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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 19, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 19, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10 -.AJ i WITSIERS FUNFJtAL HOME • YRNE • BATSTONIL 703 Railroad Avenue PHON] HA 6-4803 i i t It i u and S|RVIUi L L- WORLD'S FIRST • 4 GYLINDER • 50 HORSEPOWER • V ENGINE NOW at HIIkOREST NAIUIWARE Irltrmont & Olympto Hlway ,H i ii , Published in "Christma,town ghelton, Waahin Some of the finest hook-shoot- I ing ew:r seen in Sltelton gymnast-i um-.-but little else.--came out of 1 the sparsely - attended exhibition 1 basketball game won by the Chen- ey Studs of Tacoma from the Fort ' Lewis Chieftains, 77-71, Sunday af- tetloon. Some once-great college hoop talent, now rather the wor for wear, tear and advancing years, was on the floor but outside of the ability to shoot well and make use of U;e battle craftiness gained from long years of experience there wasn't much of the old abil- ity remaining in most of the boys(?). BOB HOUBREGh, the former University of Washington All- American chewed his famous hook shot on several occasions and in the comparatively short time le played managed 22 points. But the paunch he wheel-borrowed down the floor in front was obviously a considerable handicap to his ma- neuverability and other phases of his game. Hartley Kruger, ex-Idaho scor- ing ace, and Tom Sanford, a mus- cular midget of 6-3 for Fort Lew- is, Joined in the hook-shooting pa- rade and brought many gasps rom the disappointingly small crowd as they swished through tropes- $25 to $500 KJchl Leber, Manager 124 Rsiizd Ave. --Phone: HA. 6-4447, Shelton llllli II II I I I I I I I ] sible-looking shots from fax' out. The soldiers had })y far the best of it from a condition standpoint but not in firepower, managing to stay within nuisance-range because of their superior speed and some fine shooting by Sanford, lefty Jim Hanson, Joe Alligood and Bill Thomas. WIIEN]VER the Studs seemed about to pull away to a command- ing lead---which at times was as • much as 15 points--the Chiefs came stotuing back within range, sometimes narowing the gap to as little as three points. About that time, Houbregs, Kru- ger and Shelton's prep hoop men- tor, Jerry Vermillion, took charge and held the insistent and persis- tent soldiers at bay. Vermillion, incidentally, looked like the best all-around player on the floor. His generalship, ball- handling, defensive play and shoot- ing (he pick up 14 points on a wide variety of shots, excepting the hook) showed clearly why he holds ten of the 13 school recozis at Gonzaga University. STUDS 77 FORT LEWIS 71 Bowman 9 f AUigood n Vermillion 14 f Hanson 15 Erltger 14 e Sanford 22 Pepple 5 g Thomas 15 Cipriano 7 g Waiters 2 Subs: Studs--Houbregs 22, Nich- olson 4, Lundegaard 2, Per/cin. Fort Lewis--Harney 6, Myers. Score by Qr Studs .............. 25 21 18 13---77 Fort Lewis .... 15 20 20 1671 B SQUADS CENTRALIA 82 SHELTON 15 Loop 3 f Todd 6 Good 9 f Anderson 1 Blanchard 2 c Rogers 5 CoLon 6 g Waters Hudson 6 g Slosh Subs: CentrallaSloan 4, Staf- ford 2. Smith, Halgrimson. Shel- ten--Combs 2, Bliner 1. Paulsrude. i You Can Own thin Mac D-S0 $159.50 Hilloresl Hardware 1209 Olympic Highway SO. Sensational Blazer Rally H0ady Upnts ¢entralia, 36 to 33 L Jefferson ................................ 6 1 Millet'. ..................................... 7 2 Hopkins .................................. 6 2 Hoquiam ................................ 4 4 Centralia ................................ 3 5 Washington .......................... 2 7 Shelton ................................. 1 8 Last Week Contralto 36, Shelton 33 Hopkins 35, Hoquiam 33 Miller 46, Washington 22 This Friday Cen,rtalla at Washington Jefferson at Hopkins Miller at Hoquiam Last second scoring by Matt Pavalunas, son of a famous former Raymond high and University of Oregon bketball star, sent the Shelton Blazers down to their eighth junior high basketball de- feat of the season, 36.3, at Con- trails Friday night. Pavahmas undid a courageous Blazer comeback With his late tally-making, a comeback which had overcome a 17-0 (efttralia lead in the second quarter to tie the count up. at 31-aJl with just 33 seconds left to play. SLENDER, freckle-faced left- handed Wayne Carlson marshalled the Blazer rally, aided by long Corky Peterson, for wat may prove to be the outstanding thing about the 1959 season for Coach Clayton and his Blazer baketeers. Carlson canned five of 16 field