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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 19, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 19, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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DAYTON NEWS , Wiliis,Paln00¢r James BuUard ¢00imnenn T,, n0000oln. Uo);..ol n..o,d Try a in a v.rl + : i _....+, ,_,.,,,..._,.,:. ..... III II | +++ • " + +d Fr,+.y o,,o,o ,, +++. +?+0 &apos;o; Me€le+of Fur N+,w Prnd.rh T0 H01d S0eclal +,.v. I ll[-l [] F| Bonita will remain open zor Hospital. last week in Veterans Hospital, =..,d...'qw. =v= .+.vw eevl,. I+- rl,,g/g transfer of registrations only until W .... March 11. eeKentl loo(l There will be a special school  , election on March 27 for a 5 mill 4I%PdlUlII it le+y to be t,sed for building etc. lpFpRlllll l For.further information, call Mrs. VII m"qllrllkV Fritz Buechcl, HA 6-3774. The Traveling Pinochle Club will IlAqePl IPIduili meet on Saturday, l, eb. 21, at the rlUllPl rl[iPl home of Mr. and Mrs. James ........ _L'-I,E - ------ Hickson. [€ Sp(.nding the weekend in Grand- '%,ll 2121 view, Wash., at the home of his • :  F parents, Mr, and Mrs. C, H. Young, ///m sdmamsu were Mr. and Mrs. John Young. IKUIPN []jlSllijH|NIP They brought back with them ---' ........ -..'>. ...... their nephew and wife, Mr. and  Mrs. F, l-tanc.ock, to spend a few W days. : Lbs. afternoon and evening, mS$l AIRlaiSw Mr. and  Mrs. I)illenberg and' chil. NnVPL UIAIbiE dren visited in the home of Mr. "" .......... " "+en ""a s m ann ars. t. ry w me,. t& On Frhtay evening, Marshall Lb +-' ' Jackson of Shelton called at the •  Bill Kidd home. mm/is Marie Warnes and Doris Hick- §MARA00 son were Friday overnight guests • +,  of Jerri Nunamaker of Shelton. l d On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Nuna- I l W maker took the three girls to lu. llmll Olympia where they enjoyed visit- m  m  ing the museum. II | | . : Wednesday overnight guests of + ==    . Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde Med. AA, qld were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Allard ro z l!q b' of Bremerton. 17 •,. 41V . Recent visitors in the James ......... ,..__ Hlckson home were Mr. and Mrs. FRnZFII PIER H A. Bezley of Elms. ==w, ,, v M+t Gertrude Scott spent the Tuna, Chicken Turkey weekend in Shelton with Mr. and I I, k 4Pk Mrs, Leon Scott. and family. ., -B mJ)13 Sunday evening .callers at the F Ior J- home 0£ 1Ir. andMrs. Gary Cole ..... were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers IIIVIIIIIM rlldllo Mr. and hit's. AI Chappell. spent dl..dl AA the weekend in Elma with her r , loLL parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mat- or ill thews .... , ,. , I J Havlngdnner in Shelton on Fri- IOflTlld Iiilll[@ •1daY ev.enhlg at the home of Mrs. rna, i"=-)1o i)Nena Roberts were Mr. and Mrs. Table Test I[ Pete Roberts and sons. --: .A  l[ Mike Carte of Shelton was Sat- 0 Sl _11111 I] urday overnight guest of Darrell YA- ---w |ICochran at Panhandle. Lake. H,, ,m I[ Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. •im   m AI] Harold LeGarde were Mr. and Mrs. I I l|[G. E, Grimm of Seattle• [] i W1 I ill On Tuesday evening Mr. and ,! I' "ilJMrs. Henry Warnes visited in li B1 z:lll Shelton with Mr. and Mrs. Nate l ) Fisk and Mr. and Mrs Alvie Wa,'nes. • PIMP PAR II Wedn(,sday dinner guest at the llillm lllilllik llhome of Mr. and Mrs. William M. 11111111111 |ltBl[] |lBrown was Mrs. Mary ChappelL I t Sunday visitors at the Dell Ad- gtNJ q %]'ll.v" llama home were Mr. and Mrs. Les- I ter Adam.' and children of Tacoma. '- ' ' I t [Ir. and Mrs. John Gates, Pare orn where I mr... 4¢ Joe Marsh • _u__y to av, "Noisy Ne,ghbors" A recent news item about an Air Force base nod the towns- people nearby illustrates a point I've made for some time. Most of the local people had the same coml>laint--the roar of jets was irritating--so a group of them pclitioned the Air Force to move the base. Then the Air Force invited the petitioners to the base to show them how vital it was to their defense. The people soon decided jet noise was really a tthe.lcome sound--and all peti- tions were dropped. From where I lt. ;Jnmpk to conclusions.--without know. ing all sides of a question--l something people ought to avoid. It would n:mke living together a lot easier. On little thlnp, too--ltk¢ your prefer- ence fo r tea or coffee and me for beer. Understanding ,the other fellow's Imint of view will make traveling a lot smoothe in this "Jet" lre of ouP. Mr'. Palmer was born Jan, 3, Seattle. ,1. DII/Ilu Wt2L IJUII I qJll. Jk) .... 1.871, in Michigan. He had made _ , .._.. .  ,.^__ +._  Future development of the pm'-,).u chair b,)ttoms, wooden automo- his lome in M:atlock for the past u9a i, nan-,-),m Oalif w was poses for wluch Snupson Engt- ]txve parts, cross-arms etc. pre- 51 years, where he worked as a - ,,,,," .... ,. ,.