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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 19, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 19, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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19, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton Washin Page 11 mm - AUTO A, SLOANE E. Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 AWTON LUMBER Y 80UTH FIRST STREET 'tll Noon Saturdays J, V. "Joe" Simpson Owner & Operator Veterans to Honor Past Gommanders Vetel'ans of Foreign Wars Post 1694 will honor their past com- manders with a-joint Post and Auxiliary dinner at the Shelton Memorial hall on Friday evening. All members are urged to attend and join in honoring the past commanders of the Post. The mcnlbership contest between veterans of World War I and II resulted in the Post obtaining more than a 100 per cent paid up mem- bership for the year 1959 and next month the younger men will stand treat to the veterans of World War I with a banquet. Post officers for the ycar 1959 will be nominated at the meeting on Friday, March 6th, and it is rumored that a complete "slate" oi "World War II veterans will be offered to the membership. Valentine Dance Benefits Hospital A Valentine dance was held last Saturday night at the Active Club for members of the Donnie J. Orth- opedic Guild and their husbands. Red hearts surrounded with ruf- fles carried out the valentine mo- tif. Proceeds from the dance will be sent to the Mary Bridges Chin dren's hospital, Taeoma Committee chairmen for the dance were Miss Charlene Smith, Mrs. Fred McGee, Miss Beverly Jones decorations: Mrs. Bill John- son, Mrs. Joe Parsons, food; Mrs. Bob Ashley, Mrs. Jim Cross and Mrs. Lyle Coleman, tickets. MSM! ! WAS FEELIHG A LOHELY HERE AWAY FROM i'D. CALl. tiOW'S. E THS EN ki>: VFW Aux. to Fete Past Presidents The Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary will celebrate its 29th anniversary next Friday, begin- ning with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. in the Memorial hall. The dinner will be supervised by Bet- ty Godwin and Sharon Metcalf. Th(, anual event of the evening will be the honoring of the past presidents of the auxiliary and past commander of the Post. Awards and seiTice' pins will be presented. Past Department president, Mrs. Willy Taylor, will show colored slides of her recent trip to Europe. Amy Frank and Lenora Borg are in charg'e of the rest of the program, who reported an evening well packed with entertainment fox" all members and their families. Fee Robinson, Virgie Cleveland and Myrtle VanderWal are in charge of tables and decorations; Viola Laugen, Josephine Sparks, Bernice Jansson, Tekla Anderson, Ruth Latham and Phyliss Moore, clean-up committee. The auxiliary will serve the Ki- wanis hmcheon next Tuesday, Feb. 24. North Shore Olub Holds Gard Party erst, Successfully defying sup , '- lion, the North Shore Community ]Club launched its first social func- tion on Friday, the 13th of Febru- ary. Mrs. Ads Venard won the grand prize in a pinochle and card party at the Belfair Fire Hall that was widely attended by Belfair and Bremerton residents despite a hea- vy snowfall earlier in the day. Chairman of the event, Fred Graham, announced that this marked the first of a number of public events planned for this area in 1959. Iurther announcement of community service events will be made when the club holds its monthly business meeting on March 1 at 2 p.m. at the Belfair Fire Hall. STUDYING ABROAD: Col. and Mrs. Jene E. Mills (nee Frances Boylan and daughter, Jean, have arrived in Paris where Mr. Mills will attend the Defense College. From there he will be sent to an- other station in Europe. Mrs. Mills is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Boylan. Journal Want Ads Pay _ IIII HOME LOANS r Convenient Terms k Reasonable Rates Social Even ts Society Editor • Beve Wells * Phone HA. 6-4412 WEARS RING MR. AND MRS. ANTON ANENSEN, Elma, recently announced the engagement of their daughter, Toni Louile, to Mr. Larry LeRoy Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stevens, Shelton. Miss Anensen is a senior at Elms high school and Mr. Stevens is employed at Northwest Evergreen Packing Company. A June wedding is being planned. SRA Pinochle Club Plays at McCleary The Shelton club of the Simpson Recreation Association Pinochle Club journeyed to McCleary last i Saturday evening for a mixer game. At tim Feb. 10 meeting of