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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 19, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 19, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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14 SHELTON-MASON COIYNTY JOURNAl3-- Published in " Shelton Washin n t FOR SALE BOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds. choice of 1322 colors. L.M, DECOR- ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. 1/29 tin ier, fmter, more effictsnL Also 24- hour photo finishing, Try us. ZieK- ler's Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HA. -61. ' ' ' " ilir lliilll FOR 1 FOR SALE IFOR SALE: large SleCtlon of re. TOP QUALITY slide and movie screen conditioned ranges, refrigerators, [ for sale. Lunsford's Firestone Store, t 317 wuhers, dryers. Eells 65tfn 2/5-19 & Va[ley/Ap- Railroad. Phone HA 6-8476. pliance Center.  ..................................................... SHRUBS--Good supply on hand, fruit 'OR SALE. dry heavy or light slab trees, large well branched trees. wood, $10 a cord. HA. 6-6657. Wagener Feed Co., 219 So, First. CB/12ttn Phone HA 6-4582. 2/12 tin SEARS WINTER SALE ends March 2, 8/15tin TRAVEL IS OUR BUSINESS! Ar AND USED CHAYN SAWS for re.ngements for all tours, transpor- sale. I.E.L. power uwl. Sales snd ration and reservatipns, at no addi- Service. Phone Olympia FL. 6-4818 tlonal cost to yoU. Clara Bell Angle. days. FL. 2-1062 evenings. Robinson phones HA. 6-4184 or HA. 6-i72. Machine Works, 106 E. Olyma 6/Bttn Ave., Olympia. ll/lfa BEST BUY IN TOWN, , Hvy ................. pack -gal. cartons 97 een, gal- .rICH BLACK TOP 8OII till dirt, .Ions $1,79, $-gallons .97. Fe.- road and fill gravel, washed sand [sr's Ice Cream tenter. 4n Norm and gravel, drainage gravel and p First. 5n gravel for driveways. Norman .An ..... dersoa, phons IS. ¢S..Jom'. W'-%- YOUZ ZQUITY, or wlil asBi Creek Saild and Gravel, zO's on €oiKnmst, Four best K motors, trailers, stc. KUlcrest Harw]f  NOTHING DOWN, N momtl to paF under F.H.A. term on all Imlldinf DOLLS FOR SALE: 15" Revlon Dons supplies. Lun.p It all under one hl!l. and hand made clothes to fit. 10 to Lawton Lumper, 420 S. 1st S% P 1" Revlon and Madame Alexander HA. 6-408. O/Stfn SED AUTOMATIC washers and drT- ere for sale. Reasonable. Lumber- men's Mercantile, appliance depart- ment. 2/19-3/5 dolls. Or will make clothes for your dolls. Also hemsUtehln. Phons HA, 6-672. Op. Clay. Bll/14ffn EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR sales and service at Hillcrt Hardware. FOR SALE--Complete set of Book of Knowledge, 9 year books, $. Call after 6 p.m. HA B-4157. 1/15 tin, Place your orders now. Sears Cata- log Sales ,Office. Phone 6-8201. $2/12-19 ROOFING and all other building ma- terials, nothing down, 86 months to pay under FHA terms now available at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. lt St.. phone HA. 6-4. 615tin ONE PORTABLE walk-in freezer, & H,P,; one 5 H.P, B-inch meat grind- er; one I H.P, 4.inch meat grinder; one 5 H.P. 6-phase 900 speed enclosed motor: one large secretary desk. Carlson Tile & Fireplace Shop, Mt, View, phone HA 6-2057. C2/12 tin ELECTRIC ORGAN, Want responsi- ble party to assume small monthly payments. Also spinet piano. Write Credit Mgr,, Talinmn Piano Stores, Ins,, 975 lth St. S.E., Salem, Or/o BRAND NEW Stauffer Magic Couches, Princess Model "L," all guarantees, now only $149.50, $20,48 down; $10,05 monthly, Ralph Horton, HA 6-6889. 2/12 tin ASPARAGUS PLANTS, Martha Wash- WATKINS PRODUCTS, finest in spices and flavorings. Crmmetic& household products. Phone HA, 6- 083. C11/18tfa MT. VIEW DOLL Hospital, 1601 Laur- el. Phone B-8187. Dolls of sll kfndJ repaired. Do it now! Come in and see my collection of new dolls and fancywork. Also original immrted terns in pillow caes. Mrs. Ann aruowski. 11/$ tip MONO CHAIN SAWS, 9 t& h.p.± dlreot drive, $99,50, 16-Inch bar and chain. Hlllcrest Hardware. 11/18 tin $OAT& TI'.AILER and outboard so- tort at HiUcrest Hardware. $/0tfn FOR SALE: tumd steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts. All tyl l. aa% Sheiton Junk Co., ]Hrst ad Mill, phone HA. A626, 9/Stem NEW FURNITURE VALUES 2 PLASTIC NAUGAHYDE ROCKERS with Ottoman, Reg. $89.50 NOW $66.00 1 Green - 1 Wine ----O ..... 2 BILTWELL ROCKERS, I Green - 1 Brown, Reg. $119.50 NOW $88.00 o-- 2 STRATOLOUNGER ADJ RECLINING CHAIRS, 1 comb. black & white, 1 comb. beige & brown, Fabric backed plastic cover Reg. $119.50 NOW $88.00 3 SWIVEL CHAIRS - Green, Beige - Blue, Reg. $44.50 NOW $33.00 ---S'--" 3 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, Color Choice - Fln Covers, Reg. $4,9.50 NOW $33,00 ] DAVENO. Green Plastic Naugshyde, Reg. $169.50 NOW $119,50 1 GROUP CHAIRS, Occasional, Values to $49.50 " NOW $29.00 1 GROUP IES FLOOR LAMPS Values to $29.80 NOW $17.00 1 GROUP TABLE LAMPS Values to $12.50 NOW $7.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 T'" [ ' Ill FOR SALE l Used Elec. Range ........... $69,50 1 Used Dryer ..................... $65.00 1 Used Refrig ..................... $35.00 1 Bendix Combination Washer and Dryer ...................... $254,50 Shelton Electric Co. 419 Ralh'oad ±. J DRY SLAB WOOD $20.00 Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-11-2045a APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Moor Sandem Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sanders ReiBa Electric Floor Poliahem Hotme Jkg LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. let Phone HA. 6-4308 2-10tin I ,.,, ington--$1.00 per doz, Garden Shop. FOR SALE--Just received, a few 1958' HA 6-3710. GI/22 tin model 18 h.p. Evlnrude outboard so- tera at greatly reduced prices. Hfll-[ LOKER MEAT crest Hardware. 1/I5 tfn l nectarberries, loganberries, boysen- berries, and Canadian red rhubarb. Three plants $1.50. Garden Shop, HA 6-3710. 1/22 tin C)VRINGS -- for walls, wlndows, floors. Paint, wallpaper, drapes, rugs, tile, yardgoods, L,M. DECOR- ATIN CENTER, 821 Railroad. 1/28 tin transmission, with Aqua rust pre- venter fi)r sale or trade for cement mixer. Phone Hmdsport TR 7-5458 after B p.m. Mel/29-2/5 Ogden, HA 6-6156. 2/12 tin washer combination $185.00. Lumber- men's Mercantile. appliance depart- ment, 2/19-6/5 THE GARDEN SHOP HA 6-8710 Snrubbery Feb. Daphne 24" . ................... $1.50 Magnolias (budded) .............. 4.09 Green and Gold Hollys ........ 2.50 Red Bud Trees (Ex. large) .. 2.00 Rock Daphne, small ............. 50 Forsythia, small ..................... 50 Deutaia, small ......................... 50 Boxwoods .................... 