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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 19, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 19, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L959 for Ev- Inc. con REPAIRs ll/22tfn H9/4 4 FOR SALE :nv 3 bedroom house Ling room, nice garage, fire- $12,000.00. 30 acres cleared, very good excellent 3oo,0o0 3 bedroom , sln¢le gar- acre elected ad drilled , $6,542.00 $ $ $ central oil heat- room, one Perfect Payment and clos ttvmk morn, combed,  bdit-in  No. 1541 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL EPORT AND. I&apos;!rITJON FOR DISTRIBI TION IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WAS/IINGTo  FOR MASON cOUNTY" Ila Pr, obaie) In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN T. SMITH DeceuSed NOTICE 'IS HEREBY GIVEN that MARY A. RYAN formcrh' known as MARY A, SMITI, as Admtntslratrix of the Estate of John T. Smilb, has flied in tim office of the Cim'k c,f said Court her Final Report and I-.qition for Distribution asking the Court to settle said Repel't, distxibute the prop- erty to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said adminitratrix; and that said teport and Pet[thin will be heard on the 27th day of February. 1959, at 10:00 A.M. at the Coux't Room of the Probate Department of said Court, at which time ann pmee any interested tn said Etate amy and file objections thereto and tie same. DATED this 30th day of January, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court By Irene Me.ire, Deputy LEWIS & CORREA garage, and 2 fireplace, rad-  ( qt t' a , $ 2808 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.8.A. " Shelton, Washington as, the sam C%urtroom in the ton, Mason County, Washingtpn. Dated this 9th day. of FeDrua. ' 1959. houBe HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of Court eQ0m, Mason County, Washing'ton. small E. 1 bedroo, for said estate and sw" 833 2/12-19-26 3t income from :Iowa town No. ON FINAL OEPORT AND pETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERI[OR ND STATE OF WASHINGTON IN A , FOR THE COY OF MASON (In Probate) 1 out- In the Matter of the Estate of W, A. WITSIERS, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that payment Martha A. Witsiers ¢cutrix of the above entitled estate., has filed herein her final account, report and petition for settlement and distribution of the estate of deceased, wherein the Court is asked to approve said account and report, make distribution of the estate and discharge the Executrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that in accordance with an order of said Court made and entered on the 23rd day of lanuary, 1959, a hearing will be had before the Court on the 271h HA 6-8530 day of February, 1959, at 10 o'clock, a.m,; on said day in the Court Room of this Court in the Court House at Shelton, Washington. Dated this 23rd day of January, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE clerk of the Superior Court for Mason County, Wash- ington. ALDEN C, BAYLEY tprne¥ fqr, E,xeutrix ite fltnltfee Building Shelton, Washington 1/29-2/5-12-19 4t No. ZgS9 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION W.W.A. FOR DISTRIBUTION l moll the for IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TII property, to- STATE Ol WASHINGTON file MASON COUNTY (In Probate) th, In the Matter •of the Estate of LOR- ENA M. CASE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lilllan Cleveland, Administratrix the estate of Lorena tel Case, has filed with the Clerk of the Or alter the 6th entitled Court her final bliea i Legal Publications No, 3070 ()IiDINAN('F, NO. 655 NOTICE TO CRFlilTOItS TItE SPECIAL FUNI) T() I-E KNOWN AS IN' TI{IC StIPEI**IOR (:OURT OF TIlE SF.WER F'IJND, and esiahlisimlg SgI'ATE ()l' WASIIINGT()N F(,)I¢ the sq'w,'r .'vsto ts I separate public, MAS()N COUNTY utility of th City. and authorizing tile lhl i'robale) Ill tIW" Malior (!f tile Estale of WIL- if'ansi'or of |'lulds, and oxi)en0iturps in excoi4s of estil|lated rov llthL and ro- LIAM ) BUR(IESS. ]).,eisod. poaling all ordinances in conflict tlmre- N()TICE IS IIEI{EBY GIVEN that with. tho untl(q'sign(,d has been ap tointvd and has qualifi¢'d :IS 1by Executrix of the Esinlo of WILI.IAM O. i:IUICGESS, do( ()lSl'tl ill l al t)( I'SeIIS tlfiving ctalfll9 llgain.i said decmst,d are here- hy r,'qtlired to se "v( tl t' sam(! duly eri!'ied, on tim undersigned Nan(:3 Cidilns t{ui'gPss el" her atturnev el re('(ivd tit the iddross hidow stated and file 1he same with the Clerk of the said Cqurt. togt#ihel' with proof 0f such service wflhhi slx months after the date of flrtt puhlicatton of ilfis notice or the S:lllli, will lie harrld. B Is NANCY COLLINS BURGESS YRON E. McCLANAIIAN Attorney for Estate Offi,.e and Post Office Address: (:ourthluse Shelton. Washington 2/12-19-26 3t NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE i,AN DS NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 3rd day ell March, 1959, conooencing at ten o'clock in the forem)on of said day. in front of the nlain entrance door to tile County Attoimeys for Estate Rell Building -treet 121 South Fourth S " r Court Iiouse in the city" of Shelton, Shelton, Washim4gton 2/$-12-I9.26 4t euntv of Mason State of Washington, y th'e County Audltor of said county, ' ' .,' • "- he followi " described state tide NOTIC t 'AiG ON I'INAL with the improvements ]E'iT-- ----'i"il--liliPilill N will be SOl at public /ii'-O-/ O auction to the highest bidder there- FOR DrSIIU" IN THE SUPERI0 COURT O9" THE for, to-wit: STATE OF WASItINGTON R NOTE--No one except citizens of the U'nltcd States, or persons who have de- , MASON COUNTY (In Probate) elated their intention to become such, In the Matter of tie Estate of HO- call purchase state ]ands. MER A. McCOMI, Deceased, Application No. 13107 HEREBY ,GIVEN that NVTIC IS " " the he tidelands of the second class, Hazel Belle McComb ExecUtrix o • owned by the State of Washington, estate of Homer A, [cComb, deceased, situate in front of, adjacent to or abut- has filed with the Clerk of the above, upon the North 230 feet of tile entitled Court her tinal feet of Government Lot 1, tit[on fodlstrlbution Township 21 North Range settle, and final re- '.M., with a frontage of $.49 ns more or lese. appraiseo the at $75,00 per lineal chain or $251.75. Application No. 1519 The tidelands of the aecond GlaSs, of Washington. sid finer Hammersiey Oyster on the map thereof of the Oolnmlssioner 90 and to or ng upon ttat port of Govera- Lot 2, SectiOn 10, Township 20 . , Range 9 West W.M. lying )etWeen the north line of the south feet thereof and a line running par- to the north line of said Govern- ent Lot 2 from a point which is 700 et utherly from tim meander cor- ner on said north line of Government Lot 2, as measured along the govern- nmnt meander line, with a frontage of ,w. hneal chains more or less, ap- at $30,00 'per lineal chain or Subject, however, to an easement for ight of way for Stats Road as ac- ired by the State of Washington, partmen_t of Hlgliways through the ng of State Road Plat No. 635 in the office of the Commissioner of Pub- lic Lands April 25, 1947. Application No. 13198 The tidelands of the second class, owned by tim State of Washington, situate in front of adjacent to or abut- ting upon that p(rtion of Government Lot 1, Section 11 Township 19 North, Range 3 West %V.M. lying west of a line running S 0 o 23: E from a point on the north line thereof which is S 83 ° 46' W 1333.00 feet from the north- east corner thereof and east of that portion of said Govermnent Lot 1 measured along the govermnent mean- der line as follows: Beginning at the meander corner on the north line of said Government Lot and runing thence S 45 ° E 2.80 tins, S 32 ° E 4,07 chains an. thence 3 ° E 4.50 chains to an angle point said meander line and the terminal of this meander line description. The above described tidelands have a of 3.35 lineal chains, more or )raised at $55.00 per lineal however, any tidelands included in a tract con- the cultivation of oysters the provisions of Ch,pter $4, Laws of 1895, to B. Jacobsen, June 8, Estate of 1901, under Application No. 2632. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing: Not less than one-tenth of the pur- ase price must be paid at the time sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the lmprovelnents, nulst forthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full amount of the ap- praised value of the improvements, as above stated. One-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred etition for distribution payments at the rat,* of six per centum oUrt to settle ann approve per annum; Provided, That any put- report and petition for distribution, chaser nmke full payment of to distribute the property to the per- and statutory fees sons thereto entitled and to discharge ttme and obtain deed. The the said Adminlstratrix, of land containing timber or NOTIC IS FURTHER GIVEN that valuable materials is prohibited said final report and petition for dis- law from cutting or removing any ng of the, tributioa will be heard on Friday, the timber or materials without first • lth any of l'enruary, 1959, at the rmur cosent of the Commissioner of 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Public Lands, until the full amount for i in the Court House in of the purchase price has been paid r and deed lsstled, day of January, All sales of state lands are made sub- q'llE CITY COMMISSION OF TIIE CITY OD' SIIELT()N. WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOIL()WS: S,,cti(m 1, That tim Cllrk-Tr,,asurer l,f the City ,,f Sheli:,m i horoh,v auih- i orizt!d lil/d instl'llctcd to establish, lir lliatnt;tlll, a si'parate fund fill' the op- i,ration of the sewer (ieparilllent, COlll- billing atl ftlllds i','latinl to the m,w,!r .ysteln. including4 funds reqtlil'ed lo be d,pimited in the Sewerage L)isposal System fund eslabli:hed by Ordinliace No. 52'2. and all tnemle from o" re t d to, s,Wol'aZ,' disposal sorv]e,,s, iiiis d(,criptlon of funds not being by Way ,If linlliation, but is intond(,d lo clarify, and liilikf' certain tiler all fl.inds relat- ing to lhe sew!r s,vstl'ni simil i)o C()ln- bined fo I* tll* ourpo'se of fioatl(:ing, nlainiaining, ana improving th, s-wer system. Said fends shall continue io bl! kllown Its th," Sow,w Fumt. Seciioo 2. Tha Clel'k-Tr,!:i.m'or of ih, City of Shelton is autlmrizod to lnake traasf,'rs of funds, for tlu pur- pose of operating the sewer syste! t ns it pill)lit" Utility. belween tile i.l-lnerld classes and exDond tur.s frool funds Legaons No. 2958 NOTICE 'FO CltElll'rOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THP] STATE" (11' WASII1NGT()N FOiL MASON COUNTY (In I'rotnlle) In thp Matter ,,f the I]stato of HAR- VIdY E. MANNEH.S. Dec(,ascd. NOTICE IS IiEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has l)ecn appointed lind has qualified tls the Adlainistratrix (if the Estate of ltlivey 1], Vlannei's deceased : that all [)t'rollS havillg' claims against said dec.east!d are ilel'l- Dy required to s(n've the saule, duly verifiea, on. the undl'q'signt?d Lulu A, Manuers or her attol'noy of record ttt thc address below stated and file the same witil the Clerk of tlle said Court. togetller with proof of such service within six months llfler the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. /s/ LULU A. MANNERS BYRON E. MeCLANAHAN Attorney for Estate Office and Post Oflice Address: Courthouse Shelton, Washington 2/12-19-26 3t No. 7517 SUMMONS B%" PUBLICATION IN THE SUPIRIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASIIlNGTON FOR MASON COUNTY known as ALVA McKAY, (!allile N'e, 7173 NOI'I('I,: OF llEIIIFF' NALE (tl" RI.'AI, ESTATE 1N THE St!l'l,]lJ(ti C()UICT OF THE STATE (iF W ASI.[I N(T()N FOR MASON ('()IrNTY (Exeeathili lllld,.r l;oreelollure) SHELTON P, AYONI EI FEI)I,]IIAL CltEi)lT UNION, nka MASON (?OU'N- TY FEDERAl. C1¢.ED1T UN[()N Phdnttff ..... vs .- .... . R, I!IO'LEN and PIIYLLIS BOW- LEN. iitlsband and wil',! Dei'el+lda lit lJlldl'l' alid by l'irtul' of llll c-tt!ctltion Undol' IDll}'# !{.1{ ist ire iSlll!¢I till[ (.[ slid IAndel' till' St!Ill tif tile Stlp,ri }r CoLIrt of tile Sttlto of Washington. in :lnd for said Coullly, on the 16tii dav of Fvll- rutiry 1959, ripen i judgniont reudf.rod iu sl!.id CoUl't on the 23rd day of January, 1959, in favor of Stwiton Rlly- onier Federal Credit Union, nka {as(in Cuuhly Fv(lerai (vedit UlllOlI, and against P,. R. Bowlea and Phyllis F, ow- len, husband and wlfo. Jl21dgincnt debl- ors i'ot' [he SUlII of Ol]e lhousan(i five hundred forty five and no/100 Dollars. together with attorney's fees, interest, Coals and increased costs, and to me directed and dellw'rd, I did on iiie 17th day if Fehruary, 1959, levy Ul)Oe all lhe rigllt, tttle nnd lnD,rest of said judgment del)tors in and to lbe follow- ,ing described property to satisfy said judffment, trl-wii : Lol three (3). Block three (3). Bey- 6th day of February, 1559. • HARRY DEYETTE JR. Cerk of Maso Oounty, of Washington erkIrene McGuire, Deputy BISIIOP FRANKLIN HEUSTON ,. for said Etate Shelton, ,Wash., 1/29-$-119 it :1/1-19 :It jeet to the reser.ations of oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, mu anu uescriptlon, ad to the additional terms and conditions prescribed in seion 3 of chapter 5 bf the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold ub to the of Laws of ta easements for rights- arrytng of Umber, minerals ad other products over the me. BRT L, COLE EXCELLENT BUYS! A LARGE I!iINIll ROOMY DOWNTOWN HOME oonllortabi 4 ro0 2 bath home ill just the tuilt home with fireplace, dinimg room, garage, on 2 large fced lamas. IL0,500. tN AND $25 PER MONTH . . . • edtom home in good location. A dlandy $--10 MINUTES AWAY • • • , and fine garden plot. Only rm NICE LOT ON PHILLIPS LAKE? . • • buil that little immmer cain; and think iing, boating, fiing, etc. $1495 oh N|WJESI' #IND FINEIT HOMES • • • with a magnificent view of te Olym- panelled living room wttl attract- room, 3 bedroowas, $[ batl, recrea- fl,repc¢, aad many mor exeellt features. received in of estimated reve- ntls tlS needed nn(i in confornlity with the foIlowln budget for the sewer system : SEWER SALARIES .......... $15.675.00 MAINTENANCE ............... 12,250.00 (2APITAL OUTLAY .......... :12,250.00 $60,175. O0 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS & CASH ON HAND 60.175.00 Section 3. That portion of the 1959 current expense budget relating to sewers and sewer disposal, as aJ)proved and estahlished by ordinance No. 652; iS lt'reby revoked, and is (:orrvcted in accordance with Seelion 2 lieroof in order to show 12re establishnie.nt oI said sewer fund, and the operation of the sewer system as a separate utility, and in order to eliminate, and make un- necessary the authorization of tte use of general tax funds for the use of the sewer system, Section 4. Tlmt all parts of all or- dinances that may bc In conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Introduced at regular Commission meeting, Feb, 3, 1959. Pa.sed, Feb., 10. 1959. EARL H, MOORE Mayor J. V. SIMPSON Coinmissl0nor of Finance W. F, IcCANN Commissioner of Stree.t & Public Improvenients , ATTEST: Aims K. Carte, clerk-Treasurer APPROVED AS TO FORM C. T. Hatten0 City Attorney 2/19 It No. $0 NOT/E OF HEARING FIWA RIg]PORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH STATB OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY I (In • l'tbate e) I In the Matter of the Estate of MAY I GRACE IOHNSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREY GIVEN that ROI#AND E. JOHNSON, as Executor of the Estate of May G-race Joimson, has filed ,in the office of the clerk of said Court a final report and pe- tio for distribution, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto en- txl;cdutad dischtg  the pert itionor am • '; and t said eport and petition will be heard on the 6th day of March, 1959, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or as soon there- after as the matter can be heard at the court room of the above-entitled court, in €he Com'thouse in Shelton, Mason County, Washington. at which time and place any person interested in said Estate may appear and file objections thtl'eto aud contest the same, Dated this 26th day of January, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court, J.LNN E, CORREA Attoraey for Estate Bell Bldg., 121 Sputh 4th St. Shelton, "Washington 1/29-2/5-12-19 4t CAL FOR BIDS NOTICE Il HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of Shelton Consoli- dated School DistricY No. 309, Mason CMunty, Washington, for delivery Au- gu.t 15, 1959, of One 73 Passen Transit Type School BUS with all-traction tires on wheels, heavy duty gasoline H.P. or more, One spare wheel, sanders oa rear wheels, front and rear heaters, powered ceiling vents, windshield washers, rubber fenders on all wheel wells, body undercoat, aluminum or non-corroding steel window sash. The school district has one 1946 40- passenger Cimvrole.t school bus to turn in. The bus must conform to Washing- ton State Sclmol Bus Regulations and Specifications. Sealed bids will be received at the clerk's office, Evergreen School,  up to 8:00 p.m. March 10th, 1959. at which time the bids will be opened and read aloud, Tim Board reserves the right to re- Ject any or all bids received, By Order of the Board of Directors of 'Shelton Consolidated School District No, $09, Shelton, Washington, this 10th day of FebruarY, 1959. /s/ LAURA T. MURPHY, C'erk .... 2/9--s/ 3t No. 300 NOTICE OF HFARING FINAL REPORT AND PETIT|ON FOR DISTRIBUTION IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF .'WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Conunissioner of Public Land. (In Probate) ..... 