goal attempts and six of eight foul shots for a 16 point total for the game. Pavalunas came through with 19 on seven field goals in 14 attempts and five of sLx free throws Cenrtia held the Rlazer com- pletely scoreless until approximate- ly the mid-point of the sccong quarter, g an 8-0 lead in the first period and going to 17 poR before the Blazers managed to break the ice at last. BY THE HALF the Blazers had put seven points on the scoreboard and had blanked the Cent.rails club over that same span to make the score 17-7. The Shelton jun- iors continued to oucom thetr hosts the rest of the game, re- ducing the margin to 25-18 in the third period and then ptmhing hard for the 31-31 deadlock with 33 seconds to go. In the preliminary, the Cttra- lia B squad wh a 32-15 verdict over the Blazer 8th graders. This Friday the Blazers have an open date. CENTRAIA 86 SIKELTON 88 Pavalunas 19 f Carlson 16 Caldwell 4 f Watters Upton 8 c Peterson 8 Brewer g Rose Forrest 3 g Simons 5 Subs: Centralia Hutchins 2, Marlowe, Garvin, Wolff, Manberg. Shelton .... IAnton 2, Watson 2, see it's true... t00le "SIX" appeal It's America's most modern slx- englne I Modern features such ss low.friction design and free.turning valves make Ford', Mileage Maker Six tops in performance and conomy.M,  It's America's most power/ul si en$inI No other six can even touch it. And the lmwt is where you need it. ,. in the normal 30-70 mph driving range. 'It uses regular gas.., saves up to 5¢ a gallon! • + Also, the Mileage Maker Six thrives on ve,u/ar • gas. You save up to $1 per tankful. Aml you need change oil only each 4000 milea t powerAmer|ca'l most beautifully proportioned carsI Every inch of every Ford i,ttfuUy w and Thunderbirdle4mt. And it s ]mill ior tavt from the new Diamond Lustre Finish that rover neod waxing to the ,aluminized mufllr that normally lat twice  long. Yet, Ford p#ce &e the lowest o the top.selil tt. With accessories, the aving ate evsa I it at yo ]b)rd Deal s today. WOIltD MO MAUTIFULLY PlOPOIi110110 CAJt| Come sample the 00vin00. of the FO] F.D.A.F. J i m P a u I e y M o t o r s 5th and Railroad Shelton, Washington  t P flURE YOUURF ,l A 59 FORD -- AND WIN A TRIPLE GRANO PRIZE o.,'t ,uu ,.oer l .i Ot me eN'r!,ee ,v l Hndreds d olkey llulous poL; h lhe /Ivanln Phot0s5 C0nted 0,0 ,o . c,, €,o .Jd, ,..r . Shelton Sophomores Showing Casaba Wares ELLMA, MONTE BOLSTER SOORING AVERAGES A00gAINST CLIMBERS Montesano and Elms t . " , , _  Shelton Highclimbers as stepping stones to higher team scoring av- |_   ' erages last weekend, the Bulldogs ulbv vn RILL- IIIIIK taking a 60-45 bite out of Jerry Vermlllion's crew on the Monte court Friday night, the Eagles fly- ing home from Shelton gym with a 69-34 morsel Saturday night. In each game Vermillion opened up with three juniors (Denny Tem- ple, Ray Manke and Ron Guthrie) and two s0phomoreS (Nell Cloe and Laurie omers) in the starting' lineup and finished with four soph- omores (Jerry Bloomfield and sherry Halbert plus the starters) and one junior (Kerm Livermore) on the floor. TilE LATTER actually looked like the more effective lineup, es- pecially at Montesano where it Scored the last nine points of the game to make the final spread nmre respectable. Bloomfield was making his fle. but with the varsity and reall made it impressive. AgainSt Men. tesano he made every shot he too ---three fouls and one field goal and against Elma he made. two of the four field goals he attempted. In each game he played only one quarter, the fourth, after acing aC-' Lion in three quarters of the equad games. Besides his effec- tive shooting Bloomfield was the peronlfication of coolne on the floor and looked like a seasoned veteran instead of the completely green sophomore. THE CLIMBERS were ahead once in each game, getting the first cores in each, but never after that. Temple scored the first sev- en and 1 of the first 16 points the Climbers made at MontesanO and along with Close and Seiners all the Shelton scoring in the first half. This same trio did all the scoring for the first three quar- ters against lma. Temvle had 25 points for the tw 00ig00ts'wlt00 00o,e. c beh00a..00 21. Both Elma sod Monteuno m tributed their sc0rirtg we11among ten players who saw action for each team. The lineups: MONTEgANO 60 SHELTON 45 Morris 3 f Temple 15 Hoflin 10 f ClOse 12 RaShes 14 c Somera 2 Cokeley 7 g Manke 4 Napiontek 8 g Guthrie 2 Subs: Monte --- Brumfield 11, Whiting 4, Lougheed 2. Watland 1, Roderick. Shelton -- Bloomfield 5, Livermore 5, Halbert. .,ore by Qum'ters Shelton .......... 