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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 19, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 19, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, Symptoms of Dlstreu Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DU(TO EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Ask About 15-Day Tria| Offer! ()vet five rnilIi,ln pacl, age f the WILLARD TREA TM£N T have been ld for relief of symptoms ot dlst re srlsing from Itomach and Ddenal Ulcers due to mrs- CeU A©ld--Poor Dllestlen, Sour or UpI Stomach, Galmlnns, Heartburn, $1oep- less.e, etc., due to ESeS Acid. A.k for **WIIlard&apos;t Mesa|e" which fully explai this home treatmeot--|relv'at MeCONKEY PHARMACY PREPP'S REXALL Wri)RE THOMAS ORGAN DEALER Ask About Our Rental Plan JOHNNY'S MUSIO BOX 429 Railroad HA 6-4302 i ii f i i i 1] No. 1 Farm Chain Saw all low all $16980 . NBW HO M E LITB SAEGER MOTOR SHOP HILLCREST Phone HA 6-4602 realized this week by Harry C|lrist,)pilersnil, nlainte]ltince arid eon.truction m]perintendent for Mason County roads, when he pur- chased a partnership interest in a bowling alley. Effective this past Monday, the Shelton man and Don Anderson of Centralia became owners of the Centralta Bowl, an 8-lane bowling alley in the Iwis County com- munity. Anderson has managed the bowl for several months for the owner whom they bought out. Christoph- erson has held his position with the county for the past lZ years after returning to the U.S, from malty years service with the U.S. Bureau of Roads in Africa and the Middle East on highway con- stnmtion projects. Mrs. Chrlstopherson wlll join her husband in Centralia as soon as they are able to sell their two- year-old home adjoining the Shel- ton-Bayshore golf course. LOWE LARRUPS 668 IN OOMMEROIAL MEN'S COMMERCIAL Delight Park ..................... 18 6 Local 161 ............................ 15 9 Ritner's Highballers ........ 14 10 Gott Oil ................................ 14 10 Verle's Sporting Goods .. 10 14 Moose Lodge ...................... 9 15 Wingard's Sport Shop ...... 9 15 Hansen's Union Oil .......... 7 17 High total---Sonny Lowe 658 Sonny Lowe had his ball socked in solidly on the headpin last week, producing a 658 series (211-244- 203) whicl was 91 pins higher than his closest challenger for scoring honors, who happened to be his teammate, .Dale Yost, and Harry Peteon of Wingard's Sport Shop, sharing a 567 count. Lowe and Yost led Ritner'a Highballera to a 3-1 victory over league-leading Delight Park (Bob Whitmarsh 520). The same mar- gin of success was enjoyed by Peteraon's club in its match against Verle's Sporting Goods (Dale McCianahan 560) and Gott Oil (LIoyd Clark 520) against Hanson Oil (Fred Snelgrove 547l. Local 161 (Arn Cheney St. 549) drew with the Moose (Gerry Hart 50O). HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE Sheltnn Union Service .. 18 10 Evergreen Texaco ......... ]7 11 Jim Pauley Inc .............. 161 11., 101 Park In .................. 14 14 Byrne & Batstrone ........ 10 18 Buechel'a Garage ........ 81/, 19V High game--.Audrey Preppernau 214 High total---Audrey Preppernau 519. GOTT OIL COMPANY Modern, filtered oil heat is odorless anl reduces dust. It's the care/reD way ts heat your home--especially with ou/ Cortifled Comlort plan to serve you. Certified Corn/orS brings you premium grade, better-burning SHELL Heating 0il. And premium service, too  with automatic oil deliveries by courteous drivers. Call mow for doubly" dependable Certifisd Comfort heating oil |ervice, Costs nothing oztral SAFE! CLEAN! HEALTHYI GOTT OIL CONPANY tELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURIAU- Published tn ,Uhds#masown, U.3.A.," Shelton, Washington Bud Temple Blasis First 600 Series In Swing Shift League SWING SHIFT IEAGIiE W L BAYSHORE ROAD PHONE HA 6-3322 OR S-6207 DOUBLES CHAMPS--Hazel Cumming, Dot Barnaby. TEAM CHAMPSMildred Daniels, Sara Ander- son, Ann Cole, Gwen Carder, Jeanne Peterson ALL-EVENTS CHAMPPhyl Ziegler Hemlockers .............. 