February 19, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 19, 1959 |
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Robed Sloane
200 East Pine HA. 6-4147
i i i H i ............. ,,
S[r yollr wluo|d i ¢.raok4l,, or
dou't take c.htt.m o. drtvh 'wttll hlpmd
Vhiou .- brhlg your ear h today fbr It prompt,
e i i t t and I'(nv.ln bly ..|,riced rephftaeut job
w:h l#ltLSbttrgh fety (I. avail&ht hi d
Body & Fender Works
Third and Grove
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J:€' Towlsend in Shel-
The women's fellowship of the
Skokomish Community Church
Will hold their first meeting Tues-
day the 24th at 8 p.m. in the
home of Mrs. Ida Johnson. There
will be a guest speaker and re-
freshments will be served at the
close of the meeting.
REV. AND Mrs. Talmadge Wil-
son and family left Monday for
Portland where they boarded a
plane for the EaKt after stranding
the .past. two months at the home
of Mrs. Wilson's parent, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Hunter. The Wlisons
expect to return to their work in
Africa some time in April.
Mr. and M. Keith Campbell
entertained a couple of bop on
Sunday from Seattle, where they
are attending a ChriHttan eollefe
studying for the ministry. Mrs.
Campbell drove them to Brass€-
ton Monday to catch the fexvy to
The Skokomish Grange held
their meeting last Friday evening.
The charter was draped in mem-
ory of the late Brother James
Bullard. The lecture program con-
aittd of several musical numbe
by Ray. and Mrs. Rol Burg and
several of the young people. Rev.
Burg also gave a talk on their
Go ahead, buy the car you want. Pay for it with
a Seattle-First Natiorm tO Loan. :Low
bank interest reduces thversll cost of your car.
Monthly payments are pegged to your income.
ett.tle-t lrst Au/.o Loans are available at most
203 W Railrood Avenue PhomB HA 6-8291
SHELTON-MASON (UNTY JOURNAL Publisled in "Chri,qtla,qto,i, "7 - " "
.,.., llelton, Washin
...... lutes ' 6rapevie Ne
Middle, Skokomi, W W$
By Mary Valley I ! IJ Is J GRAPEVIEA r_ . . ...... Ignoring . the. <a once-vs., rlv. ..... art'.it,', Orth )pc ti(': . ;
...... Mr..n.ai..,nn I s,,.er00t,t,ons that .00<,r,'ound i.,d00,y n,en00bers o,'o -- a
md MJ's Art Nicklaus and son, IH@igI|tI| the; Thirteenth, or perhaps bccause crowd and, judginK hy tht,ir pre-
Kim aud" Artie visited Mr. Nick" m of them, approximately fifty-seven vious part:its, this iv cet'tainly one
laus' parems lIr. and Mrs. Fred [r rr ...... people attended the Fair Harbor we shouldn't miss!
Nickl;lUS, il ()lympia last Sunday. I!I lllllPJ!lrl qrange ge night held on that Mr. and Mrs. lui't Benson en-
Vl.. t¢yl Millof has been son- ! ladlawv (:la[e at . rne trape,qew SChOOl: Joyed an evening iu Seattle last
lin,d to ih, Sh.ltm tl[)spilal the x,,, ..... .... ,-bs "z, 4' ucKy. wmners receiving unusual Saturday evening dining at the
l)ist, iew d;avs, v,h,.,, of w,d, w.. z of the enou.gn rely \\;serul pl zes: SUCh home o friends before atlen(tmg
"I'h! coinl,i,mity ¢>xtends their [Y.S.A will hold their February as p]zza p m1,Dac aza gg the Oregon Stale •Co!!ege versus
,;ymptly t( Mrs An ta Bullard, meetin'c at n n m on Tuesday Fel '--, ....... U _" ............... ?,' wasnington nasema.ii game l
who.us h;sb, ,(I I);isscd away last 24 ........ " .... " " 5°°?, canna2, nhm: P°oj'n, va: the University p avillion. .,
• : " , ....... C ..... :, .... -- ........ o S!'.DaY VISITOIIS to ue
week. : At this meeting officers for the Hawson Bill Staudt Fred Lutz ......
MR. AND Mrs. Roy Llnningl ensuing year will be installed and Linda G'ilbert Jack Wells Pamela home of Mr. and Mrq. Art Ze!c
.... ' ' rei'e Mr. an(l JYlI*S, Um]er Soscne
it is expected that several depart-
ment officers wilt be on hand to
participate. Madroa Barracks is
gz'owning rapidly in numbers and
plans are underway to form an
auxiliary. , "
At the January meeting of the
Barracks, members present were
honored with the presence of two
prominent members of the Ameri-
can Legion. Both the commander
of Fred B; Wivell Pot, Bill Pear-
son, and Mel Dobbs, adjutant,
were guests. Both of these veter-
ans gave short talks cOncerning
veterans affairs and pledged the
support of the local Legion Post
In promot U best interests of
all veterans grouts.