75, and 1.00 Broom, White or Red (Non- seeding) ................................. 75 Gold Spot Acuba, small ....... 75 Deodar Cedar ........................ 2.50 French W!llow , ex large , catkins .................................. 120 PeOnies, large clumps mixed pink and white ..................... 1.00 Apple Trees ............................ 2.00 Dwarf Apples ......................... 2,75 Combination Trees in Cherry, Pear or Plum .................... 3.50 Flowering Plums or Crabapples .......................... 2.50 Japanese Flowering Cherries 3.50 Wide selection of Evergreens and US]D FURNITURE Flowering Shrubs I Dresser with mirror ........ $15,00 Route 1, Olympia Highway 1 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite ...... $65,00 ' ' ........ ' 1 Mahogany Drop Leaf Table .................................. $19.00 Custom Tractor Work 2 2 Upholstered Chairs $15.00 Davenos .................... "'$25.00 ca. Rotovating or regular plowing, 1 DeLuxe Toidy Chair ...... $3.50 d lBcln an harrowing, excavating, 1 Mahogany Dinette Table $20.00 ma leveling, road grading, road 1 Walnut Round Table, 4 gravel. WelI-aged uwdust Work chairs & buffet ................ $50.00 Print Linoleum (new) 75¢ sq. yd. by hour |ngle-handed. Jerome 9x12 Print Rugs mew) .... Burke, HA 6-3678. $6.95 9x12 Fibre Rugs(new) ...... $22.95 ,. , ....... Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 Immediate Delivery on popular sized BATTERIES and .',IRES Lut, double wrapped and trimmings ground-- cents per pound. Don Wil- liams, 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6.3040. 9/2 tin C W--7 )'a-iC?5 t v-aiT any- where. Phone Olympia FL 7-7761. C1/ tin FEB. CLEARANCE TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR 1959 APPLIANCES We Offer the Following 1958 Models: KENMORE COMBINATION WASHER-DRYER (1 Only) Was $399.95 .......... Now $349.95 KENMORE DELUXE 30-IN. ELECTRIC RANGE (1 only) Was $289.95 .......... Now $249.95 COLD SPOT DELUXE 16-CU. FT. UPRIGHT FREEZER, 1 only) Was $364.95 Now $302.95 All Display Items For Sale SEARS CATALOG SALES OFFICE EVERGREEN SQUARE Phone HA 6-8201 FIR SLAB WOOD Green -- 15 - 20 Inch $16 PER 'LOAD Shelton and Vlcinty PHONE HA 6-2118 KENNETH F. COX 2-12-tfu EELLS AND VALLEY BFJ.IEVE .. Honesty, sincerity, and good service are remem- bered long after price is forgotten. Refrigerators, Rangers, Washers, Dryers -- alN For Expert, Economical, Efficient lree Tire-Mounting Service CATAO SALS OC Sears, Roebuck and Co. Evergreen Square Phone HA. 64201 Shelton 10-21tM INSULATION ! Fiberglass and Rockwool home blown insulation, Special elee- tric heat and floor insulations. No down payment and 36 months to pay.. FREE ESTIMATES Budget Housing Co. 415 Perry Ave. Hoquiam, Wash. Phone Hoqutam 312 I0-31n 1 ) SPORTSMEN S Apartment Motel Low winter rates Heat furnished Newly redecorated Clean as a pin Owner managed A very desirable place to live. Located at Shelton Airport, 3 miles north of town, HA 6-3772 12-18-tin I ,,,m, I . F0-R--S'E Classified Advertising RUMMAGE SALE F|'iday and Satur- Rates day, Feh. 20 and 21. PtD betiding. Sponsorial by Rebekah Lodg,,. 2/19 15 words or less (minimum HAY FOR SALE--Never been wet. $25 per ton. Phone HA 6-3722. 1/1-2/5-26 charge) $1.00 single insertion, ............................................... $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for MIGHTY MAN garden tractor 6" plow. Little used. Phone HA 6-4873. three Insertlons. Additional in- H2/19-3/5 sertions 25¢ each. Rates for F(51-'SXI]Mi-lng truck suitable 'l,)r larger ads on request a boat ramp, Inquire 1537 No. Adams. Albert Frank. 2/19-3/5 Card of thanks $1.50 Read- THREE-YEAR 0LD's0r:}ii-g,fldhg-f(ir er notices 15 word minimum, sale, perfect children's horse. Phone $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. . HA..§44. ................................. E2/19 "Not Responsible" notices FOR SALE---20-foot cabin cruiser, 90 horse fresh water eooled engine, $1.50 per insertion, ready td go, $2.200. Phone HA 6-6444. All classified advertisemente ............................................. E2/19-315 mtmt be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing is ,ecenary. FOR SALE 24" SILVERTONE TV, 1 year old, $15o; Electric ranges, wringer and automatic wasbers and dryers: 16-ft. cabin boa! with 7 h.p. Wisconsin motor, $200. 1948 Pontiac. with '51 nmto,-. $100.00: 110 D.C. 4-cylinder Kohler light plant. $100.00: d@ep-well pump and tank, $125.00; 5 outboard motors at hargain prices; 2 nearly new wood heaters. 20" and 24" wood, $45 and $55; Siegler oil heater, $85; Piano, $75; 2 good wheel chairs; re- frigerators: wood cook stoves. Sec- ond Hand Store, First and Cota St. TRUCKERS ATTENTION! We do our 2/19 best to meet any price on truck IJSED--TV--qET--f]e---Rason-ali tires. Lunsford's Firestone Store, Lumberman's Mercantile,:qtpplianee 2/19-3/5 817 Railroad. 2/5-19 department. BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- l()R--S,JBa]'d--h-ay--$]]i---$25 per sent at Wait's Marine Supply, oa ton. Forrest Green, Matlock. Phone beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- HA 6-05. 2/12-26 port 'J. 7-544. 1/19tin I0---0"P-0--TIAC, body, upholstery'and .H.'. "T--LM-S"----'I tires good. Best cash offer. Arlo building materials allows you to WIngert, phone HA 6-8801. 2/12-19 I construction costa under one IOR-'SA-L'E:-EdTs-J-n=Dick--[Vd'e-F-78---./, bill. For information Inoutre at mimeograph machine with some sup- Lawton Lumber 420  1st t Phone plies, $50. Phone HA 6-6384. R2/19 HA. B.. ,/5 SALE BL-E'-BER-RI-:i'a FOR RENT large plants of Jersey, Rancoca a.d , oncord, $1.75 each or 8 for  FOR RENT--Large partly furnished Garden Shop, HA 6-8710. 1/22 tin three room apartment downtown. "C'--RISASTONT U.S-w-nibber Adudts, NO pets. $50. Water, gar- stamps for sale at the Journal. $1.25 bags furnished. Phone HA 6-8270. tch. 107 So. 4th, LI/IL PI/29 tfn ,, FO ---E£/a - E-f -   .-5 . bath and /, unfurnished house Belfair Gardens available Feb, 1, $150 per month. Phone HA 6-8535, W1/22 tin BEDROOM dwelling with gar- Only 5 weeks left for bare root age. heat and all utilities furnished planting of roses, except electricity. Phone HA 6-8811. J1/29 tfn We have over 200 varieties to -w---73R---6UR---di.7)5{i--io*e-%n choose from. Hillcrest for rent, unfurnished ex- Also many other kinds of plants and shrubs, Star Rte 1, Box 55, Belf air, Wash, Across from Belfair P.U,D. Help Wanted--Male $115.00 A WEEK Married man with good car, age 21-40 to put out and pick up Fuller catalogs. Write or- ders, deliver merchandise. PHONE HA 6-2052 1/22-2/26 Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn i I , , BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tfn I West coast Upholster}; CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates - Free Pickup, Delivery 710 EAST 4TH AVE. FOR RENT ONE AND TWO bedroom unfurnished apartments, hot water heat, range, refrigerator included. Holly Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough, manager, Apt. 8. Phone HA. 6-8088 or HA. 6-6593. B6/26tfn side Phone HA 6-3080 after 6 pm D10/23 tin PeR RENT: 4-room apt., completely furnished, Phone HA 6-6500-- F 1/ tin FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and trailer slmces. The Pines. L10/9 tin I--RENTR d -X t-.