7 12 9 17---45 Montesano .... 13 12 15 2{--60 ELM. 69 SHELDON 84 Peek 7 f Temple 10 Beerbower 11 f Close 9 C-eorge 12 c Seiners 9 Tornquist 4 g Manke Brockmueller 8 g Outhx'ie Subs: Elma---Hepworth 13, Ra. mey 7 Dotson 7, Weld, Murphy. Shelton--Bloomfield 4, Halbert 2, Livermore. Seor¢ by Quarters Shclton ........ 9 15 3 7--34 Elms .............. 16 17 23 13--69 m .m00s U.X Lumbermen's Mere... ......... 24 Wilson Leftys .................... 17 II 20th Century Thrfftway .. 14 14 Waterfl'ont Realty ........... . 13 15 Grant Lumber .................... 13 15 Pantortum Cleaners .......... 12 16 Coe & MYh re SerVice ...... 10 12 Moran Trknfer ................ 9 19 Hilll games--Joe Anderson 234, :Nell Dethlefs 233, Bitl Dtekie 231, John Florek 226/ Jack Stewart 224. Bob uner 3 High totalS---Joe Anderson 615, tk Stewart 612, Bob Purner Indttrial. league pitt, slttger bagge  trio of 600 series and a raft of li. single gamin t last weeks aeti, which  the leadlng L. M. continuing its amaz- ing victory Skein wlth.a 8,1 mco ce sea_ tnt_S0th Centur TlWfft- way (Jonn Florek 22(1, y Rtce 50) behind Jack Stewart a filmy Joe Andslaort Shad0d Jack for individual sorinR' honO bY ca- ing __. 61 (1'/7-234-202)tQ ld e WilS0fl Lef th _ . _ tys to a shutt trhtmlm Pantor/um Cleaner (W'ax_@n WOods 210 an 569, sd Bob T?.rner.produced  80 (202- 223.1t to toad Grant IAlmr to a go°.se'egr._victor/ over Vorggn Transfer (Igay Brown 501) in • a --m rln,: De2,  s of 13 tO 28 plies. Neu mfs cracked off a S middle yam t whlck gaia gole, & Myers Mottl, Berviee lt lone Pglt in a 1-3 defeat at the hands of Waterfront Ral 210 and 573) ty (Bob Ogden JUNIOR BOWLING W L Benie/s Barber Shoo LeS Joshn liUgl; ......... " Shamrock Ca/e ............ 151S 191 Angle Insurahce'"":::'.::::::::: 11 13 ............. 9 parker s Mr, & Mrs. Shop  18 Hem broff Atncy ............. 7 17 Htgn game,--Larry Neal 224 High total-.--Larry Heal 587 SIMPSON WOMEN'S LEAGUE W L Insulating Board .. 16 4 lumver ...... " ............. 14 6 ACCounting ii ........................ 13 7 purchasing ........................ Olympic isly ................ 12 8 Research . . ............. 9 II ......................... 7 13 Loggers ................... 6 14 Engineering ............ 3 17 Hign gltmd":"":= ............ -'i h --ena Howard 510 14 g t°talPhyl Ziegler 560 PREP BASKETBALL S _CO,.RES Chenalls 7, St MarIn s 53 North Kit 64, Central Kit 48 South Kitap 50, Bainbridge 39 a,r rem 4 -" d" 55, Aberdeen 3 _m 5, West Bremerton 40 IAncoa 5  O .... ......  lypla 4t xvute 51, Mar Morris 41 Computed far Hood Oanal (Oakland Bay Udes m' o1 aom. and €fl$ minut later.) Friday, Feb. 20 High .............. 3:52 a.m. 11.5 ft. Low ................ 9:12 a.m. 7.2 ft. High 2:09 p,m. 10.4 ft. Low ................ 9:10 a.m, 0.5 ft. Saturday, Feb. 21 High .............. 4:23 a.m. 11.9 ft. Low ................ 9:52 a.m. 6.4 ft. High 3:00 p.m. 10.7 ft. Low ................ 9:50 p.m. -07. ft. Simday, Feb. 22 High .............. 4:5I a.m. 12.2 ft. Low ................ 10:30 a.m. 5.6 ft. High .............. 3:49 p.m. 11.1 ft. Low ................ 10:30 p.m. -0.7 ft. blond&y, Feb. 23 High .............. 5:15 a.m, 12.4 ft. Low ................ 11:08 a.m, , 4.7 ft. High .............. 4:38 P.rty 11.3 ft. Low 11:10 P.m, 0.6 ft. Tuetay, Feb. S High .............. 5:46 a.m. 12.7 ft. Low 11:48 a.m. 3.8 ft. High .............. 5:28 p.m. 11.4 ft. Low 11:50 p.m. 1.2 ft. We0ne,lay, Feb. 25 High .............. 6:17 a.m. 12.8 ft. Low ................ 12:26 p.m. 2.8 ft. High .............. 6:21 p.m. 11.3 ft. Thursday, Feb. 26 Low ................ 0:33 a.m. 2.1 ft. High .............. 6:d9 a.m. 12.8 ft. Low 1:18 p.m. 2.1 ft. High .............. 7:19 p.m. 11.0 ft. UNDBERG POUNDS 615 IN FRATERNAL FRATERNAL IAGUE W L Active Club ........................ 18 10 Lions Club .......................... i7 11 ascade-Olympic ................ 15 13 wants Club ...................... 14 14 %tller Construction .......... 14 14 Shelton Hardware 13 15 McCqeary ............................ 12 16  Moose Lodge ...................... 