All veterans are welcome to the
forthcoming meeting. Refresh-
ments will be served following the
business session.
work in the valley and the plans
for a new church. We want to
remind you of the Sunday school
bus and hope those wishing to at-
tend Sunday chool will avail
themselves of this opportunity.
The RoUgh and Ready 4-H club
met at the choohouse on Sat-
urday, the 14th. ?he boys prac-
ticed their klt for Rally Day.
NEW IE$1OENT$ of the val-
ley are r. and Mrs. Bob Petty
and fazn/ly Who have moved into
the .Polly 3acobs place, now owned
by Sta :Johnson.
The next meeting of the "Stitch
and Stew? will be Feb. 24 at the
home of Maxtne Toler.
Middle Skokomiah choir
and band drove to Hoodsport la
Monday evening to entertain the
Maxine ?oier and Sandra Ly-
man entertained with a Valentine
party. ?hoe invited were Letha
Flansburg and Judy Carder.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Latzel were
dinner gue/ of Mr. and Mrs.
John Rodgbirg last Sunday.
MYs. Ted Richert entertained at
a dinner in honor of her husband's
birthday. Guests were Jerry and
Ann Rlchert, I.mane and Gerry
Stevens, Reta Jacobsen and Roger
On Friday, Feb. 20, at 1 p.n,
at Chehalia the dairy herd of Ted
Richert will be sold at auction.
Ouest at the Gerry Stevens
home over the weekend were Mrs.
Stevens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
D. Palmer of Seattle, also her sis-
ter, Mrs, Roberts Ray, with her
two boys from Portland. Later
an aunt and uncle from Tacoma,
Mr. and Mrs. Tauscher.
Visitors at the Martin Smith
home over the weekend were their
two daughters from Seattle, M.
Bonnie.. Rose and Mrs. Battle Calk-
ins and Mrs. Florence Smith of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dcyette
visited at: Forks over the weekend
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ern-
est King.
MR. AND Mrs. Eric Sjoholm
and daughter, Betty, were Sunday
dinner guests in Shelton at the
Gunner Sjoholni home.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Stanley
and children were dinner guests
one night last week at the Don
I)oak home.
Largemouth and smallmouth
bass are not really bass at all.
Actually, they are members of
the sunfish family, the same as
the crappies.
he to tk ddg .d d olmrdions, laker, and quip-
meet- the rdie, iV, ad eerv-
ielK apnei, have dqded a bade IBm tend--
charge of $4.95 within the immediate vicinity of 00el-
t0n: ....
• 1 A l I ('ONTI{ACr A%VAIH)EI) i
Tmmnu %914( i The i:. W. i,in c"mp:mv ,,f'!
IIIIIIPI/ IglllO i'r((ma h/s 1)eel. :lv¢'rdecl a '$11,-II
A- i ........ !s1Itim t the Ielf:liv, ttt.e l':irk, il
liD inP_rpaRp !..o,,dno. t)John Vad<,,v,i,'!l, II
III ilIVlVIIVV .I'110 (tirffqor Ill p:ll'ks. I MODERN AND
, I I
"%e vol,,n,e of ti,,, ..... ..... ;si.:00lish0d I DANCIN0
( Jl] l., * I1 :+ '+" • , ) , ,, II
her sold f)'Ol)l the .1,) n:]tiom:il for- r'ltli(i l'llions in Ihe" Anl'tr('ti(' 'tt II
esls in Ores:on ,lnd XV:lshinglon iu I'ittt(' Alil(,l'7("t t'I<041TS'A)' MT.[ II
II ! J __
is mo, e th, n ,h,., t00me.00 .... " ,= .... ----.00laluraav,
", ." . , < ..... ; llr(t() SOlll]d tkC,li S'v'), an(t M<t- II
Wilat It was :'lglll, yi,lrs ago arill l•e livid L<q ](.l (]((74USBi. T 1o I
11101'O than twii:e what it )'ts .lUst latler'is the first radio station in ii
(cttl" yelll[s jig'o,' s:licl l(>g'lulial hitol'v lo I)€' :it the South l)()le[ll Music by
iPoresler ,i. Herl)i,rt Slot]t, il] aI]- " it
nomlcino; a nw re(,ord fro' iimbcr ......... II GRANGE "TUNE
sales and timber cnt in the Pacific Journal Want Ads Pay !
Northxvest t.egion e)f the U. S.