the Mata and Hari Make Light of Pantomime World Ruth Mats and Eugene Hart performed "The World in Panto- mime" to the delight .of Mason County Community Concert As- s(rotation members on Tuesday eve ning of last week. The top dance group, Mrs. Alvin But:ler and Gil- attraction executed their original bert Kuhnle took high score prlzes]choreo:raDhica 1 pantomimes with with scores of 7030 and 7160. Low I the utmost, precision and technique. scores were rs. Ausnn iarson, ........... i- ] A OIL OI numor was evloenL n :1170, and Fred Zentner, 1 90. Tray- .. ...... eling pinochle prizes were awarded ]eacn OrTleneunm::::s n e t,,dPi(: Mrs. Butler and James Clifton, t,=. • .... , _ -d 1 'nn +,'urn  was held b- als l amau°n were put to WOrK as Marion "' eeceand GilbeIt Ku" the pair enacted the roles of Thetis : • bP ' "lBari and Charlie Chaplin in a le. 'silent film flirtation. This Saturday evening the club l members will meet at 8 p.m. at=th e program was the presentation TEN UP YOUR WHOLE DAY. AND SO LITTLE. PacificTe[ephone ICE. CALLBACK HOME CAN NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. Polish hall in Aberdeen for another mixer game. The next local game will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Armory. HAPPY/BIRTHDAY: Six year old Randy € Heroin celebrated his birthday last Thursday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Heroin. Helping Randy with the festivities were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Honmn, and sister, Debbie. M Mj.00crcury's new beauty is planned for people_makes room for 6, not just 4! Here's proof you needn't sacrifice comfort for beauty Unlike most more leg room ... and a thicker, softer cushion. Mercuj has the . 9 Cars, Mercury is beautifully built for roominess. For instance: roomiest passenger compartment of all Has the widest doors. Hal the hump onthe floor has been cut i*n half, giving the middle rider the most visibility. Yes, you're ¢omfoltabl fix0d...ln I Mer¢lJl :. : : .,,,.z. d $ MORE SEAT CUSHIONING. deeper, thicker, softer r er the middle rider. You'll find it's the most comfortable lkeiahr,'of'the-car ride on the road. Mercury gives you normal sitting " , rO, for relaxed riding comfort. FIRST SIDE-TO'SIDE WIPERS that clear a 5-foot swath, including the center areal Gives yu better visibility thru the world'l largest windaield. NEW KIND Of RESPONSE FROM 4 GREAT ENGINES 210-HP Economy V-8. 280-RP Marauder V-8--nemlL must advanced engine In AmN'lol, 322-HP Marauder V-It 345-HP Marauder V-8. bilBelt Id all '59 engines. M I[NGURY IDIVlllOll SEE IT_DRIVE IT_AT YOUR MERCURY D'$ Jim Pauley Inc. 5th & Railroad Phone HA 6-8231 UALITY NIW OARS •., iAPII-ilJY Ug-iD OARi-,-,, IllI.IAILI IIRVlOI Perhaps the best received in of two teenagers in "Going Stea- dy," depicting an exaggerated pic- ture of a pony-tailed girl's crush on a new beau and his appearance at her home. "Woman on a Couch" showed a case of mistaken identity when Mats mistook Hart, the window washer as a psychiatrist. Despite his troubles with his unexpected patient, he cured her neurosis. The team's ability for quick changes was the main attraction of the western theme of "Have Gun Get Gold." Particularly hu- morons was the battle between Eugene Hart, the good man, and Eugene Hart, the bad man in the saga. Officers of the Association are: now planning tile 1959-60 con- cart season, which it is hoped will include four local concerts. Any- one wishing to attend the coming concerts in Shelton and several neighboring cities may obtain lo- cal membership by calling the membership headquarters, HA 6- 3920 today and Friday from 10: a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday until noon. For the convenience of Hood Canal residents, information can be had by calling TR 7-5275. Reed Guild Plans Luncheon Meeting A one o'clock luncheon will pro- ceed the regularly scheduled meet- ing of the Georgine Reed Ortho- pedic Guild Friday in the Colonial House. Hostesses for the meet- ing will be Mrs Hal Grant with Mrs. Alden Bayley as co-hostess. Plans will be made for a visit to a game farm. Pinochle Party The Beverly Hi-Timers will hold the second in a series of card pax- ties at 8 p.m. Flay in the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Dick on Beverly Heights. GOODWILL TRUCK The Goodwill Industries truck will be in Shelton Tuesday to pick up discards. Anyone wishing to have the truck stop at their home is asked to call HA 6-4847. SALVATION ARMY TRUCK The tzaek for picking