February 19, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 19, 1970 |
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Jerry Seipp, 27, has been
named juvenile probation
counselor in the Mason County
Juvenile Probation Department.
He started his duties with the
The brush poaching problem
will be discussed at a meeting of
office this week.
the Evergreen Workers
Before coming here, he was a Association at 8 p.m. tonight in
camp counselor at Cedar Creek the IWA hall, Second and Grove.
, Youth Camp and before that was A program, which will be
at Green Hill, a juvenile outlined at the meeting, has been
institution at Chehalis. effective in preventing 95 per cent
of the poaching in areas in which
Mrs. Pollock said the problem
persons migrate into areas where
Brush workers either own or
remove evergreen brush without a
permit. The penalty for violation
of the law, she said, is a $250
y :~ Mrs. Wanda Hill, president of
the Shelton area group will be in
i charge of the meeting. All brush
Seipp grew up in the QuinCYof Juaae first MeorSbe .112111 ,,~,.,,.~,,,,.,, ,, ,,tOnat~..._..,,,manoePrs was to ta e the~,,,,,,, ~,,;a~~pnyslclanOOOt.as.~,,ane it is in effect, according to MrS.Base, She was born April Calif.; Robert Allan, Seattle,=~ I/V/15, 1914 in
area and is a graduate of Quincy Russell Pollock, Brinnon, who
I ttigh School. He is a graduate of to hiS ~nee omy as prescrmeu
I St. Martin's College, Olympia. He will be the speaker at the meeting.
I is married.
1 The addition of a juvenile of brushpoaching has increased as
• ~"
| probation counselor m the Mason i unemployment in other fields has
| County Office was made possible increased and unemployed
| by a state program approved by ':
| the 1969 Legislature under which / ~{ brush is available.
| the state provides funds for this 1
1 type of work. "1 | lease the majority of the good
| Seipp will be working with | brush land, she said, and it is
c - young people who have been ~ unlawful for anyone to pick or
J~ r -y Seipp made wards of the court. .....
' h " fine
er I htsS op
e Is C i ,lied workers in the areaarewelcome
, THE VALENTINE party for youngsters at the Multi-Service to attend.
t h .... 1 ..... :~ (o u n t y They stated they would like to Center Friday night was well attended. The youngsters had
..... ~ ~,~ il~ meeting hire her at a salary of $300 a refreshments and took part in activities directed by a group
~ ~, I the )r¢) used month since she knew the job
...... ~ '-!' " ! P " " " of older girls and adults. CClUSe
.:: ~ .,:',u,,-,t Bc~erl~ lteights already.
: ~ 'i lb~ ,llc had beenShe will answer the telephone
', ' i t ~ ~4 by tile and radio for the Sheriff's sub " Death/ola
, ....... . . • •
, I ,:., station and will do voter I l III I I _____ I
i ..... '....;.,n said "'after registration and sell auto licenses I a I n T5 The death of Arlene Esther
.. .... , . ~t ,r, of the sale. for the auditor. ~ Allan, 55, Shelton, was due to an
,.., ;.. < ......... ,.v lhc County The commission approved a apparent accidental overdose of
. , ..... ,l a better budget extension to pay salary for Four prisoners in theMason their problems were. jail telephone log book which lists sleeping pills and pain medication,
" ' ~ , i ~ ~fe of the the clerk in the Belfair office County jail, who asked to appear All four stated they had been calls made by prisoners, to whom according to her physician,
i , ,i '~i, i' 'd~wn the The commission accepted the before the judge to lodge denied the right to make they are made and if they are Coroner John C. Ragan said
i,,~ , • ~ i" r'/i , i na the bid of Ace Paving Co to furnish complaints against the operation telephone calls to their attorneys, completed or not. Tuesday.
~ i ~ lu~,.~c ~c~rc:~iional 4 500 cubic yards of cover stone of jail had an opportunity Friday In answer to the complaints,Judge tlenry told the four Mrs. Allan died in her home
.... , • , q ~ ,,lid ~crve a far f(')r the road department to tell Judge Hewitt Henry whatthe Sheriff's Office presented the prisoners, Robert Lawing, early Tuesday morning.
., ..... pcopc than A request for the vacation T,~,,,,,:; Bs;~cl;,sD,~h~t "(h2 Taw
............ . ..... G~,,,~" o ......... Malta, Mont. and had made her
ii ~ , " [;vans St. in the plat o~ Allyn was .......
. . . requireu mcy ne anoweu one home in Mason County the past
I , , :. I lc CtlUesl denied after the commission and ~ ~ I • • ......... " "'- i
, ~,, ...... ,' o ........ Ir~ ~"'~l'""--'i E~.... r~,l IAIA telephone Call at me time Ol the r three years.
h ~ i ,~.., X ~r v led prosecutor, in cnecKmg tne law, L.=l[]llr~rflIrT rot lq=lllliUi
.......... , ........... ~,,~. w.==. ~ ~ arrest so they were not being She was a registered nurse and
=,,'l , > t c i ~ worR IOund that it a street aoutts on ..... . .... • .