Clayton, Judy Staudt, Shirley Eng-
en, Salli Clayton and Mrs. Lerner,
who drove over from Lakewood
with her husband. Russ Wells was
the happy recipient of the prize
"pot." Guests enjoyed homemade
pie and coffee at intermission and
all reported having a very good
time. Responsible for the success-
ful affaiY were Grange Lecturer
Ruby Lewis, Julia Stock, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Kruize and Phyllis
THJE 4-H FOPSTRY group of
the Grapeview Barnacles held a
.rather unusual meeting last Sat-
urday morning. 'Nine boys with
'Mason County Extension Agent
Canaries Peck in charge studied
trees on the R, D. MacRae and
E. F. Fulmer properties before
stopping at the home of member
Walter Clayton III where they
were served lunch by Mrs. Waiter
Clayton and assistants, Pamela
Clayton and Elizabeth Somers.
Mrs. R. D. MacRae said "good-:
bye" to Grapeview two weeks ago
and started out with friends, Mr.
and Mrs. Stan Tatom of Sheridan,
Ore. on ,what should be a trip
to remember for a while. A slight
mishap With their caz" at Mercede,
Calif,, delayed plans for picking up
friends in California, ,but evidently
it was nothing serious for the va-
cationers proceeded on to Florida
for a little deep sea fishing. Won-
derful! Meanwhile back on the
homefront, "Dec" and son Joe are
keeping things in order for
"Mom's" return.
Young Richard. Okonek under-
went major surgery at Tacoma
General Hospital on Wednesday,
Feb. 4; Your reported, with son
Laurie in tow, drove over to check
up on the gitnation last Saturday
and found Richard sitting up and
acting mighty pezy trader the cir-
cumstances, He hopes to be back
home sometime this weekend. Par-
ents, Ed and Louise, ad young,
Leslie spent an overnight Satur-i
day at the home of friends, Bob l
and Carol Reynolds in Tacoma in
order to visit with Richard`
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leawtt and
family made a quick trip to As-
toria, Ore., last Saturday to re-
turn Mrs. Leavitt's mother, Mrs.
Ruby Milligan to relatives there.
Very tappy to be back on good
old "terra firma" last Sunday mor-
ning was Marge Hell when her
,plane landed safely at Seattle-
Tacoma Airport. Her arrival ended
:a fabulous two-week vacation for
!Merge that took her and sister,
Mrs. Ruth Davis of Seaside, Ore.,
l to Hawaii where they basked in
lm sun land some rain), went
sightseeing and enjoyed a visit.
with former visitors to Grapeview,
Mr. and Mrs. Gale Sersain and
family who are stationed there
with the Air Force. Marge re-
ports that they had a glorious
time but is so happy to be home
again and evidently filnly believes
that flying is "strictly for the
MR. AND MRS, Gerald Phillips,
who have been occupying the lit-
tle cabin near the Joe Leavitts
on Stretch Island, packed up be-
10ngings and three children Mon-
day morning and i]eaded east by
automobile for Goodland, Kansas,
where they plan to make their
Captain W. G. Clayton was up 'n
at 'era bright (?) and early Sun-
day mozlng catching the 5:45
a.m. (Ugh!) ferIT for Seattle to
attend an all-day seminar for the
Reorganization of the U.S. Army
Reserve under the new Pentomic
Theory• Classes were held at Fort
Lawton by instructors flown up
especially for this from Fort Ord,
Calif., and included men from Ore-
gon and Washington.
The Clayton "Blitz-Buggy" came
uaeomfortably close to being ac-
tually "blitzed" last Tuesday mor-
ning by an overactive snowplow
that backed into it in Shelton.
Very little damage was incurred
by <the little Hillman but there
were a couple of bad moments uf-
feted by its occupants, Walt Clay-
to end Laurie Somers.
A SRPRISE birthday dinner
w. held recently for Mrs. Minnie
COleman at Skokomish's Log
Church. Participating In the "pot.
luck" party were Mr. and Mrs
Fred $chult, Mr. an MI. James
Brewer and family of Shelton
(Mrs. Brewer is the Schult's
Cathleen), Mr. and Mrs.
and fUnlly of Bremo
Mt'. and l's. toy Grdf¢
and family of Shelton, r. Ott¢
Graffe of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis Tret'teVik of Seattle and,
of course, the guest of honor and
her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Another birthday girl last week
was Pamela Clayton, who cele-
brated the happy Occasion of being
telve at home ad "en famille"
Wednesday eveninl, Feb. 11. Pare
shared birthday cupcakes earlier
in the day With classmates dur-
ing hnchtime at school.