-2, ler' o m- -d:: i furnished, yard, large garage. Walter! George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4626. 10/2-11/18 tin: GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER Pti Convenient to mills and downtown stores. Olty sewer and water. At highway bridge. S4/4tfn FOl--l#ENT--2-bedroom modern du- plex. Electric heat, garage, utility . .:om._.plontH A 6:8. ............ /n FOR RENT -- Thre, e-room apartment partly furnished, down town. Phone _.HA._6-:847 . ................................... F2/194!12 FOR RENT--3-bedroom house. 6th and Cota. Contact Mrs. Margaret Car- stairs, 8032 30th N.E., Seattle, or A,' I,I, WANTED REAL AUTO PAINTING $40. Also spray FOR SALE -- 10 paint houses, roofs, etc. For esti- SVCL 32-21-3). mates phone HA 6-4322, Inquire 1202 antable timber. Cola St. R2/5-27 payment and ............................................. ments Also, large HANDY-MAN -- Odd jobs! If you movable floor. $5.00. think it can't be fixed call Henry HA 6-4184. ._L_ a t _HA 6:3098, ......... 2/12 tfn WANTED TO BUY--Baby grand piano, Phone HA 6-8475, $2/19 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE On and after this date. Feb. 19th, 1959, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. /s/ EDWARD DERBY CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for the gift, housewarming and dance last Saturday night in the IIarsUne Corn* :mmity hall. Ernle and Marie Crouch CARD OF THANKS We would like in take this opportun- ity to express our deepest heartfelt thanks thanks to the many friends for the sympathies and beautiful floral of- fertngs given us during the loss of our beloved son and brother. Herbert Angle, Sheiton. 2/19-3/5 p F0R-NT-;--Ii-ght-ou-sek.e--l:oo}ns. Dick Adams Sr, unfurnished house, 100 W. Pine. phone HA. 6-4679. Doris Miller and Family Phone 6-8513. Wilma Petty and Family . ,R4/18t/.n Joan Byrd and Family FOR SA FOR RENT--Sportsmen's Apt. Motel, Mary llen Veliz low winter rates, heat furnished,  , ' . blc garage, 33 acres newly redecorated, clean as a pl www 3mtam six miles from town, Owner managed. Very desirable. ][Jkis I//']kK HA 6-6981. place to live, located at Shelton Air-[ port, 3 miles north of town. Call I10 ACRES 2bedroom house out- HA 6-3772. A12/18 tin buildings', at Dayton, $3500. 'Needs 5-BEDROOMS, family F-O-R-'-I'T: l--rm---m iirnlshed-Dt.l handyman, Artesian well. HA 6-6892. dining room, heat, plastered. 718 No. 6th, phone HA. 6-4848 a£[r]__ Mc12/11 tin bagc di:posal, fe: __d p . m: .................... D_10/lln FOR SALE: 4-room Hll]cret home Outdoor fireplace, ' FOR- REi'r-L-a}ge---f'urnished'--tee - I large fenced lot, $4900, Phone HA. 6- $12,000. Phone HA room apartment suitable for bust- 45: days, HA. 6-3559 after s p.m, hess or retired couple. Downtown. E3/27tfn FOR SALE--2-bedr heot, partly HOME FOR SALE -- Two bedrooms, 6-4677 after 5:30 Phone HA 6-4655, K2/12 tin  R -  N'T'--L_- 2: bc:) m-- n f u r n i s h e d house near Bordeaux school. Stoves furnished. Pohne HA 6-4690. W2/12-19 USED CARS FOR SALE--1956 Ford hardtop, ex- cellent condition, lots of accessories, 25,000 miles. Don Johnson at Den's .... Fb, ing .A. Service: .......... !/lS,_. tfli 1956 PLYMOUTH. four door, hard top, 20.(}00 miles. Best offer takes. Phone cept for stoves. Phone IIA 6-6270 ...... HA. 6-6! 29' A'_0 Cha[Is0 TM .. 2/12 tfn D1/29 tfn 1949 DODGE  TON pick-up, four- speed transmission. Reasonably .ood RENT---Furnished one bedroom condition. $350, Phone IIA 6-6091. duplex apartment, washing facilities, 706 Cots. P1/29 tin R2/19 FOR RElT--Mode';n--furnishe/d-'-€a6in, FOR SALD---1957 Plym,alth 8 Beh'e- dere 2-door hardtol), privately owned, electi'ic range and tank, Water free. 4 new tires. Inquire Rall)h's Fine C2/19 one with rug; 23' x 15' living room, wall to wall carpeting; large kitchen, plenty built-lns ; dinette ; cement foundation and long driveway; gar- age: two 60' x 100' fenced lots, This race home at FHA appraisal, $350 down, about $53 per month, Phone HA 6-6573. R1/22 tin room off garage, fireplace, 2 ench)sed p¢,rchcs, flowers, garden, outside fire- place, patio, fenced yard, near store "and school. Phone HA 6-4818 after 4:30 p.m. N2/5-19 home in town; economical electric baseboard heat, partial basement, large yard with private stream pro- tected by water right, Reasonable terms to responsible party. Phone . H=SS98. ......................... .L28__.rn SMALL BUT COZY 2 bedroom IIill- crest house wilh fenced yard, Low down paymeni, balsncc like rent. No closing costs. Phone HA d-3261. W2/5 tin FOR SALE New 2-bedroom home. eh('tric het, plastered walls. 527 Cascade, Phone 6-6181 after 5 p.m. C2/12 tin FOR SALE-.2-bcdroom Hlllcrest home. large fenced lot. ga'lge and storage house. New wiring for range and dryer, $4,000 -- $500 down. Phone HA 6-6549. R2/12-26 FOR SAI,E: the H. erty on 7th and Union 411. THREE BEDROOM plastered, throughout, carport with to schools. An 6-3180 after 5:30 SPACIOUS THREE sale. Reasonable. wall-to-wail dishwasher. only 2 blocks frets HA 6-6617 after 7 TEN ACRES wood poles, 1000 fir 1957, $1,000. 7 / Road. Phone HA FOR SALE: Five electric hot water Valley, Phone HA FOR SALE OR RENT Friday, Feb. 20 - 1:00 at COMPLETE DISPERSAL ENTIRE HERD of DAIRY 33 Holsteins 6 Colored Cows Fresh and Coming Fresh D.H.I.A. Records To Be Announced at SEPTIC PRE-CAST 150-gal., Drain Fields, SHARER DI( Phone HA. CHEHALIS 00ARKET Chehalis, Wash. TED RICHERT, Owner ART PAYNE, rooP home v, ashe Phone WH 3-0991 , " r, dryer, fine bearh, Owner reserves basement 2-5 tin apartment. Phone Mrs c.)) Olv,, .......... pin FL .