up dis- cards for the Salvation Army will be in She]ton Wednesday. Anyone having discards and wishing the truck to stop is asked to call HA 6-2215 or leave them at 321N. 5th. PHEASANT HUNTERS: Last Monday Mr. Clinton Harley, Col. William Fraser, Seattle, and Mr. Laurence Carlson and Dr. George LeCompte were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott. Leaving for a last chance for hunting pheasant until next fall Mr. Harley and Col. Fraser left Tuesday for Makwatt Game Famn at Hoquiam. The game farm seas- on is open from Sept. 15 until March 15. JANET HINTON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hinton, was formally initiated into Kappa Phi, national Methodist women's club, recently at the College of Puget Sound. Mreie Whitener With WWCE Choir The 57-voice Concert Choir of Western Washington College will present 14 concerts throughout the Puget Sound area on its annual tour next week. Marcie Whitener of Shelton is a member of this choral group. Led by Bernard Regier, director of vocal music at the College, the choir is composed of students rep- resenting almost every part of the state and many other states. DANCE Every Saturday Night THE TROPICS Schneider's Prairi+e - Shelton - Olympia Hiway III For the Remainder of February Only! Spring Air turns back the clock to yesterday's price to bring you this "good old days" value: See this luxury mattress with these important features: Gentle surface comfortdeep down firm support. t Level sleeping for complete muscular relaxation. • Extra strong edge and corner coils. II Luxury decorator ticking-- a beautiful durable rayon and cotton satin damask in stunning gold and brown stripe. THE SPRING AIR COMPANY 666 Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois Copyright 1.959 *Trade Mark M KRCAIITILI[ PLEASE SEND ME YOUR SPRING AIR [] "Modern Model 70" Mattress at $44,95 [J Matching "Modern Model 70" Box Spring at $44.95 NAME .................................................................................................... ADDRESS .............................................................................................. CITY ............................................ ZONE ............ STATE ........................ Charge My Account []] Check or Cash Enclosed [J M.O. K1 Please add any existing sales taxes i This Store Will Be GLOSED NEXT MONDAY For Washington's Birthday i I I /I 19, 1959 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton Washin Page 11 mm - AUTO A, SLOANE E. Pine Ph. HA 6-4147 AWTON LUMBER Y 80UTH FIRST STREET 'tll Noon Saturdays J, V. "Joe" Simpson Owner & Operator Veterans to Honor Past Gommanders Vetel'ans of Foreign Wars Post 1694 will honor their past com- manders with a-joint Post and Auxiliary dinner at the Shelton Memorial hall on Friday evening. All members are urged to attend and join in honoring the past commanders of the Post. The mcnlbership contest between veterans of World War I and II resulted in the Post obtaining more than a 100 per cent paid up mem- bership for the year 1959 and next month the younger men will stand treat to the veterans of World War I with a banquet. Post officers for the ycar 1959 will be nominated at the meeting on Friday, March 6th, and it is rumored that a complete "slate" oi "World War II veterans will be offered to the membership. Valentine Dance Benefits Hospital A Valentine dance was held last Saturday night at the Active Club for members of the Donnie J. Orth- opedic Guild and their husbands. Red hearts surrounded with ruf- fles carried out the valentine mo- tif. Proceeds from the dance will be sent to the Mary Bridges Chin dren's hospital, Taeoma Committee chairmen for the dance were Miss Charlene Smith, Mrs. Fred McGee, Miss Beverly Jones decorations: Mrs. Bill John- son, Mrs. Joe Parsons, food; Mrs. Bob Ashley, Mrs. Jim Cross and Mrs. Lyle Coleman, tickets. MSM! ! WAS FEELIHG A LOHELY HERE AWAY FROM i'D. CALl. tiOW'S. E THS EN ki>: VFW Aux. to Fete Past Presidents The Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary will celebrate its 29th anniversary next Friday, begin- ning with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. in the Memorial hall. The dinner will be supervised by Bet- ty Godwin and Sharon Metcalf. Th(, anual event of the evening will be the honoring of the past presidents of the auxiliary and past commander of the Post. Awards and seiTice' pins will be presented. Past Department president, Mrs. Willy Taylor, will show colored slides of