Tuesday, Feb. 10, was a red-
letter day for Lea and Margaret
Rice when they joined the ever-
ranks of Grapeview
Six-pound, thirteen-
unce Deanna Marie was born in
Bellingham to daughter Sandra
and her husband, Mr. and Mrs.
James Frost. Margaret is visiting
with the Frosts and helping out
while making friends with the wee
ment President Edward Okonek
reminds members of the zegular
meeting Tuesday evening, Feb. 24,
at 7:30 p.m. at the Fire Hall and
urges them to placate attend!
Sarah Eckert Orthopedic Aux-
holds its annual card pz%y
eventr¢ Fb. 30 8:00 p.m.
• GrtpevSew school. Th&t's
tdanwt, g't 10m L.',-
19e prizes ''t]ore, Ineluding It r
prize and offer guess an oppor-
tunity to play pinochle, bridge,
canasta or scrabble. Sincs this is
and two sons who drove OLIt f)'onl
Tacoma to spend the afternoon.
Mr. Kosche is a former college
classmate of Mrs. Zehe's from Chi-
cago, Ill.
6range News
Skokomish Valley grange d(-
cided to dispense with its next
meeting on Friday, Feb. 27, and go
in a body to the Progress hall
where Southside will bring the
traveling gavel. They draped the
charter for Brother James H. Bul-
Progress grange served a pot-
luck supper to twenty-two of the
members before the regflar meet-
ins last Friday, Feb. 13. The lec-
turer, Mrs. Cab Rains, had an in-
teresting Valentine program.
Cloquallum added one new mem-
ber to it's rolls when it met last,
Friday, Feb. 13. County Agent i
Charles Peck was a guest and gave
a very interesting talk during the
lecture hour. F.or the next meeting
Feb. 27, they are planning on hold-
ing open house.
The Agate grange held a criti-
cism night at its last meeting.
Anyone was allowed to call out
any mistakes seen during the work
We suspect some of the older of-
ricers made most of the mistakes.
The resolutions committee pre-
sented three resolutions pertain-
ing to polution laws and the grange
moved adoption.
ldiiles Taken From
Pdlat0h Home
Marjorie Adams of Potlatch re-,
ported to the Mason County Sh(r - !
iff's office the theft of several
items from her home last week.
The articles stolen included a l
.38 caliber revolver, a Savage rifle, !
a .22 Winchester rifle, 12 gauge!
shotgtm, cork boots and a pair of
Entrance to the home was gain-
ed through the back door.
Forest Service. I)nring ealen(hr
year 195S lhe vohime of timber
sold reached the new alltime high
of 4.:71 billion board-feet.
Sal(s il 195S were 1.663 billion
board-feet greater than in calendar
year 1.)57 and 1,50.t billion grt,lter
thai the salem in 1956, the pre-
vious record calendar year.
"The ammmt of timber sold
should not be confused with the
amomt clt," Stone added. "Re-
cently the amonnt of timber actu-
:ally tilt nnder wiriou snles con-
tracts has lgged behind the
amotmt of timber mold." The vof
tme of timber cut during 1958
was :L099 billion board-feet. How-
ever, this was an increase in cut of
589 million and 365 million over
the calendar yearn 1957 and 1956,
Well Driili
I oIiO n
Bedeii g
Phone HA. 6-4713
Route 3, Box 170, 8helios
All Types of
All Standard Sizes
New, Fancy
Superior to the excellent
types we've had before.
• FOiL
(and What woman eve..__r has enough ?)
2'*m white ; ; ;bright : ; ; and jlt rit for wear or Sunday bes
2're nylon afautchie in horti Cyk Order them in little irh'
I roman's ai.
You'll wear them right away to lift winter costtune spirik ; ; '; soon with
pretty spring pastels. Better hurry though. Supplies are limited so we
--n sed only two pairs to each pern.
....... "-1 White Gloves for your hands...
--eh pair d gtov, desired, attach_five (5) I Standby fine foods for your table.
tandby labels from any Standby Fine Focus o | Standby starts with the finest
t t'oupoa, endo 25¢ and mail to: ; dew-fresh fruits and vegetables,
STANDBY, Minneapolis 40, Mine, I perfected nature's way.., then
I picked/or flavor.
[n ,,,,,
Qt7 .... 7one___$tate-------
IMPORTANT: Check which size dssired:
F] Little GirLs' [] Women's
Marl oon, as quantities are limited. Please allow
qRmlmately three w f dal,e.
Offee e,4)ires Match 3L .1959.
