some gads and ends, all marked down to clear! Terrific Bargain l Boys' 133-0z, BLUE DENIM WESTERN 1,7, 7 JEANS Sizes 10 to 16 yrs. Tits fitting, low rise. Heaviest denim mane and priced to save you money l Just 50 Left! Bbys' Flannel $1 SPORT SHIRTS Sizes 6 to 1 years. Sanforized, many wash 'n wear flannel plaids. Discontinued Stylist BOYS' ALL Wool Melton 6.S6 JACKETS Sizes 4 to 18's. Manufacturer's clearance of better jackets. Knit trims. Wool Linedl Warm! Men's Blue A 44 Denim Jackets"If'---- Zipper front! Sizes 38 to 46. Machine washable. Sturdy. Manufacturer's Close-Out! MEN'S ALL WOOL MELTON 7.77 JACKET Now Sizes small, medium and large. A real bargain priced group of jackets. Knit trims and ome washable, quilt lined. price. Don't save here! SPRING WEDDING PLANNED MR. AND MRS. DUANE S. DEWELL wish to announce the en- gagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Sharon Diane, to Mr. Thomas Robert Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Coleman. A spring Wedding is being planned. (Dean photo.) The monthly Jayette Clothing] Q+.Iu.I..IAJ Pool will be open to service needy l UalIqMUl iPllgUlln;v families this Saturday in the Wel-[ The annual Father-Son night at fare building at Sixth and ..Rail- !Pioneer school will be held lriday, roan. women oi tne .t.oose will be lFeb" 27. The festivities will begin [in cnarge of tne fitting of the[a t 7 p m and all men of the com- I clothing from 10 a.m. until noon. I munity are invited to enjoy the [ -- 1evening of fun even though they -- . tilde not have a son in school. Re- Try a Journal Wan Ao freshments will be served. Junior Music Olubs To Present Program The program "Parade of Amer- ican Music" will be presented by the junior music clubs at the next meeting of the Shelton Music Club at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Ever- green school auditorium. Hostesses for the meeting will be the club's board members. I . i I I '"' + ................. + ++'+'+ +++++  i i!ili ¢.:::i :: :.::::+' "'" '<."@::::::: i! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: !iiiiliiiiii]ii! i :: !i ii!i!!::ii!! iii :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: WINDOW FASHIONS, JUffONISHING VAmnl Curtain and Drapery ,w "MADE TO MEASURE" DRAW DRAPES Priced To Save You Money .Professionally Tailored I" "::::: SPEOIAL! +:+ DACRON ++ PRISClLLAS +o $2so lO0-1n. Valance "i j 76"x81" Curtains •  Bargain Priced . . F  m. You can curtain every room in your house for haft the price you'd = expect to pay! Sheer ivory Dac- ron, wide valance, £ull ruffles. Plan to select your needs for this Spring house cleaning today  z DACRON TIERS j 7" Rolled Edge Ruffles. E ,,% fullnoss +4,,x3o,9.29 84 x36" Size just.. 61 Sheer, washable. Ivory color. SHEER DACRON PANELS 41"x36"size .......... 98¢, 41"x45" .............. $1.19 Sheer, easy to wash, quick to dry, hemmed, headed, ready to 41"x54" .............. $1.29 hang. Buy them to add beauty in any room in the home. 41"X63" $1.49 Double deck them for a change in the bedroom, kitchen or .............. playroom. Reverse Twist for added wear and beauty! 41"x81" .............. $1.69 NO IRON DRIP-DRY DAORON "Reurelle" Frothy Flocked DACRON TIERS 84" x 30" or '198 White/Gold | White/Pink "Fleurette" Flocked P+,,o,+ '1,.98 4"x81" Hemmed, Headed ........ "Fleurette" Flocked Priscillas $5 95 Extra Wide, m 98"x 81" . ....... 175% fullness on 6-in. wide ruffles. A curtain with the luxurious look, will add beauty to every room. There is a type' for living room, bedroom, dining room. So easy to wash, so quick to dry. Choose from white and gold or white and pink! SHOP PENNEY'S IN SHELTON... Live Better... For Less l Social Ewent, 1 .,,,. 