9 19 High game--Bob Shy 241, Gene Lindberg 240, Russ Morken 237, Buck Maekey 234 High total---Cne Lindberg 615 Gone Lindberg's 615 series fea- tured Fraternal league bowling action Monday, a night marked by shutouts and stalemates in team results. Lindberg's series was founded on a 240 opening game which he followed With 177 and 198 counts to lead the Activians into first place on a shutout victory over the Lions (L. L. McInelly 542). Fuller Construction (Bob Olson 537) was the other goose-egg win- ner, over the tailend Moose (car- lie Savage 588). Bob Shy opened with a 241 game (549 series) as McCleary drew with Shelton Hard- ware tBuck Mackey 543) and Russ Morken finished up with a 237 as Cascade-Olympic Construction deadlocked the Kiwanis Clui (Clyde Ziegler 504). DiOK WHITE SHOWS UP MAJOR BOWLERS , MAJO .' LEAGUE Its Northwest Evergreen ............ 78 Home Gas Company ................ 70 'L TimbeF B0w .......................... 69 Dan's Nite Hawks .................... 62 Wolden's Chevron Service .... 4 Jim Pauley Inc ..................... 44½ Ritner's Broiler .................... 29 Olson'a Barber.& Beauty 28 /igh game---Dick White 232 High totals--Dick White 637, Glen Robertson 612 Youthful Dick White stole the show |rein. his..mor# exeriecll adult bowling companions in the i Major league Friday night when he accumulated a 637  games of 2&2, 192, #43. Glen Robertson's -62 (21-21&. 188) was the clott hallbn for ind|vilukl scoring hohorS. 4[lck't: Timber Bowl team scored 12 .points and G|en's ome  club 13 tin: der the "H0t  :sm" used by the leagu bUt,./.to big gaere" for the_ V.tlg 'P)4tY which picked up'  (Ray Rice 5s9), and 's lte Hl.twq rea Woods and Sonny  each 567), which gainerS. !6: • t • o. Thursdav. FobS LiHle Olimber Tille Ohances .Gone AHer 57-50 Loss to Elma W L pf pa Elms ........................ 8 3 496 462 North Thurston ...... 8 3 411 360 SIIELTON .............. 7 4 500 483 Chehalis .................. 7 5 601 538 Raymond ................ 6 5 432 455 St. Martin's ............ 2 9 462 515 Montesauo .............. 1 9 391 496 Elms 57, Shelton 50 N. Thurston 33, Raymond 31 Chehalis 58. Raymond 33 Elma 56, St. Martin's 45 Shelto 44. Monteaano 30 Chehalis 65, St. Martin's 49 By oing to Elms Saturday night, 57-,50, tile Little Climbers completely eliminated themselves as title contenders in the Central League B team basketball stand- tngTshe defeat left the pennant field clear for Elma and North Thurs- ton in their clash this Friday. A SAD SECOND session killed the Little Climbers SatUrday, made their gallant fourth quarter rally too little too late .They held a 14-13 lead at the first quartet' closed then the Little Climbers hit a dead spot and at the half had added only four point (all foul shots) and were trailing by a 28-18 margin. Elms held a slight edge in the thir quarter and built its mar- gin to 41-28, too much for the comeback Dave Sharpes and Jer- ry Bloomfield led in the last chap- ter with their eight and six point Contributions. Bill Fitchett, getting seven points in the third quarter, wound Up as the game's high Scorer with 16 points, one ahead of Sharpe and Elma's Hoag. AT MONTESANO Friday night the Little Climbers breezed to a 44-30 succe behind Bill Fitchett's 18 point barrage, lxcept for a trong thir qgrter, hich re- duced Shelton's 25-14 halfUme lead to 35-29, the Pups were never in the game. The Little Climbers clipped off 15 of 23 foul shot to ease their path to victory• The lineups: SHETON 44 'MONTESANO 30 Bill Fitchett 18 {f Friell 4 Schneider 2 f Lougheed 10 Bharpes 11 C Whiting 5 8ob Fitchett 4 g Hammock 3 Paulsrude g Smith 3 Subs: Shelton  Bloomfield 9, Van Blaricom. Monte -- Pierce 2, Wrenn 1. Fry 2, Phillips, Beaulieu. Score by Quarters Montesano .... 2 12 15 130 Shelton .......... 10 15 10 9---44 ELM 57 SHELTON 6@ Murphy 9 f Sharpes 15 Henry 7 f Shneider 2 Hoag 15 c Bill Fitchett 16 Weld 13 g Bob Fitchett 4 Roderick 4 g Paulsrude 4 Subs: Elmw--Berry 5, Graves 2, Fredrickson 2, Scheelke, Walker. Shelton Bloomfield 9. Van Blari- COI. Score by Quarters elton .......... 14 4 1 " 22--- Elms .............. 13 15 13:.IK.ST ...... NS] IGAS-TOO I I By RALPH and HARRY "Hold 'er boys, she's not used to that MOBIL SPEC(AL," - hi.grade gasolines. Treat your ear to the BEST service a town . . ,. with oir 6tiLE & HYHE MOBIL SERViOE @ MHIL TIR • HA i.S m . '.I d - .... :=.,...  ..... ;:.2 ;9 .... " - Now00 €,,r,,, of the Bavar /ales or with alway have t to lXme character ins rare watem and aromm, water light • "It00 %. ,.-©n00cAoO colv00iJi00J! ¢oankmo|| T0 Ii|i&;, ¢ITT Only me 00Sht m lttmve¢ the all 00.Liill ! Cly 0f Podnd. Coavenieat mm  .i mm  m# ,ram. St. Louis Wh00thcr you uavd I .... tt I euu00e Dome the D00me 1:26/,1 ............ :-..J, Tram ,|:.l.a...:..,...,agil | and .e ,.wazld's ily  Diner-- am .... i ra00nt... .... .: .... | d dm City of Pord-,,d 00eatu00 1 "" : your u;p truly --orable. I:Ri PJI. ........... ...b. :n ............ .... Nemut, N00z# Tmi00 L------------J J. C. Bach, 407 E. Fourth Ave. ,,pa,'Wih." t: ?-4 10 -.AJ i WITSIERS FUNFJtAL HOME • YRNE • BATSTONIL 703 Railroad Avenue PHON] HA 6-4803 i i t It i u and S|RVIUi L L- WORLD'S FIRST • 4 GYLINDER • 50 HORSEPOWER • V ENGINE NOW at HIIkOREST NAIUIWARE Irltrmont & Olympto Hlway ,H i ii , Published in "Christma,town ghelton, Waahin Some of the finest hook-shoot- I ing ew:r seen in Sltelton gymnast-i um-.-but little else.--came out of 1 the sparsely - attended exhibition 1 basketball game won by the Chen- ey Studs of Tacoma from the Fort ' Lewis Chieftains, 77-71, Sunday af- tetloon. Some once-great college hoop talent, now rather the wor for wear, tear and advancing years, was on the floor but outside of the ability to shoot well and make use of U;e battle craftiness gained from long years of experience there wasn't much of the old abil- ity remaining in most of the boys(?). BOB HOUBREGh, the former University of Washington All- American chewed his famous hook shot on several occasions and in the comparatively short time le played managed 22 points. But the paunch he wheel-borrowed down the floor in front was obviously a considerable handicap to his ma- neuverability and other phases of his game. Hartley Kruger, ex-Idaho scor- ing ace, and Tom Sanford, a mus- cular midget of 6-3 for Fort Lew- is, Joined in the hook-shooting pa- rade and brought many gasps rom the disappointingly small crowd as they swished through tropes- $25 to $500 KJchl Leber, Manager 124 Rsiizd Ave. --Phone: HA. 6-4447, Shelton llllli II II I I I I I I I ] sible-looking shots from fax' out. The soldiers had })y far the best of it from a condition standpoint but not in firepower, managing to stay within nuisance-range because of their superior speed and some fine shooting by Sanford, lefty Jim Hanson, Joe Alligood and Bill Thomas. WIIEN]VER the Studs seemed about to pull away to a command- ing lead---which at times was as • much as 15 points--the Chiefs came stotuing back within range, sometimes narowing the gap to as little as three points. About that time, Houbregs, Kru- ger and Shelton's prep hoop men- tor, Jerry Vermillion, took charge and held the insistent and persis- tent soldiers at bay. Vermillion, incidentally, looked like the best all-around player on the floor. His generalship, ball- handling, defensive play and shoot- ing (he pick up 14 points on a wide variety of shots, excepting the hook) showed clearly why he holds ten of the 13 school recozis at Gonzaga University. STUDS 77 FORT LEWIS 71 Bowman 9 f AUigood n Vermillion 14 f Hanson 15 Erltger 14 e Sanford 22 Pepple 5 g Thomas 15 Cipriano 7 g Waiters 2 Subs: Studs--Houbregs 22, Nich- olson 4, Lundegaard 2, Per/cin. Fort Lewis--Harney 6, Myers. Score by Qr Studs .............. 25 21 18 13---77 Fort Lewis .... 15 20 20 1671 B SQUADS CENTRALIA 82 SHELTON 15 Loop 3 f Todd 6 Good 9 f Anderson 1 Blanchard 2 c Rogers 5 CoLon 6 g Waters Hudson 6 g Slosh Subs: CentrallaSloan 4, Staf- ford 2. Smith, Halgrimson. Shel- ten--Combs 2, Bliner 1. Paulsrude. i You Can Own thin Mac D-S0 $159.50 Hilloresl Hardware 1209 Olympic Highway SO. Sensational Blazer Rally H0ady Upnts ¢entralia, 36 to 33 L Jefferson ................................ 6 1 Millet'. ..................................... 7 2 Hopkins .................................. 6 2 Hoquiam ................................ 4 4 Centralia ................................ 3 5 Washington .......................... 2 7 Shelton ................................. 1 8 Last Week Contralto 36, Shelton 33 Hopkins 35, Hoquiam 33 Miller 46, Washington 22 This Friday Cen,rtalla at Washington Jefferson at Hopkins Miller at Hoquiam Last second scoring by Matt Pavalunas, son of a famous former Raymond high and University of Oregon bketball star, sent the Shelton Blazers down to their eighth junior high basketball de- feat of the season, 36.3, at Con- trails Friday night. Pavahmas undid a courageous Blazer comeback With his late tally-making, a comeback which had overcome a 17-0 (efttralia lead in the second quarter to tie the count up. at 31-aJl with just 33 seconds left to play. SLENDER, freckle-faced left- handed Wayne Carlson marshalled the Blazer rally, aided by long Corky Peterson, for wat may prove to be the outstanding thing about the 1959 season for Coach Clayton and his Blazer baketeers. Carlson canned five of 16 field goal attempts and six of eight foul shots for a 16 point total for the game. Pavalunas came through with 19 