1/29-2/5-12-19-6 5t In the Matter of the 'Estate of Ju-- SI MO.NS, Deceased. No. 'OTIC IS H-EREBY GIVEN that NOTICE TO CREDITORS EVERETT SIMONS as Executor of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF HE the Estate of John 'Simons him fried STATE OF WASHINGTON ]OR tn the office of the Clerk of'eald {durt MASON COUNTY _. , a final report and Petition £or diatri- In the Matter of the atate of GER- button, asking the CoUrt to Settl said TRUDE MORGAN HAYES, Deceased report, distribute the property to the ELIZABETH A..OY_ER' is the a: potions thereto entitled and to dla- pointed and qltflea xecutrix of said carge the petitioner as Executor; 0di estate. All persons navkng claims that said report and. petition will be' gainst said deceases .are hereby re- heard on the 27th day el. FebrtlAWY, qulred to serye same, amy verified in 1959, t 10:00 o'clock in the foreoOn aupllcate with necessary, •vouchers at- o said day, or as soon thereafter aa tached upon the Executrix or her at- the matter can be heard at the court t0lneFi Roi.rt L. Snyder, at their room of the above-entitled .court, nAn the, areUes low states, and ftie such Courthouse in Sheiton, Maso County, claims together with proof of service Washington, at which time andplace lth the cler.]l o L said Court within [any person interested in said Estate six months atr aanuary 29, 1959. [may appear and file objectl0x thereto .)kLL CArM.D no[ so presented and land the same fried will .,S reU, Dated this 26th da J H A Y of aIxY. ]_,, " OYER 1959 Executrix _ , . HARRY DEYETT Union, wasmngton I lerk of said Court. :ROBERT . SNYDER I LEWIS & CORREA (oVey ]flding . ? [Attorneys for Estate Shelfon, WAshington I Bell Bldg,, 121 South 4th St. kttorne¥ for Eatate 1/29-2/5-12-19 tt.t Shelton,,ashlngton 1/29.2/5-12-19 4t 11 lIR M@ME @OR NO DOWN PAYMENT? ... 15 ntinutes from town, with plenty nice features. Owner want reliable $S950. BEATER--ONLY $250 DOWN , , , home on Hillcrt, wived for range and $3950 at $37.50/month. VIEW HOME NEAR SCHOOL ,, . for the family with small children, school. , A number of nice features. and $50/month.+ $6000. BEDROOM NOME ON MOUNTAIN VIEW wall carpeting, panelled living room, fe$d on euy FHA terms. ISS/MONYH THIS HOME t8 YOURS . . . and taxes. Very comfortable 2 bedroom large living dining room, all over carpet- Drapes, curtains, new heater, all included. VETERANS... WW II and Korean War FUNDS WILL SOON BE AVAILABLE FOR GI DIRECT (No Discount) HOME LOANS FOR DETAILS CONTACT LABLE--$ BR furniehed duplex; unfurnished 1 ,R home; and excellent downtown office WATERFRONT REALTY building. ALVA M. BENNETT. formerly Plaintiff, - -vs.-- I:IOENIX LOGGING CO,, a cor- poration; and all other persons or par- ties unknown claiming any right, title, interest in the real etate dcscribed in the Complaint' herein, Defendant. THE STATE OF rASttINGTON TO THE PHOENIX LOGGING CO., a cor- poration; and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, tltle, Interest in the real estate des- crlbed ta the Complaint herein. You and each of you, are imreby sun tanned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first pub- llcati(m of this sulnr/IolLtL to wlt, within Sixty (60) days after the 19th dlty ot February, 19, and defend the above- entitled action In the superior court aforesal4 and answer the complaint of th e Plaintiff aa serve a copse of your answer upon the under$ig'ne attorney for the Plaintiff, at hls office below stated; and, In case of your failurv no to do. Judgnient will be t,dered agalnst yell according to erie uemanus of the complaint in this action which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of thls action ia" to quiet title in Platntlff to real estate in Ma- son County, WUhinfft?n, described as: The Northwest quarter (NWAD oi the Northw0st qarter (NW) in Section twenty (20), Towhship twenty-three ,() North, Range four (4) West, W,M. in Maaon Cotmty, Washington, against the claim of the Defendants and any one Of them. OLNN E. CORREA Attorney for Plaihtiff. Office & Post Office Address! Bell Building 1! SoUth Fourth Street She]ton, Washington. 2/19.-3/5-19-19-26 6t NOTICI$ TO CBEDITOIg IN THE SUPERIOR COUHT OF THE STkT]g OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In th Matter of the Estate of EMIL G. WOLF, Deceased. NOTICE IS GIVEN that Beul0h May Peterson, is the apnolnted and quali- fied Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Emil C. Wolf, deceased: that all pe.r$on having claims against the said deceased must serve the same duly wtrifled In duplicate with the necessary vouchers attached, upon the Executrix or her attyrney and agent, Robert L, Snyder> and file suoh clalms together with proof "of service with the Clerk of said Court within six nlonths after Fehruary 5, 1959. ALL CLAIMS not so prsented and file4 will be barred. BEULAH MAY PETERSON Executrix 1018 E. Cornell Fresno 4, California ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney and Agent for Executrix ,. Govey Building Shelton, Washington 2/5-12-19-26 4t No. Z35 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MAS()N COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Estate of BERTHA JOSEPHINE WOLF, a Mentally Incompetent Per- n. NOTIC IS HEREBY GIVEN that B. Franklin Houston has been ap- pointed and has uualified as Guardian of the estate of the said Bertha Jose- phine Wolf, in the, place of Enlil G. Wolf, decreased; that all persons having clahns agaimt said estate, or against the said Bertha Josephine Wolf, are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Guardian, or his at- torney of record, Robert L. Snyder, at their addresses below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within six modths after the date of first publication of this notice, or the aame will Ii forev#ar barred. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: February 5, 195. "TON B. FRANKLIN HEUS Angle B u[[di ng Shelton, Washitgton ROBERT L. SNTDER Govey Building Shelton, Washington Attorney tot aaid Guardian 2/5-12-19-26 4t No. 3028 NOT/E OF illgARINI[ OF FINAL BIFOBT AD I;TITION I;01 DISTRIHUTION IN .THE SU'IRIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR T C01U[!.E OF MASON . (In 1Patel in the ._atta' of h0 Estate of EDITH B. HIMES, Deseed. Notice Is hereby given that Roy C. Hlfflea, Exeefftor' of th estate of Edith B. Hlmes deceased, has file4 With the clerk of 'the Stlperior Curt of said County and Stall hl final ,.ulerl.or. -.Jae, 0at111 tlre the Roy C. Hlmes. Dted 13th, da, of February, 1959. HABtY Dil}YE'[ '1 clrk of said Snperior Court Attorneys for Etate: PARR AND BAKER 821 Beetw/t¥ Butldiz Olympia, [ainffton 2/19-25-8/5 31 No. NOTICE TO CBED/TORS IN THE SLERIOR COURT OF THI STATE (YF WASHINGTON FOR ASON COUNTY the Matter of the Guardianshi of the lstate of LUTHER SAMUEI SON', atntally I1! Pero. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha LOis . Samuelson has been appnited and has qualified as Guardian of the estate, of Luther Samuelson a mentally ill person: that all persons having claims against said estao, or against the said Luther Samualson. are hereby required to serve the same, duly veri- fied, on said Guardian, Or her attorney of record, Robert L, Snyder, at their addresses below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of satd Court, to- gether with proof of such service, with- in six months after the date of first publicat4on of this notice, or the same will he forever barred. _D. ATF OF FIRST PUBLICATION: 'obruary 19, 1959. • LOIS E. SAMUELN 1012 Dearborn Shelton, Wuhtngton. ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Building Shelton, Wahingto Attorney for said Guard|an, 2/19--/5-12 4t erly Iteights Addition to Shelton : Washington, according to the re- corded plat tilereof in the offlcc, of the Auditor for said County and State, Volume 3 of plats. Ptge 2. NOW TItEREFOR, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TImt on Friday the 20til day of March, 1959. at 10 o'clock in .the forenoon of said day. I will sell the above describcd property, or so nlttch thereof am nlay be necessary to satisfy said judgments, together with attorney's fees, interest, costs and in- creased costs, in all alnountinff to tile sum of Two thousand two hundred ihltr nine and 88/]00 Dollars, plus Sheriff's costs of sale. Said sah! will take place at tl]o East door of tho Court House al Shoi- ton in said Count and State. and will be, at public auction, for cash in hand to tho highest and heat bidder. Dated at Shelton. Wash., this 17th day of February, 1959. W. A. POTTER Sheriff of said County. 