8oolety Editor * Save Wll • Phone HA. 6-441! r McOronkey JOG to Send Dance Proceeds To Seaflle Hospital Members of the Verda McCon- key Junior Orthopedic Guild and their friends will enjoy a swim at the Olympia YMCA Sunday, from 8 to 9 p.m. The girls cleared $61.31 from their share in the recent All-City Orthopedic dance. In addition to the dance proceeds the JOG will i contribute $25 from the cake walk at the dance. All proceeds from the dance will be sent to the Se- attle Children's Orthopedic hospi- tal. Conceal Ass'n. Drive Underway This Week The Mason County Community Concert Association's 1959-60 an- nual membership campaign was opened Sunday with a kick-off meeting for workers at the Grant C. Angle school. The kick-off meeting began a membership drive which will con- tinue until noon Satulay at which time membership in the association will close for the year and a pro- gram of concerts for the coming season will be arranged. Lowell Hart, president of the local association, presided at the meeting and Dr. Andrew Beelik, campaign chairman, presented plans for the campaign, assisted by Dr. Romeo Cones, co-chairman of the group. Miss Pearl Summers, field rep- rentative for Community Con- certs, Inc., is in Shelton for the week to assist in the campaign and list the artists available in this area for the coming season. It was aonounced that campaign headquarters will be open until noon Saturday at the Shelton Ho- tel lobby and that the headquarters telephone is HA 6-3920. Enthusi- asm manifested by the workers in- dicated that the membership goal of 430 will be reached before the week ends and that a tly dis- tinguished series of concerts by some of the world's finest artists will be presented during the forth- coming season. Only members of the association will be admitted to the concerts, with no sale of tickets for ay one concert. All who wish to become members are urged to contact campaign headquarters b e f o r e noon Saturday. The entire ven- ture is strictly non-profit, devoted .qole]y to bringing fine artists to Shelton. Mrs. Ryan Attends Optometric Meet Mrs. Q. Thomas RY rep(lrd on the trustees meeting last meeting of the Woman's Aux- iliary Olympic Optometric Soci- ety last Thursday in Chehalis. Mrs. Ryan also introduced a dis- cussion on the advisability of the Olympic Auxiliary donating to the National Research for Children's Vision project currently being sponsored by the American Opto- metric Association. It was brought out that the Aux- iliaries of this state have thus far made the greatest contribution to this fund during the past year. Journal Want Ads Pay Beta Zetas Plan Masquerade Party, Sell Stationery The regular business and edu- catiooal meeting of Beta Zeta Chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha In- ternational, was held at the home of Mrs. Dan Davidson Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Kurt Bro- man co-hostess. Members and husbands will meet at the Robert Cleveland home this Friday evening for a masquerade party. A potluck dinner will be served. The date of the ESK Western Regional meeting in Tacoma wu announced as March 8. Mra. Dick Holland, state council president, will conduct the business meeting. For a ways and means project, chapter members will be selling all occasion cards, wrapping and sta- tionery items during the next month. An excellent selection ie available and these will be shown at a morning coffee, brunch or evening gathering. Also to add to the chapter's treasury a rum- mage sale has been scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 28, at the PUD building. Mrs. Dick Holland was appoint- ed by the president, Mrs. Don Smith, to fill the vacancy of wel- fare chairman vacated by Mrs. Bill Kimbel who is temporarily in- active from the chapter. As her first duty, Mrs. Holland made plans to furnish refreshments for a Valentine party at Rogers school. Also measurements have been ta- ken of the windows at the care° taker's apartment in the Excep- tional Foresters Inc. building and curtains will soon be made. Also appointed was Mrs. Ed Dunbar to fill the vacancy of social chair- man vacated by Mrs. Jim Dean. At the close of the educational meeting, a discussion of first aid, refreshments with a Valentine so- tive were served by the hostee& The next meeting will be held March 11 at the home of Mrs. Art Nicklaus with Mrs. Robert Clove- land as co-hostess. Degree of Honor To Fete Washington The Degree of Honor Lodge will meet Tuesday evening at 8 p.m, in the Memorial hall for a business meeting and celebration of Wash- !lngton's birthday. Committee for !for the meeting will be Esther Morgan, Frieda Smith, and Irma Barger. Program chairman, Mary Jadin, requests all members to attend and bring all their beads. Prizes will be awarded for the longest string, oldest, the