her recent trip to Europe. Amy Frank and Lenora Borg are in charg'e of the rest of the program, who reported an evening well packed with entertainment fox" all members and their families. Fee Robinson, Virgie Cleveland and Myrtle VanderWal are in charge of tables and decorations; Viola Laugen, Josephine Sparks, Bernice Jansson, Tekla Anderson, Ruth Latham and Phyliss Moore, clean-up committee. The auxiliary will serve the Ki- wanis hmcheon next Tuesday, Feb. 24. North Shore Olub Holds Gard Party erst, Successfully defying sup , '- lion, the North Shore Community ]Club launched its first social func- tion on Friday, the 13th of Febru- ary. Mrs. Ads Venard won the grand prize in a pinochle and card party at the Belfair Fire Hall that was widely attended by Belfair and Bremerton residents despite a hea- vy snowfall earlier in the day. Chairman of the event, Fred Graham, announced that this marked the first of a number of public events planned for this area in 1959. Iurther announcement of community service events will be made when the club holds its monthly business meeting on March 1 at 2 p.m. at the Belfair Fire Hall. STUDYING ABROAD: Col. and Mrs. Jene E. Mills (nee Frances Boylan and daughter, Jean, have arrived in Paris where Mr. Mills will attend the Defense College. From there he will be sent to an- other station in Europe. Mrs. Mills is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Boylan. Journal Want Ads Pay _ IIII HOME LOANS r Convenient Terms k Reasonable Rates Social Even ts Society Editor • Beve Wells * Phone HA. 6-4412 WEARS RING MR. AND MRS. ANTON ANENSEN, Elma, recently announced the engagement of their daughter, Toni Louile, to Mr. Larry LeRoy Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stevens, Shelton. Miss Anensen is a senior at Elms high school and Mr. Stevens is employed at Northwest Evergreen Packing Company. A June wedding is being planned. SRA Pinochle Club Plays at McCleary The Shelton club of the Simpson Recreation Association Pinochle Club journeyed to McCleary last i Saturday evening for a mixer game. At tim Feb. 10 meeting of the Mata and Hari Make Light of Pantomime World Ruth Mats and Eugene Hart performed "The World in Panto- mime" to the delight .of Mason County Community Concert As- s(rotation members on Tuesday eve ning of last week. The top dance group, Mrs. Alvin But:ler and Gil- attraction executed their original bert Kuhnle took high score prlzes]choreo:raDhica 1 pantomimes with with scores of 7030 and 7160. Low I the utmost, precision and technique. scores were rs. Ausnn iarson, ........... i- ] A OIL OI numor was evloenL n :1170, and Fred Zentner, 1 90. Tray- .. ...... eling pinochle prizes were awarded ]eacn OrTleneunm::::s n e t,,dPi(: Mrs. Butler and James Clifton, t,=. • .... , _ -d 1 'nn +,'urn  was held b- als l amau°n were put to WOrK as Marion "' eeceand GilbeIt Ku" the pair enacted the roles of Thetis : • bP ' "lBari and Charlie Chaplin in a le. 'silent film flirtation. This Saturday evening the club l members will meet at 8 p.m. at=th e program was the presentation TEN UP YOUR WHOLE DAY. AND SO LITTLE. PacificTe[ephone ICE. CALLBACK HOME CAN NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. Polish hall in Aberdeen for another mixer game. The next local game will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Armory. HAPPY/BIRTHDAY: Six year old Randy € Heroin celebrated his birthday last Thursday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Heroin. Helping Randy with the festivities were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Honmn, and sister, Debbie. M Mj.00crcury's new beauty is planned for people_makes room for 6, not just 4! Here's proof you needn't sacrifice comfort for beauty Unlike most more leg room ... and a thicker, softer cushion. Mercuj has the . 9 Cars, Mercury is beautifully built for roominess. For instance: roomiest passenger compartment of all Has the widest doors. Hal the hump onthe floor has been cut i*n half, giving the middle rider the most visibility. Yes, you're ¢omfoltabl fix0d...ln I Mer¢lJl :. : : .,,,.z. d $ MORE SEAT CUSHIONING. deeper, thicker, softer r er the middle rider. You'll find it's the most comfortable lkeiahr,'of'the-car ride on the road. Mercury gives you normal sitting " , rO, for relaxed riding comfort. FIRST SIDE-TO'SIDE WIPERS that clear a 5-foot swath, including the center areal Gives yu better visibility thru the world'l largest windaield. NEW KIND Of RESPONSE FROM 4 GREAT ENGINES 210-HP Economy V-8. 