15 9 Woodworms .................... 14 10 Phtners ........................... 13 11 Log Peelers .................. I2!,., lit,_', Chasers .......................... 12, ., 11!., Strippers ......................... 11 13 Mixers .............................. 11 13 Pin Bender's .................. 7 17 High game. Bud Temple 244 High total--Bud Temple 605 Bud Temple drew the honor of recording the first 600 series rolJed in the Swing Shift bowling league when he hit a 605, which elevated the Hemlockers into first place. It produced a 3-1 victory over lhe Log Peelers (Wes Rau 558) and was attained on games of 163- 198-244, the latter the afternoon's best single game. Rau's 219 ran second best as did his series. In other play, the Mixers (Dells Pielioff 474) and the Pin Benders (Hal Schnitzer 502) were shutout winners over the Planers (Ed Er- iekson 503) and the Strippers (Charley Longshore 450) while the Woodworms (George Anderson 507) lost their top rung elegance in a 2-2 stalemate with the chas- ers (Roy Petty 511}. DONKEY BASKETBALL BACK TO SHELTON ON Donkey basketball, that zany sport which packed the Shelton gymnasium with laughter- laden fans a year ago, is coming back to Sheiton again. The date ia Friday night, March 6, the hour 7:30 p.m, the oppon- ents a combined team of Shelton teachers and Lions Club members against the Simpson Recreation Association. General admission will be 75¢ for adults, 50¢ for youngsters with profits of the rollicking affair to be used for a charitable purpose. Last year the Lions Club purch- of Olympic Plywood team (Simpson women's league). JEANNE PETERSON WOMEN'S PIN PREXY Over 100 members of the Shel- ton Women's Bowling Association :gathered tn Moose Hall at the i Shelton airport Monday night fox" ! the annual trophy awards and eh:ction banqnet. i Jeanne Peterson was elected president, Rubye Y'risken vice- president, Emily Keir was re- elected m,cretary, Betty Robertson treasurer, and Evelyn Eliot ser- geant-at-arms. Winners of the various events in the annual aaoelation tourna- ment coneloded a week earlier were presented their trophies (sec djotaing pictures for identtfica- ion). WOMEN'S COM'MERCIAL W L Richfield C)il ................. 19 9 Darigoid ........................... 17 11 Timber Bowl ................... 16/ llU, Eells and Valley ........... 13 141,._',. Gott Oilerettes .............. 13 15 Ming Tree .................... 13 15 Ralph's ............................. 12 16 Don's Flying A ........... 8 20 High game .Kay Gott 213. High series -.-Phyllis Ziegler 557. JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL Centralia 36, Shelton 33 Miller 46, Wasbington 22 Hopkins 35, Hoquiam 33 North Kitsap 39, B'ainbridge 28 West Brem. 36, South Kitsap 29 Pt. Townsend 31, Central Kit. 30 !Bef0rey0u start feeding at00.ffi/59 car.** See the Compact i i '59 Rambler: '  } Save more than ever • :  -- on first cost, gas, upkeep . e L::jmbm ...... , 1 ' ...... : ','::: ........ e @ : , !: ; ....... .,_ /: • • . 'i ::" • • You'v e soon the others grow In Size and price  RAMBLER AMERICAN STATION WAOON • • now see how much .... more, you ('an mtve w'tht . Sa $$00 on FIrst Cost • • ieamblur. Hundreds on first cost. New gm eros- __ as00 leas.than otherleainll i • stay. Top r[sa]e .... Easiest parking. Pcrsonal'lzed . , low-or)cog wagons nasa0 on -- (Olllfort" (, " "  • ,.. a comparison Ol umsned • , . e..tonal sofa front, s(ats hde bat. .....  . g ,k .::.,.. .,: mnnulactur suesPe prts, • and torth mdivzd.dly. Go 1rambler 6 or V-8 Full 5 psssenSer room. • • " "r.,: .' • : KIMBEL MOTHS INO., 707 S. I sl Sl., Shelton : • @ @&@&O6@@eeeSe@@ee@eee@eO&@&@$@@@@@@@@@@ COMING MARCH 6 ased an ortho-rater to test school children's eyes. An audio-rater is one of the things being considered for this year's project by the par- ticipating groups. Donkcy basketball is played fl'om thc backs of trained donkeys. The services of the nationally-known Buckeye, Donkey Ball Club have been cured for this year's ex- hibition. RAYONIER RESEARCH , W L Maintenance .................. 21 I1 Ce]lulouses ...................... 20 12 Pin Curlers .................... 19Vz 12{. Wood Birds ..................... 17,.. 14/, Silva Foxes .................... 16 16 Rayonettes ...................... 12 20 Clock Watchers ............ 11 21 Acetate Aces .................. 11 21 Hi game--Margaret Bacon 203 Hi series:-Bob Tabke 533 , TH UR SDAY-*BANMS L Schnabers Jay-Birds .. 16 Mercer's Alle.oOops .... llU, 6U, Northwe:t Evez'green .. 8 " 10 " Hedri('.k's Sport Center 7 11 boon s Plumbing ........... 6 12 Morgan-Eacrett I,umber 5V, 12:, Boys g;-me Thane Rneker 130'* l,)Ys f.,ffa[ Thane RIicker 222 (;iris game-Janet Johnson 106 (?;iris total- Janet .IohDson 185 l.i,,,s (:,,,h .... ...17..111 .... 1 7 .&r-nwn Bakery ]1 7 Zi,,/:l(.r C:.mer's Shop 70 5 A-t ivc (:hlh ............. .... 10 5 F:cl Bvre 7 .............. 9 9 I:;).VS game h:eith Savage 171 F,)ys t,)lal Keitll Savage 31,5 C;t)'ts ,o,ame ,h)an Schneider 1"|! Girls total Mugs Neau 233 ,M IX E I) I"O I !!{S()M I': - W L ] )(,ei'sl;|ver, ................. r9 '29 Wio I<{uws .................... 54 34 52 I=: rl I:hlst(.rs ................. 48,. 39, T:imber I)ct(s ................ 48 40 35 I'in Busters ...................... 53 , Odd Balz ......................... 29 59 I woe.u.= ....................... . az ( E N T !{ A I, l, li;A(; I' F, \\;V I, pf 1)a Elms.. ....................... 10 1 618 538 Chehalis .............. 10 2 807 615 North Thurston ..... 9 2 (;04 522 Raymond .............. 4 7 648 622 HELT()N .............. 3 8 504 647 Montesano ............ 3 S 533 613 St. Martin's ............ 0 11 568 679 WeeI¢ Montesano 60, Shelton ,t5 Elaa 64, St. Martin's 28 North Thurston 50, Raymond 48 E]raa 69, Shelton 34 Chehalis 73, Raymond 70 [over- time) Chehalis 72, at. Martin's 53 This Friday St. Martin's at Shelton North Thurston at Elms Raymond at Montesano This long, unhappy, misfortune- plagnmd basketball season which baptised Jerry Vermillion into Shelton's athletic coaching ranks comes to a welcome end Friday night for the Highclimbers. TWO HAPPY things about this curtain-dropper--one for sure, the other a 50-50 possibility-..are that i is a home game and it presents a reasonable chance to end the eason on a victorious note. The St. Martin's Preps, losers of eleven straight Central League games this season, will be the Highclimber rival. In recent games the two teams have been losing to common opponents by approximately the same margins, indicating Fiday night's finale should be a thriller right down to the wire. In their earlier meeting at St. Martin's, the Climbers turned in one of their best shooting per- formances of the season, winning a 61-47 decision with a second half sprint. SINCE THEN, however, the Climbers •have lost the three play- :era chiefly responsible for that success. They were the only sen- i iors on the squad, so tomorrow's season closer finds the Shelton club with nothing but sophomores and juniors to throw against the Preps. Vermillion has been prepping four sophomores in these late- sea.on games, since the departure of the seniors, with two getting SINGLES CHAMPDot Hanlon MASON COUNTY UTDOOR5 TOO LOW AND CLEAR Steelhead seekers found their[ law)rite waters too . clear and low, [ in general, during the past fowl days and consequently had rela-i tively poor luck in landing the[ fighting finny nre ..... ch c '  wm . ore- I prLe the main winter outdoor rec- J reation :n these parts. ] A couple of youtls ust getting their feet wet in this steelheading am(: came Un ,,,;*- -- g " ' ,- ,, ne week's feature zeported catch. Louis sytmna and Dave Clark, under- classmen at Irene S. Reed high fellow, which tutored out to be the week's biggest catch. Floyd Lord, the migrating ang- ling genius of Simpson Logging Company, trekked off to the Hoh Sunday to get a close runner-up at 16 pounds. Los McGee was a double-taker, his biggest at 9 Ibs., from the Skokomish last Wednesday while other reported catches were made by Elmer Meek, 4 Ibs., Duckabush, Wednesday; Chuck Griggs had single successes Saturday aad Monday in the Goldsborough at M ERCIIA ........ ,,' Sleep  NTS I,EA(;IJE :m. ' ' erviee ..... 17 7 [,hat'l¢(ra' Electric . . 1:; 1 • I'CpP s exali S(ore 2;, ]lt:, i'!'el,sM°t°r" Znc. .:i i" I " riegler Uatllera Shop 11 13 )on's Flying A Sew¢ .... n"- ' '.e 11 13 ;west' " Meats 10 14 lvnH]ic Plyw .............. O,_._h '-- Ood .......... 9t 14/ LL  an(.._ ,' .... h "O" " ob Olson 211 Doa und 56 rctLtlr starting assigmnczlLs htte- ]y. Whatever tle rest of he season has t)rov.ght in /tnl)]eas.tntness , to- morrow night's tinale appears like- ly to give ttighclimber followers a few thrills in a close ball game with he sweet taste of victm'y as a possibility for a farewell to the season. CilEtlAI.IS 72 ST. MARTIN'S 53 Dowlin 16 f Van Geystel 3 Denny 15 f Skahan 11 Kaija 13 c Hartman 12 Borovec 8 g Worthington 2 Schwarz 8 g Heutmaker 9 Subs: Chehalis-Garrett 6, Wood 5, Allie 1, James. St. Martin's- Boulac 4, Barwick 10, Monroe 2. CHEIIAI,IS 73 RAYMOND 70 Kaija 21 f Bond 8 Denny 9 f Hampton 7 Dowling 14 c Olson 24 Schwarz 7 g Evans 6 Borovec 20 g Lapinski 15 Subs: Chebalis---James 2, Wood, Allie, Garrett. Raymond--Gehlert 10, Meade, Knight. ELMA 64 ST. MARTIN'S  Ramey 4 f Skahan 7 Brockmueller 12 f Van Geystel 2 George 7 c Hartman 4 Beerbower 15 g Soule Tornquist 16 g Heutmaker 2 Subs: Elma--Hepworth 4, Weld 3, Peek 1, Dotson 1, Murphy 1. St. Martin's Worthington 6, Mon- roe 5, Barwick 2. N. TI[URSTON 50 RAYMOND 48 Heusman 10 f Bond 10 !Bower 8 f Hampton 3 Ford 4 c Olson 10 Asbach 5 g Lapinski 10 Cooper 15 g Gehlert Subs: N. T.--Bertsch 8, Bach- ofner. Raymond--Knight 9, Evans 6. PREP BASKETBALL SCORES Thursda Elma 69, Shelton 34 North Thurston 50, Raymond ,t8 Montesano 60, Shelton 45 Chehalis 73, Raymond 70 Elma 64, St. Martins 28 Aberdeen 58, Wilson 43 Hoquiam 49, Caress 40 Port Townsend 45, North Kit. 44 Port Angeles 37, South Kit. 35 Olympia 5]., West Bremerton 48 Stadium 78, East Bremerton 55 Anacortes 58, Edmonds 43 Longvicw 50, Ccntralia 46 W. Bremerton 51, Cent. Kit. 43 Chehalis 72, St. Martins 53 Mt. Moriah F.& STATED SATURDAY, Tom Watts, Walter Marble, LOYAL Shelton Lodge MEETINGS 2nd and 4th of 8 p.m. John Howe Phone Walter Phone HA "All LUH For INDUST & BUlL FIRST and pl! Phone HA Outboarding's new PROFILE POWER oo,rom -. New inside as well a J The new go better with your boat, make your boat go bettY[ € THEM NOWI' Lunsford's '00|rtStOltle 317 schoOl, each got their limits out of 7 and 3 Ibs.; Stan Armstrong, 9 the Skokomish Sunday, the six ]bs., Duckabush, Saturday; Bill fihounas.rangingn theirfr°mre ( 7.. to. . 16,.. Buchanan, 7 lbs., Don Henifin, 6 "illcrest ..... P "'n-  : p)rt to verle's lbs., both in the Skokomish gun- 1"1 rnone A. spor.)., g ooc[s they failed to day; and AI Orr, 6', lbs., Skoko- idenUzY wmcn of them got the big mash Tuesday. r ,, , WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE P ..... --'"------ ' ; '1 m. Hed ricl Spo_rt Center .. 60 2.i | nPzm____gnm___ _ __ Ill BIO Mc(°']ey.Pharmaey .. 51',:" 32',:' | rlresvan00 NW nnr_¢ Jay .tovelty ................... 47!:, 36, | -- vginii v I gV WW illg ManiC)' s Fountain 10" 44 [ ..,mIB mOus f 2:,;,:. ;iii i{i';:::::::: ' A. Unequalled for Value Rt.,.:'s B,'oi,e; :::: ........  5 , J l\\;'\\\\ Little  / m AA:$: M E N'S c;- L E A ,, E I, , aMUCK ,Um .... 