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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 19, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 19, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 16 TOOLS :' ":'2 ..... ) .7,.' LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. FIRST ST. All Kinds LUMBER For All Purposes INDUSTRIAL & BUILDERS SUPPLY FIRST and PINE Phone HA 6-4393 ............... II HI Kimbel Logging Company Modern Equipment Operated By Experienced Men FOR LAND CLEARING • BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING • DITCHING • BULKHEADING • BULLDOZING • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PILEDRIVING For Land or Water • PILING AND LOGS For Sale PHONE  HA. 6-6203 Southside News By Mrs. Ray Kratcha SOUTHSIDE.- Live Wires 4-ti club meeting was called to order at the home of Elaine Rodgers. The secretary was absent, so roll call was taken and demonstrations were discussed for the month of May. The club is learning to knit. Their firs[ item is called a "head hugger." Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Bur- nett and Betty Wolf are helping the club. Also a box will be set up at the Safeway store for say- lug "Boyd" coffee lids. Please contribute any lids that you have. A demonstration was given by Elaine Rodgers and the meeting was adjourned. The next meet- ing will be held at Augusta Rol- lins' home. No date has been set. FRIENDSHIP CLUB met at Mrs. Roy Brumbaugh's on Wed- neaday. The next meeting will. be held at Mrs. Harlon Parkers' on Hillcrest Feb. 18, and they're going to work on quilts. WEEKEND GUESTS of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Putvin were Ar- lene Putvin of Portland, Ore., Mrs. Lydia Blair, also of Portland, and Carolyn Mahn of Mt. Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. John Holtorf and family attended the anniversary dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Staley of Seattle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cole- man. MR. AND Mrs. Glen Kratcha and Michael of Slletz, Ore., were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kadoun and family, Walt Kratcha, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston of Matlock, Mrs. John Lester and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Janiee. Regular meeting of the South- side Grange will be held Feb. 20. Southside Grange takes the trav- eling gavel to Progress Grange Feb. 27. CALLERS ON Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wolden after church Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ogden, Mike and Robbyn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Putvin, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wolden and children, Gene Roe and Madelyn Anderson, and three girls. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolden and Lou Ann of Seattle, Walt Wol- den and son, Mark, and Jerry Vii- lines spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wolden. Time Watchers 4-H Club met at Sandy BedeWs Feb. 12. The club decided to make a scrapbook kit with paper cards and glue, to send to the Children's Orthopedic in either Seattle or Tacoma. The club elected a new vice president, because Nancy Howard has moved away. Joan Quimby was elected! the new vice president. The club is going to give a skit Feb. 21, at the armory for the Rally Night. The next project meeting will be held at Sandy Bcdell's on Feb. 19. Janice Kratcha sang on the Bill and Grover program on TV Fri- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Weirauch and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Jan/re visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boysen Sunday. It Yet.dh Granted Three I I Year Deferred Term Robert Hodgson, 18, Shelton, was granted a deferred sentence of three years in the Mason eotmty superior court Friday morning from Judge Charles T. Wright. Hodgson pleaded guilty to charge of taking indecent liberties involving children. He had been sent to the Western State Hospi- tal for observation in October. A person on deferred sentence must report to his parole officer and maintain a good record dur- ing the time of the sentence but the charge is dropped if he meets these requirements. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.,", Shelton, Washington Harstine Island By Donette Glaser IIAFUT[NE.-- Friday the Har- stint school children had their an- nual Valentine party at the school. Parents, grandparents and pre- school children attended. The children read for their guests and then presented a skit. They gave their mothers a lovely plant in a can they had decorated with plas- ter of paris and then painted with hearLu. Also their mothers got a very lovely silhouette of their child or children whatever the case may be. They served a lovely lunch and then had their Valen- tine box. Those attending besides the school children and the teach- er were Mrs. Clair Wingert, Mrs. Meeks, Mrs. Smalley, Mrs. Waite, Mrs. Knauf and Terry and Day/e, Mrs. Barnett and Nancy, Mrs. Laura Glaser and Mark and Ran- dy, Mrs. H. V. Glaser and the kidlets. MR. AND Mrs. Charlie Stevens and granddaughter of Tacoma were on the Island this weekend at their home on the south end of the Island. Mr. and Mrs. George Wangelin of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Jer- rells of Seattle spent the weekend at their homes on Point Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chaffee spent most of last week visiting in Se- attle with Odeyne's brother, Mr. Byers, and with the Gregersens of LI'TLE SKOOKUM BAY By manette Moore LITTLE SKOOKUM BAY. -- Plans are getting under way for a public dance to be held March 14 at Little Skookum Bay Commun- ity hall with music by Buzzard's orchestra. Sounds like fun and everyone is invited---so mark that date on the calendar. LADIES CLUB met last Thurs- day with Ruth Wallin as hostess for the day. A very interesting afternoon it was too, with a love- ly view of the bay and Mt. Rain- ier from the Wallins' picture win- dows, delicious luncheon and some fascinating first-hand information and humorous stories about the Arabim people from Mrs. Frank Bishop, collected during her ex- tensive trip last year. Viewing the action-packed bas- ketball game between the Cheney Studs of Tacoma, who are ex-col- lege basketball stars, and the Fort Lewis Soldiers in the Shelton gym Sunday were Mrs. Cliff Roundtree and son, David. Glad to hear Bill Marcy is home from the hospital and feeling much better this week. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, Viv- Jan Marcy's brother, Bob Purvis, and his family, called at the Mar- cy home. A slumber party took place at Thursday, the home of Mr. and :Mrs. Ed Car- ney Saturday night when Ed's sister, Sue Carney, had , guests, seven or eight girls. D/anne Sells of olympia spent this weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sells and sis- ter, Pamela. Ernest Moore and family of Se- attle spent Saturday with Mr. Moore's mother, Mrs. Ernest I Moore, of Little Skookum. I MRS. JOHN Blanton and three I little daughters spent Sunday of-I ternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lynch. I The Bill Price family made a trip to Tacoma Sunday to visit friends, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Us-i borne and family, dinner II Walter S. Allen had as guests Friday, his daughter, Mrs. Lucille Dodge, Lucille's little girl, Linda, and Pete VandcrWal. SUNDAY EVENING dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Oliver were Mr. and Mrs. A. Fagergren and Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Frank. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan drove to Mt. Vernon and Concrete Sunday to visit relatives there. Spending last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wallin were their daughter, Mrs. Dick Bennett, and their little granddaugter, Ann. Sunday the Wallins drove them back home to Seattle. MRS. WALLIN is spending.a few days In Vancouver with an- other daughter, Marcia, this week. OUR IS THE when it comes to heating. Assure ', a cozy, this cold weather ordering top from-- KNIVES, SCISSORS SHARPENED • KEYS MADE • BIOYOLES, LAWNMOWERS REPAIRED • GENERAL REPAIRS • SLEYSTER'S BIKE & RXlT SHOP 223 Cots 8treet Phone HA 