2/19-2-3/5-12-19 5t No. 1 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL' REPORT AND PFTITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN, TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of WIL- LIAM McCLURE. Deceased. John Murphy Administrator De Bon- Is N'on of the above (,state, has filed in the Clerk's office of aald Court his final report and petition for distrlbu- tion, asking Ule Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons theto entitled and discharge, said Administrator. Said report and etition will be howard on March 27, 59, at 9:30 A,M. at the Probate De- ,artment Court Room of said Court. Dated February 17, 1.959. JOHN MURPIIY Administrator Do Bonis Non RALPH PURVIS Attorney for Estat 245 Fourth Street Building Bl't'inol(n, Wa,shington 2/19-26-3/5 3t NOTICE OF HEARING oN -EMER(IENC¥ Al'PROPRIATION WHEREAS, unforeseen expenses for the operathln of the Civil Service. Board of Mason County have arisen and no budg(!t appropriation llas b(,(,n nladl, for this depaz'tment for 1959; and WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Board it is for the best inte:sts of Mason County tilat such expenditures are necessary, and the folh.lwing sulu will be required: Sslary & Chief Examtner .... $240.00 Maintenance & Olwwation .... II0.00 Printlng ..................... $50,00 Stat hmery & Office Supp|te. .... 60.00 Court Report,r .................... ]25.00 TOTAL $475.00 NOW THEREFORE, in th of the Board, an emergency the slim of $475.00 will be required from the Curren,t Expense Fund to meet such alleged' emergency; and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a hearing be held thereon on Monday, March 2, 1959, at 2:30 P.M, at the office of the Board in the Court House at Shetton, at whicil thne and place any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against the granting of suet1 al- leged enlergeney. DATED this 16th day of Flbruai'y. 1959, BOARD OF C)UNTY COMMIS- SIONERS ()F MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Jotin Barieknutn C. W. Streckonbavh Roy Mitvhell ATTEST : Susie E. Pauley Acting Clerk of the Board. 2/19 It No. 3079 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LOUIS , DAVID K'IPP, D,ce, ased. NOTICE IS GIVEN that Laura Klpp has been appointed and qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testa- ment and of the Estate of Louis David Klpp deceased that all claims agahlst said estate, or said de'ceased faust be srved, duly verified in duplicate with the necessary vouchers attached, upon said Eecutrix or her attorne:y and agent, Robert L. Snyder. and filed wtth proof of service with the Clerk el aid Court wlthlu six (6) months from the date of first publication of thls notice, to-wlt: February 5, 1959. ALL CLAIMS not so presented and filed will be forever barred. AURA KIPP xecutrlx W. Matilija, Ojai, California ROBERT, L. SNYDER Attorney & Agent for Executrix ey Building hetton. Washington 2/5-12-19-26 4t NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING NOTICE is hereby .given that prelim- lnary budgets nave now been pre- pared and places nn file In the Au- dltot*'s office for the following funds: Olvil Defense )n County Fair Fund ICE is further given tbat this Board will meet at the Court House in Shelton o the 2nd day of March, 1969. at the hour of 2:00 P.M., for the pnrpose of flxlnfr a final bdget on these l;nds and any taxpayer may appear at said heartng and, be heard for or agalist the said proposed bud- fret. Dated at Shelton, Washington, this lth day of February, 1959. IOARD OF COUNTY COMMISo 81ONERS OI MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON By Stle E. Pauley, Acting clerk ot  the Board. 2/19 It No. 3034 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DIRTRIBIITION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of MAY L. RAYMOND. Deceased. William H. Raymond, Administrator of th( said Estate. has filed in the said Court hie final repart and petition for distribution asking the Court to settle sal r.port, distribute theprop- erty to the person thereto entitled still disharge the ald Administrator. Said reDort and petltion will be heard on the 20th day of March, 1959, at 10 A,M., in the Courtroom of said Court, in the County Courthouse at Shelton, Wash- Ington. DATED THIS 17th day of February, 1959, HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court, ROBERT L. SNYDER Govcy Building Shelton. Washlngtor, Attorney for Administrator. 2/19-26-8/5-12 41 MT. VIEW ALLIANOE DHUROH A Washlngt0n & J Streets Rev, Eugene Ereld, PNtor • -. ROY DUNN 1,t .A .,,35 ..................................................................... ,= REALTOR Moraing Wo'rip ................................................................ 1i:00 .m. Yoking People a ..................................... '. ............................. "t1:80 ] .I. ""' • Title Insurance Bldg " 4 ....................................   i'" "" ........ :i : ........ : ........................... 'iS : :': '" " " h " ' ::" kr 0 "'r " Mid-week Service Wdnesday .......................................... 7:30 p.m. CAIJ FOR BIDS Se.led bids will he ree, dv,d for the renioval of linl, p(wlablo builllhlg, ap- proxiliisiely 24 II. x 30 ft., fr-in tlw pt'plnises of the fornl0f l.incohl St.|ill01 site. Souih 6th and Cota Str(.ls, Sh,'l-. ton, %Vli.hirlghllci, 11nttl :(l(J ll.lll. Msl'ch 10, 1959, al llie offlel of Iho sctiool ch.rk, I,]w:'l'grel,u Sctiool. Sli,llon, Ql>h - lngton, ai whic.h tillw the bills will lit, opentd anti r,'fld tiloud. ]{i,llllivll] tit In, (',, el(' e( within 6 dies of bhl ec .,i i- tauce. A clwck f¢lr 1(} 1)iq'-<etlt (d' anl(lllnt (l[ bid .llliil })P each,sod wii]i : the bid. ThP l-hmrd rP.or;'es lhp i'ih| to i,o- jPct ally or till bhls r*'t:oivt;d, 1:1,%' Or- dlq' of tiu' Bllard of 1)irlcll,rs of Silcl- t()rl (?l)l'l.(i]il][li(+'d School l')ii;!':i,q N<). :10.q, Stw]tllll, iVashilllziNn, D'oli 't i 'v 1.i,, , 1(), (  /s/ LAUI.A T. MURPttY, Ch,rk 2/19.2(;-3,:, :it Sai.l David's Church (Episcopal) 4th / Cedar Street| Rev. Robert Bonner Echols, Vicar .>rid FRIDAY IN LENT: 8 p.m.-Dewltional Servic.e and Prayer Book .Instruction. !: $ * .nd SUNDAY OF LENT: Services 9 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. - 11 a.m. Young People's Fel- lowship 630 p.m. i i i ii Pa lh MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Bruiidillg Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Sponsored by First Missionary Saptist Church of Puyallup, Wash. EVel"yone Welcome FJrst 9hrisllan Church !'New Testament Christianit Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Ilall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 a.m. Church SePvices 11:00 e.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. FISHERMEN'S CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3RD & COTA SUNDAY, FEB. 22-- 9:15 a,m, Coffee time. 9:30 a.m. Guest speakerMardi¢ Stroud. "Why Are Homes Expensive? '' 10:00 a.m. Bible Study. "A Poor Place to Stand" ' i j i iii i i i i . i  i YOU ARE WELCOME AT THE FRIENDLY SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF 60D 130 East Pine St. • Mason Younglund, Pastor • * tt $ * Sunday School ................................................................... 9:45 a,m. Classes for All Ages Morning Worship ................................................................. 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors .......................................................... 6:00 p,m. Evangelistic Service .............................................................. 7:0n p.m. Listen to Revlvaltlme, Sunday, 10:30 p.m., KIRO -- i N ,I I I t I I ,,I _ THE METHODIST CHURDH I 4th & Pine -- Parsonage 320 N. 4th .... Phone HA 6-4174 | CHARLES T, HATTEN, Minister I' Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. I Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session 11:00 a.m. I i --.-;7-- ................................... ", ..................  ............... Z7 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Church 11 a.m. Wedn(day evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Readingoom hours 2 to 4 p.m. Men. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Seventh & Franklin Sts.- J. Bernhard Bretheim, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday wor,hlp service 11 a.m. Mid-week Service--Wed,, 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p,m. i i i i i , , ,, i, , L CHURCH OF THE FOUR SQUARE GOSPEL 910 E. DEARBORN Sunday Sohool ............................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ........................................ 11:{)0 a.m. Evangelistic Servioe ..................... ................ "/:00 p.m. Prayer Meetin ........................ Wednesday 7:o0 p.m. REV. GARY N. BLACK, Pastor . i ii J ) I BAPTIST FIRST CHURCH 5th & Cota Rev. E, C. Knautz, Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 9:45 a.m. Sunday 'Sch0ol. 11:00 a.m, Morning Worship. "1%ey Changed Their Minds" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. Four Deoartments. 