I And from field and orchard to
I your grocer's shelves, tender care
I is lavished upon them every step
i of way. ,
_ The result? Every ounce o
I Standby foods is more appetizing,
I more delicious . . . to give you
I m °re of the kind of results tlmt
I earn you prMse at mea/'s In&
PHONE HA 6-4522
Robed Sloane
200 East Pine HA. 6-4147
i i i H i ............. ,,
S[r yollr wluo|d i ¢.raok4l,, or
dou't take c.htt.m o. drtvh 'wttll hlpmd
Vhiou .- brhlg your ear h today fbr It prompt,
e i i t t and I'(nv.ln bly ..|,riced rephftaeut job
w:h l#ltLSbttrgh fety (I. avail&ht hi d
Body & Fender Works
Third and Grove
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J:€' Towlsend in Shel-
The women's fellowship of the
Skokomish Community Church
Will hold their first meeting Tues-
day the 24th at 8 p.m. in the
home of Mrs. Ida Johnson. There
will be a guest speaker and re-
freshments will be served at the
close of the meeting.
REV. AND Mrs. Talmadge Wil-
son and family left Monday for
Portland where they boarded a
plane for the EaKt after stranding
the .past. two months at the home
of Mrs. Wilson's parent, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Hunter. The Wlisons
expect to return to their work in
Africa some time in April.
Mr. and M. Keith Campbell
entertained a couple of bop on
Sunday from Seattle, where they
are attending a ChriHttan eollefe
studying for the ministry. Mrs.
Campbell drove them to Brass€-
ton Monday to catch the fexvy to
The Skokomish Grange held
their meeting last Friday evening.
The charter was draped in mem-
ory of the late Brother James
Bullard. The lecture program con-
aittd of several musical numbe
by Ray. and Mrs. Rol Burg and
several of the young people. Rev.
Burg also gave a talk on their
Go ahead, buy the car you want. Pay for it with
a Seattle-First Natiorm tO Loan. :Low
bank interest reduces thversll cost of your car.
Monthly payments are pegged to your income.
ett.tle-t lrst Au/.o Loans are available at most
203 W Railrood Avenue PhomB HA 6-8291
SHELTON-MASON (UNTY JOURNAL Publisled in "Chri,qtla,qto,i, "7 - " "
.,.., llelton, Washin
...... lutes ' 6rapevie Ne
Middle, Skokomi, W W$
By Mary Valley I ! IJ Is J GRAPEVIEA r_ . . ...... Ignoring . the. <a once-vs., rlv. ..... art'.it,', Orth )pc ti(': . ;
...... Mr..n.ai..,nn I s,,.er00t,t,ons that .00<,r,'ound i.,d00,y n,en00bers o,'o -- a
md MJ's Art Nicklaus and son, IH@igI|tI| the; Thirteenth, or perhaps bccause crowd and, judginK hy tht,ir pre-
Kim aud" Artie visited Mr. Nick" m of them, approximately fifty-seven vious part:its, this iv cet'tainly one
laus' parems lIr. and Mrs. Fred [r rr ...... people attended the Fair Harbor we shouldn't miss!
Nickl;lUS, il ()lympia last Sunday. I!I lllllPJ!lrl qrange ge night held on that Mr. and Mrs. lui't Benson en-
Vl.. t¢yl Millof has been son- ! ladlawv (:la[e at . rne trape,qew SChOOl: Joyed an evening iu Seattle last
lin,d to ih, Sh.ltm tl[)spilal the x,,, ..... .... ,-bs "z, 4' ucKy. wmners receiving unusual Saturday evening dining at the
l)ist, iew d;avs, v,h,.,, of w,d, w.. z of the enou.gn rely \\;serul pl zes: SUCh home o friends before atlen(tmg
"I'h! coinl,i,mity ¢>xtends their [Y.S.A will hold their February as p]zza p m1,Dac aza gg the Oregon Stale •Co!!ege versus
,;ymptly t( Mrs An ta Bullard, meetin'c at n n m on Tuesday Fel '--, ....... U _" ............... ?,' wasnington nasema.ii game l
who.us h;sb, ,(I I);isscd away last 24 ........ " .... " " 5°°?, canna2, nhm: P°oj'n, va: the University p avillion. .,
• : " , ....... C ..... :, .... -- ........ o S!'.DaY VISITOIIS to ue
week. : At this meeting officers for the Hawson Bill Staudt Fred Lutz ......
MR. AND Mrs. Roy Llnningl ensuing year will be installed and Linda G'ilbert Jack Wells Pamela home of Mr. and Mrq. Art Ze!c
.... ' ' rei'e Mr. an(l JYlI*S, Um]er Soscne
it is expected that several depart-
ment officers wilt be on hand to
participate. Madroa Barracks is
gz'owning rapidly in numbers and
plans are underway to form an
auxiliary. , "
At the January meeting of the
Barracks, members present were
honored with the presence of two
prominent members of the Ameri-
can Legion. Both the commander
of Fred B; Wivell Pot, Bill Pear-
son, and Mel Dobbs, adjutant,
were guests. Both of these veter-
ans gave short talks cOncerning
veterans affairs and pledged the
support of the local Legion Post
In promot U best interests of
all veterans grouts.