on seven field goals in 14 attempts and five of sLx free throws Cenrtia held the Rlazer com- pletely scoreless until approximate- ly the mid-point of the sccong quarter, g an 8-0 lead in the first period and going to 17 poR before the Blazers managed to break the ice at last. BY THE HALF the Blazers had put seven points on the scoreboard and had blanked the Cent.rails club over that same span to make the score 17-7. The Shelton jun- iors continued to oucom thetr hosts the rest of the game, re- ducing the margin to 25-18 in the third period and then ptmhing hard for the 31-31 deadlock with 33 seconds to go. In the preliminary, the Cttra- lia B squad wh a 32-15 verdict over the Blazer 8th graders. This Friday the Blazers have an open date. CENTRAIA 86 SIKELTON 88 Pavalunas 19 f Carlson 16 Caldwell 4 f Watters Upton 8 c Peterson 8 Brewer g Rose Forrest 3 g Simons 5 Subs: Centralia Hutchins 2, Marlowe, Garvin, Wolff, Manberg. Shelton .... IAnton 2, Watson 2, see it's true... t00le "SIX" appeal It's America's most modern slx- englne I Modern features such ss low.friction design and free.turning valves make Ford', Mileage Maker Six tops in performance and conomy.M,  It's America's most power/ul si en$inI No other six can even touch it. And the lmwt is where you need it. ,. in the normal 30-70 mph driving range. 'It uses regular gas.., saves up to 5¢ a gallon! • + Also, the Mileage Maker Six thrives on ve,u/ar • gas. You save up to $1 per tankful. Aml you need change oil only each 4000 milea t powerAmer|ca'l most beautifully proportioned carsI Every inch of every Ford i,ttfuUy w and Thunderbirdle4mt. And it s ]mill ior tavt from the new Diamond Lustre Finish that rover neod waxing to the ,aluminized mufllr that normally lat twice  long. Yet, Ford p#ce &e the lowest o the top.selil tt. With accessories, the aving ate evsa I it at yo ]b)rd Deal s today. WOIltD MO MAUTIFULLY PlOPOIi110110 CAJt| Come sample the 00vin00. of the FO] F.D.A.F. J i m P a u I e y M o t o r s 5th and Railroad Shelton, Washington  t P flURE YOUURF ,l A 59 FORD -- AND WIN A TRIPLE GRANO PRIZE o.,'t ,uu ,.oer l .i Ot me eN'r!,ee ,v l Hndreds d olkey llulous poL; h lhe /Ivanln Phot0s5 C0nted 0,0 ,o . c,, €,o .Jd, ,..r . Shelton Sophomores Showing Casaba Wares ELLMA, MONTE BOLSTER SOORING AVERAGES A00gAINST CLIMBERS Montesano and Elms t . " , , _  Shelton Highclimbers as stepping stones to higher team scoring av- |_   ' erages last weekend, the Bulldogs ulbv vn RILL- IIIIIK taking a 60-45 bite out of Jerry Vermlllion's crew on the Monte court Friday night, the Eagles fly- ing home from Shelton gym with a 69-34 morsel Saturday night. In each game Vermillion opened up with three juniors (Denny Tem- ple, Ray Manke and Ron Guthrie) and two s0phomoreS (Nell Cloe and Laurie omers) in the starting' lineup and finished with four soph- omores (Jerry Bloomfield and sherry Halbert plus the starters) and one junior (Kerm Livermore) on the floor. TilE LATTER actually looked like the more effective lineup, es- pecially at Montesano where it Scored the last nine points of the game to make the final spread nmre respectable. Bloomfield was making his fle. but with the varsity and reall made it impressive. AgainSt Men. tesano he made every shot he too ---three fouls and one field goal and against Elma he made. two of the four field goals he attempted. In each game he played only one quarter, the fourth, after acing aC-' Lion in three quarters of the equad games. Besides his effec- tive shooting Bloomfield was the peronlfication of coolne on the floor and looked like a seasoned veteran instead of the completely green sophomore. THE CLIMBERS were ahead once in each game, getting the first cores in each, but never after that. Temple scored the first sev- en and 1 of the first 16 points the Climbers made at MontesanO and along with Close and Seiners all the Shelton scoring in the first half. This same trio did all the scoring for the first three quar- ters against lma. Temvle had 25 points for the tw 00ig00ts'wlt00 00o,e. c beh00a..00 21. Both Elma sod Monteuno m tributed their sc0rirtg we11among ten players who saw action for each team. The lineups: MONTEgANO 60 SHELTON 45 Morris 3 f Temple 15 Hoflin 10 f ClOse 12 RaShes 14 c Somera 2 Cokeley 7 g Manke 4 Napiontek 8 g Guthrie 2 Subs: Monte --- Brumfield 11, Whiting 4, Lougheed 2. Watland 1, Roderick. Shelton -- Bloomfield 5, Livermore 5, Halbert. .,ore by Qum'ters Shelton .......... 7 12 9 17---45 Montesano .... 