7:00 p.m. 17-rain. color fi|m "$alwation and Christian Fel- lowship. Melmage "Here's Your Answer" , u Harvey Boee Ethel Bell William Berg Marthe.a. Rarmem Ethel Mason Curios Costumes Slides Missionary Messages EVERYONE WELCOME FEBRUARY 22 THRU MARCH I 7:30 p.m. each Evening, Sun., Mar. 1, 11 a.m. lit. View Ailiam Ch,rch WASHINGTON AND J STS. EUG<ENff IllEll, PASTOR t 2 J L959 for Ev- Inc. con REPAIRs ll/22tfn H9/4 4 FOR SALE :nv 3 bedroom house Ling room, nice garage, fire- $12,000.00. 30 acres cleared, very good excellent 3oo,0o0 3 bedroom , sln¢le gar- acre elected ad drilled , $6,542.00 $ $ $ central oil heat- room, one Perfect Payment and clos ttvmk morn, combed,  bdit-in  No. 1541 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL EPORT AND. I'!rITJON FOR DISTRIBI TION IN THE sUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WAS/IINGTo  FOR MASON cOUNTY" Ila Pr, obaie) In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN T. SMITH DeceuSed NOTICE 'IS HEREBY GIVEN that MARY A. RYAN formcrh' known as MARY A, SMITI, as Admtntslratrix of the Estate of John T. Smilb, has flied in tim office of the Cim'k c,f said Court her Final Report and I-.qition for Distribution asking the Court to settle said Repel't, distxibute the prop- erty to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said adminitratrix; and that said teport and Pet[thin will be heard on the 27th day of February. 1959, at 10:00 A.M. at the Coux't Room of the Probate Department of said Court, at which time ann pmee any interested tn said Etate amy and file objections thereto and tie same. DATED this 30th day of January, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court By Irene Me.ire, Deputy LEWIS & CORREA garage, and 2 fireplace, rad-  ( qt t' a , $ 2808 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.8.A. " Shelton, Washington as, the sam C%urtroom in the ton, Mason County, Washingtpn. Dated this 9th day. of FeDrua. ' 1959. houBe HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of Court eQ0m, Mason County, Washing'ton. small E. 1 bedroo, for said estate and sw" 833 2/12-19-26 3t income from :Iowa town No. ON FINAL OEPORT AND pETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERI[OR ND STATE OF WASHINGTON IN A , FOR THE COY OF MASON (In Probate) 1 out- In the Matter of the Estate of W, A. WITSIERS, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that payment Martha A. Witsiers ¢cutrix of the above entitled estate., has filed herein her final account, report and petition for settlement and distribution of the estate of deceased, wherein the Court is asked to approve said account and report, make distribution of the estate and discharge the Executrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that in accordance with an order of said Court made and entered on the 23rd day of lanuary, 1959, a hearing will be had before the Court on the 271h HA 6-8530 day of February, 1959, at 10 o'clock, a.m,; on said day in the Court Room of this Court in the Court House at Shelton, Washington. Dated this 23rd day of January, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE clerk of the Superior Court for Mason County, Wash- ington. ALDEN C, BAYLEY tprne¥ fqr, E,xeutrix ite fltnltfee Building Shelton, Washington 1/29-2/5-12-19 4t No. ZgS9 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION W.W.A. FOR DISTRIBUTION l moll the for IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TII property, to- STATE Ol WASHINGTON file MASON COUNTY (In Probate) th, In the Matter •of the Estate of LOR- ENA M. CASE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lilllan Cleveland, Administratrix the estate of Lorena tel Case, has filed with the Clerk of the Or alter the 6th entitled Court her final bliea i Legal Publications No, 3070 ()IiDINAN('F, NO. 655 NOTICE TO CRFlilTOItS TItE SPECIAL FUNI) T() I-E KNOWN AS IN' TI{IC StIPEI**IOR (:OURT OF TIlE SF.WER F'IJND, and esiahlisimlg SgI'ATE ()l' WASIIINGT()N F(,)I¢ the sq'w,'r .'vsto ts I separate public, MAS()N COUNTY utility of th City. and authorizing tile lhl i'robale) Ill tIW" Malior (!f tile Estale of WIL- if'ansi'or of |'lulds, and oxi)en0iturps in excoi4s of estil|lated rov llthL and ro- LIAM ) BUR(IESS. ]).,eisod. poaling all ordinances in conflict tlmre- N()TICE IS IIEI{EBY GIVEN that with. tho untl(q'sign(,d has been ap tointvd and has qualifi¢'d :IS 1by Executrix of the Esinlo of WILI.IAM O. i:IUICGESS, do( ()lSl'tl ill l al t)( I'SeIIS tlfiving ctalfll9 llgain.i said decmst,d are here- hy r,'qtlired to se "v( tl t' sam(! duly eri!'ied, on tim undersigned Nan(:3 Cidilns t{ui'gPss el" her atturnev el re('(ivd tit the iddross hidow stated and file 1he same with the Clerk of the said Cqurt. togt#ihel' with proof 0f such service wflhhi slx months after the date of flrtt puhlicatton of ilfis notice or the S:lllli, will lie harrld. B Is NANCY COLLINS BURGESS YRON E. McCLANAIIAN Attorney for Estate Offi,.e and Post Office Address: (:ourthluse Shelton. Washington 2/12-19-26 3t NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE i,AN DS NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 3rd day ell March, 1959, conooencing at ten o'clock in the forem)on of said day. in front of the nlain entrance door to tile County Attoimeys for Estate Rell Building -treet 121 South Fourth S " r Court Iiouse in the city" of Shelton, Shelton, Washim4gton 2/$-12-I9.26 4t euntv of Mason State of Washington, y th'e County Audltor of said county, ' ' .,' • "- he followi " described state tide NOTIC t 'AiG ON I'INAL with the improvements ]E'iT-- ----'i"il--liliPilill N will be SOl at public /ii'-O-/ O auction to the highest bidder there- FOR DrSIIU" IN THE SUPERI0 COURT O9" THE for, to-wit: STATE OF WASItINGTON R NOTE--No one except citizens of the U'nltcd States, or persons who have de- , MASON COUNTY (In Probate) elated their intention to become such, In the Matter of tie Estate of HO- call purchase state ]ands. MER A. McCOMI, Deceased, Application No. 13107 HEREBY ,GIVEN that NVTIC IS " " the he tidelands of the second class, Hazel Belle McComb ExecUtrix o • owned by the State of Washington, estate of Homer A, [cComb, deceased, situate in front of, adjacent to or abut- has filed with the Clerk of the above, upon the North 230 feet of tile entitled Court her tinal feet of Government Lot 1, tit[on fodlstrlbution Township 21 North Range settle, and final re- '.M., with a frontage of $.49 ns more or lese. appraiseo the at $75,00 per lineal chain or $251.75. Application No. 1519 The tidelands of the aecond GlaSs, of Washington. sid finer Hammersiey Oyster on the map thereof of the Oolnmlssioner 90 and to or ng upon ttat port of Govera- Lot 2, SectiOn 10, Township 20 . , Range 9 West W.M. lying )etWeen the north line of the south feet thereof and a line running par- to the north line of said Govern- ent Lot 2 from a point which is 700 et utherly from tim meander cor- ner on said north line of Government Lot 2, as measured along the govern- nmnt meander line, with a frontage of ,w. hneal chains more or less, ap- at $30,00 'per lineal chain or Subject, however, to an easement for ight of way for Stats Road as ac- ired by the State of Washington, partmen_t of Hlgliways through the ng of State Road Plat No. 635 in the office of the Commissioner of Pub- lic Lands April 25, 1947. Application No. 13198 The tidelands of the second class, owned by tim State of Washington, situate in front of adjacent to or abut- ting upon that p(rtion of Government Lot 1, Section 11 Township 19 North, Range 3 West %V.M. lying west of a line running S 0 o 23: E from a point on the north line thereof which is S 83 ° 46' W 1333.00 feet from the north- east corner thereof and east of that portion of said Govermnent Lot 1 measured along the govermnent mean- der line as follows: Beginning at the meander corner on the north line of said Government Lot and runing thence S 45 ° E 2.80 tins, S 32 ° E 4,07 chains an. thence 3 ° E 4.50 chains to an angle point said meander line and the terminal of this meander line description. The above described tidelands have a of 3.35 lineal chains, more or )raised at $55.00 per lineal however, any tidelands included in a tract con- the cultivation of oysters the provisions of Ch,pter $4, Laws of 1895, to B. Jacobsen, June 8, Estate of 1901, under Application No. 2632. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing: Not less than one-tenth of the pur- ase price must be paid at the time sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the lmprovelnents, nulst forthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full amount of the ap- praised value of the improvements, as above stated. One-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred etition for distribution payments at the rat,* of six per centum oUrt to settle ann approve per annum; Provided, That any put- report and petition for distribution, chaser nmke full payment of to distribute the property to the per- and statutory fees sons thereto entitled and to discharge ttme and obtain deed. The the said Adminlstratrix, of land containing timber or NOTIC IS FURTHER GIVEN that valuable materials is prohibited said final report and petition for dis- law from cutting or removing any ng of the, tributioa will be heard on Friday, the timber or materials without first • lth any of l'enruary, 1959, at the rmur cosent of the Commissioner of 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Public Lands, until the full amount for i in the Court House in of the purchase price has been paid r and deed lsstled, day of January, All sales of state lands are made sub- q'llE CITY COMMISSION OF TIIE CITY OD' SIIELT()N. WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOIL()WS: S,,cti(m 1, That tim Cllrk-Tr,,asurer l,f the City ,,f Sheli:,m i horoh,v auih- i orizt!d lil/d instl'llctcd to establish, lir lliatnt;tlll, a si'parate fund fill' the op- i,ration of the sewer (ieparilllent, COlll- billing atl ftlllds i','latinl to the m,w,!r .ysteln. including4 funds reqtlil'ed lo be d,pimited in the Sewerage L)isposal System fund eslabli:hed by Ordinliace No. 52'2. and all tnemle from o" re t d to, s,Wol'aZ,' disposal sorv]e,,s, iiiis d(,criptlon of funds not being by Way ,If linlliation, but is intond(,d lo clarify, and liilikf' certain tiler all fl.inds relat- ing to lhe sew!r s,vstl'ni simil i)o C()ln- bined fo I* tll* ourpo'se of fioatl(:ing, nlainiaining, ana improving th, s-wer system. Said fends shall continue io bl! kllown Its th," Sow,w Fumt. Seciioo 2. Tha Clel'k-Tr,!:i.m'or of ih, City of Shelton is autlmrizod to lnake traasf,'rs of funds, for tlu pur- pose of operating the sewer syste! t ns it pill)lit" Utility. belween tile i.l-lnerld classes and exDond tur.s frool funds Legaons No. 2958 NOTICE 'FO CltElll'rOR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THP] STATE" (11' WASII1NGT()N FOiL MASON COUNTY (In I'rotnlle) In thp Matter ,,f the I]stato of HAR- VIdY E. MANNEH.S. Dec(,ascd. NOTICE IS IiEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has l)ecn appointed lind has qualified tls the Adlainistratrix (if the Estate of ltlivey 1], Vlannei's deceased : that all [)t'rollS havillg' claims against said dec.east!d are ilel'l- Dy required to s(n've the saule, duly verifiea, on. the undl'q'signt?d Lulu A, Manuers or her attol'noy of record ttt thc address below stated and file the same witil the Clerk of tlle said Court. togetller with proof of such service within six months llfler the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. /s/ LULU A. MANNERS BYRON E. MeCLANAHAN Attorney for Estate Office and Post Oflice Address: Courthouse Shelton, Washington 2/12-19-26 3t No. 7517 SUMMONS B%" PUBLICATION IN THE SUPIRIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASIIlNGTON FOR MASON COUNTY known as ALVA McKAY, (!allile N'e, 7173 NOI'I('I,: OF llEIIIFF' NALE (tl" RI.'AI, ESTATE 1N THE St!l'l,]lJ(ti C()UICT OF THE STATE (iF W ASI.[I N(T()N FOR MASON ('()IrNTY (Exeeathili lllld,.r l;oreelollure) SHELTON P, AYONI EI FEI)I,]IIAL CltEi)lT UNION, nka MASON (?OU'N- TY FEDERAl. C1¢.ED1T UN[()N Phdnttff ..... vs .- .... . R, I!IO'LEN and PIIYLLIS BOW- LEN. iitlsband and wil',! Dei'el+lda lit lJlldl'l' alid by l'irtul' of llll c-tt!ctltion Undol' IDll}'# !{.1{ ist ire iSlll!¢I till[ (.[ slid IAndel' till' St!Ill tif tile Stlp,ri }r CoLIrt of tile Sttlto of Washington. in :lnd for said Coullly, on the 16tii dav of Fvll- rutiry 1959, ripen i judgniont reudf.rod iu sl!.id CoUl't on the 23rd day of January, 1959, in favor of Stwiton Rlly- onier Federal Credit Union, nka {as(in Cuuhly Fv(lerai (vedit UlllOlI, and against P,. R. Bowlea and Phyllis F, ow- len, husband and wlfo. Jl21dgincnt debl- ors i'ot' [he SUlII of Ol]e lhousan(i five hundred forty five and no/100 Dollars. together with attorney's fees, interest, Coals and increased costs, and to me directed and dellw'rd, I did on iiie 17th day if Fehruary, 1959, levy Ul)Oe all lhe rigllt, tttle nnd lnD,rest of said judgment del)tors in and to lbe follow- ,ing described property to satisfy said judffment, trl-wii : Lol three (3). Block three (3). Bey- 6th day of February, 1559. • HARRY DEYETTE JR. Cerk of Maso Oounty, of Washington erkIrene McGuire, Deputy BISIIOP FRANKLIN HEUSTON ,. for said Etate Shelton, ,Wash., 1/29-$-119 it :1/1-19 :It jeet to the reser.ations of oils, gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, mu anu uescriptlon, ad to the additional terms and conditions prescribed in seion 3 of chapter 5 bf the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold ub to the of Laws of ta easements for rights- arrytng of Umber, minerals ad other products over the me. BRT L, COLE EXCELLENT BUYS! A LARGE I!iINIll ROOMY DOWNTOWN HOME oonllortabi 4 ro0 2 bath home ill just the tuilt home with fireplace, dinimg room, garage, on 2 large fced lamas. IL0,500. tN AND $25 PER MONTH . . . • edtom home in good location. A dlandy $--10 MINUTES AWAY • • • , and fine garden plot. Only rm NICE LOT ON PHILLIPS LAKE? . • • buil that little immmer cain; and think iing, boating, fiing, etc. $1495 oh N|WJESI' #IND FINEIT HOMES • • • with a magnificent view of te Olym- panelled living room wttl attract- room, 3 bedroowas, $[ batl, recrea- fl,repc¢, aad many mor exeellt features. received in of estimated reve- ntls tlS needed nn(i in confornlity with the foIlowln budget for the sewer system : SEWER SALARIES .......... $15.675.00 MAINTENANCE ............... 12,250.00 (2APITAL OUTLAY .......... :12,250.00 $60,175. O0 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS & CASH ON HAND 60.175.00 Section 3. That portion of the 1959 current expense budget relating to sewers and sewer disposal, as aJ)proved and estahlished by ordinance No. 652; iS lt'reby revoked, and is (:orrvcted in accordance with Seelion 2 lieroof in order to show 12re establishnie.nt oI said sewer fund, and the operation of the sewer system as a separate utility, and in order to eliminate, and make un- necessary the authorization of tte use of general tax funds for the use of the sewer system, Section 4. Tlmt all parts of all or- dinances that may bc In conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Introduced at regular Commission meeting, Feb, 3, 1959. Pa.sed, Feb., 10. 1959. EARL H, MOORE Mayor J. V. SIMPSON Coinmissl0nor of Finance W. F, IcCANN Commissioner of Stree.t & Public Improvenients , ATTEST: Aims K. Carte, clerk-Treasurer APPROVED AS TO FORM C. T. Hatten0 City Attorney 2/19 It No. $0 NOT/E OF HEARING FIWA RIg]PORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH STATB OF WASHINGTON MASON COUNTY I (In • l'tbate e) I In the Matter of the Estate of MAY I GRACE IOHNSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREY GIVEN that ROI#AND E. JOHNSON, as Executor of the Estate of May G-race Joimson, has filed ,in the office of the clerk of said Court a final report and pe- tio for distribution, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto en- txl;cdutad dischtg  the pert itionor am • '; and t said eport and petition will be heard on the 6th day of March, 1959, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or as soon there- after as the matter can be heard at the court room of the above-entitled court, in €he Com'thouse in Shelton, Mason County, Washington. at which time and place any person interested in said Estate may appear and file objections thtl'eto aud contest the same, Dated this 26th day of January, 1959. HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court, J.LNN E, CORREA Attoraey for Estate Bell Bldg., 121 Sputh 4th St. Shelton, "Washington 1/29-2/5-12-19 4t CAL FOR BIDS NOTICE Il HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of Shelton Consoli- dated School DistricY No. 309, Mason CMunty, Washington, for delivery Au- gu.t 15, 1959, of One 73 Passen Transit Type School BUS with all-traction tires on wheels, heavy duty gasoline H.P. or more, One spare wheel, sanders oa rear wheels, front and rear heaters, powered ceiling vents, windshield washers, rubber fenders on all wheel wells, body undercoat, aluminum or non-corroding steel window sash. The school district has one 1946 40- passenger Cimvrole.t school bus to turn in. The bus must conform to Washing- ton State Sclmol Bus Regulations and Specifications. Sealed bids will be received at the clerk's office, Evergreen School,  up to 8:00 p.m. March 10th, 1959. at which time the bids will be opened and read aloud, Tim Board reserves the right to re- Ject any or all bids received, By Order of the Board of Directors of 'Shelton Consolidated School District No, $09, Shelton, Washington, this 10th day of FebruarY, 1959. /s/ LAURA T. MURPHY, C'erk .... 2/9--s/ 3t No. 300 NOTICE OF HFARING FINAL REPORT AND PETIT|ON FOR DISTRIBUTION IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF .'WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Conunissioner of Public Land. (In Probate) ..... 1/29-2/5-12-19-6 5t In the Matter of the 'Estate of Ju-- SI MO.NS, Deceased. No. 