All veterans are welcome to the
forthcoming meeting. Refresh-
ments will be served following the
business session.
work in the valley and the plans
for a new church. We want to
remind you of the Sunday school
bus and hope those wishing to at-
tend Sunday chool will avail
themselves of this opportunity.
The RoUgh and Ready 4-H club
met at the choohouse on Sat-
urday, the 14th. ?he boys prac-
ticed their klt for Rally Day.
NEW IE$1OENT$ of the val-
ley are r. and Mrs. Bob Petty
and fazn/ly Who have moved into
the .Polly 3acobs place, now owned
by Sta :Johnson.
The next meeting of the "Stitch
and Stew? will be Feb. 24 at the
home of Maxtne Toler.
Middle Skokomiah choir
and band drove to Hoodsport la
Monday evening to entertain the
Maxine ?oier and Sandra Ly-
man entertained with a Valentine
party. ?hoe invited were Letha
Flansburg and Judy Carder.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Latzel were
dinner gue/ of Mr. and Mrs.
John Rodgbirg last Sunday.
MYs. Ted Richert entertained at
a dinner in honor of her husband's
birthday. Guests were Jerry and
Ann Rlchert, I.mane and Gerry
Stevens, Reta Jacobsen and Roger
On Friday, Feb. 20, at 1 p.n,
at Chehalia the dairy herd of Ted
Richert will be sold at auction.
Ouest at the Gerry Stevens
home over the weekend were Mrs.
Stevens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
D. Palmer of Seattle, also her sis-
ter, Mrs, Roberts Ray, with her
two boys from Portland. Later
an aunt and uncle from Tacoma,
Mr. and Mrs. Tauscher.
Visitors at the Martin Smith
home over the weekend were their
two daughters from Seattle, M.
Bonnie.. Rose and Mrs. Battle Calk-
ins and Mrs. Florence Smith of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dcyette
visited at: Forks over the weekend
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ern-
est King.
MR. AND Mrs. Eric Sjoholm
and daughter, Betty, were Sunday
dinner guests in Shelton at the
Gunner Sjoholni home.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Stanley
and children were dinner guests
one night last week at the Don
I)oak home.
Largemouth and smallmouth
bass are not really bass at all.
Actually, they are members of
the sunfish family, the same as
the crappies.
he to tk ddg .d d olmrdions, laker, and quip-
meet- the rdie, iV, ad eerv-
ielK apnei, have dqded a bade IBm tend--
charge of $4.95 within the immediate vicinity of 00el-
t0n: ....
• 1 A l I ('ONTI{ACr A%VAIH)EI) i
Tmmnu %914( i The i:. W. i,in c"mp:mv ,,f'!
IIIIIIPI/ IglllO i'r((ma h/s 1)eel. :lv¢'rdecl a '$11,-II
A- i ........ !s1Itim t the Ielf:liv, ttt.e l':irk, il
liD inP_rpaRp !..o,,dno. t)John Vad<,,v,i,'!l, II
III ilIVlVIIVV .I'110 (tirffqor Ill p:ll'ks. I MODERN AND
, I I
"%e vol,,n,e of ti,,, ..... ..... ;si.:00lish0d I DANCIN0
( Jl] l., * I1 :+ '+" • , ) , ,, II
her sold f)'Ol)l the .1,) n:]tiom:il for- r'ltli(i l'llions in Ihe" Anl'tr('ti(' 'tt II
esls in Ores:on ,lnd XV:lshinglon iu I'ittt(' Alil(,l'7("t t'I<041TS'A)' MT.[ II
II ! J __
is mo, e th, n ,h,., t00me.00 .... " ,= .... ----.00laluraav,
", ." . , < ..... ; llr(t() SOlll]d tkC,li S'v'), an(t M<t- II
Wilat It was :'lglll, yi,lrs ago arill l•e livid L<q ](.l (]((74USBi. T 1o I
11101'O than twii:e what it )'ts .lUst latler'is the first radio station in ii
(cttl" yelll[s jig'o,' s:licl l(>g'lulial hitol'v lo I)€' :it the South l)()le[ll Music by
iPoresler ,i. Herl)i,rt Slot]t, il] aI]- " it
nomlcino; a nw re(,ord fro' iimbcr ......... II GRANGE "TUNE
sales and timber cnt in the Pacific Journal Want Ads Pay !
Northxvest t.egion e)f the U. S.