6-8118 Olalla. They returned home Sat- urday. Saturday night the Commun- ity hall was the scene of a house- warming party for Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Crouch. The hall was very beautifully decorated with daffo- :dils and pussy willows. Table dis- plays were made by Mrs. A1 Prid- ham. The Valentine motif was also carried out. After dancing, luncheon was served. Some fifty friends of the couple attended the party. Miss Cathy Archer of Shelton was the weekend guest of Miss Cindy Watte. THE H. V. Glasers Journeyed to Sedro Woolley, Wash., this past weekend to visit the T. L. Mid- dlestetters, the Benny Wilsons and the Val Ellisses. The.highlight of the trip was a visit to Space City located east of Big Lake in the Walker Valley of Skagit county. This is the most beautiful minia- ture city. It has hundreds of buildings and all of the things that you can imagine a city on Mars or one of the future would have. Each building is lit up and there is an atomic energy plant as well as rocket launching pads, and of course, rocket ships. This dis- play is located in the front yard of its designer, Mr. Frank A. Rei- nards. Mr. Reinard has been in the process of making this city for three years. When asked how long a project like this takes, Mr. Reinards said that you just keep adding to something like this and that a life.time isn't long enough to complete it. Any of you folks going that way, it is well worth your time even if you have to drive out of your way to see it. IT IS very enlightening to know that children from small schools have as good a chance as city kids when they enter big schoois. Miss Cindy Waite, who attended Harstine Island school for five years, entered Sedro Woolley school this past fall. When Cin- dy left to come back to the Island to live she was editor of her school paper. Chosen by over two hun- dred other students for this Job. Congratulations, Cindy, we hear you did a wonderful job. Islanders wish to extend their sincere sympathy to Mrs. Ray McCulloch who lost her brother this past week. Margaret's broth- er, L. H. I)gan, passed away in the Veterans Hospital in Iowa City, Iowa, this past Thursday. WE WOULD like at this time to welcome some new subscribers to Tbriftway Frozen Foods MORTON'S CHERRY PIES 00.oz PKG ..... HEAT ASSTD. 6-oz. 39 c S/'l Feb, FROZEN 2/33' Prices . O.DoPINd i 10-oz. Noon Thurs., - 19 - 20 - Right to T 0 M A T 0 E S I MANNING'S -., oR COFF 0-w DRINK € 46-OZ, GANS. 1-LB. CAN.. , ,,,,,, Thriftway's Meats Hunt's - 46-Oz. i°G'i'’ 23 c SMOK D PICNIC • • • Carsten's Hy-Grade, Ready-to-Eat the Journal and to the Harstine c'"* J I " 53 c NEVER TOO EARLY Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eddy of Ho- L Bu,, € Poun :;il quiam, Wash. "..o.. sKINLESS WEINER Christian meeting was held at I For Only. • • • • • NEVER TOO LATE. the school house Friday night and " again on Sunday. Meetings for th-is wtek are on ]P;dday at 7:30 Now I, 1%e Time and'Sunday at3:30. People from MILK AM'" '*" 51' ... aii the isled are ked to r t/it EEREAD ,L, .OX member, that the ferry leaves the mainland at 3 sharp. CHERRIES Tastewell Red Sour 23 Mr. Andy Stamborsky spent this € James Henry Brand past week in Seattle. Pitted ............................. 303 CAN B ibm WE WOULD llkeatthlStime ,..,. ...... , . =.= Pound Pkg to wish some happy birthdays, so IMlY IIIE'IE'II Maxll Hou. j’ € 4 to Mrs. Odeyne Chaffee who is 7€ OFF DEAL 60Z celebrating her day on the 25th .BIl--I wrrcr. --- and to Mrs. Edith Smalley who is celebrating her day on the 23rd, DARIGOLD HILK 3/39' "-- ' ....... and to Little Mls Suzan Glaser, --- TALL CANS Thrift L E T Y 0 U R wo is celebrating her day on the SCOTT TISSUE 45 La00gendor, 19th, and to Mrs. Lillian Sinclair, on the I6th, we would like to say, € " %EY ::K waters"Many lmppy returns of the day." GOID,EDAI K; "'-us Asseded 00okle.? Calif. New Crop. All Green H ., o 49. CABBAGE tended a meeting Monday night at 14-oz. the state legislature on the con- llU I. trolling of the operation of boats DARIGOLO p g. • • • and water skiing equipment on Ib of Mason county. This deals mainly with controlling the These Pr,=,s ...o iv. o.,, wh.. you u. OOTTAGE recklessness of equipment on wa- 25€ Coupon from Gold Medal Advertise- Blaekie's ters in Washington state, ment ..wh.. in *he o...., CHEESE Farm F,esh Lo., MR. AND Mrs. Chapin Fcmter Per Annum Current Dividend HOME LOAN All accounts Insured up to $10,000 by F.S. & L. and I.C. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Wash. DI RECTORS-.- ARNOLD KOUToNEN HAZEL WALMER JOHN S. LYNCH, JR. V. tL LAWRENCE J. C. MINSHUI CARLTON I. SEARS Security Bldg., Olympia, 0FFICER.- Carlton I. Sears, President V. R. Lawrence, Exec. Vice Pre& Hazel Walmer, Secretary-Treas. Eugene Do, an, Asst. Seey.-Tr. J. C. Minshull, Vice President NEW CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES 3V=% PER ANNUM of Des Moines were on the island this past week visiting the John Hitchcecks. Mr. and Mrs. Foster are leaving for an extended trip to the Holy Imd. Chopin is best known for his work as director of the Washington State Historical Society. Weekend guests of the Hitchcoeks were their son and family, Yir. and Mrs. Lyle Hitch- cock and children of Olympia. Adventists Plan Week's Services The Seventh Day Adventist church midweek prayer service will start on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. The Sabbath school begins at 9:30 a.m. (Saturdays) with classes for all ages, worship service at 11 o'clock. Hear "Bible Questions Answered" over Radio KOMO, 9:30 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 22, on the Voice of Prophecy broadcast. The Naval Research Laboratory employs a radio tracking system known as "Minitrack" to track the earth-clcling satellite. Rhubarb w..,,....o ,0, ,0,o extra fancy ........... Lb. A I _ Delicious, ex. roy. 4o. ppes ,.......ox.. 2 B • Tender, /romaine ................ ..- Only AA MEDIUM ;2 IAz 5-LB.0 84: BAG 10-LB. s! 2S-LB. BAG, 94 s 4 50-LB.BAG = 04 Pint Carton Cream Style 25 ’ Dozen E Q ?9 € LIPTON TEA OvenA'B'C'Fresh A J A X ORACKERS GIANT CLEANSER 48 4’ Ba00, 67'0000:45' 00'Lb" 2/41' .... 4S o. 2Oth CENTURY On H/I/crest GIANT FAB T A LR E Y T 0 DETERGENT DUAL Save 12’ i€ Cigarettes Each...  Per Ctn... LIPTON SOUP MIXES CHICKEN NOODLE or TOMATO VEGETABLE 3 -PACK € CARTON Onion Soup Page 16 TOOLS :' ":'2 ..... ) .7,.' LAWTON LUMBER 420 S. FIRST ST. All Kinds LUMBER For All Purposes INDUSTRIAL & BUILDERS SUPPLY FIRST and PINE Phone HA 6-4393 ............... II HI Kimbel Logging Company Modern Equipment Operated By Experienced Men FOR LAND CLEARING • BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING • DITCHING • BULKHEADING • BULLDOZING • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PILEDRIVING For Land or Water • PILING AND LOGS For Sale PHONE  HA. 6-6203 Southside News By Mrs. Ray Kratcha SOUTHSIDE.- Live Wires 4-ti club meeting was called to order at the home of Elaine Rodgers. The secretary was absent, so roll call was taken and demonstrations were discussed for the month of May. The club is learning to knit. Their firs[ item is called a "head hugger." Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Bur- nett and Betty Wolf are helping the club. Also a box will be set up at the Safeway store for say- lug "Boyd" coffee lids. Please contribute any lids that you have. A demonstration was given by Elaine Rodgers and the meeting was adjourned. The next meet- ing will be held at Augusta Rol- lins' home. No date has been set. FRIENDSHIP CLUB met at Mrs. Roy Brumbaugh's on Wed- neaday. The next meeting will. be held at Mrs. Harlon Parkers' on Hillcrest Feb. 18, and they're going to work on quilts. WEEKEND GUESTS of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Putvin were Ar- lene Putvin of Portland, Ore., Mrs. Lydia Blair, also of Portland, and Carolyn Mahn of Mt. Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. John Holtorf and family attended the anniversary dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Staley of Seattle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cole- man. MR. AND Mrs. Glen Kratcha and Michael of Slletz, Ore., were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kadoun and family, Walt Kratcha, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston of Matlock, Mrs. John Lester and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Janiee. Regular meeting of the South- side Grange will be held Feb. 20. Southside Grange takes the trav- eling gavel to Progress Grange Feb. 27. CALLERS ON Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wolden after church Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ogden, Mike and Robbyn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Putvin, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wolden and children, Gene Roe and Madelyn Anderson, and three girls. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolden and Lou Ann of Seattle, Walt Wol- den and son, Mark, and Jerry Vii- lines spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wolden. Time Watchers 4-H Club met at Sandy BedeWs Feb. 12. The club decided to make a scrapbook kit with paper cards and glue, to send to the Children's Orthopedic in either Seattle or Tacoma. The club elected a new vice president, because Nancy Howard has moved away. Joan Quimby was elected! the new vice president. The club is going to give a skit Feb. 21, at the armory for the Rally Night. The next project meeting will be held at Sandy Bcdell's on Feb. 19. Janice Kratcha sang on the Bill and Grover program on TV Fri- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Weirauch and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Jan/re visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boysen Sunday. It Yet.dh Granted Three I I Year Deferred Term Robert Hodgson, 18, Shelton, was granted a deferred sentence of three years in the Mason eotmty superior court Friday morning from Judge Charles T. Wright. Hodgson pleaded guilty to charge of taking indecent liberties involving children. He had been sent to the Western State Hospi- tal for observation in October. A person on deferred sentence must report to his parole officer and maintain a good record dur- ing the time of the sentence but the charge is dropped if he meets these requirements. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.,", Shelton, Washington Harstine Island By Donette Glaser IIAFUT[NE.-- Friday the Har- stint school children had their an- nual Valentine party at the school. Parents, grandparents and pre- school children attended. The children read for their guests and then presented a skit. They gave their mothers a lovely plant in a can they had decorated with plas- ter of paris and then painted with hearLu. Also their mothers got a very lovely silhouette of their child or children whatever the case may be. They served a lovely lunch and then had their Valen- tine box. Those attending besides the school children and the teach- er were Mrs. Clair Wingert, Mrs. Meeks, Mrs. Smalley, Mrs. Waite, Mrs. Knauf and Terry and Day/e, Mrs. Barnett and Nancy, Mrs. Laura Glaser and Mark and Ran- dy, Mrs. H. V. Glaser and the kidlets. MR. AND Mrs. Charlie Stevens and granddaughter of Tacoma were on the Island this weekend at their home on the south end of the Island. Mr. and Mrs. George Wangelin of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Jer- rells of Seattle spent the weekend at their homes on Point Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chaffee spent most of last week visiting in Se- attle with Odeyne's brother, Mr. Byers, and with the Gregersens of LI'TLE SKOOKUM BAY By manette Moore LITTLE SKOOKUM BAY. -- Plans are getting under way for a public dance to be held March 14 at Little Skookum Bay Commun- ity hall with music by Buzzard's orchestra. Sounds like fun and everyone is invited---so mark that date on the calendar. LADIES CLUB met last Thurs- day with Ruth Wallin as hostess for the day. A very interesting afternoon it was too, with a love- ly view of the bay and Mt. Rain- ier from the Wallins' picture win- dows, delicious luncheon and some fascinating first-hand information and humorous stories about the Arabim people from Mrs. Frank Bishop, collected during her ex- tensive trip last year. Viewing the action-packed bas- ketball game between the Cheney Studs of Tacoma, who are ex-col- lege basketball stars, and the Fort Lewis Soldiers in the Shelton gym Sunday were Mrs. Cliff Roundtree and son, David. Glad to hear Bill Marcy is home from the hospital and feeling much better this week. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, Viv- Jan Marcy's brother, Bob Purvis, and his family, called at the Mar- cy home. A slumber party took place at Thursday, the home of Mr. and :Mrs. Ed Car- ney Saturday night when Ed's sister, Sue Carney, had , guests, seven or eight girls. D/anne Sells of olympia spent this weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sells and sis- ter, Pamela. Ernest Moore and family of Se- attle spent Saturday with Mr. Moore's mother, Mrs. Ernest I Moore, of Little Skookum. I MRS. JOHN Blanton and three I little daughters spent Sunday of-I ternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lynch. I The Bill Price family made a trip to Tacoma Sunday to visit friends, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Us-i borne and family, dinner II Walter S. Allen had as guests Friday, his daughter, Mrs. Lucille Dodge, Lucille's little girl, Linda, and Pete VandcrWal. SUNDAY EVENING dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Oliver were Mr. and Mrs. A. Fagergren and Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Frank. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan drove to Mt. Vernon and Concrete Sunday to visit relatives there. Spending last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wallin were their daughter, Mrs. Dick Bennett, and their little granddaugter, Ann. Sunday the Wallins drove them back home to Seattle. MRS. WALLIN is spending.a few days In Vancouver with an- other daughter, Marcia, this week. OUR IS THE when it comes to heating. Assure ', a cozy, this cold weather ordering top from-- KNIVES, SCISSORS SHARPENED • KEYS MADE • BIOYOLES, LAWNMOWERS REPAIRED • GENERAL REPAIRS • SLEYSTER'S BIKE & RXlT SHOP 223 Cots 8treet Phone HA 6-8118 Olalla. They returned home Sat- urday. Saturday night the Commun- ity hall was the scene of a house- warming party for Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Crouch. The hall was very beautifully decorated with daffo- :dils and pussy willows. Table dis- plays were made by Mrs. A1 Prid- ham. The Valentine motif was also carried out. After dancing, luncheon was served. Some fifty friends of the couple attended the party. Miss Cathy Archer of Shelton was the weekend guest of Miss Cindy Watte. THE H. V. Glasers Journeyed to Sedro Woolley, Wash., this past weekend to visit the T. L. Mid- dlestetters, the Benny Wilsons and the Val Ellisses. The.highlight of the trip was a visit to Space City located east of Big Lake in the Walker Valley of Skagit county. This is the most beautiful minia- ture city. It has hundreds of buildings and all of the things that you can imagine a city on Mars or one of the future would have. Each building is lit up and there is an atomic energy plant as well as rocket launching pads, and of course, rocket ships. This dis- play is located in the front yard of its designer, Mr. Frank A. Rei- nards. Mr. Reinard has been in the process of making this city for three years. When asked how long a project like this takes, Mr. Reinards said that you just keep adding to something like this and that a life.time isn't long enough to complete it. Any of you folks going that way, it is well worth your time even if you have to drive out of your way to see it. IT IS very enlightening to know that children from small schools have as good a chance as city kids when they enter big schoois. Miss Cindy Waite, who attended Harstine Island school for five years, entered Sedro Woolley school this past fall. When Cin- dy left to come back to the Island to live she was editor of her school paper. Chosen by over two hun- dred other students for this Job. Congratulations, Cindy, we hear you did a wonderful job. Islanders wish to extend their sincere sympathy to Mrs. Ray McCulloch who lost her brother this past week. Margaret's broth- er, L. H. I)gan, passed away in the Veterans Hospital in Iowa City, Iowa, this past Thursday. WE WOULD like at this time to welcome some new subscribers to Tbriftway Frozen Foods MORTON'S CHERRY PIES 00.oz PKG ..... HEAT ASSTD. 