280-RP Marauder V-8--nemlL must advanced engine In AmN'lol, 322-HP Marauder V-It 345-HP Marauder V-8. bilBelt Id all '59 engines. M I[NGURY IDIVlllOll SEE IT_DRIVE IT_AT YOUR MERCURY D'$ Jim Pauley Inc. 5th & Railroad Phone HA 6-8231 UALITY NIW OARS •., iAPII-ilJY Ug-iD OARi-,-,, IllI.IAILI IIRVlOI Perhaps the best received in of two teenagers in "Going Stea- dy," depicting an exaggerated pic- ture of a pony-tailed girl's crush on a new beau and his appearance at her home. "Woman on a Couch" showed a case of mistaken identity when Mats mistook Hart, the window washer as a psychiatrist. Despite his troubles with his unexpected patient, he cured her neurosis. The team's ability for quick changes was the main attraction of the western theme of "Have Gun Get Gold." Particularly hu- morons was the battle between Eugene Hart, the good man, and Eugene Hart, the bad man in the saga. Officers of the Association are: now planning tile 1959-60 con- cart season, which it is hoped will include four local concerts. Any- one wishing to attend the coming concerts in Shelton and several neighboring cities may obtain lo- cal membership by calling the membership headquarters, HA 6- 3920 today and Friday from 10: a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday until noon. For the convenience of Hood Canal residents, information can be had by calling TR 7-5275. Reed Guild Plans Luncheon Meeting A one o'clock luncheon will pro- ceed the regularly scheduled meet- ing of the Georgine Reed Ortho- pedic Guild Friday in the Colonial House. Hostesses for the meet- ing will be Mrs Hal Grant with Mrs. Alden Bayley as co-hostess. Plans will be made for a visit to a game farm. Pinochle Party The Beverly Hi-Timers will hold the second in a series of card pax- ties at 8 p.m. Flay in the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Dick on Beverly Heights. GOODWILL TRUCK The Goodwill Industries truck will be in Shelton Tuesday to pick up discards. Anyone wishing to have the truck stop at their home is asked to call HA 6-4847. SALVATION ARMY TRUCK The tzaek for picking up dis- cards for the Salvation Army will be in She]ton Wednesday. Anyone having discards and wishing the truck to stop is asked to call HA 6-2215 or leave them at 321N. 5th. PHEASANT HUNTERS: Last Monday Mr. Clinton Harley, Col. William Fraser, Seattle, and Mr. Laurence Carlson and Dr. George LeCompte were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott. Leaving for a last chance for hunting pheasant until next fall Mr. Harley and Col. Fraser left Tuesday for Makwatt Game Famn at Hoquiam. The game farm seas- on is open from Sept. 15 until March 15. JANET HINTON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hinton, was formally initiated into Kappa Phi, national Methodist women's club, recently at the College of Puget Sound. Mreie Whitener With WWCE Choir The 57-voice Concert Choir of Western Washington College will present 14 concerts throughout the Puget Sound area on its annual tour next week. Marcie Whitener of Shelton is a member of this choral group. Led by Bernard Regier, director of vocal music at the College, the choir is composed of students rep- resenting almost every part of the state and many other states. DANCE Every Saturday Night THE TROPICS Schneider's Prairi+e - Shelton - Olympia Hiway III For the Remainder of February Only! Spring Air turns back the clock to yesterday's price to bring you this "good old days" value: See this luxury mattress with these important features: Gentle surface comfortdeep down firm support. t Level sleeping for complete muscular relaxation. • Extra strong edge and corner coils. II Luxury decorator ticking-- a beautiful durable rayon and cotton satin damask in stunning gold and brown stripe. THE SPRING AIR COMPANY 666 Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois Copyright 1.959 *Trade Mark M KRCAIITILI[ PLEASE SEND ME YOUR SPRING AIR [] "Modern Model 70" Mattress at $44,95 [J Matching "Modern Model 70" Box Spring at $44.95 NAME .................................................................................................... ADDRESS .............................................................................................. CITY ............................................ ZONE ............ STATE ........................ Charge My Account []] Check or Cash Enclosed [J M.O. K1 Please add any existing sales taxes i This Store Will Be GLOSED NEXT MONDAY For Washington's Birthday i I I /I