7 , , ,, , I3ec : ,ee]y ..... ],l 7  famous Firestone [ LOW PRICES--ALL SIZES See quelify (0r posfed in our ]'ie Deporlmenf. At F,tlone, pri(e is the b-re guide    d  SAEGER MOTOR , Symptoms of Dlstreu Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DU(TO EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Ask About 15-Day Tria| Offer! ()vet five rnilIi,ln pacl, age f the WILLARD TREA TM£N T have been ld for relief of symptoms ot dlst re srlsing from Itomach and Ddenal Ulcers due to mrs- CeU A©ld--Poor Dllestlen, Sour or UpI Stomach, Galmlnns, Heartburn, $1oep- less.e, etc., due to ESeS Acid. A.k for **WIIlard't Mesa|e" which fully explai this home treatmeot--|relv'at MeCONKEY PHARMACY PREPP'S REXALL Wri)RE THOMAS ORGAN DEALER Ask About Our Rental Plan JOHNNY'S MUSIO BOX 429 Railroad HA 6-4302 i ii f i i i 1] No. 1 Farm Chain Saw all low all $16980 . NBW HO M E LITB SAEGER MOTOR SHOP HILLCREST Phone HA 6-4602 realized this week by Harry C|lrist,)pilersnil, nlainte]ltince arid eon.truction m]perintendent for Mason County roads, when he pur- chased a partnership interest in a bowling alley. Effective this past Monday, the Shelton man and Don Anderson of Centralia became owners of the Centralta Bowl, an 8-lane bowling alley in the Iwis County com- munity. Anderson has managed the bowl for several months for the owner whom they bought out. Christoph- erson has held his position with the county for the past lZ years after returning to the U.S, from malty years service with the U.S. Bureau of Roads in Africa and the Middle East on highway con- stnmtion projects. Mrs. Chrlstopherson wlll join her husband in Centralia as soon as they are able to sell their two- year-old home adjoining the Shel- ton-Bayshore golf course. LOWE LARRUPS 668 IN OOMMEROIAL MEN'S COMMERCIAL Delight Park ..................... 18 6 Local 161 ............................ 15 9 Ritner's Highballers ........ 14 10 Gott Oil ................................ 14 10 Verle's Sporting Goods .. 10 14 Moose Lodge ...................... 9 15 Wingard's Sport Shop ...... 9 15 Hansen's Union Oil .......... 7 17 High total---Sonny Lowe 658 Sonny Lowe had his ball socked in solidly on the headpin last week, producing a 658 series (211-244- 203) whicl was 91 pins higher than his closest challenger for scoring honors, who happened to be his teammate, .Dale Yost, and Harry Peteon of Wingard's Sport Shop, sharing a 567 count. Lowe and Yost led Ritner'a Highballera to a 3-1 victory over league-leading Delight Park (Bob Whitmarsh 520). The same mar- gin of success was enjoyed by Peteraon's club in its match against Verle's Sporting Goods (Dale McCianahan 560) and Gott Oil (LIoyd Clark 520) against Hanson Oil (Fred Snelgrove 547l. Local 161 (Arn Cheney St. 549) drew with the Moose (Gerry Hart 50O). HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE Sheltnn Union Service .. 18 10 Evergreen Texaco ......... ]7 11 Jim Pauley Inc .............. 161 11., 101 Park In .................. 14 14 Byrne & Batstrone ........ 10 18 Buechel'a Garage ........ 81/, 19V High game--.Audrey Preppernau 214 High total---Audrey Preppernau 519. GOTT OIL COMPANY Modern, filtered oil heat is odorless anl reduces dust. It's the care/reD way ts heat your home--especially with ou/ Cortifled Comlort plan to serve you. Certified Corn/orS brings you premium grade, better-burning SHELL Heating 0il. And premium service, too  with automatic oil deliveries by courteous drivers. Call mow for doubly" dependable Certifisd Comfort heating oil |ervice, Costs nothing oztral SAFE! CLEAN! HEALTHYI GOTT OIL CONPANY tELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURIAU- Published tn ,Uhds#masown, U.3.A.," Shelton, Washington Bud Temple Blasis First 600 Series In Swing Shift League SWING SHIFT IEAGIiE W L BAYSHORE ROAD PHONE HA 6-3322 OR S-6207 DOUBLES CHAMPS--Hazel Cumming, Dot Barnaby. TEAM CHAMPSMildred Daniels, Sara Ander- son, Ann Cole, Gwen Carder, Jeanne Peterson ALL-EVENTS CHAMPPhyl Ziegler Hemlockers .............. 