-3760 evenings Hoodsport TR 7-,5338 weekelMs, ' C2/19 tin ............. ' -- #bt£-h.Nf---=i8;ii rriho'us SEPTIC TANKS ,,lose ,o own. Phone H^ 6-s63B M2/12 tfn Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating unfurnished Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marr Days and EvenLng Ph, H& 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 JUI I,II , , , ,,, ,   BUDGET SHOP BARGAINS * USED APPLIANCES * Automatic Washer and Dryer 40-Inch Electric Stove . . $59.50 Automatic Washer (like new) . . . $149.50 Refrigerator . . . $39.50 * Used Furniture * 1 Table . . . $12.50 Clean Davcno, $50.50 Davenport & Chair, $39.50 Davenport & Cllair, needs re- covering, construction good,e39.50 3-Piece Sectional 4-Drawer Chest 5 Drawer Chest Vanity Chest 1 Television . . . $39.50 Floor 'Lamps, $9,95 1 Daveno . . . $34.50 Overstuffed Chair . . . $7.50 2 5-piece Chrome ets, each $39.50 * Brand New * 3-piece Chrome Sets . . . $49.50 7-piece Chrome Sets $99.50 7-piece Chrome Sets with service tray... $119.50 3-piece Foam Rubber Sectional, Phone st°reSw2/5.19 home l miles Furnished or l Urnlehed. Call HA if no answer call HA 6-8480, P2/5 tin for except Ill town. Ut/litiesl HA 6-4655. ! lshed, S1/22 tfn l HA 6-3104. W2/5 tin PRINT LINOLEUM Heavyweight 89' YD. BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD BABy CHICKS! New Hampshire was $349.50... NOW $259.50 White Leghorn Occasional Chairs . . . 25% OFF New Occasional Chairs . 25% off White Rocks (nieat * Floor Covering * type) Inlaid Remnants $2.00 sq yd. Tile . . . 10€ each Well Covering, 49¢ Running o( Clearance on Heavyweight I 'ii Wagener Feed Co. Linoleum . . . 89, q. yd. 219 So. First St. THE BUDGET SHOP Poz HA 6-4532 321 RAILROAD WANTED: 1000 recappable tire, O.F Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10tin SAW FILING -- Henry Boyaen, 2212 Laurel. Phone HA 6-2240. 9/25 tin sprayer, also trec pruning. Phillip Hardie, Phone 6-6584. H2/5 tin WANTED---Rote-tilling, gardens and lawns, 14 years experience. HA 6- 6842 2/5-5/28 with owu inco)ne rent frec. Call HA 6-8435 after 7 p.m. or HA 6-8545 any- time. H2/5-19 FOR SALE SMALL HOUSES to bc moved off. Two and three rooms com- plete with toilets, showers, ranges, oil heaters, water heaters. Some have electric water heaters, ranges and re- frigerators. Some are propane equipped. Will make good lake front cabins. THE PINES MT. VIEW / 2/19-3/5-3t t Preferred Propert/es YOU WILL MISS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY .. If you don't investigate this one. 3 larger average bedrooms, good size dining-living roomy kitchen, large utility, and loads of srea. On 100x200 view lot. Owner must sell. Take over existing FHA. Full price $11,500. Call today! WANNA TRADE FOR A CHICKEN RANCH? ' Owner will consider 2 bedroom home in city its. His place is only a mile from town. tractive 2 bedroom home on 3 acres of excellent Also 'has new 24x36 chicken house, 2 new houses and other buildings. Call Kurt Mann and we'll see what can be worked out. 4 BEDROOMS, FULL BASEMENT, $9,800 An exceptionally good value at that price will reqnire only $700 down including your costs. Near school and stores. Just right larger family that needs the extra room. LEAVING TOWN , , . MU6T SELL .... This neaHy new 3 bedroom home at Property borders on Golf Course. Home has fireplaces, beautiful kitchen, carpeting in larg e ing room, and many other outstanding features looking for in a home. Call today for details. RENT BEATER .... Downtown, three bedrooms, concrete close to schools. Full pce only $4,950 with down and $50 per me. EXCEPTIONAL 5 BEDROOM BUY .... Loads of room here for the large family choice double lot on Mountain View. There is due maint('nance here but with a little self" work a very fine family home can be a remarkably low price. Al.,u inehlded is a work shop, garage, and storage areas. built-ins. Total price is just $7,950 with easy CLOSE TO STORES AND SCHOOL This exceptionally neat 2 bedroom home yours for only $500 down and $50 per chiding interest. Large 2nd bedroom will date 3 children very nicely. Also has 2 car uod excellent work shop. Full price $6,500.00. WATERFRONT CALL HA 6-8535 ANYTIME 226 North First WANTED: large or snail tract of Umber. Cash. Cruiser available at our expense. Jones Tie & Lumber t'o., P.O. Box 472, Olympia. 9/20t W-TED: Dead stock, prompt, free, courteous service. Phone us collect. Elma 1211, Grays Harbor Rendering, Inc. 227tin WE BUY scrap Iron. batteries, radla= tore, copper salvage of all klnds. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone HA. 6-8626. S4/7ttn Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. C1/8 tin LqLEA--IYQ--U-Ir rooms, by day or week. Cameron Hotel 2/Stfn rent, Fenced yard, some furniture. Water paid. $30 me. Phone HA 6-2259, $1/15 tin F'R-- '--- t?[[l --a (z; f r o n t home, 1 bedrooms, city conven- iences, 10 miles from town. Call HA J-8641. G1/15 tin ]3R RENT  Three-room furnished apartment also three-room partly furnished house, $25 per month. Sub- urban location. Phone HA 6-6976. D11/6 tin DRTis]i:@T: on Mt. View. Phone HA 6-2009. K 10/9 tin FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom house downtown $50 month, references. Phone HA 6-8218. B1/1 tin IRI IS H E I "A p ARTE/T--'-- lbl e At Goldsborough Apts, S4/4tfn i;bk-RENT."LEA. " OR SA I, gL:Lai.gJ. 2-bathroom house, can be used for honle or business, Stoves and pon|e furniture. If sold, it would bare to be moved away. Marie Kubick 205 E. P ne. Phone 6-4297. K2/19 tin 2nd. _ ........ B2/19-26 Exchauge part of rent for yard work. Reply Box "J" Journal. J2/19 tin b R 'ii -=--C6-dio-J-h'o. , wired for automatic washer and dry- or. double grage, large yard with lots of privacy. Close to down- town. Inquire 706 Cots after 6:30 p.m. or Saturday. B2/5 tin room house, oil heater included, $85 per month. Phone HA 6-4105. Garage. $2/5 tin Bachelor Ideal for single men or worn- m. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilities furnisheo except lights. Reasonable, Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 12/4 tin uced rent. one }l!#d. 1208 Phone HA .s- La12/4 tfn WANTED--Boats to fiberglass. For estimate call HA 6-6977, William Me- Laughlin. 1/15-2/18 CHAIN SAW SHARPENINg, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at Seger ]Vmtor Shop, Htllerest Phone ..... H- _j6o. .......................... _/1L',/n CASH FOR SHAKE BOARDS at Mc- Cleary. Phone Ehna 3806 after 6:30 p.m. Mcl/J 5-2/Z6 contracts. Archie Springer. Dial Olympia FL 7-9876. 1/15 tin WORK WANTED--Clerking, care for sick, house cleaning, janitor work or will baby sit nights. Mrs. Louis Durand phone HA 6-3036 or HA 6- 3323. 1/22 tin WILL DO IRONING In my nose. CalJ HA 64070, 121 East Cota. L10/30 t/n I vin L. Arnold. HA 6-2052. -4-10/80 tin WANTED -- Houses to wreak. Cleave Robinson. Phone HA 6-3710. 1/29 tin stallations, oil conversions, Shelton Furnace Co.. 321 So. Third. Dial HA. 6-6121. 