'OTIC IS H-EREBY GIVEN that NOTICE TO CREDITORS EVERETT SIMONS as Executor of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF HE the Estate of John 'Simons him fried STATE OF WASHINGTON ]OR tn the office of the Clerk of'eald {durt MASON COUNTY _. , a final report and Petition £or diatri- In the Matter of the atate of GER- button, asking the CoUrt to Settl said TRUDE MORGAN HAYES, Deceased report, distribute the property to the ELIZABETH A..OY_ER' is the a: potions thereto entitled and to dla- pointed and qltflea xecutrix of said carge the petitioner as Executor; 0di estate. All persons navkng claims that said report and. petition will be' gainst said deceases .are hereby re- heard on the 27th day el. FebrtlAWY, qulred to serye same, amy verified in 1959, t 10:00 o'clock in the foreoOn aupllcate with necessary, •vouchers at- o said day, or as soon thereafter aa tached upon the Executrix or her at- the matter can be heard at the court t0lneFi Roi.rt L. Snyder, at their room of the above-entitled .court, nAn the, areUes low states, and ftie such Courthouse in Sheiton, Maso County, claims together with proof of service Washington, at which time andplace lth the cler.]l o L said Court within [any person interested in said Estate six months atr aanuary 29, 1959. [may appear and file objectl0x thereto .)kLL CArM.D no[ so presented and land the same fried will .,S reU, Dated this 26th da J H A Y of aIxY. ]_,, " OYER 1959 Executrix _ , . HARRY DEYETT Union, wasmngton I lerk of said Court. :ROBERT . SNYDER I LEWIS & CORREA (oVey ]flding . ? [Attorneys for Estate Shelfon, WAshington I Bell Bldg,, 121 South 4th St. kttorne¥ for Eatate 1/29-2/5-12-19 tt.t Shelton,,ashlngton 1/29.2/5-12-19 4t 11 lIR M@ME @OR NO DOWN PAYMENT? ... 15 ntinutes from town, with plenty nice features. Owner want reliable $S950. BEATER--ONLY $250 DOWN , , , home on Hillcrt, wived for range and $3950 at $37.50/month. VIEW HOME NEAR SCHOOL ,, . for the family with small children, school. , A number of nice features. and $50/month.+ $6000. BEDROOM NOME ON MOUNTAIN VIEW wall carpeting, panelled living room, fe$d on euy FHA terms. ISS/MONYH THIS HOME t8 YOURS . . . and taxes. Very comfortable 2 bedroom large living dining room, all over carpet- Drapes, curtains, new heater, all included. VETERANS... WW II and Korean War FUNDS WILL SOON BE AVAILABLE FOR GI DIRECT (No Discount) HOME LOANS FOR DETAILS CONTACT LABLE--$ BR furniehed duplex; unfurnished 1 ,R home; and excellent downtown office WATERFRONT REALTY building. ALVA M. BENNETT. formerly Plaintiff, - -vs.-- I:IOENIX LOGGING CO,, a cor- poration; and all other persons or par- ties unknown claiming any right, title, interest in the real etate dcscribed in the Complaint' herein, Defendant. THE STATE OF rASttINGTON TO THE PHOENIX LOGGING CO., a cor- poration; and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, tltle, Interest in the real estate des- crlbed ta the Complaint herein. You and each of you, are imreby sun tanned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first pub- llcati(m of this sulnr/IolLtL to wlt, within Sixty (60) days after the 19th dlty ot February, 19, and defend the above- entitled action In the superior court aforesal4 and answer the complaint of th e Plaintiff aa serve a copse of your answer upon the under$ig'ne attorney for the Plaintiff, at hls office below stated; and, In case of your failurv no to do. Judgnient will be t,dered agalnst yell according to erie uemanus of the complaint in this action which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of thls action ia" to quiet title in Platntlff to real estate in Ma- son County, WUhinfft?n, described as: The Northwest quarter (NWAD oi the Northw0st qarter (NW) in Section twenty (20), Towhship twenty-three ,() North, Range four (4) West, W,M. in Maaon Cotmty, Washington, against the claim of the Defendants and any one Of them. OLNN E. CORREA Attorney for Plaihtiff. Office & Post Office Address! Bell Building 1! SoUth Fourth Street She]ton, Washington. 2/19.-3/5-19-19-26 6t NOTICI$ TO CBEDITOIg IN THE SUPERIOR COUHT OF THE STkT]g OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In th Matter of the Estate of EMIL G. WOLF, Deceased. NOTICE IS GIVEN that Beul0h May Peterson, is the apnolnted and quali- fied Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Emil C. Wolf, deceased: that all pe.r$on having claims against the said deceased must serve the same duly wtrifled In duplicate with the necessary vouchers attached, upon the Executrix or her attyrney and agent, Robert L, Snyder> and file suoh clalms together with proof "of service with the Clerk of said Court within six nlonths after Fehruary 5, 1959. ALL CLAIMS not so prsented and file4 will be barred. BEULAH MAY PETERSON Executrix 1018 E. Cornell Fresno 4, California ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney and Agent for Executrix ,. Govey Building Shelton, Washington 2/5-12-19-26 4t No. Z35 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MAS()N COUNTY In the Matter of the Guardianship of the Estate of BERTHA JOSEPHINE WOLF, a Mentally Incompetent Per- n. NOTIC IS HEREBY GIVEN that B. Franklin Houston has been ap- pointed and has uualified as Guardian of the estate of the said Bertha Jose- phine Wolf, in the, place of Enlil G. Wolf, decreased; that all persons having clahns agaimt said estate, or against the said Bertha Josephine Wolf, are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Guardian, or his at- torney of record, Robert L. Snyder, at their addresses below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within six modths after the date of first publication of this notice, or the aame will Ii forev#ar barred. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: February 5, 195. "TON B. FRANKLIN HEUS Angle B u[[di ng Shelton, Washitgton ROBERT L. SNTDER Govey Building Shelton, Washington Attorney tot aaid Guardian 2/5-12-19-26 4t No. 3028 NOT/E OF illgARINI[ OF FINAL BIFOBT AD I;TITION I;01 DISTRIHUTION IN .THE SU'IRIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR T C01U[!.E OF MASON . (In 1Patel in the ._atta' of h0 Estate of EDITH B. HIMES, Deseed. Notice Is hereby given that Roy C. Hlfflea, Exeefftor' of th estate of Edith B. Hlmes deceased, has file4 With the clerk of 'the Stlperior Curt of said County and Stall hl final ,.ulerl.or. -.Jae, 0at111 tlre the Roy C. Hlmes. Dted 13th, da, of February, 1959. HABtY Dil}YE'[ '1 clrk of said Snperior Court Attorneys for Etate: PARR AND BAKER 821 Beetw/t¥ Butldiz Olympia, [ainffton 2/19-25-8/5 31 No. NOTICE TO CBED/TORS IN THE SLERIOR COURT OF THI STATE (YF WASHINGTON FOR ASON COUNTY the Matter of the Guardianshi of the lstate of LUTHER SAMUEI SON', atntally I1! Pero. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha LOis . Samuelson has been appnited and has qualified as Guardian of the estate, of Luther Samuelson a mentally ill person: that all persons having claims against said estao, or against the said Luther Samualson. are hereby required to serve the same, duly veri- fied, on said Guardian, Or her attorney of record, Robert L, Snyder, at their addresses below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of satd Court, to- gether with proof of such service, with- in six months after the date of first publicat4on of this notice, or the same will he forever barred. _D. ATF OF FIRST PUBLICATION: 'obruary 19, 1959. • LOIS E. SAMUELN 1012 Dearborn Shelton, Wuhtngton. ROBERT L. SNYDER Govey Building Shelton, Wahingto Attorney for said Guard|an, 2/19--/5-12 4t erly Iteights Addition to Shelton : Washington, according to the re- corded plat tilereof in the offlcc, of the Auditor for said County and State, Volume 3 of plats. Ptge 2. NOW TItEREFOR, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TImt on Friday the 20til day of March, 1959. at 10 o'clock in .the forenoon of said day. I will sell the above describcd property, or so nlttch thereof am nlay be necessary to satisfy said judgments, together with attorney's fees, interest, costs and in- creased costs, in all alnountinff to tile sum of Two thousand two hundred ihltr nine and 88/]00 Dollars, plus Sheriff's costs of sale. Said sah! will take place at tl]o East door of tho Court House al Shoi- ton in said Count and State. and will be, at public auction, for cash in hand to tho highest and heat bidder. Dated at Shelton. Wash., this 17th day of February, 1959. W. A. POTTER Sheriff of said County. 