* . .,,+' ..u,m,°r'^t'^i"'o. neered ..... Wood Produets, recently. ,Ifabrmated hmldmgs, lammat. f.rmer. ,He was a charter member ..,n Wmuhtnbfm Wn,)'n Ru)'enu orgamzen dtwsion of the Simpson {beams, plywood trusses and ply- of .the MaUock Grange, .u:L]-7:'A"W;-:"7";':Z::':ZTL':::vvu.u v.a . .x.. v.a.. Logging Company, ..... was el'eared Iwood components for building, arid Funeral services .were held at 1 Funeral services ware held at may be of suhstantial benefit to many other thmgs of hke nature. p,n% Monday in Wltsiern chapel 11 am Mondnv in Wits•era Fu- Sheiton and Mason County. t "'e are set up to enter nA, v ..... i "' .... "';" *'^ "ie:+i"n ^f THIS WAS Tile implication l fields of construction and to de- ,under the direction of Die Rev. uct ru+,, t,,uc ,,c u € u u . . s ' "en ie Charles T. Herren. Burial was in 1^- ---- o/.. ,. '-^---tion given by W. A. McKenme d rec-Iveh)p new prod st. McK z foq,, in Mt View Crematory tor of the new Smpson dvJsmn, explamed. "Fox' the present, until the Shelton Memorial Park. a'ii .... in an informal talk before about we can build sufficient sales vof He is surviyed by his four sons, Arhur,,N, Matlock; Roy W., Ta- ie"is'auivived h v hi wife, An- 25 members of the Shelton Chain- iume to justify phtnt construction, ¢a neon; two oromers, wattel', ' ' • ' " v • - com&;.Ernes{ M,),eattlel Etlene "" ;'" ..... S- .......... bet" of Commerce and loc'tl mdus- ] we nlan to sub-contract much of v+- ..t+- ..t,.. iv+- ,Xo.+ trial figures last week. lots, produclion We are ah'eady p., ,Seattle; a daughter. Mrs. Ruth .......  ...... . ............. - ...... in ....... es nI ,a C'lif.  =¢t Mz' W.thel I I m not prommmg anyth g, engaged m a nation-wide sal .. a Hartman,. Longview; nine grand- , .....................  . . children and. folb" great- grand- e-,g* Wa,e,*l f,* _ te  I McKenzie emphamzed, "but ff our advertmmg program and when we -,;v , :* k-;:-,iames-.cuif}Pe [studies and. research show that Ihave a sales volume to justify it children, _au,,tct, vt," .  ...... , _ _ _ some of tne products we believe we hope to set up a plant, here in ............................ t ........ -- .......... [we can efficiently and profitably]Shelton to manufacture some of  lU.++n " * " ' " ' "''''L''  ' -- ,manufacture can'be nmde you can our products." +vlary P}lugnnan rest assured Shelton ,,'ill be a l ONE OF THE ram" materials for 0"'*?' +"o * P!+:P,, )',+*+ lilid"i;l rlps+l++ +.+,.+.,+,' +.,..+ • ,. prime consideration for plant i which the Simpson executive ex- P uneral+aturoav sites." pressed high hopes is in the utitiza- '  .+ ' ee ii,-: ' . a :z :ttDlr£ .serv=lces will e net that Simpson Engineered Wood]Colmty is plentifully supplied and t held t - ' + " . .... ... McKenzie had earlier explained[tion of alder, with whict Mason 2. p.m L today, Thursday, il., it- e ' " . - • • ]raay In l-lozzner s= un ia£ Products had been created wtth!which could be the raw materml e, eattle, zor mary D Iraugn steps v'uneral Home for tAhdew  _  "- V h" "''s: the idea that as a basic wood prod- ] source for one of the plants plan- [lII {18, HOX dl', aug n 2€1 Julius Hana¢ 54,Rt. I,,BO:,450, ,au  lndn wa b0rn Jul- 19 1895" ucts manufactttrer Simpson should ned by the new Simpson division. Olympia, former, lon, coy in sg PaOli inn ahd Ydiei' Men' diversify and get into the deve3op-I "We are looking for ideas," Me- resident, s¢rvi0es wil.+e ndr . ".  ! _, ?, " sent of end-use products for a I Kenzie said. "We invite anyone the direct!on+ of. the,Rv, E. (C, (say at a tmenas note, more efective use of the basic [with ideas for the greater use of Knautz.., al .will .fallow in the .+- .......................... products wood products to confer with us Shlton .Menz'ial Park ,-, l,&£11 I[lii.i HE POINTED OUT that al-labout the possibilities of develop- .Mr, Hanaen+ was born May, 3, I11•• LI though the new division had been tent. There is no limit to the 104,: in Poulsho and died Sunday aX,,,,,, €-,,-,,,,,o,,o u,. .... in existence only a few weeks it]number of things we can consider at hill home where he Owned and . yv,z,,a "L "'.""a';./ ....... Z has ah'eady absorbed the National lif made of wood." operatad a mink, farm.. He was a mtne ason Uot!nty aUmtor's of . , ¢i,'e ths at w 't wre ' Tank and Pipe Company of  ort ......................... rt0r of, the 01ympic Fur . +7'-" Jr ,'2"'%-? . 2 .... land and thus is already in the] "1)ers Association for nine k.eter I., V,led7l)cZeI, neai L business of mamffacturing wood I U--.-- M--..a....a.-. yea .....  I+ + ...... + ' L m} ano l,ucu e a. u g, g ' pipe and tanks and is studying[ Iluir lW_ll;ll_r. , [e lsatUWledrY:hl$ lfe, - Shelton .... YO. Dnr+O'ffpi;%F[Olpr,..S+ r " j " the possibilities of further utiliza-]IIIV/V IlVlUII&IIV/V • . .' tion of cut plywood for such things][ M = m S--= -- )Ires '"a--m" ' Sl/+It°" a br°thr' +" " &'+ -a+'+l MIiI"  .... ''I ' at Library Hansen, Potlatch. GOuntv I{ecelves i ...... KPlilIIIH,III IllWO " .... '' + ']:'--.-- -- '-r' I%tt The Library has recently been .uy .ti ann . y . ]f l enriched by the addition of tw9 Alt. KA+MILHE ..... Friday evening a. i_ p +R [world famous newspapers to its rq rat ILL ""-s Heltl Mr. and Mrs 00.,,ene Taylor at- .]L_ r.nn¢ +fi,es. ended an officers party of the VII41F IlMIIlU + The first copy of a subscription Death claimed Mrs Alta ay I ]gastern Star in the Masonic Tern- __ 2-= . _ I to the unday edition of the mew -le honorin  the Worth,, Matron, iw : _ lml I • York Times arrived last week Butler, 64, Rt. 1, BOX 512, Sunday] P , ,  .... in the Mark E, Reed MemorialIMrs.