13 12 15 2{--60 ELM. 69 SHELDON 84 Peek 7 f Temple 10 Beerbower 11 f Close 9 C-eorge 12 c Seiners 9 Tornquist 4 g Manke Brockmueller 8 g Outhx'ie Subs: Elma---Hepworth 13, Ra. mey 7 Dotson 7, Weld, Murphy. Shelton--Bloomfield 4, Halbert 2, Livermore. Seor¢ by Quarters Shclton ........ 9 15 3 7--34 Elms .............. 16 17 23 13--69 m .m00s U.X Lumbermen's Mere... ......... 24 Wilson Leftys .................... 17 II 20th Century Thrfftway .. 14 14 Waterfl'ont Realty ........... . 13 15 Grant Lumber .................... 13 15 Pantortum Cleaners .......... 12 16 Coe & MYh re SerVice ...... 10 12 Moran Trknfer ................ 9 19 Hilll games--Joe Anderson 234, :Nell Dethlefs 233, Bitl Dtekie 231, John Florek 226/ Jack Stewart 224. Bob uner 3 High totalS---Joe Anderson 615, tk Stewart 612, Bob Purner Indttrial. league pitt, slttger bagge  trio of 600 series and a raft of li. single gamin t last weeks aeti, which  the leadlng L. M. continuing its amaz- ing victory Skein wlth.a 8,1 mco ce sea_ tnt_S0th Centur TlWfft- way (Jonn Florek 22(1, y Rtce 50) behind Jack Stewart a filmy Joe Andslaort Shad0d Jack for individual sorinR' honO bY ca- ing __. 61 (1'/7-234-202)tQ ld e WilS0fl Lef th _ . _ tys to a shutt trhtmlm Pantor/um Cleaner (W'ax_@n WOods 210 an 569, sd Bob T?.rner.produced  80 (202- 223.1t to toad Grant IAlmr to a go°.se'egr._victor/ over Vorggn Transfer (Igay Brown 501) in • a --m rln,: De2,  s of 13 tO 28 plies. Neu mfs cracked off a S middle yam t whlck gaia gole, & Myers Mottl, Berviee lt lone Pglt in a 1-3 defeat at the hands of Waterfront Ral 210 and 573) ty (Bob Ogden JUNIOR BOWLING W L Benie/s Barber Shoo LeS Joshn liUgl; ......... " Shamrock Ca/e ............ 151S 191 Angle Insurahce'"":::'.::::::::: 11 13 ............. 9 parker s Mr, & Mrs. Shop  18 Hem broff Atncy ............. 7 17 Htgn game,--Larry Neal 224 High total-.--Larry Heal 587 SIMPSON WOMEN'S LEAGUE W L Insulating Board .. 16 4 lumver ...... " ............. 14 6 ACCounting ii ........................ 13 7 purchasing ........................ Olympic isly ................ 12 8 Research . . ............. 9 II ......................... 7 13 Loggers ................... 6 14 Engineering ............ 3 17 Hign gltmd":"":= ............ -'i h --ena Howard 510 14 g t°talPhyl Ziegler 560 PREP BASKETBALL S _CO,.RES Chenalls 7, St MarIn s 53 North Kit 64, Central Kit 48 South Kitap 50, Bainbridge 39 a,r rem 4 -" d" 55, Aberdeen 3 _m 5, West Bremerton 40 IAncoa 5  O .... ......  lypla 4t xvute 51, Mar Morris 41 Computed far Hood Oanal (Oakland Bay Udes m' o1 aom. and €fl$ minut later.) Friday, Feb. 20 High .............. 3:52 a.m. 11.5 ft. Low ................ 9:12 a.m. 7.2 ft. High 2:09 p,m. 10.4 ft. Low ................ 9:10 a.m, 0.5 ft. Saturday, Feb. 21 High .............. 4:23 a.m. 11.9 ft. Low ................ 9:52 a.m. 6.4 ft. High 3:00 p.m. 10.7 ft. Low ................ 9:50 p.m. -07. ft. Simday, Feb. 22 High .............. 4:5I a.m. 12.2 ft. Low ................ 10:30 a.m. 5.6 ft. High .............. 3:49 p.m. 11.1 ft. Low ................ 10:30 p.m. -0.7 ft. blond&y, Feb. 23 High .............. 5:15 a.m, 12.4 ft. Low ................ 11:08 a.m, , 4.7 ft. High .............. 4:38 P.rty 11.3 ft. Low 11:10 P.m, 0.6 ft. Tuetay, Feb. S High .............. 5:46 a.m. 12.7 ft. Low 11:48 a.m. 3.8 ft. High .............. 5:28 p.m. 11.4 ft. Low 11:50 p.m. 1.2 ft. We0ne,lay, Feb. 25 High .............. 6:17 a.m. 12.8 ft. Low ................ 12:26 p.m. 2.8 ft. High .............. 6:21 p.m. 11.3 ft. Thursday, Feb. 26 Low ................ 0:33 a.m. 2.1 ft. High .............. 6:d9 a.m. 12.8 ft. Low 1:18 p.m. 2.1 ft. High .............. 7:19 p.m. 11.0 ft. UNDBERG POUNDS 615 IN FRATERNAL FRATERNAL IAGUE W L Active Club ........................ 18 10 Lions Club .......................... i7 11 ascade-Olympic ................ 15 13 wants Club ...................... 14 14 %tller Construction .......... 14 14 Shelton Hardware 13 15 McCqeary ............................ 12 16  Moose Lodge ...................... 9 19 High game--Bob Shy 241, Gene Lindberg 240, Russ Morken 237, Buck Maekey 234 High total---Cne Lindberg 615 Gone Lindberg's 615 series fea- tured Fraternal league bowling action Monday, a night marked by shutouts and stalemates in team results. Lindberg's series was founded on a 240 opening game which he followed With 177 and 198 counts to lead the Activians into first place on a shutout victory over the Lions (L. L. McInelly 542). Fuller Construction (Bob Olson 537) was the other goose-egg win- ner, over the tailend Moose (car- lie Savage 588). Bob Shy opened with a 241 game (549 series) as McCleary drew with Shelton Hard- ware tBuck Mackey 543) and Russ Morken finished up with a 237 as Cascade-Olympic Construction deadlocked the Kiwanis Clui (Clyde Ziegler 504). DiOK WHITE SHOWS UP MAJOR BOWLERS , MAJO .' LEAGUE Its Northwest Evergreen ............ 