15 9 Woodworms .................... 14 10 Phtners ........................... 13 11 Log Peelers .................. I2!,., lit,_', Chasers .......................... 12, ., 11!., Strippers ......................... 11 13 Mixers .............................. 11 13 Pin Bender's .................. 7 17 High game. Bud Temple 244 High total--Bud Temple 605 Bud Temple drew the honor of recording the first 600 series rolJed in the Swing Shift bowling league when he hit a 605, which elevated the Hemlockers into first place. It produced a 3-1 victory over lhe Log Peelers (Wes Rau 558) and was attained on games of 163- 198-244, the latter the afternoon's best single game. Rau's 219 ran second best as did his series. In other play, the Mixers (Dells Pielioff 474) and the Pin Benders (Hal Schnitzer 502) were shutout winners over the Planers (Ed Er- iekson 503) and the Strippers (Charley Longshore 450) while the Woodworms (George Anderson 507) lost their top rung elegance in a 2-2 stalemate with the chas- ers (Roy Petty 511}. DONKEY BASKETBALL BACK TO SHELTON ON Donkey basketball, that zany sport which packed the Shelton gymnasium with laughter- laden fans a year ago, is coming back to Sheiton again. The date ia Friday night, March 6, the hour 7:30 p.m, the oppon- ents a combined team of Shelton teachers and Lions Club members against the Simpson Recreation Association. General admission will be 75¢ for adults, 50¢ for youngsters with profits of the rollicking affair to be used for a charitable purpose. Last year the Lions Club purch- of Olympic Plywood team (Simpson women's league). JEANNE PETERSON WOMEN'S PIN PREXY Over 100 members of the Shel- ton Women's Bowling Association :gathered tn Moose Hall at the i Shelton airport Monday night fox" ! the annual trophy awards and eh:ction banqnet. i Jeanne Peterson was elected president, Rubye Y'risken vice- president, Emily Keir was re- elected m,cretary, Betty Robertson treasurer, and Evelyn Eliot ser- geant-at-arms. Winners of the various events in the annual aaoelation tourna- ment coneloded a week earlier were presented their trophies (sec djotaing pictures for identtfica- ion). WOMEN'S COM'MERCIAL W L Richfield C)il ................. 19 9 Darigoid ........................... 17 11 Timber Bowl ................... 16/ llU, Eells and Valley ........... 13 141,._',. Gott Oilerettes .............. 13 15 Ming Tree .................... 13 15 Ralph's ............................. 12 16 Don's Flying A ........... 8 20 High game .Kay Gott 213. High series -.-Phyllis Ziegler 557. JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL Centralia 36, Shelton 33 Miller 46, Wasbington 22 Hopkins 35, Hoquiam 33 North Kitsap 39, B'ainbridge 28 West Brem. 36, South Kitsap 29 Pt. Townsend 31, Central Kit. 30 !Bef0rey0u start feeding at00.ffi/59 car.** See the Compact i i '59 Rambler: '  } Save more than ever • :  -- on first cost, gas, upkeep . e L::jmbm ...... , 1 ' ...... : ','::: ........ e @ : , !: ; ....... .,_ /: • • . 'i ::" • • You'v e soon the others grow In Size and price  RAMBLER AMERICAN STATION WAOON • • now see how much .... more, you ('an mtve w'tht . Sa $$00 on FIrst Cost • • ieamblur. Hundreds on first cost. New gm eros- __ as00 leas.than otherleainll i • stay. Top r[sa]e .... Easiest parking. Pcrsonal'lzed . , low-or)cog wagons nasa0 on -- (Olllfort" (, " "  • ,.. a comparison Ol umsned • , . e..tonal sofa front, s(ats hde bat. .....  . g ,k .::.,.. .,: mnnulactur suesPe prts, • and torth mdivzd.dly. Go 1rambler 6 or V-8 Full 5 psssenSer room. • • " "r.,: .' • : KIMBEL MOTHS INO., 707 S. I sl Sl., Shelton : • @ @&@&O6@@eeeSe@@ee@eee@eO&@&@$@@@@@@@@@@ COMING MARCH 6 ased an ortho-rater to test school children's eyes. An audio-rater is one of the things being considered for this year's project by the par- ticipating groups. Donkcy basketball is played fl'om thc backs of trained donkeys. The services of the nationally-known Buckeye, Donkey Ball Club have been cured for this year's ex- hibition. RAYONIER RESEARCH , W L Maintenance .................. 