farest away and the most strings. Farewell Party Fetes Mary Lou Tobler A surprise farewell party was held recently for Mary Lou Tobler by her classmates at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and MrL John Cormier. Those attending the affair were Lenora Burgess, Janet Lentz, San. dy Bye, Rosemary Stuck, Rosalie Hanson, Kay Wells, Janet Temple, Marilyn Hughes, Ann Rau, Alone Cheney, Marilyn Dorsey and the guest of honor. Mary Lou, her sister, Norms, two brothers, Donald and Billy, grandfather, W. C. Tobler, and mother, Mrs. Tobler (nee Margaret Cormier) left last Thursday to Join her father, Lt. Col. J. A. Tob- let" who is stationed in Japan. USED FORDS LIKE NEW Used Late Model ,k Ford Sedans, '56s, '57s, 58's rhe Best Selection Ever Available in Shelton No Need to Look Further OOME LOOK AT THESE '58 Ford Fairlane Victoria V-8 Has Everything Nice '57 Ford Fairlaae 500 Club Sedan One Owner -Best of Care '56 Ford Fairlane Club Sedan V-8 28,000 Milen '56 Ford Customline @Door V-8 Ehgine, Heater, etc, '56 Ford ¾-Ton Piekup New Tire, New Paint '48 Ford ½-Ton Pickup Look At These Two '57 DeSeto 4-Door Hardtop Power steering, power brakes, pushbutton windows, pushbutton transmiuion, 20,(}00 miles, Big Discount '48 OADILLAO SEDAN A perfect old car. i = 15 Other Makes and Models TRADES • TERMS JIM PAULEY INC. FORD • MER(URY 5TH AND RAILROAD • PHONE HA 6-8231 19, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrlsfmastown U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin ETOLD LAKE ISABELLA CLUB The Lake Isabella Woman's Club Essie Gibler wishes to an-!will meet at noon Monday in the her marriage last Saturday home of Mrs. Florence Palms in Larry White• i Grapeview. A potluck luncheon lg a short wedding trip, twill precede the bUsiness meeting. Mrs. White will make[ home at Gibler's Cove on Spencer Lake. we'ro loaded with HONEST i:: BARGAINS • bd d in f0Wn REG. SALE s Silicone Wax.. 98c 88c Cleaner & Wax.$1.O0 90c B Chrome Polish.. 55c 49c Passenger Headlights $2.05 $1.89 Belts . . . . S22.95 $18.95 Firestone Oil Filters 10% Off Brand Car Cleaners & Waxes 10% Off Quick-On Tire Chains 15% Off Lunsford's l00iresfoille 317 Railroad Ave. Bordeaux Students [!'iZi'i! Plan PTA Pageant ++i17:1ii By Cathryn Ann Saeger, Fifth Grade, Bordeaux Elementary School Recently the fifth and s!xth !i! :: grade singing groups have been i:: working on a pageant to enter- tain the P.T.A. meeting. This program will take place Thursday, the 19th of February, in the Bor- deaux school at 8 p.m. Mrs. Webber, a fifth grade tea- cher, and Mrs. Keenan, the school music teacher, are the directors of the pageant. We will have a patriotic program. Steve Ness and Danny O'Neil will be the an- nouncers of the pageant. We will sing patriotic songs. We will act out some songs as we sing them. We'll have two dances. The people will go back to George Washington's time, with the Vir- VISITOR--James L. Brown, Oe- ginia Reel and the minuet. Mrs. partment Commander of the Webber's whole room will be in American Legion, will be a guest the dance, at the meeting of the Fred B. We plan to exchange our pro- Wivell Post 31 on March 3. He gram for one the Evergreen school is a member of the Bruce A. gave us. Theirs was for Christ- Mercer Post No. 67 in Puyallup mas. Ours is for the people like and is a veteran of the first George Washington because their world war. He has held var- birthdays are in February. ious legion posts for over 30 Aftel: our pageant Mr. Hart's years. sixth grade band will play. We hope that as many people as Class of '39 Plan can will come. June 13 Reunion Masonic Past Masters The class of 1939 graduates of F 28 Shelton high schoo, are planning Annual Meeting eb, a reunion for June 13, in the The Masonic Past Masters As- Moose hall. Further information sociation of Mason county will on the reunion will be sent to the class members in the near future. hold •its annual meeting in the Ms- Anyone knowing the wkere- sonic Hall at Belfair Feb. 28, see- abouts of Stanley Davis, Lois retary J. L. Catto announced this Dunbar, James Hess, Jim Huff, week. Victor Lewis, Marvin Smith, Vio- A 6:30 dinner will open the pro- let Smith or Phylis Scott are gram with the annual session , asked to contact