78 Home Gas Company ................ 70 'L TimbeF B0w .......................... 69 Dan's Nite Hawks .................... 62 Wolden's Chevron Service .... 4 Jim Pauley Inc ..................... 44½ Ritner's Broiler .................... 29 Olson'a Barber.& Beauty 28 /igh game---Dick White 232 High totals--Dick White 637, Glen Robertson 612 Youthful Dick White stole the show |rein. his..mor# exeriecll adult bowling companions in the i Major league Friday night when he accumulated a 637  games of 2&2, 192, #43. Glen Robertson's -62 (21-21&. 188) was the clott hallbn for ind|vilukl scoring hohorS. 4[lck't: Timber Bowl team scored 12 .points and G|en's ome  club 13 tin: der the "H0t  :sm" used by the leagu bUt,./.to big gaere" for the_ V.tlg 'P)4tY which picked up'  (Ray Rice 5s9), and 's lte Hl.twq rea Woods and Sonny  each 567), which gainerS. !6: • t • o. Thursdav. FobS LiHle Olimber Tille Ohances .Gone AHer 57-50 Loss to Elma W L pf pa Elms ........................ 8 3 496 462 North Thurston ...... 8 3 411 360 SIIELTON .............. 7 4 500 483 Chehalis .................. 7 5 601 538 Raymond ................ 6 5 432 455 St. Martin's ............ 2 9 462 515 Montesauo .............. 1 9 391 496 Elms 57, Shelton 50 N. Thurston 33, Raymond 31 Chehalis 58. Raymond 33 Elma 56, St. Martin's 45 Shelto 44. Monteaano 30 Chehalis 65, St. Martin's 49 By oing to Elms Saturday night, 57-,50, tile Little Climbers completely eliminated themselves as title contenders in the Central League B team basketball stand- tngTshe defeat left the pennant field clear for Elma and North Thurs- ton in their clash this Friday. A SAD SECOND session killed the Little Climbers SatUrday, made their gallant fourth quarter rally too little too late .They held a 14-13 lead at the first quartet' closed then the Little Climbers hit a dead spot and at the half had added only four point (all foul shots) and were trailing by a 28-18 margin. Elms held a slight edge in the thir quarter and built its mar- gin to 41-28, too much for the comeback Dave Sharpes and Jer- ry Bloomfield led in the last chap- ter with their eight and six point Contributions. Bill Fitchett, getting seven points in the third quarter, wound Up as the game's high Scorer with 16 points, one ahead of Sharpe and Elma's Hoag. AT MONTESANO Friday night the Little Climbers breezed to a 44-30 succe behind Bill Fitchett's 18 point barrage, lxcept for a trong thir qgrter, hich re- duced Shelton's 25-14 halfUme lead to 35-29, the Pups were never in the game. The Little Climbers clipped off 15 of 23 foul shot to ease their path to victory• The lineups: SHETON 44 'MONTESANO 30 Bill Fitchett 18 {f Friell 4 Schneider 2 f Lougheed 10 Bharpes 11 C Whiting 5 8ob Fitchett 4 g Hammock 3 Paulsrude g Smith 3 Subs: Shelton  Bloomfield 9, Van Blaricom. Monte -- Pierce 2, Wrenn 1. Fry 2, Phillips, Beaulieu. Score by Quarters Montesano .... 2 12 15 130 Shelton .......... 10 15 10 9---44 ELM 57 SHELTON 6@ Murphy 9 f Sharpes 15 Henry 7 f Shneider 2 Hoag 15 c Bill Fitchett 16 Weld 13 g Bob Fitchett 4 Roderick 4 g Paulsrude 4 Subs: Elmw--Berry 5, Graves 2, Fredrickson 2, Scheelke, Walker. Shelton Bloomfield 9. Van Blari- COI. Score by Quarters elton .......... 14 4 1 " 22--- Elms .............. 13 15 13:.IK.ST ...... NS] IGAS-TOO I I By RALPH and HARRY "Hold 'er boys, she's not used to that MOBIL SPEC(AL," - hi.grade gasolines. Treat your ear to the BEST service a town . . ,. with oir 6tiLE & HYHE MOBIL SERViOE @ MHIL TIR • HA i.S m . '.I d - .... :=.,...  ..... ;:.2 ;9 .... " - Now00 €,,r,,, of the Bavar /ales or with alway have t to lXme character ins rare watem and aromm, water light • "It00 %. ,.-©n00cAoO colv00iJi00J! ¢oankmo|| T0 Ii|i&;, ¢ITT Only me 00Sht m lttmve¢ the all 00.Liill ! Cly 0f Podnd. Coavenieat mm  .i mm  m# ,ram. St. Louis Wh00thcr you uavd I .... tt I euu00e Dome the D00me 1:26/,1 ............ :-..J, Tram ,|:.l.a...:..,...,agil | and .e ,.wazld's ily  Diner-- am .... i ra00nt... .... .: .... | d dm City of Pord-,,d 00eatu00 1 "" : your u;p truly --orable. I:Ri PJI. ........... ...b. :n ............ .... Nemut, N00z# Tmi00 L------------J J. C. Bach, 407 E. Fourth Ave. ,,pa,'Wih." t: ?-4