February 19, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 19, 1970 |
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~~~~ = --~~v~ ~ - ~v~A
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0"¢t~U.periOr Court of the BEVERLY HEIGHTS COUNTY .In the Su,perior Court of the
: f washington for Mason SHOP State of Washington tor Mason
D:~n_[I,Tt vs RUTH ELLEN GIVEN: That the public sale ofIn the Matter of me ~.state OT
~angant. the Beverly Heights County Road OLGA G. HALE, D.eceaseo.. ._
~ate at Washington Shop, scheduled for 10:00 a.m., The .unQ.erslg. neo. is the,
JTH E' ' -- Tuesday, February 24, 1970, atappointeo aria qualiTiea persona~
lent. L-LtN ARTZ the front door of the Mason representa.tive .of said.estate-
3',' - " County Courthouse HAS BEEN versons having claims against t.nu
in~,,.~A R E H E R p n vCANCELLED" and ' deceased are required to serve me
• =~!~Us to ann,. r.e=. = / "'-~-=~ ;'.,..,. F URT HER , that unonr, further same in duplicate. , duly verified , on
Ll~Yi~.after the date of the considerat on of the matter it has the un.ders=.gned or the.attorney ot
_ ..~[Ion of th = ........ ~'"'~n "~e+~rmined b,, the B~ard of recora at me aooress s~ated Delow
, Wlthl ~ 3UllllllUil~ u~+ u L+ 7
'n sixt ' - • and file the same with theClerk of
ly ,~ , Y days after the County Commlss=oners, that a .............
I th~ January, 1970, and better utilization of the property mlsLourt, toge~.ner wire prooLo[
, .L'? =oove entit ed ~cfinn could be made bv tear no down SUCh service wimin Tour mantas
ir= tu°h~ ~ntitled co-urt',and th-e -bull-clings- an-d retaini~ng-the after February 12,_1970, or the
© cam la • samewiti DeTorever oarreo
if, a.= P nt of the property for possible future ............. ~ •
, ilU serve a c ..... IViiL/-~l~l U r~UUUIE.
.r U~ ~ opy of your recreational facilities, which ....... • ...,~. ~.~
eYfor)n' .t.ne undersianed 'would serve a far greater number J_.bl~. rq'~'lut"~. ....
~.. plaintiff a+ h=~ ..~:~^ ..~ .... ,^ Henton washington
~S0 to Cl~n.u ~n case of your THEREFORE, all prospective ~,~L~.~ ~'~LJ~÷' ~'-"
ana:.v.kJUagment will bebidders are hereby notified that,~uJ,,~,.~,~ .....
Ilrna~ld'u~YOu according to said sale is hereby CANCELLED ~.~u..~/= '.~..J~." .......
~_ u~ me co~--'-:-" ---, ...:,, --. ,-- ,--,~ bnelton, wasnlng~on ~ooo,+
II=S b'--, IIIIJIdlllL, d|lU Will TIUL U~:~ lit:flU. ~/1") 1Q OF, ~f
=fsaidc~.In. tiled with theBY ORDER OF THE BOARD =~"-"~'""'""
he pl.,'_~.,of this action is of Mason County, Washington. NOTICE OF SALE
.=fro~%'~ntnt to obtain a DATED this 17th day of OF COUNTY PROPERTY
)WAR~n~e defendant. February. 1970. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
torn=, i. SHAW RUTH E. BOYSEN that pursuant to a public Hearing
0.~,d~d.r-or Plaintiff Auditor & Clerk of the Board held before the Board of County
15Ar~rs~SrS: Board of County Commissioners at 11:00 a.m.,
~rnpia ~[.rong Commissionersof Monday, February 2, 1970, on
1/~2was..h!ngton 98501 Mason County, Washington the Board's Intention to sell the
"~'z/5-12-19-26-6t 2/19-1tproperty herein below described;
Red Estato Real Estate Real Estate
Come on in
Our Ltsttngs Are
)rth Shouting About! ®
Call 426-2646
I$15,001 00 r .... ----------- .......... - .............. -(LIVING ROOM!
fabulous__ D hH~TP~ OSSI" '" ~ I YOU will find this a ke
~°nterr~porar'v'l-3 / i __.i~.. | phrase describing
t'"~ --" View ramb er J Bill n property. Lots of elbow room
new wall-to-wali | I~III ~ in every way both indoors
,~ new aa~fHrn~ ~ i ,, ...,--.. } and out It =s a suburban 3
,~1 ~ .'
'her th .......... "
rigs. | 1AiD ( bedroom home with huge
/ I II | living room, kitchen,
qATE | I =I ==I~ | bedrooms, etc., and is close
~,- ( I~in ~ to Fawn Lake on a large
"OlUN!! | lJi~n~ ~ tract. A beautiful home and
tla-~ | | setting for $21,500. There s
V ho~Y .3 .bedroom ~ ~ real living here!!
~f to"'~ today. Your ~ I
ca'~'~n:v and best of
'n'Y0u l~aimemeediate 5.3 ACRES DAYTON LAKE ISABELLA...
~gfor i~ -* ?- e it has ~ Prime location, not far from I We've just listed a nearly new
[ij.5,7~(~[ [ne asKing $ freeway interchange. Gently rolling ~ 2 bedroom home with 90'
~u. ~ qround Logged off.Pricedat | frontage on the lake. W/w
yl.,.. | ~;3,50000 ~ carpeting, Franklin fireplace,
,'VlCNTS | " " ~ sliding glass doors onto large
~j~aS~. -,. / .............. | deck, oil forced air heating,
i-th:e,Q~vr this. new ] IJU~NkLL L, KI:kK-- ~ workshop 2-car carport.
, T~i Ny.mpic view } .......... - ' .-- } 'Needs. some finishing. Priced
lint'i~nS,6ne, needs just | Beau~[u, ^D~Ln.g s!Le w.=m^over ~ to Sell 'as is' at $1"8,500.
k • ~ dna t xina hilt ( Cuu /C:C~L U/ b|~l~r~ /JUJJk(~Jl~. /'--~/UUI*
aEe[ter check it~ out S half the 4 acres are cleared. Good (
~u~ the p~ c'r q } road access. Price just reduced to ~ RETIRED?
• ,ou0,, ....... / $4,000.00, i Move up to Mt. Vie~Nec~ntOma
IIA contemporary
ROAD /4-1/2 ACRES-EAST | home featuring large living
Utes fr e n room fireplace built in
re--. am town to | Perfect mobile home s't, ear } . , "^ ' _ Li_L~"_
0;~(lye 3 bedroom| public lake access. Lightly wooded. } app!iances, .z-.car_g.arage a_nu=~
" z worKsno All mls ann mo.u
:~*. acre of I-,,-~ ) Would take very little clearing to be ( P-
fa'~..O,f room for;o'ur | usable. 338 feet on county road. | torSI7,750.
~cJW. here includinn | $600 down and easy payments. |
reek a =
~se in p.ndroom for / Full price $4,450. / WATERFRONT HOME
With ter~s?aCK yaro. / In IIPIIP¢ | For $21,500 you buy 75 feet
~... | 111/ IRi~,l~lr.Jt-- | of excellent frontage with
YMENT ! ......... III~I~AIPMP } lawn to water's edge. There s
EMs? | NUK/II ur AIKr'UK/-- | a dock, a beautifully
a = ~ This level wooded tract could be ~ landscaped yard, 2. garages,
,.n name ...... | turned into good Christmas tree~ one attached_ to me .mos~
~'e~ntand m,,,,~uu~ ~ farm. Secluded location. DeededJ charming z Deoroom. home
~IOus , .... '-'.'~,,,L~ S =er