6-oz. 39 c S/'l Feb, FROZEN 2/33' Prices . O.DoPINd i 10-oz. Noon Thurs., - 19 - 20 - Right to T 0 M A T 0 E S I MANNING'S -., oR COFF 0-w DRINK € 46-OZ, GANS. 1-LB. CAN.. , ,,,,,, Thriftway's Meats Hunt's - 46-Oz. i°G'i'’ 23 c SMOK D PICNIC • • • Carsten's Hy-Grade, Ready-to-Eat the Journal and to the Harstine c'"* J I " 53 c NEVER TOO EARLY Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eddy of Ho- L Bu,, € Poun :;il quiam, Wash. "..o.. sKINLESS WEINER Christian meeting was held at I For Only. • • • • • NEVER TOO LATE. the school house Friday night and " again on Sunday. Meetings for th-is wtek are on ]P;dday at 7:30 Now I, 1%e Time and'Sunday at3:30. People from MILK AM'" '*" 51' ... aii the isled are ked to r t/it EEREAD ,L, .OX member, that the ferry leaves the mainland at 3 sharp. CHERRIES Tastewell Red Sour 23 Mr. Andy Stamborsky spent this € James Henry Brand past week in Seattle. Pitted ............................. 303 CAN B ibm WE WOULD llkeatthlStime ,..,. ...... , . =.= Pound Pkg to wish some happy birthdays, so IMlY IIIE'IE'II Maxll Hou. j’ € 4 to Mrs. Odeyne Chaffee who is 7€ OFF DEAL 60Z celebrating her day on the 25th .BIl--I wrrcr. --- and to Mrs. Edith Smalley who is celebrating her day on the 23rd, DARIGOLD HILK 3/39' "-- ' ....... and to Little Mls Suzan Glaser, --- TALL CANS Thrift L E T Y 0 U R wo is celebrating her day on the SCOTT TISSUE 45 La00gendor, 19th, and to Mrs. Lillian Sinclair, on the I6th, we would like to say, € " %EY ::K waters"Many lmppy returns of the day." GOID,EDAI K; "'-us Asseded 00okle.? Calif. New Crop. All Green H ., o 49. CABBAGE tended a meeting Monday night at 14-oz. the state legislature on the con- llU I. trolling of the operation of boats DARIGOLO p g. • • • and water skiing equipment on Ib of Mason county. This deals mainly with controlling the These Pr,=,s ...o iv. o.,, wh.. you u. OOTTAGE recklessness of equipment on wa- 25€ Coupon from Gold Medal Advertise- Blaekie's ters in Washington state, ment ..wh.. in *he o...., CHEESE Farm F,esh Lo., MR. AND Mrs. Chapin Fcmter Per Annum Current Dividend HOME LOAN All accounts Insured up to $10,000 by F.S. & L. and I.C. THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Wash. DI RECTORS-.- ARNOLD KOUToNEN HAZEL WALMER JOHN S. LYNCH, JR. V. tL LAWRENCE J. C. MINSHUI CARLTON I. SEARS Security Bldg., Olympia, 0FFICER.- Carlton I. Sears, President V. R. Lawrence, Exec. Vice Pre& Hazel Walmer, Secretary-Treas. Eugene Do, an, Asst. Seey.-Tr. J. C. Minshull, Vice President NEW CURRENT DIVIDEND RATES 3V=% PER ANNUM of Des Moines were on the island this past week visiting the John Hitchcecks. Mr. and Mrs. Foster are leaving for an extended trip to the Holy Imd. Chopin is best known for his work as director of the Washington State Historical Society. Weekend guests of the Hitchcoeks were their son and family, Yir. and Mrs. Lyle Hitch- cock and children of Olympia. Adventists Plan Week's Services The Seventh Day Adventist church midweek prayer service will start on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. The Sabbath school begins at 9:30 a.m. (Saturdays) with classes for all ages, worship service at 11 o'clock. Hear "Bible Questions Answered" over Radio KOMO, 9:30 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 22, on the Voice of Prophecy broadcast. The Naval Research Laboratory employs a radio tracking system known as "Minitrack" to track the earth-clcling satellite. Rhubarb w..,,....o ,0, ,0,o extra fancy ........... Lb. A I _ Delicious, ex. roy. 4o. ppes ,.......ox.. 2 B • Tender, /romaine ................ ..- Only AA MEDIUM ;2 IAz 5-LB.0 84: BAG 10-LB. s! 2S-LB. BAG, 94 s 4 50-LB.BAG = 04 Pint Carton Cream Style 25 ’ Dozen E Q ?9 € LIPTON TEA OvenA'B'C'Fresh A J A X ORACKERS GIANT CLEANSER 48 4’ Ba00, 67'0000:45' 00'Lb" 2/41' .... 4S o. 2Oth CENTURY On H/I/crest GIANT FAB T A LR E Y T 0 DETERGENT DUAL Save 12’ i€ Cigarettes Each...  Per Ctn... LIPTON SOUP MIXES CHICKEN NOODLE or TOMATO VEGETABLE 3 -PACK € CARTON Onion Soup