Tom LeCompte, starting at 8:00 o'clock. All past- HA 6-6297, Rosalie Dennis, HA masters expecting to attend are 6-3420 or Wanda Schirmer, HA asked to notify Catto, P.O. Box 6-4461. Shelton. CLOTH,NG POOL Pioneer Falhers-sens Bargain: 77' sins! Colors gah)re! The for bulky knit sweat- socks. Stock up at price. lured to Clear! Print 00w.s1.66 42's. Fleecy! Warm. No sleep cold. Pretty flor- outing flannel. Bar- 32 Reasons to Shop This Weekend Special Price! Chenille 2.9s Bedspreads Full bed sizes. Corduroy Chen- ille. Lightweight, quick drying. Choose from white, pink, brown, maize, radiant rose. Special Price! "Lurex" 3 00 Bath Mat Set " 3-Piece Rayon No lint! Bath mat, lid cover and contour mat all for just $3. Chooe from many decor- ator colors. Save! ues! SPring 2.79 Frocks and 14/ to 24/. cottons, color- and pique stripes. Fabulous Value ! "Ill" TRAY00i Large Trays 13 x 17V2 00 23-1n. Height Sturdy tubular constructed steel legs, black, baked-on chip re- sistant finish. Assorted tray pattern. Folds up for easy storage. (.Sorry, no layaways.) Just Arrivedl Plaid or Floral $1 BLANKETS 90% Rayon, 10% Orlon Machine washable. Rich colors. Long wearing rayon bound. Warm, sturdy bargain buys. Glearaway Prices on Ready to Wear € to Clear! • Now grouped Sizes 8-10-12- lined. Cottons and early, save ! SKIRTS $5 I "l Just 15 in This Group 'S I wos. 19 COATS Boucles, fleeces, orlon fleece lined. Every coat drastically re- duced. Sizes 8 to 16. Milium linings. Shop early! 40 Only! Priced to Clearl Girls' Warm AUTO COATS 3-6x 7-14 Yrs. '4 '5 Washable hooded, warm knit trims. Red, tan, blue. An ideal jacket for Spring play liSP. A grand value. Only 14 Left! GIRLS' BLUE $6 Bulky Orlon Coat $5 SWEATERS now Washable. Sizes 6 to 10. Long sleeves. Bargains. Just 20 Left! WOS. POLISHED COTTON . MIDCALF $1 SLACKS Black and tan. 10 - 12's. and quilt ny- dressy skirts 28 waist. Great- clear. Priced ! $6 14 years Milium "blue wool fleeces. inal Reductions! Sizes 4 to Warm, pretty, these! .)! Turquoise and long sleeves. Save. e-away Price! Children's Shoe Special! Boys' Black Oxfords Girls' Red Strap Oxfords 2"9s Sizes 8 to 3. Sturdy soles. Black grain leather uppers and plain toes for the boys, girls dres,uy, good wearing straps. Need budget shoes, here is a chance to save! High School Boys' Sizes Black Plain S 95 Toe Oxfords = Sizes 6 to 11. Sturdy soles. 3- eye ties, styled just as the boys desire. Comfortable last. D widths. Terrific Bargaini BOYS' BOXER TOP JEANS. Just Sizes 2 to 8 yrs. Sanxomzed tan and blue faded denim. Ma- chine washable. Shop early. This is a buy! Just 50 Left! Men's Flannel 1.33 SHIRTS Sanforized. Sizes small, med- ium. Long sleeve, warm, ma- chine washable. Smart plaids. Extra Valuesl Men's Long Sleeve Woven GINGHAM sPo.z 1." SHIRTS Discontinued styles. S i z e s small, medium and large. Plaids, stripes and some gads and ends, all marked down to clear! Terrific Bargain l Boys' 133-0z, BLUE DENIM WESTERN 1,7, 7 JEANS Sizes 10 to 16 yrs. Tits fitting, low rise. Heaviest denim mane and priced to save you money l Just 50 Left! Bbys' Flannel $1 SPORT SHIRTS Sizes 6 to 1 years. Sanforized, many wash 'n wear flannel plaids. Discontinued Stylist BOYS' ALL Wool Melton 6.S6 JACKETS Sizes 4 to 18's. Manufacturer's clearance of better jackets. Knit trims. Wool Linedl Warm! Men's Blue A 44 Denim Jackets"If'---- Zipper front! Sizes 38 to 46. Machine washable. Sturdy. Manufacturer's Close-Out! MEN'S ALL WOOL MELTON 7.77 JACKET Now Sizes small, medium and large. A real bargain priced group of jackets. Knit trims and ome washable, quilt lined. price. Don't save here! SPRING WEDDING PLANNED MR. AND MRS. DUANE S. DEWELL wish to announce the en- gagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Sharon Diane, to Mr. Thomas Robert Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Coleman. A spring Wedding is being planned. (Dean photo.) The monthly Jayette Clothing] Q+.Iu.I..IAJ Pool will be open to service needy l UalIqMUl iPllgUlln;v families this Saturday in the Wel-[ The annual Father-Son night at fare building at Sixth and ..Rail- !Pioneer school will be held lriday, roan. women oi tne .t.oose will be lFeb" 27. The festivities will begin [in cnarge of tne fitting of the[a t 7 p m and all men of the com- I clothing from 10 a.m. until noon. I munity are invited to enjoy the [ -- 1evening of fun even though they -- . tilde not have a son in school. Re- Try a Journal Wan Ao freshments will be served. Junior Music Olubs To Present Program The program "Parade of Amer- ican Music" will be presented by the junior music clubs at the next meeting of the Shelton Music Club at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Ever- green school auditorium. Hostesses for the meeting will be the club's board members. I . i I I '"' + ................. + ++'+'+ +++++  i i!ili ¢.:::i :: :.::::+' "'" '<."