-Hattte'Pterce, and,the Wor- rflr Hilll00aIInn [The excellent summaries of the thv Patron Mr. L. O. SelJeatad. iavn nqmmvqtiVli ]week's news; the magazine section Hospital,Mrs. BUtler,MCClearY'a resident of M- ] IR. AND Mrs. Leo N-cleon, if- Mason Cotlnty has received the[trhenit%vebnakg(2:nadtsaretdic:::ti:: son county for the past 20 years, ter a short stay in Seattl%aer 5th of ten monthly allotments from/hem e furnishings; th book review was born Jan. 3, 1895, in Bray- treatments on his back, the Current State School Fund/ ..... :s • - r- sec nard, Minn. down to spend a few days with and the State School EmializationSecu°n; zne meater ann a t - +-i -arents the Hum-hre, Nel ........ "-a o o;,:,, ...... It•on; the business section; and, Funera! services were held at son;."Th+y left Thursda by'plane ;:'d3; +e ;yd J And:ews: jladies, the advertisements of the I [a.m., Tuesday, in Wttsters cha- pel, the Rev. J. Bernliard Bret- for their home in Skagway, Alas- State Superintendent of Public In-|am°us .ew o!'. stores., provioe helm officiated. Burial was in the ka struction ]nours oz mterestmg reaomg eacn Shelton Memorial Park.. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lilly and The allotments in the amount of tWe_e, k' . . ...... Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Phyllis Kirkoffer (ff Toppen- $87 394.65 from the Current State ]. 'ne second m.loscrpuon,  g.t ish were weekend guests of the School Fund and $7 785 96 from i t° tne nDrary, is tne weekly ar- Gloria Graham, Elma; three bro- Jss 'rown*ields ....... *1  ' :i at'in Fmd •mail edition of the cqlebrated Eng- thers, Stlllman Guyett,. Albei.t0  .  • me tate cnoo qum z n t . . s. ge Y . ,  for the month of January bring the i ' . ' . ' - Canada; James Gqytt, Kent; Her Mr Eu ne Ta lor sent last hsh newspaper, the Manchester lis, Olympia; three sisters, Mrs. Thursday in Seattle in the home total amount of state "money re- t(ua°, inn' nos.e pages are so re- Jes.,m Craven, LaCentr; Mrs. Lot- of her niece, the Jim Blakes, nes ceived for the current school year q uenuy quote( m new .roaocasts. tie Hovand, Lake; ]Mrs, Ollie Rah- Martha Arnold to $458 012 93 • [Among its regumr cons'touters are M"$ CHARLES Waner via _7 ' ' ':' , - -- )the authors of a number of books ,  " Tnese monles are usert DV [ne I ....... ' + bergcr, 'Yatolt; and two "grand- Red her mother, Mrs, H. L. Jhan- h)cal school districts for salaries I currenuy in. tne nrary-,James children. son, in Potter on Motlday. and operating expenses. Additional I .orm.s .('Imam .Immeo' an, o Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blackwelder funds are derived from local and ]"South Atrcan _w, inter' ),. Anstalr and Donald of Kirkiand spent the and Mr and Mrs. Roy Petty of federal sources Approximately 60 ooe ('.',one van s A, merlca"ana helton were Saturaa evening o, ,,o, ,,e ,,c e,,as fo- ,:i,nl"uenerauon on Trial  aria aja weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Pete S o E win TYlors  v- c ........................... Zinkin ("India Changes!") guests f the d Y . needs are from state allotments, Roberts. Joyce Kidd and Alvie Chapman Mr. and Mrs...N. ewell Ell.)n and with 36 per cent from local sources ....... lllson Ot ULympla and 4 per cent from the federal T " r 1 "" nt A" of Shelton spent Saturday evening were mat unaay atternoon guests government, ry a Jou na w a at the home of her father, Mr. of the Eugele Taylora, ,  Bill Kidd. • ..... On Sunday, Patfla Brown attend THIS TUESDAY Mrs. EdWm .... " - - " ed a birthday .party honoring Ev- Taylor and Mrs. Edwin Petty at- elvn Hall of Island Lake on her' terded the #nnual "Luncheon it< ninth birthday. Served" event of the Olympia ,ELECTRIC DRYER Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde and children and Henrietta Warnes were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Fonzo of Shelton. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke were Mr. and Mrs A. H. Wolden and Luann of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wolden and children of Shelton, and Mrs. Cecil McLain and children. Mrs. Mary Chappell spent the weekend at Matlock with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappell. Sunday callers at the Henry Warnes home ere.,, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Auseth and daughters of Shel- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barton of Tacoma were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rayson. BIG BUY +'°+++, ++'+' +++ +WESTING+ HOUSE Women's Club in their club house and later spent some time at the legislative sesslons. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence LaMent of Dayton were Sunday evening dinnar guests of their daughter, the Oliver Pettys. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor hosted a birthday party for their son, Justin. Monday evening. Oth- er guests were the grandmother. Mrs. Zora Waldript Mr. nad Mrs. Edwin Taylor and Mrs. Justin Taylor and two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blackweld- er made a business trip to Win- lock, Wash., last Wednesday. Visiting Sunday with the Lyle Alversons were Mr. and Mrs. A1 Gahan of Elma, Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Peek of McCleary, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Siegler of Olympia and thin,Charles Wagner family. BbNNIE AND Joan Wagner spent the. week€n4 in Montesano wlth Mr: an d Mn. Henry Ford. gturday gests of+the Charles Wners were Mr. and Mrs, Ken- net3t Sieler (nee Ione Wagner) of Olympia. ,Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Clitrle, s Wgner drove to Monte- an0. to hll) Mr, and Mrs. Henry For"t celqbrte their 21st wedding amM,eay ...... There will be a dance at the Progress Grange hall this Satur- day night, Feb., 21. Joan Wagner was home from school Monday with t cold. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton LaMent and sn, Russell, ,of DaytQn spent Sunday evenin with the Humph- rey. eisons. . .. HELPING THEIR. + me. ,r cele- brate her 87th birthday last Wed- ney evening at le home of her dau[ghter, ..tle Etig#ne Taylor$, were the James Waldrtps of Shel- [ t and. Victgr Butte of ely:re- |pro, Another guest was rs. [Dolt ler, als00f Shelton. [ Mr, and+Mr. Dave Rankln and glrl$ of Trinidad, Calif,, vis- il two [r., Jelte Riehard returned iiecentty fr0m a month's stay in dma. he Reverend and Mrh. B. W. ti ! FA!sworth ,and Mr, :and Mrs. Ed ]Sign attended a fellowship meet- ling at Neah Bay last Friday al- l ternoon. I Over one hundred guests signed ]the guest book at the open house I Sunday on the 50th wedding an- |iversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. I Brownfields. They received many / lovely gifts, flowers and a money [tree'oMr'lo C rval and Mrs, Bruce Brauls [ f is, Ore., sent a lovely  t/iree orchld corage and a ban- g ket of flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Lindeholm of Olympia also | sent a basket of flowers. | OUT OF town guests were Mr. | and Mrs. Bernard Brown, lr. and | M r .[rs Howard Price and Mr. and M s. Herman aul, all of Steila- coom, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Linde-  holm, Mr. and Mrs. L. J+ Brown . l ," I l _  ad:n Mr. sm Hansen,, all of Olym. • i= [i .---- ,.' : tiP,t, Mr. and Mrs. O/iv Smith I Mr+ +..[ rs. Joseph Smith I 419 P.lroad Ph+neL HA 6-6283______J j ocm Tu1e; ' ' " [Bruce Brauls of Corvallis, Ore. Drill Sunday c., .oo+o., Our Hood . "All physically. .... qualified men Reresenn 1 recur a mthtary obhgatmn ripen reaching the age of 18," Captain John A. Burnett, commanding of- KIMBEL 1 ricer of the Shelton National Guard, pointed out yesterday. ; Chrysler-Plym Enlistment in the "vVashington' International National Guard allows men to fun fill the obligation while continu-, ing their regular civilian eduea- tion or occupation. :=---------- Eulistees without prior service will serve "a six months active duty period with the regular ar-  .. my. They will then return to their  ., National Guard unit for the re- . mainder of their military obliga- 'l l. tion.  * Interested men are encouraged I1 0 f to contact M/Sgt. Ken Rose at the ..--1L7 II| National Guard Armory at 6th &  Franklin St., for further informa- df  tion. .Oil JE Every male citizen interested in  [L serving in his home town National a...  . . Guard ts invited down to the Ar-  ) mary February 22, 1959, this day ,---... ". ,ln,., J ) the "iocal National Guard is hold- Kllle{1 1"¥  ]t ing an all-day drill in regards to  ,, ,=, , ._ General George Washington. ][Jiy '1'01} "l'eCltnl j There will be guardsmen there to -- -  II talk and show each of you around, provide both forr  I llll---nlll'l---M-111l Only the tops in ...tITV 1 11, Uinl= UUUI RIIV can guarante()the Th picture enjoyment, e Girl Scout Council, board ;nt, j and leaders, will meet at 9:']0 a.m., .:Tal ,.ll • J Friday in the Guild room of St. t..., v,.-. j David'g Episcopal ,church. Guest J | speaker at the meeting will be • P l Ail Miss Fredricka Gordon, National • I if • • BR Branch office, Seattle, and local L lk I V 111 d council advisor, t ! --" I" ' ?l | Also on the program Mrs. David I  • • •  • Steel, chairman of the Pacific ]i lelOViSlOn al Northwest Regional committee.]] r,p I]11 I will speak and answer questions [I ...... r:l 1 on Girl Scout problems. A film [i 2218 Olympio Hi "Under the Green Umbrella" will [i PHONE HA. also be shown. I J d I Edger and Vibrator FLOOR P OLISH00, M0r+an & Eacrett L,m00erj I Hll +Pest (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA 6-', [ I I I I::: !!o:,: :::: t o. o, .,,,, s,z, GOLD M|OAL FLOUR MIL 0ROCER) At ovr o0ent , o¢¢opt this coupon for 25¢ only o€1 the purchase f o 25-1b. or Iorger s z* of Gold m Medol Flour. Your General Mills repreSentotive will redeem for 25¢: plus 2¢ hand Ing charge for each coupon you m so q¢¢ept, or moll tha ¢ouln to Geral Mills+ Inc., Dept. 400+ Minneopolis 2, Minn. for redemption Cultomer 1 mud poy sales tax if ony. This offe¢ void in ony state or locality prohibiting, licQnsing, foxing, or regulatln9 these i COUpOt. 