.... , . • • neia wlmout anyone Knowing it.a member of the Washington
i < " s , ~t bst ~t )n water it cannot be vacated • •
.... . ' The jad telephone log book State Nurses Association. She was
i , ' I l{'(Ji t lodlw the commission approved the Buildin_a Is Awarded
............ -- ~ showed that each of the four had a member of the Filer, Idaho,
...... i , q ,' h ~ ~cc i request ot the Civil Air Patrol to " " ed "" e "'
.... + .......... oeen allow" more man on can Methodist Church.
,: i,, ,,~,~ ~,n a use tne county's ampmmous Hoffman Construction 337 000 square foot building *~ - r ....
• . . , . since men a leStb. Survivors include her husband,
.. :, . ,,. t wis DUCK in cooperationwith the Company of Portland, Ore should begin about March 1 with ..........
• . , " ' ~anuers also complained mat
.,, ,~ ,. .... : ,~mug to county CivilDefense Sheriff ssubmitted the a arent low bid of Au~ 15 1971 set as t he ......... Harvey, Shelton; three sons, Sgt.
.... ' ' . . . ' "~ ' " . ne was not nclng given memcanon
' : : . ,: :,~b and Engmeer'sOfflce $7517 700 for construction of completion date A contract will ........ Ronald Allan, Edwards Air Force
library, building to be awarded following college, w'as's~'[osc'dYt~
erected onthecampus of The state and federal review of the~, t:t,). ~.. ....... and Charles Allan, Tumwater; her
• . anerni's omcers tom me juoge
, ~ | | I Evergreen State College bids Schillingersa~d .... ad talked to Sanders' mother, Mrs. Rose Lincoln, Filer,
' ' tney n' " "
tJemocrars z>cneaule Washington's newest four-year The library will be a ......... ldaho;abrother, Wayne Lincoln,
-. '-':~ --" ........ "'~the pnyslclan alter UlSCoverlng ne was
__ _ , __ puom. ~.o.c~c. tnree-story structure wltn " . . .. ,. ,. .... Filer, Idaho; two sisters, Mrs.
.... 1 in 19 .... t nottaKing hiS memclne when n
(t',ll/ll-ii r /Otorrh The firms b~d, mcud g exterior finished ~n llgh ........ Delma White, Filer, Idaho, and
, ,.~i,~ eil~'J~,/Tg'~ ' ~"~ a ~ll,. .- ~lri~41 z:t~ b < ~~iJ~;~ ..... , tllitii'~,:~ ~ ~O~!i1~' ' arcJ'fitel: II1i7~.;' a£: . ,. ..... #.-~:f~... Mrs. lid Wilson, Twin Falls, Idaho,
'~:'~,~ '~%~ t i '~ D'~~ ~ ' r ~: ", .... " ......... ~ e,'d'Oetb'r 'had Funeral Services will be held at
pp';',uc; ,,:~i( ~,..s ~,ie.l~lg'~'a' Arnol~'~J~!lngst .q~:~gesioence, ~~5~L(abuuU.; @ug oasement;Jl~ad;~
pama. tourr instructed the sheriff's officers
~,~,~i. : ,i' I,, at 8 p.m. Rt. 2, Box 16, phone 426-8181, already nas neen expended under Iloor Ior iced service ano ...... ' . " .... 2 p.m. Saturday in the White
M.lr, h ; " Shelton 1 0and CapitolHill separate contract to excavate for conference-seminar rooms. The ",.. " ' [,..I~-. , . . . Mortuary, Twin Falls, Idaho with
, meolclne prcscrmeo tor an injury
• ~\ l~\ in,elf,led I)cnlocrat is precincts, the building to assure that work structure is so designed that those . ,. ........... burial in Sunset Memorial Park,
w~qc,,ll!C I, aliclld tile caucus for Robert Whitmarsh residence, on the library could begin dispite services can be removed and the "' - Twins Falls. Local arrangements
possible adverse weather
conditions. This still leaves the
project cost $109,171 below
Jerry L. Schillinger,
Evergreen's Director of Facilities
Planning. said that work on the
The Fifteenth Anniversary of
the First Christian Church of
Shelton will be celebrated with a
pot-luck dinner, following the
morning services, Feb• 22.
Guest speaker will be Duane
Myers, Seattle, and special music
and program are planned.
The dinner will be served at
1:30 p.m. at the church.
You read it in the paper
and heard it on the news..
have been REDUCED
by about $200.00
1967 G.M.C.
Canopy, 6-cyl., 3 speed .....