@::::::: i! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: !iiiiliiiiii]ii! i :: !i ii!i!!::ii!! iii :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: WINDOW FASHIONS, JUffONISHING VAmnl Curtain and Drapery ,w "MADE TO MEASURE" DRAW DRAPES Priced To Save You Money .Professionally Tailored I" "::::: SPEOIAL! +:+ DACRON ++ PRISClLLAS +o $2so lO0-1n. Valance "i j 76"x81" Curtains •  Bargain Priced . . F  m. You can curtain every room in your house for haft the price you'd = expect to pay! Sheer ivory Dac- ron, wide valance, £ull ruffles. Plan to select your needs for this Spring house cleaning today  z DACRON TIERS j 7" Rolled Edge Ruffles. E ,,% fullnoss +4,,x3o,9.29 84 x36" Size just.. 61 Sheer, washable. Ivory color. SHEER DACRON PANELS 41"x36"size .......... 98¢, 41"x45" .............. $1.19 Sheer, easy to wash, quick to dry, hemmed, headed, ready to 41"x54" .............. $1.29 hang. Buy them to add beauty in any room in the home. 41"X63" $1.49 Double deck them for a change in the bedroom, kitchen or .............. playroom. Reverse Twist for added wear and beauty! 41"x81" .............. $1.69 NO IRON DRIP-DRY DAORON "Reurelle" Frothy Flocked DACRON TIERS 84" x 30" or '198 White/Gold | White/Pink "Fleurette" Flocked P+,,o,+ '1,.98 4"x81" Hemmed, Headed ........ "Fleurette" Flocked Priscillas $5 95 Extra Wide, m 98"x 81" . ....... 175% fullness on 6-in. wide ruffles. A curtain with the luxurious look, will add beauty to every room. There is a type' for living room, bedroom, dining room. So easy to wash, so quick to dry. Choose from white and gold or white and pink! SHOP PENNEY'S IN SHELTON... Live Better... For Less l Social Ewent, 1 .,,,. 8oolety Editor * Save Wll • Phone HA. 6-441! r McOronkey JOG to Send Dance Proceeds To Seaflle Hospital Members of the Verda McCon- key Junior Orthopedic Guild and their friends will enjoy a swim at the Olympia YMCA Sunday, from 8 to 9 p.m. The girls cleared $61.31 from their share in the recent All-City Orthopedic dance. In addition to the dance proceeds the JOG will i contribute $25 from the cake walk at the dance. All proceeds from the dance will be sent to the Se- attle Children's Orthopedic hospi- tal. Conceal Ass'n. Drive Underway This Week The Mason County Community Concert Association's 1959-60 an- nual membership campaign was opened Sunday with a kick-off meeting for workers at the Grant C. Angle school. The kick-off meeting began a membership drive which will con- tinue until noon Satulay at which time membership in the association will close for the year and a pro- gram of concerts for the coming season will be arranged. Lowell Hart, president of the local association, presided at the meeting and Dr. Andrew Beelik, campaign chairman, presented plans for the campaign, assisted by Dr. Romeo Cones, co-chairman of the group. Miss Pearl Summers, field rep- rentative for Community Con- certs, Inc., is in Shelton for the week to assist in the campaign and list the artists available in this area for the coming season. It was aonounced that campaign headquarters will be open until noon Saturday at the Shelton Ho- tel lobby and that the headquarters telephone is HA 6-3920. Enthusi- asm manifested by the workers in- dicated that the membership goal of 430 will be reached before the week ends and that a tly dis- tinguished series of concerts by some of the world's finest artists will be presented during the forth- coming season. Only members of the association will be admitted to the concerts, with no sale of tickets for ay one concert. All who wish to become members are urged to contact campaign headquarters b e f o r e noon