0f/0€ ere 60 days after- ¢(Ke;pt. iSlISeSlIISSSSlISleRnlIIIIRII lilR ISlIR nSlll GENERAL MILLS, INC. IIIIIIIIIIISlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FLOUR ALk-PU R POSI[ GENERAL OFFICES MINNFAPOLIS, MINNESOTA DAYTON NEWS , Wiliis,Paln00¢r James BuUard ¢00imnenn T,, n0000oln. Uo);..ol n..o,d Try a in a v.rl + : i _....+, ,_,.,,,..._,.,:. ..... III II | +++ • " + +d Fr,+.y o,,o,o ,, +++. +?+0 'o; Me€le+of Fur N+,w Prnd.rh T0 H01d S0eclal +,.v. I ll[-l [] F| Bonita will remain open zor Hospital. last week in Veterans Hospital, =..,d...'qw. =v= .+.vw eevl,. I+- rl,,g/g transfer of registrations only until W .... March 11. eeKentl loo(l There will be a special school  , election on March 27 for a 5 mill 4I%PdlUlII it le+y to be t,sed for building etc. lpFpRlllll l For.further information, call Mrs. VII m"qllrllkV Fritz Buechcl, HA 6-3774. The Traveling Pinochle Club will IlAqePl IPIduili meet on Saturday, l, eb. 21, at the rlUllPl rl[iPl home of Mr. and Mrs. James ........ _L'-I,E - ------ Hickson. [€ Sp(.nding the weekend in Grand- '%,ll 2121 view, Wash., at the home of his • :  F parents, Mr, and Mrs. C, H. Young, ///m sdmamsu were Mr. and Mrs. John Young. IKUIPN []jlSllijH|NIP They brought back with them ---' ........ -..'>. ...... their nephew and wife, Mr. and  Mrs. F, l-tanc.ock, to spend a few W days. : Lbs. afternoon and evening, mS$l AIRlaiSw Mr. and  Mrs. I)illenberg and' chil. NnVPL UIAIbiE dren visited in the home of Mr. "" .......... " "+en ""a s m ann ars. t. ry w me,. t& On Frhtay evening, Marshall Lb +-' ' Jackson of Shelton called at the •  Bill Kidd home. mm/is Marie Warnes and Doris Hick- §MARA00 son were Friday overnight guests • +,  of Jerri Nunamaker of Shelton. l d On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Nuna- I l W maker took the three girls to lu. llmll Olympia where they enjoyed visit- m  m  ing the museum. II | | . : Wednesday overnight guests of + ==    . Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde Med. AA, qld were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Allard ro z l!q b' of Bremerton. 17 •,. 41V . Recent visitors in the James ......... ,..__ Hlckson home were Mr. and Mrs. FRnZFII PIER H A. Bezley of Elms. ==w, ,, v M+t Gertrude Scott spent the Tuna, Chicken Turkey weekend in Shelton with Mr. and I I, k 4Pk Mrs, Leon Scott. and family. ., -B mJ)13 Sunday evening .callers at the F Ior J- home 0£ 1Ir. andMrs. Gary Cole ..... were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers IIIVIIIIIM rlldllo Mr. and hit's. AI Chappell. spent dl..dl AA the weekend in Elma with her r , loLL parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mat- or ill thews .... , ,. , I J Havlngdnner in Shelton on Fri- IOflTlld Iiilll[@ •1daY ev.enhlg at the home of Mrs. rna, i"=-)1o i)Nena Roberts were Mr. and Mrs. Table Test I[ Pete Roberts and sons. --: .A  l[ Mike Carte of Shelton was Sat- 0 Sl _11111 I] urday overnight guest of Darrell YA- ---w |ICochran at Panhandle. Lake. H,, ,m I[ Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. •im   m A I] Harold LeGarde were Mr. and Mrs. I I l|[G. E, Grimm of Seattle• [] i W1 I ill On Tuesday evening Mr. and ,! I' "ilJMrs. Henry Warnes visited in li B1 z:lll Shelton with Mr. and Mrs. Nate l ) Fisk and Mr. and Mrs Alvie Wa,'nes. • PIMP PAR II Wedn(,sday dinner guest at the llillm lllilllik llhome of Mr. and Mrs. William M. 11111111111 |ltBl[] |lBrown was Mrs. Mary ChappelL I t Sunday visitors at the Dell Ad- gtNJ q %]'ll.v" llama home were Mr. and Mrs. Les- I ter Adam.' and children of Tacoma. '- ' ' I t [Ir. and Mrs. John Gates, Pare orn where I mr... 4¢ Joe Marsh • _u__y to av, "Noisy Ne,ghbors" A recent news item about an Air Force base nod the towns- people nearby illustrates a point I've made for some time. Most of the local people had the same coml>laint--the roar of jets was irritating--so a group of them pclitioned the Air Force to move the base. Then the Air Force invited the petitioners to the base to show them how vital it was to their defense. The people soon decided jet noise was really a tthe.lcome sound--and all peti- tions were dropped. From where I lt. ;Jnmpk to conclusions.--without know. ing all sides of a question--l something people ought to avoid. It would n:mke living together a lot easier. On little thlnp, too--ltk¢ your prefer- ence fo r tea or coffee and me for beer. Understanding ,the other fellow's Imint of view will make traveling a lot smoothe in this "Jet" lre of ouP. Mr'. Palmer was born Jan, 3, Seattle. ,1. DII/Ilu Wt2L IJUII I qJll. Jk) .... 1.871, in Michigan. He had made _ , .._.. .  ,.^__ +._  Future development of the pm'-,).u chair b,)ttoms, wooden automo- his lome in M:atlock for the past u9a i, nan-,-),m Oalif w was poses for wluch Snupson Engt- ]txve parts, cross-arms etc. pre- 51 years, where he worked as a - ,,,,," .... ,. ,.