Clayton, Judy Staudt, Shirley Eng-
en, Salli Clayton and Mrs. Lerner,
who drove over from Lakewood
with her husband. Russ Wells was
the happy recipient of the prize
"pot." Guests enjoyed homemade
pie and coffee at intermission and
all reported having a very good
time. Responsible for the success-
ful affaiY were Grange Lecturer
Ruby Lewis, Julia Stock, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Kruize and Phyllis
THJE 4-H FOPSTRY group of
the Grapeview Barnacles held a
.rather unusual meeting last Sat-
urday morning. 'Nine boys with
'Mason County Extension Agent
Canaries Peck in charge studied
trees on the R, D. MacRae and
E. F. Fulmer properties before
stopping at the home of member
Walter Clayton III where they
were served lunch by Mrs. Waiter
Clayton and assistants, Pamela
Clayton and Elizabeth Somers.
Mrs. R. D. MacRae said "good-:
bye" to Grapeview two weeks ago
and started out with friends, Mr.
and Mrs. Stan Tatom of Sheridan,
Ore. on ,what should be a trip
to remember for a while. A slight
mishap With their caz" at Mercede,
Calif,, delayed plans for picking up
friends in California, ,but evidently
it was nothing serious for the va-
cationers proceeded on to Florida
for a little deep sea fishing. Won-
derful! Meanwhile back on the
homefront, "Dec" and son Joe are
keeping things in order for
"Mom's" return.
Young Richard. Okonek under-
went major surgery at Tacoma
General Hospital on Wednesday,
Feb. 4; Your reported, with son
Laurie in tow, drove over to check
up on the gitnation last Saturday
and found Richard sitting up and
acting mighty pezy trader the cir-
cumstances, He hopes to be back
home sometime this weekend. Par-
ents, Ed and Louise, ad young,
Leslie spent an overnight Satur-i
day at the home of friends, Bob l
and Carol Reynolds in Tacoma in
order to visit with Richard`
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leawtt and
family made a quick trip to As-
toria, Ore., last Saturday to re-
turn Mrs. Leavitt's mother, Mrs.
Ruby Milligan to relatives there.
Very tappy to be back on good
old "terra firma" last Sunday mor-
ning was Marge Hell when her
,plane landed safely at Seattle-
Tacoma Airport. Her arrival ended
:a fabulous two-week vacation for
!Merge that took her and sister,
Mrs. Ruth Davis of Seaside, Ore.,
l to Hawaii where they basked in
lm sun land some rain), went
sightseeing and enjoyed a visit.
with former visitors to Grapeview,
Mr. and Mrs. Gale Sersain and
family who are stationed there
with the Air Force. Marge re-
ports that they had a glorious
time but is so happy to be home
again and evidently filnly believes
that flying is "strictly for the
MR. AND MRS, Gerald Phillips,
who have been occupying the lit-
tle cabin near the Joe Leavitts
on Stretch Island, packed up be-
10ngings and three children Mon-
day morning and i]eaded east by
automobile for Goodland, Kansas,
where they plan to make their
Captain W. G. Clayton was up 'n
at 'era bright (?) and early Sun-
day mozlng catching the 5:45
a.m. (Ugh!) ferIT for Seattle to
attend an all-day seminar for the
Reorganization of the U.S. Army
Reserve under the new Pentomic
Theory• Classes were held at Fort
Lawton by instructors flown up
especially for this from Fort Ord,
Calif., and included men from Ore-
gon and Washington.
The Clayton "Blitz-Buggy" came
uaeomfortably close to being ac-
tually "blitzed" last Tuesday mor-
ning by an overactive snowplow
that backed into it in Shelton.
Very little damage was incurred
by <the little Hillman but there
were a couple of bad moments uf-
feted by its occupants, Walt Clay-
to end Laurie Somers.
A SRPRISE birthday dinner
w. held recently for Mrs. Minnie
COleman at Skokomish's Log
Church. Participating In the "pot.
luck" party were Mr. and Mrs
Fred $chult, Mr. an MI. James
Brewer and family of Shelton
(Mrs. Brewer is the Schult's
Cathleen), Mr. and Mrs.
and fUnlly of Bremo
Mt'. and l's. toy Grdf¢
and family of Shelton, r. Ott¢
Graffe of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis Tret'teVik of Seattle and,
of course, the guest of honor and
her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Another birthday girl last week
was Pamela Clayton, who cele-
brated the happy Occasion of being
telve at home ad "en famille"
Wednesday eveninl, Feb. 11. Pare
shared birthday cupcakes earlier
in the day With classmates dur-
ing hnchtime at school.