5/11n Foods, Mt, View. FOR SALE Z' 38 Piy,,;u ( }i p-i,,iihp: good condition; Shrimp pot, 500 ft. rol)o; Butcher pig, Phone lfA 6-6863. C2/19-26 WANT]D CLASSIFIED ROOFING, blown tion. Guaranteed. CCORDION home. Acc.ordion, Mrs. 6-8229. MASSEUR dense near the school. Thursdays. 5438. A. F. tREES TOPPED, trl Larry's Tree Sur 6-4823. 14 SHELTON-MASON COIYNTY JOURNAl3-- Published in " Shelton Washin n t FOR SALE BOYSEN PAINT--all types and kinds. choice of 1322 colors. L.M, DECOR- ATING CENTER, 321 Railroad. 1/29 tin ier, fmter, more effictsnL Also 24- hour photo finishing, Try us. ZieK- ler's Studio, 124 No. 2nd. HA. -61. ' ' ' " ilir lliilll FOR 1 FOR SALE IFOR SALE: large SleCtlon of re. TOP QUALITY slide and movie screen conditioned ranges, refrigerators, [ for sale. Lunsford's Firestone Store, t 317 wuhers, dryers. Eells 65tfn 2/5-19 & Va[ley/Ap- Railroad. Phone HA 6-8476. pliance Center.  ..................................................... SHRUBS--Good supply on hand, fruit 'OR SALE. dry heavy or light slab trees, large well branched trees. wood, $10 a cord. HA. 6-6657. Wagener Feed Co., 219 So, First. CB/12ttn Phone HA 6-4582. 2/12 tin SEARS WINTER SALE ends March 2, 8/15tin TRAVEL IS OUR BUSINESS! Ar AND USED CHAYN SAWS for re.ngements for all tours, transpor- sale. I.E.L. power uwl. Sales snd ration and reservatipns, at no addi- Service. Phone Olympia FL. 6-4818 tlonal cost to yoU. Clara Bell Angle. days. FL. 2-1062 evenings. Robinson phones HA. 6-4184 or HA. 6-i72. Machine Works, 106 E. Olyma 6/Bttn Ave., Olympia. ll/lfa BEST BUY IN TOWN, , Hvy ................. pack -gal. cartons 97 een, gal- .rICH BLACK TOP 8OII till dirt, .Ions $1,79, $-gallons .97. Fe.- road and fill gravel, washed sand [sr's Ice Cream tenter. 4n Norm and gravel, drainage gravel and p First. 5n gravel for driveways. Norman .An ..... dersoa, phons IS. ¢S..Jom'. W'-%- YOUZ ZQUITY, or wlil asBi Creek Saild and Gravel, zO's on €oiKnmst, Four best K motors, trailers, stc. KUlcrest Harw]f  NOTHING DOWN, N momtl to paF under F.H.A. term on all Imlldinf DOLLS FOR SALE: 15" Revlon Dons supplies. Lun.p It all under one hl!l. and hand made clothes to fit. 10 to Lawton Lumper, 420 S. 1st S% P 1" Revlon and Madame Alexander HA. 6-408. O/Stfn SED AUTOMATIC washers and drT- ere for sale. Reasonable. Lumber- men's Mercantile, appliance depart- ment. 2/19-3/5 dolls. Or will make clothes for your dolls. Also hemsUtehln. Phons HA, 6-672. Op. Clay. Bll/14ffn EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR sales and service at Hillcrt Hardware. FOR SALE--Complete set of Book of Knowledge, 9 year books, $. Call after 6 p.m. HA B-4157. 1/15 tin, Place your orders now. Sears Cata- log Sales ,Office. Phone 6-8201. $2/12-19 ROOFING and all other building ma- terials, nothing down, 86 months to pay under FHA terms now available at Lawton Lumber, 420 S. lt St.. phone HA. 6-4. 615tin ONE PORTABLE walk-in freezer, & H,P,; one 5 H.P, B-inch meat grind- er; one I H.P, 4.inch meat grinder; one 5 H.P. 6-phase 900 speed enclosed motor: one large secretary desk. Carlson Tile & Fireplace Shop, Mt, View, phone HA 6-2057. C2/12 tin ELECTRIC ORGAN, Want responsi- ble party to assume small monthly payments. Also spinet piano. Write Credit Mgr,, Talinmn Piano Stores, Ins,, 975 lth St. S.E., Salem, Or/o BRAND NEW Stauffer Magic Couches, Princess Model "L," all guarantees, now only $149.50, $20,48 down; $10,05 monthly, Ralph Horton, HA 6-6889. 2/12 tin ASPARAGUS PLANTS, Martha Wash- WATKINS PRODUCTS, finest in spices and flavorings. Crmmetic& household products. Phone HA, 6- 083. C11/18tfa MT. VIEW DOLL Hospital, 1601 Laur- el. Phone B-8187. Dolls of sll kfndJ repaired. Do it now! Come in and see my collection of new dolls and fancywork. Also original immrted terns in pillow caes. Mrs. Ann aruowski. 11/$ tip MONO CHAIN SAWS, 9 t& h.p.± dlreot drive, $99,50, 16-Inch bar and chain. Hlllcrest Hardware. 11/18 tin $OAT& TI'.AILER and outboard so- tort at HiUcrest Hardware. $/0tfn FOR SALE: tumd steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts. All tyl l- aa% Sheiton Junk Co., ]Hrst ad Mill, phone HA. A626, 9/Stem NEW FURNITURE VALUES 2 PLASTIC NAUGAHYDE ROCKERS with Ottoman, Reg. $89.50 NOW $66.00 1 Green - 1 Wine ----O ..... 2 BILTWELL ROCKERS, I Green - 1 Brown, Reg. $119.50 NOW $88.00 o-- 2 STRATOLOUNGER ADJ RECLINING CHAIRS, 1 comb. black & white, 1 comb. beige & brown, Fabric backed plastic cover Reg. $119.50 NOW $88.00 3 SWIVEL CHAIRS - Green, Beige - Blue, Reg. $44.50 NOW $33.00 ---S'--" 3 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, Color Choice - Fln Covers, Reg. $4,9.50 NOW $33,00 ] DAVENO. Green Plastic Naugshyde, Reg. $169.50 NOW $119,50 1 GROUP CHAIRS, Occasional, Values to $49.50 " NOW $29.00 1 GROUP IES FLOOR LAMPS Values to $29.80 NOW $17.00 1 GROUP TABLE LAMPS Values to $12.50 NOW $7.00 Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 T'" [ ' Ill FOR SALE l Used Elec. Range ........... $69,50 1 Used Dryer ..................... $65.00 1 Used Refrig ..................... $35.00 1 Bendix Combination Washer and Dryer ...................... $254,50 Shelton Electric Co. 419 Ralh'oad ±. J DRY SLAB WOOD $20.00 Load Phone HA 6-6463 C-11-2045a APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Moor Sandem Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sanders ReiBa Electric Floor Poliahem Hotme Jkg LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. let Phone HA. 6-4308 2-10tin I ,.,, ington--$1.00 per doz, Garden Shop. FOR SALE--Just received, a few 1958' HA 6-3710. GI/22 tin model 18 h.p. Evlnrude outboard so- tera at greatly reduced prices. Hfll-[ LOKER MEAT crest Hardware. 1/I5 tfn l nectarberries, loganberries, boysen- berries, and Canadian red rhubarb. Three plants $1.50. Garden Shop, HA 6-3710. 1/22 tin C)VRINGS -- for walls, wlndows, floors. Paint, wallpaper, drapes, rugs, tile, yardgoods, L,M. DECOR- ATIN CENTER, 821 Railroad. 1/28 tin transmission, with Aqua rust pre- venter fi)r sale or trade for cement mixer. Phone Hmdsport TR 7-5458 after B p.m. Mel/29-2/5 Ogden, HA 6-6156. 2/12 tin washer combination $185.00. Lumber- men's Mercantile. appliance depart- ment, 2/19-6/5 THE GARDEN SHOP HA 6-8710 Snrubbery Feb. Daphne 24" . ................... $1.50 Magnolias (budded) .............. 4.09 Green and Gold Hollys ........ 2.50 Red Bud Trees (Ex. large) .. 2.00 Rock Daphne, small ............. 50 Forsythia, small ..................... 50 Deutaia, small ......................... 50 Boxwoods .................... 75, and 1.00 Broom, White or Red (Non- seeding) ................................. 75 Gold Spot Acuba, small ....... 75 Deodar Cedar ........................ 2.50 French W!llow , ex large , catkins .................................. 