* . .,,+' ..u,m,°r'^t'^i"'o. neered ..... Wood Produets, recently. ,Ifabrmated hmldmgs, lammat. f.rmer. ,He was a charter member ..,n Wmuhtnbfm Wn,)'n Ru)'enu orgamzen dtwsion of the Simpson {beams, plywood trusses and ply- of .the MaUock Grange, .u:L]-7:'A"W;-:"7";':Z::':ZTL':::vvu.u v.a . .x.. v.a.. Logging Company, ..... was el'eared Iwood components for building, arid Funeral services .were held at 1 Funeral services ware held at may be of suhstantial benefit to many other thmgs of hke nature. p,n% Monday in Wltsiern chapel 11 am Mondnv in Wits•era Fu- Sheiton and Mason County. t "'e are set up to enter nA, v ..... i "' .... "';" *'^ "ie:+i"n ^f THIS WAS Tile implication l fields of construction and to de- ,under the direction of Die Rev. uct ru+,, t,,uc ,,c u € u u . . s ' "en ie Charles T. Herren. Burial was in 1^- ---- o/.. ,. '-^---tion given by W. A. McKenme d rec-Iveh)p new prod st. McK z foq,, in Mt View Crematory tor of the new Smpson dvJsmn, explamed. "Fox' the present, until the Shelton Memorial Park. a'ii .... in an informal talk before about we can build sufficient sales vof He is surviyed by his four sons, Arhur,,N, Matlock; Roy W., Ta- ie"is'auivived h v hi wife, An- 25 members of the Shelton Chain- iume to justify phtnt construction, ¢a neon; two oromers, wattel', ' ' • ' " v • - com&;.Ernes{ M,),eattlel Etlene "" ;'" ..... S- .......... bet" of Commerce and loc'tl mdus- ] we nlan to sub-contract much of v+- ..t+- ..t,.. iv+- ,Xo.+ trial figures last week. lots, produclion We are ah'eady p., ,Seattle; a daughter. Mrs. Ruth .......  ...... . ............. - ...... in ....... es nI ,a C'lif.  =¢t Mz' W.thel I I m not prommmg anyth g, engaged m a nation-wide sal .. a Hartman,. Longview; nine grand- , .....................  . . children and. folb" great- grand- e-,g* Wa,e,*l f,* _ te  I McKenzie emphamzed, "but ff our advertmmg program and when we -,;v , :* k-;:-,iames-.cuif}Pe [studies and. research show that Ihave a sales volume to justify it children, _au,,tct, vt," .  ...... , _ _ _ some of tne products we believe we hope to set up a plant, here in ............................ t ........ -- .......... [we can efficiently and profitably]Shelton to manufacture some of  lU.++n " * " ' " ' "''''L''  ' -- ,manufacture can'be nmde you can our products." +vlary P}lugnnan rest assured Shelton ,,'ill be a l ONE OF THE ram" materials for 0"'*?' +"o * P!+:P,, )',+*+ lilid"i;l rlps+l++ +.+,.+.,+,' +.,..+ • ,. prime consideration for plant i which the Simpson executive ex- P uneral+aturoav sites." pressed high hopes is in the utitiza- '  .+ ' ee ii,-: ' . a :z :ttDlr£ .serv=lces will e net that Simpson Engineered Wood]Colmty is plentifully supplied and t held t - ' + " . .... ... McKenzie had earlier explained[tion of alder, with whict Mason 2. p.m L today, Thursday, il., it- e ' " . - • • ]raay In l-lozzner s= un ia£ Products had been created wtth!which could be the raw materml e, eattle, zor mary D Iraugn steps v'uneral Home for tAhdew  _  "- V h" "''s: the idea that as a basic wood prod- ] source for one of the plants plan- [lII {18, HOX dl', aug n 2€1 Julius Hana¢ 54,Rt. I,,BO:,450, ,au  lndn wa b0rn Jul- 19 1895" ucts manufactttrer Simpson should ned by the new Simpson division. Olympia, former, lon, coy in sg PaOli inn ahd Ydiei' Men' diversify and get into the deve3op-I "We are looking for ideas," Me- resident, s¢rvi0es wil.+e ndr . ".  ! _, ?, " sent of end-use products for a I Kenzie said. "We invite anyone the direct!on+ of. the,Rv, E. (C, (say at a tmenas note, more efective use of the basic [with ideas for the greater use of Knautz.., al .will .fallow in the .+- .......................... products wood products to confer with us Shlton .Menz'ial Park ,-, l,&£11 I[lii.i HE POINTED OUT that al-labout the possibilities of develop- .Mr, Hanaen+ was born May, 3, I11•• LI though the new division had been tent. There is no limit to the 104,: in Poulsho and died Sunday aX,,,,,, €-,,-,,,,,o,,o u,. .... in existence only a few weeks it]number of things we can consider at hill home where he Owned and . yv,z,,a "L "'.""a';./ ....... Z has ah'eady absorbed the National lif made of wood." operatad a mink, farm.. He was a mtne ason Uot!nty aUmtor's of . , ¢i,'e ths at w 't wre ' Tank and Pipe Company of  ort ......................... rt0r of, the 01ympic Fur . +7'-" Jr ,'2"'%-? . 2 .... land and thus is already in the] "1)ers Association for nine k.eter I., V,led7l)cZeI, neai L business of mamffacturing wood I U--.-- M--..a....a.-. yea .....  I+ + ...... + ' L m} ano l,ucu e a. u g, g ' pipe and tanks and is studying[ Iluir lW_ll;ll_r. , [e lsatUWledrY:hl$ lfe, - Shelton .... YO. Dnr+O'ffpi;%F[Olpr,..S+ r " j " the possibilities of further utiliza-]IIIV/V IlVlUII&IIV/V • . .' tion of cut plywood for such things][ M = m S--= -- )Ires '"a--m" ' Sl/+It°" a br°thr' +" " &'+ -a+'+l MIiI"  .... ''I ' at Library Hansen, Potlatch. GOuntv I{ecelves i ...... KPlilIIIH,III IllWO " .... '' + ']:'--.-- -- '-r' I%tt The Library has recently been .uy .ti ann . y . ]f l enriched by the addition of tw9 Alt. KA+MILHE ..... Friday evening a. i_ p +R [world famous newspapers to its rq rat ILL ""-s Heltl Mr. and Mrs 00.,,ene Taylor at- .]L_ r.nn¢ +fi,es. ended an officers party of the VII41F IlMIIlU + The first copy of a subscription Death claimed Mrs Alta ay I ]gastern Star in the Masonic Tern- __ 2-= . _ I to the unday edition of the mew -le honorin  the Worth,, Matron, iw : _ lml I • York Times arrived last week Butler, 64, Rt. 1, BOX 512, Sunday] P , ,  .... in the Mark E, Reed MemorialIMrs.