2/19-2-3/5-12-19 5t No. 1 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL' REPORT AND PFTITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN, TItE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of WIL- LIAM McCLURE. Deceased. John Murphy Administrator De Bon- Is N'on of the above (,state, has filed in the Clerk's office of aald Court his final report and petition for distrlbu- tion, asking Ule Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons theto entitled and discharge, said Administrator. Said report and etition will be howard on March 27, 59, at 9:30 A,M. at the Probate De- ,artment Court Room of said Court. Dated February 17, 1.959. JOHN MURPIIY Administrator Do Bonis Non RALPH PURVIS Attorney for Estat 245 Fourth Street Building Bl't'inol(n, Wa,shington 2/19-26-3/5 3t NOTICE OF HEARING oN -EMER(IENC¥ Al'PROPRIATION WHEREAS, unforeseen expenses for the operathln of the Civil Service. Board of Mason County have arisen and no budg(!t appropriation llas b(,(,n nladl, for this depaz'tment for 1959; and WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Board it is for the best inte:sts of Mason County tilat such expenditures are necessary, and the folh.lwing sulu will be required: Sslary & Chief Examtner .... $240.00 Maintenance & Olwwation .... II0.00 Printlng ..................... $50,00 Stat hmery & Office Supp|te. .... 60.00 Court Report,r .................... ]25.00 TOTAL $475.00 NOW THEREFORE, in th of the Board, an emergency the slim of $475.00 will be required from the Curren,t Expense Fund to meet such alleged' emergency; and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a hearing be held thereon on Monday, March 2, 1959, at 2:30 P.M, at the office of the Board in the Court House at Shetton, at whicil thne and place any taxpayer may appear and be heard for or against the granting of suet1 al- leged enlergeney. DATED this 16th day of Flbruai'y. 1959, BOARD OF C)UNTY COMMIS- SIONERS ()F MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Jotin Barieknutn C. W. Streckonbavh Roy Mitvhell ATTEST : Susie E. Pauley Acting Clerk of the Board. 2/19 It No. 3079 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LOUIS , DAVID K'IPP, D,ce, ased. NOTICE IS GIVEN that Laura Klpp has been appointed and qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testa- ment and of the Estate of Louis David Klpp deceased that all claims agahlst said estate, or said de'ceased faust be srved, duly verified in duplicate with the necessary vouchers attached, upon said Eecutrix or her attorne:y and agent, Robert L. Snyder. and filed wtth proof of service with the Clerk el aid Court wlthlu six (6) months from the date of first publication of thls notice, to-wlt: February 5, 1959. ALL CLAIMS not so presented and filed will be forever barred. AURA KIPP xecutrlx W. Matilija, Ojai, California ROBERT, L. SNYDER Attorney & Agent for Executrix ey Building hetton. Washington 2/5-12-19-26 4t NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING NOTICE is hereby .given that prelim- lnary budgets nave now been pre- pared and places nn file In the Au- dltot*'s office for the following funds: Olvil Defense )n County Fair Fund ICE is further given tbat this Board will meet at the Court House in Shelton o the 2nd day of March, 1969. at the hour of 2:00 P.M., for the pnrpose of flxlnfr a final bdget on these l;nds and any taxpayer may appear at said heartng and, be heard for or agalist the said proposed bud- fret. Dated at Shelton, Washington, this lth day of February, 1959. IOARD OF COUNTY COMMISo 81ONERS OI MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON By Stle E. Pauley, Acting clerk ot  the Board. 2/19 It No. 3034 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DIRTRIBIITION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of MAY L. RAYMOND. Deceased. William H. Raymond, Administrator of th( said Estate. has filed in the said Court hie final repart and petition for distribution asking the Court to settle sal r.port, distribute theprop- erty to the person thereto entitled still disharge the ald Administrator. Said reDort and petltion will be heard on the 20th day of March, 1959, at 10 A,M., in the Courtroom of said Court, in the County Courthouse at Shelton, Wash- Ington. DATED THIS 17th day of February, 1959, HARRY DEYETTE Clerk of said Court, ROBERT L. SNYDER Govcy Building Shelton. Washlngtor, Attorney for Administrator. 2/19-26-8/5-12 41 MT. VIEW ALLIANOE DHUROH A Washlngt0n & J Streets Rev, Eugene Ereld, PNtor • -. ROY DUNN 1,t .A .,,35 ..................................................................... ,= REALTOR Moraing Wo'rip ................................................................ 1i:00 .m. Yoking People a ..................................... '. ............................. "t1:80 ] .I. ""' • Title Insurance Bldg " 4 ....................................   i'" "" ........ :i : ........ : ........................... 'iS : :': '" " " h " ' ::" kr 0 "'r " Mid-week Service Wdnesday .......................................... 7:30 p.m. CAIJ FOR BIDS Se.led bids will he ree, dv,d for the renioval of linl, p(wlablo builllhlg, ap- proxiliisiely 24 II. x 30 ft., fr-in tlw pt'plnises of the fornl0f l.incohl St.|ill01 site. Souih 6th and Cota Str(.ls, Sh,'l-. ton, %Vli.hirlghllci, 11nttl :(l(J ll.lll. Msl'ch 10, 1959, al llie offlel of Iho sctiool ch.rk, I,]w:'l'grel,u Sctiool. Sli,llon, Ql>h - lngton, ai whic.h tillw the bills will lit, opentd anti r,'fld tiloud. ]{i,llllivll] tit In, (',, el(' e( within 6 dies of bhl ec .,i i- tauce. A clwck f¢lr 1(} 1)iq'-<etlt (d' anl(lllnt (l[ bid .llliil })P each,sod wii]i : the bid. ThP l-hmrd rP.or;'es lhp i'ih| to i,o- jPct ally or till bhls r*'t:oivt;d, 1:1,%' Or- dlq' of tiu' Bllard of 1)irlcll,rs of Silcl- t()rl (?l)l'l.(i]il][li(+'d School l')ii;!':i,q N<). :10.q, Stw]tllll, iVashilllziNn, D'oli 't i 'v 1.i,, , 1(), (  /s/ LAUI.A T. MURPttY, Ch,rk 2/19.2(;-3,:, :it Sai.l David's Church (Episcopal) 4th / Cedar Street| Rev. Robert Bonner Echols, Vicar .>rid FRIDAY IN LENT: 8 p.m.-Dewltional Servic.e and Prayer Book .Instruction. !: $ * .nd SUNDAY OF LENT: Services 9 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. - 11 a.m. Young People's Fel- lowship 630 p.m. i i i ii Pa lh MISSIONARY BAPTIST MISSION Memorial Bruiidillg Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday Sponsored by First Missionary Saptist Church of Puyallup, Wash. EVel"yone Welcome FJrst 9hrisllan Church !'New Testament Christianit Lewis E. Whitney, Minister Odd Fellows Ilall SECOND STREET Bible School 9:45 a.m. Church SePvices 11:00 e.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. FISHERMEN'S CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM • 3RD & COTA SUNDAY, FEB. 22-- 9:15 a,m, Coffee time. 9:30 a.m. Guest speakerMardi¢ Stroud. "Why Are Homes Expensive? '' 10:00 a.m. Bible Study. "A Poor Place to Stand" ' i j i iii i i i i . i  i YOU ARE WELCOME AT THE FRIENDLY SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF 60D 130 East Pine St. • Mason Younglund, Pastor • * tt $ * Sunday School ................................................................... 9:45 a,m. Classes for All Ages Morning Worship ................................................................. 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors .......................................................... 6:00 p,m. Evangelistic Service .............................................................. 7:0n p.m. Listen to Revlvaltlme, Sunday, 10:30 p.m., KIRO -- i N ,I I I t I I ,,I _ THE METHODIST CHURDH I 4th & Pine -- Parsonage 320 N. 4th .... Phone HA 6-4174 | CHARLES T, HATTEN, Minister I' Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. I Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session 11:00 a.m. I i --.-;7-- ................................... ", ..................  ............... Z7 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Church 11 a.m. Wedn(day evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Readingoom hours 2 to 4 p.m. Men. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Seventh & Franklin Sts.- J. Bernhard Bretheim, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday wor,hlp service 11 a.m. Mid-week Service--Wed,, 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p,m. i i i i i , , ,, i, , L CHURCH OF THE FOUR SQUARE GOSPEL 910 E. DEARBORN Sunday Sohool ............................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ........................................ 11:{)0 a.m. Evangelistic Servioe ..................... ................ "/:00 p.m. Prayer Meetin ........................ Wednesday 7:o0 p.m. REV. GARY N. BLACK, Pastor . i ii J ) I BAPTIST FIRST CHURCH 5th & Cota Rev. E, C. Knautz, Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 9:45 a.m. Sunday 'Sch0ol. 11:00 a.m, Morning Worship. "1%ey Changed Their Minds" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. Four Deoartments. 7:00 p.m. 17-rain. color fi|m "$alwation and Christian Fel- lowship. Melmage "Here's Your Answer" , u Harvey Boee Ethel Bell William Berg Marthe.a. Rarmem Ethel Mason Curios Costumes Slides Missionary Messages EVERYONE WELCOME FEBRUARY 22 THRU MARCH I 7:30 p.m. each Evening, Sun., Mar. 1, 11 a.m. lit. View Ailiam Ch,rch WASHINGTON AND J STS. EUG<ENff IllEll, PASTOR t 2 J