120 PeOnies, large clumps mixed pink and white ..................... 1.00 Apple Trees ............................ 2.00 Dwarf Apples ......................... 2,75 Combination Trees in Cherry, Pear or Plum .................... 3.50 Flowering Plums or Crabapples .......................... 2.50 Japanese Flowering Cherries 3.50 Wide selection of Evergreens and US]D FURNITURE Flowering Shrubs I Dresser with mirror ........ $15,00 Route 1, Olympia Highway 1 4-Pc. Bedroom Suite ...... $65,00 ' ' ........ ' 1 Mahogany Drop Leaf Table .................................. $19.00 Custom Tractor Work 2 2 Upholstered Chairs $15.00 Davenos .................... "'$25.00 ca. Rotovating or regular plowing, 1 DeLuxe Toidy Chair ...... $3.50 d lBcln an harrowing, excavating, 1 Mahogany Dinette Table $20.00 ma leveling, road grading, road 1 Walnut Round Table, 4 gravel. WelI-aged uwdust Work chairs & buffet ................ $50.00 Print Linoleum (new) 75¢ sq. yd. by hour |ngle-handed. Jerome 9x12 Print Rugs mew) .... Burke, HA 6-3678. $6.95 9x12 Fibre Rugs(new) ...... $22.95 ,. , ....... Olsen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 Immediate Delivery on popular sized BATTERIES and .',IRES Lut, double wrapped and trimmings ground-- cents per pound. Don Wil- liams, 604 Dearborn. Phone HA 6.3040. 9/2 tin C W--7 )'a-iC?5 t v-aiT any- where. Phone Olympia FL 7-7761. C1/ tin FEB. CLEARANCE TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR 1959 APPLIANCES We Offer the Following 1958 Models: KENMORE COMBINATION WASHER-DRYER (1 Only) Was $399.95 .......... Now $349.95 KENMORE DELUXE 30-IN. ELECTRIC RANGE (1 only) Was $289.95 .......... Now $249.95 COLD SPOT DELUXE 16-CU. FT. UPRIGHT FREEZER, 1 only) Was $364.95 Now $302.95 All Display Items For Sale SEARS CATALOG SALES OFFICE EVERGREEN SQUARE Phone HA 6-8201 FIR SLAB WOOD Green -- 15 - 20 Inch $16 PER 'LOAD Shelton and Vlcinty PHONE HA 6-2118 KENNETH F. COX 2-12-tfu EELLS AND VALLEY BFJ.IEVE .. Honesty, sincerity, and good service are remem- bered long after price is forgotten. Refrigerators, Rangers, Washers, Dryers -- alN For Expert, Economical, Efficient lree Tire-Mounting Service CATAO SALS OC Sears, Roebuck and Co. Evergreen Square Phone HA. 64201 Shelton 10-21tM INSULATION ! Fiberglass and Rockwool home blown insulation, Special elee- tric heat and floor insulations. No down payment and 36 months to pay.. FREE ESTIMATES Budget Housing Co. 415 Perry Ave. Hoquiam, Wash. Phone Hoqutam 312 I0-31n 1 ) SPORTSMEN S Apartment Motel Low winter rates Heat furnished Newly redecorated Clean as a pin Owner managed A very desirable place to live. Located at Shelton Airport, 3 miles north of town, HA 6-3772 12-18-tin I ,,,m, I . F0-R--S'E Classified Advertising RUMMAGE SALE F|'iday and Satur- Rates day, Feh. 20 and 21. PtD betiding. Sponsorial by Rebekah Lodg,,. 2/19 15 words or less (minimum HAY FOR SALE--Never been wet. $25 per ton. Phone HA 6-3722. 1/1-2/5-26 charge) $1.00 single insertion, ............................................... $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for MIGHTY MAN garden tractor 6" plow. Little used. Phone HA 6-4873. three Insertlons. Additional in- H2/19-3/5 sertions 25¢ each. Rates for F(51-'SXI]Mi-lng truck suitable 'l,)r larger ads on request a boat ramp, Inquire 1537 No. Adams. Albert Frank. 2/19-3/5 Card of thanks $1.50 Read- THREE-YEAR 0LD's0r:}ii-g,fldhg-f(ir er notices 15 word minimum, sale, perfect children's horse. Phone $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. . HA..§44. ................................. E2/19 "Not Responsible" notices FOR SALE---20-foot cabin cruiser, 90 horse fresh water eooled engine, $1.50 per insertion, ready td go, $2.200. Phone HA 6-6444. All classified advertisemente ............................................. E2/19-315 mtmt be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing is ,ecenary. FOR SALE 24" SILVERTONE TV, 1 year old, $15o; Electric ranges, wringer and automatic wasbers and dryers: 16-ft. cabin boa! with 7 h.p. Wisconsin motor, $200. 1948 Pontiac. with '51 nmto,-. $100.00: 110 D.C. 4-cylinder Kohler light plant. $100.00: d@ep-well pump and tank, $125.00; 5 outboard motors at hargain prices; 2 nearly new wood heaters. 20" and 24" wood, $45 and $55; Siegler oil heater, $85; Piano, $75; 2 good wheel chairs; re- frigerators: wood cook stoves. Sec- ond Hand Store, First and Cota St. TRUCKERS ATTENTION! We do our 2/19 best to meet any price on truck IJSED--TV--qET--f]e---Rason-ali tires. Lunsford's Firestone Store, Lumberman's Mercantile,:qtpplianee 2/19-3/5 817 Railroad. 2/5-19 department. BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- l()R--S,JBa]'d--h-ay--$]]i---$25 per sent at Wait's Marine Supply, oa ton. Forrest Green, Matlock. Phone beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- HA 6-05. 2/12-26 port 'J. 7-544. 1/19tin I0---0"P-0--TIAC, body, upholstery'and .H.'. "T--LM-S"----'I tires good. Best cash offer. Arlo building materials allows you to WIngert, phone HA 6-8801. 2/12-19 I construction costa under one IOR-'SA-L'E:-EdTs-J-n=Dick--[Vd'e-F-78---./, bill. For information Inoutre at mimeograph machine with some sup- Lawton Lumber 420  1st t Phone plies, $50. Phone HA 6-6384. R2/19 HA. B.. ,/5 SALE BL-E'-BER-RI-:i'a FOR RENT large plants of Jersey, Rancoca a.d , oncord, $1.75 each or 8 for  FOR RENT--Large partly furnished Garden Shop, HA 6-8710. 1/22 tin three room apartment downtown. "C'--RISASTONT U.S-w-nibber Adudts, NO pets. $50. Water, gar- stamps for sale at the Journal. $1.25 bags furnished. Phone HA 6-8270. tch. 107 So. 4th, LI/IL PI/29 tfn ,, FO ---E£/a - E-f -   .-5 . bath and /, unfurnished house Belfair Gardens available Feb, 1, $150 per month. Phone HA 6-8535, W1/22 tin BEDROOM dwelling with gar- Only 5 weeks left for bare root age. heat and all utilities furnished planting of roses, except electricity. Phone HA 6-8811. J1/29 tfn We have over 200 varieties to -w---73R---6UR---di.7)5{i--io*e-%n choose from. Hillcrest for rent, unfurnished ex- Also many other kinds of plants and shrubs, Star Rte 1, Box 55, Belf air, Wash, Across from Belfair P.U,D. Help Wanted--Male $115.00 A WEEK Married man with good car, age 21-40 to put out and pick up Fuller catalogs. Write or- ders, deliver merchandise. PHONE HA 6-2052 1/22-2/26 Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your Local Builders No job too large or too small. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn i I , , BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 3/27tfn I West coast Upholster}; CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates - Free Pickup, Delivery 710 EAST 4TH AVE. FOR RENT ONE AND TWO bedroom unfurnished apartments, hot water heat, range, refrigerator included. Holly Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough, manager, Apt. 8. Phone HA. 6-8088 or HA. 6-6593. B6/26tfn side Phone HA 6-3080 after 6 pm D10/23 tin PeR RENT: 4-room apt., completely furnished, Phone HA 6-6500-- F 1/ tin FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and trailer slmces. The Pines. L10/9 tin I--RENTR d -X t-.-2, ler' o m- -d:: i furnished, yard, large garage. Walter! George. HA 6-6642 or HA 6-4626. 10/2-11/18 tin: GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER Pti Convenient to mills and downtown stores. Olty sewer and water. At highway bridge. S4/4tfn FOl--l#ENT--2-bedroom modern du- plex. Electric heat, garage, utility . .:om._.plontH A 6:8. ............ /n FOR RENT -- Thre, e-room apartment partly furnished, down town. Phone _.HA._6-:847 . ................................... F2/194!12 FOR RENT--3-bedroom house. 6th and Cota. Contact Mrs. Margaret Car- stairs, 8032 30th N.E., Seattle, or A,' I,I, WANTED REAL AUTO PAINTING $40. Also spray FOR SALE -- 10 paint houses, roofs, etc. For esti- SVCL 32-21-3). mates phone HA 6-4322, Inquire 1202 antable timber. Cola St. R2/5-27 payment and ............................................. ments Also, large HANDY-MAN -- Odd jobs! If you movable floor. $5.00. think it can't be fixed call Henry HA 6-4184. ._L_ a t _HA 6:3098, ......... 2/12 tfn WANTED TO BUY--Baby grand piano, Phone HA 6-8475, $2/19 MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE On and after this date. Feb. 19th, 1959, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. /s/ EDWARD DERBY CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for the gift, housewarming and dance last Saturday night in the IIarsUne Corn* :mmity hall. Ernle and Marie Crouch CARD OF THANKS We would like in take this opportun- ity to express our deepest heartfelt thanks thanks to the many friends for the sympathies and beautiful floral of- fertngs given us during the loss of our beloved son and brother. Herbert Angle, Sheiton. 2/19-3/5 p F0R-NT-;--Ii-ght-ou-sek.e--l:oo}ns. Dick Adams Sr, unfurnished house, 100 W. Pine. phone HA. 6-4679. Doris Miller and Family Phone 6-8513. Wilma Petty and Family . ,R4/18t/.n Joan Byrd and Family FOR SA FOR RENT--Sportsmen's Apt. Motel, Mary llen Veliz low winter rates, heat furnished,  , ' . blc garage, 33 acres newly redecorated, clean as a pl www 3mtam six miles from town, Owner managed. Very desirable. ][Jkis I//']kK HA 6-6981. place to live, located at Shelton Air-[ port, 3 miles north of town. Call I10 ACRES 2bedroom house out- HA 6-3772. A12/18 tin buildings', at Dayton, $3500. 'Needs 5-BEDROOMS, family F-O-R-'-I'T: l--rm---m iirnlshed-Dt.l handyman, Artesian well. HA 6-6892. dining room, heat, plastered. 718 No. 6th, phone HA. 6-4848 a£[r]__ Mc12/11 tin bagc di:posal, fe: __d p . m: .................... D_10/lln FOR SALE: 4-room Hll]cret home Outdoor fireplace, ' FOR- REi'r-L-a}ge---f'urnished'--tee - I large fenced lot, $4900, Phone HA. 6- $12,000. Phone HA room apartment suitable for bust- 45: days, HA. 6-3559 after s p.m, hess or retired couple. Downtown. E3/27tfn FOR SALE--2-bedr heot, partly HOME FOR SALE -- Two bedrooms, 6-4677 after 5:30 Phone HA 6-4655, K2/12 tin  R -  N'T'--L_- 2: bc:) m-- n f u r n i s h e d house near Bordeaux school. Stoves furnished. Pohne HA 6-4690. W2/12-19 USED CARS FOR SALE--1956 Ford hardtop, ex- cellent condition, lots of accessories, 25,000 miles. Don Johnson at Den's .... Fb, ing .A. Service: .......... !/lS,_. tfli 1956 PLYMOUTH. four door, hard top, 20.(}00 miles. Best offer takes. Phone cept for stoves. Phone IIA 6-6270 ...... HA. 6-6! 29' A'_0 Cha[Is0 TM .. 2/12 tfn D1/29 tfn 1949 DODGE  TON pick-up, four- speed transmission. Reasonably .ood RENT---Furnished one bedroom condition. $350, Phone IIA 6-6091. duplex apartment, washing facilities, 706 Cots. P1/29 tin R2/19 FOR RElT--Mode';n--furnishe/d-'-€a6in, FOR SALD---1957 Plym,alth 8 Beh'e- dere 2-door hardtol), privately owned, electi'ic range and tank, Water free. 4 new tires. Inquire Rall)h's Fine C2/19 one with rug; 23' x 15' living room, wall to wall carpeting; large kitchen, plenty built-lns ; dinette ; cement foundation and long driveway; gar- age: two 60' x 100' fenced lots, This race home at FHA appraisal, $350 down, about $53 per month, Phone HA 6-6573. R1/22 tin room off garage, fireplace, 2 ench)sed p¢,rchcs, flowers, garden, outside fire- place, patio, fenced yard, near store "and school. Phone HA 6-4818 after 4:30 p.m. N2/5-19 home in town; economical electric baseboard heat, partial basement, large yard with private stream pro- tected by water right, Reasonable terms to responsible party. Phone . H=SS98. ......................... .L28__.rn SMALL BUT COZY 2 bedroom IIill- crest house wilh fenced yard, Low down paymeni, balsncc like rent. No closing costs. Phone HA d-3261. W2/5 tin FOR SALE New 2-bedroom home. eh('tric het, plastered walls. 527 Cascade, Phone 6-6181 after 5 p.m. C2/12 tin FOR SALE-.2-bcdroom Hlllcrest home. large fenced lot. ga'lge and storage house. New wiring for range and dryer, $4,000 -- $500 down. Phone HA 6-6549. R2/12-26 FOR SAI,E: the H. erty on 7th and Union 411. THREE BEDROOM plastered, throughout, carport with to schools. An 6-3180 after 5:30 SPACIOUS THREE sale. Reasonable. wall-to-wail dishwasher. only 2 blocks frets HA 6-6617 after 7 TEN ACRES wood poles, 1000 fir 1957, $1,000. 7 / Road. Phone HA FOR SALE: Five electric hot water Valley, Phone HA FOR SALE OR RENT Friday, Feb. 20 - 1:00 at COMPLETE DISPERSAL ENTIRE HERD of DAIRY 33 Holsteins 6 Colored Cows Fresh and Coming Fresh D.H.I.A. Records To Be Announced at SEPTIC PRE-CAST 150-gal., Drain Fields, SHARER DI( Phone HA. CHEHALIS 00ARKET Chehalis, Wash. TED RICHERT, Owner ART PAYNE, rooP home v, ashe Phone WH 3-0991 , " r, dryer, fine bearh, Owner reserves basement 2-5 tin apartment. Phone Mrs c.)) Olv,, .......... pin FL .