21 I1 Ce]lulouses ...................... 20 12 Pin Curlers .................... 19Vz 12{. Wood Birds ..................... 17,.. 14/, Silva Foxes .................... 16 16 Rayonettes ...................... 12 20 Clock Watchers ............ 11 21 Acetate Aces .................. 11 21 Hi game--Margaret Bacon 203 Hi series:-Bob Tabke 533 , TH UR SDAY-*BANMS L Schnabers Jay-Birds .. 16 Mercer's Alle.oOops .... llU, 6U, Northwe:t Evez'green .. 8 " 10 " Hedri('.k's Sport Center 7 11 boon s Plumbing ........... 6 12 Morgan-Eacrett I,umber 5V, 12:, Boys g;-me Thane Rneker 130'* l,)Ys f.,ffa[ Thane RIicker 222 (;iris game-Janet Johnson 106 (?;iris total- Janet .IohDson 185 l.i,,,s (:,,,h .... ...17..111 .... 1 7 .&r-nwn Bakery ]1 7 Zi,,/:l(.r C:.mer's Shop 70 5 A-t ivc (:hlh ............. .... 10 5 F:cl Bvre 7 .............. 9 9 I:;).VS game h:eith Savage 171 F,)ys t,)lal Keitll Savage 31,5 C;t)'ts ,o,ame ,h)an Schneider 1"|! Girls total Mugs Neau 233 ,M IX E I) I"O I !!{S()M I': - W L ] )(,ei'sl;|ver, ................. r9 '29 Wio I<{uws .................... 54 34 52 I=: rl I:hlst(.rs ................. 48,. 39, T:imber I)ct(s ................ 48 40 35 I'in Busters ...................... 53 , Odd Balz ......................... 29 59 I woe.u.= ....................... . az ( E N T !{ A I, l, li;A(; I' F, \\;V I, pf 1)a Elms.. ....................... 10 1 618 538 Chehalis .............. 10 2 807 615 North Thurston ..... 9 2 (;04 522 Raymond .............. 4 7 648 622 HELT()N .............. 3 8 504 647 Montesano ............ 3 S 533 613 St. Martin's ............ 0 11 568 679 WeeI¢ Montesano 60, Shelton ,t5 Elaa 64, St. Martin's 28 North Thurston 50, Raymond 48 E]raa 69, Shelton 34 Chehalis 73, Raymond 70 [over- time) Chehalis 72, at. Martin's 53 This Friday St. Martin's at Shelton North Thurston at Elms Raymond at Montesano This long, unhappy, misfortune- plagnmd basketball season which baptised Jerry Vermillion into Shelton's athletic coaching ranks comes to a welcome end Friday night for the Highclimbers. TWO HAPPY things about this curtain-dropper--one for sure, the other a 50-50 possibility-..are that i is a home game and it presents a reasonable chance to end the eason on a victorious note. The St. Martin's Preps, losers of eleven straight Central League games this season, will be the Highclimber rival. In recent games the two teams have been losing to common opponents by approximately the same margins, indicating Fiday night's finale should be a thriller right down to the wire. In their earlier meeting at St. Martin's, the Climbers turned in one of their best shooting per- formances of the season, winning a 61-47 decision with a second half sprint. SINCE THEN, however, the Climbers •have lost the three play- :era chiefly responsible for that success. They were the only sen- i iors on the squad, so tomorrow's season closer finds the Shelton club with nothing but sophomores and juniors to throw against the Preps. Vermillion has been prepping four sophomores in these late- sea.on games, since the departure of the seniors, with two getting SINGLES CHAMPDot Hanlon MASON COUNTY UTDOOR5 TOO LOW AND CLEAR Steelhead seekers found their[ law)rite waters too . clear and low, [ in general, during the past fowl days and consequently had rela-i tively poor luck in landing the[ fighting finny nre ..... ch c '  wm . ore- I prLe the main winter outdoor rec- J reation :n these parts. ] A couple of youtls ust getting their feet wet in this steelheading am(: came Un ,,,;*- -- g " ' ,- ,, ne week's feature zeported catch. Louis sytmna and Dave Clark, under- classmen at Irene S. Reed high fellow, which tutored out to be the week's biggest catch. Floyd Lord, the migrating ang- ling genius of Simpson Logging Company, trekked off to the Hoh Sunday to get a close runner-up at 16 pounds. Los McGee was a double-taker, his biggest at 9 Ibs., from the Skokomish last Wednesday while other reported catches were made by Elmer Meek, 4 Ibs., Duckabush, Wednesday; Chuck Griggs had single successes Saturday aad Monday in the Goldsborough at M ERCIIA ........ ,,' Sleep  NTS I,EA(;IJE :m. ' ' erviee ..... 17 7 [,hat'l¢(ra' Electric . . 1:; 1 • I'CpP s exali S(ore 2;, ]lt:, i'!'el,sM°t°r" Znc. .:i i" I " riegler Uatllera Shop 11 13 )on's Flying A Sew¢ .... n"- ' '.e 11 13 ;west' " Meats 10 14 lvnH]ic Plyw .............. O,_._h '-- Ood .......... 9t 14/ LL  an(.._ ,' .... h "O" " ob Olson 211 Doa und 56 rctLtlr starting assigmnczlLs htte- ]y. Whatever tle rest of he season has t)rov.ght in /tnl)]eas.tntness , to- morrow night's tinale appears like- ly to give ttighclimber followers a few thrills in a close ball game with he sweet taste of victm'y as a possibility for a farewell to the season. CilEtlAI.IS 72 ST. MARTIN'S 53 Dowlin 16 f Van Geystel 3 Denny 15 f Skahan 11 Kaija 13 c Hartman 12 Borovec 8 g Worthington 2 Schwarz 8 g Heutmaker 9 Subs: Chehalis-Garrett 6, Wood 5, Allie 1, James. St. Martin's- Boulac 4, Barwick 10, Monroe 2. CHEIIAI,IS 73 RAYMOND 70 Kaija 21 f Bond 8 Denny 9 f Hampton 7 Dowling 14 c Olson 24 Schwarz 7 g Evans 6 Borovec 20 g Lapinski 15 Subs: Chebalis---James 2, Wood, Allie, Garrett. Raymond--Gehlert 10, Meade, Knight. ELMA 64 ST. MARTIN'S  Ramey 4 f Skahan 7 Brockmueller 12 f Van Geystel 2 George 7 c Hartman 4 Beerbower 15 g Soule Tornquist 16 g Heutmaker 2 Subs: Elma--Hepworth 4, Weld 3, Peek 1, Dotson 1, Murphy 1. St. Martin's Worthington 6, Mon- roe 5, Barwick 2. N. TI[URSTON 50 RAYMOND 48 Heusman 10 f Bond 10 !Bower 8 f Hampton 3 Ford 4 c Olson 10 Asbach 5 g Lapinski 10 Cooper 15 g Gehlert Subs: N. T.--Bertsch 8, Bach- ofner. Raymond--Knight 9, Evans 6. PREP BASKETBALL SCORES Thursda Elma 69, Shelton 34 North Thurston 50, Raymond ,t8 Montesano 60, Shelton 45 Chehalis 73, Raymond 70 Elma 64, St. Martins 28 Aberdeen 58, Wilson 43 Hoquiam 49, Caress 40 Port Townsend 45, North Kit. 44 Port Angeles 37, South Kit. 35 Olympia 5]., West Bremerton 48 Stadium 78, East Bremerton 55 Anacortes 58, Edmonds 43 Longvicw 50, Ccntralia 46 W. Bremerton 51, Cent. Kit. 43 Chehalis 72, St. Martins 53 Mt. Moriah F.& STATED SATURDAY, Tom Watts, Walter Marble, LOYAL Shelton Lodge MEETINGS 2nd and 4th of 8 p.m. John Howe Phone Walter Phone HA "All LUH For INDUST & BUlL FIRST and pl! Phone HA Outboarding's new PROFILE POWER oo,rom -. New inside as well a J The new go better with your boat, make your boat go bettY[ € THEM NOWI' Lunsford's '00|rtStOltle 317 schoOl, each got their limits out of 7 and 3 Ibs.; Stan Armstrong, 9 the Skokomish Sunday, the six ]bs., Duckabush, Saturday; Bill fihounas.rangingn theirfr°mre ( 7.. to. . 16,.. Buchanan, 7 lbs., Don Henifin, 6 "illcrest ..... P "'n-  : p)rt to verle's lbs., both in the Skokomish gun- 1"1 rnone A. spor.)., g ooc[s they failed to day; and AI Orr, 6', lbs., Skoko- idenUzY wmcn of them got the big mash Tuesday. r ,, , WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE P ..... --'"------ ' ; '1 m. Hed ricl Spo_rt Center .. 60 2.i | nPzm____gnm___ _ __ Ill BIO Mc(°']ey.Pharmaey .. 51',:" 32',:' | rlresvan00 NW nnr_¢ Jay .tovelty ................... 47!:, 36, | -- vginii v I gV WW illg ManiC)' s Fountain 10" 44 [ ..,mIB mOus f 2:,;,:. ;iii i{i';:::::::: ' A. Unequalled for Value Rt.,.:'s B,'oi,e; :::: ........  5 , J l\\;'\\\\ Little  / m AA:$: M E N'S c;- L E A ,, E I, , aMUCK ,Um .... 7 , , ,, , I3ec : ,ee]y ..... ],l 7  famous Firestone [ LOW PRICES--ALL SIZES See quelify (0r posfed in our ]'ie Deporlmenf. At F,tlone, pri(e is the b-re guide    d  SAEGER MOTOR