-Hattte'Pterce, and,the Wor- rflr Hilll00aIInn [The excellent summaries of the thv Patron Mr. L. O. SelJeatad. iavn nqmmvqtiVli ]week's news; the magazine section Hospital,Mrs. BUtler,MCClearY'a resident of M- ] IR. AND Mrs. Leo N-cleon, if- Mason Cotlnty has received the[trhenit%vebnakg(2:nadtsaretdic:::ti:: son county for the past 20 years, ter a short stay in Seattl%aer 5th of ten monthly allotments from/hem e furnishings; th book review was born Jan. 3, 1895, in Bray- treatments on his back, the Current State School Fund/ ..... :s • - r- sec nard, Minn. down to spend a few days with and the State School EmializationSecu°n; zne meater ann a t - +-i -arents the Hum-hre, Nel ........ "-a o o;,:,, ...... It•on; the business section; and, Funera! services were held at son;."Th+y left Thursda by'plane ;:'d3; +e ;yd J And:ews: jladies, the advertisements of the I [a.m., Tuesday, in Wttsters cha- pel, the Rev. J. Bernliard Bret- for their home in Skagway, Alas- State Superintendent of Public In-|am°us .ew o!'. stores., provioe helm officiated. Burial was in the ka struction ]nours oz mterestmg reaomg eacn Shelton Memorial Park.. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lilly and The allotments in the amount of tWe_e, k' . . ...... Surviving are her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Phyllis Kirkoffer (ff Toppen- $87 394.65 from the Current State ]. 'ne second m.loscrpuon,  g.t ish were weekend guests of the School Fund and $7 785 96 from i t° tne nDrary, is tne weekly ar- Gloria Graham, Elma; three bro- Jss 'rown*ields ....... *1  ' :i at'in F md •mail edition of the cqlebrated Eng- thers, Stlllman Guyett,. Albei.t0  .  • me tate cnoo qum z n t . . s. ge Y . ,  for the month of January bring the i ' . ' . ' - Canada; James Gqytt, Kent; Her Mr Eu ne Ta lor sent last hsh newspaper, the Manchester lis, Olympia; three sisters, Mrs. Thursday in Seattle in the home total amount of state "money re- t(ua°, inn' nos.e pages are so re- Jes.,m Craven, LaCentr; Mrs. Lot- of her niece, the Jim Blakes, nes ceived for the current school year q uenuy quote( m new .roaocasts. tie Hovand, Lake; ]Mrs, Ollie Rah- Martha Arnold to $458 012 93 • [Among its regumr cons'touters are M"$ CHARLES Waner via _7 ' ' ':' , - -- )the authors of a number of books ,  " Tnese monles are usert DV [ne I ....... ' + bergcr, 'Yatolt; and two "grand- Red her mother, Mrs, H. L. Jhan- h)cal school districts for salaries I currenuy in. tne nrary-,James children. son, in Potter on Motlday. and operating expenses. Additional I .orm.s .('Imam .Immeo' an, o Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blackwelder funds are derived from local and ]"South Atrcan _w, inter' ),. Anstalr and Donald of Kirkiand spent the and Mr and Mrs. Roy Petty of federal sources Approximately 60 ooe ('.',one van s A, merlca"ana helton were Saturaa evening o, ,,o, ,,e ,,c e,,as fo- ,:i,nl"uenerauon on Trial  aria aja weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Pete S o E win TYlors  v- c ........................... Zinkin ("India Changes!") guests f the d Y . needs are from state allotments, Roberts. Joyce Kidd and Alvie Chapman Mr. and Mrs...N. ewell Ell.)n and with 36 per cent from local sources ....... lllson Ot ULympla and 4 per cent from the federal T " r 1 "" nt A" of Shelton spent Saturday evening were mat unaay atternoon guests government, ry a Jou na w a at the home of her father, Mr. of the Eugele Taylora, ,  Bill Kidd. • ..... On Sunday, Patfla Brown attend THIS TUESDAY Mrs. EdWm .... " - - " ed a birthday .party honoring Ev- Taylor and Mrs. Edwin Petty at- elvn Hall of Island Lake on her' terded the #nnual "Luncheon it< ninth birthday. Served" event of the Olympia ,ELECTRIC DRYER Mr. and Mrs. Harold LeGarde and children and Henrietta Warnes were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Fonzo of Shelton. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke were Mr. and Mrs A. H. Wolden and Luann of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wolden and children of Shelton, and Mrs. Cecil McLain and children. Mrs. Mary Chappell spent the weekend at Matlock with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappell. Sunday callers at the Henry Warnes home ere.,, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Auseth and daughters of Shel- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barton of Tacoma were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rayson. BIG BUY +'°+++, ++'+' +++ +WESTING+ HOUSE Women's Club in their club house and later spent some time at the legislative sesslons. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence LaMent of Dayton were Sunday evening dinnar guests of their daughter, the Oliver Pettys. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor hosted a birthday party for their son, Justin. Monday evening. Oth- er guests were the grandmother. Mrs. Zora Waldript Mr. nad Mrs. Edwin Taylor and Mrs. Justin Taylor and two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blackweld- er made a business trip to Win- lock, Wash., last Wednesday. Visiting Sunday with the Lyle Alversons were Mr. and Mrs. A1 Gahan of Elma, Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Peek of McCleary, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Siegler of Olympia and thin,Charles Wagner family. BbNNIE AND Joan Wagner spent the. week€n4 in Montesano wlth Mr: an d Mn. Henry Ford. gturday gests of+the Charles Wners were Mr. and Mrs, Ken- net3t Sieler (nee Ione Wagner) of Olympia. ,Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Clitrle, s Wgner drove to Monte- an0. to hll) Mr, and Mrs. Henry For"t celqbrte their 21st wedding amM,eay ...... There will be a dance at the Progress Grange hall this Satur- day night, Feb., 21. Joan Wagner was home from school Monday with t cold. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton LaMent and sn, Russell, ,of DaytQn spent Sunday evenin with the Humph- rey. eisons. . .. HELPING THEIR. + me. ,r cele- brate her 87th birthday last Wed- ney evening at le home of her dau[ghter, ..tle Etig#ne Taylor$, were the James Waldrtps of Shel- [ t and. Victgr Butte of ely:re- |pro, Another guest was rs. [Dolt ler, als00f Shelton. [ Mr, and+Mr. Dave Rankln and glrl$ of Trinidad, Calif,, vis- il two [r., Jelte Riehard returned iiecentty fr0m a month's stay in dma. he Reverend and Mrh. B. W. ti ! FA!sworth ,and Mr, :and Mrs. Ed ]Sign attended a fellowship meet- ling at Neah Bay last Friday al- l ternoon. I Over one hundred guests signed ]the guest book at the open house I Sunday on the 50th wedding an- |iversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. I Brownfields. They received many / lovely gifts, flowers and a money [tree'oMr'lo C rval and Mrs, Bruce Brauls [ f is, Ore., sent a lovely  t/iree orchld corage and a ban- g ket of flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Lindeholm of Olympia also | sent a basket of flowers. | OUT OF town guests were Mr. | and Mrs. Bernard Brown, lr. and | M r .[rs Howard Price and Mr. and M s. Herman aul, all of Steila- coom, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Linde-  holm, Mr. and Mrs. L. J+ Brown . l ," I l _  ad:n Mr. sm Hansen,, all of Olym. • i= [i .---- ,.' : tiP,t, Mr. and Mrs. O/iv Smith I Mr+ +..[ rs. Joseph Smith I 419 P.lroad Ph+neL HA 6-6283______J j ocm Tu1e; ' ' " [Bruce Brauls of Corvallis, Ore. Drill Sunday c., .oo+o., Our Hood . "All physically. .... qualified men Reresenn 1 recur a mthtary obhgatmn ripen reaching the age of 18," Captain John A. Burnett, commanding of- KIMBEL 1 ricer of the Shelton National Guard, pointed out yesterday. ; Chrysler-Plym Enlistment in the "vVashington' International National Guard allows men to fun fill the obligation while continu-, ing their regular civilian eduea- tion or occupation. :=---------- Eulistees without prior service will serve "a six months active duty period with the regular ar-  .. my. They will then return to their  ., National Guard unit for the re- . mainder of their military obliga- 'l l. tion.  * Interested men are encouraged I1 0 f to contact M/Sgt. Ken Rose at the ..--1L7 II| National Guard Armory at 6th &  Franklin St., for further informa- df  tion. .Oil JE Every male citizen interested in  [L serving in his home town National a...  . . Guard ts invited down to the Ar-  ) mary February 22, 1959, this day ,---... ". ,ln,., J ) the "iocal National Guard is hold- Kllle{1 1"¥  ]t ing an all-day drill in regards to  ,, ,=, , ._ General George Washington. ][Jiy '1'01} "l'eCltnl j There will be guardsmen there to -- -  II talk and show each of you around, provide both forr  I llll---nlll'l---M-111l Only the tops in ...tITV 1 11, Uinl= UUUI RIIV can guarante()the Th picture enjoyment, e Girl Scout Council, board ;nt, j and leaders, will meet at 9:']0 a.m., .:Tal ,.ll • J Friday in the Guild room of St. t..., v,.-. j David'g Episcopal ,church. Guest J | speaker at the meeting will be • P l Ail Miss Fredricka Gordon, National • I if • • BR Branch office, Seattle, and local L lk I V 111 d council advisor, t ! --" I" ' ?l | Also on the program Mrs. David I  • • •  • Steel, chairman of the Pacific ]i lelOViSlOn al Northwest Regional committee.]] r,p I]11 I will speak and answer questions [I ...... r:l 1 on Girl Scout problems. A film [i 2218 Olympio Hi "Under the Green Umbrella" will [i PHONE HA. also be shown. I J d I Edger and Vibrator FLOOR P OLISH00, M0r+an & Eacrett L,m00erj I Hll +Pest (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA 6-', [ I I I I::: !!o:,: :::: t o. o, .,,,, s,z, GOLD M|OAL FLOUR MIL 0ROCER) At ovr o0ent , o¢¢opt this coupon for 25¢ only o€1 the purchase f o 25-1b. or Iorger s z* of Gold m Medol Flour. Your General Mills repreSentotive will redeem for 25¢: plus 2¢ hand Ing charge for each coupon you m so q¢¢ept, or moll tha ¢ouln to Geral Mills+ Inc., Dept. 400+ Minneopolis 2, Minn. for redemption Cultomer 1 mud poy sales tax if ony. This offe¢ void in ony state or locality prohibiting, licQnsing, foxing, or regulatln9 these i COUpOt. 0f/0€ ere 60 days after- ¢(Ke;pt. iSlISeSlIISSSSlISleRnlIIIIRII lilR ISlIR nSlll GENERAL MILLS, INC. IIIIIIIIIIISlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FLOUR ALk-PU R POSI[ GENERAL OFFICES MINNFAPOLIS, MINNESOTA