1964 FORD
library expanded over the entire Sanders also complained he waswere made by Batstone Funeral
not being given any stationeryHome.
floor if necessary.
and stamps with which to write
Sized for an enrollment of his attorney.
12,000 the building initially will A deputy sheriff told the judge
house library, audio-visual Sanders had been writing one or Mill Shut Down
facilities, small classrooms, more personal letters each day.
faculty and administrative offices, Sanders stated he was borrowing For Thi~ Week
computing and storage space and the stationery and stamps for this.
food services. Non-library The judge told Sanders that Simpson Timber Co. Mill 3 is
function will be moved out as there was nothing in the law shut down this week because of
other campus facilities are which stated he had to be lack of orders, Harold Ahlskog,
constructed with increased furnished with writing material, manager, fir and hemlock lumber,
enrolhnents, and, if he was able to borrow said.
The library was designed by stationery to write personal The mill closed after swing
Durham, Anderson and Freed, letters, he should be able to do so shift Feb. 13 and is scheduled to
Architects, of Seattle. to write his attorney also. re-open on the day shift Feb. 23.
¸¸¸]¸¸¸7 iy:=
Galaxie 500 convertible.
Top like new .............
1720 Jefferson, phone 426-6569,
Shelton precincts 11 and 14.
Grapeview School, Jim Tobey,
phone 426-4940, Allyn and
Grapeview precincts.
Richard Engan residence, Rt. 3,
Box 357A, phone 426-3263,
Arcadia and Mill Creek precincts.
ttarry Elmlund residence, Box
3 I 0 Union, phone 898-2297,
Belfair precincts 1 and 2.
Edison Fisk residence, Tiger
Lake, phone 275-6417, Belfair
precinct 4.
Irvin McArthur residence, Rt.
2, Box 594, phone 426-8300,
Harstine, Miller and Picketing
Little Skookum Hall, Lorraine
White, and Annette McGee,
phone 426-2120, Kamilche
precincts 1 and 2.
Pioneer School, 7th grade
room, Mildred Drebick, phone
426-8449, Lake and Northside
Conner To Speak
At Demo Club
Rep. Paul Conner, Port
Angeles, will speak at 8 p.m.
tonight at the Mason County
Democrat Club meeting.
He will talk about the special
session of the state legislature.
There will also be a question and
answer period.
The public is welcome to
attend the meeting, which is held
in the PUD auditorium.
i'~ ::'i~ Icsidvnce, 622 S.
I ,~ ~ ; ' ; ~ J, V, hcli,,n precincts
, ,: , ~, ',,l,t~niid residence.
7 2~ ", '~ ! I,honc 426-3390,
Stici:,':,,.~. 7 alld N.
('~,~r ~ ,tncll residence,
5i~•I~ ,,, ', ,all, ',i,:n 13, Shelton
i ) i ~,,j,,,~[i~tl~ and Isabella
Stop in, say Hello to the crew in/llll
blue, and receive your Free Gift ill
fro_m Capital Savings this Friday It
in Shelton.
• • t
SHELTON -- First & Railroad, 426-8211
Olym"l. -- ~t~t2e~--:v.OInlgu#& -- she,ton
Page 2- She;ton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, February
LOWREY has created
ORGAN that has a
Tape Recorder. (CA
Only at Johnny's
•.. for people who love music
D,. Built-in automatic rhythm
-- 18 different patterns for
everything you play, from
One-Note Samba to the Beer
Barrel Polka. Just push a
button and you have rhythm
-- the right rhythm at that.
B. Lowrey -- the only organ
that makes its own music with
a built-in cassette tape
The entertainment
possibilities are endless. For
instance: tape your
performance ... for instant
replay to hear how you sound
• . . to create self-
accompaniment so you come
through like a duet, trio or
entire group.
Let the Lowrey play your
favorite tape while you do
something else.
This Lowrey Organ Is
home entertainment
nothing like it anyw
i but t-In tape recorder
LOOK AT THIS VALUE. butlt-ln automatic
Organ ............... $1020 Lowrey has Auto~
Bench $ 35 Control. With A.O.C,
................beginner, can pr
Automatic Rhythm ...... S 300 immediately --in per
Reverberating Rhythm ...$ 200 using one finger.
And don't over
Tape Recorder $ 100 rn
.......... reverberat ng rhyth ,~
Learn at Home Music CourseS 100 rhythm instrument voice,
Earphones • 15 3 d fferent ways. =
............... Plai~/ It on the lower "
Decorator Lamp $ 19 |
........ It wire the pedals o, ,
If Purchased Separately...$1789 rhythm buttons. Or i
Special Introductory Price .$1455 play the rhythm alol I
you concentrate on !
YOU SAVE ..... $334 ~lsitc# I~xperlence'
I, "
205 Cota St.