Tuesday, Feb. 10, was a red-
letter day for Lea and Margaret
Rice when they joined the ever-
ranks of Grapeview
Six-pound, thirteen-
unce Deanna Marie was born in
Bellingham to daughter Sandra
and her husband, Mr. and Mrs.
James Frost. Margaret is visiting
with the Frosts and helping out
while making friends with the wee
ment President Edward Okonek
reminds members of the zegular
meeting Tuesday evening, Feb. 24,
at 7:30 p.m. at the Fire Hall and
urges them to placate attend!
Sarah Eckert Orthopedic Aux-
holds its annual card pz%y
eventr¢ Fb. 30 8:00 p.m.
• GrtpevSew school. Th&t's
tdanwt, g't 10m L.',-
19e prizes ''t]ore, Ineluding It r
prize and offer guess an oppor-
tunity to play pinochle, bridge,
canasta or scrabble. Sincs this is
and two sons who drove OLIt f)'onl
Tacoma to spend the afternoon.
Mr. Kosche is a former college
classmate of Mrs. Zehe's from Chi-
cago, Ill.
6range News
Skokomish Valley grange d(-
cided to dispense with its next
meeting on Friday, Feb. 27, and go
in a body to the Progress hall
where Southside will bring the
traveling gavel. They draped the
charter for Brother James H. Bul-
Progress grange served a pot-
luck supper to twenty-two of the
members before the regflar meet-
ins last Friday, Feb. 13. The lec-
turer, Mrs. Cab Rains, had an in-
teresting Valentine program.
Cloquallum added one new mem-
ber to it's rolls when it met last,
Friday, Feb. 13. County Agent i
Charles Peck was a guest and gave
a very interesting talk during the
lecture hour. F.or the next meeting
Feb. 27, they are planning on hold-
ing open house.
The Agate grange held a criti-
cism night at its last meeting.
Anyone was allowed to call out
any mistakes seen during the work
We suspect some of the older of-
ricers made most of the mistakes.
The resolutions committee pre-
sented three resolutions pertain-
ing to polution laws and the grange
moved adoption.
ldiiles Taken From
Pdlat0h Home
Marjorie Adams of Potlatch re-,
ported to the Mason County Sh(r - !
iff's office the theft of several
items from her home last week.
The articles stolen included a l
.38 caliber revolver, a Savage rifle, !
a .22 Winchester rifle, 12 gauge!
shotgtm, cork boots and a pair of
Entrance to the home was gain-
ed through the back door.
Forest Service. I)nring ealen(hr
year 195S lhe vohime of timber
sold reached the new alltime high
of 4.:71 billion board-feet.
Sal(s il 195S were 1.663 billion
board-feet greater than in calendar
year 1.)57 and 1,50.t billion grt,lter
thai the salem in 1956, the pre-
vious record calendar year.
"The ammmt of timber sold
should not be confused with the
amomt clt," Stone added. "Re-
cently the amonnt of timber actu-
:ally tilt nnder wiriou snles con-
tracts has lgged behind the
amotmt of timber mold." The vof
tme of timber cut during 1958
was :L099 billion board-feet. How-
ever, this was an increase in cut of
589 million and 365 million over
the calendar yearn 1957 and 1956,
Well Driili
I oIiO n
Bedeii g
Phone HA. 6-4713
Route 3, Box 170, 8helios
All Types of
All Standard Sizes
New, Fancy
Superior to the excellent
types we've had before.
• FOiL
(and What woman eve..__r has enough ?)
2'*m white ; ; ;bright : ; ; and jlt rit for wear or Sunday bes
2're nylon afautchie in horti Cyk Order them in little irh'
I roman's ai.
You'll wear them right away to lift winter costtune spirik ; ; '; soon with
pretty spring pastels. Better hurry though. Supplies are limited so we
--n sed only two pairs to each pern.
....... "-1 White Gloves for your hands...
--eh pair d gtov, desired, attach_five (5) I Standby fine foods for your table.
tandby labels from any Standby Fine Focus o | Standby starts with the finest
t t'oupoa, endo 25¢ and mail to: ; dew-fresh fruits and vegetables,
STANDBY, Minneapolis 40, Mine, I perfected nature's way.., then
I picked/or flavor.
[n ,,,,,
Qt7 .... 7one___$tate-------
IMPORTANT: Check which size dssired:
F] Little GirLs' [] Women's
Marl oon, as quantities are limited. Please allow
qRmlmately three w f dal,e.
Offee e,4)ires Match 3L .1959.
I And from field and orchard to
I your grocer's shelves, tender care
I is lavished upon them every step
i of way. ,
_ The result? Every ounce o
I Standby foods is more appetizing,
I more delicious . . . to give you
I m °re of the kind of results tlmt
I earn you prMse at mea/'s In&
PHONE HA 6-4522