Saturday. The entire ven- ture is strictly non-profit, devoted .qole]y to bringing fine artists to Shelton. Mrs. Ryan Attends Optometric Meet Mrs. Q. Thomas RY rep(lrd on the trustees meeting last meeting of the Woman's Aux- iliary Olympic Optometric Soci- ety last Thursday in Chehalis. Mrs. Ryan also introduced a dis- cussion on the advisability of the Olympic Auxiliary donating to the National Research for Children's Vision project currently being sponsored by the American Opto- metric Association. It was brought out that the Aux- iliaries of this state have thus far made the greatest contribution to this fund during the past year. Journal Want Ads Pay Beta Zetas Plan Masquerade Party, Sell Stationery The regular business and edu- catiooal meeting of Beta Zeta Chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha In- ternational, was held at the home of Mrs. Dan Davidson Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Kurt Bro- man co-hostess. Members and husbands will meet at the Robert Cleveland home this Friday evening for a masquerade party. A potluck dinner will be served. The date of the ESK Western Regional meeting in Tacoma wu announced as March 8. Mra. Dick Holland, state council president, will conduct the business meeting. For a ways and means project, chapter members will be selling all occasion cards, wrapping and sta- tionery items during the next month. An excellent selection ie available and these will be shown at a morning coffee, brunch or evening gathering. Also to add to the chapter's treasury a rum- mage sale has been scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 28, at the PUD building. Mrs. Dick Holland was appoint- ed by the president, Mrs. Don Smith, to fill the vacancy of wel- fare chairman vacated by Mrs. Bill Kimbel who is temporarily in- active from the chapter. As her first duty, Mrs. Holland made plans to furnish refreshments for a Valentine party at Rogers school. Also measurements have been ta- ken of the windows at the care° taker's apartment in the Excep- tional Foresters Inc. building and curtains will soon be made. Also appointed was Mrs. Ed Dunbar to fill the vacancy of social chair- man vacated by Mrs. Jim Dean. At the close of the educational meeting, a discussion of first aid, refreshments with a Valentine so- tive were served by the hostee& The next meeting will be held March 11 at the home of Mrs. Art Nicklaus with Mrs. Robert Clove- land as co-hostess. Degree of Honor To Fete Washington The Degree of Honor Lodge will meet Tuesday evening at 8 p.m, in the Memorial hall for a business meeting and celebration of Wash- !lngton's birthday. Committee for !for the meeting will be Esther Morgan, Frieda Smith, and Irma Barger. Program chairman, Mary Jadin, requests all members to attend and bring all their beads. Prizes will be awarded for the longest string, oldest, the farest away and the most strings. Farewell Party Fetes Mary Lou Tobler A surprise farewell party was held recently for Mary Lou Tobler by her classmates at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and MrL John Cormier. Those attending the affair were Lenora Burgess, Janet Lentz, San. dy Bye, Rosemary Stuck, Rosalie Hanson, Kay Wells, Janet Temple, Marilyn Hughes, Ann Rau, Alone Cheney, Marilyn Dorsey and the guest of honor. Mary Lou, her sister, Norms, two brothers, Donald and Billy, grandfather, W. C. Tobler, and mother, Mrs. Tobler (nee Margaret Cormier) left last Thursday to Join her father, Lt. Col. J. A. Tob- let" who is stationed in Japan. USED FORDS LIKE NEW Used Late Model ,k Ford Sedans, '56s, '57s, 58's rhe Best Selection Ever Available in Shelton No Need to Look Further OOME LOOK AT THESE '58 Ford Fairlane Victoria V-8 Has Everything Nice '57 Ford Fairlaae 500 Club Sedan One Owner -Best of Care '56 Ford Fairlane Club Sedan V-8 28,000 Milen '56 Ford Customline @Door V-8 Ehgine, Heater, etc, '56 Ford ¾-Ton Piekup New Tire, New Paint '48 Ford ½-Ton Pickup Look At These Two '57 DeSeto 4-Door Hardtop Power steering, power brakes, pushbutton windows, pushbutton transmiuion, 20,(}00 miles, Big Discount '48 OADILLAO SEDAN A perfect old car. i = 15 Other Makes and Models TRADES • TERMS JIM PAULEY INC. FORD • MER(URY 5TH AND RAILROAD • PHONE HA 6-8231