-3760 evenings Hoodsport TR 7-,5338 weekelMs, ' C2/19 tin ............. ' -- #bt£-h.Nf---=i8;ii rriho'us SEPTIC TANKS ,,lose ,o own. Phone H^ 6-s63B M2/12 tfn Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating unfurnished Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marr Days and EvenLng Ph, H& 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 JUI I,II , , , ,,, ,   BUDGET SHOP BARGAINS * USED APPLIANCES * Automatic Washer and Dryer 40-Inch Electric Stove . . $59.50 Automatic Washer (like new) . . . $149.50 Refrigerator . . . $39.50 * Used Furniture * 1 Table . . . $12.50 Clean Davcno, $50.50 Davenport & Chair, $39.50 Davenport & Cllair, needs re- covering, construction good,e39.50 3-Piece Sectional 4-Drawer Chest 5 Drawer Chest Vanity Chest 1 Television . . . $39.50 Floor 'Lamps, $9,95 1 Daveno . . . $34.50 Overstuffed Chair . . . $7.50 2 5-piece Chrome ets, each $39.50 * Brand New * 3-piece Chrome Sets . . . $49.50 7-piece Chrome Sets $99.50 7-piece Chrome Sets with service tray... $119.50 3-piece Foam Rubber Sectional, Phone st°reSw2/5.19 home l miles Furnished or l Urnlehed. Call HA if no answer call HA 6-8480, P2/5 tin for except Ill town. Ut/litiesl HA 6-4655. ! lshed, S1/22 tfn l HA 6-3104. W2/5 tin PRINT LINOLEUM Heavyweight 89' YD. BUDGET SHOP 321 RAILROAD BABy CHICKS! New Hampshire was $349.50... NOW $259.50 White Leghorn Occasional Chairs . . . 25% OFF New Occasional Chairs . 25% off White Rocks (nieat * Floor Covering * type) Inlaid Remnants $2.00 sq yd. Tile . . . 10€ each Well Covering, 49¢ Running o( Clearance on Heavyweight I 'ii Wagener Feed Co. Linoleum . . . 89, q. yd. 219 So. First St. THE BUDGET SHOP Poz HA 6-4532 321 RAILROAD WANTED: 1000 recappable tire, O.F Rubber Welders, Mt. View. 1/10tin SAW FILING -- Henry Boyaen, 2212 Laurel. Phone HA 6-2240. 9/25 tin sprayer, also trec pruning. Phillip Hardie, Phone 6-6584. H2/5 tin WANTED---Rote-tilling, gardens and lawns, 14 years experience. HA 6- 6842 2/5-5/28 with owu inco)ne rent frec. Call HA 6-8435 after 7 p.m. or HA 6-8545 any- time. H2/5-19 FOR SALE SMALL HOUSES to bc moved off. Two and three rooms com- plete with toilets, showers, ranges, oil heaters, water heaters. Some have electric water heaters, ranges and re- frigerators. Some are propane equipped. Will make good lake front cabins. THE PINES MT. VIEW / 2/19-3/5-3t t Preferred Propert/es YOU WILL MISS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY .. If you don't investigate this one. 3 larger average bedrooms, good size dining-living roomy kitchen, large utility, and loads of srea. On 100x200 view lot. Owner must sell. Take over existing FHA. Full price $11,500. Call today! WANNA TRADE FOR A CHICKEN RANCH? ' Owner will consider 2 bedroom home in city its. His place is only a mile from town. tractive 2 bedroom home on 3 acres of excellent Also 'has new 24x36 chicken house, 2 new houses and other buildings. Call Kurt Mann and we'll see what can be worked out. 4 BEDROOMS, FULL BASEMENT, $9,800 An exceptionally good value at that price will reqnire only $700 down including your costs. Near school and stores. Just right larger family that needs the extra room. LEAVING TOWN , , . MU6T SELL .... This neaHy new 3 bedroom home at Property borders on Golf Course. Home has fireplaces, beautiful kitchen, carpeting in larg e ing room, and many other outstanding features looking for in a home. Call today for details. RENT BEATER .... Downtown, three bedrooms, concrete close to schools. Full pce only $4,950 with down and $50 per me. EXCEPTIONAL 5 BEDROOM BUY .... Loads of room here for the large family choice double lot on Mountain View. There is due maint('nance here but with a little self" work a very fine family home can be a remarkably low price. Al.,u inehlded is a work shop, garage, and storage areas. built-ins. Total price is just $7,950 with easy CLOSE TO STORES AND SCHOOL This exceptionally neat 2 bedroom home yours for only $500 down and $50 per chiding interest. Large 2nd bedroom will date 3 children very nicely. Also has 2 car uod excellent work shop. Full price $6,500.00. WATERFRONT CALL HA 6-8535 ANYTIME 226 North First WANTED: large or snail tract of Umber. Cash. Cruiser available at our expense. Jones Tie & Lumber t'o., P.O. Box 472, Olympia. 9/20t W-TED: Dead stock, prompt, free, courteous service. Phone us collect. Elma 1211, Grays Harbor Rendering, Inc. 227tin WE BUY scrap Iron. batteries, radla= tore, copper salvage of all klnds. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone HA. 6-8626. S4/7ttn Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. C1/8 tin LqLEA--IYQ--U-Ir rooms, by day or week. Cameron Hotel 2/Stfn rent, Fenced yard, some furniture. Water paid. $30 me. Phone HA 6-2259, $1/15 tin F'R-- '--- t?[[l --a (z; f r o n t home, 1 bedrooms, city conven- iences, 10 miles from town. Call HA J-8641. G1/15 tin ]3R RENT  Three-room furnished apartment also three-room partly furnished house, $25 per month. Sub- urban location. Phone HA 6-6976. D11/6 tin DRTis]i:@T: on Mt. View. Phone HA 6-2009. K 10/9 tin FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom house downtown $50 month, references. Phone HA 6-8218. B1/1 tin IRI IS H E I "A p ARTE/T--'-- lbl e At Goldsborough Apts, S4/4tfn i;bk-RENT."LEA. " OR SA I, gL:Lai.gJ. 2-bathroom house, can be used for honle or business, Stoves and pon|e furniture. If sold, it would bare to be moved away. Marie Kubick 205 E. P ne. Phone 6-4297. K2/19 tin 2nd. _ ........ B2/19-26 Exchauge part of rent for yard work. Reply Box "J" Journal. J2/19 tin b R 'ii -=--C6-dio-J-h'o. , wired for automatic washer and dry- or. double grage, large yard with lots of privacy. Close to down- town. Inquire 706 Cots after 6:30 p.m. or Saturday. B2/5 tin room house, oil heater included, $85 per month. Phone HA 6-4105. Garage. $2/5 tin Bachelor Ideal for single men or worn- m. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utilities furnisheo except lights. Reasonable, Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. 12/4 tin uced rent. one }l!#d. 1208 Phone HA .s- La12/4 tfn WANTED--Boats to fiberglass. For estimate call HA 6-6977, William Me- Laughlin. 1/15-2/18 CHAIN SAW SHARPENINg, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at Seger ]Vmtor Shop, Htllerest Phone ..... H- _j6o. .......................... _/1L',/n CASH FOR SHAKE BOARDS at Mc- Cleary. Phone Ehna 3806 after 6:30 p.m. Mcl/J 5-2/Z6 contracts. Archie Springer. Dial Olympia FL 7-9876. 1/15 tin WORK WANTED--Clerking, care for sick, house cleaning, janitor work or will baby sit nights. Mrs. Louis Durand phone HA 6-3036 or HA 6- 3323. 1/22 tin WILL DO IRONING In my nose. CalJ HA 64070, 121 East Cota. L10/30 t/n I vin L. Arnold. HA 6-2052. -4-10/80 tin WANTED -- Houses to wreak. Cleave Robinson. Phone HA 6-3710. 1/29 tin stallations, oil conversions, Shelton Furnace Co.. 321 So. Third. Dial HA. 6-6121. 5/11n Foods, Mt, View. FOR SALE Z' 38 Piy,,;u ( }i p-i,,iihp: good condition; Shrimp pot, 500 ft. rol)o; Butcher pig, Phone lfA 6-6863. C2/19-26 WANT]D CLASSIFIED ROOFING, blown tion. Guaranteed. CCORDION home. Acc.ordion, Mrs. 6-8229. MASSEUR dense near the school. Thursdays. 5438. A. F. tREES TOPPED, trl Larry's Tree Sur 6-4823.